Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 (chương trình mới) HK1 CV 5512 theo các hoạt động, 4 bước (1 cột)

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Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú eBook Collection

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 (chương trình mới) HK1 CV 5512 theo các hoạt động, 4 bước (Chuyển giao, Thực hiện nhiệm vụ, Báo cáo, Kết luận) (1 cột) Năm học 2021-2022 WORD VERSION | 2022 EDITION ORDER NOW / CHUYỂN GIAO QUA EMAIL TAILIEUCHUANTHAMKHAO@GMAIL.COM

Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group Hỗ trợ trực tuyến Fb Mobi/Zalo 0905779594

Date: Period 1: INTRODUCTION I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - To introduce English 11 - To motivate learners, prepare them to get ready for the new school year 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos, speakers III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

Check students’ to ready for the lesson

c) Products

Suggested answers Students make introduction

d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the textbook

b) Content

English 11 textbooks and exercise-books

c) Products

Bộ sách Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Bộ sách gồm 4 cuốn) được Nhà xuất bản Việt Nam biên soạn theo chương trình giáo dục phổ thông môn Tiếng Anh thí điểm cấp Trung học cơ sở do Bộ giáo dục và đào tạo ban hành theo Quyết định số 5209/QĐ-BGDĐT ngày 23 tháng 11 năm 2012 tiếp theo chương trình sách Tiếng Anh tiểu học và Trung học cơ sở. Sách được biên soạn theo hướng giao tiếp giúp học sinh giúp học sinh phát triển năng lực giao tiếp Tiếng Anh thông qua bốn kĩ năng nghe, nói, đọc, viết).

d) Organization

• Getting started • Language • Skills – Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing • Communication and culture • Looking Back 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

The detail of the text book

b) Content

The structure of the English 11 text book

c) Products

d) Organization

Unit 1: The Generation Gap Unit 2: Relationships Unit 3: Becoming Independent Review 1 Unit 1-2-3) Unit 4: Caring for those in need Unit 5: Being part of Asean Review 2 Unit 4-5) Unit 6: Global Warming Unit 7: Further Education Unit 8: Our world heritage sites Review 3 Unit 6-7-8) Unit 9: Cities of the future Unit 10: Healthy lifestyle and longevity - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Summarize the lesson and structure of English textbook V. Homework: Prepare for Unit 1- Gap Generation

Preparation for game: X, Y, Z generations Find English names for some Zgen trends “hiệu ứng hang động, hiệu ứng tangping, hiệu ứng điên thoại ma” Z gen

Date: Period 2: UNIT 1: THE GENERATION GAP Getting started I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 1 - For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the generation gap and family rules, as well as some compound nouns - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 1: 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

5 minutes to free talks about extended family

c) Products

Students talks anything they know about extended family

d) Organization

a) Objectives b) Content c) Products

d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION Introduce the form and the uses of the language 1. Listen and read Sts know some difficult words Vocabulary 1. extended family /ɪkˈstendɪd ˈfæməli/ gia đình nhiều thế hệ 2. nuclear family /ˈnjuːklɪə/ /ˈfæmɪli/ gia đình hạt nhân gia đình 1 thế hệ) 3. childcare /ˈtʃaɪldkeər)/ chăm sóc con cái 4. generation /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/ thế hệ 5. gap /ɡæp/ khoảng cách 6. table manner /ˈteɪbl/ /ˈmænə/ phép tắc ăn uống 7. viewpoint /ˈvjuːpɔɪnt/ quan điểm, ý kiến 8. impose /ɪmˈpəʊz/ áp đặt 9. state-owned /ˌsteɪt - /əʊnd/ thuộc nhà nước 10. conflict /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ xung đột 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

2. Read the conversation again. Are the following sentences true T) or false F)? 3. Complete the following definitions, using the highlighted compound nouns in the conversation. 4. Find other compound nouns in the conversation. Use a dictionary to look up their meanings, if necessary. 5. Read the conversation again and find the verbs used to express duty, obligation, advice or lack of obligation. Task 2) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 1 – F. Sam is part of an extended family. Thông tin, Sam nói: “I live in a nuclear family with just my parents and my younger brother.” Vậy Sam sống trong gia đình nhỏ hạt nhân a nuclear family), chứ không phải là gia đình đa thế hệ an extended family) như thông tin ở câu hỏi. Vì vậy câu đã cho là Sai. 2 – F. Ann is part of a nuclear family. Thông tin, Ann nói: “I live in a big house with my dad's parents and my uncle's family.” Vậy Ann sống trong đại gia đình a big house)

chứ không phải là gia đình hạt nhân a nuclear family) như thông tin ở câu hỏi. Vì thế câu đã cho là Sai. 3 – T. Ann's grandparents look after their grandchildren. 4 – F. Ann's grandma thinks that all family members should share housework. Thông tin: Ann's parents think that, not her grandma 5 – T. Ann's grandpa wants her to do the same job and things in life as he did. Task 3) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. A nuclear family 2. Childcare 4. Table manners

3. A generation gap

5. A viewpoint 6. An extended family

1. A nuclear family is a family that consists of parents and children. Một gia đình nhỏ là một gia đình bao gồm cha mẹ và con cái.) 2. Childcare is the care of children, especially while parents are at work. 3. A generation gap is a difference in attitudes or behaviour between younger and older age groups, which can cause a lack of understanding. 4. Table manners are the rules of behaviour that are typically accepted while people are eating at a table. 5. A viewpoint is a person’s opinion about a subject. 6. An extended family is a big family that includes not only the parents and children but also grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins, all living under the same roof. Task 4) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. grandparents: ông bà 5. hairstyle: kiểu tóc 2. grandma: bà

6. housework: việc nhà

3. grandpa: ông

7. footsteps: tiếp bước

4. grandmother: bà

d) Organization

Task 5)Lời giải chi tiết: - Opinion & advice: should, ought to - Duty & obligation: must, have to - Lack of obligation: not) have to, not) need to - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments.

- Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives

Work in pairs

b) Content

6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Are you part of a nuclear or an extended family? => I live in a nuclear family, including my father, my mother, my sister and me. 2. What do you like and dislike about your type of family? => Everyone shares the household chores to each one. My mother doesn't take much time to take care of all members, and there is no generation gap in my family.

d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 3: UNIT 1: THE GENERATION GAP Language I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words and phrases related to generation gap; - Pronunciation: strong and weak forms of words in connected speech; - Grammar: modals: should, ought to, must vs have to. 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Match each word 1-9) with another word a-i) to make a compound noun. Four of them are written as one word. 2. Complete each question with one of the compound nouns in 1.

c) Products

Task 1) Lời giải chi tiết: 1-g 2-h 3-i 4-f 5-c 6-b 7-a 8-d 9-e 1. nuclear family: gia đình hạt nhân 2. generation gap: khoảng cách thế hệ 3. table manners: cung cách 4. house hold: việc nhà 5. junk food: đồ ăn vặt 6. soft drink: nước uống có ga 7. hair style: kiểu tóc 8. footsteps: bước chân 9. school children: học sinh trong trường Task 2) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. hairstyle/ table manners

2. generation gap

3. nuclear family 4. junk food 5. schoolchildren d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Listen and repeat these sentences. Pay attention to the stressed words with the mark ’) before the stressed syllables. 2. Are the words in hold stressed or unstressed? Listen and check. Practise reading the conversation in pairs. Task 1) 1. If you can i'dentify your 'differences with your 'parents, you can 'have a 'good re'lationship. 2. You should be re'spectful when dis'cussing any 'areas of disa'greement. 3. 'Take 'time to 'listen to your 'parents' o'pinions, and 'ask them to 'listen to 'yours.

c) Products

4. Being 'rude to your 'parents 'won't con'vince them you're 'right. 'This can 'have the 'opposite ef'fect. 5. 'How can 'parents sup'port their 'children through the 'bad 'times? Task 2) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. A - strong B weak.

2. A - weak B strong.

3. A - weak B strong.

d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Underline the correct word to complete the sentences. 2. Rewrite each of the sentences without changing its meaning, using the word in brackets. 1) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. should 2. ought

3. must

4. have to 5. mustn't

d) Organization

2) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. It would be a good idea for you to talk to your parents about your problem. ought) => You ought to talk to your parents about your problem. 2. You are not allowed to use your mobile phone in the examination room. must) => You mustn't use your mobile phone in the examination room. 3. It is not necessary for me to type my essay. have to) => I don't have to type my essay. 4. I'd advise you to tell the truth to your family. should) => You should tell the truth to your family. 5. It is necessary for young people to plan their future career carefully. must) => Young people must plan their future career carefully. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments.

- Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

Make presentation for the use and form of modal verbs

c) Products

d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 4: UNIT 1: THE GENERATION GAP Reading I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: Reading for specific information in an article about the generation gap 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

1. You are going to read a text about conflicts between parents and their teenage children. Which of the following do you think you may find in the text. Lời giải chi tiết: a. parents and children having different tastes in music b. parents' strong opinions about everything related to their children c. children's objection to the way their parents treat them like small kids d. parents' objection to their children's clothes e. parents' expectations of their children's better use of free time f. parents' strong views about their children's education and future jobs g. parents and children having different beliefs

c) Products

d) Organization

a) Objectives b) Content c) Products

d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION Read the article about the generation gap and find some specific information. 2. Read the text quickly and check your predictions in 1. Lời giải chi tiết: b. parents' strong opinions about everything related to their children c. children's objection to the way their parents treat them like small kids d. parents' objection to their children's clothes e. parents' expectations of their children's better use of free time 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Match the highlighted words in the text with the definitions below. 4. Read the text carefully. Answer the following questions. 3) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. afford 2. impose

3. brand name

4. norms 5. conflicts 1. afford: Have enough money to buy something 2. impose: Make somebody accept the same opinions or ideas as you 3. brand name: the name given to a product by the company that produces it 4. norms: standards of behaviour that are typical or accepted within a particular group or society 5. conflicts: situations in which people are involved in a serious disagreement or argument

d) Organization

4)Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Why do most parents still treat their teenage children like small kids? => Because they strongly believe they know what is best for their children. Thông tin: 2 câu đầu tiên của đoạn 2 trong bài đọc. 2. What do children want to be and do as they grow up? => They want to be more independent, create their own opinions and make their own decisions. Thông tin: Ở câu 3 của đoạn 2 trong bài đọc. 3. Why are parents concerned about the clothes their teenage children want to wear? => They are worried because these clothes may break rules and norms of society, or distract them from schoolwork. Thông tin: 2 câu đầu tiên của đoạn 3 trong bài đọc. 4. How do parents want their children to spend their free time? => They want their children to spend their time in a more useful way. Thông tin: Câu 2 của đoạn 4 trong bài đọc. 5. Do all parents let their children choose a university and career? => No. Some of them try to impose their choices of university or career on their children. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.


Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

5. Discuss with a partner Do you get into conflict with your parents Share your experiences with your partner Lời giải chi tiết: Yes, it is even very often. Due to the gap in our age, we mostly have many arguments on many aspects such as clothes, lifestyle, table manners and my school's performance. 2 years ago, my mother and I used to have a quarrel as I wore an unsuitable dress to an extra class. On my mother's viewpoint, my dress at that time was too sexy to fit the class's dress code, even though wearing that dress was just my taste. Finally, I had to follow my mother's choice of dressing that day, if not, I could have been punished severely for not listening to her advice. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

c) Products

d) Organization

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 5: UNIT 1: THE GENERATION GAP Speaking I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: Talking about parent-child relationship problems, and offering advice on how to solve them 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS

1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

Checking vocabulary

c) Products

d) Organization

Từ vựng 1. conflict /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ xung đột 2. explanation /ˌekspləˈneɪʃn/ lời giải thích 3. independent /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/ độc lập 4. norm /nɔːm/ chuẩn mực 5. distract /dɪˈstrækt/ mất tập trung 6. impose /ɪmˈpəʊz/ áp đặt 7. preference /ˈprefrəns/ sự yêu thích 8. curfew /ˈkɜːfjuː/ giờ giới nghiêm 9. privacy /ˈprɪvəsi/ sự riêng tư, cá nhân 10. complaint /kəmˈpleɪnt/ sự phàn nàn 11. mature /məˈtʃʊər)/ trưởng thành 12. forbid /fəˈbɪd/ cấm, cấm đoán 13. eyesight /ˈaɪsaɪt/ thị lực 14. taste /teɪst/ sở thích, gu 15. fashionable /ˈfæʃnəbl/ thời trang, thời thượng Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

1. Read about three situations facing teenagers. Match them with the problems a, b, or c in the box below.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1.b 2.c 3.a

d) Organization

1 – b. Missing curfews: I’m not happy that my parents set a time for me to come home in the evening. They expect me to be home at 9 p.m.! I wish they allowed me to stay out later, say 9.30 or 10 p.m., so I can spend more time with my friends. I have asked them many times, but they don’t want to change their mind. What should I do? 2 – c. Parents’ disapproval of friends: My parents don’t like some of my friends just because of their appearance. They have their hair dyed in different colours and have pierced noses. However, these friends of mine are excellent students, and have always been very helpful and kind to me and other classmates. I wish my parents didn’t judge them by their appearance, but got to know them better. What should I do? 3 – a. Doing more housework: My parents often complain that I don’t help enough around the house. They think that I’m not responsible. I really try my best whenever I have a chance. But when I’m too busy with a lot of homework and many extracurricular activities, it’s difficult for me to find time for anything else. What should I do? 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

2. Here are some of the things teenagers and parents complain about. Tick the complaints that you hear in your family. Add more if you can.

c) Products

* My children... Con cái tôi...): - dress badly and have ugly hairstyles ăn mặc luộm thuộm và để những kiểu tóc xấu) - have strange friends có bạn bè khác thường) - don't help with housework không giúp làm việc nhà) - don’t listen to my advice không nghe theo lời khuyên của tôi) - watch too much TV xem TV quá nhiều) - don’t study enough không chăm học) - spend too much time on their mobile phones and computers dành quá nhiều thời gian vào điện thoại di động và máy tính) - have a lot of junk food and soft drinks hay ăn vặt và uống nước ngọt) * My parents... Bố mẹ tôi...):

d) Organization

- don’t like my friends không thích bạn bè tôi) - complain about household chores and homework phàn nàn về việc nhà và bài vở) - criticise my appearance chỉ trích vẻ bên ngoài của tôi) - don’t respect my privacy không tôn trọng sự riêng tư của tôi) - don’t listen to my opinions không nghe ý kiến của tôi) - always tell me what to do luôn bảo tôi phải làm gì) - don’t let me do what I want không để tôi làm cái tôi muốn) - keep comparing me with their friends’ children cứ so sánh tôi với con cái của bạn bè họ) - try to control me cố kiểm soát tôi) - want me to follow in their footsteps muốn tôi phải tiếp bước họ) - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Work in pairs. Tell your partner what you or your brothers/sisters and your parents complain about. Give advice on how to solve the problem. Lời giải chi tiết: EX 1: A: Hi, Nam. Why are you looking so sad? B: I have just argued with my elder sister. A: Do you usually have conflict? B: Not very often. A: What are your conflicts? B: Well, we sometimes have different ideas about sharing household chores. We both have to study all the time, but she asks me to do a lot of things such as cleaning the floor, washing dishes, and taking out garbage. A: I always do these kinds of work, too. I think you shouldn't be so serious about this. B: What do you think I should do to solve our confli

c) Products

A: should keep calm and talk to your sister straightly that when you have time you will be ready to help her but if you are busy doing homework she had better do it for you. can ask your parents to help you divide the household chores. B: That's a good idea. Thanks very much! d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson


1. Knowledge: Listening for specific information in a conversation between two teenagers about conflicts with their parents 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives b) Content c) Products

d) Organization

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest 1. You are going to listen to Tom and Linda discussing their conflicts with their parents. What do you think they will mention? Lời giải chi tiết: - clothes quần áo) - hairstyles kiểu tóc) - watching TV/ playing computer games too much xem TV / chơi trò chơi trên máy tính quá nhiều) - table manners cung cách ăn uống) - not studying enough không học đủ) - not helping with the housework không giúp việc nhà) Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

2. Match the words in the box with the appropriate definitions.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1.d 2.a 3.b 4.c 1. forbid v): order somebody not to do something 2. flashy adj): attracting attention by being bright, expensive, etc. but tasteless 3. elegant adj): attractive and showing a good sense of style 4. concentrate v): give full attention to something

d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Listen to the conversation. Decide if the following sentences are true T) or false F). 4. Listen to the conversation again and choose the best answer A, B, or c. Task 3) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 1 – F. Linda's parents are pleased with her choice of clothes. Bố mẹ của Linda hài lòng về sự lựa chọn quần áo của cô ấy.) Giải thích: Just my parents keep complaining about my clothes. => They don't like her clothes 2 – F. Tom shares Linda's opinion on clothes. Giải thích: Well, it depends on where you're going. If you're going to a party, you could dress up, but I don't think you should wear flashy clothes every day. => No, he doesn't 3 – T. Linda wants to look more fashionable. Giải thích: But I really want to look more elegant and fashionable. 4 – T. Tom's parents don't let him play computer games. Giải thích: But they forbid me to play computer games. 5 – T. Playing computer games is a form of relaxation for Tom. Giải thích: Playing computer games after school also helps me to relax after a hard day. Task 4) Lời giải chi tiết: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 1, C. casual clothes quần áo bình thường) Thông tin: They want me to wear more casual stuff such as jeans and T- shirts. 2,A. he thinks that her parents are right. Anh ấy nghĩ rằng cha mẹ cô ấy đúng.) Thông tin: Perhaps your parents can't afford to buy expensive clothes. 3, B. She may follow her parents' advice. Cô ấy có thể làm theo lời khuyên của bố mẹ.) 4, C. They think none of the games are useful. Họ nghĩ rằng không có trò chơi nào là hữu ích.) Thông tin: They think all computer games are useless. They want me to use my computer for more useful stuff. 5, B. Do more outdoor activities. Tham gia nhiều hoạt động ngoài trời hơn.)

d) Organization

C. Browse the Internet to find information. Lướt Internet để tìm kiếm thông tin.) Thông tin: They want me to have a healthier lifestyle with more outdoor activities. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

5. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Do your parents like the way you dress? Why or why not? => No, they don't. They always say that my clothes are informal. They want me to wear something like dresses or suits. 2. What do you think about computer games? Do your parents share your viewpoints? => My parents and I have the same opinion about computer games. They are both good and bad. Playing computer games makes us relaxed after school. However, if we play games too much, our eyes can be short-sighted. So, they want me to have a healthier lifestyle with more outdoor activities.

d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments.

- Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 7: UNIT 1: THE GENERATION GAP Writing I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: Write a letter about family rules to a teenager staying with a homestay family 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

Free talk about some family rules

c) Products

Exampless: - keep my room tidy giữ phòng của tôi gọn gàng) - respect the elderly tôn trọng người lớn) - keep fit by taking up a sport giữ gìn sức khỏe bằng cách tham gia một môn thể thao) - take my studies seriously học nghiêm túc) - help around with the housework and other home duties giúp đỡ về việc nhà và các công việc nhà khác)

d) Organization

a) Objectives

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content c) Products

d) Organization

1. The following are some family rules. Complete them, using the phrases below. Add a few more if you can. Lời giải chi tiết: 1. My parents don't let me stay out late at the weekend. 2. They make me keep my room tidy. 3. They tell me to take my studies seriously. 4. They warn me not to smoke or take drugs. 5. They want me to have good table manners. 6. I am not allowed to stay overnight at my friend’s house. 7. They forbid me to swear or spit on the floor. 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

2. Read the list in 1 again. Choose the three most important rules that vour parents often apply to you. Think of the reason, and write them in the space provided.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. One important rule in my family is that I have to take my studies seriously. My parents are workers. They don't have chance to study much so they want me to have a better education than them. Studying is the most important task to me. 2. Another important rule in my family is that I have to respect the elderly. Respecting the elderly not only shows that you are well educated but also you are mature. I always respect this rule because I think it's really important in my life. 3. The third important rule in my family is that I need to help around with the housework and other home duties. Helping parents is a good way to show that I am responsible and I love my parents. This make my parents happier after a hardworking day. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding.

d) Organization

Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. An English teenager is going to stay with your family for two months on a cultural homestay programme. Complete a letter to inform him / her of the rules in your family. Write between 160-180 words, using the suggested ideas in the list above. Lời giải chi tiết: Pham Ngoc Thach. Dong Da. Ha Noi, Viet Nam February. 10th. 20... Dear Lauren, I'm very happy to know that you'll be staying with mv family for two months. We live in a four-bedroom flat on the 15th floor. You will have your own bedroom for your stay here. You asked me about our family rules. There are three important ones that we must follow. One important rule in my family is that every member of the family has to keep his or her own room tidy. My brother and I have to make our beds every morning and clean the floor and windows twice a week. Another important rule is that my brother and I must be home before 10 p.m. My parents are very strict and believe that setting a curfew will help us become responsible, and stay sale and healthy. The third important rule is that we mustn't invite friends to stay overnight. This is not only our family rule but also the rule for all people living in the building. If you have any questions, please let me know. Wo will try our best to make you feel comfortable during your stay with us. I hope you will enjoy your time in Viet Nam. Looking forward to meeting you. Best wishes, - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing

c) Products

d) Organization

Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson Date: Period 8: UNIT 1: THE GENERATION GAP Communication and culture I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Understand the generation gap between teenagers and their parents and the return of extended families in the UK and the USA 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Work in groups. Practise asking the following questions and take notes of their answers.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. What kind of family do you live in? => Ours is a tradditional extended family with three generations living under the same roof.

2. What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of living in an extended or a nuclear family are? - Advantages: have more support from other family members, be happier, children develop strong relationships with adults other than parents, the elderly become more active - Disadvantages: a lot of conflicts between different generations, lack of privacy, independence and space d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives


b) Content

2. Report your group's opinions to the class.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: I am living in a nuclear family with my parents and my older brother. I like living in a nuclear family because this type of family has many noble values. First of all, a nuclear family plays an important role in the development of the personality of individuals. Moreover, in nuclear families, the condition of the woman is better than extended families. She gets enough time to look after her children. Besides, peace and harmony are very much essential for pleasant family life. However, in a nuclear family, both husband and wife adopt profession outside the family, then children are neglected and looked after by the servants. In addition, the feeling of loneliness is one of the important drawbacks in a nuclear family. 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

d) Organization

a) Objectives b) Content c) Products

Culture The return of the extended families in the UK and the USA 1. Read the following text about the coming back of the extended families and answer the questions. Lời giải chi tiết: 1. What family trend has increased in the USA and the UK? => The number of multi-generational households with three or four generations living under the same roof. 2. What are the reasons for this family trend? => Unemployment, part-time work and low-paid jobs have become more common. The cost of housing has become higher. The pressures of childcare and elderly care have become heavier. 3. List some disadvantages of living in an extended family?

=> The disadvantages are the lack of space, independence and privacy, and the daily conflicts. 4. How do young children benefit from living in an extended family? => They can develop relationships with adults other than their parents. 5. How can old people benefit from living in an extended family? => Old people can become more active when interacting with the younger generations. d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

2. Discuss with a partner.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. What is the current family trend in Viet Nam? => Nuclear families with parents and one or two kids. 2. What are the reasons for the current trend? => People prefer nuclear family trend because: - It’s easier to communicate and share things, divide housework more equally - In nuclear families, the condition of women is better than joint families. They get enough time to look after her children. - There is no misunderstanding and they enjoy a harmonious atmosphere by living together. - There is no shifting of responsibility like in a joint family. The parents are bound to take responsibility for their children by themselves. 3. Do you think children are happier growing up in extended families? => For me, children are not happier to grow up in an extended family, because an extended family with many generations and family

members is more complicated and has more problems than a nuclear family. d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 9: UNIT 1: THE GENERATION GAP Lookingback and project I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Recall and use words and phrases related to topic; Recall and use modals; explore more about generation gap conflicts 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Identify the stressed words and put a stress mark ') before their stressed syllables in the following statements. Listen and check your answers. 2. Identify the stressed words and put a stress mark ’) before their stressed syllables. Listen and check your answers. Task 1) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. 'Tim and his 'parents 'often 'argue about what 'time he should 'come 'home. 2. 'Money is a 'source of 'conflict for 'many 'families. 3. 'Susan's 'parents 'want her to 'do 'well in 'school, and if 'that 'doesn't 'happen, her 'parents 'get 'angry, so she 'gets 'worried. 4. 'Kate's 'parents 'often com'plain that she 'doesn't 'help 'clean the 'house. Task 2) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. A: At 'what 'age were you a'llowed to 'stay at 'home a'lone? B: I 'don't re'member e'xactly. I 'think it was when I was 'nine or 'ten. 2. A: These 'jeans 'look 'really 'cool. Would you 'like to 'try them 'on? B: No, I 'don't 'like them. I 'like 'those over 'there. 3. A: Do you 'think 'life is 'safer in the 'countryside? B: Yes, I 'do. It's 'also 'cleaner.

c) Products

d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Fill in the gaps with the words / phrases from the box. 2. Can you find other compound nouns with the word family? I se a dictionary if necessary

c) Products

Task 1) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. nuclear family 2. generation gap 3. homestay

4. Conflicts 5. curfew

task 2) Lời giải chi tiết: * Family Gia đình): - extended family gia đình đa thế hệ) - one-parent family gia đình 1 bố hoặc mẹ) - family doctor bác sĩ gia đình) - family tree gia phả) - family name tên gia đình) - single-parent family gia đình bố mẹ đơn thân) * Others: family man, family room, word family, blended famlily...

d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Complete the following sentences with should or ought in either positive or negative form. 2. Complete the following sentences with must / mustn't or have to / has to and don’t have to /doesn't have to. Task 1) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. ought 3

2. shouldn't - ought

shouldn't 4. oughtn't - should Task 2) Lời giải chi tiết:

1. have to - has to 2. mustn't 3. must d) Organization

4. don't have to

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing

Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives


b) Content

The class is divided into groups of 6 to 8. Your group will interview 15 teenagers, aged 15-17, who live in your area, and take notes of their answers. Report your group’s findings to the whole class. + Suggested questions for your interview: 1. Are there any problems in your family? • What are they about? • Where do they come from? • How do you deal with them? How do your parents deal with them? 2. What would you like to change about yourself so that you can deal with the conflicts better? 3. Do you think your parents should change their attitudes and rules? Why? Why not?

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết 1. Yes, there are a few problems in my family. - They are about financial burdens, our study results at school and housework division between family members. - They come from our parents' work, family's expenses and our responsibilities. - To make my parents happy I try to study harder to improve my performance at school and help my mother more with housework. My parents try to balance between their income and expenses, they cut down unnecessary things and spend more time on taking care of us. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing

d) Organization

Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 10: UNIT 2: RELATIONSHIPS Getting started I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 2 - For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to relationships - For pronunciation, that is contracted forms: nouns/pronouns, etc + verb/ verb not - For grammar, that is the use of linking verbs and cleft sentences - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 2 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics:

- The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

Do you think that there’s be a friendship between a boy and a girl?

c) Products

Students discuss the question

d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

1. Listen and read

c) Products

Từ vựng 1. strict /strɪkt/ nghiêm khắc 2. relationship /rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp/ mối quan hệ 3. friendship /ˈfrendʃɪp/ tình bạn 4. romantic /rəʊˈmæntɪk/ tình cảm, lãng mạn 5. sympathetic /ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk/ cảm thông 6. caring /ˈkeərɪŋ/ quan tâm, chăm sóc 7. concentrate /ˈkɒnsntreɪt/ tập trung 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

d) Organization

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content c) Products

2. Decide whether the following statements are true T), false or not given NG). Tick the correct box. Lời giải chi tiết: 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.NG 6.T

d) Organization

1 – T. Nam is Mai's classmate. Giải thích: Dựa vào thông tin ở đầu đoạn hội thoại: Oh, one of my classmates, Granny. 2 – F. Mai and Nam are in a romantic realtionship. Giải thích: Khi bà nhắc nhở Mai không nên có bạn trai sớm, Mai đã phủ nhận: Granny, we're just friends, and he's not my boyfriend. 3 – T. Mai's grandmother thinks boys and girls can't be real friends. Giải thích: Dựa vào thông tin ở giữa đoạn hội thoại: ...There's no real friendship between a boy and a girl. 4 – T. Mai's grandmother didn't have opposite-sex classmates. Giải thích: Bà của Mai học tại trường một giới single-sex school), điều đó đồng nghĩa với việc bà không có bạn cùng lớp khác giới. 5 – NG. Mai's grandmother is not pleased because Mai does not study hard enough. Giải thích: Trong hội thoại, bà chỉ nhắc nhở Mai là không nên có bạn trai sớm và cần tập trung vào việc học, chứ không hề nói là Mai chưa học tập chăm chỉ. Vì vậy thông tin trên không được nhắc đến trong bài. 6 – T. Mai's classmates are helpful and sympathetic. Giải thích: Dựa vào câu nói của Mai ở cuối hội thoại: All my classmates are very kind, caring and sympathetic. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Read the conversation again, and find the verbs that come before the words below. Write them in the space provided.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. get 2. feel 3. an 4. sounds

d) Organization

1. get involved: tham gia 2. feel bored: cảm thấy buồn chán 3. are very kind, caring and sympathetic: rất tốt bụng, quan tâm và cảm thông 4. sounds good: nghe thật tốt - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 11: UNIT 2: RELATIONSHIPS Language I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 2 - For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to relationships

- For pronunciation, that is contracted forms: nouns/pronouns, etc + verb/ verb not - For grammar, that is the use of linking verbs and cleft sentences - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 2 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Write the words or phrases given in the box next to their meanings.

c) Products

Task 1) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. have got a date

2. break up

3. romantic relationship

4. argument

5. sympathetic

6. lend an ear

7. be in a relationship 8. be reconciled 1. have got a date with someone): have a meeting with a boyfriend or a girlfriend hẹn hò - có một buổi gặp gỡ bạn trai/bạn gái) 2. break up with someone) phr.v): end a relationship chia tay - kết thúc một mối quan hệ) 3. romantic relationship n.phr): a relationship based on love and emotional attraction quan hệ tình cảm lãng mạn - một mối quan hệ dựa trên tình yêu và thu hút lẫn nhau về mặt cảm xúc.) 4. argument n): a conversation in which people disagree Cuộc tranh cãi - a cuộc đối thoại mà mọi người bất đồng ý kiến) 5. sympathetic adj): showing that you understand and care about other people’s problems thông cảm - đưa ra rằng bạn hiểu và quan tâm đến vấn đề của người khác) 6. lend an ear: listen to someone with sympathy lắng nghe - lắng nghe ai đó với sự cảm thông) 7. be in a relationship: be romantically attached

d) Organization

đang trong một mối quan hệ - gắn bó với nhau về mặt tình cảm) 8. be reconciled with someone) adj): become friends again after an argument làm hòa với ai) - trở lại làm bạn sau khi cãi vã) Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Vocabulary and pronunciation

b) Content

Vocabulary 2. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in 1. Pronunciation 1. Find the contracted forms in the conversation and write their full form in the space below. 2. Listen and underline what you hear - the contraction or the full form. 3. Listen and repeat the exchanges in 2. Task 2) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. lend an ear, broke up 2. reconciled 3. romantic relationship 4. in a relationship, arguments 5. have got a dae

6. sympathetic

1. Carol was willing to lend an ear to John when he broke up with his girlfriend. Carol đã sẵn sàng cho John một lời khuyên khi anh chia tay bạn gái mình.) Giải thích: lend an ear to sb = lắng nghe và thấu hiểu ai đó; break up with sb = chia tay với ai đó, do văn cảnh câu là thì quá khứ đơn nên 'break' chia là 'broke'. 2. James and his father were reconciled after an argument. James và cha của anh ấy đã hòa giải sau một cuộc cãi vã.) Giải thích: Chỗ trống cần điền một tính từ chỉ việc hòa giải, làm hòa. 3. Their close friendship turned into a romantic relationship. Tình bạn thân thiết của họ đã biến thành một mối quan hệ lãng mạn.) Giải thích: Chỗ trống cần điền một danh từ/cụm danh từ chỉ 1 loại mối quan hệ. 4. Ann and John are in a relationship but are always having a lot of arguments. Ann và John đang trong một mối quan hệ nhưng luôn có nhiều tranh cãi.) Giải thích: be) in a relationship = đang hẹn hò; 'a lot of' + danh từ số nhiều/ danh từ không đếm được mà 'argument' là danh từ đếm được nên cần để ở dạng số nhiều là 'arguments'. 5. I feel really excited because I have got a date with Laura tomorrow.

Tôi cảm thấy rất hào hứng bởi vì tôi có hẹn hò với Laura vào ngày mai.) Giải thích: to) have got a date with sb = có buổi hẹn hò với ai 6. A true friend is someone who is sympathetic and always willing to help. Một người bạn thật sự là người thông cảm và luôn luôn sẵn sàng giúp đỡ.) Giải thích: Chỗ trống cần điền một tính từ chỉ tính cách, đặc trưng của một người. Pronun 1) Lời giải chi tiết: shouldn't → should not you're → you are we're → we are

It's → It is

there's → there is

don't → do not

he's → he is

you'll → you wil

Didn’t → Did not

I'm → I am

Pronun 2) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. I will, I'll

2. I am

3. He is, He's

4. We are, didn't 5. I've, That's d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives


b) Content

LINKING VERBS Động từ nối) 1. Choose the verbs in the box to complete the sentences. Make changes to the verb forms if necessary. 2. Underline the correct word to complete the sentences. 1) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. sounds 2. grow /get 3. stay 4. getting 5. seem

6. look / seem

2)Lời giải chi tiết: 1. unhappy 2. warmly 3. suddenly

d) Organization

4. excited

5. angry

7. awful

8. quickly

6. annoyed

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task.

- Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

CLEFT SENTENCES WITH: IT IS/WAS ... THAT .... Câu chẻ với cấu trúc: It is/was ...that) 1. Rewrite each sentence to emphasise the underlined part. 2. Write the answers to these questions. Use the words or phrases in brack as the focus.

c) Products

1) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Her sad story made me cry. Câu chuyện buồn của cô ấy làm tôi khóc.) => It was her sad story that made me cry. Đó là câu chuyện buồn của cô ấy cái mà khiến tôi khóc.) 2. You are to blame for the damage. Bạn chịu trách nhiệm về thiệt hại.) => It is you who are to blame for the damage./ It's you that is to blame for the damage. Đó là bạn người đã đổ lỗi cho thiệt hại. / Đó là bạn người đã đổ lỗi cho thiệt hại.) 3. We really enjoy hiking in the forest. Chúng tôi thực sự thích đi bộ đường dài trong rừng.) => It's hiking in the forest that we really enjoy. Đó là đi bộ trong rừng cái mà mà chúng tôi thực sự thích thú.) 4. You should really speak to your parents when you have problems. Bạn nên nói chuyện với bố mẹ khi bạn gặp vấn đề.) => It's your parents that/ who you should really speak to when you have problems. Đó là bố mẹ của bạn người mà bạn nên nói chuyện khi bạn có vấn đề. ) 5. I dislike his dishonesty the most. Tôi không thích nhất là sự không trung thực của anh ấy.) => It's his dishonesty that I dislike the most. Đó là sự không trung thực của anh ấy cái mà tôi không thích nhất.) 6. Lana is in a relationship with Jim.

Lana đang hẹn hò với Jim.) => It's Jim that/ who Lana is in a relationship with. Đó là Jim người mà Lana đang có quan hệ với nhau.) 7. He became successful as a famous writer at the age of 20. Anh ấy đã thành công với vai trò một nhà văn nổi tiếng ở tuổi 20.) => It was at the age of 20 that he became successful as a famous writer. Đó là tuổi 20 khi mà anh ấy đã thành công như một nhà văn nổi tiếng.) 8. They had their first date in a nice coffee shop. Họ đã có ngày hẹn hò đầu tiên trong một quán cà phê đẹp.) => It was in a nice coffee shop that they had their first date.

d) Organization

Task 2) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Did you have a date with Susan? Mary) => No. It was Mary that I had a date with. 2. Did your father give you a new bike for your birthday? a smartphone) => No. It was a smartphone that he gave me for my birthday. 3. Are you going to spend the holiday in Nha Trang with your family? in Tokyo) => No. It's in Tokyo that I'm going to spend the holiday with my family. 4. Do you want to become a businessman? a lawyer) => No. It's a lawyer that I want to become. 5.Does John earn 10,000 dollars a month? his brother) => No. It's his brother that/ who earns 10,000 dollars a month. 6. Is Mai in love with Phong? Ha) => No. It's Ha that/ who is in love with Phong. 7. Can you speak three languages fluently? my friend) => No. It's my friend that/ who can speak three languages fluently. 8. Do we have a meeting at 8 p.m. tomorrow? at 8 a.m.) => No. It's at 8 a.m tomorrow) that we have a meeting. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 12: UNIT 2: RELATIONSHIPS Reading I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific information about teenage relationship problems 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

1. Discuss with a partner.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. What is happening in the pictures? What problems do you think these people have? - Picture a: The teacher is returning students' papers. The boy is depressed because of his poor grades. - Picture b: Their relationship is breaking up. - Picture c: They're having an argument. 2. Whenever you have problems with schoolwork or relationships at home or at school), who do you talk to? => I will talk to the person I believe the most such as my mother or my best friend who are the ones always give me the best advice whenever I have trouble.

d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

2. An advice column in a newspaper offers help to readers when they arc in trouble. Read the column and match the readers’ names with their problems.

c) Products

2) Lời giải chi tiết: 1.b - Van Ha: My friend betrayed my trust. Bạn của tôi phản bội sự tin tưởng của tôi) 2.c - Quang Nam: I don't have friends. Tôi không có nhiều bạn bè)

d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Find the words or expressions in the text that have the following meanings and write them in the spacc below. 4. Read the newspaper column again and answer the questions. 3) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. be on good terms with someone

2. take the initiative

3. trust 4. engage in a conversation) 5. drop out of school) 1. be friendly and able to interact well with someone = be on good terms with someone 2. take an opportunity to act before other people do = take the initiative 3. have confidence in someone = trust 4. take part in a conversation) = engage in a conversation) 5. stop going to classes before finishing one’s studies =drop out of school) Task 4) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. What is the realtionship between H and Hoa? => They are close friends. Thông tin: Hoa is my only friend at school. 2. What did Ha tell Hoa two weeks ago?

d) Organization

=> Ha told Hoa about her depression and her intention to drop out of school. Thông tin: Two weeks ago, I told her I was very unhappy and lonely, and that I even wanted to drop out of school. 3. Why did they have an argument? => Because Hoa promised to keep Ha's story secret, but then she told the teacher about it. Thông tin: She promised not to tell anyone... but then she told our teacher about it. 4. Does the counsellor agree with Ha's reactions? => No. She tries to explain why Hoa told the teacher about Ha's problem, and advises Ha to talk to Hoa again. Thông tin: maybe Hoa was really afraid that you'd drop out of school. Try to reconcile with Hoa, talk to her about it, and I hope you'll be good friends again. 5. What does Quang Nam think about his own appearance? => He thinks he is short and fat, and girls don't find him attractive. Thông tin: I think that's because I'm short and fat, and girls don't find me attractive. 6. Why do his male friends make jokes about him? => Because Nam does not have a good relationship with the girls in his class. Thông tin: In my class, the girls are one good terms with all the boys, except me. The girls just don't even notice me, and the boys make jokes about it. 7. What does the counsellor advise Nam to do? => The counsellor advises Nam to focus on his studies, become an excellent student and learn how to start a friendly conversation with his classmates. Thông tin: If you study hard and become an excellent student, girls may notice you and ask you for help. And take the initiative and engage your classmates in friendly conversations. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.


Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

5. If you were the counsellor in charge of the advice column, what would you advise Ha and Nani to do? Discuss with a partner. Lời giải chi tiết: As for Ha’s problem, if I were the counsellor, I would analyze and give Ha some advice as follows: Although Hoa broke her promise and she told their teacher about that problem, maybe Hoa was really afraid that she’d drop out of school and do some dangerous things. She did it because she wanted to help Ha, she didn’t know other ways to deal with that problem. I think Ha should think more openly and try to reconcile with Hoa. The two people should be good friends again. As for Nam’s problem, I think Nam shouldn’t worry too much. Everyone has different qualities that make them attractive to other people. A person’s true value doesn’t lie in his appearance, but in his achievements and contributions to the community. Nam should have positive thinkings about himself. He should focus on his studies, become an excellent student, then girls may notice him. Meanwhile, he should try building up friendships, and learn how to start a friendly conversation with his classmates. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

c) Products

d) Organization

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 13: UNIT 2: RELATIONSHIPS Speaking I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Speaking: Talking about problems and asking for advice 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

1. Choose sentences a-f to complete the conversation between two classmates. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1.b 2.e 3.d 4.a 5.f 6.c Van: Hi, Chi. You look sad. What’s the problem?. Chi: You know, Van, we were chosen to take part in the English Public Speaking Contest in Da Nang next month …

d) Organization

a) Objectives

Van: Yes. Only two students from each class were selected and we need to get our parents’ permission. Chi: So did your parents give you permission?. Van: Yes, they did. They felt proud that I was selected. How about yours? Chi: My parents said no. They said Da Nang is too far away, and I’ll miss the TOEFL test already arranged for next month. But I really want to go. Van: I understand. It’s the chance of a lifetime … But I have an idea. You can take the test another time. Did you tell your parents about that? Chi: I did. The real problem is that I’ve never been away from home, and they are worried. What should I do?. Van: Let’s talk to our teacher. I think she can persuade your parents. Chi: Good idea. Thanks for your advice Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION Giving problems and ask for advice

b) Content

2. Answer the questions.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. What is Chi's problem? => She was chosen to take part in the English Public Speaking Contest in Da Nang, but her parents don't allow her to go there. They are worried because she has never been away from home. 2. What does Van advise her to do? => Van advises Chi to ask their teacher to persuade Chi's parents.

d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Practise the conversation

b) Content

3. Practise the conversation with a partner.

c) Products

Conversation A: What is Chi's problem? B: She was chosen to take part in the English Public Speaking Contest in Da Nang, but her parents don't allow her to go there. They are worried because she has never been away from home. A: What does Van advise her to do?

B: Van advises Chi to ask their teacher to persuade Chi's parents. d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

5. Work with a partner. Talk about a problem that you have had at school or at home. 1. What was the problem? Vấn đề đó là gì?) 2. How did you deal with it? Em giải quyết vấn đề đó ra sao?) 3. Who did you ask for help? Em đã nhờ ai giúp đỡ?) 4. What advice did they give you? Họ đã cho em lời khuyên nào?) Lời giải chi tiết: Some of us enjoy school, some of us find it tougher. I am sure that everyone worries about things that happen at school from time to time. Just like everyone, I also suffered from the pressure and stress of learning. I was not good at English. I couldn’t do English homework and speak English well, so I always got poor grades. My parents were disappointed in me. I felt so sad and had negative thinking about myself. Sometimes, I felt stressed and less motivated to learn. I didn’t want to be so anymore. I asked my best friend, Jack for help. He gave me some useful advice. He advised me to study harder and do all the homework. In English class, I should pay attention to what the teacher said and remember its content, then practice. I could ask him if I wanted. He was ready to help me. He also said that when I had a problem, I could ask my teachers for help. Maybe I could find a tutor to teach me at home or go to an English center. I thought his advice was great. I tried to study harder and joined an English center. I rewrote and remembered new words and grammar whenever I had free time. I practised speaking English with my friends regularly. I found out good ways to learn English and I did it. Now, I can speak English well. I can do English exercises, from simple to difficult ones. I usually get high marks. I feel happy and more confident.

c) Products

d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 14: UNIT 2: RELATIONSHIPS Listening I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Listening: Listening for specific information about parent-child relationships 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

c) Products

d) Organization

1. If you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, will you tell your parents about it? Why or why not?

Lời giải chi tiết: - Yes. Because my parents are sympathetic. They can give me some advice. - No. Because my parents are so strict and they don't want me to get involved in any romantic relationship. Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Listen to the talk show

b) Content

2. Listen to the talk show with host Vicky Holmes and guest speaker Dr Dawson. Choose the best answer to complete each statement. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 1. From 15 to 19 years of age, many teenagers spend a lot of time thinking or talking about being in a relationship. 2. Young people may feel more confident to talk about their relationships in the future if they openly discuss feelings and friendships with their parents. 3. Most parents are willing to lend a sympathetic ear to their children. 4. Dr Dawson’s last advice to teenagers is that they should respect their parents’ views. Audio Script: Vicky: Welcome to our talk show with guest speaker Dr Dawson, a psychologist. Who will be talking about how teenagers and their parents deal with problems. Dr Dawson, most are worried about their children getting involved in romantic relationships. What's your opinion on this? Dr Dawson: From 15 to 19 years of age, many teenagers spend a lot of time thinking or talking about being in a relationship. Vicky: So do you mean this is part of the teen normal growth and development? Dr Dawson: Yes. young people learn how to form sale and healthy relationships with friends, parents, teachers and romantic partners.

d) Organization

This can prepare them for adult life. So parents should not oppose their relationships. Vicky: I suppose many parents will feel surprised to hear this. What's your advice for the teenagers then? Dr Dawson: Well, they should not be afraid to talk to their parents about their feelings and friendships. This can help them feel confident to discuss their relationships in the future. Vicky: So you mean teenagers should listen to their parents and ask them to listen to what they are saying? Dr Dawson: Exactly. Most parents are always willing to lend an ear to what their children are saying. This is even more important when young people suffer break-ups or broken hearts. They need a shoulder to cry on and a sympathetic ear. 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice Listening for specific information

b) Content

3. Listen again. Answer the questions.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. What is the main topic of the talk show? => The talk show is about how teenagers and their parents deal with problems. Thông tin: Welcome to our talk show with guest speaker Dr Dawson, a psychologist. Who will be talking about how teenagers and their parents deal with problems. 2. What do teenagers need to do to prepare for becoming adults? => They need to learn to form safe and healthy relationships with other people friends, parents, teachers and romantic partners). Thông tin: Yes. young people learn how to form safe and healthy relationships with friends, parents, teachers and romantic partners. 3. According to Dr Dawson, what should parents do when their children experience break-ups in their relationships? => Parents should offer a shoulder for their children to cry on and listen to them. Thông tin: Most parents are always willing to lend an ear to what their children are saying. This is even more important when young people suffer break-ups or broken hearts. They need a shoulder to cry on and a sympathetic ear. 4. Should parents strongly oppose their children's romantic relationships? => No. Because their strong opposition will make their children stop talking about their feelings.

Thông tin: Parents shouldn't get very anxious when their teenage children are in a relationship. Saying strongly 'no' will make teenagers stop speaking about their feelings. Teenagers should also listen to their parent's views and be respectful. d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

4. In your opinion, what is the "right" age for a romantic relationship? Discuss with a partner. Lời giải chi tiết: A person should start a romantic relationship when he / she is at an age or stage in life when he / she is mature enough, and is ready for a possible marriage. For this reason, the "right" age can be different from person to person. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

c) Products

d) Organization

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 15: UNIT 2: RELATIONSHIPS Writing I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Writing: Writing an online posting about relationship problems 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

1. Read an online posting on Teen Forum and fill the gaps. Use the words in the box.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. upset

2. shocked 3. influence

4. different 5. talented 6. appearances d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Making outline

b) Content

2. Put the following parts of the online posting in the correct order.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1.g 2.c 3.f 4.d 5.e 6.a 7.b 1-g. Title of the posting Tiêu đề của bài đăng) 2-c. The writer's name Tên người viết) 3-f. Date and time Ngày và thời gian) 4-d. The writer's mood Tâm trạng của người viết) 5-e. Description of the incident Mô tả sự cố) 6-a. The writer's opinion/ feelings about the incident Quan điểm / cảm xúc của người viết về sự cố) 7-b. The writer's wish for things to be different Mong ước của người viết về việc mọi thứ sẽ khác đi)

d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Choosing ideas

b) Content

3. Choose one of the stories below. Use the ideas to write an online

posting of 160-18 words. c) Products

d) Organization

Lời giải chi tiết: EX 1: My parents are always busy at work. They often work late on weekdays and most weekends. So I'm left alone at home with the housemaid or tutor. I feel so lonely and miss my parents a lot. I wish my parents understood and spent more time with me. What should I do? EX 2: I am really worried and don't know what to do now. My best friend, Hand, dropped out of school and started working as a construction worker in order to earn his living because his parents can’t support him anymore. Our form teacher and the school leaders tried to campaign his family to let him come back to school, but they refused just because they were in a really bad economic situation. They need Hand to take the burden of a needy family. He was very sad to quit school, but he had to. I miss him very much now because I have no one to share my studies at school. He is a very good student. A bright future was waiting for him if he had a chance to come back to school. I have tried to help him, but how can I do this meanwhile I am still an eleventh grader? EX 3: I am really confused and don't know what to do now. Just because the other day my best friend, Min, confided her secret to me in order to ask me for advice, and she asked me to keep it secret. I gave her my advice, but I wasn’t sure it would work. Afterward, I happened to tell it to one of my classmates with the hope that she had more perfect solution to help Min. Then this classmate shared it with the others. As a result, Min’s secret spread. She knew it and broke up with me. I tried to explain and apologise, but she was so angry and refused my apology. I am now feeling very regretful, and I don't want our friendship to come to an end this way. We've been good friends for years. I really hope that she will forgive me for my mistake and become friends again. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task.

- Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

4. Think of something that happened to you or to another person. Write an onlin posting of 160-180 words. You can write about: - what happened, when and where, and who was involved - how you and the other people felt - your wish Lời giải chi tiết: I don't know what to do now. Last week I had an argument with my best friend because I thought she had lied to me. She tried to explain, but I was so angry that I refused to listen to her explanation. Yesterday, something happened that found out that I was wrong. I immediately called her to apologize, but this time it was she who refused to listen to me. I don't want our friendship to come to an end this way. We've been good friends for years. I really hope that she will forgive me for what I have done and said to her. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

c) Products

d) Organization

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working

V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 16: UNIT 2: RELATIONSHIPS Communication and Culture I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Listening to someone’s opinion about online and discussing making friends online

- Dating around the world 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Listen to Hung’s opinions about online friends. Answer the questions.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. What can Hung learn from his online friends? Why? => Hung can have more knowledge of different cultures and lifestyles because his online friends come from different places around the world. Thông tin: First, they can be anywhere in the world, so I can learn about different cultures and lifestyles. 2. When can he contact these friends? => He can contact his friends whenever he wants as long as they are online. Thông tin: I can contact them whenever I wish - as long as they are online 3. Why can he save money? => Because he doesn't have to spend money on dinners, parties, or cinema tickets. Thông tin: I can save a lot of money as there'll be no dinners, parties or get-togethers...I don't have to spend money on things like food and drinks or cinema tickets. 4. What is the most important benefit of having online friends?

d) Organization

=> The most important benefit of having online friends is that he can end a relationship quickly. Thông tin: Most importantly, I can quickly end a relationship when I don't feel comfortable with the person anymore. 5. What does Hung dislike about online friendships? => Sometimes he doesn't know for sure who these friends really are, as they may not use their real names. Thông tin: The only thing I don't like about this kind of friendship is that sometimes I don't know for sure who they are. They may not use the real names and can post pictures of others. Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives


b) Content

2. Discuss the following questions in groups. Từ vựng 1. dating /deɪting/ n) hẹn hò 2. tension /ˈtenʃn/ n) áp lực 3. one-to-one /ˌwʌn tə ˈwʌn/ một đối một 4. single /ˈsɪŋɡl/ adj) độc thân 5. face-to-face /ˌfeɪs tə ˈfeɪs/ mặt đối mặt

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: I have some online friends on Facebook. They are Linda, Marika, and Jack. Linda is English, Marika is Japanese and Jack is American. They are generous and friendly. I often contact them through email, messenger, video call, etc. I really want to meet them face to face. I think that having online friends who live around the world brings me some important benefits. I can learn a lot of things from my online friends. First, they can be anywhere in the world, so I can learn about different cultures and lifestyles. Second, I can contact them whenever I wish - as long as they are online, and I can end the conversation easily when I have other things to do, I can save time and it is very convenient. Another reason, I can share my feelings and my problems with them and they can help me to solve these troubles. Besides, I can quickly end a relationship when I don't feel comfortable with the person anymore. I think it’s exciting to have some online friends. 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

d) Organization

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Read the text about dating around the world, and complete the information in the table below the correct pictures on page 23. 2. Read the text on page 22 again. Decide whether the following statements are true T), false F), or not given NG). Tick ✓) the correct boxes.

c) Products

Task 1) Lời giải chi tiết: Kind of dating loại hình hẹn hò)

Where nơi diễn ra)

Picture a. Online dating Hẹn hò qua mạng)

US Mỹ)

Picture b. Speed dating Hẹn hò tốc độ)


Picture c. Group dating Hẹn hò theo nhóm)

Europe and Australia Châu Âu và Úc)

Task 2) Lời giải chi tiết: 1.T






1 – T. Group dating helps people feel more at ease. Hẹn hò nhóm giúp mọi người cảm thấy thoải mái hơn.) Thông tin: Groups as large as 30 people take part in events, such as going camping or having a party. This is seen as a safe way to spend time together, and to help to ease tension because people feel more comfortable in the company of friends before deciding whether to go on a one-to-one date. 2 – F. Australian people don't like one-to-one dating. Thông tin: They feel more comfortable in the company of friends before deciding whether to go on a one-to-one date. 3 – T. The Singaporean government encourages young people to take part in dating events. Thông tin: In Singapore, since many young people stay single, the government has tried its best to encourage dating. 4 – NG. One-to-one dating is not popular in Singapore. Thông tin: Trong bài chỉ nói chính phủ Singapore khuyến khích hẹn hò, cung cấp nhiều dịch vụ hẹn hò trong đó có hẹn hò tốc độ, chứ không đề cập đến hẹn hò riêng lẻ theo cặp, nên thông tin trên không được đề cập đến trong bài. 5 – NG. Online dating is popular in the United States because it does not cost too much money. Thông tin: Trong bài không đề cập đến lý do của sự phổ biến của hẹn hò trực tuyến ở Mỹ, vì vậy thông tin trên không được đề cập đến trong bài. 6 – F. People using the 'online dating assistant' service need to communicate by email before meeting face to face.

d) Organization

Thông tin: An assistant helps customers to build their profiles, selects potential matches, and then sends several emails to the possible matches until the two people agree to meet face to face. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Discuss with a partner.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: Group dating is very popular in Viet Nam, especially among young people. Speed dating is not popular as there are no companies that provide that kind of service. Online dating services can be found on the internet, but they are not very popular as many people think online dating is not safe - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

d) Organization

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 17+ 18: UNIT 2: RELATIONSHIPS Looking back and Project I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to relationships - For pronunciation, that is contracted forms: nouns/pronouns, etc + verb/ verb not - For grammar, that is the use of linking verbs and cleft sentences - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 2 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives b) Content

c) Products

Pronunciation 1. Underline the words which could be contracted in these exchanges. 2. Listen to check your answers. 1) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. A. she is = she's

3. A. It would = It'd B. can not = can't, he is = he's

2. A. I am = I'm 4. A. It is = It's, will not = won't B. You have = You've B. do not = don't d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives


b) Content

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. dating

2. lend an ear 3. romantic relationships

4. meet face to face 5. broke up

d) Organization

6. be in a relationship

1. Online dating services have helped lots of single people to find future husbands or wives. 2. When I am in trouble, my close friends are always willing to lend an ear and give me some advice. 3. Teenagers’ romantic relationships may last only a few weeks or a few months. 4. I don’t like to make friends online because we can’t meet face to face. 5. She felt very upset after she broke up with her boyfriend. 6. Jim and Susan must be in a relationship. They look very happy together. 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 2. Write the answers to the questions in 1, using the suggested words. 3. Join the two parts to make cleft sentences. 1) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. How / feel / broke up / his girlfriend / Peter / with him / when / did / ? => How did Peter feel when his girlfriend broke up with him? 2. How / if / I / look / cut / short/ will / I / my hair / ? => How will I look if I cut my hair short? 3. How / feel / you / did / when / the game / lost / you / ? => How did you feel when you lost the game? 4. How / on TV / sound / Martin's / in the live show / voice / did / last night / ? => How dis Martin's voice sound in the live show on TV last nicht? 5. How / taste / your soup / does ? => How does your soup taste? 6. How / feel / you / had /would / no friends / if / you / ? => How would you feel if you had no friends? 2)Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. How did Peter feel when his girlfriend broke up with him? depressed.) => He felt depressed. Anh cảm thấy chán nản.) 2. How will I look if I cut my hair short? attractive) => You'll look attractive. Bạn sẽ trông cuốn hút.) 3. How did you feel when you lost the game? disappointed) => I felt disappointed. Tôi cảm thấy thất vọng.) 4. How dis Martin's voice sound in the live show on TV last night? awful) => His voice sounded awful. Giọng của anh ấy nghe có vẻ tồi tệ.) 5. How does your soup taste? great) => It tastes great. Nó có vị tuyệt vời.) 6. How would you feel if you had no friends? lonely) => I'd feel lonely. Tôi cảm thấy cô đơn.) 3) Lời giải chi tiết: 1-f 2-d 3-a 4-g 5-b 6-c 7-e d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Your group is going to take part in a storytelling contest organised by your school. Each group member tells a story about friendship or teacher-student relationships. Think about the following questions. 2. Your group chooses the best story which meets the following criteria.

c) Products

1)Lời giải chi tiết: Tom and John were two friends. One day they were passing through a dense forest.

John said, 'Friend, I am afraid there are wild beasts in this forest. What will we do if a wild beast attacks us?' 'Don’t be afraid, John,' said Tom, 'I shall stand by your side if any danger comes. We shall fight together and save ourselves.' Then they went on their journey. But suddenly they saw a bear coming towards them. Immediately, Tom climbed up the nearest tree. He did not think what his friend would do. John did not know how to climb a tree. He had no way of escape. He was helpless. The bear came up to John. It smelt his nose, ears, and eyes. It took him to be dead and went away. Then Tom came down from the tree. He said to John, 'What did the bear whisper in your ear?' John said, 'The bear told me not to trust a friend who leaves his friend in danger. Moral: An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast since a wild beast can harm your body, but an evil friend can wound your soul. 2)

d) Organization

- Content: interesting and relevant to the topic; convevino, a moral message. - Use of expressive voice, facial expression and gestures, mime, pace, rhythm, eye contact and engagement with the audience. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation: Period 18: MID TERM REVISION I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge: - To help students revise what they have learned in unit 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency.- To provide Ss some motivation II. Teaching preparation: 1. Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan 2. Teaching method: Communicative language teaching III. Teaching procedure: 1. Class organization 1 minute) Class Date of teaching Number of sts 2. Check up 5 minutes): During the lesson 3. New lesson 35 minutes) Stages/ Teacher’s activities Timing I. Activity 1- Exercise 4: Grammar - Ask sts to open their textbook at the page 10 mins) of 43 - Elicit the form and use of the modals: should/shouldn’t/ ought to/ ought not to/ must/ mustn’t/ have to/ has to - Ask a student to do the activity on the board while the rest of the class works in it individually. - Check Sts’ answers - Ask Sts to provide explanations for their choice of modals, if necessary Activity 2- Exercise 5: - Elicit the form and use of the sentence structure It is/was…that …

Students’ activities

- Do as requested. - Keys: 1. should/ough to 2. shouldn’t/ ought not to 3. must/ have to 4. mustn’t 5. must/ has to

- Do as requested - Keys:

-Have Sts do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner - Ask sts to write his/her sentencs on the board. - Check the answers with the whole class

II. Speaking 10 mins)

1. It was in Greece that the first Olympic Games were held. 2. It was Nam who/that won the first prize in the English speaking contest. 3. It’s a chocolate cake that I am making for my best friend’s birthday party. 4. It was in 1759 that Scotland’s most famous poet Robert Burns was born. 5. It’s working on a computer that gives me headaches.

- Ask Sts to work with a partner to make a conversation about a friend’s problem. One student explains the problem while the other asks questions and offers advice. - Make a conversation about a - Sts may use their own ideas or the friend’s problem suggestions. - Encourage sts to swap roles and role-play the conversation again. III. - Play the recording once for Sts to listen Listening and choose their answers. Play the 15 mins) recording again pausing at appropriate Do as appointed places and highlighting the clues in the 1. T clues in the listening text, so Sts can check 2. F their answers. 3. T - Give the correct answers. 4. F - For weaker Sts, play the recording several 5. T times pausing after sentences to check Sts’ comprehension. IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 19:


I. Objectives: Vocabulary and grammar in unit 1, 2 4 skills unit 1,2 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency.- To provide Ss some motivation II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative . Teaching aids and materials: paper sheets III. Teaching procedures: 1. Class arrangement: Teaching date Period Class 2. Old lesson 3. New lesson Teacher prepares questions in papers and divided to the pupils 4. Consolidation: 5. Homework: prepare for the new lesson unit 4 – reading)


Date: Period 21: UNIT 3: BECOMING INDEPENDENT Getting started I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Help learners get started with some language items in Unit 3 - Use words and phrases related to the topic: becoming independent. - For pronunciation: Identify and use sentence stress and rhythm: linking between a consonant and vowel. - For grammar: use to-infinitives after certain adjectives and nouns. 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

1. Listen and read

c) Products

Từ vựng 1. reliable /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ đáng tin cậy 2. self-reliant /ˌself rɪˈlaɪənt/ tự lực tự giác 3. decisive /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/ quyết đoán 4. determined /dɪˈtɜːmɪnd/ kiên định 5. well-informed /ˌwel ɪnˈfɔːmd/ hiểu biết 6. responsible /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/ có trách nhiệm

d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

2. Answer the questions about the conversation.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Why does Lan like Minh? => Because Minh doesn't rely on other people for help and isn’t influenced by other people's opinions. Thông tin: Ở câu nói của Lan ở đầu hội thoại: I really like him because he doesn't rely on other people for help and isn't influenced by other people's opinions. 2. Why does Lan think Minh is a very responsible student? => Because he always completes his tasks on time, and never needs to be reminded about the assignments and other schoolwork. Thông tin: Ở câu nói của Lan: He's also a very responsible student. He always completes his tasks on time, and never needs to be reminded about assignments and other schoolwork. 3. What is an examples showing that Minh is very determined? => He tried hard and spent the whole night on a hard Maths problem when most students in the class had given up. Thông tin: Ở câu nói của Lan ở giữa đoạn hội thoại: Last month, we were given a very hard Maths problem. While most of us gave up, he spent the whole night on it and solved it in the end. 4. Why does Lan think that Minh is self-reliant? => He always tries to find solutions to his problems and seldom needs help from others. Thông tin: Ở câu nói của Lan: Another good thing about him is that he's self-reliant. He always tries to find solutions to his problems and seldom needs help from others. 5. What are the characteristics of an independent person according to Lan and Mai? => Responsible, reliable, self-reliant, determined, well-informed and confident.

Thông tin: Dựa vào các nhận xét của Mai và Lan về Minh trong toàn bài hội thoại: He's also a very responsible student; He's also reliable; He's self-reliant; He seems very determined; so he's wellinformed about what's happening around the world; He's also very confident and decisive. 6. Which of Minh's characteristics do you have? Which do you like most? => Well-informed, self-reliant. I like his determination most because I think this will greatly help him to overcome difficulties and achieve any targets that he aims for. I will try my best to follow his examples. d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Read the conversation again. Match the words with their definitions.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1-d 2-e 3-b 4-c 5-f 6-a 1. reliable: that can be trusted to do something well; that you can rely on 2. self-reliant: capable of doing or deciding things by yourself, rather than depending on other people for help 3. decisive: able to make decisions quickly 4. determined: strongly motivated to do something and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you 5. well-informed: having a lot of knowledge about current topics or a particular subject 6. confident: feeling certain about your own ability to do things and be successful

d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing

Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

4. Find the sentences with to-infmitives after adjectives or nouns in the conversation and write them in the spaces below Lời giải chi tiết: 1. It's good to have a friend you can rely on. 2. Even our Maths teacher was very surprised to read his answer. 3. His parents must be really pleased to have such a son. 4. But he still has time to read,... 5. It's interesting to talk to him. 6. I really admire his ability to make decisions so quickly. 7. You're lucky to have a close friend like him.

c) Products

d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 22 +23: UNIT 3: BECOMING INDEPENDENT Language I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Help learners get started with some language items in Unit 3 - Use words and phrases related to the topic: becoming independent. - For pronunciation: Identify and use sentence stress and rhythm: linking between a consonant and vowel. - For grammar: use to-infinitives after certain adjectives and nouns. 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Complete the table with words that have the same roots as the adjectives in the first column. Some adjectives do not have all the corresponding word forms. Use a dictionary, if necessary.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: Adjective tính từ)

Noun danh từ)

Adverb trạng từ)

1. reliable đáng tin cậy)

reliability sự đáng tin cậy)

reliably 1 cách đáng tin cậy)

2. confident tự tin)

confidence sự tự tin)

confidently 1 cách tự tin)

3. independent độc lập)

independence sự độc lập)

independently 1 cách độc lập)

4. self-reliant tự lực)

self-reliance sự tự lực)

5. decisive quyết đoán)

decisiveness sự quyết đoán)

decisively 1 cách quyết đoán)

6. determined quyết tâm)

determination lòng quyết tâm)

determinedly 1 cách quyết tâm)

7. responsible responsibility responsibly có trách nhiệm) tinh thần) trách nhiệm) 1 cách có trách nhiệm) d) Organization

a) Objectives b) Content

c) Products

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION Vocabulary and Pronunciation Vocabulary 2. Complete the sentences with some of the words from 1. Pronunciation: Linking between a consonant and a vowel 1. Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying attention to the linking between the words. 2. Listen and link the consonant sounds and the vowel sounds. Then practice reading the sentences. 2) Lời giải chi tiết:


2. confidence

3. well-informed

4. responsible

5. self-reliance 6. decisively

7. Independence d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Work in pairs. Underline the to-infinitive in the sentences you found in 4 in GETTING STARTED. Pay attention to how the infinitives are used. 2. Rewrite the sentences using the to-infỉnitive. 3. Combine the sentences using to-infinitive. Task 1) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. It's good to have a friend you can rely on. Giải thích: to-V được sử dụng trong cấu trúc: 'It + linking verb + adj + to-infinitive' 2. Even our Maths teacher was very surprised to read his answer. Giải thích: to-V được sử dụng trong cấu trúc: 'Noun/Pronoun + linking verb + adj + to-infinitive' 3. His parents must be really pleased to have such a son. Giải thích: to-V được sử dụng trong cấu trúc: 'Noun/ Pronoun + linking verb + adj + to-infinitive' 4. But he still has time to read,... Giải thích: to-V được sử dụng trong cấu trúc: 'S + V) + Noun + toinfinitive' 5. It's interesting to talk to him. Giải thích: to-V được sử dụng trong cấu trúc: 'It + linking verb + adj + to-infinitive' 6. I really admire his ability to make decisions so quickly. Giải thích: to-V được sử dụng trong cấu trúc: 'S + V) + Noun + toinfinitive' 7. You're lucky to have a close friend like him. Giải thích: to-V được sử dụng trong cấu trúc: 'Noun/ Pronoun + linking verb + adj + to-infinifive'

c) Products

Task 2) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. The little boy was afraid when he jumped into the pool. => The little boy was afraid to jump into the pool. Giải thích: Áp dụng cấu trúc: S + linking verb + adj + to-V. Trong câu trên: S = The little boy, linking verb = was, adj = afraid, to-V = to jump. 2. She is proud that she is the leader of the group. => She is proud to be the leader of the group.

Giải thích: Áp dụng cấu trúc: S + linking verb + adj + toV. 'is' chuyển sang 'to-V' là 'to be'. 3. The students were excited when they heard that they had won the competition. => The students were excited to hear that they had won the competition. Giải thích: Áp dụng cấu trúc: S + linking verb + adj + toV. 'heard' có dạng nguyên thể là 'hear', vì thế to-V sẽ là 'to hear'. 4. My mother was very surprised when she heard I would take part in the storytelling contest. => My mother was very surprised to hear that I would take part in the storytelling contest. Giải thích: Áp dụng cấu trúc: S + linking verb + adj + toV. 'heard' có dạng nguyên thể là 'hear', vì thế to-V sẽ là 'to hear'. 5. I'm sorry if I may disturb you. => I'm sorry to disturb you. Giải thích: Áp dụng cấu trúc: S + linking verb + adj + toV. 'disturb' đã ở dạng nguyên thể rồi nên chỉ việc thêm 'to' vào trước. Phương pháp giải: - Sử dụng cấu trúc: It + linking verb thường là động từ 'be') + for + O) + adj + to-V, nhằm đưa ra bình luận, nhận xét tính chất của hành động “làm gì đó thì như thế nào” hoặc “ai đó thấy như thế nào khi làm gì”. - Chỉ có một số tính từ nhất định được sử dụng trong cấu trúc này, ta không dùng các tính từ miêu tả cảm xúc, phản ứng của con người như glad, happy, lucky, surprised, proud, eager, sorry, pleased, willing... trong cấu trúc này. Task 3) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Don't expect that everybody will understand you. It's unreasonable. => It's unreasonable to expect that everybody will understand you. 2. We can't guess what will happen. It's impossible. => It's impossible for us) to guess what will happen. 3. Everyone can learn some simple sentences in English such as 'How are you?' or 'Thank you'. It's easy. => It's easy to learn some simple sentences in English such as 'How are you?' or 'Thank you'. 4. You should take a map with you when travelling in a foreign country. It's necessary. => It's necessary to take a map with you when travelling in a foreign country. 5. You can finish the project on your own. It's possible. => It's possible for you to finish the project on your own. d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning

State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

4. Rewrite the sentences using the nouns in hrackcts and a toinfinitive phrase. Examples: She knows how to solve the problem. way) => She knows the way to solve the problem. Lời giải chi tiết: 1. You are not ill so you don't have to stay in bed. need) - there is no need to do sth: không cần làm gì => You are not ill so there's no need to stay in bed. 2. My teacher is able to make complicated things easy to understand. ability) - have the ability to do sth: có khả năng làm gì => My teacher has the ability to make complicated things easy to understand. Giáo viên của tôi có khả năng làm cho những điều phức tạp thành dễ hiểu.) 3. That he decided to take part in the contest surprised all of us. decision) - decision n): quyết định => His decision to take part in the contest surprised all of us. 4. I was not allowed to go to the party. permission) - get permission to do sth:được phép làm gì => I couldn’t get permission to go to the party. 5. I didn't know that they were going to Nha Trang for the summer holidays. plan) => I didn't know about their plan to go to Nha Trang for the summer holidays. - Step 1- Assigning

c) Products

d) Organization

State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 24: UNIT 3: BECOMING INDEPENDENT Reading I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: Read for general ideas and specific information about time-management skills, giving importance of the skills needed to be independent. 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills

3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

1. Work with a partner, ask and answer the questions.

c) Products

d) Organization

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Have you ever forgotten to do your homework? Bạn có bao giờ quên làm bài tập về nhà không?) => yes, some times. Có, thỉnh thoảng) 2. Do you often have to struggle to meet deadlines? Bạn có thường xuyên phấn đầu hoàn thành thời hạn không?) => yes, because I have many subjects so I have a lot of homework to do. Có vì tôi có rất nhiều môn và so đó có rất nhiều bài tập cần làm) 3. How do you manage your time? Bạn quản lý thời gian của bạn như thế nào?) => I spend at least 3 hours per day on solving the task and some minutes on preparing the new lessons. I try to finish them before have a rest. Tôi dành ra ít nhất 3 tiếng mỗi ngày để làm bài và vài phút để chuẩn bị cho bài mới. Tôi cố gắng để hoàn thành chúng trước khi nghỉ ngơi.) Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Read the text for the specific ìnormation

b) Content

2. Read the text and select the statement that expresses its main idea.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: A. You need important life skills to become independent. Bạn cần những kỹ năng sống quan trọng để trở nên tự lập.)

B. Good time-management skills help you to build your confidence and self-esteem. Kỹ năng quản lý thời gian tốt giúp bạn xây dựng sự tự tin và lòng tự trọng của mình.) C. Time-management skills are not difficult to develop. Kỹ năng quản lý thời gian không khó để phát triển.) D. Mastering time-management skills has many benefits and there are three steps to develop them. Nâng cao kỹ năng quản lý thời gian có nhiều lợi ích và có ba bước để hình thành chúng.) Đáp án: D. Time-management skills has many benefits and there are three steps to develop them. d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Read the text again. Dccidc whether the sentences are true T), false F), or not given NG). 4. Answer the following questions. Task 3) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1.NG 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 1 – NG. Elderly people don't strive for being independent. Giải thích: Mặc dù trong bài có câu 'That's what many young people strive for.', nhưng hoàn toàn không nhắc gì đến người già vì thế thông tin câu trên không có trong bài. 2 – F. The ability to be independent comes naturally to a person when he/ she grows up. Giải thích: Thông tin câu trên hoàn toàn khác so với trong bài: However, the ability to live independently does not develop naturally. 3 – F. Teenagers only need time-management skills to be independent. Giải thích: Theo bài đọc, ngoài kĩ năng quản lý thời gian các bạn trẻ còn cần nhiều kĩ năng khác nữ need a number of life skills to stop relying on your parents and older siblings. 4 – T. When teenagers are able to complete their daily tasks and duties at school and at home, they have more confidence and selfesteem. Giải thích: Thông tin khớp với trong bài: With good timemanagement skills, you can build your confidence and self-esteem. These skills will also help you to perform your daily tasks, including your responsibilities at school and at home. 5 – T. Having good time-management skills means you can use your time wisely. Giải thích: Thông tin khớp với trong bà can use your time wisely...

Task 4) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. What are the benefits of having good time-management skills? => With good time-management skills, you don't feel very stressed when exam dates are approaching; you can act more independently and respossibly, get better grades at school and have more time for family and friends. Thông tin: Gần cuối đoạn 1: With good time-management skills, you can build your confidence......have more time for your family and friends. 2. How can you make plans for the things you need to do? => Write the things I will have to do on a planner or an app on my mobile device, and put time limits on them. Thông tin: Đầu đoạn 2: First, make plans ...then put time limits on them. 3. Why should you schedule the things you need to do? => So I can check them later. Thông tin: Câu 3 đoạn 2: Organise them in a schedule so that they can be checked later. 4. How can you prioritise your activities? => Decide what is important to me and give it the most of my time or add it to the top of my list. Thông tin: Gần cuối đoạn 2: So decide what is important to you and give it the most of your time or add it to the top of your list. 5. Why should you develop routines? => Once routines are developed, they take less time to do. Thông tin: Cuối đoạn 2: Third, develop routines, because once routines are developed, they take less time to do. d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

5. Work in groups. Discuss the questions.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: There are three time-management skills mentioned in the text: making plans, prioritising activities and developing routines. Timemanagement skills are not difficult to develop. I also have some ways to manage my time. First, I also make plans for the things I need to do in a notebook or on my cell phone. Then I organize them in a schedule and put time limits on them. Especially, after I list the tasks to do, I also decide what is more important and then sort these in order of priority and do the important things first. Moreover, I always minimize distractions as much as possible, don’t use the phone, close unnecessary browsers, and block social media such as Facebook, Twitter… to concentrate on main tasks. And besides, I think I need to develop routines because once routines are developed, they take less time to do. I can do everything well and save time for my family and friends. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

d) Organization

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson


1. Knowledge: - Giving opinions about the importance of the skills needed for being independent. 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

1. The table below presents the skills teens need to develop in order to he independent, and the reasons why those skills are necessary. Work in pairs. Discuss and match the skills with the appropriate reasons.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1.d 2.f 3.e 4.a 5.g 6.b 7.c 1. Finding information - You think independently and make informed decisions. 2. Getting around on your own - You don’t depend on others to go to places and take responsibility for being late. 3. Coping with loneliness - Lacking these skills may make you feel depressed and you may make the wrong decisions about your life. 4. General housekeeping - Activities such as doing the laundry or cleaning the house are important daily routines.

5. Health and hygiene - Keeping your body healthy and clean will make you feel happy and more confident. 6. Problem solving - You gain confidence in your ability to make good decisions and don’t avoid issues. 7. Interpersonal communication - You communicate effectively and get along well with people around you. d) Organization

a) Objectives b) Content

c) Products

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION Talking about what are the most important skills the need in order to be independent 2. Lan and Minh are talking about what they think are the most important skills the need in order to be independent. Use the words in the box to complete their conversation. Then practicc it in pairs. Lời giải chi tiết: 1. loneliness

2. decisions

3. Interpersonal communication 4. communicate

d) Organization

a) Objectives b) Content

c) Products

Lan: Minh, which of the life skills do you think are the most important? Minh: In my opinion, coping with 1) loneliness is the most important skill. Lan: Really? Why do you think so? Minh: Because lacking this skill may make me feel depressed and I may make the wrong 2) decisions about my life. What about you? Which of the skills are the most important for you? Lan: 3) Interpersonal communication skills. Because they can help me to 4) communicate effectively and get along well with people around me. 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE Talking about what are the most important skills the need in order to be independent 3. If you want to he independent, which of the skills in 1 are the most important for you? Work in pairs. Use the ideas in 1 to have a similar conversation as the one in 2. Lời giải chi tiết: Linh: Do you think, we should live more independently, Hung?

d) Organization

Hung: Yes, I think it’s very important. Linh: Hung, in your opinion, what should we do to become independent? Hung: We should get life skills such as time-management, problem solving, getting around on our own, and general housekeeping. Linh: Which of the life skills do you think are the most important? Hung: In my opinion, general housekeeping skills are the most important. Linh: Really? Can you tell me why you think so? Hung: Of course, although few teens enjoy doing household chores, it is part of being independent and responsible. Those activities include doing the laundry, cleaning the house, making dinner and other chores. We need to know how to do them by ourselves and get used to doing them before we are out on our own. No one can do it for us then. What about you? Which of the skills is the most important for you? Linh: It’s getting around on your own. Because when I have this skill, I don’t depend on others to go to places. I can learn how to get from one place to another conveniently and safely and have valuable transportation lessons. Hung: Each person has different life skills to live more independently. Linh: I also think so. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

Practice the conversation in task 3

c) Products Linh: Do you think, we should live more independently, Hung?

d) Organization

Hung: Yes, I think it’s very important. Linh: Hung, in your opinion, what should we do to become independent? Hung: We should get life skills such as time-management, problem solving, getting around on our own, and general housekeeping. Linh: Which of the life skills do you think are the most important? Hung: In my opinion, general housekeeping skills are the most important. Linh: Really? Can you tell me why you think so? Hung: Of course, although few teens enjoy doing household chores, it is part of being independent and responsible. Those activities include doing the laundry, cleaning the house, making dinner and other chores. We need to know how to do them by ourselves and get used to doing them before we are out on our own. No one can do it for us then. What about you? Which of the skills is the most important for you? Linh: It’s getting around on your own. Because when I have this skill, I don’t depend on others to go to places. I can learn how to get from one place to another conveniently and safely and have valuable transportation lessons. Hung: Each person has different life skills to live more independently. Linh: I also think so. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 26: UNIT 3: BECOMING INDEPENDENT Listening I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: Listen for specific information about how children are raised to become independent. 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

Discuss: How parents help you become independent.

c) Products

Giving ideas about How parents help you become independent

d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

1. Look at the photo and answer the questions.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. What are the people in the photo doing? => The boy is riding a bicycle and his father is helping him. Or in other words, the father is teaching his son how to ride a bike.

d) Organization

2. Do you think the boy needs his father’s assistance to learn to ride a bicycle independently? => Yes, I think he needs his father's assistance because he can't ride a bike by himself for the first time. 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

2. Listen to an interview on Life Skills, the most popular radio show for teens and parents, and match the statements with the speakers. 3. Answer the questions. ời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

Long: b,f Speakers người nói)

Tuấn: a,d

Minh: c,e

Statements lời phát biểu)

1. Long

b. His parents tend to be very protective of him. f. he is encouraged to express his opinions.

2. Tuấn

a. he has to fulfill all his responsibilities, and is punished if he fails. d. One of his responsibilities is to look after his grandparents.

3. Minh

c. He has to do household chores and follow a set routine. e. He has been taught to make his own decisions.

Task 3) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Why does Long think his parents are overprotective of him? => Because they didn't let him do any household chores and drove him to school until he finished Grade 9. Thông tin: They didn't let me do any household chores and drove me to school until finished Grade 9. 2. What do Long's parents often encourage him to do? => To voice speak out) his opinions. Thông tin: However, since I was a little child, I’ve always been encouraged to voice my opinions. 3. What do Tuan's parents focus on teaching him? => They focus on teaching him about responsibility. Thông tin: Well, my parents focus on teaching me about responsibility.

4. How do Tuan's parents keep him motivated? => If he does his responsibility well, they give him a reward. Thông tin: But if I do them well, I get a reward. This keeps me motivated. 5. What does Minh have to do? => To do chores and follow a set routine. Thông tin: I have to do chores and follow a set routine. 6. What can Minh do about his clothes, books, or toys? => He can make his own choices about these items. Thông tin: But I can make my own choices about personal things such as clothes, books or toys. d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

4. Work in groups. Tell your group members whether you were brought up in the same way as Long, Tuan, or Minh. Lời giải chi tiết: Although my parents love me so much, they also seem strict. They teach me how to live more independently and develop self-confidence. They also teach me many life skills. First, I am taught about good timemanagement skills. I must make plans for what I have to do in a day or a week, so that I can arrange everything and use my time efficiently. Second, just like Tuan's parents, my parents focus on teaching me about responsibility. They give me a list of responsibilities, such as cleaning the house, washing clothes, washing dishes, cooking meals, and looking after my younger siblings. I have to do all of them by myself without any helps. My parents often go out for work. They want me to live more independently early, so I can take care of myself when they are not at home - Step 1- Assigning

c) Products

d) Organization

State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 27: UNIT 3: BECOMING INDEPENDENT Writing I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: Write a letter requesting further information about a 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

1. Read the advertisement for life skills courses in Teenage Magazine below and answer the questions.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. What courses are advertised? => Courses that teach the skills people need to become independent. 2. Who are the courses for? => Those who want to be independent/ live on their own successfully.

3. What skills do you think you will be taught if you take the 'Coping with loneliness' courses? => The skills to overcome the feeling of loneliness. 4. What will you get if you enrol early? => A discount on the tuition fee. 5. What can you do if you need more information about the courses? => Write to Ms Angela Brown. d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Reorder the modal

b) Content

2. Denise is interested in the life skills courses. Below is her letter asking for further information, but the parts are jumped-up. Put them in the right order according to the template on page 32. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1.d 2.a 3.f 4.b 5.e 6.c

d) Organization

April 21st, 2013 Dear Ms Brown, d. I am writing to enquire about the life skills courses you advertised in Teenage Magazine. a. I am a first year student and live away from home. Although I have close friends, I miss my family very much. I don't like being alone and I always need someone to be around me. I don't know how to overcome the feeling of loneliness so I can become more independent. f. Could you advise me which of the courses I should take? b. I would also like to know how much the tuition fee will be if I enrol early. e. I hope that your answers to my questions will help me to make the right decision about the course. c. Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Denise 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Making outline

b) Content

3. Match each problem with its sign. Then discuss with a partner.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết:

1- c, d 2- a, e 3- b, f Problems Vấn đề)

d) Organization

Signs Dấu hiệu)

1. Lacking timemanagement skills

c. Can't schedule tasks effectively. d. Don't know how to prioritise tasks.

2. Suffering from stress

a. Can't concentrate and have memory problems. e. Always feel worried and can't sleep well at night.

3. Lacking interpersonal communication skills

b. Don't feel comfortable when talking to people or working in a group. f. Have difficulty in communicating ideas or opinions.

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

4. Imagine that you have one of the problems above. Write a letter similar to the one in 1 to Ms Brown for advice on a suitale course and get further information about: Lời giải chi tiết: December 15th, 2015 Dear Ms Brown. I am writing to ask you about the life skills courses you advertised in the Youth Magazine. I am now in Grade 11 and have such a lot of work to do that I don't have time to finish all

c) Products

d) Organization

Could you advise me how I can use my time wisely and properly? I would also like to know which course is suitable for me and how much the tuition fee will be. I would he grateful if you could give me more information about the course duration, the trainer in charge, the starting date and the certificate I will receive after finishing the course. I hope that your answer will help me make the right choice. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Tran Bao Ngoc - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 28: UNIT 3: BECOMING INDEPENDENT Communicationa and culture I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: -Discussing a father’s words to his son to work out what it means to be independent 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

c) Products

d) Organization

Work in groups. Discuss the extract and prepare a short talk expressing VOUT group’s opinion about it. You can use the following questions to guide you. Lời giải chi tiết: 1. What kind of person does the father want his son to grow up to be? => He wants his son to grow up to be independent. 2. What does the father mean by saying: You got a dream, you gotta protect it. and You want something, go get it? Do you agree with him? Why/ Why not? => The father wants his son to do everything with strong desire and determination to get success. Yes, I totally agree with him. Because none else understands you better than yourself. It's you who knows what you want, and what you can do or need to do to get it. And it is independence that leads our lives. 3. What's your dream? How do you protect it and make sure it will come true one day? => I have had a dream since I was a kid which is to travel to Japan. I love and admire this country because of its culture and landscape. I hope in the future I will have a chance to set my foot on this land and go sightseeing around the country. Also, enjoying the traditional and typical foods and drinks makes me feel excited. I wish my dream come true one day by trying to become a successful person and have enough money to do whatever I love. Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of some words

b) Content

Từ vựng 1. self-reliant /ˌself rɪˈlaɪənt/ adj) tự lập, tự lực 2. independent /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/ adj) độc lập, tự do 3. confidence /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ n) sự tự tin 4. opinion /əˈpɪnjən/ n) ý kiến, quan điểm 5. contribute /kənˈtrɪbjuːt/ v) đóng góp 6. expense /ɪkˈspens/ n) chi tiêu Recall some words in the lesson

c) Products d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Read the two passages about how American and Vietnamese parents raise their I children and answer the questions. Lời giải chi tiết: 1. According to many Americans, what is the most important task of parents? => To teach their children to live independently. Thông tin: For many Americans, a parent's most important task is to teach their children to live independently. 2. What do Vietnamese parents think their role is? => To protect their children and to provide them with a happy and wealthy childhood. Thông tin: Many Vietnamese parents think their most important role is to protect their children and provide them with a happy and wealthy childhood. 3. How do American parents help their kids to become self-reliant? => They make them do things such as washing, cleaning and cooking for themselves from the time they are very small. Thông tin: American parent help their kids to become self-reliant by making them to do things such as washing, cleaning, and cooking for themselves from the time they are very small. 4. Are Vietnamese children allowed to join their parents in making family choices? => No. Vietnamese parents seldom ask for their children's opinions before making family choices. Thông tin: In both urban and rural area, parents seldom ask for their children's opinions before making family choices. 5. How do American parents help to develop their children's confidence? => They show respect for them and let them voice their opinions on family issues. Thông tin: To help to develop their children's confidence, American parent always show respect for them and let them voice their opinions on family issues. 6. When do Vietnamese children move out of their parents' home? => After they get married. Thông tin: Children do not move out of family home before they get married.

c) Products

d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing

Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives


b) Content

2. Make some comparisons between the two ways of child raising using While, whereas, different from. Lời giải chi tiết: While most Vietnamese children sleep with their parents until they go to primary school. American children get their own rooms from an early age. Many Vietnamese parents think their most important role is to protect their children and provide them with a happy and wealthy childhood whereas American parents help their kids to become selfreliant by making them do such things as washing, cleaning and cooking for themselves from the time they are very small. Right after American children finish school, most of them will move out of the family home and start a truly independent life while Vietnamese children do not move out of the family home before they get married. Even the, may parents still want the couple to live with them in the same house. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

c) Products

d) Organization

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working

V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 29: UNIT 3: BECOMING INDEPENDENT Looking back and Project I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: -Use words and phrases related to the Becoming independent; Recognise the final vowels; Use simple, compound and complex sentences; Understand consonants and initial vowels. 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector.

2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives Pronunciation b) Content

1. Listen and repeat these sentences. Then listen again and link ∪) the final consonants and initial vowels. 2. Read the paragraph below and link ∪) the final consonants and initial vowels. The listen and check your answers.

c) Products

d) Elicit students’ answers. Organization Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION a) Objectives b) Content c) Products

Vocabulary 1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. confident. 2. well-informed. 3. determined. 4. decision.





d) 1. Assign tasks; explain Organization 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE a) Objectives Grammar b) Content

1. Combine the sentences, using to-infinitives.

2. Rewrite the sentences, using the nouns in brackets and to-infinitives without changing rhe meanings of the sentences. c) Products

Task 1) Phương pháp giải: Sử dụng cấu trúc: be + adj + to V Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Denis received a letter from his mother. He was happy. Dựa vào cấu trúc: S + linking verb + adj + to-V; trong câu trên: adj = happy, to-V = to receive. => Denis was happy to receive a letter from his mother. 2. Ann passed the exam. She was so lucky. Dựa vào cấu trúc: S + linking verb + adj + to-V; trong câu trên: adj = lucky, to-V = to pass. => Ann was so lucky to pass the exam. 3. You can't learn a foreign language in one day. It's impossible. Dựa vào cấu trúc: It + linking verb + adj + for + O)+ to-V => It's impossible to learn a foreign language in one day. 4. The students will take part in the 'Green Day' activities. They are very keen. Dựa vào cấu trúc: S + linking verb + adj + to-V => The students are very keen to take part in the 'Green Day' activities. 5. You should develop habits that will keep your body healthy and clean. It's necessary. Dựa vào cấu trúc: It + linking verb + adj + for + O)+ to-V => It's necessary for you to develop habits that will keep your body healthy and clean. 6. We've heard that Helen is feeling better now. We are relieved. Dựa vào cấu trúc: S + linking verb + adj + to-V => We are relieved to hear that Helen is feeling better now. 7. We can't guess what will happen. It's difficult. Dựa vào cấu trúc: It + linking verb + adj + for + O)+ to-V => It's difficult to guess what will happen. 8. You should learn how to get from one place to another. It's important. Dựa vào cấu trúc: It + linking verb + adj + for + O)+ to-V => It's important to learn how to get from one place to another. 9. You should learn how to cope with loneliness. It's important. Dựa vào cấu trúc: It + linking verb + adj + for + O)+ to-V => It's important to learn how to cope with loneliness. 10. Dave received a birthday gift from an old friend. He was very surprised. Dựa vào cấu trúc: S + linking verb + adj + to-V => Dave was very surprised to receive a birthday gift from an old friend. Task 2) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. They want to win the first prize, but that seems unrealistic. goal) => Their goal to win the first prize seems unrealistic. 2. Nobody knew that he had always wanted to become a doctor. dream)

=> Nobody knew about his dream to become a doctor. 3. She didn't obey the school rules and that upset her parents very much. failure) => Her failure to obey the school rules upset her parents very much. 4. It's amazing that Tania can speak three foreign languages. ability) => Tania's ability to speak three foreign languages is amazing. 5. Tom tried hard to persuade his parents to allow him to join the club, but he failed. attempt) => Tom's attempt to persuade his parents to allow him to join the club failed. 6. He tried hard to overcome any difficulties by himself. effort) => He made an effort to overcome any difficulties by himself. d) - Step 1- Assigning Organization State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives b) Content

c) Products

Project: How independent are you? 1. Complete the questionnaire. Tick the number based on how accurate each statement is for you. The number you tick represents the points) you get for each item. Add up all the points. The more points you get means the more independent you are. 2. Work in groups of ten. Make questions from the statements in the questionnaire. Then use the questions to interview students in your group. Find out how independent they are. Report the results to the class. Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Can you cook for yourself? Bạn có thể nấu ăn cho chính mình không?) 2. How do you feel when alone? Bạn cảm thấy thế nào khi ở một mình?) 3. Do you feel sad, helpless, or uncomfortable when alone? Bạn có cảm thấy buồn, bất lực hay không thoải mái khi ở một mình không?) 4. Do you always take the initiative and start your own projects? Bạn luôn chủ động và bắt đầu dự án của riêng mình?)

5. Do you have good daily habits and keep your body healthy and clean? Bạn có thói quen tốt hàng ngày và giữ cơ thể bạn khỏe mạnh và sạch sẽ không?) d) - Step 1- Assigning Organization State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 30: TEST CORRECTION I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge:

- To help Ss revise the knowledge - To get feedback from the students - Help Ss correct all the mistakes in their test 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics: - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. Teaching aids- Method: 1. Teaching aids: Lesson plan, answer keys 2. Teaching method: Communicative language teaching III. Procedure: 1. Class organization 1 minute) Class Date of teaching Number of sts

2. Check – up omitted) - Some Ss go to the board, do some tasks again 3. Testing correction 40 minutes) Teacher and sts’ activities - Gives the answer keys - Compare the answer keys with their performance - Explains some knowledge - Revise some knowledge - Ask questions - Answers Ss’s questions 4. Consolidation: 3 minutes) - Vocabulary in unit 1 and unit 2 - Some modal verbs - Linking verbs 5. Homework 1 minute) -Redo the test and prepare for Unit 4: Caring those in need

Date: Period 31: REVIEW 1

Content of the lesson

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Revise the words and phrases that students have learned in unit 1, 2, 3; revise grammar that they have learnt in unit 1,2,3; practice listening skill 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Form compound nouns with the words in the box. Then complete the sentences, using the correct ones. 2. Complete the sentences with correct words from the box.

c) Products

1)Lời giải chi tiết: 1. housework

2. childcare 3. viewpoint

4. grandparents 5.girlfriend 2)Lời giải chi tiết: 1. relationship 2. an argument 3. reconciled 4. independent 5. self-reliant d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives


b) Content

3. Listen and link ∪) the final consonants and initial vowels in the sentences. Thee read them aloud.

c) Products

d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives


b) Content

4. Complete these sentences with should / shouldn’t / ought to ought not to / must mustn’t / have to / has to. 5. Rewrite the following sentences to emphasise the underlined parts, using It is / was... that... 4) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. should / ought to 2. shouldn't / ought not to 3. must / have to

d) Organization

4. mustn't 5. must/has to

5) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. The first Olympic Games were held in Greece. => It was in Greece that the first Olympic Games were held. 2. Nam won the first prize in the English speaking contest. => It was Nam who/ that won the first prize in the English speaking contest. 3. I am making a chocolate cake for my best friend's birthday party. => It's a chocolate cake that I am making for my best friend's birthday party. 4. Scotland's most famous poet Robert Burns was born in 1759. => It was in 1759 that Scotland's most famous poet Robert Burns was born. 5. Working on a computer gives me headaches. => It's working on a computer that gives me headaches. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing

Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

6. Write new sentences with a similar meaning. Use the toinfinitive after adjective. Lời giải chi tiết: 1. It's quite easy to find our school. => Our school is quite easy to find. 2. It's difficult to translate the paragraph. => The paragraph is difficult to translate. 3. I am happy that I work for the school library. => I am delighted to work for the school library. 4. She was amazed that she saw him at the party. => She was very surprised to see him at the party. 5. I was sad when I heard your grandma was ill. => I was sorry to hear that your grandma was ill.

c) Products

d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 32: REVIEW 1 I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Revise the words and phrases that students have learned in unit 1, 2, 3; revise grammar that they have learnt in unit 1,2,3; practice listening skill 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Read and complete the text with the words from the box.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. decisions

2. hopefully 3. unemployment

4. advantage 5. straight

6. qualifications

7. possibility 8. practical d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives


b) Content

2. Read the text again and answer the questions

c) Products

d) Organization

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. When do you have to make one of the biggest decisions in your life? Khi nào bạn phải thực hiện một trong những quyết định lớn nhất trong cuộc đời?) => Around the age of seventeen. Khoảng 17 tuổi.) Thông tin: Around the age of seventeen, you have to make one of the most important decisions in your life. 2. What are the job prospects for people who haven't been to university? Triển vọng việc làm cho những người không học đại học là gì?) => There is more unemployment. Nhiều người thất nghiệp hơn.) Thông tin: This is your decision, but you should remember two things: there is more unemployment among young people who have not been to university.... 3. What is the advantage of having the right skills? Lợi thế của việc có các kỹ năng phù hợp là gì?) => Getting a job more easily. Kiếm việc làm dễ dàng hơn.) Thông tin: and people with the right skills have a big advantage in the job market. 4. What opportunities are there for you if you decide to go straight into a job ? Có cơ hội nào cho bạn nếu bạn quyết định đi làm ngay?) => There are many opportunities for training. Có nhiều cơ hội được đào tạo.) Thông tin: If you make the decision to go straight into a job, there are many opportunities for training. 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Speaking and Listening

b) Content

3. Work with your partner. Make a conversation about your friend's problem and give them advice. Use your own ideas or the suggestions below 4. Listen to the recording about relationship problems between parents and teenage I children. Decide whether the following statements arc true T), or false F) according I to the speaker.

c) Products 3) Your friend’s problem: – getting bad exam results Your advice: – spend less time surfing the Internet for pleasure

– spend more time searching information for assignments – work harder – ask a teacher for extra tuition Lời giải chi tiết: Min: Hand, what is the matter with you? Hand: I got bad exam results. I am very sad and disappointed. Min: I know that, but don't worry too much. Hand: Can you give me some advice to improve my study results? Min: I think you should study harder and spend more time researching information for assignments instead of leisure activities. When you have a problem, you can ask other friends or teachers for help. Besides, you can find a tutor at home. If you try your best, you can get good scores on the next exams. Hand: I see. Those are good ideas. Thanks Min! Min: You’re welcome, Hand. 4) Lời giải chi tiết: 1.T

d) Organization





1 – T. Parents sometimes find it hard to talk to their teenage children. Cha mẹ đôi khi gặp khó khăn khi nói chuyện với con cái ở tuổi thanh thiếu niên.) Thông tin: During the teenage years, it is at times difficult for parents to talk to their children. 2 – F. Teenagers always like talking about their school work. Thanh thiếu niên luôn thích nói về bài vở, công việc của họ ở trường.) Thông tin: They seem unwilling to talk about their work at school. 3 – T. Teenagers hate questions that aim to check up on them. Thanh thiếu niên ghét các câu hỏi nhằm kiểm tra chúng.) Thông tin: Young people often dislike talking if they realise that parents are trying to check up on them. 4 – F. Parents should push their teenage children to talk about school, work and future plans, if necessary. Các bậc cha mẹ nên thúc ép các con của mình nói về trường học, công việc và các kế hoạch tương lai, nếu cần.) Thông tin: Parents should find ways to talk to their teenage children about school, work and future plans, but should not push them to talk if they don't want to. 5 – T. Parents should watch for danger signs in some teenagers who may smoke or try using drugs or alcohol. Các bậc cha mẹ nên theo dõi các dấu hiệu nguy hiểm ở một số thanh thiếu niên có khả năng hút thuốc hoặc thử sử dụng ma túy hoặc rượu.) Thông tin: Some teenagers in trying to be adults may experiment with alcohol, drugs or smoking. It is necessary for parents to watch for any signs of different behaviour, which may be connected with these dangers and offer help if necessary. - Step 1- Assigning

State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives


b) Content

5. Read the advertisements and choose one of the language schools you want to attend to improve your English.

c) Products

d) Organization

6. Write a letter requesting more information about the language courses. You can ask about the starting date, course duration, teachers' experience, fees and course certificate. Lời giải chi tiết: Dear Ms Helen. I saw your advertisement about the language courses on your website. I am interested in learning English, and I am writing to enquire about the English courses at your center. I can read and write in English, but I can't speak the language very well. If necessary. I can complete an oral test. I want to improve my pronunciation and hope to be able to practise my English with native speakers. I would also like to have more information about the starting date, course duration, teachers’ experience, fees and course certificate. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Your truly. Minh Nguye - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing

Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 33 UNIT 4: Caring for Those in need Getting started I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: Use words and phrases related to Caring for Those in Need 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

1. Listen and read

c) Products

Từ vựng 1. disability /ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti/ khiếm khuyết, khuyết tật 2. cognitive /ˈkɒɡnətɪv/ nhận thức 3. impairment /ɪmˈpeəmənt/ sự suy giảm 4. difficulty /ˈdɪfɪkəlti/ khó khăn 5. blind /blaɪnd/ mù

d) Organization

6. dumb /dʌm/ câm 7. deaf /def/ điếc 8. integrate /ˈɪntɪɡreɪt/ hội nhập 9. donate /dəʊˈneɪt/ quyên góp 10. perceive /pəˈsiːv/ nhìn nhận Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

2. Read the conversation again. Decide if the following statements are true T), false F) or not given NG). Tick the correct box. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products


d) Organization





1 – T. Maria is preparing some gifts for students with disabilities. Maria đang chuẩn bị một số món quà cho học sinh khuyết tật.) Thông tin: Ở ngay đầu hội thoại, Maria đã nói: I'm preparing some Christmas gifts for secondary students with disabilities in the school we visited two months ago. 2 – F. Only students at Maria's school can join the campaign. Chỉ có học sinh tại trường của Maria mới có thể tham gia chiến dịch.) Thông tin: Ở gần cuối hội thoại, khi Mai hỏi liệu học sinh trường khác có tham gia chiến dịch được không, Maria đã trả lời: Sure! A few other schools have already joined us. They have sent us textbooks, dictionaries, CD players, batteries.... 3 – NG. Local charities will send the gifts to different schools. Các tổ chức từ thiện địa phương sẽ gửi quà cho các trường khác nhau.) Thông tin: Thông tin này không được đề cập đến trong đoạn hội thoại. 4 – T. Kevin will donate an educational toy for learning languages. Kevin sẽ quyên tặng một món đồ chơi giáo dục để học ngôn ngữ.) Thông tin: Ở cuối đoạn hội thoại, Kevin có nói: I have an idea for a gift! A talking pen for learning foreign language. 5 – NG. Maria will plan a visit to a school for children with disabilities. Maria sẽ lên kế hoạch thăm trường học cho trẻ khuyết tật.) Thông tin: Thông tin này không được đề cập đến trong đoạn hội thoại. 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. How do you think non-disabled people perceive and treat people with disabilities Lời giải chi tiết: In my opinion, non-disabled people used to think that people with disabilities always need to be looked after. However, attitudes have changed. People with disabilities are now perceived as valued members of society. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

c) Products

d) Organization

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

Make up a story about a disableed people you know

c) Products

Tell a story about a disableed people you know

d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 34 UNIT 4: Caring for Those In Need Language I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Use the past simple and past perfect 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content c) Products

1. Match each word with its meaning. Lời giải chi tiết: 1.b 2.e 3.d 4.c 5.a 1. disrespectful adj): showing a lack of respect for someone or something không tôn trọng - cho thấy sự thiếu tôn trọng đối với ai đó hoặc cái gì đó) 2. impairment n): a condition in which a part of a person’s body or mind does not work well because of physical or mental damage khiếm khuyết - một tình trạng mà trong đó một phần cơ thể hoặc tâm trí của một người không hoạt động tốt vì thiệt hại thể chất hoặc tinh thần.) 3. integrate v): join a group of people or community and be accepted by them hòa nhập - tham gia một nhóm người hoặc cộng đồng và được họ chấp nhận) 4. donate v): give money, books, etc. to help a person or an organisation tặng - cho tiền, sách, vv để giúp một người hoặc một tổ chức) 5. campaign n): a series of actions intended to achieve a goal chiến dịch - một loạt các hoạt động nhằm đạt được một mục tiêu)

d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

b) Content

Vocabulary 2. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words from the box Pronunciation 1. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the vowels in bold.

c) Products

2. Listen and repeat the following sentences. Pay attention to the vowels in bold. Vocabulary Lời giải chi tiết: 1. blind

2. cognitive 3. donation

4. physical 5. hearing 1. The Braille alphabet was created by Louis Braille, who went blind after an accident. It has been one of the greatest inventions in human history. - go blind: bị mù

2. People with cognitive impairments often have difficulty understanding new things and, therefore, cannot learn quickly. That is why we should break down the information for them. - cognitive adj): nhận thức 3. We can help people in need by making a donation to a charity. - donation n): quyên góp 4. People with a physical disability may find it difficult to get out of bed or get around without help. - physical adj): thuộc về thể chất 5. Many experts believe that noise is the cause of approximately half of all cases of hearing loss. - hearing loss: mất thính giác Pronunciation 1 Phương pháp giải: - Các nguyên âm yếu ə, ɪ, ʊ), đặc biệt là âm /ə/ có thể bị nuốt đi không đọc lên, hoặc đọc lướt qua rất nhanh) giúp cho câu nói nhanh hơn - Các nguyên âm này thường bị nuốt âm khi đứng trước các âm /l/, /n/ và /r/. trung học

điếc tai

thích hợp hơn từ điển

khủng khiếp năng lượng lịch sử cảnh sát

thư viện

nhà hàng

gia đình

d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. launched

2. decided

3. invited

4. have completely changed 5. have collected 1. Last month we launched/have launched) a campaign to help students with disabilities. - dấu hiệu last month => thì quá khứ đơn => Last month we launched a campaign to help students with disabilities. 2. At our last meeting, we decided/have decided) to organise a football match to raise money for charity. - last meeting: gặp mặt lần trước => sự kiện đã diễn ra và kết thúc => quá khứ đơn

d) Organization

=> At our last meeting, we decided to organise a football match to raise money for charity. 3. At the end of the meeting, we invited/have invited) all students to come to a football match. - at the end of => quá khứ đơn sự kiện đã diễn ra) => At the end of the meeting, we invited all students to come to a football match. 4. Since our last meeting, students’ attitudes towards people with disabilities completely changed/ have completely changed). - since + mốc thời gian => dấu hiệu thì hiện tại hoàn thành => Since our last meeting, students’ attitudes towards people with disabilities have completely changed. 5. So far we collected/have collected) more than 150 gifts of all kinds. - so far => hiện tại hoàn thành => So far we have collected more than 150 gifts of all kinds. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

2. Complete each sentence, using the past simple or present perfect form of the verb in brackets. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. decided

2. have joined

3. have volunteered

4. presented 5. have donated 6. talked 7. have sent 8. visited 1. In October, we decided decide) to start a ‘Special Christmas Gifts’ campaign. Vào tháng 10, chúng tôi đã quyết định bắt đầu một chiến dịch 'Giáng sinh đặc biệt'.) - In October => mốc thời gian trong quá khứ => quá khứ đơn

d) Organization

2. About 30 students from other schools have joined join) us since last month. Khoảng 30 sinh viên từ các trường khác đã tham gia chúng tôi kể từ tháng trước.) since last moth => hiện tại hoàn thành 3. I have volunteered volunteer) at a special school twice since I finished Grade 10. - since + S + V-ed thì vế trước sẽ là hiện tại hoàn thành 4. I presented present) an action plan to the school principal when I was at the meeting. - Vế sau when là một sự kiện trong quá khứ => vế trước cũng dùng quá khứ đơn 5. So far, people have donated donate) more than 100 gifts. - so far => hiện tại hoàn thành 6. Last month, I talked talk) to some students about how to learn English effectively. - last month: quá khú đơn 7. They have sent send) some textbooks and dictionaries recently. - recently adv): gần đây => hiện tại hoàn thành 8. I'm preparing some Christmas gifts for the students with disabilities in the school we visited visit) two months ago. - two months ago => quá khứ đơn - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 35 UNIT 4: Caring for Those In Need Reading I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Read for general ideas and specific information about helping people with disabilities 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives b) Content c) Products

d) Organization

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest 1. Look at these symbols. They are used to indicate access for people with disabilities. Write who each symbol is for. Lời giải chi tiết: 1. People with mobility impairments/ disabilities Những người khuyết tật về vận động, di chuyển) 2. People with visual impairments/ disabilities Những người bị khiếm thị) 3. People with hearing impairments/ disabilities Những người khiếm thính) 4. People with speech impairments/disabilities Những người khuyết tật về khả năng nói) Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

2. Match each of the words with its meaning. Use a dictionary , if necessary. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1.b 2.d 3.e 4.a 5.c 1. energetic - having a lot of energy and enthusiasm năng nổ, tràn trề năng lượng- có nhiều năng lượng và sự nhiệt tình ) 2. enthusiastically - in a way showing a lot of excitement một cách nhiệt tình – bằng một cách cho thấy rất nhiều hứng thú) 3. slogan - a word or group of words often used in campaigns to attract people’s attention Khẩu hiệu - một nhóm các từ thường được sử dụng trong các chiến dịch để thu hút sự chú ý của mọi người.) 4. involve - to invite or to make someone participate in an activity lôi kéo, khiến ai đó tham gia vào... - mời hoặc khiến ai đó tham gia vào một hoạt động) 5. support - encouragement or practical help Hỗ trợ - sự khuyến khích hoặc giúp đỡ thực tiễn) d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results

4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Read a school magazine report on some interviews with class monitors. Choose the appropriate heading for each paragraph. 4. Complete these sentences with no more than three words. 3) Lời giải chi tiết: a. Set a record on Christmas Day Lập kỷ lục vào ngày giáng sinh) b. Friends' support brings joy Sự ủng hộ của bạn bè mang lại niềm vui) c. Happiness comes from giving to others Hạnh phúc đến từ việc cho đi)

c) Products

1.b 2.c 3.a Lời giải chi tiết:

d) Organization

1. students with disabilities

2. record popular books

4. "record-breaking"

5. this Christmas unforgettable

3. participating fully in

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

5. Discuss with a partner how can help children with disabilities in your community. Lời giải chi tiết: There are a lot of things you can do to help disabled children in your community. Firstly, make sure you use the right terms when discussing children with disabilities. For example, do not say "mentally ill person" or "the mentally ill." Instead say, "person who has a mental illness."

c) Products

d) Organization

Secondly, communicate directly. Oftentimes, children with disabilities are assisted by interpreters, nurses, or friends during their day-to-day lives. Do not filter conversation through someone else. Thirdly, ask before providing assistance. If you see a child with a disability struggling with something, your first instinct may be to jump in and help. However, without knowing that child's specific needs or intentions you may be doing more harm than good. Finally, raise or donate money. Sometimes, fundraising is very helpful. Children with disabilities often need extra funds to cover medical costs, home renovations, and other expenses. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesso Date: Period 36 UNIT 4: Caring for Those in Need Speaking I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Use words and phrases related to Caring For Those In Need ; Talk about volunteer work 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS

1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

1. Read the following phrases. Write R if it expresses a reason why people volunteer and A if it expresses a voluntary- activity. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. Improve yourself Cải thiện bản thân)


2. Coach children who want to do a sport A Huấn luyện trẻ em muốn tập một môn thể thao)

d) Organization

3. Meeting interesting people Gặp những người thú vị)


4. Change people's lives Thay đổi cuộc sống của mọi người)


5. Organise extracurricular activities Tổ chức các hoạt động ngoại khóa)


Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

2. The principal of a special school is interviewing a potential volunteer. Complete the interview, using the words in the box. Then practise it with a partner. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

d) Organization

1. volunteer position

2. special school

3. change people's lives

4. in the past

5. improve coordination

6. clearly and effectively

1. Assign tasks; explain

2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Read the information about two special schools in Viet Nam. Choose one of them. Work in pairs and make a similar interview as in 2. Ask why your partner wants to volunteer, what skills he/she can offer and how he/she can help. Lời giải chi tiết: Mai: Good morning, Lan. Lan: Nice to meet you, Mai. Mai: I understand that you’d like to work as a volunteer? Lan: That’s right. Mai: So why do you want to be a volunteer? Lan: As you know, children with disabilities always have troubles in their life. They don’t have a normal life like other children. I want to help them as much as possible when I can. I want to pay back to our community. Volunteering is the most rewarding way to get involved and change people's lives. I hope that they will have a better life. Mai: What do you know about our school and the students? Lan: From your website, this is a special school for children with disabilities. In particular, your school provides care and education for visually impaired children in Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces. Besides that, your school also provides primary and secondary education. Mai: That’s right. You’re well-informed. Have you volunteered before? Lan: Oh yes. I have taken part in many voluntary organizations and charity campaigns to collect gifts and raise money for local charities to help poor and disabled children. Mai: Great! So what skills do you think you can offer? Lan: I have strong communication skills. I can explain information and activities clearly and effectively. I have a good relationship with many volunteer clubs, so I can call many people to participate in the charity campaign. Mai: Great! Let’s meet again this weekend. I’ll introduce you to the other volunteers in our volunteer club and we will discuss a timetable and activities. Lan: Thank you very much for your time. I’m very happy to work with you. Mai: Me too. Goodbye. See you later. Lan: Goodbye, see you soon. Tạm dịch: - Step 1- Assigning

c) Products

d) Organization

State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

Practice the dialogue in task 3

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: Mai: Good morning, Lan. Lan: Nice to meet you, Mai. Mai: I understand that you’d like to work as a volunteer? Lan: That’s right. Mai: So why do you want to be a volunteer? Lan: As you know, children with disabilities always have troubles in their life. They don’t have a normal life like other children. I want to help them as much as possible when I can. I want to pay back to our community. Volunteering is the most rewarding way to get involved and change people's lives. I hope that they will have a better life. Mai: What do you know about our school and the students? Lan: From your website, this is a special school for children with disabilities. In particular, your school provides care and education for visually impaired children in Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces. Besides that, your school also provides primary and secondary education. Mai: That’s right. You’re well-informed. Have you volunteered before? Lan: Oh yes. I have taken part in many voluntary organizations and charity campaigns to collect gifts and raise money for local charities to help poor and disabled children. Mai: Great! So what skills do you think you can offer? Lan: I have strong communication skills. I can explain information and activities clearly and effectively. I have a good relationship with many volunteer clubs, so I can call many people to participate in the charity campaign.

d) Organization

Mai: Great! Let’s meet again this weekend. I’ll introduce you to the other volunteers in our volunteer club and we will discuss a timetable and activities. Lan: Thank you very much for your time. I’m very happy to work with you. Mai: Me too. Goodbye. See you later. Lan: Goodbye, see you soon. Tạm dịch: - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 37 UNIT 4: Caring for Those in Need Listening I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge:

Use words and phrases related to Caring for Those In Need 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives b) Content c) Products

d) Organization

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest 1. Look at the pictures. Can you recognise the people? What disabilities do you think they had? Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Albert Einstein, learning disability Albert Einstein, khiếm khuyết khả năng học tập) 2. Ludwig van Beethoven, hearing loss Ludwig van Beethoven, khiếm thính) 3. Thomas Edison, learning disability Thomas Edison, khiếm khuyết khả năng học tập) Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

2. Listen to a radio programme about a famous youngster with a disability and fill the information. Lời giải chi tiết: Name: Nguyen Anh Nationality: Vietnamese Kind of disability: Glass-bone disease Interests: Singing and helping charitable campaigns Title honoured by UNICEF: Global outstanding child with a disability 1. Assign tasks; explain

c) Products

d) Organization

2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Listen again and complete the sentences with no more than four words or numbers. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. Get involved

2. over 30 times

4. friendly and supportive

5. treated equally

3. broadcasting radio programmes

d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

4. Work in groups. Ask and answer the question.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: We can take part in voluntary clubs. We can connect sponsors and benefactors with children who have mobility impairments but are very talented so that they can succeed later in their lives. We can also bring those children hopes by organising a number of events where they can integrate into the community and gain the confidence to show off their talents. Moreover, we can raise money for charity, call people to donate books, pens, school bags, and other school things. Additionally, we can, along with other volunteers, organise a meaningful festival for disabled children on Christmas Day or the Mid-Autumn festival. And I think that we can do many other useful activities to help them. - Step 1- Assigning

d) Organization

State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson


Period 38 UNIT 4: Caring for Those In Need Writing I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Use words and phrases related to Caring For Those In Need ; Write an article about problems facing disabled people and how they can be solved. 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

1. Read a student's article about a problem facing children with cognitive impairments, and the solutions she proposes. Put the phrases a-c) in the appropriate spaces 1-3) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1.c 2.b 3.a

d) Organization

1) c. people should learn more about children with cognitive impairments 2) b. we will recognise each other’s limitations and discover hidden talents. 3) a. children with disabilities are still treated unfairly Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

Making outline

c) Products

* Introduction: * Main body:

d) Organization

Solution 1: Solution 2: * Conclusion 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

2. Read the article in 1 again and complete the following outline.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: * Introduction: Children with cognitive impairments often face discrimination in life. * Main body: Solution 1: People should learn more about children with cognitive impairments. Solution 2: There should be more contacts between people with cognitive impairments and non-disabled people. * Conclusion: Better understanding and better cooperation between the two groups of people will change attitudes and reduce discrimination. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

d) Organization


Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Choose one of the following problems and write an article of 160180 words, using the outline in 2. You can use the suggestions below. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

d) Organization

Nowadays, while a lot of students live and study in good physical conditions, there are still many students with visual impairments. They are facing a lot of discrimination in life. They may feel that they are treated less fairly than normal students because of their disabilities. In regular schools, they cannot fully participate in school activities and are often left behind. What can we do to help them overcome their problems? First, people should pay much attention to them and know what they need. They have different learning difficulties! however; that does not mean that they cannot learn. Therefore, schools should provide them with specialised materials and tools such as Braille or large print books, talking computers or materials with large print. By giving them these things, we can help them learn better. Second, there should be more close contacts between students with visual impairment and non-disabled ones. They should be put in a cordial atmosphere to work in groups! People should create an atmosphere of friendliness, respect and acceptance during all activities at school. When working together with students with visual impairments, people will fully understand them and may recognise the talents hidden inside them. This is the thing that all people in our society should do. It is necessary for all people to give students with visual impairments more opportunities in life, and should integrate them in our community because they are part of our society Better understanding of students with visual impairments and more contacts between non-disabled people and disabled people will help students with visual impairment overcome their difficulties and create a more positive attitude towards them. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working

V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 39 UNIT 4: Caring for Those In Need Communication and culture I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: Know about an introduction to a charitable organisation and discussing a campaign to support it 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

East Meets West 1. Listen to an introduction to a charitable organisation. Complete the table. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. 1988

2. nongovernmental

4. have better lives

5. Life is Beautifull

3. clean water and good hygiene

d) Organization

Name of the organisation Tên tổ chức)

East Meets West Đông Tây Gặp Gỡ)

Year it was founded Năm thành lập)

1) 1988

Type of the organisation Loại hình của tổ chức)

2) non-governmental phi chính phủ)

Aims) Mục đích)

- To provide health care, education, 3) clean water and good hygiene Cung cấp dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khoẻ, giáo dục, nước sạch và vệ sinh sạch sẽ) - To help people in Asia 4) have better lives Để giúp mọi người ở Châu Á có cuộc sống tốt hơn)

Programmes Chương trình)

Inspire Sports ; 5) Life Is Beautiful. Truyền cảm hứng thể thao; Cuộc sống Tươi đẹp)

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives


b) Content

2. Work in groups. Your class wants to get involved in East Meets West's work. Prepare a campaign to support it. Discuss your campaign's aims, message, funding, events, volunteers, cooperation with other organisations. Lời giải chi tiết: My class will take part in East Meets West's work because this is the most rewarding way to help disabled children. We can get involved and change their lives. We will join together with other volunteers to call people to raise funds, collect gifts books, clothes, comics, pens … for the poor and disabled children. We can also connect with sponsors and benefactors to organise events where they can integrate into the community and gain the confidence to show off their talents. This Mid-Autumn, we will hold a meaningful festival for disabled children at Hoa Sen special school. We can make mooncakes, star lanterns, and masks with the children. We will bring hopes and happiness to them. Our programmes send the message ‘Down but not out’. Although they have limitations in their life, they can overcome difficulties to achieve success in life if they try their best 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results

c) Products

d) Organization

4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE a) Objectives


b) Content

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 1. Look at these logos. What do vou think they represent? How often is this special day celebrated? What is its purpose? 2. Quickly read the text to check your guesses. Lời giải chi tiết: In my opinion, these logos represent an international organisation called International Day of People with Disability. This special day is often celebrated once a year. Its purpose is to call for community's help for the people with disabilities. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

c) Products

d) Organization


Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Read the text again and answer the questions.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Who promoted the International Day of Persons with Disabilities? Ai quảng bá Ngày Quốc tế về Người Khuyết tật?) => The United Nations. Liên Hợp Quốc) Thông tin: Promoted by the United Nations, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities originally called 'International Day of Disable Persons') has been celebrated on December 3 since 1992. 2. What is the aim of this special day? Mục đích của ngày đặc biệt này là gì?)

d) Organization

=> This special day aims at raising awareness of disability issues and calls for support for the rights and well-being of disabled people. Ngày đặc biệt này nhằm mục đích nâng cao nhận thức về các vấn đề khuyết tật và kêu gọi hỗ trợ quyền lợi và phúc lợi của người khuyết tật.) Thông tin: The aim is to further raise awareness of disability issues and to call for world-wide support for the rights and well-being of disabled people. 3. What are the problems that many disabled people are still facing? Những vấn đề mà nhiều người khuyết tật vẫn đang gặp phải là gì?) => They are facing challenges, discrimination, poverty and limited access to education, employment and health care. Họ đang đối mặt với các thách thức, sự phân biệt đối xử, đói nghèo và hạn chế về giáo dục, việc làm và chăm sóc sức khỏe.) Thông tin: Many disable people still face challenges, discrimination, poverty and limited access to education, employment and health care. 4. What is your suggestion for the theme for next year? Explain your answer. Đề nghị của bạn cho chủ đề cho năm tới là gì? Giải thích câu trả lời của bạn.) => Promote the rights of people with disabilities. This theme aims to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities in education, health care, and employment so they can blend in with the community and live like everybody else. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 40 +41 UNIT 4: Caring for Those in Need Lookingback and project I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Pronounce correctly the syllabic with vowel elision. Use the past simple vs. the past perfect 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

c) Products

1. Listen and underline the syllable with vowel elision 2. Listen and tick the sentences that are read with elision of weak vowels. 1) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. dictionary 2. Police 3. library 4. deafening 5. history 1. You can look up this word in your dictionary. Bạn có thể tra từ này trong từ điển của bạn.) - dictionary /ˈdɪkʃənri/, ở đây âm /ə/ bị nuốt âm. 2. Police are protecting people with physical disabilities. Cảnh sát đang bảo vệ những người khuyết tật về thể chất.) ːs/, tuynhiên trong câu - Bình thường Police được phát âm là /pəˈli nói trên âm /ə/ đã bị nuốt âm nên được phát âm là /pˈliːs/. 3. We are collecting books for the local library. Chúng tôi đang thu thập sách cho thư viện địa phương.) - library /'laɪbri/, ở đây âm /ə/ bị nuốt âm. 4. The noise from that factory is deafening. Tiếng ồn từ nhà máy đó thật là inh tai.) - deafening /'defnɪŋ/, ở đây âm /ə/ bị nuốt âm. 5. We like reading books about Viet Nam's history. Chúng tôi thích đọc sách về lịch sử của Việt Nam.) - history /'hɪstri/, ở đây âm /ə/ bị nuốt âm. 2) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. This special school provides primary and secondary education. Ngôi trường đặc biệt này cung cấp giáo dục tiểu học và trung học cơ sở.)

2. This special school provides primary and secondary education. Ngôi trường đặc biệt này cung cấp giáo dục tiểu học và trung học cơ sở.) 3. The noise from that factory is quite deafening. Tiếng ồn từ nhà máy đó thật là inh tai.) 4. The noise from that factory is quite deafening. Tiếng ồn từ nhà máy đó thật là inh tai.)

5. This camera needs only one battery. Máy ảnh này chỉ cần một cục pin.) 6. This camera needs only one battery. Máy ảnh này chỉ cần một cục pin.) d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives


b) Content

Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

d) Organization

1. impairments

2. non-disabled


4. disrespectful

5. involved

6. Donation

1. Nowadays, there are many organisations and individuals that can help people with impairments find employment impair). - impairment n): sự khuyết tật 2. Both disabled and non-disabled people can contribute to our community by doing voluntary work. disable) - non-disabled adj): không tàn tật 3. The topic of the next seminar is 'The integration of persons with disabilities at the workplace'. integrate) - integration n): sự hội nhập 4. We should not use disrespectful language to talk about people with disabilities. disrespect) - respectful adj) tôn trọng >< disrespectful adj): thiếu tôn trọng 5. We should get involved in charity work to help people in need. involve) - get involved in : tham gia 6. Donation of clothes, toys and books are always needed at the local charity shop. donate) - Donation n): sự quyên góp 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the verb in brackets. 2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the correct tense and form. Write one word in each blank. 1) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. came

2. have agreed, have signed

3. has come 4. have started

5. had

1. The Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities CRPD) came come) into force on 3 May 2008. - Dấu hiệu: on 3rd May 2008 là một mốc thời gian trong quá khứ => quá khứ đơn 2. So far more than 87 countries officially have agreed agree) on the Convention, and more than 145 countries have signed sign) it.

- so far => hiện tại hoàn thành 3. In Singapore, the Convention has come come) into effect since August 2013. - since => hiện tại hoàn thành 4. According to the US Department of Labour, thousands of people with disabilities have started start) successful small businesses this year. - Sự việc bắt đầu từ quá khứ và vẫn kéo dài đến hiện tại this year) nên chia ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 5. Thomas Edison 1847-1931), one of the world’s greatest inventors, had have) difficulty with words and speech. - Thomas Edison 1847-1931) => Edison đã mất, không còn sống ở hiện tại nên chia ở thì quá khứ đơn. 2) Lời giải chi tiết:

d) Organization

1. has never volunteered

2. invented

4. has supported

5. Have you ever worked, organised, have also coached

3. has recored

1. Kevin has never volunteered at a school for students with disabilities. Kevin chưa bao giờ làm tình nguyện trong một trường học dành cho học sinh khuyết tật.) Giải thích: never chưa bao giờ) - đứng sau have/ has, trước PII 2. Since Louis Braille invented Braille in 1829, it has been an effective means of communication for visually impaired people. Giải thích: Since + mệnh đề chia thì quá khứ đơn, mệnh đề chia thì hiện tại hoàn thành Kể từ khi) 3. Maria has recorded 20 interesting stories for students with reading difficulties since she visited the special school. Giải thích: Thì hiện tại hoàn thành + Since + thì quá khứ đơn 4. So far Nam has supported two of the organisation's campaigns. Cho đến nay Nam đã hỗ trợ hai chiến dịch của tổ chức.) Giải thích: So far => dấu hiệu của thì Hiện tại hoàn thành. 5. Have you ever worked with disabled people as a volunteer? Bạn đã từng làm việc với người khuyết tật với vai trò một tình nguyện viên chưa?) - Yes. Last year, I organised art activities for students with hearing impairments. I have also coached children with physical impairments who want to play tennis. Tôi cũng đã huấn luyện trẻ em bị khiếm khuyết thể chất muốn chơi quần vợt.) Giải thích: - ever => Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì hiện tại hoàn thành - Last year => Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì quá khứ đơn - Step 1- Assigning

State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

1. Do a survey. 2. Prepare an action plan for voluntary work in your neighbourhood. Present it to the class. Lời giải chi tiết: Here is my plan to help Na, Lan, and Huong - three abandoned children in my neighborhood. They are seven years old but can't go to school because there is not enough money. They know how to write their name, how to count from 1 to 100 and they are very eager to go to school. I am going to start a project of teaching Math on Mondays, Literature on Thursdays, and Art on Sundays for them. Therefore, I need 6 volunteers willingly to support these children. Besides, we raise a small fund and every donation is accepted including clothes, food, books,... - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

c) Products

d) Organization

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 42 UNIT 5: Being Part of ASEAN Getting started I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: Use words and phrases related to Caring for Those In Need 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization:


Date of teaching


2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson:

ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives b) Content c) Products

d) Organization

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest ASEAN and the ASEAN Charter 1. Listen and read. Từ vựng 1. consist /kənˈsɪst/ bao gồm 2. stability /stəˈbɪləti/ sự ổn định, bình ổn 3. maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/ duy trì, giữ vững 4. charter /ˈtʃɑːtər)/ điều lệ, hiến chương 5. association /əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃn/ hiệp hội 6. bloc /blɒk/ khối, nhóm 7. quiz /kwɪz/ đố 8. principle /ˈprɪnsəpl/ nguyên tắc Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

2. What is the conversation about. Choose the best answer. a. Preparation for a competition on ASEAN and the ASEAN Charter. b. Discussion about the ASEAN Scholarships. c. The importance of ASEAN and its Charter Lời giải chi tiết: a. Preparation for a competition on ASEAN and the ASEAN Charter. 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

c) Products

d) Organization

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

c) Products

3. Match each word with its definition. Then practise reading the words aloud. 4. Read the conversation again and answer the questions. 3) Lời giải chi tiết: 1.e 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.d 1. stability - e. the quality of being steady and not changing 2. maintain - a. keep something) in a particular condition; enable something to continue 3. charter - c. the written description of the fundamental principles and aims of an organisation 4. association - b. an organised group of people who have common interests, activities or purposes 5. bloc - d. a group of countries or parties with similar political interests 4)Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Why does Bao Thy look worried? => She looks worried because her classmates know a lot more about ASEAN and the ASEAN Charter, and are more confident than her. Thông tin: I can see that my classmates have practised answering the questions. They know a lot more and are more confident than me....Oh, is that why you look worried? 2. How many members does ASEAN have? ASEAN có bao nhiêu thành viên?) => As of 2010, it consists of ten member states, but may get bigger because other countries have applied to join the bloc. Thông tin: Nằm ở gần giữa đoạn hội thoại trong câu nói của Bảo Thy. 3. What are its aims and purposes? Mục tiêu và mục đích của nó là gì?) => ASEAN focuses on improving member states' economies, and maintaining regional peace and stability. Thông tin: Nằm ở giữa đoạn hội thoại trong câu nói của Bảo Thy: “I know that it focuses on improving member states' economies and maintaining regional peace and stability.” 4. How does Singapore help other ASEAN countries? Singapore giúp đỡ các nước ASEAN khác như thế nào?) => It offers the Singapore Scholarship and the ASEAN Scholarships to students from other ASEAN countries. Thông tin: Singapore, for example, offers the Singapore Scholarship and the ASEAN Scholarships to students from other ASEAN countries. 5. What does Mr Lam want Bao Thy to tell him about the ASEAN Charter? => He wants her to tell him the main principles of the ASEAN Charter.

Thông tin: Ở gần cuối đoạn hội thoại, Ông Lâm đã hỏi Bảo Thy như sau: “How about the ASEAN Charter? Do you remember its main principles? 6. When will Mr Lam continue quizzing his daughter?” Khi nào Ông Lâm sẽ tiếp tục đố con gái mình?) => He'll continue quizzing her tonight after work. Thông tin: Ở cuối đoạn hội thoại khi người bố nói: “I'll continue quizzing you tonight after work.” d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

5. Underline the phrases with the -ing form in the conversation. Compare the answers with your partner's. Lời giải chi tiết: Bao Thy: Dad, I’m thinking of participating in a competition on ASEAN and the ASEAN Charter. I can see that my classmates have practised answering the questions. They know a lot more and are more confident than me. Bao Thy: I know that it focuses on improving member states’ economies and maintaining regional peace and stability. But Dad, how do ASEAN members help each other? Mr Lam: Yes, but there are still other principles. I suggest reading through the Charter again. I’ll continue quizzing you tonight after work. Bao Thy: Great! Thanks, Dad. I’m now hoping to win a prize! Giải thích: 1. have practised answering, suggest reading, continue quizzing: gerunds as objects after some verbs - danh động từ đóng vai trò làm tân ngữ sau một số động từ, cụ thể ở đây là: practise/ suggest/ continue + V-ing

c) Products

2. thinking of participating, focuses on improving....maitaining: gerunds as objects after verbs and prepositions - danh động từ đóng vai trò làm tân ngữ sau động từ và giới từ, cụ thể ở đây là: think of + V-ing = nghĩ đến....; focus on + Ving = tập trung vào) 3. I'm thinking, I'm now hoping: state verbs in continuous forms - Một số động từ chỉ trạng thái thỉnh thoảng có thể được sử dụng ở dạng tiếp diễn để miêu tả một tình huống tạm thời hoặc một việc gì đó xảy ra trong khoảng một thời gian quanh thời điểm hiện tại d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 43 UNIT 5: Being Part of ASEAN Language I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Use the past simple and past perfect 2. Competence:

- Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Complete the sentences 1-6), using the words in the box.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. constitution

2. scholarship

3. solidarity

4. principle

5. cooperation

6. dominate

1. A constitution is the system of basic laws by which a country or an organisation is governed. - constitution n): hiến pháp 2. A payment awarded to a student because of his or her academic or other achievements is called a scholarship. - scholarship n): học bổng 3. When a group of people show solidarity, they support each other or another group. - solidarity n): đoàn kết 4. A principle is a basic truth, rule or theory that something is based on. - principle n): nguyên tắc 5. The process of working or acting together fora common goal or benefit is cooperation. - cooperation n): sự hợp tác 6. To dominate means to be more successful or powerful than others in a game or competition. - dominate v): vượt trội, thống trị d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

b) Content

Vocabulary 2. Use the words in 1 to complete the sentences. Pronunciation 1. Listen and repeat.

c) Products

Vocabulary) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. constitution

2. principles

3. cooperation

4. dominate

5. principles

6. Scholarship

Pronunciation 1 Phương pháp giải: - Chúng ta sử dụng ngữ điệu đi xuống falling intonation) ở câu trần thuật nhằm thể hiện sự chắc chắn hoặc đánh dấu kết thúc ý. - Ngữ điệu đi lên rising intonation) được dùng ở cuối một câu hỏi Yes-No nhằm thể hiện sự không chắc chắn hoặc phân vân. Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Noy is a boy from Laos. 2. Is Noon a girl from Thailand? 3. Ha Noi is Viet Nam's capital city. 4. Is Ho Chi Minh City the largest city in Viet Nam? 5. Viet Nam gained its independence in 1945. 6. Was ASEAN formed on 8 August 1967? Pronunciation 1) Lời giải chi tiết: - Câu 1, 3, 5 là câu trần thuật nên sử dụng ngữ điệu đi xuống tức là cần xuống giọng ở cuối câu trần thuật). - Câu 2, 4 là câu nghi vấn dạng Yes/No nên sử dụng ngữ điệu đi lên tức là cần lên giọng ở cuối câu) d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Choose the correct gerund the -ing form) to fill each gap. 2) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 3. Choose the correct answers in brackets to complete the sentences.

c) Products

1) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Volunteering 2. promoting 3. Sharing

4. building

5. playing

6. becoming

2) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. to take

2. travelling 3. to go

4. to apply 5. preparing 6. participating Lời giải chi tiết:

d) Organization

1. regret

2. consists

3. didn't realise

4. Do you know


6. is seeing

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

4. Use the simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. was

2. was tasting 3. hope

4. are ... smelling 5. are having 6. are being d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing

Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

Date: Period 44

UNIT 5: Being Part of ASEAN Reading I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Read for general ideas and specific information about helping people with disabilities 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

1. Match the countries with their national flags. Check the answers with a partner. Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Brunei Darussalam - f 2. Cambodia - j 3. Indonesia - c 4. Laos - d 5. Malaysia - g 6. Myanmar - e 7. The Philippines - i 8. Singapore - b 9. Thailand - a 10. Viet Nam - h

c) Products

d) Organization

a) Objectives

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content c) Products

d) Organization

2. The following text has five paragraphs. Read it first, and then match the headings 1-5) with the paragraphs A-E). Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Cultural and sports acticities - ECác hoạt động văn hóa thể thao) 2. Aims and motto - CMục đích và phương châm) 3. Charter - DHiến chương) 4. Area, population and economies - BDiện tích, dân số và nền kinh tế) 5. History and membership - ALịch sử và số thành viên) 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Find the words or expressions in the text that have the following meanings. Write them in the correct space. 4. Read the text again and answer the questions. Task 3) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. the Constitution of ASEAN - the ASEAN Charter Hiến pháp ASEAN - Hiến chương ASEAN) 2. a policy of not getting involved in other countries′ disputes - noninterference chính sách không tham gia vào tranh chấp của các nước khác - Không can thiệp) 3. a short sentence or phrase used to express a principle, goal, or ideal of a person or an organisation – motto một câu hoặc cụm từ ngắn dùng để diễn tả một nguyên tắc, mục đích, hoặc lý tưởng của một người hoặc một tổ chức - Phương châm) 4. an act of showing proper acceptance, consideration or appreciation – respect Một hành động cho thấy chấp nhận, xem xét hoặc đánh giá đúng đắn - Tôn trọng)

c) Products

Task 4 ) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Which were the first five members of ASEAN? => They were Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Thông tin: ở câu đầu tiên của đoạn A. 2. When did the other states join the bloc? => Brunei became the sixth member in 1984 and Viet Nam became the seventh member in 1995. Laos and Myanmar joined the bloc in 1997 and Cambodia joined two years later. Thông tin: ở nửa cuối đoạn A. 3. How big is ASEAN? => It has a land area of 4.46 million km2 and a population of about 600 million people. ASEAN would rank as the eighth largest economy in the world if it were a single country.) Thông tin: ở nửa đầu đoạn B.

d) Organization

4. What are the six majors? => They are Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Viet Nam. Thông tin: ở 2 câu cuối cùng của đoạn B. 5. What is ASEAN's motto? => It is 'One Vision, One Identity, One Community'. Thông tin: ở câu cuối cùng của đoạn C. 6. What are the main principles of the ASEAN Charter? => They are to respect for the member states' independence and non-interference in their internal affairs. Thông tin: ở câu cuối cùng của đoạn D. 7. How does the bloc integrate its state members? => It organises different projects and activities, including educational awards, and various cultural and sports activities. Thông tin: ở đầu đoạn E. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

5. Work in groups of five. Each student in the group focuses on one paragraph and tries to remember as many details ds possible. Then close your book and quiz each other to see how much you have remembered. Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Which were the first five members of ASEAN? 2. What does ASEAN stand for? 3. When was the bloc formed? 4. When did Viet Nam join ASEAN? 5. Which countries joined the bloc in 1997? 6. What are the six majors? 7. How big is ASEAN? 8. What is ASEAN's motto? 9. What are the main principles of the ASEAN Charter?

c) Products

d) Organization

10. Can you name some examples of the projects and activities that ASEAN organise? 11. When did the ASEAN Charter come into force? - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 45 UNIT 5: Being Part of ASEAN Speaking I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Use words and phrases related to Caring For Those In Need ; Talk about volunteer work 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

ASEAN member states 1. Match each country with its capital city and listen to check your answer.

c) Products

ASEAN countries Các nước ASEAN)

Capital cities Thủ đô)

1. Brunei Darussalam

d. Bandar Seri Begawan

2. Cambodia

h. Phnom Penh

3. Indonesia

j. Jakarta

4. Laos

i. Vientiane

5. Malaysia

a. Kuala Lumpur

6. Myanmar

g. Nay Pyi Taw

d) Organization

7. Philippines

c. Manila

8. Singapore

b. Singapore

9. Thailand

e. Bangkok

10. Viet Nam

f. Ha Noi

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

2. Listen to a brief introduction to an ASEAN member state and complete the text with the correct numbers. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. thirty-seven million

2. twenty-four thousand

3. sixty-three 237,424,363)

d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Work in pairs. Student A uses the table below and student B uses the table on page 69. Ask each other questions to fill the gaps in your table. Lời giải chi tiết: Student A

c) Products

1. 6.477.211

2. 329.847

3. English

4. 513,115

5. 707.1

6. Mandarin

Student B 1. 236,800

2. 27,565,821

3. 300,000

4. Pesco

5. 66,720,153

6. 5.076.700

A: Can you tell me what the population of Laos is? B: It’s six million, four hundred and seventy-seven thousand, two hundred and eleven people. And what is the area of Laos?

d) Organization

A: It’s two hundred and thirty-six thousand, eight hundred square kilometres. I want to know about the area of Malaysia. Can you tell me? B: Its area is three hundred and twenty-nine thousand, eight hundred and forty-seven square kilometres. And what is the population of Malaysia? A: It’s twenty-seven million, five hundred and sixty-five thousand, eight hundred and twenty-one people. And can you tell me about the official languages of the Philippines? B: The Philippines uses Filipino and English as their official languages. And what is the area of the Philippines? How about its currency? A: It’s three hundred thousand square kilometres. And its currency is Philippine peso. Do you know Thailand’s area? B: Yes. It’s five hundred and thirteen thousand, one hundred and fifteen square kilometres. Can you tell me about Thailand’s population? A: It’s sixty-six million, seven hundred and twenty thousand, one hundred and fifty-three people. And what are the area and official languages of Singapore? B: Its area is seven hundred and seven-point one square kilometres. And the official languages of Singapore are Malay, Mandarin, English, and Tamil. I have a question for you. Do you know Singapore’s population? A: Yes, I do. Its population is five million, seventy-six thousand, and seven hundred people. Tạm dịch: - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

4. Work in groups. Use the information in 1,2 and in READING to talk about one ASEAN country. Report to the class.

c) Products

d) Organization

Lời giải chi tiết: Hello, everybody. Today I'd like to talk about Thailand. Thailand, officially the Kingdom of Thailand and formerly known as Siam, is a country in Southeast Asia. At 513,120 km2 and over 68 million people, Thailand is the world’s 50th largest country by total area and the 21st-most-populous country. Bangkok is its capital and largest city, as well as a special administrative area. The official language of Thailand is Thai and the “Baht” is the official currency of Thailand. The country joined ASEAN in 1967. Thailand's prevalent religion is Theravada Buddhism, which is an integral part of Thai identity and culture. Thai culture has been shaped by many influences, including Indian, Lao, Burmese, Cambodian, and Chinese. Thailand's climate is influenced by monsoon winds that have a seasonal character in the southwest and northeast monsoon. Thailand has three seasons. The first is the rainy or southwest monsoon season mid–May to mid– October which prevails over most of the country. Winter or the northeast monsoon starts from mid–October until mid–February. Most of Thailand experiences dry weather during this season with mild temperatures. Summer or the pre-monsoon season runs from mid– February until mid–May and is characterized by warmer weather. Thank you, everyone, for listening! - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 46 UNIT 5: Being Part of ASEAN Listening I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: Use words and phrases related to Caring For Those In Need 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest

b) Content

1. Match the words 1-6) with the words and phrases a-f) to form compounds or meaningful phrases. Compare with a partner. 1. host country nước chủ nhà) 2. host The ASEAN School Games đăng cai Đại Hội Thể Thao Học Sinh Đông Nam Á) 3. Sports Council hội đồng thể thao) 4. finish on top of the medal table đứng đầu thành tích huy chương) 5. Go home empty-handed ra về tay không)

c) Products

d) Organization

6. promote solidarity and mutual understanding thúc đẩy tình đoàn kết và hiểu biết lẫn nhau) Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

2. Listen to a sports intructor's talk. What is he talking about? Tick the correct box. Lời giải chi tiết: c. Five ASEAN Schools Games Audio Script: Hello, everybody. Today I'd like to talk about one of the ASEAN sports activities. ASG stands for ASIAN School Games. This event is organised every year by an ASEAN member state. The organisation that supports the ASG is the ASEAN School Sports Council ASSC). ASSC promotes sports activities for school students in ASEAN member states. The ASG aims to establish and strengthen friendship among ASEAN students. When participating in ASG sports events and cultural exchanges, the ASEAN youth have a chance to learn more about the culture and history of ASEAN and its member states. They also share information and experience, which promotes solidarity and mutual understanding among young people. The first ASG took place in 2009 in Thailand. Thailand finished on top of the medal table with 72 gold medals. Viet Nam was second with 18 gold medals. The second ASG was organised in 2010 in Malaysia. Malaysia was first with 45 gold medals, followed by Thailand with 32. Singapore hosted the third ASG in 2011. Thailand won the Games with 29 gold medals. Singapore was second with 26. The fourth ASG was held in 2012 in Indonesia. Thailand dominated the Games again and won 38 gold medals. Indonesia was second with 33 gold medals. The fifth ASG took place in Viet Nam in 2013. The host dominated the Games and finished on top of the medal table with 50 gold medals. Malaysia was second with 25. None of the teams went home emptyhanded. I have more detailed information about each ASG. Just come and talk to me if you aril interested 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

c) Products

d) Organization

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content c) Products

d) Organization

3. Listen again and decide if the statements arc true T) or false F). 1 – F. ASG stands for ASEAN Schools Games, an event that is organised every two years in one of the ASEAN member state. Giải thích: Theo thông tin trong bài nghe, ASG được tổ chức mỗi năm một lần, chứ không phải là hai năm một lần: ASG stands for ASEAN School Games. This event is organised every year by an ASEAN member state. 2 – T. The organisation that supports the ASG is the ASEAN Schools Sports Council ASSC). 3 – T. The ASG aims to establish and promote friendship among ASEAN students. Giải thích: Thông tin ở nhận định trên đúng với thông tin trong bài nghe: The ASG aims to establish and strengthen friendship among ASEAN students. 4 – F. The ASG offers the ASEAN youth a chance to discuss current issues in the region. Giải thích: Theo thông tin trong bài nghe, các bạn trẻ có cơ hội tìm hiểu về văn hóa, lịch sử ASEAN và các nước thành viên, chứ không phải là thảo luận về các vấn đề đang diễn ra trong khu vực: When participating in ASG sports events and cultural exchanges, the ASEAN youth have a chance to learn more about the culture and history of ASEAN and its member states. 5 – F. Some of the teams went home empty-handed. Giải thích: Thông tin không đúng với bài nghe: None of the teams went home empty-handed. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

4. Listen again and complete the following ASG medal table. 5. Find out information about a sports activity held at your school or in your community. Share your information with a partner.

c) Products

d) Organization

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. VietNam18)

2. Malaysia 45)

4. Indonesia 33)

5. Viet Nam 50)

3. Singapore 26)

Lời giải chi tiết: Every year, on the Vietnamese teacher’s day, our school will organise sports competitions, of which badminton is the most interesting. All the students are excited to participate in. Classes will choose the best players to take part in the competition. The competition is held on November 19th, and the results are announced on November 20th. The winning team is rewarded with 1 million VND, second prize is 800,000 VND and the third prize is 500,000 VND. In addition to badminton, there are many other sports activities such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc. These events are also held to encourage students to get involved in the competition and improve their health. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 47 UNIT 5: Being Part of ASEAN Writing I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Use words and phrases related to Caring For Those In Need ; Write an article about problems facing disabled people and how they can be solved. 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives b) Content

Introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest ASEAN member states: brief introductions

1. Read the following information about Viet Nam. Fill the gaps with the corrcct words or phrases in the box. c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. land area

2. income

3. Vovinam

4. family values 5. Heritage Sites d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives

Introduce the form and the uses of the language

b) Content

2. Read the extract from a short brochure introducing Viet Nam. Match the subheadings 1-5) with the paragraphs a-e). Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

a.4 b.5 c.2 d.3 e.1

d) Organization

a. Shaped like an elongated S, Viet Nam covers a land area of 331,212 km2. Its population is about 93,000,000 million people, most of whom speak Vietnamese. The capital is Ha Noi. - Area and Population b. Viet Nam’s economy has developed rapidly. Becoming a leading agricultural exporter, its main export products include crude oil, marine products, rice, and coffee. Currently, Viet Nam is a lower-middle income country. - Economy c. Popular sports in Viet Nam are football, cycling, boxing, swimming, badminton, tennis, aerobics and Vovinam. Vietnamese athletes compete regionally and internationally and hold high ranks in many sports. - Sports d. Being one of the oldest cultures in the region, Viet Nam is known for ancestor worship. The Vietnamese appreciate family values and education. Viet Nam is home to 54 ethnic groups with their own languages, lifestyles, and customs. - Culture e. Viet Nam attracts millions of visitors from around the world. Tourist attractions include not only World Heritage Sites like Ha Long Bay and Hoi An Ancient Town. The beautiful sights in Sa Pa, Mui Ne and Ha Noi all contribute to the country’s magic charm. - Tourist attractions 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Doing exercises to practice the language

b) Content

3. Brochures are often used to inform people and includc information texts. Read some features of an information text and the brochure above. Work with a partner anc find examples of each feature.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: Example from exercise 2: 1. An information text consists of several paragraphs. Một đoạn văn thông tin bao gồm một vài đoạn văn.) a. Shaped like an elongated S, Viet Nam covers a land area of 331,212 km2. Its population is about 93,000,000 million people, most of whom speak Vietnamese. The capital is Ha Noi. - Area and Population b. Viet Nam’s economy has developed rapidly. Becoming a leading agricultural exporter, its main export products include crude oil, marine products, rice, and coffee. Currently, Viet Nam is a lower-middleincome country. - Economy c. Popular sports in Viet Nam are football, cycling, boxing, swimming, badminton, tennis, aerobics and Vovinam. Vietnamese athletes compete regionally and internationally and hold high ranks in many sports. - Sports d. Being one of the oldest cultures in the region, Viet Nam is known for ancestor worship. The Vietnamese appreciate family values and education. Viet Nam is home to 54 ethnic groups with their own languages, lifestyles, and customs. - Culture e. Viet Nam attracts millions of visitors from around the world. Tourist attractions include not only World Heritage Sites like Ha Long Bay and Hoi An Ancient Town. The beautiful sights in Sa Pa, Mui Ne and Ha Noi all contribute to the country’s magic charm. - Tourist attractions 2. It uses impersonal language and present tenses to describe precise facts and figures. sử dụng ngôn ngữ không ngôi và các thì hiện tại mô tả các sự kiện và các con số chính xác.) Shaped like an elongated S, Viet Nam covers a land area of 331,212 km2. Its population is about 93,000,000 million people, most of whom speak Vietnamese. The capital is Ha Noi. 3. Each paragraph has a subheading and deals with a different aspect of the topic. Mỗi đoạn văn có một tiêu đề phụ và đề cập đến một khía cạnh khác nhau của chủ đề.) Viet Nam’s economy has developed rapidly. Becoming a leading agricultural exporter, its main export products include crude oil, marine products, rice, and coffee. Currently, Viet Nam is a lower-middleincome country. - Economy 4. Important information is highlighted to attract readers' attention. Thông tin quan trọng được làm nổi bật để thu hút sự chú ý của độc giả.) Ex: Popular sports in Viet Nam are football, cycling, boxing, swimming, badminton, tennis, aerobics and Vovinam. Vietnamese athletes compete regionally and internationally and hold high ranks in many sports. Shaped like an elongated S, Viet Nam covers a land area of 331,212 km2. Its population is about 93,000,000 million people, most of whom speak Vietnamese. The capital is Ha Noi.

d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning

State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

4. Write about a short brochure 160-180 words) introducing an ASEAN country. Use the information about Indonesia below or a different ASEAN country of your choice. Lời giải chi tiết: a. Area and Population: Indonesia comprises about 17,508 islands. It covers a land area of 1,904,569 km2. With a population of over 237 million people, Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous country. The capital city is Jakarta and the official language is Indonesian. b. Economy: The country has the largest economy in Southeast Asia. Tourism plays a big role in its economy. In 2013 the tourist sector contributed about US$9 billion. Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, China and Japan are the top five sources of visitors to Indonesia. c. Sports: Sports in Indonesia are generally male-orientated. The most popular sports are badminton and football. Traditional sports include Sepak Takraw and Pencak Silat. d. Culture: Indonesia is a widely diverse nation with over 300 ethnic groups. Indonesia is influenced by Chinese, European, Indian and Malay cultures. The influence of Western culture is mainly seen in science, technology, and modern entertainment. e. Tourist attractions: Indonesia is famous for its islands and beautiful views. The beaches of Bali and Lombok, and the wonderful islands of Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan are popular destinations. Tourist attractions also include museums, monuments and gardens in the capital city. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing

c) Products

d) Organization

Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 48 UNIT 5: Being Part of ASEAN Communication and culture I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: Know about an introduction to a charitable organisation and discussing a campaign to support it 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

Singapore Scholarships and ASEAN Scholarships 1. Read the school notice about the Singapore Scholarships and the ASEAN Scholarships. Use the words or phrases to fill in the gaps. Check with a partner.

c) Products

d) Organization

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. c. or four years

2. e. academic results

3.. b. bad behaviour

4. f. renewed annually

5.d. English skills

6.a. air ticket

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives


b) Content

2. Create a list of FAQs Frequently Asked Questions) about the Singapore Scholarships and the ASEAN Scholarships in 1. Work with a partner to think of as many questions as you can. Then ask each other the questions. Lời giải chi tiết: 1. When is the Singapore Scholarship open for application? 2. How are applicants for the Singapore Scholarship chosen? 3. At which universities will Singapore scholarship winners study? 4. Who are scholarships for? 5. What is the length of the scholarship? 6. Who will receive ASEAN scholarships? 7. What skills must applicants have for the scholarship? 8. What will scholarship holders get if they have a satisfactory academic performance? 9. What does the scholarship include? 10. What can you do if you need more information about the scholarships? 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results

c) Products

d) Organization

4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Look at the pictures. Do you know anything about this dance? Tell your partner. 2. Read the text about Lam Vong and decide whether the following statements are true T), false F), or not given NG). Tick the correct box. 1) Lời giải chi tiết: It's Laos traditional folk dance called Lam Vong. 2)Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1.F 2.T 3.F 4.NG 5.F 6.T

d) Organization

1 – F. Lamvong, which means 'circle dance', is a modern dance. Lăm Vông nghĩa là 'nhảy theo vòng tròn', là một điệu múa hiện đại.) Thông tin: Theo bài đọc, Lăm Vông là điệu múa dân gian, chứ không phải là điệu múa hiện đại: Lao People's Democratic Republic, or Laos, has a long tradition of folk dancing. The most popular folk dance is Lamvong[lám wón]), which means 'circle dance'. 2 – T. To dance Lamvong you move continuously in a circle, slowly moving arms and legs, and bending fingers to the music. Thông tin: Lamvong involves many people dancing continuously in a circle, slowly moving their arms and legs and bending their fingers to the music. 3 – F. Lamvong dancers stand on one leg and move their hands in opposite directions, one to the left and one to the right. Thông tin: Theo đoạn 2 thì người múa phải chậm rãi di chuyển chân, chứ không phải là đứng bằng một chân. 4 – NG. It is believed that after a heavy meal, dancing Lamvong will help you to digest the food. 5 – F. Lamvong is a fast-moving, but graceful social dance, with men forming an inner circle and women an outer circle. Thông tin: Ở đoạn 3, múa Lăm Vông là một điệu múa chậm rãi, chứ không phải là một điệu múa nhanh. 6 – T. Foreigners quickly get used to the hand and foot movements of Lamvong. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments.

- Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives


b) Content

3. Talk with a partner about one of the popular folk dances of Viet Nam or any other ASEAN country. Use the following questions. Lời giải chi tiết: Trong Com, which literally means Rice Drum, is a Vietnamese traditional dance. It is very popular in Viet Nam, especially in the north of the country. It symbolises people s wishes for a peaceful, enjoyable and comfortable life. Trong Com has a boisterous, joyful and lively rhythm. It is also a charming dance, especially when accompanied by the folk song Trong Com. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

c) Products

d) Organization

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 49 UNIT 5: Being Part of ASEAN Looking back and project I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Pronounce correctly the syllabic with vowel elision. Use the past simple vs. the past perfect 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics :

- The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

Listen and practise saying the following sentences. Mark the intonation: rising ↗) or falling ↘). Phương pháp giải: Dùng ngữ điệu đi xuống ở cuối những câu trần thuật, ngữ điệu đi lên ở cuối các câu hỏi dạng Yes/No. Lời giải chi tiết: Falling intonation ngữ điệu đi xuống): câu 1, 3, 5 Rising intonation ngữ điệu đi lên): câu 2, 4.

c) Products

d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives


b) Content

Choose the sentences with the words a-f).

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1.e






1. ASEAN aims to promote peace, security and stability in the region. ASEAN hướng tới thúc đẩy hoà bình, an ninh và ổn định trong khu vực.) - stability n): sự ổn định 2. We try our best to attract new members to our association every year. Chúng tôi cố gắng hết sức để thu hút thành viên mới vào hiệp hội của chúng tôi hàng năm.) - association n): hiệp hội

d) Organization

3. An agreement between China and ASEAN created the third largest trading bloc in the world. Một hiệp định giữa Trung Quốc và ASEAN đã tạo ra khối thương mại lớn thứ 3 trên thế giới.) - bloc n): khối 4. An ASEAN Scholarship holder has to maintain good academic performance to keep the scholarship. Người nhận được học bổng ASEAN phải duy trì hiệu quả học tập tốt để duy trì học bổng.) - maintain v): duy trì 5. Viet Nam received assistance from ASEAN member states even before the country joined the bloc. Việt Nam đã nhận được sự trợ giúp từ các quốc gia thành viên ASEAN ngay cả trước khi nước này gia nhập khối.) - member n): thành viên 6. The ASEAN charter entered into force after the ten members signed it. Điều lệ của ASEAN đã được đưa vào hiệu lực sau khi 10 thành viên ký kết.) - charter n): điều lệ 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Choose the correct verb form in brackets to complete each sentence. 2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the correct forms. 3. Choose the correct verb form to complete each of the sentences. 4. Use the simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets to complete the senter Task 1) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. to win

2. entering

4. to take

5. visiting

3. catching

Task 2) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. swimming

2. dancing

4. speaking

5. completing

Task 3) Lời giải chi tiết:

3. finding

1. feel

2. is having

4. is smelling

5. is feeling

3. am looking

Task 4) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. recognise

2. know

3. is thinking

4. Do...remember 5. are...feeling d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Work in two groups. Each group should choose a different set of questions. Do some research and find out the following: 2. Present your findings to the whole class. 3. Work in pairs. Student B uses the table below and student A uses the table on page 63. Ask questions to fin the gaps. Task1) Lời giải chi tiết: Set A: 1. Laos 2. Indonesia largest: 237,424.363 - 2011 Census); Singapore smallest: 5,076,700 people -2010 Census) 3. Brunei Brunei dollar) and Singapore Singapore dollar) 4. Indonesia It has about 17,508 islands) Set B: 1. The Philippines and Singapore 2. Myanmar 3. Thailand 4. Indonesia largest: 1,904,569 km2); Singapore smallest: 707.1 km2) Task 2) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

Set A: Hello, everyone! We would like to present our findings. - Laos is a landlocked country. - The country with the largest population is Indonesia with a population of 237,424,363 people – from the 2011 Census. - And with a population of 5,076,700 people - from the 2010 Census, Singapore is the country with the smallest population. - Brunei and Singapore use the dollar as the currency unit. - Indonesia has the largest number of islands. It has about 17,508 islands. That’s all. Thank you for listening. Set B: Hello, everyone! We would like to present our findings. - The countries that use English as one of their official languages are The Philippines and Singapore. - Myanmar is called 'the land of golden pagodas'. - Thailand is known as 'the land of smiles'. - Indonesia has the largest area. It covers a land area of 1,904,569 km2. Singapore has the smallest area. Its area is 707.1 km2. That’s all. Thank you for listening. Task 3) Lời giải chi tiết:

d) Organization

1). 236,800 km2

2). 27,565,821 2010 census)

3). 300,000 km2

4). Philipine peso

5). 66,720,153 2011 estimated)

6). 5,076,700 2010 Census)

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working

V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson


Period 50: REVIEW 2 I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Revise vocabulary and grammar that students have learned in unit 4, 5; revise listening skill. 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

1. Complete these sentences, using the correct form of the w ords in brackets. 2. Complete these sentences with suitable words in the box.

c) Products

1) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. disabilities

2. visual

4. disrespectful

5. hearing

3. donation

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. Association 2. member 3. stability 4. Charter d) Organization

5. bloc

1. The Association of Southeast A Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives


b) Content

3. Listen and circle the sentences spoken with falling intonation. Then read thtmi aloud.

c) Products

d) Organization

Phương pháp giải: Sử dụng ngữ điệu đi xuống ở cuối các câu trần thuật. Sử dụng ngữ điệu đi lên ở cuối các câu hỏi dạng Yes/No. Lời giải chi tiết: Falling intonation: 1, 3, 4, 6 1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives


b) Content

4. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses. 5. Complete these sentences, using the correct form of the verbs in the box. 4) Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1. has lived

2. got

3. developed

4. have reached 5. has been Lời giải chi tiết: 1. watching 2. to go 4. to post d) Organization

3. having

5. hearing

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION

a) Objectives

Doing extra- exercises to practice the language

b) Content

6. Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết:

1. think

2. are you thinking

3. is lasting - tastes 4. are seeing 5. see d) Organization

- Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date: Period 51 REVIEW 2 I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Revise vocabulary and grammar that students have learned in unit 4, 5; revise listening skill. 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. Equipments: computer, projector. 2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance

2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives


b) Content

1.a. Read the text 1.b. Match the words in A with their definitions in B. 2. Answer the following questions. Lời giải chi tiết:

c) Products

1.a 2.d 3.b 4.c 1. assistive - a. giving assistance 2. teleprinter - d. a machine that prints messages written on a machine somewhere else and sent along telephone lines 3. document - b. paper, form, book, etc. giving information about something; evidence or proof of something 4. speech recognition - c. the ability of a machine to identify and respond to spoken language

d) Organization

Elicit students’ answers. Give feedback. Lead into new lesson. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION

a) Objectives


b) Content

2. Read the text again and answer the questions

c) Products

Lời giải chi tiết: 1. What is assistive technology? => Devices that help disabled people to perform an activity. Thông tin: Devices that help them to perform an activity are called assistive technology. 2. How can people with hearing impairments communicate quickly? => They can communicate quickly by sending and receiving messages. Thông tin: it can help them to send text messages over a phone line with the use of a teleprinter. This will enable them to send and receive messages like non-disabled people and communicate quickly and effectively. 3. How can visually impaired people 'read' documents? => They can have documents read out loud electronically on their computer. Họ có thể để tài liệu được đọc giọng điện tử trên máy tính.) Thông tin: People with visual impairments can have documents read out loud electronically on their computer. 4. Why should children's books be printed in both Braille and print text? Tại sao sách của trẻ nên được in cả chữ nổi và chữ in?) => Children with visual impairment and their parents can read together/ share reading. Trẻ em bị khiếm thị và bố mẹ của các em có thể đọc cùng nhau.) Thông tin: To make shared reading possible, children’s books can have both Braille and print text. 5. What can assistive technology do for people with disabilities? => It can improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. Thông tin: Dựa vào thông tin ở đoạn 1 và toàn bộ bài là nói về những tiện ích mà công nghệ hỗ trợ mang lại cho người khuyết tật giúp cuộc sống của họ tốt đẹp hơn.

d) Organization

1. Assign tasks; explain 2. Monitor; help; tutorial 3. Review; Commendation Reported results 4. Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE

a) Objectives

Speaking and Listening

b) Content

3. Work in pairs. Read the information below. 4. Answer these questions. Discuss with a partner. 5. Listen to the conversation between Mr Long and his daughter Mai. Decidc whetba the following statements are true T) or false F).

c) Products

4) Lời giải chi tiết: 1. I want to study at the National University of Singapore NUS). 2. Because it ranks the highest position among the three universities. It is the only universities teaching about communication and media studies, the major I like best. 5) 1 – T. Mai is writing an essay about the different cultures in the ASEAN countries. Mai đang viết một bài tiểu luận về những nền văn hoá khác biệt ở các nước ASEAN.) Giải thích: I'm trying to finish my essay about the different cultures in the ASEAN countries. 2 – F. The ASEAN region has the largest number of people speaking English in the world. Khu vực ASEAN có số lượng người nói tiếng Anh lớn nhất trên thế giới.) Giải thích: Câu trên sai vì theo Chú Long thì Khu vực ASEAN có số lượng người nói tiếng Anh nhiều thứ 3 sau Mỹ và Vương Quốc Anh. 3 – T. About 50 million people speak English in the ASEAN region. Khoảng 50 triệu người nói Tiếng Anh trong khu vực ASEAN.) Giải thích: Around fifty million, I think,... mostly in the Philippines. 4 – F. The people in the ASEAN region share the same culture. Người dân trong khu vực ASEAN có chung một nền văn hoá.) Giải thích: Câu trên sai, dựa vào thông tin mà bác Long đưa ra: The ASEAN countries have rich and diverse cultures. There are many ethnic groups in the region. 5 – T. There are over 50 ethnic groups in Viet Nam. Có hơn 50 nhóm dân tộc ở Việt Nam.) Giải thích: We have more than 50 ethnic groups in our country, and each has its language, lifestyle and culture. - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing

d) Organization

Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Concluding. Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives


b) Content

6. Write an introduction to Thailand, using the facts below. Add more information, if necessary. Lời giải chi tiết: THAILAND: INTRODUCTION Thailand is one ASEAN member state which has a total area of 513,120 square kilometres. Its capital is Bangkok. Thailand has a population of 67,149,778 2014 estimated). The official language used in Thailand is Thai. Its currency is Thai baht. There are some ethnic groups living in Thailand: Chinese, Lao, and Khmer. The economy of Thailand is based on agri-food production. Its major exports are Thai rice, textile and footwear, fishery products and electronic products. There are a lot of tourist attractions in Thailand such as Ko Tarutao and Ko Chang, which are known as beautiful islands with sandy beaches and clean water. Ayuthaya is famous as an old and beautiful city, with temples and palaces made of stone. Thai culture is shaped by many influences from Indian, Lao, Cambodian and Chinese cultures. The most famous festivals in Thailand are Thai New Year known as water fights) and Loy Kratong, a festival of lights and lanterns. Among the most popular sports in Thailand are Thai boxing, rugby, golf and football. Come and visit Thailand soon! - Step 1- Assigning State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Performing Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Reporting and discussing Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Giving feedback and Conclusing Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.

c) Products

d) Organization

IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

Date of planning: PERIOD 52: TERM TEST 1 REVISION I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge: - To help students revise what they have learned in units - To give them a chance to practice 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. Teaching preparation: - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching III. Teaching proceduce 1. Class organization 1 minute) Class Date of teaching Absent students 11A1 11A2 2. Check up 5 minutes) : During the lesson 3. New lesson 35 minutes) Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions 1. A fills B adds C. stirs D. lets 2. A. moaned B presented C. viewed D. robbed 3. A. position B. consider C. visit D. president 4. A. curriculum B. character C. careful D. cease 5. A. honor B hope C. follow D. promise Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs corrections 6. The bomb which went out this morning caused a lot of damage A B C D

7. Sam used to living in Texas but his company had him transfer to a better position in New York A B C D 8. He is the man that his novel won the Pulitzer prize last year A B C D 9. If I had studied carefully, I wouldn't make so many mistakes A B C D 10. Most of the jobs in the manufacturing factories will take over by robots A B C D Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 11. The State school system can be divided ........... two levels of education : Primary education and secondary education A. to B. into C. with D. in 12. The new president said she would dedicate herself to ........... the rights of the old , the sick and the homeless A. protect B. protection C. protecting D. protected 13. Peter :" You look nice in that red shirt ," Mary : " ............................................." A. Oh, poor me B. Am I ? Thanks C. It's nice of you to say so D. I am interesting to hear that 14. Hung : " Happy birthday! This is a small present for you ." Hoa: " ..........................................................." A. What a pity ! B. Have a good time ! C. How terrible ! D. How beautiful it is ! Thanks 15 The lower ........... in a room , the more slowly our eyes focus A. the level of lighting B. light level C. leveling of light D. lighting is level 16. John drove ................... I did A. faster than B. fastly than C. more fastly than D. more faster than 17. He was .................................the job A. experienced enough to do B. enough experienced C experienced enough doing D. experienced to do enough 18. John would like to take a lot of photos but he does not have a camera A. John would take a lot of photos, if he had had a camera B. John would take a lot of photos, if he has a camera C. John would take a lot of photos, if he has had a camera D. John would take a lot of photos ,if he had a camera 19 According to legend, coffee beans ........................ in the town of Kafka A. first discovered B. were first discovered C. discovered first D. have first discovered 20. Mai : " Do you mind if I use your bike ?" Hoa : ".................................................." A. Yes, you do B. Yes, It's my pleasure C. No, you don't D. No, you can use it 21. Everyone is aware ................. the danger of overcrowded population A. of B. to C. from D. with 22. More than 10,000 athletes ................... in Doha, the Capital of Qatar A. took after B. took over C. took in D. took part 23. " It's heavy. .......................... I carry it for you ?" A. Should B. Might C. Would D. Will

24. Any student ..................... arrives late will not be allowed to get in the exam room A. Who B. which C, whose D. where Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word s) for each of the blanks from 25 to 29 ) The Lake District is very popular holidays all year round. Roads leading into the area have been improved ...25 ... years. Inside the area itself, however, many roads are narrow and winding with steep hills and it may not be safe to drive ..26......roads like this when they are covered in ice. For the mountain walker a word of warning - every season visitors get lost or are injured and ... 27 be rescued by the mountain Rescue teams. This kind of problem can be. ...28.. by following a few simple rules . When exploring the mountains wear warm clothing, sensible boots, take a map, compass and whistle and a small quantity of food. Don't go ...29... alone and always tell someone where you plan to go. 25 A. recent B. next C. last D. close 26. A. above B. along C. by D. in 27. A. must B. should C. need D. ought 28. A. encouraged B. prevented C. arranged D. organized 29. A. for B. by C. with D. off 4. Consolidation 3 mins) - Revise what Ss have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 5. Homework: 1 min) - Revise what Ss have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Date of planning: Period 53: The first term test I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge: - To test and mark the students - To get feedback from the students 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. Teaching preparation: - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching III. Teaching proceduce 2. Class organization 1 minute) Class Date of teaching 11A1 11A2 2. Check up 5 minutes) : During the lesson 3. New lesson 35 minutes) 4. Consolidation 3 mins) - Revise what Ss have learnt 5. Homework: 1 min) - Revise what Ss have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Absent students

Date: PERIOD 54: Test correction I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge: - Unit 1,2,3,4,5 2. Competence: - Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills 3. Characteristics : - The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency. II. Teaching preparation: 1. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative 2. Teaching aids and materials: test papers… III. Teaching procedures: 1. Class arrangement: Teaching date Period Class Attendance 2. Previous lesson: Return the test papers 3. New lesson: IV. Consolidation: Students revise the main content of the lesson with some key notes in pair working V. Homework: Learn new words with examples, do the tasks again; and prepare for the next lesson

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