Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú eBook Collection
Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group Hỗ trợ trực tuyến Fb Mobi/Zalo 0905779594
WEEK:20 Period: 55
Preparing date: Teaching date:
Unit 7: TR A FFIC Lesson 1: (retting started LA O B JE C T IV E : By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to know some words, phrases related to traffic topic. The usage of “How” to ask about means o f transr 1. a. b. 2. 3.
Knowledge: Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic “ traffic Grammar; It indicating distance, used to. Skills: Practicing skills A ttitude: - Positive about traffic. - Students know how to learn English in right w - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about traffic. IU P R E P A R A T IQ N : 1 .T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, i projector projec ¿■Students: books, notebooks ill./. T E A C H IM r M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, leaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present....
IV ¿PROCEDURE: Ss’ and T* L Warm up. - T introduces the topic “ Traffic’ Ask: How/ By what>means do you go to school every day? On foot? ByS|jcycle? By bus? On your parents’ motorbike... - What means of transport is faster? What mean is safer? What means do you like it? Why? - What can you see on the way to school every day? - Who are Mai and Oanh? - What may they talk about?____________
+ Play the recording. Ss listen and read. I. Getting started a. Choose the correct answer. I B 2. A 3. B 4.
2. Getting started El-a: Ss work independently or in pairs 10 the correct answer to the questions. T then checks their answers, and gives explains Lion if necessary, b- Ss work in pairs. T lets them check the answers in pairs or groups, then gives the keys. If there's time, call some pairs to read the questions and give answers.
h. Answer the following questions. 1 . She played with her brother/: home. 2 . It’s about 2 kilometers. 3. She usually goes______ to school with her dad. iooI wit 4. Because sometir ene are L bike. „ ___ „ wing in the u know what they conversation m ean? omeone’s attention, strongly support or agree with
C- Colloquial expressions. Tell Ss to refer hack to the conversation to find the phrases. Ss practise saying them together ( T plays the recording again if necessary). Explain the meaning to the Ss, then give some examples.
excited and keen to do something. d. Ask Ss to role-player the short . ^ conversations in pairs before creating their short role-plays. More able Ss can tn extend the conversation.
Work in pairs. Make short role-plays with the expressions above. Then practice them. Example: - How about cycling to school with me tomorrow? - Great idea!
3. Doing
2. Means of tra n sp o rt.
E2. Ss work impair? » v . . and . write the means o f transport under the right pictures. Then T lets Ss read each word correctly. Check and corrflct their pronunciation.
Write the words using the first letter given. 1 . bike/ bicycle 2 . bus 3. plane 4. boat 5. ship 6. train 7. motorbike 8. car 3. Match a verb on the left with a means
J? E3. Ss work individually to do the task, 2
and write their answers in their notebooks. T checks their answers.
of transport on the right. There may be more than one correct answer. 1 . ride a bike 2 . drive a car 3. fly by plane 4. sail on/ in a boat 5. get on/ get off a bus/ a train/ a bike/ a motorbike. 4. Find someone in your class who never. - How often do you walk to school/ go to school by bus...? - Do you (often walk to schoi school by bus?
4. Let Ss stand up and go round the class to ask everyone the question: Ss have to lake notes, and then some of them reporl their result to Ihe class. 4.Further practice: - Lets sis summarize the content o f the lesson
^Production: -Learn new words and phrases Prepare A closer look 1._________________ ----------------------------- oOo--------
W EEK:2l) Period: 56
Preparing date: Teaching date: U nit 7: L esson
1C clo ser look 1
I O B J E C T I V E : By the end of LheNesson. Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic “Traffi«” . Pronounce sounds /e/, /ei/ correctly in isolation and in context. 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: ilems related to the topic “ traffic’ b. Grammar: It indicating distance, used lo. 2. Skills: practicing skills 3. Attitude: -^Positive aboul traffic. - Students know how lo learn English Englis in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - ysing language lo talk about traffic. 11./.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks 3
HI./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... 1V./.PROCEDU R E :
Ss' and T ’s activities 1. W arm up. - Brainstorm the Ss: let them give all road signs they see every day on the way to school, or elsewhere, and all the words they know related to the topic o f traffic and transport. Encourage them to say out as many words as possible.
c>x s<<
1- V ocabulary ROAD s k ; n s /. Have vou seen these road signs? Talk hputting o f the signs betow with
2. VOCABULARY 1 . Ss work in pairs to talk about the meaning o f the road signs, then write out their answers. 2. Ss work individually to label the road signs in 1 with the words/ phrases. Look out: There are usually three ki signs: informative, prohibitive, e, and warning.
2. Label the signs in 1 with the words/ phrases betow. L trafic lights. 2 . no parking 3. no right turn 4. hospital ahead 5. parking 6. cycle lane 7. school ahead 8. no cycling Look out! - A sign within a red triangle will warn you o f something. - Signs with red circle are mostly prohibitive- that means you can 7 do something. - Signs in blue tire usually to give information. 3. Let Ss work worl in pairs and talk about the 3. Work in pairs. Discuss which o f the traffic signs they see on the way to school { signs you see on the way to school. or else). T goes around and gives assitance Example: if<necessary, and check their answers. A: On the way to school, 1 can see a 4<no left turn” sign. B: On my way to school there is a hospital, so 1 can see a "hospital ahead” sign.______
^P R O N U N C IA T IO N 4. First, T give examples o f the sounds id , /ei/. Let Ss practise die sounds together. Ask Ss to observe the T s mouth and listen to the teacher for these two sounds carefully. Play the recording and let Ss listen and repeal as many times as required. Correct their pronunciation.
II- PRO N U N CIA TIO N i d /ei/ 4. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to sounds /e/, /ei/ id : left, ahead, present, helicopter, centre, never, seatbelt /ei/: plane, way, station, train, indicate, mistake, pavement, break.
5. Play the recording 2 or 3 limes. Help Ss distinguish the sounds I d , /ei/ and recognize all the words with the two sounds, then underlined them as assigned
5. Listen to these sentences carefully. Single-underline the words with sound /e/y and double-underline the words with -underlie sound /ei/ A Itei/: break, way id : 1 station railway, stat always, obey, safely UK They, waiting, train 6. ,
6. Refer back to the page 8. Ask Ss lo find all the words having sounds /e/, ei/ 4.F u rth er practice: - Lets sis summarize the content o f the lesson y 5-Prod uction: -Learn new words an Prepare A closer look1
W EEK :2% Period
Preparing date: Teaching date: U nit 7: T R A F F IC L esso n 3: A c lo ser look 2
f. O B JE C T IV E : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “it” for distances, use ' tised lo" lo talk about past habit or state Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic “ traffic’ b. Grammar: It indicating distance, used to. 5
2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about traffic. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about traffic. ¡^ P R E P A R A T IO N ; ¡.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks ill./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group play as a character, teaching methods with game, leaching metho| methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. IV./.FROCEDURE: Ss' and T's activities 1. Warm up. Chatting: You have already learned it as the formal subject to indicate time and weather, climate,. In this unit, it appears to indicate distance 2. Grammar I: indicating distance // indicating distance - We can use it in the position o f the - T explains, then give example subject to indicate distance 1. Let Ss work by themseves and wttte I. Write sentences with it. Use these down the sentences. T o jjs e ^ e ^ n d help cues. er that ask when and where necej 1 . It is aboui 700 metres from my house to some Ss to read their ces. T corrects Youth Club 2. Ii is aboui 5 km from my home village Ss* mistakes ey ask and answer 2. Ss worj^i to the nearest town. 3ns aoout distances in their qustions 3. It is aboui 120 km from Ho Chi Minh lo neighbo Vung Tau. ibourhood following ihe example. Encourage them to talk as much as 4. It is aboui 384,400 km from the Earth to possible. T corrects their answers, and their the Moon. pronunciation and intonation. 5. It is not very far from HaNoi to Noi Bai Airport. 2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions ahout distances in your neighbourhood. Example:_____________________________ 6
A: How far is ll from your house lo school? B: It’s about a kilametre. 3. G ra m m a r 2:
II- Used to - We use used lo to describe an action or a state that happened regularly in the pasi but Used to Explain to the Ss that used to is the same does not happen at present. form for all persons. It is used lo discribe Example: There used to be man) an action, a habil or a state that happened the street, but now there are oi regularly in the past, but does nol happen Form; [ ^ now. {+) S + used lo + V V A y (-) S + didn't use lo + V (?) Did + S + us Watch out: In questions and negative sentences, the final *d” in used is dropped. 3. Ss work independently, writing down 3. Complete the sentences with used to the answers. Then let them work in groups or use to and the verbs in Ihe box below. feel to check and say out the sentences. T goes lay go round giving help when and where ride necessary. Some Ss may write their ^ to be answers on the boards. Other Ss give sed lo go comments and I give corrections. 4. Did. . .use to play 5. did..... nol use to feel 4. Rewrite Ihe sentences using used to. 1. My mum used lo live in a small village when she was a girl. 4. Let Ss work individually to rewrite the 2. There did nol use lo be (as) many sentences in their notebooks. vehicles on the road. While Ss do their task, T goes round to 3. We used to cycle lo school Iwo years monitor the whole class. When Ss finish ago. their task, call some lo read out iheir 4. Now there are more traffic accidents that sentences. Let others give comments, T there used to be. corrects mistakes if necessarv. 5. My uncle used to be a bus driver some 5. Ss work in groups. I hey take turns to year ago, but now he has a desk job. ^ s k and answer questions. Then T may ask 5. Work in groups. Did you use to do e Ss to report their result to the class. those things? Ask anti answer. S may report to the class. Example: Did you use to play marbles? Yes, 1 did
4.Further practice:
- Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson 5.Production: - Do exercise part A, B workbook Prepare: Communication Kiếm tra ngày
W E E K :2 1
Preparing di
Period: 58
Teaching date:
Unit 7: TR A FFIC Lesson 4: C om m unica ' O LA O B JE C T IV E : By ihe end o f the lesson, S s ^ i j ^ e able to know names of some countries and some strange laws in other count L Knowledge: a. Vocabulary; - The lexical items relatedjj^^i?Topic “ traffic' h. Grammar: It indicating distance, 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about traffic. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about traffic. ILAPRE PAR A T1 O N : l.TeaehLT: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2*Students: books, notebooks HI./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, leaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. iV ./.PR O C ED lJR E :
Ss' and T's activities 1. Warm up - Have you ever heard about strange laws
in other countries?
2. Com mutation 1: - Pre- teach vocabulary. - First, have Ss read the new vocabulary after the teacher saying that they will appear in the task that follow. Explain their meaning.
I- Extra vocabulary, roof: nóc, mái nhà illegal: bẩl hợp pháp, trái luật Laws: luật, phép tắc Reverse: dào, nghich, lùi xe Right-handed: thuận tay phai II- Practice I: Look at the flags of som e! countries, 1 : Ss work in groups and give the names o f Give the names of these countries. the five countries. 1 . The UK 2. Australia 3. India 4. Thailand 5. Malaysiai 12.. iINow v w listen and check your answers. Com plete the blanks. Share your answer 2. Play the recording. Ss listen carefully a partner. and check their answer to 1. Then T gives sih is happened: the correct answers e countries used the same system as - Play the recording again. Let Ss complete the table by themselves, then share their 2 . many people are right-handed ( so on the answer with a partner. T goes round the left-hand side, it is easier for them lo use a class to give support if necessarv, sword or something when they are on horseback - in the past)
< r
riS SS
3. Look at the strange driving laws below- Five of them are true, but one is false. In pairs, can you find (he fasle driving law? - “In France, you can only reverse your car on Sundays1’. This sentence is false!
3. Com unicxtion 2:
Ss work in pairs,^liscussine to find one false driving I T may' asJ on: Which one do you think se unreasonable? Then let Ss thi the answer.
4. N ow , work in groups. Discuss the laws and put them in order from the trangcst ( I ) to the least strange (5) The groups may have different results
4. Ss work in groups and dis cuss the laws in 3 and pul them in order from the lo n g e st ( N °l) lo the least strange ( N°5). may ask Ss lo explain why. 4 .Further practice: - Lets sis summarize the content o f the
lesson ^.Production: - Do exercise part C workbook Prepare: Skills I
W EEK:21 Period: 58
Preparing date: Teaching date:
Unit 7: TR A FFIC Lesson 4: C om m unication I./. O B JE C T IV E : By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be information about traffic rules/ laws. Talk about obeying tra use the road safely.
toXe^icf for specific s/ laws, and how lo
1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the to b. Grammar: It indicating distance, used to. 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about traffic. in right way - Students know how to learn - Ss are interested in d o in i exercises. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language lo talk about traffic. II./. PR EPA R A TIO N : 1 .T eacher: book, p l a n l l ^ f picture, laptop, projector ¿.Students: books, notebooks HI./. TEA C H IN G M ETH O D S: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character in c h in g methods with game, leaching methods by visual, teaching methods hy practising, discussion group, technical present.... 1V ./.PR O C ED l IR E :
^Ss' and T's activities 1. Warm un ^C hatting: Look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? 2. Reading, 1 . T tells Ss to look at the picture and say why it is dangerous.
1- Reading, 1, Look at the picture. Can you see anything that is dangerous? 10
Example: 11 is dangerous lo ride a motorbike on the pavement. 2. Ss work in pairs 10 do the matching. T checks their results. Then T asks Ss which they can see in the picture in 1 .
2. Now match these words to make common expressions. l . g 2 .d 3. b 4 .c 5. a 6. h 7. f K.e
3. Ss work in group. Tell them to answer the question: When you are a road user, what should you Not do? Then they make a list lo compare with other groups. T may give some cues: nol pay attention, not look around, go in red light......
3. Answer the following quest in
4. Tell Ss to read the passage two or three times. Set a strisl time limit lo ensure Ss read quickly for specific information. Explain the new words and clarify anything difficult. I may ask questions see if Ss understand the passage. 5. Ask Ss to read the passage again, t they work with a partner to answer ihe questions.
do the class survey. After that call s to report lo the class.
7. Allow some time for Ss to read individually. Then they work in groups to
- nol pay attention - nol look around - nol go in red light,. + Make a list:
4. Read the following text and do the tasks below.
5. Answer these question. 1. We should cross Ihe street at the zebra crossing. 2. He/ She must always fasten the seabeli. 3. No, He/ She shouldn’t. Because it is dangerous.( He/ She may cause an accident.) 4. We must give a signal. 5. Because the other road users can see them clearly and avoid crashing into them. IISpeaking 6. Class survey. Ask your classmates the question. How do you go lo school every day? + Make a list o f the means o f transport that is used Ihe most, and use the least. 7. Read the following sentences. In groups, discuss who is using the road_____ 11
discuss who is using the raod safely, and who is acting dangerously, and give reasons.
safely, and who is acting dangerously. Give reasons. 1. safely 2 . dangerously ( because he is likely to have an accident) 3. safely 4. dangerously ( it is difficult for him to see the road properly, and to ride) 5. dangerously ( a car or motorbil crash into him) 6. dangerously ( She may hpve an accident if something happeneds unexpectedly.)
4.K urther practice: - Lets sis summarize the content o f the lesson ^.Production: - Do exercise part D workbook - Prepare: Skills 1
<x &
W EEK:21 Period: 59
Preparing date: Teaching date:
FFIC n 5: Skills 1 \J. O B JE C T IV E :
e lesson, Ss will be able to listen to get information
about traffic problems in big city, write a paragraph about traffic problems in a city/ an area. 1. a. b. 2. 3.
Knowledge: v V Vocabulary: - Tne lexical items related to the topic “ traffic” G ram m ar;/it indicating distance, used to. Skills: Practicing skills A ttitude: - Positive about traffic. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4* Com petences: - £ o-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about traffic. n y .P R E P A R A TIO N : 12
I.'Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2*Students: books, notebooks I I U TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and F s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present ... I V./.PROCEDU RE: Ss* anil T \ activities Contents I. W arm tin. - Show pictures o f traffic problems in big cities.
2, Listening, 1. Ss work in groups. They study the picture and answer the tow questions. 2. Tell Ss to look at the newspaper headline and check their answers.
3. Play the recording one or two times. Ask Ss to listen carefully and circle le the cc correct answers.
3. Writing: - What do you think abbul\3TTic [I traffic problems in big cities in Viet Nam are. 4. Have Ss look at the pictures, read the pgrases and lick the problems Then Ss write full sentences. Call some Ss to write on the board. Others give comments. T gives corrections.
A J?r
5. Tell Ss to study the sentences they have written, then practise writing the_________
I- Listening, Traffic problem s in a big cities /. Work in groups. Where do you think this picture was taken? Why is it special? - In a big city.... 2. Look at the following headline and check your answers. In Brazil traffic jam ( very long line of venicles). 3. Now listen to the passage and choose the correct answer. I B 2. C 3. A 4. C II-
W riting
4. Tick the traffic problems in big cities in Viet Nam* Picture: 1,2,3.4,6 Writing: - There are loo many vehicles ( on the road). - Many roads are narrow and bumpy - There are traffic accidents every day. - Many young children ride iheir bikes dangerously. 5. Write a paragraph about the traffic problems where you live, or in a town, or
paragraph. a city you know' well. Use the cues above, Tell Ss to use proper connector: first/ and the following outtine. firstly, second/ secondly,........and pay Introduction: attention to spelling and punctuation. Problem 1 : - Collect some Ss’ writing papers and mark Problem 2: Problem 3: them, then give comments to the class. Conclusion: ( Reason or advice/ suggestion) Suggested writing; There are many traffic problems in my city. Firstt there are too many veSicles on the road. Second, M anhoods are narrow and bumpy. Last but not least, many young people ride their bikes dangerously. Therefore, there are many traffic accidents every day. In ordefSo reduce these problems, we must strictly obey all the ^ F u r th e r practice: - Lets sis summarize the content o f the lesson 5-Prod uction: - Do exercise workbook - Prepare: Looking back ------- oOo-------------------- =--------------
Kiểtn tra ngày
Preparing date: Teaching date:
W EEK :22 Period: 61
Unit 7: TR A FFIC Lesson 7: Looking back and project
ECTTVE: By the end o f the lesson, Ss can use what they have learnt during the uni to help them answer the questions. Ss need to see how for they have progressed, and unit which areas need further practice. I- Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic “ traffic” 14
b. Grammar: It indicating distance, used to. 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. Attitude: - Positive about traffic. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about traffic. 11./. PR EPA R A TIO N : ¡.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector ¿.Students: books, notebooks HI./. TEA C H IN G M ETH O D S: Communicative approach, groi play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching mej' methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. 1V./.PROC EDI IR E : Ss' and T 's activities 1. W arm un. - Chatting: What is the topic o f Unit 7. 2. Looking hack: Vocabulary
T s activities, visual, teaching
I>V ocabulary
1 . Ss do this task individually to write meaning below each sign. I corrects their mistakes and lets them read the words correctly.
/. What do these signs mean? Write the meaning below each sign. Then p u t them into the correct box. 1 . Traffic lights 2. School ahead 3. Hospital ahead 4. Cycle lane - Then let Ss wor and put the 5. Parking 6. No parking signs into the co 7. left turn only S. No cycling Prohibition signs: 6,8 Warning signs: 1,2, 7 Information signs: 3,4.5 ^ L _ v 2. Lei Ss work in pairs. I ell Ss to write the 2. Write the names o f means o f transport answers in their notebooks. I checks their in the word web below. Then draw lines answers. joining the correct verbs to the transport. - Suggestion: bicycle, motorbike, car, bus, taxi, train, plane, boat, ship... GRAMMAR II- Grammar 3.Have Ss work in pairs or in groups and Change the sentences according to the write their answers in their notebooks. T prompts in brackets.___________________ 15
checks their answers.
4.Ss work individually first to write the sentences. Then they work in pairs to swap their sentences. T gives correction and calls some Ss to read the sentences aloud.
COMMUNICATION 5. Ss read the questions and answe or twice ( they can read alound), then match them.Ss work in pairs and role- play the questions and answers, then w nte all sentences in their notebooks. Finished! Finally ask Ss to complete the self assessment. Identify any mfficullies and w eak areas and provide further practice if need be. 3. PR O JE C T Ss work i^j£oups.
1. Did you use lo go to school on fool? 2. Mr. Van didn’t use to ride his motorbike dangerously. 3. Did the streets use lo be cleaner and more peaceful? 4 . 1 used to go out on Sundays. 5. They didn’t use go to on holiday together. 4. Write sentences using these cues. 1 . It is over 100 km from my home-low n lo HCM city. r* 2. It is about 25 km lo parenls's house. 3. 1 used to ride in the yard before my flat. 4. There us^ti 1 e>i bus station in the city centre, but i \ u has been moved to the suburbs. 5.^Children must learn about road safety tlrey are allowed lo ride a bike on d. ' - C om m unication 5. Mutch the questions 1-6 witIt the answers a -f 1. b 2. a 3. e 4. d 5. f 6. c Finish! Now 1 can ... Talk about road signs and means of transport Use it lo talk about distance Use used to to talk aboul a past habit Write a paragraph about traffic problems.
4 .F uirth rt cr practice: ^ i ^ L e l s :sis summarize the content o f the lessi lesson 5.Yr .Production: - Make some traffic signs o f your ow n out of paper, cardboard or other materials. - Prepare: Unit 8- Getting started________
Preparing date: Teaching date:
W EEK:22 Period: 62
U nit 8: F IL M Lesson 1: G etting -started LA O B JE C T IV E : By the end of the lesson, Ss will listen and read aboutit lo I pic’Nyifi film shall we see?”. Use the lexical items related to the topic “ Films” I. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic " films’ b. Grammar: ed and ing adjectives, connectors. 2* Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about film. - Students know how to learn English in rit wav. - Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about film. ILAPKEPARATION: ¡.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, pprojector 2.Students: books, notebooks H I.A TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV ./.PRO CED U RE: Ss' and T ’s activities Contents I. Warm un - Write the U t j ^ ^ s t e board "Films”. Elicit any information Ss know about films by asking about types o f film they know, the latest films they have seen, their favourite films and film stars. - What the picture might show or what the conversation might be about. 12. Getting started I- Getting started 1. Ask Ss quesliona about the picture: 1. Listen and read - Where are Phong and his sister Mai? a. Read the conversation again and and What might be happening to them? What answer the questions.
are thet doing? What are they talking about? - Can you guess what kind of films Phong and Mai would like 10 see. - Have you ever gone Lo see a film with your brothers/ sisters? When and where? Whai film did you see then? How did you feel then? - PlaL ihe recording. Ss listen and repeal. a. First, have Ss work independently. Then allow them to share answers before discussing as a class. b. First, Ask Ss not to look at ihe book and try to remember what questions Mai asks Duong about ihe film they are going lo see. Then let Ss open their books and check their answers.
3. Doing: 2. Have Ss quickly match the types of film with their definitions. Then play the recording for Ss to check their answe - Do you often see a sci-fi/ horror fill
1. b
2. a
4. c
5. b
.G ■
t f 8
b. Find the questions in the conversation that ask about Coconut Crazy. Then listen, check and repeat the question. a. What kind o f film is it? b. Who does it star? c. What is it about? d. W lm d ïra itic s say about it? tch the types o f film s with their finitions. Then listen, check and repeat. I d 2. f 3. a 4. c 5 .b 6. e 7. h 8.g
3a. Have Ss work in dependent! yTnll in g in the table with the information o f the film they have seen recently. Remind them to use the words and phrases (hey have learnt in 2 and from the conversation in 1 .
3a. Think o f a film. Fill in the blank below. Type of film. .,___ TTT. ........ Actors/ stars.......... .......... . The plot_________________ R e v ie w s ................ ....... .......
b. First, model this activity with a more able Ss. Then ask Ss lo work in pairs. T may go around lo help weaker Ss. Call some pairs to practice in front o f the class.
b. In pairs, interview each other and try to guess the film . Example: A: What kind of film is it? B: It's an action film A: Who does it satr? B: It stars Daniel Craig. A: What is it about? B: It's about a spy called 007. A: Is it Skyfall?________________________ IK
B: Yes! 4.F u rth e r practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson ^ P ro d u c tio n : - Listen and read the getting started again - Prepare: Unit 8- A closer look 1
W LEK :22 Period: 63
Preparing date Teaching dc
U nit 8: F IL M Lesson 2: A closer look
U O Bi.JKC JE C T11VL: IV E : By the end ol the lesson, Ss will use the lexical items related to the topic Films'’. Know the meaning and how to use -e d and correctly the -e d ending in verbs.
inc adjectives. Pronounce
1. Knowledge: n* Vocabulary: - The lexical items related ted to the topic “ films” h. Grammar: ed and ing adjectives,i, cconnector! 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ltitude: - Positive about film. - Students know how to leam English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about film. »./.PR E PA R A T IO N : 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks ill./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, leaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, leaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. PRO C ED U R E:
Ss' anil T \ activities I. Warm up C hatting: Do you know the adjectives which are often used to describe films? 19
2. - V ocabulary: 1 . First, hace Ss work independently. Then, ask them to share their answers with one or more partners. With weaker class, ask for translation o f some adjectives in the box to check their understanding. Ask Ss to make some examples with the adjectives they have learnt. Remember: -ed and - ing adjectives Ask Ss to study the Remember Box. 2. Have Ss compare the table individually. Then have some Ss write their answers on the board before checking with the whole class.
3. Ask Ss to do the exercise individually and then check with the whole class. When checking, ask Ss to refer to the Remember Box to make the meanings o f the adjectives clearer to them ^ 4.{a+b) First, model this activity wit more able Ss. Them ask Ss to work ir pairs. I may go around to hel| iker iis. Call some *pairs to .practise irtiror ^ the class.
d5 3.Pronun 5. T models the sounds /1/ /d/, and /id/ in different words with the ending -ed. Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat the words, paying attention to the sounds /1/, /d/, and /id/ at the end of each ord. I may play the recording as many imes as necessary. Then, ask Ss to put the words in the correct columns while they listen. Ss compare their answers in pairs. T checks.
1- V ocabulary /. The follow ing tire adjectives which are often used to describe films. Can you add some more? 1 . hilarious 2 . moving 3. boring 4. gripping 5. shocking 6. scary 7. violent 5. entertaining * Remember: -ed and -ing adj 2. Complete the table wit and ing form s o f the adject 1 . interested 2 . embarrassing 3. exciting 4. disappointed 5. exhausted 6. surprising 7. confused 8. frightening 3. Choose the correct adjectives. 1 . moving 2 . frightened 3. disappointed 4. amazed . terrified
4a. Work in pairs. Look at the questions below. Tell you r partner how you felU using -e d adjectives. Example: 1 felt terrified before m y last Maths test. 4b. Now use -in g adjectives to describe these things and experiences in your life. Example: The last film 1 saw was called Norwegian Wood. It was really moving. 11Pronunciation 5. Listen and repeat the verbs. Pay attention to the sounds /t/t hiY, and /id / at N watched danced walked
/d/ waited needed hated
/id/ played bored closed
* Remember:
Remember: Ask Ss to look at the rules in the remember Box. Tell them the rules o f pronunciation. 6.First, model this activity with a more able Ss. Then ask Ss to work in pairs. T may go around to help - Call some pairs to practice in front o f the class. I checks pronunciation.
6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the pictures. Then listen to the recording. Example:cry a lot. laugh a lot A: He cried a lot, didn’t he? B: Mo, he didn’t. He laughed iUot.
4 .F u rth cr practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson ^.Production: - Do exercise A in workbook - Prepare: Unit 8- A closer look 2
iềm tra ngày
W EEK :23 Period: 64
Preparing date: Teaching date:
Unit 8: FILM Lesson 3: A closer Jook 2 I O B J E C T I V E : By the end of the lesson, Ss will use although, despite, and in spile o f to express contrast between two prices of information in the same sentence. Use however and nevertheless to express contrast between two sentences. 1. Knowledge: a* Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic “ films*' b. Grammar: ed and ing adjectives, connectors. 2. |KU L. Skills: Practicing skills 3. Atti ittitudc: - Positive about film. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises.
Competences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about film. 21
11./. PREPARATION; I.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2 .Students: books, notebooks HI./. TEA CH I M i M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, leaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present ... 1V./.PROCEDURE:
Ss' anil T \ activities 1. W arm up C hatting: We are going to learn about although, despite/ in spite of; however/ nevertheless. 2. G ram m ar 1 Although, despite/ and in spite of - Ask Ss lo study Ihe Grammar Box. Draw Ss’ attention to the meaning and use of although, despite, and in spite o f by analysing the examples in the grammar Box. Then ask some more able Ss to giv; some more examples. - For l,2and 3, tell Ss what they should do. Ask Ss to do the grammar exercises individually. Remind them to look back to the Grammar Box and use a dictionary if necessary. Then have Sscom paie answers in pairs before checking ‘ 1 le whole class
GRAMMA 1 A lthough, despite/ and in spile of We use although, despite/in spite o f to express contrast between two pieces o f information in the same sentence. We use 1though before a clause am i despite/in o f before a noun or a phrase. 1. Complete the sentences. Use although + a clause from the box. 1 __ although few people came to see it 2. Although they spent a lot o f money on the film 3. Although the acting is exellenl. 4 ...................... although it was a comedy 5. although it is set in modem times. 2. Complete the sentences, using although, despite/ in spite of. Sometimes, two answers are possihle. 1. Although 2. despite/ in spile o f 3. although 4. Despile/ In spile o f 5. Although 3. Rewrite these sentences using the words in the brackets. Change other words in the sentence if necessary. 1.1 don’t think.although he is... 2. Although m any..., ... 3. Despite having to w ork...,..........................
3. Grammar 2 However and nevertheless Ask Ss Lo study the Grammar Box. Draw Ss’ attention to the meaning and use of however and nevertheless by analysing the instruction and examples in the Grammar Box. Then ask some more able Ss to give some more examples. 4. Tell Ss what they should do. Ask Ss to do the grammar exercise individually. Remind them lo look hack lo the Grammar Box and use a dictionary if necessary. Then Ss compare answers in pairs before checking with the whole class.
4. Although he has.._T,___ 5. In spite o f (having) a happy ending,... However and nevertheless. We also use however and nevertheless to express contrast between two sentences. We usually use « comma after them.
4. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Complete the sentene However/ Neverthe Despite/ In spite However/ Neverth Although Allhoug 1
5. Read the instructions. Ask Ss to do the exercise individually, using their own ideas to write sentences. Then have them work in pairs, comparing their sentences. 4.Further practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f t lesson ^Production; - Do exercise B in workb - Prepare: Unit 8- Co
own ideas.
--------------- oOo-----------------------
W EEK :23 Period
Preparing date: Teaching date:
Unit 8: FILM Lesson 4: C om m unication TIV E:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will do a survey on favourite actors/
films. . .then report their results to those group members. L. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary; - The lexical items related to the topic “ films’ h. Grammar: ed and ing adjectives, connectors. 2. Skills: Practicing skills 23
3. A ttitude: - Positive about film. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about film. II./.PR EPA R A TIO N : ¡.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector l.S tu d en ts: books, notebooks III./. TEA C H IN G M ETH O D S: Communicative approach, group Ss a n c P play as a character, leaching methods with game, leaching methods ' ids bVvisual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present 1V./.PKOC EDU RE:
Ss' and T \ activities 1. Warm up - What kind of films you like to see? Who are your favourite actors/ actresses0 - Today, we are going to do an interview with your classmate about films. Please think of the questions you may ask you friends in your interview with them. 2. Communication 1: - Translate the meanings o f the words i extra vocabulary.
1. Ask Ss to look at the picture and read the conversation and guess what the missing words from the blanks may be. I plays the recording and lets Ss check their guesses. Play the recording again for Ss to check the answers. 2. Ask S^to work in group of six or eight, their group members one set of questions. Remind them to write the names of names of the people they interview and note the answers in the table.
on tents —
Ổ 1- Extra vocabulary survey: cuộc kháo sát go ahead: cử làm di, cứ tự nhiên violence: có nhiều cánh bạo lực I. Listen to the conversation and fill [n thi.' blanks » ith the words you hear. 1. survey 2. actor 3. Tom Cruise 4. actrwess 5. Angelina Jolie
2. Work in groups of six or eight. Each of student chooses ont of the following sets of survey questions. - Survey on favourite actors - Survey on the best films. - Survey on action films - Survey on cartoons__________________ 24
3. T has Ss make notes o f their survey result, using the suggestions in Student's book. I may have them practice reporting the results of their surveys in pairs or in groups. 4. Ask Ss to join another group, reporting the results of their survey to the new members. Choose some Ss to report the results of their interviews before the whole class. After each S has finished his/her report, T invites some comment from other Ss. Then T makes comments and corrects Ss* mistakes. 4.Further practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson ^¿Production: - Do exercise part C in workbook - Prepare: Unit 8- Skill 1
3. Make notes of your results. - Most people 1 have surveyed.... - About half of the people 1 have surveyed - Almost no one 1 have surveyed....
4. Join another group. Report your results to those group members.
------------------------rtJo ------
WEEK:23 Period: 66
Preparing date: Teaching date:
c 1
n it 8: F IL M Lesson 5: Skills 1
LL OBJECT] someone ^ £ v j e v
the end o f the lesson, Ss w ill read for specific information about
f his her favourite film. Talk about film (its plot, main characters,
cast, etc L Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic " films” h. Grammar: ed and ing adjectives, connectors, kills: Practicing skills 3, Attitude: - Positive about film. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competences: 25
- Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about film.
nXPREPARATTON; 1 .T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector ¿.Students: books, notebooks HI./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's aclivities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present ... IV ./.PK OCEDU RE:
« G o ■
Ss' and T \ activities 1. W arm up Now, look at the picture o f the film Titanic. - Have you ever seen this film? - Do you know who actor and actress in die picture are? - Do you like him/her? Why/ Why not?
t f 8
2. Reading I - Ask Ss to scan the passage to find id where /. R ead Nick *s review o f the ftlfti Titanic the words sinking, must-see, specia on his bỉừg. Then fin d and underline the effects, and visuals are in die passage words from the box below. What do they geX may help Ss work out the meanings of mean? these words out o f the context. sinking: (sự) chim, sự đánh chìm must-see: bộ phim hấp dần cẩn xem special effects: kỹ xào dặc biệt, hiệu ứng dặc biệt visuals: thị giác, nhìn 2- I may sel^a longer time limit for Ss to 2. Read Nick *s blog again and answer the read the text again and answer the questions. questions. Ask Ss to note where they found 1 . It is a romantic film. the4 information that helped them to answer 2. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate v r the questions. Ss can compare answers Winslet. e discussing them as a class. 3. It is about the sinking o f the ship Titanic on its first voyage. 4. The main characters are Jack Dawson and Rose Dewitt Buckater. Jack saves Rose from killing herself by jum ping from the ship. Although they are from different 26
social class and Rose is already engaged, the two fall in love. 5. The ending o f Titanic is very sad. 6. They say it is a must-see in the 20Ih century. 1 1- Sneaking
3. Speaking 3- First, ask Ss to read every film poster. T may help them with the new vocabulary. Then ask Ss to work in pairs, talking about the films they would/ wouldn’t like to see. - T may go round to help. - Calls some pairs to practise in front o f the class. 4- First, ask Ss to work in pairs, asking and answering about the films from the posters. - T may go round to help. - Calls some pairs to practise in front o f the class.
5- First, remind Ss o f the words ph about films. Ss may refer to the wor phrases they can use to talk about films. - Ss work in groups; T goes arourra^to provide support if necessary.
3- Look at the film posters below, w. Work m pairs. Talk about the film s you wouldn 7 like to see.
< jr
4- Now, ask and td answer tins questions about the film s. Exampl^: A: 1 want to see War of the Worl of film is it? ;cience fiction at is it about? It's about. .. 5- Hoiseating: In groups, choose a student to play the role od a character in any o f the film s above. Brainstorm questions you Vi like to ask. Then interview the student. Example questions: - Can you describe your new film in three words? - Did you enjoy making the film? - Why should we watch this film?
4.F u rth er practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson 5.Produciion: Do Exercise part D in workbook repare: Unit 8- Skill 2
Ktem tra ngtiy
W EEK :24 Period: 67
Preparing date: Teaching date: m 6: S k ills 2
LL O B JE C T IV E : By end ol the lesson, Ss will listen for special information about som eone's favourite fi rite a review o f a film. 1. Knowledge: a* Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic “ films b. Grammar: ed and ing adjectives, connectors. 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about film. Students know how to learn English in right way. ^ - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Com petences: -C a ooperation - Senelf- study suiay - (Jsing language to talk about film H ./.PK EPA U A TlO N : l.T cacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks 2K
HI./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, leaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... IV./.PKOCEDURE:
Ss' and T \ activities 1. Warm up - Ask Ss to tell about their favourite actors/ actresses. Ask them: Who is your favourite actor/actress? Whai does he/she look like? What are his/her sucessful films? What awards/ prises has he she won'7What critics say about him/her? 2. Listening 1. Ask Ss to read the ins lorf carefully and remind them to er key words in the statements. Pla^ ^cording and ask Ss to correct the statements. Then ask two or three Ss to write their answers on the board. Play the recording again for Ss to check the answers. 2. Ask Ss to read the rubric and study the questions carefully. Ss may work in pairs to discuss the answers from the ' " rmation they have heard in 1 . Play the recording again and have Ss answer the questions as they listen. Ss can share their answers with their partners. Call some Ss to write their answers on the
I- Listening h Mick and his father are talking about Tom Hunks, a Hollywood film star. Listen to their conversation and correct the follow ing statements* 1. Tom Hanks IS Nick's father’s favourite film star. 2. Tom Hanks isn't a handsome actor. 3. Tom Hanks has won two Oscars. 2. Listen again. Answer the questions below. 1. He has won the Oscar for Best Actor twice. 2 . They say he is one of the best actors in Hollywood. 3. He plays the role of a soldier in Saving
Private Ryan. 4. Because it is one of the best comedies in the 1990s. II- W riting 3. Writing M ake notes about one o f you r favourite 3. Ask Ss 10 make notes aboul one o f Iheir favourite films. Remind them that they do films. - Name of the film, type of film, and actors not have to write full sentences and Ihey or director. can use abbreviations. Then, ask Ss to share their notes with their partners. T asks - The plot: What happens in the film? How is the film? ( gripping/ moving hilarious) some Ss Lo read aloud. What about the ending? - Other aspects of t h e l e a d i n g , the music, the special e f f e c ts ^ e visuals etc.. - Critics’ reviqw ^^bur onerall opinion 4. Set up the writing activity. 'I reminds Ss 4, Write a review o f your j(favourite film ... Introduction (paragraph 1 ) that the first and important thing is always to think aboul what they are going to write. Bod In this case, Ss do not have to find out so ot1 What happens in the film? How many ideas o f what they have to write is me tilm ?( gripping moving/ hilarious) because they may have made in 3. So T what about the ending? only has to brainstorm Ss for the languj ►Paragraph 3: necessary for writing. Other aspects o f the film: the acting, the - Ask Ss to write the draft first, TTieri them write their final version in class or’at music, the special effects, the visuals, etc.. Conclusion ( Paragraph 4) home. Critics' reviews, your overall opinion ( Why you recommend the film to everyone)
Mission Impossible is an action spy film directed by Brian De Palma. Ethan Hunt ( Tom Cruise) is part o f an Impossible Missions Force (IMF) team led by Jim Phelps (JonVoight) to prevent the theft o f the non-official cover (NOC) list from the American embassy in Prague, it has a good ending It contains many thrilling visual actions. Chicago Sun-Times film critic Roger Ebert gave the film three out o f four stars and wrote, "This is a movie that exists in the instant, and we must exist in the instant to enjoy i t "________________ 30
4.F u rth e r practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson S.Production:
- Write the final version - Prepare: Unit 8- Looking back
W E E K :24 Period: 68
Preparing date: Teaching date:
Unit 8: FILM Lesson 7: Looking back and project L/. O B JE C T IV E : By the end of the lesson, Ss will revise m S learnt about the topic ‘'films”. 1. a. b. 2. 3.
edge they have
Knowledge: Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topjc “ Grammar: ed and ing adjectives, connectors. Skills: Practicing skills A ltitude: - Positive about film. - Students know how to learn ;Li&h in right way. - Ss are interested in doinj 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk a b o ii^ lm ^ II./. PR EPA R A TIO N : V } 1 .T eacher: book, planning^picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEA C H IN G M ETH O D S: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, In ch in g methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present... IV ./.PK OCEDU Kii: Ss' and P s activities Contents I. Warm nr - Chatting: What topic have you learnt in V 1Unit 8? - How He to write a film review?
2. Looking hack: 31
VOCABULARY I- V ocabulary L Ask Ss to think of as many examples o f /. Think o f an example o f every type o f different types o f films as possible. Then film s in the box. ask some Ss to say out their examples in Example: Mr. Bean is a comedy. front of the class. ‘‘Big Ben Down” is an action film 2. Read the sentences. What types o f film s 2. Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and decide which types o f films the people are people talking about? are talking about. Remind that the Key: adjectives in the sentences will provide the 1 . It’s a comedy. context for them to choose the correct 2 . It’s a horror film types of films. 1. It's a documentary. 2. It’s a romantic cor 3. It’s a Sci-fi film, 3,4: Ask Ss to do individually. Check the 3. Fill tn the blanks with -ed or -ittg results with a partner. T gives feed back. adjectives that are form ed from the verbs in brockets. 1 . terrified ^^^B isappointing 3. a n n o ^ g 4. satisfied 5. shocking 4. Complete the second sentences... cv were excited about the film. film was boring so they left halfway ugh it. 3. We were moved at the ending o f the film. 4. You'll be surprised at his new film. 5. Lots of people find the way he behaves/ his behaviour confusing. GRAMMAR II- Grammar 5, First, ask Ss to do individually. Then ask 5. Match the first h alf in A with the them to check their answers w ith a partner suitable h a lf in B. before discussing the answers as a class. I d 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. c Remind Ss to keep a record of their original answers so that they can use that infor their Now 1 can. . .statement. MUNICATION ask Ss to do the task individually I to number the lines o f the dialogue. Then I ask them to check their answers w ith the whole class. After finishing, ask Ss to practise saying the dialogue w ith their partners._____________________________
11 1 - C om m unication 6. ISumber the lines o f the dialogue in the correct order. I E 2 . 1 3. A 4. D 5. F 6. B 7. G K. C 9. H
Finished! Finally, ask Ss to complete the self assessment. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice.
IV- Finished! Finished! Now 1 can. * Use words and phrases for different types of films. * distinguish ihe uses o f- e d adjectives and ing adjectives. * use connectors: althpugh, despite, in spite of, however, nevertheless * talk about yoi^ ^ favourite films * write a film reviCTv
3. Project 1. Ask Ss to read the fdm posters and point out what information should be included in a film poster. Then ask Ss to work in pairs/^ groups to discuss the question in 1. Ea 1 Ss may make notes about the ideas from his/her partner or other group membe 2. Ask each s to choose one o f their favourite films, and design a poster for it. They may use the ideas from the notes for their task. 3. Display Ss' leaflets on the wall. T choose some o f thto)osler£of the film posters and ask Ss to give comments. 4.Further practice: - Lets sis summarize the content o f the J e s s o i^ l^ ^ ^ 5.Prnduction: - Do exercise in work book ( The rest ones) - Prepare: Unit 9- Festival around the ^ rid.
/ /
:v O
PROJECT 1j j o o k at the film below. Think about ihe following questions. - What is the purpose of a film poster? E g: To give information o f a film.
2. Choose one o f your favourite films and design a poster for it.
3. Then organise an exhibition o f film posters in your class.
-OoOW EEK :24 Period: 69
Preparing date: Teaching date: 33
Unit 9: FESTIV A LS A R O U N D TH E W O RLD Lesson 1: G etting started IJ. O B JE C T IV E : By the end of the lesson, Ss can use the lexical items related to the topic “ Festivals around the world1' and read for specific information about an unusual festival. 1. Knowledge: II. Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic “ films’ b. Grammar: ed and ing adjectives, connectors. 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about 14 Festivals around the world”. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about “ Festivals around d” IU P R E P A R A X IQ N ! I.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptoplprojector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, leaching methods with game, leaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... IV./-PRO CED U RE: Ss1 and T ’s activities C ontents I. W arm up. - Play games: Solve the crossword below. - Review the previous unit before Ss open T shows keys on the projector. their books by asking them to solve a crossword puzzle. 2. Getting - started: T uses some techniques to present some new words. Checking ihe understanding by making ences with the new words.
1-a: Ss work independently. Allow them to share answers before discussing as a
New w ords fascinating (aj) hap dan amazing (aj) dáng ngạc nhiên religious (aj) thuộc tôn giáo firework (n) pháo hoa make a camp (v) cám trại I. Getting started a. Answer the following questions 34
class. I then checks their answers, and gives explanation if necessary.
1. No, she didn’t because she said “ Oh really?” to show her surprise. 2. People light candles and display/ let off fireworks. 3. It's La Tom atina 4. Because to celebrate the festival people lio VL Ü go to the desert, make a camp, and have a party. Ls and hand 5. They should write up reports them in to the teacher. b. Tick (v) T (true) or F (false). 1. I 2. T 3. F
b- Ss read the conversation again to do this exercise. Ask for Ss’ answers as well as the explanation for iheir choices. 3.Dt>inj;: 2. Write the festivals in the box under the 2. Tell Ss that in the box are some pictures. Then listen and repeat. festivals. Ss do this activity in pairs. 1. Water festival 2. Cannes Film T plays the recording for Ss to listen, check and repeal their answers. Make sure Festival 3. 4. Tet that Ss pronounce correctly the name of Ifc Rio 6. Christmas the festivals. loween 5. Easter 3. Explain to Ss that festivals are held for hitch the festivals below with the different reasons. Ask Ss if they know the meaning ofj ■easons they are held. Key; words. Seasonal <aj) relate to or happening < Religious: Halloween, Ghost Day Music / Arts Rock in Rio, Cannes Film during a period in the year. Festival Religious (aj) connected with religion or Seasonal: l et, Water Festival with a particular r e lig id f ^ ^ Religious: Christmas, Easter Superstitious (aj) based oiwhe belief that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science. 4. Ss work witnN^ssm ate and compare 4. Compare your answers with a partner. their answers. 1 reminds them to follow Example: the model conversation in the box. A: I think Rock in Rio and the Cannes Film Festival are music or arts festivals. B: I agree. A: Which do you think are seasonal festival? B: I think Christmas and Easter. How about you ? A: 1 think Halloween and Ghost day._______ 5- Organize a competition game for this
A J?r o
5. Can you add more festivals to the groups in 3?
4.Further practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson 5.Prnduction: -Learn new words and phrases Prepare A closer look I . -O o O ndm
6 W EEK :25 Period: 70
Preparing date: U n it 9
I./. O B JE C T IV E : By l|j^end of the lesson, Ss can use adverbial phrases correctly and appropriately. The lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world”. Pronounc«^o-syliable words with correct stress in isolation and in context.. 1. a. b. 2.
Knowledge: Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic “ films” Grammar: eil and mg adjectives, connectors. Skills: Practicing skills 3. Attitude: - Positive about “ Festivals around the world”. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4* Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study 36
- Using language lo talk about “ Festivals around the world”.
IUPREPARATjON: ¡.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2*Students: books, notebooks 1 1 1 ./. TEA C H IN G M ETH O D S: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present ... IV ¿P R O C E D U R E : Ss” and T*s activities 1. Warm un. - I asks Ss some questions about festivals in their home village. 2.
T uses some techniques lo present some new words. Checking the understanding by making sentences with the new words.
1 . a. Ss work individually lo complete table and compare Iheir answers witt partner. T plays the recording for Ss to check thSir answers -
b. Have them read all the sentences and guess the pan o f speech of the word to be filled in each blank. T comments on and confirms the correct ,ers. Ss work in groups, Ss do the activity, ey choose one activity and take turn to lengthen their sentences by adding the activities.
Contents Ss answer: I- Vocabulary celebratory (aj) mang tinh kỷ niệm parade (n) cuộc diễu hành carnival {n) ngàyhội joyful ( a j^ u i mừng adopt (v) kể tục tin (n) quá bí ngõ tìC Can you complete the table below with
Appropriate verbs, nouns and adjectives? Listen and check your answers* Key: 1 . celebration 2 . festive 3 . parade 4. culture 5. performance h. Now complete the tallowing sentences with the words from the tahle. Key: 1 . festival 2 . celebrate 3. celebrations 4. culture 5. parade 6. performers 2. In groups,choose a festiva l Take turns ÍỮ say the festival* Example: A; I am going to Rio Carnival to watch performers dance. B: 1 am going to Rio Carnival to watch 37
performers dance, and musicians play samba music. 3. PR O N U N CIA TIO N 3. T explains ihe rules:
T can give some examples to illuslrale. Ss listen and repeal the words.
Look out! In two-syllable words the mark *represents the stress syllable. - Most nouns and adjs have two syllables: Stress falls on the first syllable. - Most verbs have two syllables: Stress falls on the second syllable. Exceptions: the sound I a /, / i /,.... hardly falling on. Key: Stress on lIs1 *1 syllable : gather, picture, artist, lovely, feme ic /s Stress on i ’AuJJrfable: relax, enjoy, hotel, describe, rename.
5.Have Ss read out the words first Then plav the recording.
Ss do this exercise individually first fhen compare iheir answers with a partner.
le the word with a different stress from the others. Then listen and check. ey: 1 . balloon 2 . complete 3. prepare 4. alone 5. lidy 5.b. Read the follow ing sentences and mark " 9 the stressed syllable in the underlined words. 1 . ‘project 2 . ‘dancers 3. a‘llend 4. 'answer 5. ‘music
4 .T urther r practice: ^ i^ L e ts sis summarize the content o f the less lesson 5.P] .Production:
-Learn new words and phrases Prepare A closer look 2.______ 3K
W E E K :25 Period: 71
Preparing date: Teaching date: U n it 9: F E S T IV A L S A R O U N D T H E W O R L D Lesson 3: A closer look 2
U . O B JE C T IV E ; By the end of the lesson, Ss can review HI Wh questions and use ust adverbial phrases. 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic “ films’ h. Grammar; eil and ing adjectives, connectors. 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about “ Festivals around the world”. - Students know' how to learn English in right t it way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk ab o u t11 Festivals around the world' II./. PR EPA R A TIO N : ¡.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks
1V./.PROC EDI IRE : Ss' anti T ’s activities L W arm n r Chatting: I chats th Ss about festivals in the pictures Ask Ss to looUa%fie pictures and think of the information they want to get about the festival 2. G ram m ar I 1 . Adverbial phrases: explains and gives examples: ^A dverbial phrases made with nouns: Eg: every year, every day, last year.. .. + +Adverbial phrases made with prepositions: Eg: in 2013, in a small town, with_______
>5r c>x
Grammar: Look out! An adverbial phrase gives extra inform ation about the tim e, place, manner, etc. o f an action. Adverbial phrases are m ade with nouns, prepositions or infinitives. They can be used to answer different questions.
beautiful plants. +Adverbial phrases made with loinfinilive: Eg: tt> enjoy the party, to have more friends.
2. Tell Ss that they are going to read information about the Cannes Film Festival and complete the table.
Type/ question: When - ►time Where -► place How often -► frequency Why - ►reason How -* manner What ■* thing 2. ISow look at the webpage. Com the t»hle about the festival. What? Who? Where? When? How often0 How? Why?
3. Think about a festival you know in VietNam.
A film f^tiv al EJ> -ill, ' In a cily ft* France J& ery year ki^i very serious way To win die Palme Do’r
3. Grammar 2 4. Ss do exercise individually, and thei compare iheir answers with a classmate. Check Ss1 answers and confirm correct ones.
4. .Join the questions to the types of nswers. Key: who -► person Why reason Which -*■ whole sentence
5. Ss do this activity i answers and have the conversation.
5. Phuong is doing an interview for VTV.
leek Ss’ ilay the
6. Ss work inc pendenlly, writing down the questior T can call on some Ss to write their answers on the boards. r Ss give comments and T give lions.
6. Now make questions for the underlined parts. Key: l Where did you buy this T- shirt? 2. How often do you go to the music festival0 3. Why did your friends save money? 4. When did you go to the Flower Festival in Da Lat?
7. Ss work in groups. One student thinks 40
of any festival he/she likes. Other Ss ask questions about the festival 10 find oul what festival il is. Remember to use H/Wh-questions and adverbial phrases.
7. Games. Example: A: Where is the festival held? B: In the USA and some other countries in the world. C: When do people celebrate it?
4.Eurther practice: - Lets sis summarize the content o f the lesson ^.Production: - Do exercise part A, B workbook Prepare: Communication____________ -OoOWEEK:25 Preparing date: Period: 72 Teaching date: U n it 9: F E S T IV A L S A R O U N D T H E W O R L D Lesson 4: Communication Li. O B JE C T IV E : By the end of the lesson, about festivals.
able to ask and answer questions
1. Knowledge: the topic " films’ a. Vocabulary: - The lexical ilems< tnectors. b. Grammar: ed and ing adjectives, 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. Attitude: - Positive about^Fe^ivals around the world”. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- studv - Using language* talk about “ Festivals around the world '. .PREPA RA TIO N : IL/.PKEPARAT 1.'Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector ¿.Students: books, notebooks H jL TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 1s activities, ^ ¡ a y W a character, leaching methods with game, leaching methods by visual, leaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present V / — -------- --1I V./.PKOC EDI I-RE : Ss' and T's activities Contents | 1. Warm up
- T asks Ss to tell some festivals in their home village. - Make some questions about festivals. 2. Communication 1: - Pre- teach vocabulary. - First, teacher uses some techniques to present new words. I’hen have Ss read the new vocabulary aller the teacher. Cheek the understanding: Make sentences with the new words.
I- Extra vocabulary. thanksgiving: (n) lề tạ on chúa stuffing: (n) lồng vũ, gối ỏm feast: (n) bừa tiệc gravy: (n) nưởc sốt thịt cranberry: (n) quà man việt
1 . Ss look at the picture and discuss the questions in pairs.
2. Play the recording. Ss listen carefully and check their answer to 1. Then T gives ^ the correct answers
11Practice I : Look ut the animal below. Discuss the following question« with a partner. Key: a. A turkey f b. It’s one of the traditional foods of important festival. c. ^Thanksgiving listen and cheek your answers.
C om m unication!: 3. Ss work in pairs to decide if the statements are true or false.
3. In pairs, write true (T) or false (F) for the following sentence. Key: 1, F ( It’s also held in Canada) 2. F ( It's celebrated on the fourth T hursday o f November and in Canada it's celebrated on the second Monday o f October. 3. T 4. F ( Children also take part in food preparation.) 5. T 6. F ( Some people like to go for a walk or takes naps) 7. F 4. Ss work in pairs. Imagine that one of 4. Work in pairs. Imagine that one of them is a student from the US and the other them is a student from the US and the other is from Phu Yen, Viet Nam. is from Phu Yen, Viet Nam. Explain that 42
the only the Ss from Viet Nam read the information on page 35. T calls some pairs to act out the conversations in class. 4.Further practice: - Lets sis summarize the content o f the lesson 5. Production: - Do exercise part C workbook Prepare: Skills I
Ask and answer about Thanksgiving and Hoi Mua, a harvest festival in I’hu Yen,
lu’m g
W EEK :26 Period: 73
Preparing date: leaching date:
Unit 9: FESTIV A LS A R O U N D TH E W O RLD ;sson 5: Skills 1 LA O B JE C T IV E : By the end son, Ss will be able to read for specific information about an unusual festival. Kelp Ss to read quickly ( scanning). 1. Knowledge: .^ 1 a. Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic “ films” b. Grammar; ed and ing adjectives, connectors. 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about 4i Festivals around the world”. - Students know how to learn English in right way. interested in doing exercises.
rati? z^utfin g l a n g u a g e tO ta lk about
festivals around m u m i u the m e world' wunu
ix m iv w
IL/.PKEPAKATION: 1,Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector ♦¿.Students: books, notebooks 111./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, leaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. 43
IVXFROCEDURE: Ss* and T ’s activities
1. W arm tin
- In pairs, look at Lhe picture below. They are all from the La Tomatina festival in Spain. Put them in the order you think they happen at the festival. - Present some new words. 2. Heading;
1. New w ords, greasy (aj) vẩy mờ, pole (n) cái cột cannon (n) súng je t (n) vòi phut chaos ( n ) sự Ion át, trợn tròn mắt goggle (
2. Ss read the text quickly and check the answers.
3. Ss read the text again and answer questions: Ss can underline parts o f the u^T ihal help them with the answers.
cr 4. Ss workrk in in groups groi and read the newspaper headlines. They discuss what is unusual about the festivals. lave some Ss present their group’s ideas. 5-6. Tell Ss that the table includes information about the two festivals in 4. Ss work in groups and prepare a short presentation about the festival they like.
Jy read lhe texts below and ir answers. - D - A- B Answer (he following questions. I . It is celebrated on the last Wednesday every August. 2. He stayed up late 3. They placed a ham on top o f greasy pole. 4. They had to wear goggles to protect iheir eyes. 5. It was a jet from water cannon. 6. It was red with rivers o f tomato juice. Speaking 4. Work in groups and read the newspaper headlines.
5. Choose one festival to (each your group a h ou t.. Suggestion questions: 44
1. What do they often do at Season festival? 2. Where do they organize activities0 3. When does the festival lake place? 4.F u rth er practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson 5-Prod uction: - Do exercise part D workbook - Prepare: Skills 2
WEEK:26 Period: 74
Preparing da Teaching aate:
Unit 9: FESTIV A LS A R O U N D THE W O RLD Lesson 6: Skills 2 LA O B JE C T IV E :
By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to get specific
information about a music festival. 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: - I’he lexical items rela e topic “ films’ b. Grammar: oil and mg adjectives 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about f e s t i v a l s around the world”. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competences: - Co-operation - Self- study ng language - Using languag to talk about “ Festivals around the world' 11.APRE ‘REPARATION: PARA 1,1Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector Students: books, notebooks 2.Students: Iliy . TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, appro group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching met ethods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. W ./.PROCEDURE: j Ss’ and T ’s activities Contents 1. Warm up. - Look at the pictures below. Suggestions:
What kind of festival do you think ll is? Share your ideas with a partner.
It is a music festival.
I- Listening. 2. Ss read the statements in exercise 2 and 2. Listen to Mick talk about a music guess if they are (.rue or false. Write the festival he attended. Tick (V) T (true) or F guesses on the board. (false). Correct the false sentences, 1. F ( one of the most famous festivals) - Play the recording one or two times. Ask 2. I 3. F ( They stayed in a tent) Ss to listen carefully and check their 4. F ( He’s Nick's father’s favonh*singer) guesses. 2. Listening:
3. T plays the recording again. Ss answer the questions. Have Ss compare their answers in pairs before giving T the answers.
3. Mow listen and answer the questions. 1. It takes place e^fcry June. 2. They are mu^ic bands. 3. He interested the audience with the hit song. 4. They also went to the Bohemian Woods. 5. Xfley^njoved a mixed of good music from mroiind the world.
3. W riting:
Ii- Writing 4. Think about a festival you attended. Make notes about it below. Writing: - answer Suggestions. It was a cock fighting festival. It was held in the common house's yard in my village. It was held on January 15th ( Lunar New Year)
4. Think o f a festival they attended „ 1 make notes about i t - What was the festival? - Who celebrated it? - Where was it held? - When was it held? - How was it held? - Why was it hi
ragraph individually based on the notes they have made. T can ask one or two Ss to write the * .^paragraph ar on the board. Other Ss and tea eacher comment on the paragraphs.
5. Write a paragraph about the festival you attended use the notes above. Ss can start like this. Last week I attended a festival. It was called “ Harvest festival” It was held by farmers in my village.
4.Further practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f the 46
lesson ^.Production: - Do exercise workbook - Prepare: Looking back
W EEK :26 Period: 75
Preparing date Teaching date: U n it 9: F E S T IV A L S A R O U N D T H E W O,RLD Lesson 7: Looing back and project
LA O B JE C T IV E ; By ihe end of the lesson, Ss can coverr the unit: G ram m ar vocabularies and structures. Ss apply them to do exercises 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: - The lexical ilems related to the topje “ b. Grammar: ed and ing adjectives, connectors 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. Altitude: - Positive about 4i Festivals aroiAd the world - Students know how lo learn English in right way - Ss are interested in doin 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language lo talk a b o u ^ 1Fesllivals around the world' II./. PREPARATION: LTcacher: book, planning1, picture, pi laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks HI./. TEACHING M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's aclivities, play as a character, leaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... I V./.PROC EDURE: Ss" and P s activities Contents L Warm un. - Cain game: Start like this: '^ iv id e s the class into two teams and calls Fesiivalikegg. .. on some representatives to go to the board. 2. Looking back: VOCABULARY V VO C A BU LA R Y 1. Ss do this activity individually then_____ /. Rearrange the letters to make reasons
compare iheir answer with a partner. I asks Ss Lo go to the black board to write the answers.
fo r holding festival. Then match them to the pictures o f the festivals* 1. religious ( Christmas) 2. music ( Glastonbury) 3. superstitious ( Day of the Dead) 4. seasonal ( Thanksgiving)
2. Ss do this activity individually then compare iheir answer with a partner.
2. Complete the sentences with the correct I/I i/it' Ll/I i form o f the words in brackets, \ ! r Key: 1. cultural 2. parade 3. celebratory 4. festive 5. performance 6. celebratii II- G rai 3. Complete each question with a suitable tion word. More than one n word may he acceptedI
GRAMMAR 3. Ss do this exercise individually. Check their answers. Accept all the answers if they make sense.
4. Ss make up their o ices with the adverbial phrases in the r sentences on the Have two Ss board. '1 and observes and istakes. take notes on ihe sentences on the Othe
>. Ss work in pairs to role-play. They ask ^¡nd answer about iheir favorite festival. Ask some pairs to act out the role-play. Other Ss comment and vote for ihe best conversation.
What 2. Where 3. How 4. Which 5. Where/ When / How / Why 6. When 4. Make your own sentences with the adverbial phrases from the box. 1. My father went lo Ho Chi Minh city last week. 2. 3. 4. 5. III- C om m unication 5. Role-play in pairs. Student A is a reporter. Student B is a secondary school student. Continue the conversation below. Reporter: I'm a reporter from Culture Magazine. Can I ask you some questions about v our favori te festivals ?____________ 4K
Student: Yes, o f course. 1 like.......... . .best. Reporter: W here's the festival held? Finish! Now 1 can... Talk about the festival. .. 3. Project: Ss work in groups. 4.Further practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson 5.Product ion: Gel to know about some festivals - Prepare for: Unil 10.
Do at home
........................ OoO-
W EEK : Period: 76
Preparing date: Teaching date:
R EV IEW 3 L O B JE C T IV E : This unil reviews the language and skills Ss have learnt in Unit7-9. Help Ss to recall the language and encourage them to contribute as much as possible. 1. Knowledge; - Grammar: from unit 7-9 49
- Vocabulary: related to unit 7-9 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. Attitude: - Ss are interested in practicing language function - Ss are interested in doing exercises 4. Com petences: - Co-oporation: work in pairs, groups, teams - Self- study: work individually. - Use language to do exercises ILAPREPARATIQN: ¡.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector ¿.Students: books, notebooks ill./. TEACHING METHODS; Communicative approach, group Ss play as a character, leaching methods with game, leaching methods methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. I V./.PKOC ED1J RE
tivities. \ teaching
Sts' and T ’s activities I. Warm up: Brainstorming ? What have you learnt in unit 7, 8, 9 in terms of language?
I. Pronunciation 1. Ss do this exercise individually then Activity 1 share their answers with a partner before 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A ♦ . _ , , giving I the answers. Write the correct answers on the board. Have some Ss read out the words. 50
5. B
2. Organise ihis as a game. Ss do this in Activity 2 Suggested answers: pairs. Which pair adds the most words will - O ’bey: receive, polite, perform go to ihe board and write iheir answers. ‘Dancer: beauty, copy, teacher Other pairs may want to add more words. Write other words on the board. 11. Vocabulary Activity 3 3. Ss do this individually and then share 1. Ahead only 2. No crossing their answers with a partner. Check Ss' lg 3. Mo (J-tum 4. Right turn onlv answers. 5. Railway crossing Activity 4 > v J 4. Ask Ss what kind of word can be filled 1. celebrations 2t4 cultural cultifc^l in each blank (i.e. noun, verb, etc). Elicile 3. performances 4. parades 5. festive answers. Ss do this exercise individually. Two Ss write iheir anwers on the board. Confirm the correct answers.
Activity 5 1. documentary 2. hilarious 5. This can be done as a small compelion 3. boring 4. thriller game. Ihe student who solves moved 6. animation 111. Grammar crossword the fastest is ihe winner Activitv 6 2. f 3 .a 4. b 6. Elicit ihe kinds o f H/Wh question. Ss do 1. c 5. d 6. e this exercise individually. Chech Ss answers and write ihe correct answers on Activity 7 the board. 1. It’s about 1,877 kilometres from Ha 7. Ss do this individually and compare Noi to Can 1ho. their answers wilh a partner. Call some Ss 2. How far is it from Hue to Da Nang? to go to the board to write their sentences. 3. There didn’t use to be many traffic jam s when I was young. Other Ss comment. Confirm the correct 4. In spile o f being lired/their sentences. tiredness, they wanted lo watch the film./ They wanted to watch the film in spite o f being tired/their tiredness. 5. Although ihe festival took place in a remote area, a lot o f people attended it./ A lot o f peole allended the festival although it took place in a remote area. IV. Everyday English________________ 51
Activity ft ____ 6___ Yeah. Things have changed. Oh. the most important thing before we 8. Ss do this in pairs. Afer checking their answers, ask one or two pairs to act out the forget. . What will we see? conversation. ___ 7___ Haha. Look at this. 1 think this new animation is interesting. Read these comments: ‘hilarious’, ‘exciting' and ‘worth seeing1... ___l___ Mai, let's go to the cinema this Saturday. ___4___That's fine. How far your house to the Cinemax ’ ___ 5___It’s only two kilometres. You can cycle to mvWbuse, and then we can walk there. Remember? Two years ago there didn't use to be any cinemas near our house. 2 > G real idea, Mi. Which cinema sahll we go to? ___ 8___OK. That’s a good idea. I’ll be at your house at and w e’ll w alk there. Remember to buy the tickets beforehand. ___ 3___How about the Cinemax? It’s the newest one in Ha Noi. I. Reading 3, Skills - Give ss some tip to^ o t f fk in d o f reading text: Read the headings first. Then read the paragraph quickly. Find the main point of each paragraph by finding topic sentence. 1. Ss tead the text quickly and match the headings with the paragraphs. Ss compare their answers with a partner before giving
the teacher the answers. Confirm ♦
Activity I A. 2 '
the Activity 2
correct answ ers.
2. Ss do these exercises individually, check 1. They were first organised in 1929. their answers with a partner before giving 2. They are named after the Oscar 52
the answers to T, Two Ss go Lo the board statuette. and write their answers if lime allows. 3. He is the preson who designed/ He designed the Oscar statuette 4. Emil Jannings received the first Oscar statuette 5. It is the prize for/ given to the best film. II. Speaking
3. Ss work in groups and discussed the questions. Ss report their group’s answers Activity 4 to the class. Summarise Ss’ideas. 1. F (Becau®e"Mr^Hoa said: It’s the first 4. Play the recording for the first time. Ss lime you’ve come to my house, isn't it?) listen and decide if the statemennts are true 2. F (Bee ause the photos are on the wall) 3 . T ^ ^ 4. I 5. T or false. Elicit the answers from Ss and write them on the board. Don’t confirm thi correct answers at this stage. 5. Ss listen to the recording again and answer the questions. Ss compare their answers before giving T^tfceir answers Write their answers on the 1 'boan Now play the recording again ag; to t check the answers to exerc ise 4 and S.
Ss‘ read Mai’s email to understand the I context. COl Ss write their email individually. Ask one S to write the email on the board. Other Ss and T comment on the email on board. Collect some emails Lo correct at
Ms Hoa 1.tried Dutch foods and drinks 2. watched traditional Dutch dancing
v v
V v
3. watched parades 4. listened to folk music
5. was interested in the festival
111. W riting Hi M ai, I'm glad to receive your e-mail. I1m wondering whether we should go by 53
bicycle or by bus.
I ihink we will be rather tired when cycling there because it is quite far (HI km). I suggest going there by bus. It is very convenient. Please write to me soon and let me know whether you agree with me or not. 4.Further practice:
- Lets sis summarize the content, o f the lesson
5-Production: - Review unit 7, 8, 9 - Prepare for the 45 test —
W EEK :27 Period: 77
'reparing date: Teaching date:
ge of grammar and vocabulary from unit 7 to 1./. O B JE C T IV E : - To check st^ kn unit 9 - Help sis improve their English 1. Knowledge; - Grammar: from unit 7-9 - Vocabulary: related to unit 7-9 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Ss are interested in practicing skills interested in doing exercises k individually.
»./.PREPARATION: 1,T eacher: T e st4 5 ’, laptop 2, Students: ill./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Technical present I V ./.PK OCEDI JRE
Topics/ language & skills
------------ 54-----------------
Subje ctive
Listen to
1Listening Topic 9
4 items
Nick talk
2 points 20%
about a
(20% )
music festival he attended
and tick T/F(2ptsi
4 items 2 points 11Grammar and Voeah Topic 7-9 (3 0 % )
1. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part 2. Circle the best option A, Bt C or D to complete each o f the following sentences
12 items 3 point s 30%
\S & points
Topic 8,9 ( 30%)
¡.Read the 2. Read and passage match the and tick types o f ( True film s with or False. their definitions 4 items 5 items 2 points 1 point 55
9 items 3 points 30%
IVWriting Topic 8,9,10 (20 %) fence above 4 items 2 points Total
12 items 3.0 points 30%
4 items 2.0 points 20 %
Bao Khe Secondary School Class: 7.......... Student's name : ... K IEM TKA 45 PH LIT S 6 3 - NAM HOC M on: TIEN G ANH - LO P 7 Thoi gian lam bai: 45 phut
PART I ; LISTEN Listen to Mick talk about a music festival he attended and tick T/F(2pts) 56
1................ The Isle o f Wight is the most well- known festival in the world. 2 ............................ About 60?000 people attended the festival last year. 3................
Nick and his family stayed at a hotel near the campsite.
4 .................. Jon Bon Jovi is Nick's favourite singer.
PART II: GRAMMAR AMD VOCAB /. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined pari (Ipt) 1. A. hey
B. honey
C .obey
2. A. played
B. closed
C. filled
3. A. rented
B. stayed
C. played
4. A.ground
B. group
C. house
2. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each o f the following sen tencas
IM 1.
is not very far from here to the suppei si îtmarket. D. That
B. This C l* the story o f the film[ was good, I didn’t did like the acting. B. Since
D. Although
C. As
Melb<$Saie in 2003
B. have been
C. have gone
D. visited
¿ft*h eld ______________________June 24th. B. at
C. on
D. about
of trafíle control, there.......... be more accidents. B. is used to
C.was used to
D.used to
............. Jong black hair when she was yound. sed to have
B. would have
C.was having
»Don't let young children ........................ alone near a busy road. A. walking walking
C. to walk
K. Lan used t o ____ morning exercise when she got up early. 57
A. did
B. does
C. doing
D. do
PART IV: READ I. Read the passage and tick (
True or False. (2pts)
People of ethnic minorities in Phii Yen celebrate Hoi Mua Festival every March. It is held to thank the Rice God for the pray for better crops in the future. Famil
and li
worship theii
ancestors and parents on this occasion. Villagers voluntarily contribute money and other things m celebrate the festival. In this festival monks are invited ra^preach. People play drums sing songs and dance. They also drink rice wine through a long thin bamboo lube. There an
some other activities such as cultural shows, buffalo races, and traditional games. The festiv* atmosphere is felt around all the villages. True or False?
1. Ail people in Phu Yen celebratfl^tai^lua Festival every March. 2 .. Families also worship theiijanceslors and parents on this occasion. 3. Villagers voluntarily only C ontribute money to celebrate the festival. 4. The festive atmosphere is felt around all the villages.
M - / ,V
2. Read ad ti/id t¡ tch the types of films with their definitions, (lût) ^ ^ y ^ s of film ^ ^ scien ce fiction
Definitions. A. A film that tries to make audiences laugh.
2. romantic comedy
A film that features cartoon characters.
3. animation
A film that is set in the future, often featuring science
4. comedy
A film which combines comedy with a love story
5. documentary
A film that shows real life events or stories.
PART IV: W R IT E Complete each sentence so Umeans the same as the sentence ahove(2pts). 1. The festival look place in a remote area. However, a lot o f people attended i t => Although. ................ .............. .......................... ...... ..............................................................
2. What is the distance between Hue and Da Nang? => How.......... ....................... .......................
3 . 1 often went to primary school on fo o t. => I used t o ______ _________ ^
4. Although they are short, they still love p laying sports. .___ __________ ______ => In spite o f . ............................. 1 ......... ► -----------TH E
e n d ---------
DAP AN BAI KT 45’ S 6 3- NAM HOC M on: T IE N C ANH - LO P 7
1:0,5 pp fo PARI 1:0,5 j r each correct sentence. one o f the most famous festivals)
( They stayed in a tent)
4. E f H e 's N ic k ’s father’s favorite singer
1’ape: Unit 9 - Skills 2 - pari 2 PART D: 1. 0,25 p fo r each correct sentences LB.
2. B
3. A
4. B
2. 0,25 p fo r each correct sentence. LA
2. D
3. D
4. C
PART III /. 0,5 p fo r each correct sentence.
2. T
2. 0,2 p fo r each correct sentence. 1-C
?ct sentence. festival took place in a remote area, a lot o f people aUended it. ow far is it from Hue to Da Nang? used to go to primary school on fool 4. In spile of being short, they still love playing sports 5.P ro d actio n :Prepare unit 10 60
W EEK :27 Period: 78
Preparing date Teaching date:
UNIT 10: SO U R C E S OF EN ER G Y L e sso n 1 : G e ttin g S ta r te d I O B JE C T IV E : - By the end o f the lesson. Ss will have some information about energy sources and ihey are able to talk about the different types of energy sources 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: - The lexical items r e la tó lo the topic “ sources of energy1', Types o f energy sources b. G ram m ar: Future continuous tense and simple future passive form. 2. Skills: Practicing sk ills^ 3. A ttitude: - Positive about types o f energy sources - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competen* - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about types of energy sources. ».¿.PR EPA R A TIO N : I . T eacher; book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III. TEA CH I M r M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, lay as a character, leaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, leaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV ./.PRO CED U RE: Sts’ and T S activities Content 61
1. W a rm - up.
* ISetwords
- Have Ss play games related to the topic - Have Ss read the words 3 times in chorus
- Ask Ss lo describe ihe picture ( Who, where „ w h a t..... ? ) - Asking some questions - Set the sense - Lead to the new lesson
A, What types o f energy B. Where do they comatfrbm ? ( renewable & non-renewable )
1. Vocabulary, 2. Getting - started: a. Pre-teach some new words. - Elicit some new words from the P and situations, realias - Read many times in chorus -Checking vocab: Slap the board
- Call some individuals
L energy 2. sourc so 3
Nang luong
l^ e non-renewable to last ( forever) to use up S. to run out 9. to produce 10.negative effect = carbon footprint
v __^
( v)
( ]\jp)
II. Practice.
b.Have Ss do Ex I -a - Guide Ss how to do Exl - Call some Ss to give the answer - provide the answers - Then, do Exl-b ( G roup-w ork)
- Ask some groups to present their work before the class
Listen and read. a. Read the conservation again and answer the questions. 1, It’s about the negative effects we have on the environm ent. 2, “ Non-renewable energy” means that it will run out if we use it up . 3, Sunlight is a renewable energy because we can’t use it all up or it will last fo rev er. 4, Mai thinks she has a small carbon footprint because she recycles the products she uses and she goes everywhere by bike. 5, The products tjiat we use are bad for the environment or the energy that we use produces carbon dioxide might create a big carbon footprint. h. Complete the network below using the
SOURCES OF ENERGY Renewable sources Non-renewable sources wind Wave solar coal Gas oil 3. Point*: c.Ask Ss lo do Ex2 in cho - call some individuals - cross check d. Ask Ss to do (individually “ , 'K - cross - ehel -T provide the keys
A p
ide the class into 6 groups - Have Ss make up the dialogues then role-play the groups take turns lo present iheir dialogue
2. Listen and repeat thte words or ph rases. Wind Biogas
Coal oil
Natural gas Hydro
Nuclear Solar
3. Put the words into the correct groups below. Renewable sources Non-renewable sources Natural gas , biogas , oil, s o la r....... 4. A sk and answer the questions about renewable and non-renewable resources A: What type o f energy source is wind ? B: It’s a renewable source o f energy . A: What type o f energy source is coal ? B: It’s a non-renewable source o f energy . 63
I Listen and feedback
4.F u rth e r practice: - Lets sis summarize the content o f the lesson 5-Prod uetion: - Learn by heart all the new words. - Prepare for next lesson ( find the meaning of the new words in the next lesson ) - D o B l,B 2 (w orkbook)
* Do homework at home
■OoOKiL'm tra ngii\y
W EEK :28 Period: 79
tiu in g
reparing date: Teaching date:
U N IT 10: SO U R C ES O F EN ER G Y L esson 2;A closer look I LA O B JE C T IV E : - By the end. o f the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about types of energy sources, and know how to stress in the three-syllable words . 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic “ sources of energy1', Types o f energy sources b. Grammar : Future continuous tense and simple future passive form. 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitu d e :^ P o s i ti f about types o f energy sources, advantages & disadvantages of energy . - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4* Competences: - Co-operation - Self- study sing language to talk about types of energy sources, advantages & disadvantages o f energy . IM PREPARATION: l.T each er: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks 64
HI./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, leaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... I V./.PROCEDU RE: S ts1 and T ’s activities C ontent I. W arm - un play »ames Effects o f Benefits o f - Have Ss play game “ spider-web o f Renewable energy Non-renewabk words ” energy source source - Read 3 limes in chorus
sa fe , clean , cheap
- Lead to ihe new lesson 1. \ ocabnlarv * Advantages an<^ Disadvantages o f energy source
2. V ocabulary a- Elicit some new words ( pictures , realias, situations ....}
- Have Ss read many times in chorus
call some individuals Checking vocab: Hang
on ihe text book do
Lsk Ss 10 do in 5 minutes Provide the keys
* Advantage g benefit 1 2. available 3. abundant = plentiful 4. convenient heap , clean , s a f e ..... ) * Disadvantage (n) ... 1. limited ... 2. harmful (Adj) ___ 3. polluting 4 exhausted ( expensive, dangerous) * P ractice. I. Pul the words below into the table to describe the types o f en ergy._______ Sources Advantages Disadvantage of energy s Wind Abundant Not available unlimited Water / E xpensive, hydro not available Solar Renewable Expensive 65
c, Have Ss work in pairs to do ex2 - C ross-check - T feedback
d, -
Have Ss do Ex3 on the text book. Guide how to do Ask Ss to do Provide the keys
- Ask Ss to write down on the notebooks 3. Pronunciation.
plentiful, available, clean , safe Renewable t plentiful, clean , safe R enew able, c le a n , safe Abundant
A bundant, cheap
E xpensive, dangerous j Coal, oil E b rm fu ^ ^ „ natural exhausted„ polluting gas 2. Compare your answers with your partner. For exam ple: A: 1 think bioga#is rStaSwable . B: Me, loo. J also think it is abundant and cl
the pictures anil complete these rc e s , using the words ini. solar - clean / safe non-renewable 3. w in d -c le a n 4. expensive - dangerous
il. Pronunciation . * How to stress in three-syllable Nouns and Adjectives . 1- Guide Ss ho the nouns R ulel : Opo When Syiabiell A 3 are short and the adje three syllables vowels. ( very popular) Eg : excellent, difficult, president s plentiful, energy accident, dangerous Rule! : oOp When Syllable 2 is a long vowel or a dipthong and Syllabled is a short vowel iive examples or dipthong /o u /. ( popular) )lain the rules Eg : disaster, p o tato , enormous , lave Ss practice in chorus expensive „ convenient, advantage .. * P ractice. 3- Ask Ss to do Ex 4 & 5 to 4. Listen and repeat. Which words are distinguish the two ways o f stressing stressed on the first syllable and which ones 66
three-syllable words
are stressed on the second syllable ? Put them in the correct colum ns. Ooo oOo - dangerous - expensive - plentiful - abundant - limited - convenient - easily - enormous ^ - energy - advantage 5. Read the following sentences and m an the stressed syllable in the underlined words . Then listen , check and repeat. 1. Coal will be replaced by another renewable resource. 2. \Vind power is convenient and abundant . 3. Natural gas is limited and it is harmful to the environm ent. 4. Solar energy is jilentiful and it can be replaced §£sily . Nuclear power is expensive and dangerous .
4Have Ss practice - cross-check
- call some individuals
4 .F u rth er practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson S-Prnduction: - Learn by heart all the new words. - Prepare for next lesson ( find lh^ meaning of the new words in the next lesson ) T - Do a * bl,2 . k workbook)______ -OoOW EEK : 28 Period
* do ai home
Preparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 10 : SO U R C ES O F E N E R G Y Lesson S:A c lo s e r lo o k 2 U O B JE C T IV E : - By Ihe end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about ENERGY SOURCES and they master the uses o f the future continuous tense and the simple future passive Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic “ sources of energy1', Types o f energy sources b. Grammar : Future continuous tense and simple future passive form. 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude; - Positive about types o f energy sources, advantages & disadvantages of energy . - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competences: - Co-operation - Self-study - Using language to talk about types of energy sources, advantages & disadvantages o f energy . 11./.PR EPA R A TIO N : I.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector ¿.Students: books, notebooks III./. T E A C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, leaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV./.PROCEDURE: Sts’ and T ’s activities Content I. W arm - up. * Questions : Review simple future tense I . What w ill it be tomorrow ? - Have Ss answer some questions Where will you go for this summer vacation ? - Lead to the new lessons 3. When w ill you have a parly for your next birthday ? 4. How will the world change if we use up all the non-renewable energy sources ? (old Lesson ;sson if hii have time 2. Grammar l: I - Give examples - Explain other uses of
- Give the form
S Will V (in f)....... _____________( simple future tense) * G ra m m a r. I. The future continuous ten se. * Examples : - Al 8.00 tomorrow morning, I will be learning Math al school. - This time next sum m er, we will be visiting Paris => expressing an action in progress at a definite point o f time in the future .______ (+) S + will be + V-ing 68
- Have Ss work in pairs to do Ex 1,3 ( work individually) - Call someone to present their answers. - Cross -correct - Provide the keys
(-} S + will not be + V-ing (?) W ill + S + he + V-ing ? Note 1 : The future continuous often company with a definite point of time in the future ( Adverbs of time )such as On Sunday next w eek , At K.00 tomorrow morning This time next summer By 2 0 2 0 ,................ * Practice : iing the future I. Complete the sentences using continuous form o f the verbs in brackets. I, will be putting 2^wiii be taking 3, will be installing 4, will be spending 5, will be using 3. Complete the conversation with the verbs in brackets ( simple future or future continuous tense ). will watch 2, will we put ill be having 4, will travel , will walk or cycle 6, will be cycling 7, will be going II. The future simple passive form , * F orm ________________________________ will be + Vpp ( by O ) . will be + Vpp ( by O }. S + be + Vpp ( by O ) ? * For Examples . -Solar panels will be put on the roof of the houses. - The exercises will be finished tomorrow. - Low energy light bulbs will be used widely. NOTE I : Passive form is used when. .. - the doer is not known and not important - the object is not important NOTE2 : If the doer is definite and still im portant, we can add “ by O ” at the end of the sentence.
- Ask Ss to write down on iheir notebooks
Grammar 2:
- Give the form - Give examples - Explain other use^o 1' the passive voice .
A v Y r O
- Have Ss work in pairs to do Ex5 ( work individually)
* Practice : 5. Complete the magazine article with the passive form o f the verba in the table . 1, be provided 2, be used 3, be placed 4, be stored 5, be solved
- Call someone to present their answers. - Cross -correct - Provide the keys - Ask Ss to write down on their notebooks * Further P ractice. 3- Ask Ss to work in pairs / in groups 4. Work in p a ir s . artner what you o f four. wing point o f time. will be doing at Eg. This time t 1 will be learning lish this time tomorrow - Call some pairs groups to present their answers
- Cross -check
- I feed-back
4 .Fur 1ther practice: ets sts summarize the content o f ihe the lesson 5.Production: - Learn by heart all the new words. - Prepare for next lesson { find the
. ^ . . 1I his histime timet tomorrow , I will be learning English 1. Tom Tomorrow afternoon ^ ^ 2 . this weekend 3. this time next week 4. when you are fifteen years old 7. Look at the pictures and write what will be done in the fu tu r e . * Suggestions 1. A hydro power station will be built in the region to increase the electricity. 2. Solar panels will be pul / installed on the roof o f the buildings . 3. A network of wind turbines will be installed to generate electricity . 4. Bicycles will be used to travel in the cily -
( Do at home i f necessary) 2. Write what these students will be doing 70
meaning of the new words in the next lesson) Do 133.4,5,6 ( workbook) Redo section 2.6, - students1 book
tomorrow afternoon. 1, Jenny will be giving a talk about saving energy . 2, Helen will be putting solar panels in the playground . 3, Susan will be checking cracks in the water pipes 4, Jack will be putting low energy lij bulbs in the classrooms. 5, Kate will be showing a film o iV ^ e s of renewable energy sources. 6. Change these sentences into the passive v o ice. 1. Waves will be used as an environmentally friendly energy source . 2. A network o f wind turbines will be installed to make electricity. 3. ln thÄ country si d e , plants will be bumtn to produce h e a t. 4. Energy consumption will be reduced as h as possible. llernative sources o f energy will be developed. 6. Solar energy will be used to solve the problem o f the shortage of energy.
Preparing date: Teaching date:
Period: 81
U N IT 10: SO U R C ES O F EN ER G Y Lesson 4: Communication ■ rE: - By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their carbon I./. O footprin well as the ways how to save energy in life . knowledge: a. Vocabulary: - The lexical ilems related to the topic “ sources of energy1', Types o f energy sources b. G ram m ar: Future continuous tense and simple future passive form. 2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. A ttitude: - Positive about types o f energy sources, advantages & disadvantages of energy . - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about types of energy sources, advantages & disadvantages o f energy .
nXPREPARATION: ¡.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks HI./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group play as a character, leaching methods with game, leaching metho, methods by practising, discussion group, technical present IV ./.FRO CED U RE:
Teacher’s & Students' activities I.Warm - up: - Have Ss answer the questions
- Set the sense . - Lead to the new lesson
activities, ual?teaching
tent * Qucstii
1. What didVoii do to save energy ? 2. What do you usually do lo save energy ? \ W harw ill you do to save energy ? A n sw e rs: -
I................ .................. 1............. . .................................. ( students’ answers )
2. Communication I-Vocabulary* Elicit some new words from pictures and situations - Read aloud many times in chorus
- Checking vocab: mulching -ame gaj -C all some individuals -
- to lake a shower - to ride a bike - to use public transport - to use a hand-fan - to use low energy light bulbs - to turn off electricity things - to use biogas - t o ................................
II. Practice - Have Ss do a lest / do ex 1
Do u test by answering the following questions with the number from I to 4.
- Guide how lo do ( individually)
- Ask Ss lo work in groups o f six 1 student is the monitor 5 student are the participants
- Call some groups to represent their works .
- Feedback
¡Questions Do you
Always Often Some rsever < = 1 ) < = 2) Times < = 4 ) ( = 3)
1, take showers... 2, walk or ride*. 3, use public transport........ 4, use a handfan 5, use low energy 6, turn off the 7, only use as much water as., S, onlv use a little elect ricitj
.3 £fbiosas
o to ool by bike Look up the score and answer the following question . 1, What is your total score ?
Then explain how well your partner saves energy “How big your partner’s carbon footprint is.” Student 1 : ............................. Student2 : ................................. Student 3 : . . ......................... . Student 4 :.................................... Studenti : ................................... Keys : 10-20 : Your footprint is sm a ll. You are really environmentally friendly. 21-30 : Your footprint is quite small. 73
Remember to care ab o u t, and respect , the world around us . 31-40: Your footprint is quite big . You do something to save energy , but there’s always room for im provem ent. 3, Com m unication 2:
Have Ss work in pairs - Call some Ss/ pairs to represent their report before the class - Feedback
Report your partner *s carbon footprint to your groups / class. Use the following prompts . For exam ple: M y partner '$ carbon footprint is Hog . He is considerate because uses lots\ o f bath ? He could try harder to use showers instead o f baths . Byreducing the baths , he can help to save energy7in the fu tu r e .
4 ju r th e r practice: - Lets sts summarize the content of the lesson 5. Production: - Do Speaking ( workbook) - Write a report about you r own carbon fo o tp rin t._______
-OoOKiềm tra ngày
WEEK:25 Period: 8
Preparing date: Teaching date: FEED BA C K ON TEST 45 ’
LCTiVE: - Help ss find out their mistakes and correct them . Students can rove their knowledge o f English Knowledge; - Grammar: from unit 7-9 - Vocabulary: related to unit 7-9 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. Attitude: - Ss are interested in practicing skills 74
- Ss are interested in doing exercises 4. Com petences - Self-study: work individually. lU P R E F A R A T lO N i 1.Teacher: Test papers 2. Students: HI./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Technical present IV ./.PK O C ED liR L 1. R em ark on the tests: -The number o f the tests: +fcxellent tests: +Good lest +Average: +Under average: -The number o f the tests: +Exellent tests: +Good test +Average: +Under average: -In general, ail Ss have achieved the basic -There are many exellent and good test^ - Some Ss’ skill of doing general tesi B. Key: SÔ 3- NAM HOC « A N H - LO P 7 PART 1.0,5p f o r each correct sentence. 1. F ( one o f l h ^ ^ w t famous festivals) 2. T 3. F ( I heyv stayed s(yyed in a tent} He's Nick’s father’s favorite singer e: Unit 9 - Skills 2 - part 2 PART II: 1. 0,25 p fo r each correct sentences 75
2. B
3. A
4. B
2. 0,25 p fo r each correct sentence. LA
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. D
PART III /. 0,5 p fo r each correct sentence.
2. T
2. 0,2 p fo r each correct sentence. I-C 2- D 3- B 4- A 5-E PART IV: 0,5 p fo r each correct sentence.
L Allhough the festival took place in a remote area, a lot o f people attended it. 2. How far is it froM Hue to Da Nang? 3 . 1 used to g ^ to primary school on fool 4. In spite o f being short, they still love playing sports 5.Production:Prepare unit 10
W E E K ;29 Period: 83
Preparing date: Teaching date: U N IT 10: S O U R C E S O F E N E R G Y
Lesson 5: Skills 1 I./. O B JE C T IV E : - By Ihe end o f the lesson, Ss will gel some more information about ENERGY SO URCES as well as well be able to talk aboul iheir advantages and disadvantages. 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: - The lexical items related lo the topic “ sources of energy1', Types o f energy sources h. G ram m ar: Future continuous tense and simple future passive form.*" 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about types o f energy sources, advantages & disadvantages of energy . - Students know how lo learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language lo talk about types of eneRg^soujces, advantages & disadvantages o f energv sourc energy . »./.PR E PA R A T IO N : L ire , * projet ¡.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks ill./. TEA C H IN G M ETH O D S: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, leaching methods with game, leaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... IV./.PROCED1JRE:
s activities
Content N etw ork . ( old lesson)
play game “ spider web ead 3 limes in chorus - Set ihe sense - Lead to ihe new lesson 77
* Discussion : - Have Ss work in groups to discuss the following questions . - Listen and feedback
it. Reading; - Elicit some new words ( pictures , realias, situations ..._} - Have Ss read many times in chorus - Call some individuals
- Checking voeab: Slap the bo; >oard and rem em ber
uide Ss the way how to do Ex3-a - Give examples - Ask Ss to work individually - Call some Ss to the black-board - Provide the correct answers
/. Discuss the following questions. 1, WhaL are ihe main sources of energy in Viel Nam ? ....... ccoal o a l.t ooil, il hvdro hydro power' pow er, . 2, WhaL types o f energy sources will be used in th & ju tu lfc ^ ....... ....... .................. ( ... solar energyr, wind en e rg y ..... ) 1. Vocabulary. Fossil fuel (n) .......... create (v) .......... produce .......... = to generate .......... - To replace - to turn ( turbines) - to convert into - to value - alternative (adj) .......... - a great deal o f = a lot o f //. P ractice. A. Reading. 2. Read the text below and check your id ea s, 3. Read the text then answer the questions * a. Match the verbs with the nouns. 1. - c . create energy 2. - a . drive machinery n
- Guide Ss the way how to do Ex3-b - Give examples - Ask Ss lo practice in pairs - Cross -check - Call some Ss lo Ihe black-board - Provide the correct answers
- Ask Ss to write down on iheir notebooks 3-Speaking : - Have Ss work in pairs - Call some pairs to role-play before the class
- Cross-check
- T feedback
le class into 4 groups make a speech about the ilages and disadvantages of each >e o f energy source . ■41 observe - call some groups to represent their work - Feedback
3. - e . generate electricity 4. - b . turn turbines 5. - d . heat houses . b. Answer the questions . 1. Two. They are renewable and non renewable . 2. Hydro power is limited because dams cannot be built in certain areas ,and nuclear energy is d a n g e r o u ^ ^ ^ ^ 3. because the wind can turn turbines lo make electricity . Solar einergy can be changed into electricity or cab be used to heat or cool our houses . 4. We use hydro power m o s t. 5. he think Viet Nam will use the wind and the sun as alternative sources of energy in the future . B. Speaking : 4. Ask and answer questions about the advantages and disadvantages o f each type o f energy source. \ a m p le : A: What type o f energy is oil ? B: It is non-renewable source o f energy , because it cannot easily be replaced . A: What are its advantages and disadvantages ? B: It can be used to drive machinery , but it also pollutes the environm ent.
5. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages o f each type o f energy source, (sp eak in g ) E xam ple : Hydro power is a renewable source o f energy because it comes from w a te r. It is cheap and plentiful. Unfortunately , dams can only be built in certain areas . 79
4.Further practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson S.Production: - Learn by heart all the new words. - Prepare for next lesson ( find the meaning o f the new words in the next lesson) - Do Reading ( workbook) - Redo Ex5 ( students' book)
Do at home
W EEK :29 Period: 84
Prepari Teac
U N IT 10: SO U R C E S O Lesson 6: Skills 2 1./. O B JE C T IV E : - By the end of Ihe lesson, Ss will he able to write a passage about energy and the ways how to save energy in life 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic “ sources of energy1', Types o f energy sources b. G ram m ar: Future continuous tense and simple future passive form. 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive abou^types o f energy sources, advantages & disadvantages of energy . - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in energy sources &ways to save energy . 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about energy sources &ways lo save energy . II./. PR EPA R A TIO N : I.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector ¿¡.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEA C H IN G M ETH O D S: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, t » ^ alay > as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching yfflW hods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. 1VJ/.PR O C ED U R E: Sts1 and T ’s activities 1. Warm- up
Content I. Vocabulary. 80
- Have Ss play gam e41 spider-web o f phrases ” - Read 3 times in chorus
2. Listening: a- Elicit some new words ( p ic tu r e ^ realias, situations ..._} iorus
- Call some individui * Checking vocab: \ hat & W here
b- Ha' uess the answers before listening - Cross-check
Ride to w ork
. Discuss the 1- Look at the pictu fo llo w in g s. 1, What do you thTI usual about this means o f trans 2, Have you seen any transport like this ? 3, What should we do to save energy in our life
- Discuss some questions - Set the sense - Lead to the new lesson
- Have Ss read many times ii
U se public transport
- Play the tapes - Call someone to give their answers - Play the tape again - provide the keys
/ . Vocabulary? : (Hn developing countries) to use up (v) 2. to lead to ... 3. to change 4. to heat up 5. to release 6. to solve ( the problem) 7. to protect 8. to invest 9. to increase >< to reduce avoid ( doing ST) //. Practice. A. Listening . 2. Listen to the passage and tick true or false to the statements . 1, T 2 /f 3,T 4. F 5. I
c- Ask Ss lo work individually - Cross -check - Call some Ss to the black-board - Provide the correct answers
- Have Ss work in groups to discuss what we should do to save energy 3. W r itin g : - I observe and feedback
- Ask Ss to write down the answers on their notebooks
3.Listen to the passage again and complete the sentences, 1, mountainous 2, Cooking and heating 3, air pollution 4, on the increase 5, wind and the sun W riting, 4. Complete the article. Ust j below * 1 -E , 2 -D . 3 - V , 4-B , 5-C 5. Discuss the following ways to stive energyi . Decide on the 5 most im portant, then write them in the box y flia t should you do to save energy ? 1. Reduce our electricity 2. Use public transport Reduce the use of fossil fuel 4. Increase the tax on petrol. 5. Use low energy light b u lb s.
d- Divide the class i - Have Ss practice - Prese
rks on the sub-boards
6, Write a short passage about what we should do to save energy. ( maybe at home) S tart like this : Every day, we use too much energy at home . We sh o u ld ___________ ______
i t 's very important to save energy What should we do to save energy-? I think we should use electricity more efficiently to reduce our electricity bills We can do 82
this by turning o ff the light before going to bed and using low energy light bulbs. We should avoid using cars or motorbikes fo r short trips. ..
4 .F u rth er practice; - Lets sis summarize the content o f the lesson 5. Production: - Leam by heart all the new words. - Prepare for next lesson ( find the meaning of Ihe new words in die next lesson ) - Do Writing ( workbook) - Redo Ex6 ( student'sbook)
Do at home
........................ OoO-
W EEK :30 Period: 85
s Kiếm tru ngày
c>x tháng
Preparing date: Teaching date: U M T 10: SO U R C E S O F EN ER G Y L esso n 7: L o o k in g hack a n d p roject
y the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to revise what they have RGY SOURCES in the previous lessons as well as make their own about how to save energy. - The lexical items related to the topic “ sources of energy", Types o f energy sources ram mar : Future continuous tense and simple future passive form. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about types o f energy sources, advantages & disadvantages of energy . - Students know how to leam English in right way. - Ss are interested in energy sources &ways to save energy . 83
4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about energy sources ¿¿ways lo save energy . HM PR EPA R A TIO N : 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector l.S tu d en ts: books, notebooks III./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s at play as a character, leaching methods with game, leaching methods by visual, methods by practising, discussion group, technical present ... IV ./.FR O CED U R E: S ts’ and T*s activities I. W arm up - Have Ss put ihe words into the correct groups to recall some new words - Read 3 limes in chorus - Checking remembering by games - Guide how to play - observe & feedback 2. Looking hack:
;view briefly the usages and jrms of ihe future continuous tense and the simple future passive v o ice.
:abu]ary. ( Review) Sources of energy Biogas Solar energy Gas Nuclear energy
Clean Cheap Plentiful Available
Water power
Polluted Expensive Limited Exhausted/' dangerous harmful
//. Grammar. ( Review) A, The future continuous tense . => expressing an action in progress at a + will be + V-ing (+) S + will nol be + V-ing (■) S + be + V-ing ? (?) Will + S 84
Give examples
- re-explain the uses and the form
- Have Ss do Ex ( pair work & group-work) - cross- check
call someone to represent iheir answers. Provide Lhe keys
Ask Ss to write down their do answers ^ers on their n ole books
Have Ss look at the pictures and say out
B. The future simple passive form. Passive form is used when... - the doer is not known /not important - the object is not important * Form
NOTE : If the doer is definite and still im portant, we can add " by O at the end o f the sentence . * Practice : ^ 2. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the future continuous. 1, will be wearing 2, will be lying 3, will be working 4, will be studying 5, will be building 3. Change the following sentences into the passive voice. L A Jot of money will be spent on healing next y e a r. Biogas will be used for fuel in homes and for transport. 3. Renewable energy like w ind and solar energy will be used to solve the problems of pollution. 4. l he use o f electricity will be reduced to save energy. 5. A hydro power station will be built in Ihis area next year. 4. Complete the dialogue, using the future continuous form o f the verbs . I , will be earning 2, will be doing 3, will be doing 4. will be hosting 5, will be doing ///. Communication'. How to save energy J. Look at the pictures and answer the question below .
Call some ones to present 85
Feedback and correct mistakes if necessary
3. Project: - Have Ss discuss the slogans - Observe and feedback. - Divide the class into 6 groups - Flave Ss work in groups to draw slogans about how to save energy. - Call some groups 10 present their products ( exhibition) - T observe - Feedback
What should you do to save energy ? We should turn o ff the fire when the kettle is boiling . We should turn o ff the faucet when the tub is full of w a te r. We should close the refrigerator’s door when we do not use it We should turn o ff the fan when , not use it. We should turn o ff the lights whá* there is no one in the room . We should turn o ff the gas-stoves when we do not cook IV: Project. ( Post, boards) I. Look at the sloga and answer the questions belo - How are tj^ u is e d ? - Why are they important ?
e a simple slogans in your groups out how to save energy’ . ( exhibition their slogans ) ( maybe do at home )
4.Further practice:/ - Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson 5. Product»»! ■Ml - Learn by heart all ail flu the new words. - Prepare for next lesson ( find the meaning of the new words in the next lesson) - Redo 3,5 and project
Do at home
(students’ book)
OoOPreparing date: Teaching date:
W LEK :30 Period: 86 86
Unit 11: T R A V E L L IN G IN TH E FU TU R E Lesson 1: (vetting started I.A O B JE C T IV E : By the end o f ihe lesson, Ss can: - use lexical items related to future means o f transport and movement, - understand the difference between facts and opinions - use will for future prediction 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary:The lexical items related to future means o f transport a b. Grammar : will for future prediction, Possessive pronouns 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about travelling in the future. - Students know how to learn English in right - Ss are interested in means of transports. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about future means of transport and movement. »./.PR E PA R A T IO N : I.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, leaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... IV ¿P R O C E D U R E : Ss and T \ aci ctivities I. W arm up. To start the lilesson, ask Ss as a class to brainstorm on Ihe board one or two means of transport that are now commonly used in Viet Nam. Connect this with what they have learnt in 7 (Traffic) andUnit 10 (Energy) by asking describe how these means of transport in which situations they are used, and the . V advantages and disadvantages of using them.
Conten Is Example: “motorbikes1' - have motors powered by engines. - use petrol - used for road traiflic - advantages, practical, personal transport - disadvantages: not safe cause pollution Ask Ss how people in Viet Nam will travel around in year 2 1QQ.
Ask them 10 predict it iheirmeans o f transport mentionedon the board will still be used. Ask them to explain their productions. 1. New words 2. Getting-Started: Flying car (m): 0 to bay »J’rescntatinn Jet pack ( n ) : dộng CO phan lực - Elicit the new words mini Write ‘flying car* on the board Ask Ss Teleporter (n): dịch chuyển tức what they think how a ‘flying car1 might be thời Driverless cartnf. ò tô không người lái energy, advantages, disadvantages, etc.) Crash (v >(n>: A n , va chạm Write ‘jet pack’ and ‘teleporter’ on the A voi#(v); tránh board. Ask Ss to guess what they are, them give Helicopter ( n ) : m áy bay trực thầns explanations. Im aginative(n): giàu trí tưởng ‘Jet pack’; a jet-powered device you wear lượng ủn the back that will help you to fly (“dộng cơ different from an ordinary car (e.g.appearance,
phàn lực mini”)
‘teleporter’: an imaginary
method o f transportation in which one disappears at one point, usually in an instant, and reappear at another
- Check the new words: What and where - Let ss predict how people travel in the future, then write some o f th^fftidents’ answers on the board. - Let ss draw the iSage of “will” in this situation. 11. Model sentences: Eg: People will own driverless Practice Have Ss cover the text and ask them to look ears in the future. Will + V: for future prediction. at the ture only. Introduce the names of the Activity 1 students (Veronica, Mai, and Phuc). Ask them: stïï tr Answer the fof towing questions. - What can you see in the picture? - What are Veronica, Mai, and Phuc doing? What makes you think so? - What do you think is on the screen? Is 88
there a connection between what is on the screen with what Mai is thinking about? - What topic are they talking about? Ask Ss to uncover the text. Play the Key recording and ask them to locate the parts of I. a 'flying cars', *jet pack', and 'teleporter'.
2. b
3. c
4. a
a. Ss work individually to answer the questions. Ss compare answers in pairs and then
discuss as a class. T goes through each question and asks Ss how the text in the conversation supports their answers. (For question 2, however, T may draw Ss' attention lo the suffix-te'ss. For question 4, T may remind Ss of the meaning of green in previous units). After the discussion m, T writes correct answers on the board. 3. Doing: Look out I emphasises-tesy is added to
m to
make an adjective. Ask Ss to give more examples, to r a more able class, ask Ss to make sentences with the new adjectives created. V
b. Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the question. After that call some pairs to ask and answer for
class to listen. For a more
advanced class, questions 2 & # can be used as a team
iss debate.
Key. 1. If there are loo many flying cars, there will be traffic jam s in the sky. Some means o f transport will not be convenient in bad weather (e.g.jel pack). Future means of transport may use a lot o f fuel which will make pollution worse. 2&3: Open answers from Ss.
2. Draw Ss attention lo the Remember box.
A ctivity 2
Give more examples if necessary and ask Ss 10 identify which are facts and which are opinions.
Write a fact and an opinion (which could be your personal
Ask Ss to work in pairs to tick the Facts vs. opinion)
flying cars on
Opinions box. Then ask for their answers as a board. Ask Ss lo decide which class. Ask Ss to explain their decisions before statement could be proved and giving the keys. For question 5, tell Ss that a which is what you feel. prediction is always an opinion. Ask Ss to expain before giving your own explanation. 3. the
a. Ss work individually to come up with
of transport
conversation. b. T makes an example by giving a comvination, e.g. an electric car. Ask Ss lo say how they think an electric car works. The work individually lo make a list of the coi words c. Tell Ss how to do this task, by looking at the example given. Then ask Sa|to work in pairs. After the discussion, ask the class how many comvined words they have. Elicit the words on the board. Then ask Ss to pick up one favourite combination from their list. Cali on several pairs and have them toCNiplain why they choose that ;port as their favourite one. tctiee: marize the content o f the lesson
W EEK :30 Period: 87
Preparing date: Teaching date:
Unit 11: T R A V E L L IN G IN TH E FUTURE 90
L esso n 2: A c lo ser lo o k 1 U . O B JE C T IV E : By the end o f ihe lesson, Ss can: - appropriately use rising and falling intonation for Yes-No and Wh-questions. - use lexical items ralated to future means of transport and movement L Knowledge: a. Vocabulary:The lexical items related to future means o f transport and mnovemenl. o v e n ^ l^ ^ b. Grammar : will for future prediction, Possessive pronouns 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. Attitude: - Positive about travelling in the future. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in means of transports. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about future means of transport and movement. IL/.PK EPA KA TION : 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, project 2.Students: books, notebooks ill./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, leaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion sion grt group, technical present. IV./.PKO( ED IJREj
C ontents
Ss and T s activities
I. Warm up. The class can bVstarted with a game. Write the verbs: d r i v e , f l y , sail, pedal on pieces of paper. Ask one S at a time to volunteer lo perform the action looking at the verb and the class guess what action the S is doing.
After each correct guess, write the verb on
me the b oard. Ask Ss to add means of transport they
know that go with that verb. Explain that there may be a means o f transport that is not suitable for particular verbs. 2. Vocah:___________________________________ 1* Mew words 91
Pedal (v), (n): dạp (xe), bàn dap Let Ss work in pairs lo do activity ¡then Float (v): nổi Heated (adj): nóng elicit the new words from ihe pictures Hot air balloon (n): kinh khỉ cầu Irani (n): Bullet train (n): tàu hỏa siêu tổc (làu viên đạn) ]]. Activities I . Check ss’ answer Activity 1 After having the keys, Ss work in pairs Key:a, a liiotorbiki again to say the correct pharases. ride is used a a train, drive a car, drive a bus. b. a car a d. a bus 2. Ask Ss to underline the most important key words in the thinking bubbles. Do the first its with Ss as an example. Ss then work individi and compare their answers in pairs
e a plane
Activity 2 ':m*ểdìhìp
b. a bus
LOt air balloon e. a plane
a bicycle f. motorbikes
3. Ss work individually then pairs* tfxplain the 2. on
use of in and on in Remember box.
5. in; on
If lime allows, ask Ss lo ask Iffld answer how ihey oAen go/travel to some places (school, supermarket, ihe sea, etc.) Write two questions on the board: one Y/N question and one Wh-question. Tell Ss to say the questions aloudlind ask them to notice how the two questions are said in different ways. Tekk Ss to find « it the rules in Look out! Box. Ask Ss to
give some questions and have more practice.
pro initiation:
4. Play the recording. Ss work individually and tick in the appropriate box.
Activity 4 Key:
1. falling
2. rising
3. falling
4. rising
Audio script: 1. What will be next? 2. Do you think you can use it in bad weather? 3. How much fuel will these means o f transport use? 4. Will pollution be much worse? 5. Ss practise saying the questions individually then as a class. 6. Ss practise saying the questions individually and decide if they are spoken with rising or falling voices. Do not give the keys at this point. Play the recording for Ss to check iheir answers, then confirm their correct answers. 7. Ss work in pairs and ask and answer the question in 6. * Survey Give ss survey form then guide them t it ( pay attention to intonation whe%4j^ 4.K urther practice: - Lets sts summarize the cont S-Pmdiictinn: -Learn new words and Prepare for A closer
ive you ever (travelled in/on..)..? What is your favorite means of ct transport? oning)
if the lesson
........................ OoOKiêm tro ngày
Preparing date: Teaching date:
Unit II: T R A V E L L IN G IN TH E FU TU R E Lesson 3: A closer look 2 I
O B JE C T IV E : By the end o f the lesson, Ss can: - use will for future prediction 93
- use possessive pronouns 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary:! he lexical items related lo future means o f transport and movement b. G ram m ar: will for future prediction, Possessive pronouns 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about travelling in the future. - Students know how to learn English in right way - Ss are interested in means of transports. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about future means of transport and mov/ement. n jJ R E P A R A T IQ N ; ¡.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks 111./. T E A C H IM r M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, leaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... I V./.PROCEDU RE: /V ^ T
x .<<
Ss and T ’s activities
Conten Is
1. Warm up. Set up the situation lo lead into the lesson: T- Ss exchange: 4 ^ T: How do you go to school everyday? Ss: 1 go lo school by__ ¿by bike) T: What color is your Ss: My bike/ II is re T: Mine is whiter And how will you travel when you are 25? Ss: 1 w ill.......... Lead into the objectives o f the lesson are to use i^ill foi% rure prediction and use possessive pronouns. 2. Grammar 1: L Grammar I. Remind Ss of Phuc, Veronica, and Mai L Will for future predition and the group s project in Getting Stated, Ask Ss Key: We oAen use m U to make a if they are talking about the past, the prenseni, or prediction about the future. Prediction the future. Kor more able class, elicit from Ss Affirmative 94
S + will + V
more information about what the group discuss.
S + will
Ask Ss to cover the text lo listen carefully to pick up any phrases/sentences that contain will.
(w on’t) -i- V Interrogative
Will + S + V?
2. Possessive pronouns 3. Grammar 2: This
is your pen.
2. Go through the example with Ss. Say the two possessive adjective and, sentences have the same meaning.
before the noun.
Highlight the changes in the possessive in the This pen is y o ^ X ^ j j u r s ’ is a two sentences. possessive urooouHe and stands alone.
id o f saying: This pen is
pen Explain that we use possessive pronouns
etitive), we say This pen is
avoid repeating information.
Draw Ss’ attention to the table:
Instead of saying: This bike is my bike, not his bike, we say This bike is mine, not his
The personal pronouns /, you, she, he, ft, we,
they ,
adjectives my, your, his, her, its, our, their, and the respective possess iv ^ croabuns mine, yours,
his, hers; its, ours, th
11, Activities Practice Activity 4 Ss w o rt individually no complete task 4. Key: Then T calls on some Ss to write the answers on 1. This computer is theirs. 2. The black bike is mine the board and gives feedback. 3. These shoes are his. 4. The cat is Veronica’s 5. The picture is ours Activity 2 Ss work individually then compare their answers Key: I. Pepple w on’t use flying cars with each other. until the year 2050. 95
2. Do you think the fuel price will increase next month? 3. The mail won’t arrive until next week. 4. I don’t think he will take the new position. 5. We will use more soli in the future 3.
Activity 3 Write ‘fortune teller* on the board. Ask Key:
Ss why people want to visit a fortune teller, and
1. W illi hi
whal the fortune teller is expected to talk about. 2. will be If you have experience asking a fortune teller 10 3. Will I hi predict your future (or simi-lar), tell the class
ill whal the fortune teller says (in direct form). Ask ^ . . ^ j l l I he 6. won’t be Ss if they have ever talked with a fortune teller 7. will travel about the future, and if the predictions have become true or not. Ss work in pairs to complete the task. Then
T gives feedback to Ss as a class. If time allowsSask Ss to play roles to predict the future of each other 4.Further practice: H a v ^ ^ s work in groups o f 4 or 5. Each group membet^writes 5 sentences individually, then the group get together to see how many sentences they have. The group that has the most ^ correct coi sentences wins.
For more advanced classes, this can he done using ‘Sentence - making race1. Have groups write m 10 minutes as many
sentences as possible. The group that has the most correct sentences wins. ^.Production: -Learn new words and phrases Prepare for Communication.
-OoOPreparing date: leaching date: ^ Unit 11: T R A V E L L IN G IN TH E FU TU R E Lesson 4: C om m unication v v J
WEEK:31 Period: 89
I./. O B JE C T IV E : By the end o f ihe lesson, Ss can talk about their footpr footprint 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary;The lexical items related lo future means o f transport and movement.
b. G ram m ar: will for future prediction, Possessive onouns 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. Attitude: - Positive about travelling in th - Students know how to learn English in right way - Ss are interested in m eanglif transports.
4. Competences: ■*
V l S a L L j J V
t l l l V
J .
- Co-operation Co-operation - Self- study - Using language lo talk about future ^e means of transport and movement II./. PREPARATION: v 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, leaching methods w ith game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods liy practising, discussion group, technical present. .. 1V./.PROCEDURE: ___________________
Ss and T ’s activities 1. Waarm up -C Chai hitting: What are renewable sources of ^^eneirgy and What are the non-renewable sources o f energy?
2.Communication 1: + Ask Ss to look at the picture o f the 97
Contents Non-renewable sources of energy: coal, oil, natural gas... Renewable: wind, water, solar energy
footprint at the bottom right hand side o f page 43 and answer the questions; What does the carbon footprint mean? How big is your carbon footprint?
/. Answer the questions below with a
number from 1-4. 1—always 2 - often 3= sometimes 4= never Do you. . ..?
1. Have Ss read each item in 1 independently and write the number (from 1-4) in the boxes in accordance with what they always, often, sometimes or never do. Ask Ss to mark each other's answers in pairs. After adding up the marks, ask Ss to write the score in the total score box. 3. Communication 2: 2. Have Ss explain in pairs how well they save energy, using the three levels o f scores in 2
Score: 10-20: Your footprint is sm all... Score: 2 1-30 : Your footprint is quite sm all... Scone 31-40: Your footprint is big. . 3. Talk about your partner's carbon footprint to your group. Use the following frompts. * My partner footprint is. .. * He/she is considerate because... * He/ she could try hard to... * by. .. in the future, he/she can help to ...
3.Have Ss talk about their partners' footprint in groups, using the prompt? and the ideas in a.
4.Furthcr practi - Lets sts lesson
2. Work in pairs. Add up each other’s answers, and look up the score below. Then explain how well your partner saves energy.
e content o f the
5.Prod workbook ( part C)
:EK:31 ’eriod: 90
Preparing date: Teaching date:
Unit 11: T R A V E L L IN G IN TH E FU TU R E Lesson 5: Skills 1 9K
LA OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, Ss can: - read a text about special vehicles - give facts or opinions 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary:The lexical items related lo future means o f transport and movement.
b. Grammar: will for future prediction, Possessive pronouns 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. Attitude: - Positive about travelling in the future. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in means of transports. 4. Competences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language lo talk about future means of transport ment. ILAPREPARATlOrs: ¡.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, proje 2.Students: books, notebooks OLA TEACH I MG METHODS: Communicative a b ro a c h , group Ss and T 1s activities, play as a character, teaching methods w ith game, caching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, te c h ^ S present. IV./.PROCEDURE:
Ss and T \ a<
I. Warm un* Brainstorming: means o f trar
2. Reading: Pre- rend ini
I. Suggested answers: describe what they see. If the pictures are too These are all personal of transport. s m a lle r can prepare bigger photos o f a hover One person can travel on them. They are all used for ground scooter, a monowheel, and a segway. Help Ss lo transport. People control them by find tout the connection between the pictures by using handle bars Y ittk ing questions such as: How many people can travel on them? Where are these vehicles used?
Wm i O
How can these people control the vehicles? Do not give the names of the vehicles at this point. 99
- Elicit the new words
]. New words Flop (v): that bại Hover scooter (n): xe truợl Iren mặt dẩt Monowheel (n): xe dạp một bánh Pedal (n), (v): bàn dap Segway (n): segway (tên một loại phương tiện giao thông bàng sự di chuyền tay
While- reading 2. Ask Ss to read the text and try to identify Hop
which picture is a hover scooter, a monowheel, and a scgway. Ask Ss to explain their decisions.
3. wel
3. Ss work individually then compare the Activity 4: answers with iheir partners. 1. The S eg way. 4. Ss work in pairs to complete the^ask. Ask 2. Maybe because a personal Ss to underline the words in the text that help hover scooter is expensive, and it may be difficult to park. them to find the answers. For more able class disagree with what the a
they agree or 3. The monowheel. 4. The Segway ys and why.
3. Sneaking: 5.
Explain the Stydy Skill box for opinion A ctivity 5: signal w oidsj T may bring in some photos or write on the board some inlerestiong topics and ask Ss for their opinions. Ask Ss to use opinion signal words where possible possible.
1. fact
Remind Ss of the difference between a fact 2. ^ > a n d an opinion that they have learnt in Getting 3. I Satrted. Sat) Ss work in pairs to complete the task. 4. 5. 6. 4 .F u rth e r practice; 100
opinion opinion fact opinion fact
6. Ss work in pair to prepare iheir presentation about the vehicle. Remind them to use statements about both facts and opinions. Ss can add their own ideas where possible. Call on some pairs to present it to the class. 5. Product inn: -Learn new words and phrases Prepare for skills 2. -ỡữO-
Kiêm tra ngà"V thàn
WEEK:32 Period: 91
Preparing date: Teaching date: lĩnit 11: TRAVELLI] G IN TH E FUTURE kills 2 L es« s can: - listen for specific information
U . O B JE C T IV E : By the end of the about inventions of fnLnre means o f
- Write a paragraph about future m ean \> f transport. 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary;The lexica^ items related to future means o f transport and movement.
b. Grammar : will for future prediction, Possessive pronouns 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ltitude: - Positive about travelling in the future. - Students know how to learn English in right way. are interested in means of transports. 4. Competences: - Co-operation - Sélf- study - Using language to talk about future means of transport and movement. fU I-Z P R E P A R A T IO N ; L T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector C C '.¿.Students: books, notebooks 111.. T E A C H jN G M E T H O D S : Communicative approach, group Ss a n d T ’s activities, play as a character, leaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. 101
Ss and T ’s activities I. W arm ur>Chatling: Which transport do you think o f in ihe future? 2-Listening 1. Have Ss guess ihe answers first, ["ell Ss that the questions ask about what they think, and not what is true about the vehicle. Remind them lo use opinion signal words where possible. Do not give corrective feedback. - Accept all answers from Ss and ask them to explain why they think so. 2. Play the recording and ask Ss to check their answers in 1.
1- Listening /. Look at the pic tu te. Which ' i doyou think are the correct option^ behw. - Ss’ opinion
2. A W listen and check you r answers. 1. can 2. doesn’t
3. Ss work individually to answer the questions and compare the answers witn their partners.
3. Listen again and answer the following questions. 1. The vehicle is called TF-X 2. It can travel ai 300 kph. 3. It was designed in 2013.
4. Ss work in pair correct feedbi again if n
4. Tick the benefits o f this vehicle that are mentioned in the recording. 1. It can avoid traffic.S 2. Il can avoid bad weather. ( not mention) 3. Il travels fast ^ 4. You can invite three o f your relatives and three of your friends to travel with you on ihis vehicle at the same Lime.( ihe car has two seats) 5. Learning lo drive ihe car is simple. S
task. Give lay the recording
3. W riting; 5. Refer to the text in Reading lo support
II- W riting 5. Write a short paragraph aboul a future 102
Ss in this task.
means of transport in this unit. Include both facts and your opinions about the vehicle. - name o f mean o f transport. - how it looks - how its functions. - what you think about it.
6. Have Ss swap iheir writing with each other. Ask them to identify facts and opinions. For more able classes, ask Ss 10 give their own feedback about their friend's writing.
6.Swap your writing with your partner. Find which sentences are facts, and which ones are opinions. Do you agreeNr disagree with your opinions? - Name of the trans - how it looks - how it functi What you t
teresting means o f transports mrented so far. In the future, I e will be flying motorbikes It will a bit different from motorbikes wadays; but it can fly without wings It will use electricity transfered from solar energy. It can travel fa st and avoid bad w eather. It w ill be very useful and popular in the near future. 4 .F u rth er practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson 5. Production: K -Learn new words and phrases. - Exercise: Fail D, n ( Workbook) Prepare: Looking back and project. -OoOW E EK Period: 92
Preparing date: Teaching date: Unit 11: T R A V E L L IN G IN TH E FU TU R E Lesson 7: Looking back and pro ject
L/. O B JE C T IV E : By the end o f the lesson, Ss can: - Look back the unit to review L Knowledge: 103
a. Vocabulary;! he lexical items related to future means o f transport and movement. b. Grammar : will for future prediction, Possessive pronouns 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Positive about travelling in the future. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in means of transports. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about future means of transport and movement. U ./. P R E P A R A T10 [V 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks T s activities, III./. T E A C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group play as a character, leaching methods with game, leaehinlg methods ds by visual, leaching methods bv practising, discussion group, technical prese n , . . . . IV ¿P R O C E D U R E : Ss and T ’s activities L W arm up. Chatting: Ss talk about their future me of transport. 2. Looking haek. + VOCABULARY | 1. Have Ss work individually to combine the pictures together to form aphr® e
2. Ss firs t^ t groups to <
¡dually, then work in ble.
1- V ocabulary. 1. Use the clues in the two pictures to form o phrase. taxi e. driverless plane d. space car e. underwater bus. 2. Complete this table. Transport possibilities in the future._______ Verb Energy Character isi ics used bicycle Ride, WindAutomated, pedal powered high-speed ear drive WaterFlying, powered driverless train drive SolarUnderwater, powerd supersonic airplane _Hv_ Solardriveless 104
+ GRAMMAR 3. Ss work individually then compare their answers with each other.
4. Ss write the text and swap with each other for peer comments. 5. Ss work individually then compare their answers with each other.
N 4 ^
3.Project: Encourage Ss to draw pii use videos to illustrate their ideas. They may use posters or prepare apijjsentation using computer up uter if possible possi - / ,v
ll-G ra m m a r 3. Change the personaI pronouns in brackets into suitable possessive pronouns. 1 mine 2. yours 3.theirs 4. hers 4. Look at the information abt sky cycling tubes. Then write a description o f this means o f transport usine will a tut won V. Skycycling tubes will be easy to drive__ 5.Complete the dialogues using will (+) or w on't (-). Ç 1. (1 don't know)*Perhaps we won’t travel in driveless cars in the future. 2. Will we have high speed trains in the next five years0 Yes, maybe we will 3% think we will have electric taxis very soon. Oh, 1 think we w on't have them until the year 2030. Ill- Project. Our own future transport. In groups, brainstorm ideas for your future means o f transport. Think about the following: + Where does it travel? Does it fly, float, drive or something else? + How does it travel? Do you pedal it?.....
4.Turrther practice: ^ i^ L e ls sts summarize the content o f the less lesson 5.P« -Production: -Learn new words and phrases. - Exercise: Workbook Prepare for the second term test. 105
-OoOW EEK :32 Period: 93
Preparing date: Teaching date: R E V IS IO N
I./. O B JE C T IV E : By the end o f ihe lesson, Ss can review for ihe coming Lest 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: From unit 10 to unit 11 b. G ram m ar: From unit 10 to unil 11 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study ¡¡¿P R E P A R A T IO N ; 1.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projet ¿.Students: books, notebooks HI./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 1s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group^technical present. I V./.PROCEDU RE: I: Choose the word whose underlinec jiirt is pronounced differently from that of the other words in each group. 1. A. teenager B. together C. guess D. regular 2. A. meat B. reader C. sea D. realize 3. A. horrible B. hour C. hundred D. hold 4. A. much B. drug C. future D. buffalo 5. A. serious B. symptom C .sugar D. sauce II: Choose option to complete the following sentences. 6. I hav ..................... ..two years. A B. for C. since D. in 7. He any old books for 5 years. B. is recycling C. has recycled D. will recycle A . recyc 8. To prepare for the new year, I ............... . my house again since last month . paint B. painted C. have painted D. has painted 9.♦They ..............the used plastic bottles with water several times yesterday. A. washed B. is washed C. are washed D. were washed 10. It is dangerous........ quickly. A. driving B. drove C. to drive D. driven 106
Ill: Match the verbs in A with the phrases in B A B 11. donate a. flu 12. have b. eggshells 13.have a c. a mural 14. carve d. blood 15 . paint e. temprature IV: Read the text and answer the questions. The first reason why many families do volunteer work is that they feel satisfied and proud. The feeling o f fulfillment comes from helping the community and other people. In addition, volunteering is a great way for families to have fun and closer. But many people say they don’t have time to volunteer because they have to work and take o f their families. If that's the case, try relhingking some of your free time as a family. You could select just one or two projects a year and make them a family tradition. For instance, your family can make and donate gift blankets for the old homeless people on holidays. Your family can also spend only one Saturday morning a month collecting rubbish in your neighborhood. 16. How do people often feel when they volunteer^
17. How can your family benefit from doinf 18. Why don't some people have time 19. How can your family help the old homeless people? 20. Is collecting rubbish in the neighborhood an example o f volunteer work? V: Listen: You will some information about a place called Sea world. Listen and complete questions 21-25. You will hear the information twice. Open: T uesday-S unday Closed d u m ig ^ s i^ ta f : 21............... ................................. .......... Watch a film about the sea in: 2 2 ............... ........,___ .............. TT___ , Dolphin show starts at: 2 3 ...... ............................ .............. .......... Shop sells: 24........... ......................... ................ ........ Child's ticket costs: 25............................................................... riting: Write about a festival you know. comments. ........................ OoO......................
Kiểm tra ngày
W EEK :33 Period: 94
Preparing date: Teaching date: TEST 45’
L/. O B JE C T IV E : - To check sts1knowledge of grammar and to unit 11 - Help sts improve their English 1. Knowledge; - Grammar: from unit 10-11 - Vocabulary: related to unit 10-11 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Ss are interested in practicing - Ss are interested in doing ej^A is 4. Com petences - Self- study: work individually. »./.PR E PA R A T IO N : LTeachec: Test 4 5 ’, laptop 2.Students: »1./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Technical present 1V./.PROCEDURE
Topics/ language
& sk llls\
^B&pik J 0 Ý (20% )
Knowledge Objective
Subje ctive
Comprehension Objective
Listen to the passage taik about “Biogas' and tick 108
from unit 10
Application Low
4 items 2 points 20%
T/F 4 items 2 points
1. Choose the G ra m m a r word whose am i Voeab stress pattern is different Topic from that o f the 10,11 other words in (30% ) each group. 2. Circle the best option A, Bt C or D to complete each o f the following sentences 12 items 3 points 111-
Reailing Topic 10,11
2: Read the about Nga s following fam ily and Spassage circle A, B, and or C to choose the complete best the answers sentences 2. 5 items 4 items 1 point 2 points
9 items 3 points 30%
Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above 109
4 items 2 points
4 items 2
12 items 3.0 points
13 items 5.0 points
Bao Khe Secondaiy School Class: 7.......... Student 's name : ..................
KIÉM I RA 45 PHÜT SÙ 4 - NAM HOC Mon: TIÉNG ANH - LÔP 7 Thifi giau làm bàl: 45 phût Marks
Teacher’s Opinion
Listen to tin
talk about “B io g a s a n d tick T/F(2ptsl t- renewable sources are being used up. [any poor people in developing countries have little electricity. Biogas is a new source of energy available for poor people. The new energy source is not costly.
PAR //. /. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that ofthe other wonts in each group. (Ipt) I 10
29 items 10 points 100%
1. A. diver
B. vessel
C. affect
D. chopstick
2. A. relax.
B. marbles
C. comic
D. alias
1. A. apply
B. attract
C. design
D. enter
2. A. open
B. product
C. father
D. balloons
2. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each o f the following sentences (2ms). 1. 1 have known her......................... ..two years. A. with
B. for
C. since
uD. . in
2. H e ____ many old books next year. A. recycled
B. is recycling
C. has recycled
D. will recycle
3. To prepare for the new year, I _________ my house again since last month A. paint
B. painted
C. have painted
D. has painted
(V to drive
D. driven
4. It is dangerous............. quickly. A. driving
B. drove
5. We are free now. Shall we go to our club's party? - _____________ ___ A. Yes, 1 shall
B. Yes, we should
C. Yes, we go
D. Yes, let’s
6 . 1 and my brother usually spend two h o u r................... ...............every evening. A. do our homew
B. to do our homework
C. doing our homework
D. to doing our homework
7. O f the ¡ 5 ^ tu d e n ts , he i s ................................... A. tall
B. taller
C. the taller
D. the tallest
mg feels sick now because he drank too. T............ this morning. many
B. few
C. lots
READ /. Read the following passage and choose the best answers. (Ipsj M y Television 111
D. much
My television is an important (1) of furniture to me. I can’t get (2) _ the house very often, but my TV brings the whole ( 3 ) ___ to me. From ihe evening news and the “all-news” channels. I learn about events(4) _ _ the outside world: politics, the environment, recent changes in technology and medicine, and so on. 1 like game shows and travel programs, (5 )______ . 1. A. bit B. piece C. slice D. pair 2. A. out B. in C. out o f D. in to 3. A. world B places C. towns D. cities 4. A. on B. in C. out D. over 5. A. loo B so C. either D. neither 2 Question 3: Read about !Sgtt a family and circle A,B, or C to comph sentences. (2pts)
& _
N ga's family wants to reduce their energy consumption. Nga and her brother will go to school by bicycle, while her mother will take the bus to work. Tomorrow, her mother will buy some low energy light bulbs to use all rooms. Besides, at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternooTf"dad will be putting solar panels on the roof of their house. From next week, all the water in Nga’s house will be heated by solar energy. Nga also tells her brother to turn off the lights when he gets out of the rooms. Nga and her family fell happy that they have small carbon footprints because they are using less energy that produces carbon dioxide.
l - N g ¿a's family wants to A. increase
........ energy consumption. B. use
C. reduce
- Nga and her brother will go to school b y ............ ... .. A. by bus
B. by bike
C. on fool
3- Ai 5 o ’clock tomorrow afternoon, dad
... solar panels on the roof
of their house. A. will be put
B. puts
C. will be putting
4- All the water in Nga’s house w ill................ by solar energy. A. heal
B. be heated
C. be heating
Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above(2pts). 1. We will use waves as an environmentally friendly energy source. => Waves w ill....................... ......................... ................. .........." .... V ....................... 2. We will use solar energy to solve Ihe problem of the energy shortage. => Solar energy w ill_________________ ___________ ................. ............. .......... 3. We will save a lot o f energy by using low energy light bulbs. => A lot o f energy will......................................... .................................... ................. 4. Cleaner and safer energy sources will replace fossil fuels in the future. => Fossil fuels w i l l . . . . , ___ T J . . , T.
............„ .......
-----------TH E
e n d -----
DAP AN BAI KT 45’ SO 4- NAM HOC: M on: TIEN G ANH - LO P 7 !T 1:0,5 p fo r each correct sentence
Tape: Unil 19 - Skills 2 - part 2 113
PART II: 2. 0,25 p fo r each correct sentences I .e .
2. A
3. D
2. 0,25 p fo r each correct sentence. I B
2. D
3. C
4. C5.D
PA R T m
/. 0,2 p fo r each correct sentence*
2. C
2. ¿/,5 />/¿ir each correct sentence. 1-C 2- B 3- C 4- B PART IV: 0.5.p fo r each cor ret 1.
Waves will be used £?fln environmentally friendly energy source
2. Solar energy will be used to solve the problem of the energy shortage. 3. A lot of energy will be saved by using low energy light bulbs. :ossil fuels will be replaced by cleaner and safer energy sources in the future.
W EEK :33 Period: 95
........................ OoO-................................ Preparing date: Teaching date:
U N I T 12: AN O V E R C R O W E D W O R L D 114
Lesson 1: G etting-started I./. O B JE C T IV E :
By the end o f the lesson, Ss can use the words to describe
overcrowded places, words about the effects o f overcrowding 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary; the words to describe overcrowded places, words about the effects o f overcrowding. b. Grammar : Com parisons o f quaniiiers, tag questions 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ltitude: - Attitude about overcrowed world. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in the effects of overcrowding 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about the effects of overcrowding. »./.PR E PA R A T IO N : 1.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks HI./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: C om m unic^ve approach, group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion grouB^Technical present. .. I W .PRO C ED U R E: Ss and T \ activities Contents I. Warm up. Write the word ‘population' on the board. Make sure Ss know the meaning o f this word by either giving^ giving Jhe equivalent Vietnamese word or 1. New words writing: Overcrowded (adj): dồng nghịt Overpopulation (n): dân sổ quá 5 million people in Ha Noi. done Slum (n): Khu nhà ỗ chuột Noi has a population o f 5 million. Peaceful (adj): thanh bình ^A sk Ss if they know the population o f any Crime (n): tội phạm a in the country or in the world. Once the Ss Commit crime: phạm tội 1 have hiiv done it, add the prefix '‘over” and elicit the Healthcare (n): chăm sóc sức khỏe W ealthy (adj): giàu có meaning o f this newly-formed word from Ss. Diverse (adj): da dạng, khác 2.Gettinii- started : Lawful (adj): hợp phấp, dùng
phap luat > < Unlawful Spacious (adj): rong r&i
Elicit the new words
Set the scene: Ask Ss to look at the Lille of the text and the pictures and ask them prediction question about what they are going to read. Tl questions may be: * What is the conversation about?
Activity la IT ” 2. T 4. T 5. F
* What do you think Brazil
3. F
* Do you think Phuong likes Brazil? * What can you find find aboi abom Rio/Brazil in this conversation? Ss guess th^ answera.
Activity lb I. deverse 2. wealthy
3. major
4. slums
ording. Ss listen and read. Ask ictions are correct. laJ Ss work independently. Ask them to Activitv 2 I. a 2. c read the sentences and decide if they are true or 4. e 5. d “ se. Ss compare answers with a partner. Have
I Ss correct the false sentences. T writes the correct answers on the board. b. Ask Ss to read the explanations in the 116
3. b
5. crime
exercise and try to find the words without checking the text. Then ask Ss to refer to the dialogue again for the correct words. Correct the answers as a class. 2. Make sure Ss know the meaning o f the words in the box. Then Ss work independently to label the pictures. Have them compare their answers with a partner. Play the recording and have Ss repeat the words. T gives correction if necessary 3. Ss complete the exercise independently. T calls some Ss to share their sentences with the class. T can choose some good sentences and write them on the board for other Ss to learn from. Encourage Ss to make as many senlenci as possible. 4. In groups, ask Ss to thii problems and make a list o f them. If Ss have difficulty, suggest that they look for problems in their daily life at their own classes, schools, homes, areas or any other places they know for the answers, 5. Call each goup to report their list to the class. T may help write the problems on the board. Ask the class if they agree or not. Encourage them to give an explanation to their answers. Then move on to the next group and do same. rther practice; els sts summarize the content o f the lesson 5-Production: -Learn new words and phrases Prepare for A closer look 1_________________ 117
W E E K :33 Period: 96
Preparing date: Teaching date: U N IT 12: A N O V E R C R O W E D W O R L D L e sso n 2: A c lo s e r lo o k 1
LA O B JE C T IV E : By the end o f the lesson, Ss can: use the lexical items relata^to the .ed to th topic o f an overcrowded world
1. Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary; the words to describe overcrowded places, words abouM^e effects “ of overcrowding.
b. Grammar : Com parisons o f quanifiers, tag questions 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Attitude about overcrowed world. - Students know how to learn English in righ_ - Ss are interested in the effects of overcrow ding 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about the effects o f overcrowding. II./. PR EPA R A TIO N : I.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. I V./.FROCEDU RE: Ss and ¡T’s activities C ontents 1. W arm up. Brainstorming: Ask Ss if they can remember any new words they learn in Getting Started. Categorize them as positive (peaceful, »^wealthy...) and negative (poor, slum s...). Move on to this lesson which focuses on some problem as a result of overpopulation.
2. V ocabuarv:
I. New words 118
Dense (adj): dày đặc, đông dủc shortage (n): sự thiểu hụL nutrilian (n): dinh diròng miilnutrition (n): suy dinh dưỡng spread (v): lan tràn, phát lán
Elicit the new words
1L Activities Activity 1
1. Ss listen 10 the recording and number 1. crime
2. malnutrition
the words. Ss listen again and repeal the 3. poverty words. 5. disease 7. dense
4. shortage 6. s p a c Ể ^ ^ ^ 8. healthcare
T checks the understanding of the words bay asking questions like: lDo you think our school has enough space?’; 'W hat causes disease?’ 2. Ss work individually. T checks 3. Diseae answer as a class. Encourage Ss explain why they choose that wjjrd for me 5. poverty sentence.
2. crime 4. Malnutrition
3. T can give an example dV^auses and
Activity 3 effects. Write the exam plt^m the board Eg: and ask Ss which one is the effect. He drove Ss worW naependenlly or in pairs. fast When they have finished, let them exchange tbeir answers with a 1 b 2 . a 3partnei/another pair. T then gives correct
a. He had an accident. V b. He felt hungry. F 4. d 5. c 6e
answer. T may ask Ss to explain why.
Activity 4 J In groups, Ss discuss to fine out which few problems each place may have. I collects a. Lack o f entertainment, prt Ss’ answers and write them on the board. opportunities for employment, not Then the whole class look at the problems enough services. 119
and discuss for agreement/disagreement.
b. Poverty, slums, disease, pollution, unempoyment, poor healthcare. c. Noise/ air pollution, crime, overcrowded, shortage of accommodation.
Activity 5
3 Pronunciation Word stress 5.
syllables. 1 corrects the answers. Have Ss listen again and repeat the words.
Look out! W nle two pair of the w ord'supply’ and ‘question" on the board, denoting one is a verb and one is a noun. Ask some Ss
N noun
As A verb
to read them. Ask other Ss to listen and see if they can find the difference in pronunciation of the two w o r9 ^ V Key: su p p ly in), su’pply 'question (n), ‘question (v)
pa" rade pa’rade 6. Have Have Ss lisSs listen and repeat the Su’pport Su’pporl words her p ract < # its st$ summarize the content o f the ion 5.Production: -te a m new words and phrases Prepare for A closer look 2
Kiểm tra ngày
W EEK :34 Period: 97
Preparing date: Teaching date: U N IT 12: A N O V E R C R O W E D W O R L D L esso n 3: A c lo ser lo o k 2
LA O B JE C T IV E : By the end of Lhe lesson, Ss can: use comparatives o f quantifi quantifiers make tag questions. 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary; lhe words to describe overcrowded places,^ û #ords d s about aboul the effects o f overcrowding. b. Grammar : Comparisions o f quanifiers, tag questions 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ltitude: - Attitude about overcrowed world. - Students know how to learn English in nghl way. - Ss are interested in the effects ^ o v e r c r o w din g 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about the effects of overcrowding. ILA PR EPA R A TIO N : 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks II LA TEA CH I M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV .APKOCEDÜgft;___________ Ss and T ’s activities Contents I. W arm up. C hatting - Remind Ss o f items ihey learnt in lhe previous lessons.
words of quantifiers (many,a l i t t l e . ) + countable and uncountable nouns. + imperatives with “more”, “ less”, and “fewer” 2. G r a m m a r 1. 121
GRAMMAR: COMPARISONS OF QUANTIFIERS. 1. Have Ss read the sentences and the rules in ihe table. Ask Ss to add more words to the table for each type o f comparison.
1- C om parisons of quantifiers. /. Read the sentences. - more + Nu/Ns + than. . - less + Nu + than... - fewer + N s + than. ..
2. Ss complete the reading independently.Encourage Ss to observe and recognise that both tables include the same kinds o f information.
2. Look at the information fo r the two cities below, and compare their data. Eg: In Brumba, there are more people per square kilometre than in
3. Ss complete exercise 3 by referring to the tables.
Read the comparisons o f the two cities, and decide i f they are true. I f they are not, correct them. 1. Correct 2. Incorrect. In Brumba, more people live in sh 3 Ifh People in Crystal earn more
3. Have Ss do this exercise independently. T then check the answers as a class.
3. G ram m ar 2: GRAMMAR: TAG- QUESTIONS. - Write 3 questions on the board: Draw Ss’ attention to how these three questions are formed: the first two types Ss have already learnt and the new one, tag questions. Have Ss read the conversation
is do this exercise independently. Then Ley share their answers with a partner. T checks and writes the correct tags on the board.
4. Complete the sentences with more, less or fewer. 1. fewer 2. more 3. more 4. fewer 5. less 11Tag- questions. + How can the government improve the life of people in the slums? + Do you live in an overcrowded place? + They have moved to the city to look for a job, haven’t they? 5. Check i f the tags are correct. I f they are notf correct them. 1. Incorrect. you? - don’t you? 2. Incorrect, .aren't they?- don’t they? 3. Correct
6. Ss do this exercise independently. T checks the answers as a class.
4. Correct 5. Incorrect, can't they?- can they? 6. Choose one o f the question tiigs in the box to complete each blank in the interview. 1. don't they 2. isn’t it? * 3. can't we? 4. is it?
4.K urthcr practice: - Lets sts summarize the content o f the lesson 5-Prod uction: -Learn the grammar rules Prepare for Communication._________
c>x —
W EEK :34 Period: 98
'reparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 12:: A N O V E R C R O W E D W O R LD L e sso n 4: C om om m unication I./. O B JE C T IV E : By the end e n d |ooff the lesson, Ss can use more/less/fewer to make comparison about two areas. 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: the words to
escribe overcrowded places, words about the effects o f
overcrowding. h. Grammar : Comparisions o f quanifiers, tag questions 2. Skills: ¿r^cticing skills 3. A ttitude: -^Attitude about overcrowed world. I Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in the effects o f overcrow ding 4. Competences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about the effects of overcrowding. TL/.P k E PA RATION: L T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks 123
HI./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T s activities, play as a character, leaching methods with game, leaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... I V./.PROCEDU RE: 1. W arm er Discussion (activity 1 F.63) Ss look at the picture and discuss what places they are and how they are different.
Ss work individually then compare in pairs Write the answer on the
Teacher *s tï Ss activities 2. C om m unication I: * E xtra vocabulary. - teacher teaches Ss new words. - Checking vocabulary: ROR
I. Listening *E xtra vocal - densely populatei - physician (n) /fr' bac sy - density ( n ) . mat do - slaverv (q) / slei.var.i,: su no le (n): sudoi lint* uggested answer: ro u p l: high living standard, clean Ss complete the ex< independently. T ask them to|axplain water, densely populated, good their choice. education, crime. Group 2: poor healthcare, crim e ,.. 3. R eport the result to the class: 3. C om m unication 2: Facts Mauri ta Hong Kong nia Area Have S ^ j two passages and Population complete given by teacher Density -T whole class. Economy Healthcare Problems Result Unusual Pa ir w ork: facts Encourage to talk about the differences. ( Ihe table above can help). Example: - Call some pairs to share their ideas The population o f Mauritania is vefy 124
with the class.
small, only over three million people. Hong Kong is much larger. It has more than seven million people...
4. F u rth e r practice: - Teacher gels students to retell the aims o f the lesson. 5. Production: - Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 12: Skills 1. - Do exercise C l, 2 (Workbook).
W EEK :34 Period: 99
Preparing date: Teaching date:
LA O B JE C T IV E : - Help as find out their mistakes and correct them . Students can improve their knowledge o f English 1. Knowledge; - Grammar: from unit^O -11 - Vocabulary: related to unit 10-11 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. Attitude: - Ss are interested in practicing skills - Ss are interested in doing exercises 4. Com petences - Self-study: work individually. IL /. P R E P A lt AT JjpN: LTeaeher: l est papers 2.Students: 111./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Technical present 1V./.PROC E D I)RE . R em ark on the tests: - yie number nu o f the tests: +Exellent tests: +Good test -(-Average: 125
+Under average: -The number o f the tests: +Exellem tests: +Good test +Average: +Under average: -In general, all Ss have achieved the basic knowledge. -There are many exellenL and good tests. - Some Ss1still o f doing general test is not good.
. . .KT . 45’ s o 4- NẢM .HOC . ĐÁP AN BÀI M ôn: n Ế N G ANH - L Ớ P 7 PART 1:0,5 p fo r each correct sentence 1. T ' 2. T 3 T 4. T
Tape: Unit 19 - Skills 2 - part 2 PART II: 1. 0,25 p for each correct sentences 4 .0
ni 0,2 p for each correct sentence*
4.B 126
5. A
5. D
2. 0,5p fo r each correct sentence. ] -C 2 -B 3 -C 4 -B PART IV:
« C S /
0.5.p fo r each correct sentence* 1.
Waves will be used as an environmentally friendly energy source. ■reZ ' s C j
gy shortage. 2. Solar energy will be used to solve the problem of the energy she 3. A lot of energy will be saved by using low energy light 4. Fossil fuels will be replaced by cleaner and safer energy sources in the future. 3.Pro J uction:Prepare unit. 6 .............................................oOoKiểrn tra ngày
W EEK :35 Period: 100
- <
Preparing date: Teaching date: U N IT 12!: A N O V E R C R O W E D W O R L D L esso n 5: S k ills 1
sề* #
LÁ OBJECT!■Vb!: By the end o f the lesson students m il be able to: - Read Tor specific information about ihe population explosion. - Talk about the disadvantages o f being in an overcrowded place. L Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: the words Lo describe overcrowded places, words about the effects o f overcrowding.
b. Grammar : Comparisions o f quanifiers, lag questions 2. Skills: Practicing skills 127
3. A ltitude: - Attitude about overcrowed world. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in the effects of overcrowding
4. Competences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about the effects of overcrowding. ILAPREPARATIQN: ¡.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks 1II./. TEA C H IN G M ETH O D S; Communicative approach, group Ss Yls aclivit livities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, leaching methods ids by vis \ teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present I V./.PROC EDI IR E :
Teacher checks Ss1 home work. Teacher 's & Ss activities 2. Reading: * Pre: - Ask Ss to look at the list o f cities and see if they have appeared in their list on lhe< board. Ss discuss the question in pairs and then as a class * While reading - Ss quickly read the passage for specific information and put the cities in theV sder of their population - Teacher checks as a class
Cotticnt ¡ SGÎ T I. REAttW I. Discussion - From the list of the cities given, Ss discuss which one has the largest population and share theiNdeas with a partner.
2. Check the answer Key: l . Tokyo 2. Shanghai 4. Manila 5. London
3. Jakarta
3. Read the passage again. Choose the - Ss read each part of the correct heading fo r each paragraph. pasage m d choose ihe correct Key: heading for i t Ask Ss to nea, IB 2D 3C 4A und erline the words which help iher make their decision. them - Ss compare in pairs - T checks ihe answers. 4. Multiple choice questions - Ss read the exercise again and Key:______________________ 128
do the exercise independently, ask Ss lo look for the key words which can help. * Post reading 3. Speaking: - Ask Ss lo go through Ihe list o f different places and note down the problems they can think of for each places. - Teacher goes around and helps Ss with any new words they need. - Ask a representative from each group to report, their findings lo the class.
II- SPEAKING 5. Work in groups. Look at the places below and discuss some possible disadvantages that people using them may have Suggested answers: 1. An overcrowded schoo: not enough ground, big class, less individual/care, enough study aids. 2. An overcrowded bus: not enoi^g] ^ e a ts for everybody, stuffy/not enough fresh air, Jong wait at the bus stop,. 3. An overcrowded ^ f flats: noise. shortage o f water, lit!
4' Further practice: Teacher gels students to retell what they
5. Product ion: - Prepare for the next lesson: Unit, -D o Ex D l, 2 (WB)
WEEK:35 Period: 101
Preparing date: Teaching date: AN OVERCROW ED W ORLD L esso n 6: S k ills 2 ’E: By the end o f the lesson students will be able to:
specific information in a film review. - Write a short passage about ihe population grow th o f an area. 1. Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: ihe words to describe overcrowded places, words about the effects o f
overcrowding. b. G ram m ar: Com parisons o f quanifiers, lag questions 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ltitude: - Atlilude about overcrowed world. 129
- Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in the effects of overcrowding 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about the effects of overcrowding. IU P R E F A R A T IO N ; ¡.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: notebooks — ...........books, — .................... III./. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and Activities, plav as a character, teaching methods with game, leaching methods bv visual, teaching methods bv practising, discussion group, technical present IV ./.PR O CED U R E: 1. Revision .....................................................................
Teacher checks Ss' homework. Get one student to go to the board to write new wo1 Help Ss with their homework if they have any proble Teacher's Ss activities _____ Content 2. Listening: I. Listt * Pre- listening: 1. Look at the poster. What do you - Ss work individually, getting as think the film is about? much information from the poster The information may include: as possible. - Have you seen this film? - Ss share with their partners. N w h a t is it about? - Who is the main character? - Wheredo you think the story happen? 2. Listen and check. * While- listening: - Ss do the exercise individually. - Play the recording and ask Ss to - Ss compare their answer in pairs. listen and check their ideas. 3. C om prehension questions - Ask Ss to read the questions first 1. The film is base on a book called Q&A. to see wliar information they need 2. The main character o f the film is a boy to answer the questions. from an Indian slum. - Play the recording as many times 3. He wins a lot o f money on an Indian as inecessary. game show. - Ss do the exercise individually. 4. Because he is a boy from the slums. -♦Ss compare their answer in pairs. 5. The film looks beautiful, is full o f - Teacher checks as a class emotion and is gripping.
:! O
3. W riting;
II. Writing____________________________ 130
* Pre-writing: - A ik Ss 10 read Lhe passage about Dharavi slum. Ask them lo underline words/phrases lo describe Dharavi slums or lo show the changes m its population.
4. Reading. - one o f the largest slums - In 1950, the population was around 100,000 people. Since then....
5. Writing * While- writing: - Ss write their paragraph individually based on the suggestions in lhe book. - T collects some writing to correct at home. - If there is not enough time lo write the paragraph in class, T can assign it for homework.
- Write a short paragraph describing Lhe changes in population in Ho Chi Minh* City.
Ho Chi Mink City largest cities in Viet Na, the figures from the population investigation committee, the population o f HCM City in 1979 w a s three million four hundred and twenty thousand people. But in 2009 , its population was around seven million one hundred and twenty-three thousand people. It was much bigger than t h a t \^ J 9 7 9 It grew double after 30 The population o f HCM City>has and grown. It is an population i¡yiosion.
4. F u rth e r practice: -Summarize the m
the lesson.
5. Production: - Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 12: Looking back & Project. -D o E x k L A ^ B )
W EEK :35 Period: 102
< Îr
Preparing date: Teaching date: U N IT 12: A N O V E R C R O W E D W O R L D L esson 7: L o o k in g b a c k a n d p ro ject
-/. O B J L C n V L : By the end o f the lesson students will be able to:
- Revise and make the use of all lhe target knowledge in unit 12. 131
- Use “more, less, fewer51 to talk about effects L Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: ihe words to describe overcrowded places, words about the effects o f overcrowding. b. Grammar : Com parisons o f quanifiers, tag questions 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Attitude about overcrowed world. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in the effects of overcrowding 4. Com petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using language to talk about the effects of overcrowding. ^ .P R E P A R A T IO N : ¡.T eacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks 11 LA TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. I V./.PKOCEDU RE: 1. Revision - Teacher checks students’ homework. ■mewo Teacher's Æ Ss activities Content 2. Looking back: I. V ocabulary: L Activity ¡* 2 : Ss work individually to Activity ¡ exercises. Do the work individually and compare with partner Asks Ss to compare their answer Check the answer with their partner IE 2B 3C 4D 5A Gives the answers Activity 2 - Ss write some interesting sentences on the Encourage Ss to think board. creatively. They may get away - Teacher checks and give feedback. om the content o f the unit overpopulation and use A about at these words in a different context. - Go around while Ss are writing
and help them with any difficult words. II. Grammar - asks Ss to do lhe exercise * Activity 3: Gap fill - Matching individually. Check Lhe answers /. don V we - a with their partners. 2. don't you - e - T checks with the whole class 3. won *t there - c 4. shouUtn V we - d 5. don V they - b
- asks Ss to do lhe exercise * Activity 4: Gap fill individually. Check the answers /. more 2. More with their partners. 4. less - I checks with the whole class
- Ask Ss to read the example situation. T writes “I will” and “I can” on lhe board to renind Ss that ihey can use Ihem to talk about possible effects - Ss work on situations I and independently.
///. (ommunictition Activity 5. I ve got more groups. Look ai the situations and talk about their possible effects. >Ex: Situation: A cousin is moving in to share your room for two months. Effects: - It will lose my privacy. - It can have more fun. - It will have less space of my own.
some pictures iulated areas and class. to look at the pictures talk about what they see. ivide Ss into groups and instruct them on what they have
3. Project: (Ss may do this at home)
Project: The world we live in Work in groups_______________ 133
Each group searches fo r an under-populated place. Note down some facts about the place. 4. Further practice: -Summarize the main point of the lesson. 5. Production: -Review all the lessons. Ktetn trtr ngi'iy
r\ ^ thd/ig
Preparing date: Teaching date:
WEEK:36 Period: 103
LA O B JE C T IV E : This unil reviews the language and skills Ss have learnt in linii7-9. Help Ss to recall the language and encourage them to contribute as much as possible. 1. Knowledge; - Grammar; J^hnunit 10-12 - Vocabulary: related to unit 10-12 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Ss are interested in practicing language function - Ss are interested in doing exercises 4. Com petences: - Co-oporation: work in pairs, groups, teams - Self- study: work individually. - Use language ip do exercises II./. P REPA R A T1OIS: ¿[.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector l.S tu d en ts: books, notebooks III./. TEACHI1NG M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T 's activities, play as a character, ■ ■ . . with .. game, leaching methods ......................... teaching methods by visual, teaching ^ \ \ m t tethods tl by practising, discussion group, technical present. IV./.PROCEDURE
1. Revision
Brainstorming: -Have Ss work in 2 Learns.
The future continuous
-Teacher checks with whole class.
What you have learnt in units 10-12? Possessive pronouns
Teacher's activities 2. Language: - Remind Ss o f Lhe rules for rising,Tailing i tonal ion in a question. Play the recording. - Ss work individually. - I plays lhe recording again. Ss listen and repeat.
T a g q u e s tio n
Studentsf nctiviti. A* Promjciatlon: * Activity 1 Listen to the conversation and mark the rising f o r f a itin g itonatton fo r each question.
B. Voca Ss do Ihis task separately and share iheir answers later with a partner. ^ith whole class, - T checks with class. - T does a small revision of difficult vocabulary _ whicfc se. appears in the exercise, * Activity 3: - Ask Ss lo do rfiis this v;x5fci exe individually LA 2.B - I quicklv students’ :icklv checks check answers.
2. O v ererowded/crowd ed 4. invention 5.
- T elicits from Ss the form in C. G ram m ar; active and passive o f w ill. Activity 4: all a student to do the exercise tite board while other students I .will fly 2.will be used 5.wil invent it separate ly. 4.will have 3.will be demolished - J checks with whole class.
Ss do the exercise independently. When they have D. Everyday English 135
finshed. T asks Ss to explain their Activity 5 orders. Ask them to pionL out the 1c - 2g - 3a —4i - 5e - 6 f - 7h - Sd - 9j 10b clue on which they can base for Lheir choice o f the next sentence. - Teacher wriLes Lhe order on the board.
3. Skills: A. Reading - Ss do in d m d m lfy and check * E x l +2 (individual') their answers with a partner before giving their answers to T. KEY: T confirms the correct answers E x2: IA 2B 3B
- T checks Ss*s answ ers. B. Speaking: - Have Ss play the game in pairs. - When the game is finished, T can correct any wrong itonation of questions that Ss make during the completion.
*Ex3. Game,
Ss play the gam e in pairs. The pair who successfully complete the task in the shortest time will win the game.
- Ss do the task individually. - T makes sure lhaL Ss understand the word “footprint” by giving examples. * Ex4: Choose the correct answer. Key: A T plays the recording once £jr Ss to listen. Play lhe recording again for Ss to write down their answers. Announce the answers *Ex5. (individual) KEY:
- Set up the writing activity. T reminds Ss that the first most
important thing is alw ays to think about what they are going to write. In this case, Ss may use the outline given in 6.
1. He is searching fo r lhe meaning o f "footprint". 2. ISo, it doesn V. 3. Yes, he does. 4. There will he a lot o f greenery around you. D. Writing: Imagine an ideal means o f transport fo r your area. Write a short description o f it. 136
- Teacher brainstorms with Ss for the language necessary for writing and note some useful expressions and language on the board. Encourage Ss to be imaginative and creative. - Have Ss write the draft first,
We live in Ba Vi, a mountainous area to the north of Ha Noi. Our road system is not very good so it used to be quite difficult to travle around. Mow we make it easier with a new kind means of transport. We call it Super Kite. It looks like a kite but it has 3 wheels. It use wind and w ater....
then ask them to write iheir final version in class or at home. 4. Futher practice:
Teacher sumarise and review unit 10, 11, 12 5. Production; ____________ - Do the fest yourself4.
.... ...............................O
- Prepare for the written second semester test.
-OoOWEEK:36 Period: 104
Preparing date: J Teaching date: SECOND T E R M EXAM INATION
I./. O B JE C T IV E : - l’o check sis' knowledge of grammar and vocabulary from unit 7 to unit 12 - Help sts improve their English 1. Knowledge; - Grammar: from unit 7-12 - Vocabulary: related to unit*7-12 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Ss are interested in practicing skills ^ - Ss are interested in doing exercises 4. C om petence^ - Self* study: work individually. » ¿P R E P A R A T IO N : l.T each er: Test 4 5 ’, laptop 2.Students: /. TEA C H IN G M ETHODS: Technical present /.PR O C E D U R E
Topics,-' language & skills I- L is te n in g
Topic 7-12 (20 %)
K nowledge Objective
Com prehension Subje ctive
O bjective
Total High
2. Li Men lo
I . Listen to the passage about ......... , then decide whether the statem ents are True o r False
10 items 2.0 points 20 %
tlie dialogue/ text about .......... then com plete the table.-' text
5 items j items
l. f i point
LG point
II- <ji iin]in;i[ -VocabP huneties
Topic 7-12 (20 %)
]. Find the word
2. the
w hich has a d iiTcrcnt sire.« pattern from the others.
correct a n sw e rs)
j items fl.i point
Topic 7- ¡2
3. Com plete the passage/ the sentences using the words--' verbs in brackets 5 items
20 item s 2.0 points
10 items 1.9 point
1. Read the passage about ......then choose the correct a n s w e rs ) to com plete it
2. Read the
pas sage about ...........then answer the questions 5 items
iO item s 2.0 points
1.0 point
IV- W ritin g
1- Use the w ards given to make sentences O R Rewrite the sentences without changing their m eanings
Topic 7-12 < (2 0 %) a
£ o
j items 1.0 point
2. W rite a
paragraph-' postcard on the following topic - 60- SO words ( may have suggested phrases questions)
1 item LO point
6 items 2.0 points
V - S p eaking
I . Introduce yourself name,
Topic 7-12
hobbies. ...
(20 % )
2. Pick up a topic and talk about il
2 items 2.0 points 20%
1 item 1.0 point
1 item 1.0 point
T otal
15 item s
30 items
3 items
48 item s
2.5 points
4.5 points.
3.0 points
10 points
Bao Khe Secondary>School Class: 7.......... Student's name : .................. BÈ THI KSCL HOC KÎ II - NÀM J Môn: TIÉNG ANH - LÔP 7 Thoï gian làm hiti: 45 phut Marks
PART I : LISTEN Listen to a music festival and tick (
Teacher’s OpiniolT^
T ) or false (F) T
I 2 3 4 5
The Isle of Wight is the most well-known festival in the world About 60,000 people attended the festival last year Nick and his (family stayed at a hotel near the campsite Jon Bon Jovi is N ick’s favourite singer Jon Bon Jovi’s band performed for nearly 3 hours
PAR I II: GRAMMAR AMD VOCAB /. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that o f the other words in each m m £M 1. A. diver B. vessel C. affect D chopstick 2. ►A. relax. B. marbles C. comic D. alias 3. A. apply B. attract D. enter C- design 4. A. open B. product C. father D balloons 4. A. picture B. famous D. relax. C- gather 139
2. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each o f the following sett fences GE&k 1. __________ is not very far from here to the suppermarket. A . There B . This C. It D That 2. . . .._____ the traffic was bad, 1 arrived on lime. A. Because B. Though C. Despite D. Although 3 . 1 firs t........... Melbourne in 2003 A. went B. have been C. have gone D. visited 4. The Festival o f Ihe Sun is h e ld ............. . June 24th. A. in B. at C. on D. about 5. Tom is a hard - working siudenL I think T o m ....... .. pass ihe exam easily. A. would B. have C. wonT J ^ y ill 6. In order to save energy, donT forget t o ............. the lights before you leave. A. turn B. turn on C. turn o ff turn away 7............ do people celebrate Diwali? 1 ^ 1 A. where B .w hen C. how D. why ft. Lan used to .............. morning exercise when she got up early. A. did B. does C. doing D. do 9. Please tell him t o ................ the iight. It is gettirm dlrk. A. turn on B. turn up over D. turn off 10. I ’m lired o f ......................nothing to doath&me. A. to have B. have C. having D. had
2. Complete the sentence using ihe verbs in bracketsQ ptj 1. Next week al this lime,%ou rfcej............. on the beach. 2. You (m e e t).............your former teacher al 9 a m tomorrow. 3. In the future, most of Vietnamese people (sp eak ).............English well. 4. More trees ( p la n t).............. along this street next year. 5. Mr Long used (liv e )....___ in the country when he was a child. PART IV: READ Read about A!ga*s fam ily and circle A,B, or C to complete the sentences. (2pts) Nga’s family wants to reduce their energy consumption. Nga and her brother will go to school by bicycle, while her mother will take the bus to work. Tomorrow, her mother will buy some low energy 140
light bulbs to use all rooms Besides, at 5 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, dad will be pulling solar panels on the roof o f their house. From next w eek all the water in Nga’s house will be heated by solar energy. Nga also tells her brother to turn off the lights when he gels out o f the rooms. Nga and her family fell happy that they have small carbon footprints because they are using less energy that produces carbon dioxide. 5- Nga's family wants to ............. energy consumption. A. increase B. use C. redui id u c ^ V ^ 6- Nga and her brother will go lo school b y .......... A. by bus B. by bike C. 7- At 5 o ’clock tomorrow afternoon, dad .................. .......^ ^ i l a r panels on the roof o f their house. A. will be pul B. puls V ^ ^f^i /wv i l l be pulling 8- All the water in Nga’s house w ill. solar energy. A. heal B. be heated C. be heating 9- Nga tells her brother t o .....................the lights when he gets oui o f the room. A. lum off B. turn Q ii^ ^ C. take off
PA RT IV: W R ITE Rewrite the sentences so that they htive the sam e meaning as the original ones. 1. We will use waves as an environmentally em friendly energy source. => Waves w 2. We will use solar energy lo solve Ihe problem of the energy shortage. =>^k)lar energy w ill_________________ ____________ _____________ will save a lot o f energy by using low energy light bulbs. > A lot o f energy w ill.......... .................... .............................................. ....... 4 .1
think you should go to work by bike. 141
=> Why don’t ...... ........... ....................................... . 5. Although he was tired, he finished his homework. => In spite o f ........... ................. ....................................
Introduce yourself name, age, class, school, adress.,. (Ipt) Choose a topic and talk about it(lpt) Talk about the way from your home to school* Talk about one of the films that you have seen recently. Talk about one festival in your country. What are some renewable source o f energy? Talk abouVhe possible benefits they bring 10 Lhe environment The end
ĐÁP ẲN I HI KSCL HỌC KÌ II - NĂM HOC Môn: TIẾNG ANH - LỚP 7 Thòi gian làm bài: 45 phút
PARTI; ...............................................
_ v C
0,4 p for each correct sentence. I F
2 .T
3 .F
4. F5. T
Tape: Unit 8 - Skil Is 2 - part 2
sentence. 3. D
4. D
5. D
each correct sentence.
2. B, D 7Ạ, B, c , D
3. D 8.D
4.C 9 A
p for cach correct sentence. 1. will be lying 2. will be meeting 3. will speak 142
5. D 10. c
4. will be planted 5. to live
PA R T m 0,4p fo r each correct sentence. 1-C 2 - B
3- C 4- B 5 -A
c> ^
PART IV: 0 . 4.p for each correct sentence, 1.
Waves will be used as an environmentally friendlyergy energy source. sourc
2. Solar energy will be used to solve the problem of the energy shortage 3. A lot of energy will be saved by using low ejjj^gy^igtn bulbs 4. Why don’t you go to work by bike? 5. In spite of being tired, he finished h
PA R T V: SPEAK 1.Introduce yourself name, age, class, school, adress... (lpt) 2. Choose a topic and talk abourit(Ipt)
............... : .........
W EEK :36 Period:
Preparing date: Teaching date: F E E D B A C K O N T H E 2™ E X A M
knowledge; - Grammar: from unit 7-12 Vocabulary: related to unit 7-12 2. Skills: Practicing skills 3. A ttitude: - Ss are interested in practicing skills - Ss are interested in doing exercises 143
4. Competences - Self-sUidy: work individually. II./, I1REPARATION: 1.Teacher: Test papers 2 .Students: HI./. TEA CH I MG M ETHODS: Technical present IV./.PKOCED1JRL
I. IK Ip Tor each correct sentence. 144
2. A
3. D
4. D
5 D
2. ớ, ỉ p fo r each correct sentence, l.c 6 C
2. B, D 7 Ạ , B, c , D
3. D 8.D
4 .C 9 A
5. D 10. c
3* 0,1 p for each correct sentence* 1. will be lying 2. will be meeting 3. will speak 4. will be planted 5. to live
PART n i
0,4 p fo r each correct sentence* 1- c
2-B 3 - c
4-B 5 -A
PART IV: 0 .4 .p for each correct sentence. 1.
Waves will be used as an environmentally friendly energy source.
2. Solar energy will be used to solve the problem of the energy shortage. 3. A lot of energy will be saved by using low energy light bulbs. 4. Why don i you go lo work by bike? 5. In sp it^itf being tired, he finished his homework
PAKT VTTSTEAK ỉ .ỉntroduce y o u rseỉ/ na me, ag€j CỈữSS, sckooỉ, aãress, (ìp t ) SC hoose a topic and taìk abouí it(ỉp t)
Kiểm trư ngày
'Ỷ ' c>x &
A J?r o 146
'Ỷ ' c>x &
A J?r o