Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 thí điểm HK2 (CV 5512) phát triển năng lực, phẩm chất theo các hoạt động, 4 bước

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Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú eBook Collection

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 thí điểm HK2 (CV 5512) phát triển năng lực, phẩm chất theo các hoạt động, 4 bước (Transfering the learning task, Performing the task, Discussion, Conclusion) (2 cột) Năm học 2020-2021 WORD VERSION | 2021 EDITION ORDER NOW / CHUYỂN GIAO QUA EMAIL TAILIEUCHUANTHAMKHAO@GMAIL.COM

Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group Hỗ trợ trực tuyến Fb Mobi/Zalo 0905779594

Giáo ủn soạn theo cv 5512 UNIT 7: TRAFFIC LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED Subject: English 7 Time: 1 period A . OBJECTIVES: 1. K now ledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - Use "How............ ?" to ask about means of transport. - Vocabulary: use the lexical items related to the topic "Traffic". + Skills. - Students develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, Roling-play, spoken interaction about the topic in getting started 2. Competence. - Students have serious attitude in learning. - Ss are interested in learning English. 3. Quality - Language: get acquainted with the topic "Traffic". - Problem solving: find out the correct answer about the text B. TEACHING AIDS T : Textbook, lesson p la n ,, a projector, a laptop. Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 7: Getting started

c . PROCEDURE 1. W ARM UP: ( 5 ) - Organization: 7A:...................... a. Goal: Motivate ss to interest in the topic of the lesson and create the fun atmosphere before starting the new lesson. b. C on ten t: Talk about "Traffic". c. Expected result: Ss can understand the lesson and use the road well. d. Performance: Write the title "Traffic" on the board. ? Call out names o f means of transport. ? Share any interesting facts you know about these means of transport.

2. PRESENTATION : ( 10’) a. G oal: Provide Ss necessary vocabularies . b. C on ten t: Ss read the vocabularies and match the words to make common expressions. c. Expected result: Ss can maser the vocabularies d. Performance:__________________________ ______________________________ TEACHER S & STUDENTS’ CONTENT ACTIVITIES Step 1: Transfering the learning task 1. Pre- teach vocab: + Present new words. - used (v): đã từng - Teacher use different techniques to teach to vocabulary (situation, realia) - traffic (n): sự tắc ngên - Follow the seven steps o f teaching jam giao thông vocabulary - except (pre ngoại trừ, trừ

Step 2: P erfo rm in g the task: p) ra - Repeat in chorus and individually vehicles (n) Xe co - Copy all the words Step 3: D iscussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front o f class Step 4: C onclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them 2. P resen t th e dialogue * C hecking vocab: R ecall - Answer the questions individually. Step 1: T ra n sfe rin g the learn in g task * Suggested answers * Set the scenes: - They are on the road. ? Look at the title o f the conversation and - Students' answer the picture. - Ask them some questions: • Who are M ai am i Oanh? • What might they talk about? Step 2: P erfo rm in g the task: - Ss answer the questions as a class. Play the recording and have Ss follow along Step 3: D iscussion - One student answers and other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: C onclusion -T gives comment and adds on to the answer if necessary 3. P R A C T IC E (15’) a.Goal: understand and do exercises correctly b. Content: Listen and circle, Read and answer: Individual, Answer the questions: Teacher - W hole class c. Expected result: - Co-operation: interact with the teacher find out the answers - Communication: answer positively - Language: use English to answer d. Performance Task 1: Task 1: Listen and read Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Ask ss to listen and read the conversation ? Choose a correct answer (la P7) - Asks Ss to choose a suitable answer a. Find a word / an expression (la before listening. P7) b/? Run through the questions. Key: - Call on some Ss to write their answers on IB ; 2A; 3B; 4C the board. Check their answers. b. Answ er the questions (lb. P7) * M odel sentences (Remember) Key: - Elicit the question from students Key: ? Practice asking and answering questions 1. She stayed at home and played

using "How"? Recall how to use a passive sentence. c/? Find a word or an expression from the conversation which you use when you: ? T ask S to share their answers with your partner. ? Add any other expressions which have the same meaning, d. W ork in pair -T ask S to role-play the short conversation in Id ? Creat your short conversations. Use the colloquial expressions in l c P7 Step 2: Perform ing the task: la . ? Ss read the conversation again to answer the questions. - Ss exchange their answers with a classmate. lb . -O n e student write the answer on board, the rest of the studens write in notebook lc . Students share their answers with their partner. Id. Ss W ork in pairs to role-play Step 3: Discussion - Student work individually or in group depends on the task - Students give comments for each other in each task Step 4: Conclusion -T gets feedback for each task

with her brother. 2. It’s about 2 kilometers. 3. She usually goes to school with her dad. 4. Because sometimes there are traffic jams. 5. She goes to school by bike. How do you go to the supermarket? = By what means do you go to the supermarket? c. F ind a word / an expression (lc P7) Key: 1. get attention 2. agree 3. very excited

Task 2: W rite the words 1. bike/ bicycle 2. bus Task 2: W rite the words (2 P7) Step 1: Transfering the learning task 3. plane 4. boat -T ask S to work in pairs. Write the means 5. ship 6. train of transport under the right pictures. 7. motorbike 8. Car - Teacher monitors Step 2: Perform ing the task: -S follow teacher’s requirements Step 3: Discussion -One student answer, other students give comment Task 3: M atch a verb on the left Step 4: Conclusion with a means of transport on the -T gets feedback Task 3.M atch a verb on the left... right. The may be more than one Step 1: Transfering the learning task correct answer. Ad a preposition

- T runs through all the words and phrases w hen necessary. 1. ride a bike in 3 P7. - T ask S to match a verb on the left with a 2. drive a car mean of transport on the right. 3. fly a plane - There may be more than one correct 4. sail on/in a boat 5. get on a bus/ a train/ a bike/ a answers. motorbike.... Step 2: P erfo rm in g the task: 6. get off a bus /a train/ a bike/ a -S follow teacher’s requirements motorbike.... ? Read again in chorus. Step 3: D iscussion -One student answer, other students give comment Step 4: C onclusion -T gets feedback 4. PR O D U C T IO N (15’) a.Goal: can do exercise use English words relating to the topic b. Content - Co-operation: interact with partners find out the answers - Language: use English words relating to the topic c. Expected result: Students know how to do the exercise d. Performance: T ask 4: ? F in d som eone who never....(4 T ask 4: F in d som eone w to never.... •• 1. ...walks to school Nam P7) - Teacher models 2. ...goes to school by bus ? W ork in groups 3. ...cycles for exercise 4. ...takes a train - Teacher monitors and gets feedback. 5.... sails on/in a boat 6 .... flies by plane E.g: A : Do you often walk to school? B(Ba) : Yes, I do. A : Do you often walk to school? C (Nam): No. I never walk to school. * HOM EW ORK. - Learn by heart new vocabulary - Practice reading “Listen and read” - Prepare new lesson: U nit 7: A closer look 1.

Week: Planning:

Period 55 Teaching: UNIT 7. TRAFFIC LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOO K 1 Subject : English 7 Time : 1 period

A. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to have knowledge about + Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Means of transport, road signs + Pronunciation: Sounds: /e/ and /ei/ 2. Competence. + Develop comm unicative competence, discovery, cooperation competence and thinking competence. + Use the lexical items related to : Means of transport, road signs + Raising their awareness of : Means o f transport, road signs + Pronounce: Sounds: /e/ and /ei/ 3. Quality Students can understand more about Traffic. B. TEACHING AIDS T : Textbook, lesson p la n ,, a projector, a laptop. Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 7: Getting started C. PROCEDURE 1. W ARM UP: ( 5 ) - Organization: 7A :..................... a. G oal: Review the about Traffic. b. Content : Ss can tell about the Means of transport, road signs. c. Expected result: Ss can tell the names of the Means o f transport, road signs cl. Performance:______________________ ________________________________________ TEACHER S &SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS ? Give all the road signs you see every Suggestion: day on the way to school - stop ? Write as many words as possibles - no left turn/ no right turn ? Read again in chorus. - parking/ no parking - go ahead - no cycling - one-way 2. PRESENTATION : ( 10’) a. Goal: Provide Ss necessary vocabulary related to Means o f transport, road signs. b. C on ten t: Remind Ss of the words they learnt in Getting Started and point out the differenceMeans of transport, road signs. c. Expected result: understand using and meaning of the Means o f transport, road signs. cl. Performance:___________________ Teacher’s & Students’ activities Content

Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps o f teaching vocab. Step 2: Performing the task: - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front o f class Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them

- traffic sign/ road sign - lane


- biên báo giao thông


- seatbelt/ safetybelt - traffic rule


làn đuờng, đường hẹp dai an toàn

- obey - pavem ent

(V ):

- traffic sign/ road sign - lane





luật giao thông tuân theo vỉa hè (cho người đi bộ) - biên báo giao thông làn đuờng, đường hẹp

2. Present the dialogue * Checking vocab: Labeling (2 P8) Step 1: Transfering the learning task ? Label the road signs in 1 with the words/ phrases in 2 Step 2: Performing the task: SS: Read all the phrases in chorus SS: Complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion - One student answers and other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion -T gives checks the students' answers 3. PRACTICE: (20’) a. G oal: - Revise the vocabulary learnt in both Getting Started and Activity 1 of A Closer Look 1. - Sounds: /e/ and /ei/ b. Content: - Ss Label the road signs in 1 with the words/ phrases in 2. - Ss listen, repeat and read the words c. Expected result: - Ss can identify a word from its description. - Ss listen, repeat and read the words cl. Performance:___________________ TEACHER S &SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS

EX2: Step 1: Transfering the learning task 2.1? Label the road signs in 1 with the words/ phrases in 2 2.2. Look out - Ask students to divide the road signs in 1 into three groups: informative, prohibitive, and warning base on their shapes and colours. 2.3. Talk about the road signs (3 P7) ? W ork in pairs and talk about the road signs you see on the way to school (or elsewhere). Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually or in group depends on the task SS: complete the assignment Step 3: Discussion - Students give comments for each other in each task Step 4: Conclusion Teacher: 2.1. Teacher explains the meaning if necessary. 2.2. Teacher gets feedback and explains 2.3. Teacher goes around and give assistance if necessary, and check their answers. Ex3. P ronunciation. (15') Step 1: Transfering the learning task T: asks questions: 3.1. Sounds /e/ and /ei/ ? How to pronounce the sounds /e/ and /ei/? 3.2. Listen and repeat (4 P9) ? Listen to the recording 2 or 3 times - Teacher models and give examples - Ask students to observe teacher’s mouth and listen carefully Step 2: Performing the task: SS: Repeat in chorus SS: Read individually. Step 3: Discussion_________________

2. Key: 2. no parking 1. traffic lights 4. hospital ahead 3. no right turn 6. cycle lane 5. parking 7. school ahead 8. no cycling - A sign within a red triangle will warn you o f something - Signs with red circles are mostly prohibitive - that means you can't not do something - Signs in blue are usually to give information

3. Key:E.g: A: On the way to school, I can see a "no left turn" sign. B: On my way to school there is a hospital, so I can see a "hospital ahead" sign.

Other students listen and comment Step 4: Conclusion -T gets feedback for each task


4. PRODUCTION: (10’) a. Goal: Help Ss to memorize the learnt vocabularies b. Content : Ss guess what words or phrase is by playing games c. Expected result: Ss can memorize the learnt words and the way of using. d. Performance:_____________________________________________________ TEACHER S &SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning No /e/ /ei/ task ever break, way 1 3.3. Identify the sounds (5 P9) ? Teacher asks Ss to listen and 2 very railway station distinguish the sound /e/ and /ei/. ? Recognize all the words with the 3 always, obey, two sounds, then underline them as safety assigned ? W ork in groups and find words with 4 left, when UK the two sounds They, next 5 Teacher: Play the recording 2 or 3 waiting, train times Step 2: Performing the task: SS: Listen and complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion - Teacher monitors and gets feedback * HOM EW ORK. - Learn by heart the new words and structures. - Do exercises in workbook. - Find some words ending with “ e ” and “ e i ” - Prepare: Unit 7- A closer look 2

Week: Planning:

Period 56 Teaching: UNIT 7. TRAFFIC LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOO K 2 Subject : English 7 Time : 1 period

A.OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - Vocabulary: Means o f transport, road signs - Grammar: It indicating distance, usded to for past habits or states - practice skills: Ss improve their writing, reading, speaking and listening skills 2. Competence: - Communication, self study, self-check 3. Quality: Students can use the structure to do exercises B.TEACHING AIDS: 1. T eacher’s: teacher book 2. Students’: Textbooks, notebooks. C. PROCEDURE 1. W ARM - UP (5’) Class organization (1’) - Attendance: 7A ................................... a. Goal: help ss to learn ho to use “it and used to” b. Content: Ss give the use, the form . c. Expected result: Ss can remember the use, the form . d. Performance: Brainstorm ing ? W ork in groups to write activities that you did in the past but you don’t do them now => Lead to new lesson. 2. PRESENTATION (10’) a.Goal: introduce new words b. Content: s can pronounce new words c. Expected result: ss can understand and use new words d. Performance: TEACHER S &SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task I. + Present new words. - open-air (adj): à ngoài trài - Teacher use different techniques to - tricycle (n): xe ba banh teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - accident (n): tain nan - Follow the seven steps o f teaching - desk job (n): công viêc bàn vocabulary giây Step 2: Performing the task: - pond cai ao (v): - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary

in front o f class Step 4: C onclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them * C hecking vocab: Recall Step 1: T ran sferin g th e learn in g task T: gives questions and examples * "It" indicating distance SS: Refer back to the conversation in getting started and find sentences with "it" as the subject. T: Asks questions: + Is "it" in the example the formal subject? + What does it indicate? * Used to - Play the recording and have Ss follow along - T makes the requests for the students: + Study the examples in grammar P10 + Asks questions: “ What do we use "used to" for?” - Teacher explains the rules of (+), (-),

E.g: How far is it from your house to there? It's about two kilometers. -> "It": the fo rm a l subject to indicate distance

E.g: There used to be many trees on this street, but now there are only shops. - We used "u sed to" to describe an action or a state that happen regularly in the past but does not happen at present/ no longer happen now. - Used to is the same form for all persons

(?) - Give more sentences in all three form. Step 2: P erfo rm in g th e task : - Ss listen and answer the questions as a class. Step 3: D iscussion - T calls one student to show the answer - One student answers and other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: C onclusion -T gets feedback for each task 3. PRACTICE (20’) a. Goal: using the present tenses to do exercises b. Content: Do exercises 1,2 in textbook c. Expected result: can do exercises well d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning II. Grammar task: 1. It's about 700 metres from my T: gives the task to the students: house to Youth Club. + E x l. Write sentences with it (1 P9) 2. It's about 5 km from my house to

? W ork by yourself and write down the the nearest town. sentences. 3. It's about 120 km from Ho Chi + Ex2: Ask, answer questions about Minh City to Vung Tail. distance 4. It's about 384,400 km from the ? Ask and answer questions about Earth to the Moon. distance in your neighborhood. 5. It's not very far from Ha Noi to Step 2: Performing the task: Noi Bai Airport. - SS: W ork in pairs. Ex2. P9 - Teacher: observes and helps when E.g: and where necessary. A: How far is it from your house to school? Step 3: Discussion - T: calls some students to read their B: It's about a kilometre. sentences. - Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion -T : gives comment and adds on to the answer if necessary - SS: Correct their mistakes 4. PRODUCTION: (10’) a.Goal: using “used to” to do exercises b. Content: Do exercises 3a,b in textbook c. Expected result: can do exercises well d. Performance T AND SS’ ACTIV ITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning 3.a. Used to task 1. used to ride 2. used to be + Teacher asks Ss: 3. used to go 4. Did.... use to play EX3.a. Used to 5. did.... not use to feel * Study : W atch out ? Complete the sentences with "used b. work in groups. Discuss the to" or "use to"(3 P10) questions EX 3b: Key: T: Allow Ss time to discuss and find 1. The future the answers to the questions. If Ss are 2. The present simple having difficulty answering question Ex4. P10 2, T may ask questions such as 7s a 1. My mum used to live in a small schedule usually for present or future when she was a girl. activities?’ Then have Ss read the 2. There did not use to be (as) many REM EM BER! Box. vehicles on roads. EX 4: 3. We used to cycle to school two T: Give instructions years ago. T: Ask the students to read and 4. Now there are more traffic complete the homework accidents than there used to be. Step 2: Performing the task: 5. My uncle used to be a bus driver EX3: W ork independently to write some years ago, but now he has a

the sentences in your notebook. desk job. EX4: E.g: - Ss work in groups and discuss the A: Did you use to play marbles? two questions given. Phong: Yes. I used to play marbles. - Ss read the REM EM BER ! Box and E.g: Phong used to play marbles take Step 3: Discussion SS: - Report the result to the class - Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion - Teacher monitors and gets feedback * HOM EW ORK - Learn by heart the form of the present tenses. - Do ex B4, 5, 6 page 13,14- workbook - Prepare U N IT 7: C O M M U N IC A T IO N / page 21- textbook

Week: Planning:

Period 57 Teaching: UNIT 7. TRAFFIC LESSO N 3: COM M UNICATION S u b je c t: English 7 Time : 1 period

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to : - Use the lexical items related to traffic - Communication: Talking about road signs,traffic rules, about traffic problems. 2. Competence: Ss can - Co-operation; self-study; Problem solving; Communicative. 3. Quality: Students can Understand some driving laws of some countries. Develop speaking and listening skills. II. TEACHNG AIDS. T : Textbook, lesson plan, a machine tutor. Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 7: Communication. HI. PROCEDURE 1. W ARM UP: ( 5 ) - O rganization(l’): 7A :.................. a. G oal: Review some means o f transports. b. C o n ten t: - Introduce the rules o f keeping to the left-hand side o f the road. c. Expected result:traffic rule is to keep to the left of the road.. d. Performance_____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS B rainstorm ing-1. P l l - Teacher elicits the topic from students ? Can you name some means of ( ^ ^ m e a n s of t r a n s p o ^ s ^ ^ ^ transports. ? Do you know how to use them - Introduce the new lesson 2. PRESENTATIO N(K )) a.Goal: introduce new words, practice listening skill. b.Content: s can read, use the new words to understand the conversation . c. Expected result: Students know to obey traffic rules/laws, and how to use the road safely. d. Performance:_________________________________________________________ Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents Step 1: Transfering the learning task illegal (adj): bât hợp pháp - Teacher use different techniques to reverse (adj): nghịch, teach vocab (situation, realia) nguợc, lùi - Follow the seven steps o f teaching right(adj): thuôc vê bên

vocab. hanhded phải Step 2: Performing the task: - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front o f class Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them 3. PRACTICE. (20 ) a. G oal: read, understand the text. b.Content: s can use the new words, read, understand the text then answer the questions about the text c. Expected result: s can understand and answer the questions. cl. Performance TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Brainstorming - 1. PI 1 Key: 1. The UK Step 1: Transfering the learning 2. Australia task 3. India T: Introduce the rules o f keeping to 4. Thailand the left-hand side o f the road 5. Malaysia T: Teacher asks Ss to: ? Brainstorm and give the names of the countries you know where the traffic rule is to keep to the left o f the road. ? Look at the flags o f some countries. Step 2: Performing the task: SS: think and complete the exercise SS: W ork in pairs to write the names of these countries. Step 3: Discussion SS: some students anh other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion Key: - Teacher monitors and gets feedback 1. some countries used the same Listening - 2 P l l system as the UK. Step 1: Transfering the learning 2. many people are right-handed (so on the left-hand side, it is easier for task them to use a sword or something - T asks: ? W hy is the right side the wrong side when they are on horseback -in the in these countries. past) Step 2: Performing the task: "In France, you can only reverse your

- SS: Listen and write the reasons this car on Sundays." This sentence is happened false Step 3: Discussion - Report the result to the class - Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion Teacher monitors and gets feedback Find one false driving law - 3 P l l Step 1: Transfering the learning task 3.1. T askes: ? Run through all the strange driving laws in 3 PI 1 ? Which one do you think seems most unreasonable? 3.2. Ordering T: assigned the task - Discuss the laws in B and put them in order from the strangest (N o l) to the least strange (No5). Can you explain why? Step 2: Performing the task: SS: W ork in pairs, discussing to find one false driving law and explain Teacher: observes, helps when,where necessary Step 3: Discussion - Have some groups report their results and explanation. Step 4: Conclusion Teacher monitors and gets feedback______________________________________ 4. PRODUCTION* 1O’) a.Goal: understand the traffic rules, talk about road safety. b.Content: talk about the means of transport and who uses the road safely/ dangerously and the reasons. c. Expected result: s can talk who is using the road safely, who is acting dangerously and give the reasons. d. Performance ? W ork in groups and find if there are any strange traffic rules in Viet Nam. * HOM EW ORK Ask Ss to: - Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Do Ex B 3 ,4 P5 - 6 (workbook) - Prepare: Unit 7: Skills 1._______________________________________________

Week: Planning:

Period 58 Teaching: U N IT 7. T R A F F IC L E SSO N 4: S K IL L S 1 S u b ject : E nglish 7 T im e : 1 period

A. O B JE C T IV E S . 1. K now ledge:B y the end o f the lesson ss will be able to : - Vocabulary: Means o f transport, road signs - Speaking: Talk about obeying traffic rules/laws, and how to use the road safely. - Reading: for a specific information about trafic rules/laws. 2. C om petence: Ss can - Use the lexical items related to the topic “Traffic”. - Read for specific information about traffic rules/ laws - Talk about obeying traffic laws/ rules, and how to use the road safely. - form ability o f self studying, communicating, cooperating, using languages 3. Q uality: Students know to obey traffic laws/ rules, and how to use the road safely. B. T E A C H N G AIDS. T : Textbook, lesson plan, a projector, a laptop Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 7: Skills 1. C. P R O C E D U R E 1. W ARM UP: ( 5 ) - O rganization l ’)7 A:......................... a. G oal: Review some traffic problems. b. Content : Ss can tell the traffic problems c. Expected result:Ss look the picture, say why it is dangerous . d. Performance - T asks Ss to look at the picture in 1 P12. - T asks Ss to discuss and say why it is dangerous. - Teacher monitors and gets feedback - T sets the sence of the lesson. 2. PRESENTATION : ( 10’) a. G oal: introduce new words b.Content: s can read, use the new words to understand the common expressions and answer the questions. c. Expected result: Ss can understand and use new words to talk, answer the questions according to the teacher’s request. d. Performance:______________ __________________________________________ TEA C H ER ’S &SS' CONTENTS ACTIVITIES Step 1: Transfering the - zebra crossing (n): loi di có vach (cho learning task nguài di bô qua Teacher use different duông) techniques to teach vocab - speed limit (n): tôc dô giói han (situation, realia) driving (n): giây phép lai xe, - Follow the seven steps of licence báng lái

teaching vocab. - pedestrian khách bộ hành (n) Step 2: Performing the task: - fasten buộc, that (V ) Repeat in chorus and - handle bar tay lái (n) individually - passenger hành khách (n) - Copy all the words 1.g: traffic jam 5. a: speed limit Step 3: Discussion 2.d: zebra crossing 6. h: railway station -Some students repeat the 3. b: road users 7. f: train ticket vocabulary in front of class 4. c: driving licence 8. means of Step 4: Conclusion transport - T makes sure that all student K ey: zebra crossing, road users, means of copy the new words and the transport meaning o f them Suggestions: * Checking vocab: M atching not pay attention, not look around, go in red Step 1: Transfering the lig h t... learning task T: - Ask to complete the exercise at 2 p 12 - Ask the questions: When you are a road user, what should you not do? Step 2: Performing the task: SS: - W ork in pairs to do the matching in 2 P I2. - Read the passage and check your answers. Step 3: Discussion SS: Report the result to the class Step 4: Conclusion Teacher checks their results 3. PRACTICE: (20’) a. Goa I: read, understand the text. b.Content: s can use the new words, read, understand the text then answer the questions about the text c. Expected result: s can understand and answer the questions. d. Performance TEA C H ER ’S &SS* CONTENTS ACTIVITIES Step 1: Transfering the Key: 1. We should cross the street at the zebra learning task - T asks Ss to complete Ex 5 crossing. Step 2: Performing the task: 2. He/She must always fasten the seatbelt. SS: Read the passage again 3. No, he/she shouldn't. Because it is very then work with a partner to dangerous. (He/ She may cause accident.)

4. We must give a signal. answer the questions. - Teacher observes and helps 5. Because the other road users can see them clearly and avoid crashing into them. when and where necessary. Step 3: Discussion - T calls one student to show the answer - Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion Teacher checks their results 4. PRODUCTION: (13’) a.Goal: understand the traffic rules, talk about road safety. b. Content: talk about the means of transport and who uses the road safely/ dangerously and the reasons. c. Expected result: s can talk who is using the road safely, who is acting dangerously and give the reasons. d. Performance TEA C H ER ’S &SS* CONTENTS ACTIVITIES Suggested answers: Step 1: Transfering the learning task 1. safely 2. dangerously (because he is likely to have T asks ss to: a. Class survey- 6 P12 an accident) ? Ask your classmates the 3. safely question 4. dangerously (it is difficult for him to see "How do you go to school the road properly, and to ride) every day? 5. dangerously (a car or a motorbike may ? M ake a list of the means of crash into him) transport that is used the most, 6. dangerously (she may have an accident if and used the least. something happens unexpectedly) b. Discussion 7 P12 ? W ork in groups to discuss who is using the road safely, and who is acting dangerously. ? Give the reasons Step 2: Performing the task: SS: W ork in groups and complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion T: Get some students to report to the class. SS: Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion Teacher monitors and gets feedback.

* HOM EW ORK (2 ): Ask Ss to: - Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Do Ex C3, D l,2,3 P7-8 (workbook). - Prepare: Unit 7: Skills 2 - Continue preparing for the project._____

Week: Planning:

Period 59 Teaching: UNIT 7. TRAFFIC LESSON 5: SKILLS 2 Subject : English 7 Time : 1 period

A. OBJECTIVES By the end o f the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Knowledge: use lexical items related to the traffic. 2. Competence: + General competences: Co-operation; self-study; Problem solving; Role-play: Communicative; Listen for specific information about traffic. Improve students’ listening and writing skills.W rite a passage about traffic, using correct punctuation. + Specialized competences: language competences. 3. Quality: have a serious attitude to obey traffic rules, solve the traffic problems B. TEACHING AIDS. Teacher: Computer, projector, speakers, books... Students: Students’ books, school things... C. PROCEDURE 1. W ARM UP (5 ) a. Goal: Have students pay attentions to the topic b. Content: interact to start the lesson effectively with studying the picture in 1 P I 3 and guess c. Expected results: the students can answer the questions themselves d. Performance:_________________________ TEACHER & STUDENTS’ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Study the picture in 1 P13 * Discussion Work in groups. - in Brazil Where so you think the picture was taken? - long traffic jam (very long line of vehicles) Why it is special? Teacher monitors and gets feedback______ 2. PRESENTATION : ( 17’) *2.1. Pre - listening a. Goal: Have students learn new words b. Content: Teacher introduces some new words from the lesson c. Expected results: the students can read, write and understand how to use the new words d. Performance:_________________________ TEACHER & STIJDENTS’ACTIVITIES CONTENTS 1. Vocabulary Step 1: Transfering the learning task - suffer chiu, bj (v): - Teacher use different techniques to teach (from) vocab (situation, realia) - rush hour g ià cao diêm (n): - Follow the seven steps o f teaching vocab. - poor(adj): chât luong kém Step 2: Performing the task: quality - Repeat in chorus and individually_______

- Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front of class Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them

- respect

(V ):

tôn trọng, kính trọng

- bumpy


gập ghênh



sự hôn độn tăc nghên

2.PRSENTATIO N - Pre- W hile listening a. Goal: Have students listen to the disc b. Content.Sludents study the questions and listen c. Expected results', the students can understand the main contents o f the records and answer the questions by choosing A, B, or C correctly d. Performance:__________________________ ___________________________________ Teacher & students’activities Contents Listen and choose the correct answ er Step 1: Transfering the learning task Key: Teacher: Play the recording and ask l.B 2. C 3. A 4. students to check their answers. C Step 2: Performing the task: Students: + Listen and complete the assignments + Share their answers with partner. Step 3: Discussion T: Ask students to read the whole sentences after choosing the correct letters Step 4: Conclusion T: monitors and gets feedback 3. PRACTICE: (17’) 3.1. Pre- W riting a. Goal: Have students study the pictures b. Content: Tick the traffic problems in big cities in Viet Nam c. Expected results: the students can understand the traffic problems in big cities in Viet Nam d. Performance:____________________________________________________________ TEACHER & STIJDENTS’ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task Tick the traffic problems Suggested pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 T asks ss to: - There are too many vehicles (on the road). - What do you think the traffic problems in - many roads are narrow and bumpy. big cities in Viet Nam are.. - There are traffic problems every day. - Look at the pictures, read the phrases and - Many young children ride their bikes tick the problems. dangerously. Step 2: Performing the task: SS: observe and complete tasks Step 3: Discussion - Have some students write on the board.

Step 4: Conclusion - Teacher give corrections - SS: Write full sentences in your notebooks 3.2. W hile-writing a. Goal: Have students write about the traffic problems b. Content: Their writing should include: Problem 1, Problem 2, Problem 3 c. Expected results', the students can write a short paragragh, describing serious traffic problems in big cities in VietNam d. Performance:__________________________ ______________________________ TEACHER & STIJDENTS’ACTIVITIES CONTENTS - Study the sentences you have written, then Write a paragraph - 5 P13 practice writing the paragraph, individually. Suggested words and phrases Step 1: Transfering the learning task -Too many people using the road T asks ss to: -Too many vehicles + Write a paragraph - 5 P I 3 -The roads are narrow and bumpy Step 2: Performing the task: -Young people riding their bike dangerously SS: -As a result, traffic accidents happen + W ork individually. everyday + Study the sentences you have written, then practice writing the paragraph. Teacher : moves around the class and helps Step 3: Discussion SS: Have some students write on the board Step 4: Conclusion - T: Give comments and corrections 4. PRODUCTION: (10’) a. Goal: Have some good students go to the board, present their writings before class b. Content: Ask them to present their writings , ask students to answer some questions related to traffic big problems nowadays c. Expected results: the students listen to the good students reading or saying about their writing and have opinions d. Performance:__________________________ ____________________________________ Teacher & studcnts'activities Contents Step 1: Transfering the learning task +Suggested answers: -Teacher asks, and students answer: -The government should widen roads, +W hat should the government do to solve encourage people to use public transports the traffic problems? such as buses, instead o f private cars to Step 2: Performing the task: decrease traffic jams. SS: -Fine heavily anyones who don 7 obey' - Listen and write the tasks traffic rules Step 3: Discussion -Read or say about the topic - Teacher choose some good writings and -Look at the productions or without looking ask them to express theirs production on at the productions board - Use proper connectors: first/ firstly, - Listen carefully and have opinions second/secondly..... Step 4: Conclusion

T: Give comments and corrections * HOM EW ORK -Learn by heart new words -Prepare Looking back and project -Do exercise 2. Page 9. W orkbook

Week: Planning:

Period 60 Teaching: UNIT 7. TRAFFIC LESSON 6: LOOKING BACK & PROJECT Subject : English 7 Time : 1 period

A.OB.IECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review + Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Traffic”. + Structures: It indicating distance. Used to. + practice doing exercise for drill 2. Competence: using language, cooperation, communication 3. Quality: obey the traffic rules strictly. B. TEACHING AIDS: C. PROCEDURE 1. W ARM UP: 5’ - Organization: (1’) 7A a. G oal: Help Ss to call out names of road signs. b. Content : Ss write the meaning below each sign and put them into correct box. c. Expected result: Ss can understand meaning of the signs and put them into correct box. d. Performance:____________________ ____________________________________ T ’S -ST U D E N T S’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Step 1: Transfering the learning Task 1. W hat do these signs mean? task W rite the meaning below each sign. T asks ss to: Then put them into the correct box. + What do these signs mean? Write *Key: the meaning below each sign. Then 1. Traffic lights put them into the correct box. 2. School ahead + Let them to work in pairs to put the 3. Hospital ahead signs into the correct boxes 4. Cycle lane Step 2: Performing the task: 5. Parking Students work individually first. 6. No parking Step 3: Discussion 7. Left turn only Have Ss compare their answers 8. No cycling Step 4: Conclusion T gets feedback and corrects Ss’ answers 2. PRESENTATION a. G oal: Ss can memorize the vocabularies related to the topic “means o f transport b. C on ten t: Ss Write the names of means of transport in the word web. Then draw lines joining the correct verbs to the transport. c. Expected result: Ss can use correct verbs phrases to say talk about means of transport.

d. Performances: T ’S -ST U D E N T S’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Step 1: Transfering the learning Task 2. task ^Suggestion: bicycle, motorbike, car, T asks ss to: bus, taxi, train, plane, boat, ship ... + Task 2. W rite the names of means of transport in the word web below. Then draw lines joining the correct verbs to the transport. Step 2: Performing the task: Let Ss work in pairs. Tell Ss to write the answers in their notebooks. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion T corrects the mistakes, and adds some if need be. 3. PRACTICE a. G oal: students use “used to” to talk about past habits or a state and write sentences to describe distances. b. C o n ten t: + Ss use “used to” in positive, negative, interrogative. + M ake sentences using the cues + Ask and answer about a distance c. Expected result: Ss use “used to” correctly; improve writing skills d. Performance:____________________ ____________________________________ T ’S -ST U D E N T S’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Step 1: Transfering the learning Task 3. *Key: task T asks ss to: 1. Did you use to go to school on + Task 3. Change the sentences foot? according to the prompts in brackets. 2. Mr Van didn’t use to ride his Step 2: Performing the task: motorbike dangerously. Let Ss work in pairs. 3. Did the streets use to be cleaner Tell Ss to write the answers in their and more peaceful? notebooks. 4 . 1 used to go out on Sundays. 5. They didn’t use to go on holiday Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the together answer Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion

T checks their answers.______________ ____________________________________ 4. PRODUCTION - ( Communication) a. Goal: Ss can get further practice in using “used to” and “it” to indicate the distances. b. Content: Match the questions from 1- 6 to the answers from a-f c. Expected result: Ss can read and answer the questions and match them together correctly. d. Performances: T ’S - STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Task 4. Step 1: Transfering the learning *Key: task T asks ss to: 1. It is over 100 km from my Task 4. Write sentences using these hometown to Ho Chi Minh City. cues. 2. It is about 25 km to my Step 2: Performing the task: grandparents’ house. Ss: work individually first to write the 3 . 1 used to ride a small bike in the sentences. yard outside my flat. Then they work in pairs to swap their 4. There used to be a bus station in sentences. the city centre, but it was/ has been moved to the suburbs. Step 3+4: Discussion* Conclusion T gives correction and calls some Ss 5. Children must learn about road to read the sentences aloud. safety before they are allowed to ride a bike on the road. Step 1: Transfering the learning Task 5. M atch the questions 1-6 task with the answers a-f. T asks ss to: *Key: + Task 5. Match the questions 1-6 l.b 2. a 3. e 4. d 5. f with the answers a-f. 6.c Step 2: Performing the task: SS: read the questions and answers once or twice (they can read aloud), then match them. SS: work in pairs and role-play the questions and answers, then write all the sentences in their notebooks. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer O ther students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion T checks their answers. * HOM EW ORK. + T asks students to do homework: - Do “project” on page 15. - Prepare next lesson: (U nit 8: F ilm s - Lesson 1: Getting Started)

Week: Planning:

Period 61 Teaching: UNIT 8. FILMS LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED S u b je c t: English 7 Time : 1 period

A. OBJECTIVE: 1. Knowledge: By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to extend and practice vocabulary related to the topic “Film s” through the dialogue between Duong and Mai about films. 2. Competence: - Developing communicative competence, cooperation compentence and thinking skills through listening, speaking, reading and writing about films. - Talking about films they like. 3. Quality: - Having a good deed towards watching films; asking and answering about films. B. TEACHING AIDS Teacher: pc, projector Students: textbook, workbook C. PROCEDURE Organization (1 ')................................ 1. W ARM UP: (4 ) a. G oal: Ss know words related to films b. Content: Ss have a brainstorm o f types of films they know, names o f films and film stars. c. Expected result: Ss can tell the names of films, types o f films and film stars d. Performance *Brainstorming - Elicit any information ss know about films by asking about types o f film they know, the latest films they have seen, their favorite films and film stars - Show the pictures in textbook to set the scene and introduce the new lesson on screen 2. PRESENTATION: (15) a. Goal: Provide Ss necessary lexical items related to the topic Films b. Content: Ss master some vocabulary through the dialogue by listening and roleplaying. c. Expected result: Ss can use the lexical items exactly in the contexts d. Performance:____________________ ____________________________________ TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Step 1: Transfering the learning *Vocabulary task - horror film (n) + Present new words. - frightening (n) - Teacher use different techniques to - comedy (n) teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - critic (n) - Follow the seven steps o f teaching - plot (n)

vocabulary - review (n) - star Step 2: Performing the task: (v) - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words - Listen to teacher and answer questions Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary - Practice the conversation in pairs in front o f class Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them * C hecking vocab: W hat and where Step 1: Transfering the learning task - T uses the pictures in the textbook to set the scene and asks some questions: • Where are Phong and his sister M a i? • What are they talking about? - Ask ss to listen and read the conversation. - Ask ss to read the conversation aloud in pairs. Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss answer the questions as a class. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion -T gives comment and adds on to the answer if necessary 3. PRACTICE: (15 ) a. G oal: Ss recognize types o f films, questions related to films, and answer questions about the dialogue above. b. Content: Ss can understand the dialogue about films and answer the reading comprehension questions, know questions related to films, expand vocabulary of films. c. Expected result: Ss can know types of films, how to ask about films. d. Performance:____________________ ____________________________________ TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT 1. Listen and read 1. Listen and read Step 1: Transfering the learning a. Read the conversation again and task answer the questions.

a. A nswer the questions - Ask ss to work individually to choose the correct answer to the questions, then share the answers with a partner. - Ask ss to read aloud the answers.

* Answer key: 1-B 2-A 3-A 4-C 5-C b. F ind the questions in the conversation that ask about Coconut b. Find the questions in the Crazy conversation that ask about Coconut Crazy a. What kind of films is it? - Run through the phrases b. What does it stars? - Ask ss to work in pairs to look at c. What is it about? the conversation and find the d. What do critics say about it? questions. -Ask ss to listen, check and repeat the questions Step 2: Performing the task: SS: Listen and complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion - Call on some pairs to read aloud and some ss to write on the board 2. M atching the types o f films with their definitions. Then listen, check Step 4: Conclusion and repeat T confirms the correct answers 2. M atching the types of films with Key: their definitions. Then listen, check 1-d" 5-b and repeat 2-f 6-e 3-a 7-h Step 1: Transfering the learning task 4-c 8-g - Run through the phrases and sentences - Ask ss to work individually to match the types o f films with their definitions. - Play the recording for ss to check their answers then ask them to repeat chorally. Step 2: Performing the task: - Correct their pronunciation if necessary - Help ss translate them into Vietnamese if necessary. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Other students listen to the answer

and give comment Step 4: Conclusion - Teacher monitors and gets feedback 4. PRODUCTION: (9 ) a. Goal: Ss can use the lexical items to talk about films they like. b. Content : Ss can recycle vocabulary to talk about films they like; guess the names o f films their friends are talking about through making and answering questions about films. c. Expected result: Ss can memorize vocabulary to talk about films. d. Performance:_________________________________________________________ TEA C H ER ’S & SS’ CONTENT ACTIVITIES Step 1: Transfering the learning 3a. Think o f a film. Fill in the task blank 3a. Think of a film. Fill in the - Possible answer: blank M r. Bean - Have ss work dependently, filling Type of film: hilarious in the table with the information of Actor: Rowan Atkinson the films they have seen recently. Plot: M r Bean’s funny action Remind them to use the words and Reviews: very funny and phrases they have learnt in 2 and relaxed. from the conversation. 3b. In pairs, interview each other 3b. In pairs, interview each other and try to guess the film. and try to guess the film. Example: - Ask ss to study the example. A: What kind of film is it? - T models with a good student. B: It’s an action film. - Ask ss to work in pairs A: Who does it star? B: It stars Dianiel Craig. Step 2: Perform ing the task: - T: Go around to help weak A: What is it about? students B: It’s about a spy called 007. - SS: answ er the questions as a class A: Is it Skyfall? ' Step 3: Discussion B: Yes! Call on some pairs to practise before class. Step 4: Conclusion -T gives comment and adds on to the answer if necessary * HOM EW ORK Ask Ss to: - Learn by heart all the new words above (types o f films, adjectives describing films...) - Guide ss how to do Ex B 1,2 in workbook - Get A closer look 1 ready for the next.

task - hilarious (adj): vui nhộn, hài huớc - Teacher use different techniques to - gripping (adj): thú vị teach vocab (situation, realia) - scary (adj): sợ hãi - Follow the seven steps o f teaching - moving(adj): xúc động vocab. - violent (adj): có nhiều cánh bạo lực - entertaining (adj): thú vị, làm hài - T: writes new words on the board. lòng Step 2: Performing the task: Ss: listen and repeat in individual first - disappointed (a d j): thất vọng then the whole class. - terrified (a d j): cám thấy khiếp sợ Step 3: Discussion Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them 3. PRACTISE (W hile-vocabulary) (10’) a.Goal: help Ss complete exercises with adjectives (ed/ing) b.Content: ss know adjectives (ed/ing) c. Expected result: Complete the sentences using “-ed” and “-ing” adjectives; know some adjectives used to describe films. d. Performance_____________________ ____________________________________ T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Part 1- P18: 1. The follow ing are adjectives Step 1: Transfering the learning which are often used to describe task film s. Can you add some more? - Run through the adjectives that are Key: often used to describe films. 1. hilarious 2. moving - Ask Ss to work in pairs to add some 3. boring 4. gripping more. 5. shocking 6 . scary - Ask Ss to work independently to 7. violent 8. entertaining complete the sentences * Remember: - Ask Ss to study the Remember box. * Remember: -ed and -ing Draw Ss' attention to the difference adjectives in use and meaning between -ed and - - We use -ed adjectives to describe ing adjectives by analyzing the someone's feelings and -ing examples in the Remem ber box. Then adjectives to describe som ething or ask Ss to give examples. people (that cause the feelings) - Remind Ss that they should use a good dictionary to check their meaning and use Step 2: Performing the task: - SS: Listen and complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion

task - hilarious (adj): vui nhộn, hài huớc - Teacher use different techniques to - gripping (adj): thú vị teach vocab (situation, realia) - scary (adj): sợ hãi - Follow the seven steps o f teaching - moving(adj): xúc động vocab. - violent (adj): có nhiều cánh bạo lực - entertaining (adj): thú vị, làm hài - T: writes new words on the board. lòng Step 2: Performing the task: Ss: listen and repeat in individual first - disappointed (a d j): thất vọng then the whole class. - terrified (a d j): cám thấy khiếp sợ Step 3: Discussion Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them 3. PRACTISE (W hile-vocabulary) (10’) a.Goal: help Ss complete exercises with adjectives (ed/ing) b.Content: ss know adjectives (ed/ing) c. Expected result: Complete the sentences using “-ed” and “-ing” adjectives; know some adjectives used to describe films. d. Performance_____________________ ____________________________________ T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Part 1- P18: 1. The follow ing are adjectives Step 1: Transfering the learning which are often used to describe task film s. Can you add some more? - Run through the adjectives that are Key: often used to describe films. 1. hilarious 2. moving - Ask Ss to work in pairs to add some 3. boring 4. gripping more. 5. shocking 6 . scary - Ask Ss to work independently to 7. violent 8. entertaining complete the sentences * Remember: - Ask Ss to study the Remember box. * Remember: -ed and -ing Draw Ss' attention to the difference adjectives in use and meaning between -ed and - - We use -ed adjectives to describe ing adjectives by analyzing the someone's feelings and -ing examples in the Remem ber box. Then adjectives to describe som ething or ask Ss to give examples. people (that cause the feelings) - Remind Ss that they should use a good dictionary to check their meaning and use Step 2: Performing the task: - SS: Listen and complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion

- Call on some Ss to write the answers on the board. Step 4: C onclusion - Confirm the correct answers P a rt 2- P18: 2. Complete the table with the -ed and -ing fo rm s o f the adjectives. Step 1: T ran sferin g th e learn in g task K ey: 1. interested - Ask Ss to work individually to 2. embarrassing complete the table. 3. exciting Step 2: P erfo rm in g th e task : 4. disappointed - Ss do the task individually. 5. exhausted - Teacher monitors and gets feedback 6. surprising Step 3: D iscussion 7. confused - Let Ss read aloud and some Ss write 8. frightening on the board. - Some Ss say aloud the answers and others write the answers on the board. - Ask other Ss to give comments. - Translate each pair of adjectives to check Ss’ understanding Step 4: C onclusion - T remarks and confirms the correct answers Part 3- P18: 3. Choose the correct adjectives. Step 1: Transfering the learning Key: 1. moving 2. frightened task - Ask Ss to do the exercise 3. disappointed 4. amazed individually and check with the whole 5. terrified class. - When checking, ask Ss to refer to the Remember Box to make the meanings o f the adjectives clearer to them Step 2: Performing the task: SS: Listen and complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion Have Ss compare their answers Step 4: Conclusion Teacher checks their results 4. PRODUCTION (Post - vocabulary) (10’) a.Goal: use adjectives to tell about the feeling and describe these things and experiences in your life b.Content: speak with patner about your feeling c. Expected result: show the emotion when think about stories happened d. Performance T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES


Step 1: Transfering the learning task Part 4a- P18: - Run through the questions - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer. Part 4b- P18: - Run through the questions - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer. Step 2: Performing the task: SS: listen and work in pairs to ask and answer. Step 3: Discussion Call on come pairs to practise. Step 4: Conclusion Confirm the correct answers

4a. Work in pairs. Look at the questions below. Tell your partner how you fe lt , using -e d adjectives. Example: I felt terrified before my last Math test. 4b. Now use - in g adjectives to describe these things and experiences in your life. Example: The last film I saw was called Norwegian Wood. It was really moving.

sounds at the end of each verb b.Content', adjective ‘e d ’ ending sound words c. Expected result: Pronounce correctly the -ed ending sound in verbs. d. Performance____________________ T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning II. Pronunciation: sounds /t/f /d / and task /id/ - Practise the sounds together /t/, /d/ 5. Listen and repeat the verbs. Pay and /id/ together. attention to the sounds ///, /d/> and Part 5- P18: /id/ at the end o f each verb. - T models the sounds/t/, /d/, and /id1 Key: in different words with the ending-ed. - Play the recording and ask Ss to /d / /id/ N listen and repeat the words, pay watched waited played attention to the sounds /t/, /d/, /id/ at danced needed bored the end of each word. walked hated closed - Play the recording and ask Ss to put * Remember: the words in the correct columns they •/t/: after an unvoiced consonant (k, listen. f, P, s, /J7, /tJ7 Part 6- P18: •/d /: after a voiced vowel or voiced - Let Ss study the example, the consonant pictures and cues. • /id/: after the sound /t/ and/d/ - T models this activity with a good 6. Work in pairs. A sk and answer student. questions about the pictures. Then - Ask Ss work in pairs to ask and listen to the recording. answer. Step 2: Performing the task: Example: SS: Listen and complete the exercise ______ cry a lo t/ laugh a lot________


Cl ATI ON (15’ ) a. G oal: can pro nou nee it/ /6/ /id/

Step 3: Discussion A: He cried a lot, didn’t he? Ask Ss to write the answers on the B: No, he didn’t. He laughed a lot board Call some pairs to practise in front of the class. Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the correct answers. * HOM EW ORK: - Learn by heart the new words - Do exercises A l, A2, B l, 2, 3/ page 10, 11- workbook - Prepare UNIT 8: A CLOSER LOOK 2/ page 19, 20- textbook.

Week: Planning:

Period 63 Teaching: UNIT 8: FILMS LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOO K 2 Subject : English 7 Time : 1 period

A. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Use the lexical items related to the topic: “Film s”. + Use: although , despite , in spite o f to express contrast between two piece of information in the same sentence. And However, nevertheless to express contrast between two sentences. 2. Competence: + Develop communicative competence, discovery, cooperation competence and thinking competence. 3. Quality: Students are active to relax. B. TEACHNG AIDS. - T: Text book, workbook, English room - SS: textbook, workbook C. PROCEDURE 1. W ARM UP (5’) a. G oal: Help Ss to review some connectors to describe the films. b. Content : Ss go to the board and call aloud. c. Expected result: Ss can call aloud the connectors d. Performance: TEACHER & STUDENTS’ CONTENT ACTIVITIES - T: Organize the game to ask ss call * Calling friends' names aloud the adjectives to describe films Possible answers: and, but, or - Students: Take part in the game - Students: Call aloud the adjectives - Teacher asks students comment and give the results 2. PRESENTATION: (10 )

a. b. c. d.

Goal: Help Ss to use connectors C o n ten t: Ss recall the form, use, o f connectors Expected result: Ss can make sentences using connectors . Performance:________________________________________ CONTENT TEACHER & STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Step 1: Transfering the learning 2.1. Although, Despite, In spite of task - 2 clauses T: Ask ss to look at the example in - Main clause, adverb clause of the Gramm ar Box then ask ss some concession. questions to elicit - Contrast ? How many clauses in each - A fter although: a clause sentence? - After despite, in spite of : a noun, ? What are they? Ving ? How are two clauses? -M odel sentence ? Read aloud the adverb clause o f Although he is so young, he concession in each sentence performs excellently ? What are there after although, Despite / In spite o f being so young despite, in spite o f ? his age T gives form and the usage he performs excellently. Step 2: Performing the task: -Usage: Students give form, use and examples -We use Although, Despite, In spite of to express contrast between two Students take note them. pieces of information in the same Step 3: Discussion sentences Ss can ask T for more detail in case - Form : they stil have question for Conjucntions although + a clause Step 4: Conclusion despite , in spite o f + a noun / a T makes sure that Ss can have a grasp phrase/ gerund phrase. Note: We often use a comma to of conjunction separate two clauses if the adverb clause of concession is preceded at the beginning o f the sentence 2.2. However and nevertheless 3. PRACTICE : ( 20’) a. G oal: Help Ss to practice connectors b. C o n ten t: Ss complete the sentences , write the correct form o f connectors c. Expected result: Ss can master the connectors d. Performance:____________________ _________________________________ TEACHER & STUDENTS’ CONTENT ACTIVITIES *Task 1: 1. Complete sentences. Use Step 1: Transfering the learning although + a clause from the box task * Answer key + T asks ss to: 1. although few people came to see it - Complete sentences. 2.Although they spent a lot o f money

- Use although + a clause from the box + T: Lets Ss work in pairs to give the answers. Step 2: Performing the task: SS: do them in pairs T: Observes/helps when necessary. Step 3: Discussion Ss to give their answers Teacher asks students comment and give the results Step 4: Conclusion T corrects Ss' mistakes. Task 2: Step 1: Transfering the learning task - T asks ss to: + Complete the sentences , using although, despite, in spite o f . Sometimes, two answers are possible - Lets Ss work individually to give the answer Step 2: Performing the task: Ss: do them in pairs T: Observes/helps when necessary. Step 3: Discussion Ss to give their answers and corrects Ss' mistakes. Step 4: Conclusion - Teacher asks students comment and give the results *Task 3: Step 1: Transfering the learning task T asks students to: + Rewrite these sentences using the words in the brackets. Change other words in the sentences if necessary + W ork individually Step 2: Performing the task: Students work individually Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Other students listen to the answer and give comment__________________

o 3. 4. 5.

the film Although the acting is excellent although it was a comedy although it is set in modern times

2. Complete the sentences , using although, despite, in spite of. Som etim es, two answers are possible 1 .Although 2. despite/ in spite of 3. although 4. Despite/ in spite of 5. Although

3. Rewrite these sentences using the words in the brackets. Change other words in the sentences if necessary. 1 . 1 don't think Stallone is a very good actor although he is very good in Rocky films 2. Although many European film directors have gone to Hollywood to make films, few have had as much as Milos Forman 3. Despite having to work the next day, they watched films on DVD all night 4. Although he performed excellently in many films, he has never won any Oscar for Best Actor

5.In spite of ( having) a happy ending, the film begins with terrible disaster -use a comma after them 4. Complete the sentences using although, despite, in spite of, however, nevertheless. Sometimes *Task 4: Step 1: Transfering the learning two answers are possible 1. However/ Nevertheless task + T asks students to work 2. Despite/ In spite of 3. However/ Nevertheless individually 4. Although Step 2: Performing the task: 5. Although + Students work individually Step 3: Discussion + Students write sentences on the board Step 4: Conclusion + T confirms the corrects sentences 4. PRODUCTION: ( 10’) a. Goal: Ss will be able to use the conjunctions to talk about the films. b. Content : Ask Ss to talk in groups c. Expected result: Ss develop their speaking. cl. Performance_____________________ ____________________________ TEACHER & STUDENTS’ CONTENT ACTIVITIES * Task 5: 5. Use your own ideas to complete Step 1: Transfering the learning the sentences. Then compare your task sentences with a partner T: Divides Ss into groups of 4 or 5. Ss take turns tell about the films. Suggestions; Step 2: Performing the task: 2. I don't like it Students do the exercise in groups 3. the music was not very good Step 3: Discussion 4. it’s pictures are wonderful Ss can report to the class about the 5 . 1 like it films. 6. he runs every day Step 4: Conclusion Teacher asks students comment and give the results * HOM EW ORK - Learn by heart the new words and structures. - Do exercises B in the workbook. - Prepare: Unit 8: Communication Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the corrects sentences

Week: Planning:

Period 64 Teaching:

UNIT 8: FILMS LESSO N 4: COM M UNICATION Subject : English 7 Time : 1 period A. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: -Vocabulary: Types of film s,ed and -ing adjectives - Communication: Talking about favourite films,asking,answering questions about film posters 2. Competence: Ss can - Use the lexical items related to the topic: “Film s”. - Talking about som eone’s favourite film. - Asking and answering questions about movie stars - Report the survey 3. Quality: Students know how to enjoy themselves the beauty of the film. B. TEACHNG AIDS. T : Textbook, lesson plan, computer room. Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 8. Communication C. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM UP. a. Goal: Excite and introduce the lesson b. Content : Ask Ss some questions: What kind of films do you like to see? Who your favorite actors/ actress are. c. Expected result: Ss can understand and answer all the questions. d. Performance:__________________________ _________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS - Ask Ss some questions: What kind o f -Romantic/ thriller/ com edy/ action/ film s do you like to see? Who your favorite anim ation.... actors/ actress are. - Tom Cruise, ... - Set the sence of the lesson 2. PRESENTATION. a. Goal: Help Ss to understand the new words, listen and fill in the dialogue. b. Content: Use the techniques to teach some new words, use the pcitures to set the sence of the dialogue. c. Expected result: Remember the new words, use them for practice. Listen and fill in the gaps correctly. d. Performance:_________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS * Task 1: T ask l: Step 1: Transfering the learning go ahead: actress: diễn viên nừ task a. Vocabulary survey: diều tra - Chorus repetition cartoon: phim hoạt hình - Individual repetition Key: * Checking vocab: Slap the board 1 .survey b. Listening:listen to the

conversation and fill in the blanks 3. Tom Cruise with the words you hear 4. Actress - Use the pictures to introduce the 5. Angeline Jolie situation Teacher: Play the recording 2 or 3 times - Ask ss to look at the dialogue between Nick and Duong and guess the missing words - Ask ss to listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with the information. Step 2: Performing the task: SS: Listen and complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion T gives comment and adds on to the answer if necessary 3. PRACTICE. a. G oal: Practise speaking, doing a survey, reporting the results. b. Content : Understand the questions then answer them. Report the results. c. Expected result: Ss understand the questions then do the survey. d. Performance:______________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Task 2: Task 2: Work in groups. Each student Step 1: Transfering the learning chooses one of the following sets of task survey questions(P 21) T: Run through the sets of survey,the - Most people I have survey............. questions. Then T asks ss to: - About half of people I have + Guide ss how to complete the survey....... table below - Almost no one I have surveyed.... + Ask ss to work in groups of 4 ss to survey and take note + Model with some good students Step 2: Performing the task: + SS: Work in group and complete the assignment + Teacher observes and help if necessary. Step 3: Discussion + T calls the groups to present to the class

+ Other students listen and give comment Step 4: Conclusion + T gets feedback for each task 4. PRODUCTION. (7 ) a. Goal: Drill the writing skill. b. C o n ten t: Ss write your survey’s result in your notebook individually. c. Expected result: Write correctly the survey’s result. d. Performance: + Complete exercise 3, 4 + Write it up + Ask ss write down their results ♦HOMEW ORK: - Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Guide ss how to do Ex B5, 6 , 7 (workbook) - Prepare next lesson. Unit 8. Lesson 5: Skills 1

Week: Planning:

Period 65 Teaching: UNIT 8: FILMS LESSON 5: SKILLS 1 S u b je c t: English 7 Time : 1 period

A OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: Reading a review of the film Titanic on a blog ; talk about a film ( plot, main characters, casts..). 2. Competence: Using language, self study 3. Quality: Reading for specific information about types o f films; asking and answering questions about film stars B. TEACHNG AIDS. T: Text book, workbook, computer and projector SS: textbooks, workbooks C. PROCEDURE 1. W ARM UP: (5’) a. Goal: Ask SS to talk about the film . b. C o n ten t: Asking and answering , relying on the picture cues c. Expected result: Looking at the pictures and talk TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES * Chatting T shows some pictures of the film Titanic and asks ss some questions: + Do you know this film? + What is the name of this film?

CONTENTS -Yes, I do -Titanic -Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t -Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet

+ Have you ever seen it? + Do you know who the actor and actress ? 2. PRESENTATION (P re- Reading (10’)) a. Goal:Helping the students to read the blog and understand the main contents easily b. Content: Introduce some new words or phrases c. Expected result: Students can read, write and understand the words or phrases used in the text d. Performance:____________________ ____________________________________ TEACHER’S & STUDENTS’ CONTENT ACTIVITIES 1. Vocabulary - rom antic (adj): lãng mạn Step 1: Transfering the learning - direct (n): đạo diên task voyage (n): chuyên đi - Teacher use different techniques to bien teach vocab (situation, realia) character (n): nhân vật - Follow the seven steps o f teaching social class (adj): tâng lớp xã vocab. hội Step 2: Performing the task: incredible (adj): không thê tin - Repeat in chorus and individually được - Copy all the words pirate (n): cướp biên Step 3: Discussion phim khoa (n) -Some students repeat the vocabulary sci-fi (science học viền in front o f class fiction) tuớng Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of 2. Open prediction them - Answer the questions individually. 2. Open prediction * Suggested answers Step 1: Transfering the learning -No, it isn’t. It has a sad ending task - Ask them some questions: • D oes the film have a happy ending ? Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually Step 3: Discussion Ss answer the questions as a class Step 4: Conclusion Teacher gets feedback 3. PRACTICE a. Goal: Understanding the main contents o f the blog b. Content : Reading the blog quietly, aloud c. Expected result: Answering the questions and pronouncing correctly d. Performance: TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS

Task 1: Step 1: Transfering the learning task T: + Run through the words in the box + Ask ss to read the passage, find the words and try to guess their meaning Step 2: Performing the task: SS: + Read individually. + Find the words and try to guess their meaning Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion T: Get feedback and correct the mistake Task 2: Step 1: Transfering the learning task T: + Run through the questions + Have ss work individually to answer the questions + Ask them to com pare their answers with their partners Step 2: Performing the task: + SS: Read and prepare for teacher questions

Task 1: Read N ick's review o f the film Titanic on his blog. Then fin d and underline the words fro m the box below. What do they m ea n ? Key: -sink (v): chìm -must- see : bộ phim hấp dẫn cằn xem -special effect: tác động đặc biệt -visual (adj) : thuộc về thị giác

Task 2: Read N ick's blog and answer the questions Key 1. It is a romantic film 2. It stars are Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet 3. It is about the sinking of the ship Titanic on its first voyage 4. The main characters are Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Buckate. Jack saves Rose from killing herself by jum ping from the ship. Although they are from different social classes Step 3: Discussion and Rose is already engaged, the two T call on some pairs to practice fall in love asking and answering while some ss 5. The ending of Titanic is very sad write the answers on the board 6. They say it is a must -see in the Step 4: Conclusion 20th century T gives comment and adds on to the answer if necessary 3. PRACTICE - Speaking (14’) a. Goal: Asking and answering questions about different kinds of films b. Content : Looking at the film posters and talking c. Expected result:Answering correctly the common questions about the films cl. Performance:

TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES Task 3: Step 1: Transfering the learning task Have ss read 4 posters then work in pairs to talk about the films they would/ wouldn't like to see . Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work in pairs Step 3: Discussion Ss answer the questions as a class Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion Teacher monitors and gets feedback Task 4. N ow, ask and answer questions about the films. Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Ask ss to study the example - Have them work in pairs to ask and answering Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work in pairs and ask and answering Step 3: Discussion T calls a pair of students to present to the class The other students listen to the answers Step 4: Conclusion - Teacher monitors and gets feedback

CONTENTS Task 3. Look at the film posters below. W ork in pairs. Talk about the films you w ould/ wouldn't like to see - SS answer

Task 4. Now7, ask and answer questions about the films. - Expected answers: A : I want to see the film: Big Ben Down. B: What kind of film is it? A: It’s an action B: What is it about? A: It’s about a group o f terrorists who take control of Big Ben, and threaten to blow it up B: W ho does it star? A: It stars... B: What do critics say about it? Task 5. A: The critics say... Step 1: Transfering the learning task Task 5. Hotseating: in Groups, - Let ss refer the words, phrases to talk choose a student to play the role of about films a character in any o f the films - Ask ss to work in group of 6 ss. above. Brainstorm questions Step 2: Perform ing the task: you'd like to ask. Then interview SS: W ork in group to answer to each other the student -W ork in pairs to talk about the Step 3: Discussion The groups present to the class films they would/ wouldn’t like to The remaining groups listen and comment see Eg: A: Look at the second poster Step 4: Conclusion T gives comment and adds on to the answer B: What's the name of the film? if necessary A: Big Ben Down, an action film B:Oh, I like action films A: Me, too. They are really interesting

__________________________________________B. W ho does it star?__________ ♦HOMEW ORK: (2 minutes) - Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. -Guide ss how to do Ex D l,2 . Page 14-15 (workbook) - Prepare: Unit 8: Skills 2

Week: Planning:

Period 66 Teaching: UNIT 8. FILMS LESSO N 6: SKILL 2 Subject : English 7 Time : 1 period

A. OBJECTIVES. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Knowledge: use lexical items related to films + listen for specific information about someone's favourite film star + write a review of a film. 2. Competence: using language, writing. 3. Quality: Talk about the topic "Films". B. TEACHNG AIDS. T: Text book, workbook, computer and projector Ss: : textbook, workbook C. PROCEDURE 1. W arm up: (5’) 7A ....................... a. Goal: Have students pay attentions to the topic h. Content : Talking about the film star c. Expected result: Sts pay attention to the topic d. Performance:__________________________ ______________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS - Ask SS to talk about the favourite films * Chatting - Talking about the film star: Tom Hanks Tom Hanks 2. PRESENTATION: ( P re- Listening) (10 ) a. Goal: Have students learn new words & answers some questions h. Content: Teacher introduces some new words from the lesson c. Expected results: the students can read, write and understand how to use the new words & answers some questions d. Performance:__________________________ __________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS 1. Vocabulary 1. Vocabulary - aspect(n): phuong diện Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Teacher use different techniques to teach -effect(n): ánh huờng vocab (situation, realia) -overall(adj): toàn diện - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. - recom m end(v): giới thiệu Step 2: Performing the task:

- Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front o f class Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them 2. Pre questions Task 1: Nick and his father are 2. Pre questions talking about Tom Hanks, a Task 1: Hollywood film star. Listen to Step 1: Transfering the learning task their conversation and correct the T: following statements + Introduce the situation of the dialogue. + Have ss look at 3 sentences in text book then correct the sentences by prediction. Key: 1. Tom Hanks is N ick’s father + Play the recording 2 or 3 times favourite film star Step 2: Perform ing the task: 2.Tom Hanks isn't a handsome actor SS: Listen and complete the exercise 3. Tom Hanks has won two OscarsStep 3: Discussion T call on some pairs to practice asking Listen to the recording and check the and answering while some ss write the prediction answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion T: Collect some ss' idea 3. W hile - Listening (10’) a. Goal: Have students listen to the recording and check their prediction b. Content'. Students study the questions and listen c. Expected results', the students can understand the main contents o f the records and answer the questions correctly d. Performance:_________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Task 2: * Task 2: Listen again and answer Step 1: Transfering the learning the questions task 1. Checking the prediction -Have ss listen to the recording and Key: check their prediction 1. He has won the Oscars for Best - Have ss compare the answers with Actor twice. their partners 2. They say he is one of the best Play the recording once to check actors in Hollywood. Ask 2 ss to write the answers on the 3. He plays a role of a sodier in board Saving Private Ryan. 2 . Listen again and answer the 4. Because it is one o f the best questions comedies in 1990s. -Run through all the questions - Have ss listen again and answer the

questions Step 2: Performing the task: Ask ss to share the answer with their partners Step 3: Discussion Call on some ss to write the answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion T: Get feedback and play the recording again to check 4. PRODUCTION - W riting (20’) a. Goal: Have students write a review of a film. b. Content : M ake notes about one o f your favourite films c. Expected result: Sts can write a review of your favourite film. d. Performance:____________________ _______________________ TEACHER S &SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Task 3. M ake notes about one of Task 3: Step 1: Transfering the learning your favourite films - Example task Have ss to work individually to make I like watching films in my free notes about one of their favourite time and one of my favourite films films is Taken 2. It an action film but it is - Remind ss that they do not have to moving , too. It stars Liam Neeson write full sentences, they can use and M aggie Grace. abbreviations. The film is about Bryan Mills . He -Let ss share their notes with their works for CIA. One day, he and his partners family travel to Turkey. He doesn't know that some criminals Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually and complete want to take revenge his family. He the assignment fights the criminals and does his Step 3: Discussion best to save his wife and daughter. Ask some ss to read aloud their notes The plot makes people so thrill to the whole class and the acting is so wonderful.Critics say it is a must-see Step 4: Conclusion T gives comment and adds on to the , especially for people who like answer if necessary. action film. Task 4: W rite a review o f your favourite film. Use the information Task 4: W rite a review of your in 3 and the film review on Nick's favourite film. blog as a model. You may follow the plan below Step 1: Transfering the learning task T asks ss to + Write a review o f your favourite film

+ T reminds about the language necessary and information for writing Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually and complete the task Step 3: Discussion T call ss to talk and write the answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion Run through the parts of the review Comments * HOM EW ORK T asks asts to: - Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Write their final version at home - Ex E l,2 P I 6 (Workbook) - Prepare next lesson. Unit 8. Lesson 7: Looking back and Project

Week: Planning:

Period 67 Teaching: UNIT 8. FILMS LESSON 7: LOOKING BACK + PROJECT S u b je c t: English 7 Time : 1 period

A. OBJECTIVES By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge: - recycle the language from the previous lessons in Unit 8 and link it with unit topic Films, consolidate and apply what they have learnt inUnit 8 (-ed adjectives, connectors: although, despite, in spite of, however, nevertheless) through various activities and exercises. 2. Competence: - Develop communicative competence, cooperation compentence, practice and thinking skills through listening, speaking, reading and writing about films. - Talk about favorite films. 3. Quality: - Have a good deed towards watching films; asking and answering about films. B. TEACHNG AIDS. T : pc, projector Ss: textbook, workbook C. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM UP. (8 ) Organization:

a. G oal:Ss use words related to types o f films. b. Content: make sentences about types of films. c. Expected result: Ss can recognize types of films and talk about them d. Performance:_________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Task 1: Think of an example of Task 1: every type of film in the box Step 1: Transfering the learning task Play in 3 teams - T explains the requirement to the Example : class M r Bean is a comedy - Teacher divides class into 2 teams. Step 2: Performing the task: SS: talk in groups Step 3: Discussion Each team write sentences on the board Step 4: Conclusion T check and the team with more and correct sentences is the winner Task 2: * W hat types o f films are the people Task 2. Read the sentences. What talking about? types o f films are the people talking K ey: about? 1. It’s a comedy 2. It’s a horror film Step 1: Transfering the learning task 3. It’s a documentary + T explains the requirement to the 4. It's a romantic comedy class 5. It’s a sci-fi film + Teacher divides class into 2 teams. Step 2: Performing the task: SS: Work in groups Step 3: Discussion SS: Each team write sentences on the board. Step 4: Conclusion T check and the team with more and correct sentences is the winner 2. PRESENTATION. (7 ) a. Goal:Ss use -in g / -ed adjectives correctly in different situations. b. Content: make sentences with -in g / -ed adjectives c. Expected result: Ss can distinguish the uses of -e d / -ing adjectives d. Performance:____________________ ___________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Task 3: Fill in the blanks with -ed I. Vocabulary or -ing adjectives that are formed Ex3. Fill in the blanks with -ed or from the verbs in brackets -ing adjectives that are formed Step 1: Transfering the learning from the verbs in brackets

task Key: + Ask ss to work individually first. + 1. terrified Emphasize the uses of -e d / -ing adjs 2. disappointing from ss and write on board. 3. annoying 4. satisfied Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually and can check 5. shocking answers with a partner Note: Step 3: Discussion - ing/ -ed adjectives Call on some ss to read aloud the + -ed adjs: to describe s m 's feelings answers + -ing adjs: to describe things or people that causes the feelings. Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the corrects answers 3. PRACTICE (14 ) a. G oal: Ss use -in g / -ed adjectives correctly in different situations; connectors: although, despite, in spite of, however, nevertheless. b. Content: Rewrite sentences using -in g / -ed adjectives, make sentences with connectors above. c. Expected result: Ss can distinguish the uses of -e d / -ing adjectives, how to use although, despite, in spite of, however, nevertheless and make sentences with them. d. Performance:____________________ ____________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 4. Complete the second Ex 4. Complete the second sentence in each pair, using the sentence in each pair, using the word in brackets. word in brackets. Key: Step 1: Transfering the learning 1. They were excited about the film task 2. The film was so boring, so they T asks ss to: + Complete the second sentence in left halfway through it each pair, using the word in brackets. 3. We were moved at the ending of + The meaning of both sentences the film should be the same 4. You’ll surprised at his new film Step 2: Performing the task: 5. Lot o f people find the way he + W ork in pairs behaves confusing Step 3: Discussion + T: calls some students to read their sentences Step 4: Conclusion - T confirms the corrects answer II. Grammar: Task 5. Match the first half in A Connectors: with the suitable half in B Although, Despite, In spite of: to Step 1: Transfering the learning express contrast between 2 pieces o f information in the same sentence, task - Ask ss to remind o f connectors however, nevertheless: to express and write on board: Although, contrast between 2 sentences. Despite, In spite o f however, Task 5: nevertheless. Key:

Ask ss to do the exercise individually then share the answers with their partners before discussing as a class. - Ask ss to read aloud full sentences Step 2: Performing the task: + Do the exercise individually Step 3: Discussion + Share the answers with their partners before discussing as a class. Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the correct answers. 4. PRO DUCTIO N (15 ) a. Goal: SS will be able to talk about favorite films through reading, speaking, and writing skills. b. Content: Rearrange sentences of a dialogue in the correct order to talk about films. c. Expected result: Ss can make an arrangement for going to a film with a friend and design a poster for a favorite film. d. Performance:____________________ ____________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Task 6: III. Communication Step 1: Transfering the learning Task 6. Number the lines of the task dialogue in the correct order - Ask ss to work in pairs to do the K ey: exercise. E-1 - A- F - B - D- G- C - H * Project * Project - Have ss read the film posters and 1. Look at the film poster. Think point out what information should be about the follow ing questions included in a film poster. - What is the purpose o f a film - Ask ss to work in groups to poster? discuss the questions - Which do you like? Why? - Ask ss to work in groups, choose - What information can you find on one favourite film and design a the posters? poster for it. - What other information could you include? Step 2: Performing the task: + Work in groups and complete the 2. Choose one o f your favourite task film s and design a poster fo r it 3. Organise an exhibition o f film Step 3: Discussion + Call some ss to read their poster in your class answers, others give comments Step 4: Conclusion T corrects and choose the best poster (if have time or they can do activities 2, 3 at home. T checks in the next lesson)

* HO M EW ORK ( 1 ) Ask Ss to: - Learn by heart vocabulary and the uses o f the connectors above, how to use -in g / ed adjectives. - Write their final version at home and present before class in the next lesson. - Do Ex E l,2 in workbook - Get Unit 9. Getting started ready

W eek: Period: 68

Planning: Teaching: REVIEW

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students can complete the exercises about used to, ed/ing adjectives, how is 2. Competence: - Develop cooperative skill (ask and answer about questions) and solving problem skill. 3. Quality: - Student can complete exercises - Student can understand and know how to use it H. TEACHNG AIDS. Teacher: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids. + Equipment: 6 pictures about characters and films Students: + Textbooks, notebooks. HI. PROCEDURE I. W ARM UP: Guess the character and the name of the film (10’) a. Goal: help Students promote their learning spirit in speaking, excited to speak english b. Content: guess the film ’s name and character c. Expected result: Student can speak exactly names and characters of the film d. Performance: TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Teacher shows each pictures about characters and film s’s photographic image in front of 2 students. W ho can answer correct the name first quickly will be winner.

2. PRACTICE 2.1 How far..? - It is... (10')

Film ’s Names

Film ’s characters

Pirates of southest asia Big ben down The chainsaw massacre at halloween Planet of the jellyfish

Peter O ’Toole Bruce Willis Jamie Lee Curtis

Cameron Diaz

a. Goal: Complete exercises with “How far - It is” b. Content: Do the exercises about How far - it is c. Expected result: Understand and know how to use this structure. d. Performance:______________________________________________ CONTENTS TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES Task 1: A nswer the following questions Task 1: Step 1: Transfering the learning a,How fa r is it fro m your house to school? task + .................................................. (2km) + Ask Ss to do the exercise b,How far is it from your house to market? + Have them work in pairs to ^ .................................................. (4km) compare the answering c,How far is it from his house to school? ^ ................................................... (8km) Step 2: Perform ing the task: +SS: work individually or in group d,How far is it from Mr N am ’s house to Ha Noi? ^ (40km) depends on the task e,How far is it from here to the park? Step 3: Discussion Call on some students go to the * ................................................... (12km) Expected answer. board write the answer a. It is 2 km from my house to school. Step 4: Conclusion b. It is 4 km from my house to market. Teacher checks and gives feed back c. It is 8 km from his house to school. d. It is 40 km from Mr N am ’s house to Ha Noi. e. It is 12 km from here to the park 2.2 “USED TO ” (10’) a. Goal: Complete exercises with used to b. Content: Do the exercises about used to c. Expected result: Understand and know how to use “used to” verb d. Performance:__________________ ____________________________ TEACHER S & SS ’ CONTENTS ACTIVITIES Step 1: Transfering the learning Task 3. Filling in the blanket with task ed/ing adjectives. Teacher asks students to complete a,This story is so........... I f e e l............. the exercise (bored/boring) b, I am ............... because I had a Step 2: Performing the task: Students do the exercise ............ day (tiring/tired) Step 3: Discussion c, He is so......................about the new. SS: write it on the board (excited/exciting) Step 4: Conclusion d, He made me Teacher gives comments. ......................... (disappointed/disappointing) e, I am re a lly ................... about your service (satisfied/satisfying) Expected answer: a. Boring-bored b. Tired-tiring c. Excited

d. Disappointed Satisfied ^HOMEWORK: (5’) - Practising again at home. - Preparing gettting started unit 9 (new words)

W eek: Period: 69

Planning: Teaching: U NIT 9: FESTIVALS AROUND THE W ORLD. LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED S u b je c t: English 7 Time : 1 period

A. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world". Understand the dialogue between Nick and his teacher - Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world” - Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson. - Grammar: Connectors’. Although, despite/ in spite of, however, and nevertheless. 2. Competence: - Communicative approach. - Talking about some festivals around the world. - Ss love the subject and love the festivals. Have the responsibility for comm unity to protect our country’s Festivals. 3. Quality: - To teach Ss to work hard and love festivals around the world. B. TEACHNG AIDS. T: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids. + Equipment: Bluetooth speaker. Ss: + Textbooks, notebooks. C. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM UP. (5’) a. Goal: Elicit the topic Festivals form ss b. C o n ten t: Ss brainstorm and give the name of some festivals they know c. Expected result: Ss can list as many words as possible d. Performance: * Brainstorming:

M oon festival

T: Write the word festival on the board. ? Give any words you know relating to the topic.

- T may allow Ss to give Vietnamese word and ask other Ss in the class if they know the equivalent in English. - W rite on the corner o f the board a list of the words which Ss cannot translate and ask them to keep a record for later reference when the Unit finishes. - Let SS open their books and start the lesson... 2. PR E S E N T A T IO N . (10’) *Teaching new vocabulary: a.Goal: introduce new words b. Content: s can pronounce new words c. Expected result: ss can understand and use new words d. Performance:____________________ ____________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS *Teaching new vocabulary: I. Vocabulary: Step 1: Transfering the learning - fascinating (aj) hấp dẫn task - am azing (aj) dáng ngạc nhiên - Teacher use different techniques to - religious (aj) thuộc tôn giáo teach vocab (situation, realia) - firew ork (n) pháo hoa - Follow the seven steps o f teaching - make a camp (v) cắm trại - to expect: mong đợi vocab. - seasonal (adj): theo mùa Step 2: Performing the task: - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front o f class Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them * Set the scene: Ss keep their books close. Write “The Festival Project” on the board and ask the Ss to guess the content of the lesson. After Ss speak out their guess, let them open their books and read the conversation quickly to check their guesses. 3. P R A C T IC E . (15’) a. Goal: Ss recognize types of festival, name of some festivals and answer questions about the dialogue above. b. Content : Ex 1, 2, 3 c. Expected result: Ss can know types of festival, name of some festivals and understand the dialogue. d. Performance:________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Il.Practice Ex l a - P27: 1. Listen and read.

Step 1: Transfering the learning task T asks ss to: + Run through all the questions + Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and read + W ork individually to answer the questions Step 2: Perform ing the task: + Ss do the task individually first then in pairs. Step 3: Discussion + Have Ss share their answers + Call on some pairs to ask and answer the questions + Ask 3Ss to write the answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion T: Confirm the correct answers Ex l b - P27: Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ss read the conversation again to do this exercise. Ask for Ss' as well as the explanation for their choices. Step 2: Perform ing the task: + Ss do the task individually Step 3: Discussion Write the correct answers on the board. Let Ss open their book to check their answers Step 4: Conclusion Get feedback Ex 2 - P27: Step 1: Transfering the learning task Go through the words and pictures Have Ss quickly match each word/with its picture. Play the recording for Ss to check their answers, pausing after each phrase and asking them to repeat chorally and individually Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: Listen and complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to write the answers on the board

a. Answer the following questions. Key: 1. No, she didn’t because she said “Oh really?” to show her surprise. 2. People light candles and display/ let off fireworks. 3. It’s La Tomatina 4. Because to celebrate the festival people go to the desert, make a camp, and have a party. 5. They should write up reports and hand them in to the teacher.

b. Tick (v) T (true) or F (false). Key: l.T 2. T 3. F 4. T

Ex 2: W rite the festivals in the box under the pictures. Then listen and repeat. Key: 1. W ater festival 2. Cannes Film Festival 3. Ghost Day 4. Tet 5. Rock in Rio 6. Christmas 7. Halloween 8. Easter

Other students give comment Step 4: Conclusion Correct their pronunciation Ex 3: M atch the festivals below with Ex 3 - P27: the reasons they are held. Step 1: Transfering the learning task Key: Ask Ss if they know the meaning of these Religious: Halloween, Ghost Day words. Music /Arts Rock in Rio, Cannes Film + Seasonal (a) relate to or happening a Festival during a period in the year. Seasonal: Tet, W ater Festival + Religious (a) connected with religion or Religious: Christmas, Easter with a particular religion. + Superstitious (a) based on the belief that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science Step 2: Perform ing the task: + Ss do the task individually Step 3: Discussion Students raise their hands to speak if they know Step 4: Conclusion Teacher explains the meaning if ss don’t know_________________________________ 4. PR O D U C T IO N . (15’) a. Goal: Ss can ask and answer about types o f festival b. C o n ten t: compare the answers with a partner, add more festivals to the groups c. Expected result: Ss can using vocabulary and their knowledge to ask and anwer about topic Festivals d. Performance:____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 4 - P27: Step 1: Transfering the learning task Teacher asks students to : +Complete the exercise + Remind them to follow the model conversation in the book. + Ask some pairs to act out the conversation. W rite their answers on the board. Ask Ss if they know anything about the festivals. T walks around to observe them working Step 2: Perform ing the task: . Ss work with a classmate and compare their answers. Step 3: Discussion T call on some pairs to practice asking

III. Further practice: Ex 4: Compare your answers with a partner. Example: A: I think Rock in Rio and the Cannes Film Festival are music or arts festivals. B: I agree. A: W hich do you think are seasonal festival? B: I think Christmas and Easter. How about you? A: I think Halloween and Ghost day.

and answering

Step 4: Conclusion Confirm the correct answers T may share some information with Ss.

Ex 5 - P27: Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Organize a competition game for this activity. - Ss work in groups o f 5 - 6. - In five minutes, Ss write down as many festivals for each group in 3 as possible.

Ex 5: Can you add more festivals to the groups in 3?

Step 2: Perform ing the task: . - Ss work in groups

Step 3: Discussion - Call on ss to write on the board

Step 4: Conclusion - Teacher checks - The group with the most festivals is the winner. ♦HOMEW ORK: - Learn new words by heart. - Read the conversation again. -Translate the conversation in Getting started into Vietnamese. - Prepare: UNIT 9: A closer look 1- textbook. W eek: Period: 70

P lanning: Teaching:

UNIT 9: FESTIVALS AROUND THE W ORLD. LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOO K 1 S u b je c t: English 7 Time : 1 period A. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to - Use adverbial phrases correctly and appropriately. The lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world”. Pronounce two-syllable words with correct stress in isolation and in context. - Vocabulary: Festivals around the world - Pronunciation: Stress in two- syllable words. 2. Competence: - Co-operation: work in pairs, groups - Creativeness: talk about the festivals around the world. 3. Q uality: M ake students be confident and enjoy the traditional festivals B. TEACHNG AIDS. T : Textbook, lesson plan, a projector, a laptop Ss : Text book.

C. PROCEDURE 1. W ARM UP: ( 5 ) Brainstorming: Festivals in Viet Nam : a. Goal: Students review vocabulary b. C o n ten t: - Brainstorm the word about festivals in Viet Nam c. Expected result: W ord about festivals in Viet Nam - Students give Answer keys with the names o f festivals in Viet Nam and T uses it for introduce the lesson. d. Performance:_______________________ ____________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task Teacher write the topic on board and asks Ss to write the names of festivals. Teacher elicits as many ideas from them as possible c F estivals in Viet J Step 2: Perform ing the task: Students in the whole class think about ----------------------- - " N them Step 3: Discussion SS: raise their hands for the answer Step 4: Conclusion T and other SS congratulate and give points 2. PRESENTATION (15’) a. Goal: Student can know the meaning o f some vocabularies about the festivals around the world b. Content: - Complete the table below with appropriate verbs, nouns and adjectives c. Expected result: SS understand the meaning of the vocabulary about the festivals around the world d. Performance:_____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS 2.1. Vocabulary 2.1 Vocabulary + celebratory (aj) mang tính ký niệm Step 1: Transfering the learning task - T uses the steps o f teaching vocab + p arad e (n) cuộc diều hành - Follow the seven steps o f teaching + carnival (n) ngày hội vocab. + joyful (aj) vui mừng - Students give the words + adopt (v) kế tục Step 2: Perform ing the task: + pum pkin (n) quả bí ngô - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front o f class Step 4: Conclusion

Teachers give the remarks to their doing the task: Task 1. a. Can you complete the * Checking vocab: Slap the board table below with appropriate verbs, Task 1: a. Can you complete the table nouns and adjectives? below with appropriate verbs, nouns 1. celebration 2. festive and adjectives? 3. parade Listen and check your answers. 4. culture Step 1: Transfering the learning task 5. performance T asks Ss to work individually Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work individually, then compare their answers with a partner's Step 3: Discussion Ss listen and give the answers T asks some Ss to give their answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion T: Feedback and correct the mistake 3. PRACTICE (15’) a. Goal: Student can use the vocabulary above to make sentences about the festivals around the world b. Content: - Complete the following sentences with the words from the table, in lb. - Choose a festival. Take turns to say the festival in 2 c. Expected result: - Ss can give the names o f the festivals and about the feativals. cl. Performance: TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES Task lb . Complete the following sentences with the words from the table. Step 1: Transfering the learning task T asks Ss to work individually to complete sentences with the words from the table Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work individually then say their sentences in front of the class. Step 3: Discussion Ss to write their words on the board. Other Ss give comments. Step 4: Conclusion T checks their answers. Confirm the correct sentences. Task 2 . In groups, choose a festival. Take

CONTENTS Task lb . Nowr complete the following sentences with the words from the table. Key: 1. festival 2. celebrate 3. celebrations 4. culture 5. parade 6. performers

Task 2. In groups, choose a

turns to say the festival. festival. Take turns to say the Step 1: Transfering the learning task festival. T asks Ss to work in groups Example: SS give the names o f the festivals and A; I am going to Rio Carnival to activities watch performers dance. Step 2: Perform ing the task: B: I am going to Rio Carnival to Ss work in groups to give the names of the watch performers dance, and festivals and activities musicians play samba music. Step 3: Discussion C: I am going to Rio to watch Ss demonstrate before the class. performers dance,... Step 4: Conclusion T checks their answers as a class. 4. PRODUCTION (8’) a. Goal: Students can pronounce two-syllable words with correct stress b. Content: Pronounce two-syllable words with correct stress c. Expected result: Ss can know and practice two-syllable words d. Performance:_________________________ ________________________ TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Task 3. Listen and repeat the words Task 3. Listen and repeat the words then listen again and put them in then listen again and put them in correct colum n according to their stress correct colum n according to their pattern. stress pattern. Step 1: Transfering the learning task Look out! + Play the recording and ask Ss to listen In two-syllable words the mark ' and repeat the words. represents the stress syllable. + T asks Ss to listen and complete the - M ost nouns and adjs have two table syllables: Stress falls on the first + T may play the recording as many times syllable. as necessary - Most verbs have two syllables: Stress + Explain the rule in the LOOK OUT! falls on the second syllable. box and ask some Ss to give some more Exceptions: the sound / d /, / i /,__ examples. hardly falling on. Step 2: Perform ing the task: Key: Stress on 1st syllable: gather, picture, Ss listen and complete the table artist, Ss work in the whole lovely, famous Step 3: Discussion SS say the words in front of the class, pay Stress on 2nd syllable: relax, enjoy, attention to whether the stress hotel, describe, rename. Step 4: Conclusion Task 4. Circle the word with a T checks and confirms the corrects different stress pattern from the others. Then listen and check. answers Task 4. Circle the word with a different K ey: stress pattern from the others. Then 1. balloon 2. complete listen and check. 3. prepare 4. alone 5. tidy Step 1: Transfering the learning task T: Play the recording and ask Ss to listen

to the words and circle the word with a different stress. Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work individually, then and circle the word with a different stress Step 3: Discussion T calls on ss to read aloud to the class. Do not correct their mistakes yet. Play the recording. Ss listen and check. Task 5. Read the following sentences Step 4: Conclusion Teacher controls and corrects mistakes and mark 44 ’ ” the stressed syllable Task 5. Read the following sentences in the underlined words. and mark “ ’ 99 the stressed syllable in 1. ‘project 2 . ‘dancers the underlined words. Step 1: Transfering the learning task 3. a ‘ttend T: Play the recording and ask Ss to listen 4. ‘answer to the sentences and mark “ ’ ” the 5. ‘music stressed syllable in the underlined words. Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work individually, then and circle the word with a different stress. Step 3: Discussion T calls on ss to write on the board. Do not correct their mistakes yet. Play the recording. Ss listen and check. Step 4: Conclusion Teacher controls and corrects mistakes * HOM EW ORK. (2 ) - Practice the dialogues in the pronunciation at home - Learn by heart the new words and structures. - Prepare: Unit 9 : A closer look 2 W eek :24 P lanning:


I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Types of festivals,festival activities - Grammar: H/W h-questions: review,adverbial phrases 2. Competence: Ss can - Use the lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world" - Use adverbial phrases correctly and appropriately - M ake and answer H/W h-questions correctly

3. Quality: Students want to widen knowlege about festivals around the world. Love and preserve the festivals in your hometown. II. TEACHNG AIDS. T : Textbook, lesson plan, computer room. Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 9. A closer look 2 HI. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM U P(5’) a. Goal: review the words about festivals. b. C o n ten t: play the game in teams to remember the words about the festivals. c. Expected result: remember the words that relate to the topic. d. Performance:

TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task T divides the class into 2 teams Festivals Guide, ask Ss to write down the words T et/ Christm as/ Easter/ about the festivals in Vietnam and outside Thanksgiving in 3 minutes. Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: W ork in groups and write the words Step 3: Discussion Call on ss to write the answers on the board. Step 4: Conclusion Check, correct,praise the winner. 2. PR E SE N T A T IO N 13’) a. Goal: help Ss to understand the usage of adverbial phrases and H/ Wh- questions. b. Content: teach some new words, elicit to help Ss to find out the abverbial phrases and H/ W h- questions. c. Expected result: understand the abverbial phrases , H/ W h- questions correctly. d. Performance:_____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS a. Vocabulary Owner(n): Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab take place = attend (v): tham (situation, realia) gia fair(n): hội chợ - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. Step 2: Perform ing the task: - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front of class Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words

and the meaning of them - Checking: R.Ô.R b. Present : Adverbial phrases EX1: Look at the picture below. What information would you like to know about this festival? Step 1: Transfering the learning task The information they to get about the festival. Elicit Ss 'answers and quickly write some on the board in mote forms, e.g. place,.Tell them that hen we give these pieces o f information we can use adverbial phrases. Have Ss read the information inn the first part of the table. Explain the formation o f adverbial phrases in detail by giving some more examples: + Adverbial phrases made with mounts: every year, ... + Adverbial phrases made with preposition: in 2013, in a sm all town, with beautiful plants + Adverbial phrases made with to-infinitive: to enjoy the party, to have more friends Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion T calls ss to answers and quickly write some on the board Step 4: Conclusion T makes sure that Ss can have a grasp of conjunction 3. PRACTICE(15’) a. G oal: remember the H/ Wh- questions and adverbial phrases. b. Content : do some exercises c. Expected result: use the abverbial phrases , H/ Wh- questions correctly. d. Performance:____________________ TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX2: Key: Step 1: Transfering the learning What? a film festival task Who? by firm starts; + T tell Ss that they are going to read directors; critics information about the Cannes Film W here? in a city in France Festival and complete the table. May + Draw two tables on the board and When? have two Ss write their answers in the How often? Every year table How? in a very serious way (If time allows, have Ss give a short to win the Palme D’or talk about the festivalusing the Why?

information in the table.) Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss do this exercise individually then compare their table with a partner Step 3: Discussion T ask other Ss to comment on the answers Step 4: Conclusion Confirm the correct answers.

EX3: Step 1: Transfering the learning task T asks ss to: Ss think of one festival in Viet Nam they know and fill the table with all the information about that festival. After they have finished with the table, they work with a classmate to share the information. Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work individually on the task Step 3: Discussion Have some Ss present their table to the whole class and give a short talk about the festival SS: complete the EX3 Step 4: Conclusion Teacher gets feedback and gives comment EX 4. Join the questions to the types of answer. There may be more than one correct answer to each question. Step 1: Transfering the learning task T explains the requirement to the class Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss do this exercise individually, and then compare their answers with a classmate Step 3: Discussion Ss answer the questions as a class Other students listen to the answer and give comment__________________

HAVh-questions: Review. Without looking at the table, Ss try to give out the H/W h-questions they know. They now look at the table to check their answers. * Key: 1. Where did you buy this T-shirt? 2. How often do you go to the music festival? 3. Why did your friends save money ? 4. When did you go to the Flower Festival in Da Lat?

Step 4: Conclusion Check Ss' answers and confirm the correct ones. EX 5. Phuong is doing an interview for VTV. Can you match her question with the interview ee’s answers? Step 1: Transfering the learning task + T explains the requirement to the class + T asks ss to read the dialogue and match her question with the interviewee’s answers Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss do this activity in pairs Step 3: Discussion Ask some pairs to act out the conversation in front o f the whole group Step 4: Conclusion Check Ss' answers and have them role play the conversation EX6: Now make questions for the underlined parts Step 1: Transfering the learning task + T explains the requirement to the class + T asks ss to make questions for the underlined parts Step 2: Perform ing the task: + Ss do this exercise individually, then compare their answers with a classmate Step 3: Discussion + Call on some Ss to write their questions on the board. Step 4: Conclusion + Confirm the correct answer. 4. PRODUCTION^ 10’) a. Goal: help Ss to practise further about H/Wh- questions and the abverbial phrases. b. Content : work in groups and play the game. c. Expected result: ask the different questions about the festivals correctly. d. Performance:_____________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS

EX 7: Game: Fastival mystery Step 1: Transfering the learning task + Give Ss five minutes to play this game + After five minutes, call one representative from each group to read aloud the names of the festivals they have found out Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in groups Step 3: Discussion + Call on some Ss to write their questions on the board. Step 4: Conclusion + T check and the group with the most festivals wins. * HOM EW ORK (2 ): Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Guide ss how to do B4,5,6- page 19, 20 (W orkbook) - Prepare next lesson. Unit 9. Lesson 4: Communication. Week :24 P lanning:


I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Types of festivals,festival activities - Communication: Asking and answering questions about festivals, describing festivals 2. Competence: Ss can - Use the lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world" - Ask about and describe different festivals 3. Quality: Students want to widen knowlege about festivals around the world. Love and preserve the festivals in your hometown. B. PREPARATION T : Textbook, lesson plan, computer room. Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 9. Communication III. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM U P(5’) a. Goal: review the H/Wh- questions and abverbial phrases. b. C o n ten t: play the game in teams to remember the words about the abverbial phrases c. Expected result: remember the H/ Wh- questions, the abverbial phrases. d. Performance: TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS

Step 1: Transfering the learning task H / W h- questions - Teacher elicits the topic from students. W hat/ which/ where/ when/ - Brainstorm in groups to give the How/ Wh- w ho.... questions - Teacher models Step 2: Perform ing the task: W ork in groups to add as many question words as possible. Step 3: Discussion Call on some ss to write the answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion Teacher monitors and gets feedback. The group has the longest list wins the game. 2. PR E SE N T A T IO N 13’) a. Goal: help Ss to understand some new words and the questions b. Content: teach some new words, elicit the questions c. Expected result: understand the new words and the questions. d. Performance:__________________________ ___________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task ♦Vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia) Feast: (n) Yen tiệc - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. Fortunate: (n) May man Gravy: (n) Nuóc thịt Step 2: Performing the task: Cranberry: (n) Cây nam việt quất - Repeat in chorus and individually Turkey: (n) Gà tây - Copy all the words stuffing:(n) Thịt nhồi Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front o f class Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them * Checking: What and where b. Pre questions Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Ask ss to discuss to answer the questions in 1P31 Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually or in group depends on the questions in 1P31 Step 3: Discussion SS: raise their hands for the answer Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion -T gives checks the students' answers

3. P R A C T C E (15’) a. G oal: understand the questions and answer them correctly. b. Content : listen then check the answers c. Expected result: listen well and answer the questions correctly. d. Performance:__________________________ __________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX1+ EX2: Look at the anim al below. *Key: Discuss the following questions with a a. A turkey partner. Now listen and check your b. It’s one o f the traditional foods of an important festival answers Step 1: Transfering the learning task c. Thanksgiving - In pairs Ss look at the picture and discuss * Key: the questions. 1. F (It's also held in Canada - Play the recording for Ss to check their 2. F (It's celebrated on the fourth answers. Thursday o f November and in Canada it's celebrated on the second Monday Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: Listen and complete the exercise o f October. Step 3: Discussion 3. T Have Ss share their answers with the whole 4. F (children also take part in food class. preparation. Quickly write their answers on the board. 5. T 6. F (Some people like to go for a Step 4: Conclusion work or take naps.) Confirm the correct answers. EX3. In pairs, wirte True( T) or False 7. T (F) for the following sentences. Then listen again and check Step 1: Transfering the learning task T explains the requirement to the class T: Play the recording again for Ss to check Step 2: Performing the task: Ss work in pairs to decide if the statements are true or false SS: Listen and complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion Have some Ss write their answers on the board. Step 4: Conclusion If there are any incorrect answers, have Ss correct them and explain the reason for their correction. 4. PR O D U C T IO N (IO ’) a. Goal: help Ss to widen your knowledge about the festivals in Viet Nam and outside.. b. C o n ten t: read the passage P35 and ask, answer the festivals c. Expected result: understand the passage and ask, answer the questions about the festivals.

d. Performance: TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX4: W ork in pairs. Imagine that one of you is from the USA and the other from Phu Yen, Viet Nam. Ask and answer questions about Thanhsgiving an Hoi M ua, a harvest festival in phu yen. Use the information in this lesson and on page 35. Step 1: Transfering the learning task T explains the requirement to the class Imagine that one of them is a student from the US and the other is from Phu Yen, Viet Nam. Explain that only the Ss from Viet Nam read the information on page 5. They continue the conversation in the book or make up their own Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in pairs Step 3: Discussion After some time, call some pairs to act out the conversation in front o f the class Other Ss give comments. Step 4: Conclusion T: Give feedback on Ss' conversation. * HOM EW ORK (2 ’): Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Guide ss how to do C- page 21 (W orkbook) - Prepare next lesson. Unit 9. Lesson 5: Skills 1 W eek .25 P lanning:

Period: 73 T e a c h in g : UNIT 9. FESTIVALS AROUND THE W ORLD LESSO N 5: SKILLS 1

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Types of festivals , festival activities - Grammar: H/W h-questions: review, adverbial phrases - Communication: Asking and answering questions about festivals, describing festivals. 2. Competence: work group 3. Quality: Students want to widen knowlege about festivals around the world II. TEACHNG AIDS. T : Textbook, lesson plan, computer room Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 9. Skills 1 HI. PROCEDURE 1. W ARM U P(5’) a. Goal: review some festivals.

b. C o n ten t: play the game c. Expected result: remember some festivals d. Performance:__________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Brainstoming Step 1: Transfering the learning task Festivals: Le Mat festivals, - Teacher elicits the topic from students. Saint Giong festival, Lim Brainstorm in groups to give the names of festival.... festivals - Teacher models Step 2: Perform ing the task: W ork in groups to add as many festivals as possible Step 3: Discussion T calls on some ss to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion - Teacher monitors and gets feedback. - The group has the longest list wins the game. - Set the sence of the lesson. 2. PRESENTATION (Pre- reading (13’)) a. Goal: master some new words and guess the order of the given pictures. b. Content: teach the new words and elicit to guess the order of the pictures. c. Expected result: remember the new words, understand the order of the pictures. d. Performance:_____________________________ ______________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS

EX1+ EX2 a. Vocabulary

Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab.

Step 2: Performing the task: - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front of class

Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them * Checking: R &R b. Pre-reading (Ordering)

Step 1: Transfering the learning task Have Ss look at the pictures and describe each of them quickly. Ask some questions, e.g. ’What can you see in the picture?' or ’What are

-cannon - chaos

(n) (n)

- signal


- steep - injure

(adj (v)

Đại bác Sự hồn loạn, sự lộn xộn Dấu hiệu, tín hiệu Dốc, phóng đại Làm tồn thuong

people doing?" Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in pairs to order the pictures. Ss read the texts quickly and check their answers Step 3: Discussion Call on some ss to write the answers on the board Have Ss correct their answers on the board if they are incorrect. Step 4: Conclusion Check Ss' answers and write them on the board. Collect some ss’ ideas 3. PRACTICE ( W hile - Reading (13’)) a. Goal: understand the text and answer the questions about i t . b. Content : read the text and answer the questions about the text. c. Expected result: understand the text and answer the questions correctly. d. Performance:____________________________ ________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX3: EX3: Read the texts again and Step 1: Transfering the learning task answer the questions Key: T: Run through the questions T: Ask them to give evidence when giving 1. It is celebrated on the last Wednesday every August. the answers. 2. He stayed up late. Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss read the texts again to answer the 3. They placed a ham on top of the questions greasy pole. Ss underline parts of the text that help them 4. They had to wear goggles to with the answers. protect their eyes. Ss compare their answers before giving the 5. It was a jet from water canons. answers to T 6. It was red with rivers o f tomato Step 3: Discussion juice. Call on 2 ss to write the answers onthe board Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the correct answers 4. PRODUCTION -Speaking (12’) a. Goal: talk about two unusual festivals around the world. b. Content : look the newspaper headlines about 2 unusual festivals and discuss in groups c. Expected result: talk about two unusual festivals around the world. d. Performance:____________________________________ _______________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX 4,5,6: Step 1: Transfering the learning task a. Ss work in groups and read the newspaper

headlines. Tell Ss that the table includes information about the two festivals in b. Ss work in groups and prepare a short presentation about the festival they like. This activity can be organized as a competitive game. Give the groups some minutes to prepare and rehearse for the presentation. Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in groups and complete the exercise T can goes around to help the weakers Step 3: Discussion a. Call on some pairs to practice in front o f the class b. W hen time is up, some groups will be invited to present in one minute. Other groups comment and then vote for the best presentation. Have ss share the answers with their partners before checking with the whole class Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the correct answers_______________________________________________ *HO M E\VORK(2’): Ask Ss to : - Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Guide ss how to do D- page 22,23 (W orkbook) - Prepare next lesson. Unit 9. Lesson 6: Skills2 - Continue preparing for the project: draw a picture, write something to describre the picture W eek :25 P lanning:

Period: 74 T e a c h in g : UNIT 9. FESTIVALS AROUND THE W ORLD LESSON 6: SKILLS 2

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Types of festivals , festival activities - Grammar: H/W h-questions: review, adverbial phrases - Communication: Asking and answering questions about festivals, describing festivals. 2. Competence: self study 3. Quality: Students want to widen knowlege about festivals around the world II. TEACHNG AIDS. T : Textbook, lesson plan, computer room Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 9. Skills 2 III. PROCEDURE 1. W ARM U P(5’)

a. Goal: review some words in the latest lesson. b. C o n ten t: ask Ss to write some new words of skills 1 c. Expected result: remember the new words and write them correctly. cl. Performance:________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS

Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ask Ss to close all your books the come to the board and write the new words of the part skills 1 - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. - Set the sence of the listening Step 2: Perform ing the task: - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front o f class

-cannon - chaos

(n) (n)

- signal - steep - injure

(n) (adj (v)

Đại bác Sự hồn loạn, sự lộn xộn Dấu hiệu, tín hiệu Dốc, phóng đại Làm tồn thuơng

Step 4: Conclusion Check, correct and give mark. 2. PRESENTATION - Listening (8’) a. Goal: Look the pictures and answer some questions . b. Content: Look the pictures and discuss some questions c. Expected result: know the name of the festival cl. Performance:_____________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX1: *Open prediction (1 P33) Question: Step 1: Transfering the learning task W hat kind o f festival is it? T asks ss to look at the pictures and say what kind of W here/ when is it held? festival it is Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in pairs Step 3: Discussion They then share their answer with the whole group. Step 4: Conclusion Collect some ss' ideas 3. PRACTICE - ( W hile - Listening (12’)) a. Goal: listen and tick T/F sentences, answer the questions correctly b. C o n ten t: listen carefully and do some tasks. c. Expected result: listen well, tick T//F statements, answer the questions correctly. cl. Performance:___________________________________ _________________________ TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX2: Listen to Nick talk about a music festival he attended. Tick true (T) or False (F). Correct the false sentences

* Checking the prediction Step 1: Transfering the learning task + Ss read the statements in exercise 2 ,guess if they Key: 1. F (one o f the most are true or false. Write their guesses on the board famous festivals) + Play the recording, ask Ss to listen to check their 2. T guesses. + Ss work in pairs to compare their answers before T 3. F (They stayed in a tent). plays the recording a second time for pairs to check 4. F (He's Nick's father's favourite singer) their answers. Step 2: Perform ing the task: 5. T SS listen to the recording and write their answers (T/F) Step 3: Discussion Have Ss share their answers with the whole class. Quickly write their answers on the board. Step 4: Conclusion T: Play the recording once to check the students’ answers EX3: Listen again and answer the questions Key: Step 1: Transfering the learning task 1. It takes place every June. W ithout listening to the recording, Ss answer the 2. They are music bands. questions in exercise 3. 3. He interested the If they meet any difficulty doing this, play the audience with the hit recording again songs. Ask ss to share the answer with their partners 4. They also went to the Step 2: Perform ing the task: Bohemian Woods. Ss work individually and compare their answers in 5. They enjoyed a mix of pairs before giving T the answers good music from Step 3: Discussion around the world. Quickly write their answers on the board. Step 4: Conclusion T: Play the recording once to check the students' answers *Chain game - Have ss work in group of 5 ss to talk about the festival they have listened 4. PRODUCTION -W riting (18’) a. Goal: write a paragraph about the festival you attended b. Content : guide, elicit Ss to write a paaragraph about the festival you attended. c. Expected result: write a paragraph about the festival you attended well d. Performance:___________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX4+ 5: Think about a festival you attended. * Questions: Make notes about it below. W rite a short - Name of the festival? paragraph about the festival they attended. Use - What was the festival? the note above - W here was it held? Step 1: Transfering the learning task - When was it held?

T asks ss to write a paragraph about the festival they - W ho celebrated it? attended. - How was it held? Display some o f leaflets on the board and other ss - W hy was it held? give comments Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss write their paragraph individually based on the notes they have made Step 3: Discussion Ask one or two Ss to write the paragraph on the board. Other Ss and T comment on the paragraph (s) on the board. Step 4: Conclusion T collects some Ss' writing to correct at home. *H O M E W O R K (2’) : Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Write their final version at home . Guide ss how to do E- page 24 (Workbook) - Prepare next lesson. Unit 9. Lesson 7: Looking back & Project - Complete the project W eek :25 P lanning:


I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Types of festivals , festival activities - Grammar: H/W h-questions: review, adverbial phrases - Communication: Asking and answering questions about festivals, describing festivals. 2. Competence: Ss can communicate, self study, use the language. 3. Quality: Students want to widen knowlege about festivals around the world. Love and preserve the festivals in your hometown. II. TEACHNG AIDS. T : Textbook, lesson plan, computer room Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 9. Looking back, project HI. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM IJP(5’) a. Goal: review the words about festivals. h. C o n ten t: play the game in teams to remember the words about the festivals. c. Expected result: remember the words that relates to the topic. TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES EXJ: *Rearrange the letters 1/P34 - Ss do this activity individually then compare

CONTENTS Key: 1. religious (Christmas) 2. music (Glastonbury)

their answers with a partner. Ask Ss to go to 3. superstitious (Day of the Dead) the board,write their answers. Check Ss' 4. seasonal(Thanksgiving) answers. May ask if Ss know the name of the festivals in the pictures.______________________________________________________ 2. PR E SE N T A T IO N 10’) a. Goal: revise some words about the topic and adverbial phrases and H/ Whquestions. b. Content: do some exercises about the correct form, abverbial phrases and H/ Whquestions. c. Expected result: do exercises well, correctly. d. Performance:_____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX2: Complete the sentences with the correct EX2: Key: form of the words in brackets. Step 1: Transfering the learning task 1. cultural 2. parade T: Run through the words 3. celebratory 4. festive T asks ss to complete the sentences with the 5. performance 6. celebration correct form of the words in brackets Step 2: Perform ing the task: W ork individually to complete the sentences then compare with their partners Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to write the answers on the board Other students give comment Step 4: Conclusion Get feedback EX3: Complete each question with a suitable H/ Wh- question word. More than one question word may be accepted Key: Step 1: Transfering the learning task 1. what 2. where 3. how T asks ss to complete each question with a 4. which 5. where/ when/ how/ suitable H/ Wh- question word why Accept all the answers if they make sense 6. when Step 2: Perform ing the task: W ork individually to complete the sentences then compare with their partners Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to write the answers on the board Other students give comment Step 4: Conclusion Check their answers 3. PRACTICE(IO’) a. G oal: remember the H/ Wh- questions and adverbial phrases.

b. Content : do some exercises c. Expected result: use the abverbial phrases , H/ Wh- questions correctly. d. Performance:____________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX 4: Make your own sentences with the adverbial phrases from the box Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ss make up their own sentences using the promts in the box. Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: complete the ex4 W hile Ss do the activity, go around to help and take notes of any common mistakes to correct as a class later. Ss compare the sentences in pairs Step 3: Discussion Call on some pairs to read the sentences aloud. Other students give comment Step 4: Conclusion Check their answers Communication EX 5: Role-play in pairs. Student A is a reporter. Student B is a secondary school student. Continue the conversation below Step 1: Transfering the learning task T asks ss to role-play in pairs. Student A is a reporter. Student B is a secondary school student. Continue the conversation below Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in pairs to role-play. They ask and answer about their favourite festival. Step 3: Discussion Call on some pairs to act out the role-play Other Ss comment and vote for the best conversation. Step 4: Conclusion Teacher finds out any difficult and weak areas from students. 4. PR O D U C T IO N (18’) a. Goal: help Ss to practise further about H/Wh- questions and the abverbial phrases. b. Content : work in groups. c. Expected result: present the festivals to the class, ask the different questions about the festivals correctly. d. Performance:______________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task MC: Kim Anh (...) - T guides ss how to prepare the project at home, Examiners: Teachers a. Preparation (1 ) - Each group goes to the board - T choose an MC to control the contest and one by one present their - Choose two students as examiners. picture of the group.

- Ask the groups to check their projects before presenting b. Presenting your project (1 7 ) - Organise a painting exhibition among the class members and write some sentences comparing different paintings Step 2: Perform ing the task: W ork in groups and prepare the project at home Step 3: Discussion Teacher call on each group to present their topic Teacher call on each group to give comments SS vote: + The most fluently groups + The most interesting message + The best over all. Step 4: Conclusion Teacher gives comments and decides the best group. * HOM EW ORK (2’): Learn by heart vocabulary - Complete the project of Unit 9. - Prepare next lesson: Review 3: Language focus W eek: Period:?6

Here are the products and group leaders 1) Group 1 - The Huong Festival 2) Group 2 - The buffalo festival 3) Group 3 - The Giong festival 4) Group 4 - Dong Da Festival

and structures.

P lanning: T e a c h in g : REVIEW 3. LESSON 1: LANGUAGE

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: + Grammar: used to, conjunctions, wh- question words. + Vocabulary: Words expressing traffic, films and festivals + Pronunciation: Practice pronouncing the sounds: / e /, / ei / / 1 / , /d/, / id/ and stress. 2. Competence: self study, pairwork, group work 3. Quality: -Pronounce correctly -Remember vocabulary about the topics -Use the grammatical structures correctly H. TEACHNG AIDS. - T: Text book, workbook, computer and projector - SS: textbooks, workbooks HI. PROCEDURE. I. W ARM l)P. 3 ’ a. Goal: Help the students remember the old knowledge they learned b. C o n ten t: road signs and question words c. Expected result: Looking at the pictures on the screen and talk about the road signs; talking about question words

SS: work individually and complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion Correct mistakes 3. PRESENTATION - (Vocabulary) EX3: W rite the phrases from the box under the road signs. (5’) a. Goal: Revision on the meaning o f the road signs h. C o n ten t: Looking at 5 road signs and write about the meaning o f them c. Expected result: Understanding, and writing correctly d. Performance:___________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning The answer key task Ex 3: Ask the students to write the phrases 1. Ahead only from the box under the road signs 2. No crossing 3. No right-turn Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually and complete 4. Right turn only the exercise 5. Railway crossing Share results with partners Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion Correct mistakes EX 4. Complete the description of Diwali. Fill in the blanks with the correct form o f the word in the brackets. (5’) a. Goal:How to use kinds o f words and understand the Hindu festival b. Content : Read the description and use the correct fo rm s o f the words provided c. Expected result: Do correctly d. Performance:___________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ex 4: The answer keys given Ask ss what kind of word can be filled in 1. celebrations each blank (i.e. noun, verb, etc.) 2. cultural Read the whole description of Diwali 3. performances 4. parades Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually then compare the 5. festive results with classmates Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion Teacher monitors and correct mistakes EX 5. Solve the crossword puzzle. (5’)

SS: work individually and complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion Correct mistakes 3. PRESENTATION - (Vocabulary) EX3: W rite the phrases from the box under the road signs. (5’) a. Goal: Revision on the meaning o f the road signs h. C o n ten t: Looking at 5 road signs and write about the meaning o f them c. Expected result: Understanding, and writing correctly d. Performance:___________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning The answer key task Ex 3: Ask the students to write the phrases 1. Ahead only from the box under the road signs 2. No crossing 3. No right-turn Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually and complete 4. Right turn only the exercise 5. Railway crossing Share results with partners Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion Correct mistakes EX 4. Complete the description of Diwali. Fill in the blanks with the correct form o f the word in the brackets. (5’) a. Goal:How to use kinds o f words and understand the Hindu festival b. Content : Read the description and use the correct fo rm s o f the words provided c. Expected result: Do correctly d. Performance:___________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ex 4: The answer keys given Ask ss what kind of word can be filled in 1. celebrations each blank (i.e. noun, verb, etc.) 2. cultural Read the whole description of Diwali 3. performances 4. parades Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually then compare the 5. festive results with classmates Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion Teacher monitors and correct mistakes EX 5. Solve the crossword puzzle. (5’)

a. Goal:Find 6 words related to film topic b. C o n ten t: Look at the crossword puzzle and solve c. Expected result: Solve the crossword puzzle correctly d. Performance:____________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning Ex 5 : Down : task Ask the students to study the diagram 1. documentary and look at the cues under it to solve 2. hilarious 3. boring Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually then compare Across: the results with classmates 4. thriller 5. moved Step 3: Discussion Show the results before the class 6. animation Step 4: Conclusion Teacher monitors and correct mistakes 4. PRODUCTION-* Grammar) EX 6. M atch the questions with the answers. (5’) a. Goal:Revision on wh- questions b. Content : Looking at the table and match c. Expected result: Matching correctly d. Performance:_______________________ ________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ex 6: The answer keys given Ask the students to match the questions 1. c with the answers 2. f Step 2: Performing the task: 3. a SS: work individually then compare the 4. b results with a partner 5. d Step 3: Discussion 6. e. Show the results before the class Step 4: Conclusion Teacher monitors and correct mistakes EX7. Rewrite the sentences . (5’) a. Goal:Revision on using the structures used to; in spite o f ; alth o u g h ... b. Content : Rewrite 6 sentences so that they have the same meaning as the first ones c. Expected result: Rewrite the sentences correctly d. Performance:______________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ex 7: The answer keys given T may let Ss read the beginning and the 1. It's about 1,877 kilometers from Ha ending for a few minutes, then write Noi to Can Tho. individually. 2. How far is it from Hue to Da Nang? Step 2: Performing the task: 3. There didn't use to be many traffic

SS: work individually then compare the jam s when I was young. results with classmates 4. In spite of being tired/their tiredness, Step 3: Discussion they wanted to watch the film. /They T calls on some ss read their answer wanted to watch the film in spite of being tired/their tiredness. Step 4: Conclusion T corrects the answer if necessary. 5. Although the festival took place in a remote area, a lot of people attended it./ A lot of people attended the festival although it took place in a remote area. EX 8. Put the lines o f the dialogue in the correct order. (5**) a. Gr;£//:Understanding the conversation b. C o n ten t: Looking at the random sentences and put c. Expected result: Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order d. Performance:_______________________ ______________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 8: The answer keys given Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ask the students to work in pairs 6 -7 - 1 - 4 - 5 - 2 - 8 - 3 Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually and complete the conversations Students act out the conversation with a classmate Step 3: Discussion T call on some pairs to practice asking and answering Step 4: Conclusion T corrects the answer if necessary. * HOMEW ORK. 2’ -Study the lesson carefully -Prepare for the next lesson: Skills -Do exercises 1,2,3,4 in workbook, pages 25, 26 W eek: Period:?7

P lanning: T e a c h in g : REVIEW 3. LESSON 2: SKILLS

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: + Grammar: used to, conjunctions, wh- question words. + Vocabulary: Words expressing traffic, films and festivals +Revise from unit 7 to unit 9: +Practice reading, speaking, listening and writing skills. +Students know the best way to learn English. 2. Competence: self study, pairwork, group work 3. Quality:

-Reading and answering the questions correctly -Speaking: discussing the questions -Listening: Write T /F after listening -W riting a reply about what means of transport to use correctly II. TEACHNG AIDS. - T: Text book, workbook, com puter and projector - SS: textbooks, workbooks HI. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM UP. 3 ’ a. Goal: Help the students remember the old knowledge they learned b. C o n ten t: Teacher asks some questions and the students answer c. Expected result: Answer the questions correctly about films cl. Performance:_______________________ _______________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS ♦Suggested answer * Chatting: What kinds of films do you like? -I like watching cartoons How often do you watch films on TV? -I often watch cartoons after finishing -Teacher-W hole class homework 2. PRACTICE- Reading (10’) a. Goal: Understanding the passage in details b. Content: Study the headings and the paragraph and do as offered then answer the questions c. Expected result: Matching the headings with the paragraphs correctly and answer the questions fluently cl. Performance:_______________________ _____________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 1: Read the passage and match. Ex. 1. Read the passage and match the Step 1: Transfering the learning task heading in the box with the Ask students to read the statements first. paragraphs then answ er the questions Ask students to read the passage and match the headings The answer key given Step 2: Performing the task: - Give feed back SS: work individually, complete the A - 2 conversations then compare the answers B -3 C- 1 with a partner Step 3: Discussion Quickly write their answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion T corrects the answer if necessary. Ex 2: Answer the questions. Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ask students to read the passage agains Ex 2 The answer key given and answer the questions 1. They were first organised in 1929. Step 2: Performing the task: SS: do these exercises individually, check 2. They are named after the Oscar

their answers with a partner statuette. 3. He is the person who designed/He Step 3: Discussion Teacher asks some good students to designed the Oscar statuette. practice asking and answering the 4. Emil Jannings received the first Oscar questions before class statuette. Step 4: Conclusion 5. It is the prize for/given to the best film. T corrects the answer if necessary. 3. PRACTICE 3.1. Speaking (10’) a. Goal: Understanding the meaning of the Oscars b. Content: Discussing the questions connected to the valuable prize on the best film c. Expected result: Answer the questions correctly about the Oscars d. Performance:_____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 3: W ork in groups. Discuss the folk Step 1: Transfering the learning task Teacher lets students read and answer questions the questions in groups. The answer key given Step 2: Performing the task: 1. Tom Hanks SS: do these exercises, check their 2. This prize proves their talent of acting. answers with a partner Step 3: Discussion Ask some pairs to present before class Step 4: Conclusion Give feedback and correct 3.2. Listening (10’) * Listen to the conversation and do the exercices a. Goal: to understand in details on the recording b. Content: Listening to the conversation about the Dutch festival and do the exercises c. Expected result: After listening,the students can write T/F to the statements and tick to the correct columns d. Performance:____________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS

Ex 4: Listen to the conversation and d< Ex 4: Listen and write T or F. Step 1: Transfering the learning task exercices. + Have students look at the sentences The answer key given and read them quietly + Play the recording once for students 1. F (because Mrs Hoa said: It's the first time you've come to my house, isn’t it ?). to listen and write their answers (T/F) + Ss work in pairs to compare their 2. F (because the photos are on the wall) answers before T plays the recording a 3. T second time for pairs to check their 4. T answers. 5. T Step 2: Performing the task: SS listen to the recording and write their answers (T/F) Step 3: Discussion Ask for Ss' answers,write them on the board next to their guesses Step 4: Conclusion T: Play the recording once to check the students' answers Ex 5: Listen again and tick the appropriate column Ex 5: Step 1: Transfering the learning task The answer key given Have the students look at the table. Play the recording again for students to Ms Hoa Nick tick. X 1. tried Dutch foods and Step 2: Performing the task: drinks SS listen and tick tick the appropriate 2. watched traditional column Dutch dancing Step 3: Discussion 3. watched parades X Have Ss share their answers with the 4. listened to folk music X whole class 5. was interested in the Step 4: Conclusion festival T confirms the corrects answers 4. PRODUCTION -W riting (10’) a. Goal: Understanding the context and writing an e-mail to reply b. Content:Reading the e-mail from one o f your friends and write a reply c. Expected result: W riting a replying email on what means o f transport to use d. Performance:________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 6: W riting Ex 6: Imagine that you and two friends Step 1: Transfering the learning task are going to attend a festival 10 Ask ss read Mai's email to understand the kilometers away. You are discussing context. Ss write their email individually. what m eans o f transport to use: bus, Ask students write in groups bicycle, or taxi. Read the e-m ail from T checks before letting students do.. one o f your friends, M ai, and write a Step 2: Performing the task: reply

SS: complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion Suggested writing Ask one S to present the email on the Hi, Mai. board Bicycle is a good idea. Cycling is good for our health and it’s good occasion for Step 4: Conclusion Give the feedback and correct us to do exercise. We should check our bicycles carefully before the trip. And we also wear coats, hats, gloves, sunglasses ar prepare some snacks and bottles o f w a te r.! will ride to H oa’s house firstly and then both of us will get to your house. We and your father will start from your house. I think it will take less than one hour from Your house to the festival How about Hoa? Cheers, Nam * HOM EW ORK (2’) - Learn the lesson carefully -Do exercises 5,6,7,8 in workbooks . Pages:26,27,28 Prepare for: the mid-term 45- minute test. W eek: P lanning: Period: 79 T e a c h in g : UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: + Use the lexical items related to the topic “energy " + Extend and practice vocabulary related to the topic" sources of energy" + Listen and read a conversation between Mai and Nam about sources of energy 2. Competence: W orking individually, pair work , group work 3. Quality: After listening and reading, students can answer the questions, complete the network, Ask and answer the questions about renewable and non-renewable sources of ennergy II. TEACHNG AIDS. - T: Text book, workbook, computer and projector - SS: textbooks, workbooks III. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM UP (3 ) a. Goal:Pay attentions to the topic they will learn h. C o n ten t: Showing the cloud on the screen and asking the students to do the network c. Expected result: The students can talk about the sources they know d. Performance:

TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES - Ask SS to talk about the sources of enrgy .

CONTENTS oil— • (



J—- coal


2. PR E S E N T A T IO N . (10 ) W V " ^ a. Goal: A fter learning vocabulary, the students can u n o e m ^ w 'ih e dialogue and do some exercices b. Content: Introduce the vocabulary and ask the question about the main contents of the lesson c. Expected result: The students can read, write, and understand the meaning of the vocabulary d. Performance:_______________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Pre- teach vocab: 1. Teaching some new words Step 1: Transfering the learning footprint (n) dấu chân task carbon (n) giấy than - Teacher uses some techniques to energy(n) năng luợng present some new words. source(n) nguồn - Ask Ss to repeat chorusly then renew able # non-renewable (adj) phục Individual repetition hồi,làm làm mới - Checking the understanding by solar(adj) thuộc mặt tròi making sentences with the new words panel (n) tấm, báng Step 2: Performing the task: hydro (adj) thuộc về nước SS: nuclear(adj) thuộc hạt nhân - Repeat in chorus and individually c o a l(n )th an đá - Copy all the words - Make sentences with the new words biogas(n) khí sinh học Step 3: D iscussion Some students repeat the vocabulary in front o f class Step 4: Conclusion T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them * Checking: What and where 2. Pre- teach vocab: Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Ask the students the question *What does footprint mean ? Step 2: Performing the task: Students answer the question above Step 3: Discussion Ss answer the questions as a class Step 4: Conclusion Teacher gets feedback 3. P R A C T IC E (25’)

a. G oal: Understanding the main contents of the lesson b. C o n ten t: Answering the questions about sources of energy c. Expected result: Answer the questions, complete the net work correctly and fill in the table d. Performance:____________________ ________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX 1. Listen and read EX 1. Listen and read a. Read the conversation again and a. A nswer key : answer the questions 1.It is about the negative effects we have on the environment Step 1: Transfering the learning task 2. It means that it will run out if we use it - Ask ss to listen and read the 3. Sunlight is a renewable energy because conversation. we can't use it all up or it will last forever 4. Mai thinks she has a small carbon -Play the recording twice footprint because she recycles the products a. A nswer the questions -Ask ss to read the conversation again she uses and she goes everywhere by bike. then work in pairs to ask and answer 5. The products we use that are bad for the environment or the energy we use that the questions. - Ask some pairs to practice asking produces carbon dioxide might create a big and answering aloud footprint. b. Complete the network below using information from the conversation -Ask ss to look at the network that includes two types o f energy: b. A nswer key : renewable sources and non-renewable ^Renewable sources: solar, wind, hydro ones. *Non-renewable: coal, oil, natural gas -Have ss read the conversation individually again and find the words/ phrases that can be put in the network Step 2: Performing the task: - Students listen and answer the question - Some pairs to practice asking and answering aloud Step 3: Discussion Call ss to read the conversation aloud in pairs. Correct the answers as a class Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the correct answers and writes the correct answers if necessary EX 2. Now, listen and repeat the EX 2. Now, listen and repeat the words w ords and phrases and phrases Step 1: Transfering the learning

The words and the phrases in books task Have ss look at the table, listen and repeat the words then ask some ss to read aloud the words/ phrases Step 2: Performing the task: Students listen and repeat the words and phrases Step 3: Discussion Have Ss share their answers with the whole class. Quickly write their answers on the board. Step 4: Conclusion Teacher gets feedback and correct the EX3. Put the words into the correct groups pronunciation if necessary EX 3. Put the words into the Key: correct groups Renewable sources: wind, hydro, nuclear, Step 1: Transfering the learning solar, task Have ss work in pairs to look at the Non- renewable: natural gas, biogas, oil, table and discuss the meaning of the coal words/ phrases. Then have ss write the words/phrases in two columns. Step 2: Performing the task: SS ss work in pairs and complete columns. Ss may add more words/phrases to the table. Step 3: Discussion Quickly write their answers on the board. Step 4: Conclusion Give feedback and confirm the correct answers 4. PR O D U C T IO N (5’) a. Goal: Understanding correctly about renewable and non-renewable sources of energy b. Content : Asking and answering the questions about renewable and non-renewable sources of energy c. Expected result: Almost students can do as the example cl. Performance:______________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX 4. Ask and answer the questions EX 4. Ask and answer the questions about renewable and non­ about renewable and non-renewable renewable resources resources Step 1: Transfering the learning ♦Suggested answers:


A: What type o f energy source is solar? Ask ss to work in groups to ask and B: It’s a renewable source o f energy answer the questions about renewable A: What type o f energy source is oil? and non-renewable sources B: It’s a non-renewable source of energy Let ss use the suggested questions and A :... answers in the example and the words/phrases in 2,3 - Ask ss to write the information in their notebooks Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS ss work in groups Step 3: Discussion T call on some pairs to practice asking and answering while some ss write the answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion Give feedback and confirm the correct answers ♦HOMEW ORK: (2’) - Study the lesson carefully/Learn by heart all the new words and structures. - Do Ex B l,2 /P 3 0 -3 1 workbook - Prepare: Unit 10. A closer look 1

W eek: Period:80

P lanning: T e a c h in g : UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOO K 1

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: + Use the lexical items related to the topic “energy " + Use the lexical items related to types of energy sources + Pronounce the right stress in three- syllable words 2. Competence: W orking individually, pair work , group work 3. Quality: Students can describe the types of energy, make sentences about energy sources, confirm the advantages and disadvantages o f different sources o f energy II. TEACHNG AIDS. - T: Text book, workbook, computer and projector - SS: textbooks, workbooks III. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM UP. (3 ) a. Goal: Revision on sources o f energy h. C o n ten t: Showing the network and have the students play a game c. Expected result: The students can complete the network d. Performance:____________________ TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS

* Network - Ask ss to take part in the game into two teams - The team which write more and correct words in 2 minutes is the winner. ? What are the advantages and disadvantages o f energy sources?



Sources of







2. PRESENTATION. (7’) ------ L----a. Goal:A fter learning the new words, the wind all be able to do the coal from the lesson easily ------------b. Content: Introduce some key words from the lesson c. Expected result:the student can read, write, understand the meanings of the new words d. Performance: TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS

♦Vocabulary Step 1: Transfering the learning task


-lim ited# unlimited(adj): hạn chế/ không hạn chế T uses some techniques to present -exhaustible (adj): có thể cạn kiệt some new words. -abundant (adj): phong phú - Put the words below into the table to -available (adj): sẵn có describe the types of energy Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words - Complete the exercise

Step 3: Discussion Some students repeat the vocabulary in front of class

Step 4: Conclusion T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them 3. Practice. (20’) 3.1. Put the words below into the table to descibe the types o f energy a. G oal: describe the types of energy b. C o n ten t: Introduce an amount o f energy types c. Expected result: the student understand the types o f energy d. Performance:____________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' CONTENTS ACTIVITIES EX1: Put the words below Souces Advantage Disadvantage into the table to describe of (s) (s) the types o f energy energy

abudant, unlimited not available Step 1: Transfering the wind power learning task T: Run through the words. clean and safe expensive, not water T ask ss to work individually power available to divide the words into two solar renewable,plentiful, expensive groups : words to describe energy clean and safe the advantages and those biogas renewable, plentiful, abudant, cheap describing the advantages of available,clean and safe energy sources expensive, nuclear renewable Step 2: Performing the energy dangerous task: abudant harmful, coal, SS: oil, exhaustible, - W ork in pairs to divide the natural polluting words into two groups gas - Complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion Check and confirm the correct answers as a class Step 4: Conclusion T: Feedback and correct the mistake EX 2. Compare your answers with a partner a. G oal: Help the students understand the advantages and disadvantages of the energy sources b. C o n ten t: Study the table from 1 and talk c. Expected result: Practicing short dialogues the same as example cl. Performance:_________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning ♦Suggested: task A. I think solar is renewable. Ask students to look at the pictures B. Me too. I also think it is clean and and complete safe Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: - W ork individually then share the results with a partner Step 3: Discussion Callsome students to dialogue before the class Step 4: Conclusion Correct mistakes and give feedback EX 3. Look at the pitures complete the sentences, using the words in 1 a. G oal: Understanding the different types of energy, the advantages and disadvantages b. C o n ten t: Finish 4 sentences in books c. Expected result: Completing the sentences correctly while looking at the pictures

d. Performance: TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task Key: T explains the requirement to the 1. Solar- clean/ safe class 2. non-renewable Step 2: Perform ing the task: 3. W ind- clean SS: work individually 4. expensive- dangerous Step 3: Discussion Ss answer the questions as a class Step 4: Conclusion Teacher gets feedback 4. PRODUCTION. (13’) EX 1. Listen and repeat. W hich words are stressed on the first syllable and which ones are stressed on the second syllable? Put them in the appropriate columns a. Goal: Understanding how to pronounce the words having 3 or more syllables b. C o n ten t: Listen to the recording and do as offered c. Expected result. Put the words in the appropriate columns d. Performance:_________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS * Stress in three- syllable words Step 1: Transfering the learning task *The M ake sure that ss understand the requirement 000 000 Teacher explain the rules. dangerous expensive Play the recording. Ask ss to listen and repeat the plentiful abundant words, paying attention to the right stress in the limited convenient three- syllable words. easily enormous Let ss read the words aloud and write them in the energy advantage correct columns Note: Step 2: Perform ing the task: + Tù cô 3 âm tiêt trà lên thi - W ork individually - Read the words aloud and write them in the correct trong âm thuong rai vào âm tiêt thir 3 tù phài sang trâi. columns + Câc tùr cô tân cùng là: Step 3: Discussion sion, -ity, -ety, -ic, -ical, -ous, Call on some ss to write the answers on the board -ian, -al thi trong âm roi Step 4: Conclusion truôc nhùrng tùr này. - Check and confirm the correct answers + Câc tù cô tân cùng là: -ese, -ee, -eer, -oo, -oon, -ique, ed, -esque thi trong âm roi vào nhùng tù này.___________ EX 2. Read the following sentences and m ark the stressed syllable in the underlined words. Then listen , check and repeat. a. Goal: Help the students pronounce correctly b. C o n ten t: Read 5 sentences and mark, then listen and check c. Expected result: students know how to pronounce the words with a lot o f syllables d. Performance:

TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES Step 1: Transfering the learning task Have ss read the sentences and mark the stressed syllable in the underlined words. Let ss refer to the words in 4 if necessary . Ask ss to listen to the sentences again, check their answers and say aloud the sentences as a class Step 2: Perform ing the task: - W ork individually Step 3: Discussion Call on some ss to write the words on the board Step 4: Conclusion - Check and confirm the correct answers * H O M E W O R K (2’) -Study the lesson carefully/ Learn by heart -Prepare for A closer look 2. -Do exercises: A 1,2 /Page 29, workbook W eek: Period:81

CONTENTS *The answers 1. another / renewable 2. convenient/abundant 3. lim ited/environm ent 4. plentiful/ easily 5. expensive/ dangerous

the vocabulary

Planning: T e a c h in g : UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOO K 2

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: + Use the lexical items related to the topic “energy " + Use the future continuous tense and future simple passive to do the exercises 2. Competence: W orking individually, pair work , group work 3. Quality: Students can understand the future continuous tense and future simple tense in active and passive voice to complete the sentences II. TEACHNG AIDS. - T: Text book, workbook, computer and projector - SS: textbooks, workbooks III. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM l)P. (3 ) a. Goal: Review the simple future learnt before b. C o n ten t: 2 students present before the class c. Expected result: The students can talk about the form and the meaning o f the simple future tense d. Performance: *The future sim ple tense: a. Form:

S+will (not)+V W ill+S+V? -yes, S+W ill/ -No, S+w on’t b. Meaning: 2. PR E S E N T A T IO N (10’) a. Goal: After learning the new words, and the future continuous, the students will be able to do the exercises from the lesson easily b. Content: Introduce some key words from the lesson , and the future continuous c. Expected result: the students can read, write, understand the meanings of the new words, and use the future continuousfac/f’v i and passive voice) d. Performance:_____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* CONTENTS ACTIVITIES 1. Vocabulary - install : (v) cài dặt Step 1: Transfering the learning -escape : (v) thoát task -crack :(n) vet nứt - Teacher use different techniques -pipe :(n) ống dẫn nước to teach vocab (situation, realia) -bulb :(n) bóng đèn tròn - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. -turbine :(n) động co chạy hoi Step 2: Perform ing the task: nước consum ption :(n) sự tiêu dùng - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words -alternative :( thay thế cho vật khác Step 3: Discussion adj) -Some students repeat the -shortage : (n) sự thiếu hụt vocabulary in front o f class 1. The form and m eaning of the future Step 4: Conclusion continuous as in books - T makes sure that all student This time next week we will be studying unit copy the new words and the 11 meaning of them - F orm : * Checking: R.O.R (+) s+ will be + V-ing

2. Introduce the future continuous tense Step 1: Transfering the learning task -Ask the Ss to study “Gramm ar” in books (in yellow box) T introduces the example in the yellow box and elicits from ss to draw the form, the usage o f the future continuous -Model sentence Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work individually

(-) s + will not be + V-ing (?) W ill + s 4- be + V-ing?

Step 3: Discussion Ss can ask T for more detail in case they still have question Step 4: Conclusion T makes sure that Ss can have a grasp of conjunction 3. P R A C T IC E .(2(r) Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using the future continuous form of the verbs in brackets a. Goal: use the future continuous to complete the sentences b. C o n ten t: There are 5 sentences for Ss to complete c. Expected result: Put the correct forms of the verbs in brackets d. Performance:_____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning E xercise 1. task K ey: Explain how to do the exercise 1. wii be putting Step 2: Perform ing the task: 2. will be taking SS: do exercise 1 individually then 3. will be installing compare their answers with their 4. will be spending partners 5. will be using Step 3: Discussion Call some ss to write the answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion T corrects the answers with class Exercise 2. Write what these students will be doing tom orrow afternoon a. G oal: use the future continuous to write the sentences b. C o n ten t: There are 5 sentences for Ss to write c. Expected result: Write the sentences, looking at the pictures and the words suggested d. Performance:______________________________________________________ TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning Exercise 2. Key: task 1. Jenny will be giving a talk about Have ss write the sentences saving energy individually then compare the 2. Helen will be putting solar panels answers with a partner in the playground. 3. Susan will be checking cracks in Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: do exercise 1 individually then the water pipes compare their answers with their 4. Jack will be putting low energy partners light bulbs in the class rooms. Step 3: Discussion 5. Kate will be showing a film on Call some ss to write the answers on types of renewable enrgy sources the board - Look at W atch out and answer Step 4: Conclusion

- T corrects and ask ss to read aloud the correct sentences -Give feedback after correcting__________________________________________ Exercise 3.Complete the conversation with the verbs in brackets. Use either the future simple or future continuous tense a. Goal: Use either the future simple or future continuous tense to complete the conversation b. C on ten t: There are 7 blanks for Ss to complete c. Expected result: Complete the conversation , looking at the pictures and the words suggested cl. Performance:________________________ ______________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task Exercise 3. Ask ss to read and complete the Key: sentences with the verbs in brackets 1. will watch then compare the answer in pairs 2. will we put Ask ss to practise the conversation in 3. will be having pairs 4. will travel 5. will walk or cycle Step 2: Performing the task: SS: do exercise 1 individually then 6. will be cycling compare their answers with their 7. will be going partners Step 3: Discussion T call on some pairs to practice asking and answering while some ss write the answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion -Give feedback after correcting Exercise 4.W ork in pairs. Tell your partner what you will be doing at the following points o f time in the future . a. Goal: Use the fu tu r e continuous tense to tell b. C on ten t: There are 4 phrases for Ss to tell c. Expected result: Tell your partner , looking at the phrases suggested cl. Performance:________________________ ______________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task Exercise 4. Have ss read the example to understand This time tomorrow how the future continuous tense is used I will be learning English this time tomorrow Step 2: Performing the task: SS: do the exercise in pairs Step 3: Discussion SS: give their answer as a class. Step 4: Conclusion Check the answers and write the correct answers on the board.

Exercise 5. Complete the magazine article with the passive form of the passive form of the verbs in the table a. Goal: Use the fu tu r e continuous tense in the passive voice to complete h. C o n ten t: There are 5 blanks in the article for Ss to complete c. Expected result: Looking at the article and the picture to fill in the blanks d. Performance:______________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task Exercise 5. Remind ss how to change an active K ey: sentence into a passive sentence 1. be provided Let ss study the example 2. be used Step 2: Performing the task: 3. be placed SS: work individually then compare in 4. be stored pairs 5. be solved Step 3: Discussion Call on some ss to write on the board Step 4: Conclusion Correct and confirm the correct answer 4. PRODUCTION^ 10’) Exercise 6 . Change the sentences into the passive voice . a. Goal: Revision on the simple future passive voice h. C on ten t: There are 6 sentences for the students to do c. Expected result:The students know how to change from the simple future active to the passive voice d. Performance:_____________________ ________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning Exercise 6. task Key : T explains the requirement to the 1.Wave will be used as an environmentally friends energy source. class T asks ss to change the sentences into 2. A network o f wind turbines will be the passive voice installed to make electricity 3. In the countryside, plants will be burnt to Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually complete the produce heat exercise 4. Energy consumption will be reduced as Step 3: Discussion much as possible. Call on some ss to write the answers 5. Alternative sources of energy will be on the board developed Step 4: Conclusion 6. Solar energy will be used to solved the T confirms the corrects answers problem of the shortage of energy Exercise 7 . Look at the pictures. W rite what will be done in the future a. Goal: Development on using the simple future passive voice h. C on ten t: There are 4 pictures for the students to write c. Expected result:The students know how to write what will be done in the future, looking at the pictures only

d. Performance: TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES Step 1: Transfering the learning task T asks ss to look at the pictures and discuss in groups of 4 ss what will be done in the future Have ss write their answers , using the future simple passive Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work individually complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion Call on some ss write their answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the corrects answers * H O M E W O R K (2’) -Study the lesson carefully/ Learn by heart -Prepare for Communication -Do Ex B3,4,5,6 W orkbook Pages 31/32

CONTENTS Suggested answers : - A hydro power station will be built in the region to increase the electricity - Solar panels will be put on the roof of the building - A network of wind turbines will be installed generate electricity - Bicycles will be used to travel in the city

the vocabulary

Week : Planning:


I. OBJECTIVES. By the end o f the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Knowledge + Use the lexical items related to the topic “energy " + Talk about types and sources of energy + Talk about the your partner’s carbon footprint 2.Competence: Ss can know how to save energy 3. Quality:Sts Like the "sources of energy ". II. TEACHNG AIDS. T : Textbook, lesson plan, computer room. Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 10. Communication HI. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM U P.(5’) a. Goal: Excite and introduce the lesson b. C o n ten t: Ask Ss some questions about carbon footprint and play a game c. Expected result: Ss can understand and answer all the questions. d. Performance:______________________________ _______________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Nuclear,wind,cold,biogas,natural Step 1: Transfering the learning task T give some pictures and asks ss to look at the gas,hydro

pictures in 1 minute and try to remember as many words related to the pictures as possible - Ask Ss some questions: • Do you remember what the carborn footprint means? • Do you think you have a big carborn footprint? • What did you do to have sm aller carborn footprint?

Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: answer the questions as a class Step 3: Discussion Call some students to dialogue before the class

Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the corrects answers Set the sence of the lesson

2. PRESENTATION. (10 ): a. Goal: Help Ss to understand the questions & they can know how big is your carbon footprin b. Content: Answer the questions with a number from 1 to 4 c. Expected result: Sts can know how big is your carbon footprint through answer the questions d. Performance:_____________________ ________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS 1. Do you take showers instead of baths ? E x l : F in d som eone who Step 1: Transfering the learning 2. Do you walk or ride a bike when traveling task short distances ?. ? Answer the questions with a number 3. Do you use public transport when from 1 to 10 traveling long distances ? Step 2: Perform ing the task: 4. Do you use a hand fan to keep cool in the SS: answer the questions as a class sum mer ?. Step 3: Discussion 5. Do you use low energy light bulb ? Call some students to dialogue before 6. Do you turn off the lights when leaving a the class room ? Step 4: Conclusion 7. Do you only use as much water as you T confirms the corrects answers need 8. Do you only use a little electricity at home ? 9. Do you use biogas for cooking at home ? 10. Do you go to school by bike

3. PRACTICE. ( 15 ) a. b. c. d.

G oal: Practise speaking, doing a survey, reporting the results. Content : Understand the questions then answer them. Report the results. Expected result: Ss understand the questions then do the survey. Performance:____________________



Class survey

Ex2. Read the answers and tick "Yes" or "No"- How well you partner saves

Yes V


energy l.Y our footprint is Step 1: Transfering the learning small. You are really task environmentally friendly Run through the sets of survey Guide 2. Your footprint is quite X ss how to complete the table below small. Remember to take Read the answers and tick "Yes" or about, and respect, the "No” world around you. Ask ss to work in pairs to survey 3. Your footprint is quite and take note big. You should do some Teacher observes and help if things to save energy but necessary. there’s always room for Step 2: Perform ing the task: improvement SS: W ork in pair. Each student chooses one of the following sets of survey Step 3: Discussion Call some students to dialogue before the class Model with some good students Step 4: Conclusion T and other SS congratulate and give points_____________________________ 4. PRODUCTION. (15 ) a. Goal: Drill the writing skill. b. C o n ten t: Ss write your survey’s result in your notebook individually. c. Expected result: Write correctly the survey’s result. cl. Performance:___________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex3 Talk about your porter's carbon E.g: footprint... My partner’s carbon footprint is big. He is Step 1: Transfering the learning task considerate because he uses a lot of baths. T asks ss to discuss about their carbon He could try harder to use showers instead footprint and in group o f 4 and share o f baths. By reducing the use of baths, he with other group can help to save energy. Calls on some sites to talk in front of the class. Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: use the information to report Step 3: Discussion Call some students to dialogue before the class Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the corrects answers

♦HOMEW ORK: - Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. - Prepare next lesson. Unit 10. Lesson 5: Skills 1 W eek: Period: 84

P lanning: T e a c h in g : UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON 5: SKILLS 1

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: + Use the lexical items related to the topic “energy " + identify renewable and non renewable sources + talk about advantages and disadvantages of energy 2. Competence: saving energy 3. Quality: Reading for specific information about renewable and non-renewable energy, asking and answering questions about the text II. TEACHNG AIDS. - T: Text book, workbook, computer and projector - SS: textbooks, workbooks HI. PROCEDURE 1. W ARM l)P: (5’) a. Goal: Ask SS to give eg of energy h. C o n ten t: Asking and answering about the main & type sources o f energy. c. Expected result: Sts pay attention to the topic d. Performance:_____________________ _____________________________________

TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES * Chatting - Ask the class to give eg of energy - Feedback and correct the mistakes. - Introduce the new lesson

CONTENTS Suggestion: fossil fuel hydro and nuclear power the sun and the w ind...

2. P R E -R E A D IN G (10’) a. Goal:Helping the students to read the text and understand the main contents easily h. Content: Introduce some new words or phrases c. Expected result: Students can read, write and understand the words or phrases used in the text d. Performance:______________________________________________________________

TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES 1. Vocabulary Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. - Lets ss have time to discuss the two

CONTENTS - rely (v) dựa vào - alternative (adj) khác, nhiều khá năng - abundant (adj) thừa

questions in groups and then as a class? - T asks Ss to read the text quickly and check their ideas in 1.

Step 2: Perform ing the task: - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words

Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front of class

Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them - Checking: ROR

3. PRACTICE (While - Reading (15’)) a. Goal: Understanding the main contents of the text b. C o n ten t: Reading the text quietly, aloud, answer the questions about renewable and non renewable sources c. Expected result: Answering the questions and pronouncing correctly d. Performance:____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS a. Key: Step 1: Transfering the learning 1. create energy task 2. drive machinery a. Math Ss read the passage independently 3. generate electricity again and match the verbs with the 4. turn turbines 5. heat houses appropriate nouns Then match the verbs in A with the b. Key: correct ones in B 1. Two. They are renewable and non­ renewable. b. Answer the questions Set a longer time limit for Ss to reread 2. Hydro power is limited because dams the text. Ask Ss to note or underline cannot be built in certain areas. Nuclear where they find the information that energy is dangerous. helps them answer the questions. 3. Because the win can turn turbines to make electricity. Solar energy can be Step 2: Perform ing the task: changed into electricity or can be used to SS: answer the questions as a class Ss can compare the answers before heat or cool our houses. discussing them as a class 4. We use hydro power most. Step 3: Discussion 5. He thinks Viet Nam will use the wind and Call one student to give the answers the sun as alternative sources of energy in the future as a class. Step 4: Conclusion Check the answers.

4. PRODUCTION - Speaking (15’)

? Do Ex D 1-2 P 2 9 - 3 0 ? Prepare: Unit 10. Lesson 6. Skills 2 W eek Period 85: P la n in g :.......... Teaching: ... U N IT 10: SO U R C ES O F E N E R G Y L E SSO N 6: S K IL L 2 I. O B JE C T IV E S . By the end o f the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Knowledge: + Listen and do the task about sources of energy + Listen to get information about energy + Write about what we should do to save energy 2. Competence: using language, writing. 3. Quality: Practice listening, writing skills. II. T E A C H N G AIDS. T: Text book, workbook, computer and projector Ss: : textbook, workbook H I. P R O C E D U R E 1. W arm up: (5’)7A ...................... 7B ....................... 7C ....................... a. Goal: Have students pay attentions to the topic b. C o n ten t: Look at the picture & discuss the questions in pairs c. Expected result: Sts pay attention to the topic d. Performance:_____________________ __________________________________ T E A C H E R S & S S ’ A C T IV IT IE S CONTENTS * Brainstorm ing ? Look at the pictures * Brainstorm ing Have ss look at the picture and S S ’s guess answer the questions in pairs for pre­ listening. The answers may vary. 2. P R E S E N T A T IO N - Listening (10 ) a. Goal: Have students learn new words & answers some questions b. Content: Teacher introduces some new words from the lesson c. Expected results: the students can read, write and understand how to use the new words & answers some questions d. Performance:_____________________ _______________________________________ TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS 1. Vocabulary Step 1: Transfering the learning 1. Vocabulary - release (v): thả, phóng thích task - Teacher use different techniques to - fossil fuel (n): nham thạch, teach vocab (situation, realia) nhiên liệu hình - Follow the seven steps of teaching thành từ xác đv vocab. - trap (n): bẫy, hành lí, Step 2: Perform ing the task: chặn lại (v) - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion

? Do Ex D 1-2 P 2 9 - 3 0 ? Prepare: Unit 10. Lesson 6. Skills 2 W eek Period 85: P la n in g :.......... Teaching: ... UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSO N 6: SKILL 2 I. OBJECTIVES. By the end o f the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Knowledge: + Listen and do the task about sources of energy + Listen to get information about energy + Write about what we should do to save energy 2. Competence: using language, writing. 3. Quality: Practice listening, writing skills. II. TEACHNG AIDS. T: Text book, workbook, computer and projector Ss: : textbook, workbook HI. PROCEDURE 1. W arm up: (5’)7A ...................... 7B ....................... 7C ....................... a. Goal: Have students pay attentions to the topic b. C o n ten t: Look at the picture & discuss the questions in pairs c. Expected result: Sts pay attention to the topic cl. Performance:_____________________ __________________________________ TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS * Brainstorm ing ? Look at the pictures * Brainstorm ing Have ss look at the picture and S S ’s guess answer the questions in pairs for pre­ listening. The answers may vary. 2. PRESENTATION - Listening (10 ) a. Goal: Have students learn new words & answers some questions b. Content: Teacher introduces some new words from the lesson c. Expected results: the students can read, write and understand how to use the new words & answers some questions cl. Performance:_____________________ _______________________________________ TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS 1. Vocabulary Step 1: Transfering the learning 1. Vocabulary - release (v): thả, phóng thích task - Teacher use different techniques to - fossil fuel (n): nham thạch, teach vocab (situation, realia) nhiên liệu hình - Follow the seven steps of teaching thành từ xác đv vocab. - trap (n): bẫy, hành lí, Step 2: Perform ing the task: chặn lại (v) - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion

-Some students repeat the vocabulary in front of class Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy 2. Open prediction the new words and the meaning of them * Checking vocab: R.O.R 2. Open prediction Step 1: Transfering the learning task * Set the scene: You are going to listen to the passage and tick T/ F T ask ss to look at the sentences and guess the answers Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: listen and tick T / F Step 3: Discussion Call on some ss to talk about their guesses as a class Step 4: Conclusion T gives checks the students' answers 3. PRACTICE (W hile - Listening (10’)) a. Goal: Have students listen to the recording and check their prediction b. Content: Students study the questions and listen c. Expected results: the students can understand the main contents o f the records and do Ex2,3 correctly. d. Performance:_____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex2: Listen to the passage ticsh true *Key: ( T) or False( F) to the statements 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Listen to the text twice and check your guess. Step 2: Performing the task: SS: listen and check your guess. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion - Teacher gets feed back. *Key: Ex3: Listen to the passage again 1. mountainous and complete the sentences 2. cooking and heating Step 1: Transfering the learning 3. air pollution task 4. on the increase Have ss look at the sentences and 5. wind and the sun

guess the answers. Play the recording again and ask ss to listen and complete the sentences. Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: listen and check your guess. Step 3: Discussion Call on some ss to give the answers to the class Step 4: Conclusion - Correct the mistakes where and when necessary 4. PRODUCTION - W riting (20’) a. Goal: Have students write a short paragraph about what we should do to save energy.. b. C o n ten t: Complete the article, discuss about how to save enery. c. Expected result: Sts can write a short paragraph about what we should do to save energy.. d. Performance:_____________________ ________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex4: Complete the article. Use the *Key: 1. E 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C phrases below Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ask ss to complete the article independently, using the phrases (AE). Have ss read the complete article, paying attention to the problems and solutions of how to save energy. Step 2: Performing the task: Ss work in pairs to compare their answers with each other Step 3: Discussion Call one student to give the answers to the class. Step 4: Conclusion Check and confirm the correct answers. Ex5: Pair work Step 1: Transfering the learning task Have ss look at the prompts and discuss the ways to save energy in pairs. Then, ask them to write the five most important things they should do to

save energy.. Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in pairs to compare their answers with each other Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion Correct the mistakes if there are any.

*Key: Ex6. Write about what you should do We should use electricity efficiently and to save energy remember to turn off the lights when we go out or we go to bed. M oreover, we should Step 1: Transfering the learning task use the low light bulbs. We also can use Tell ss that it’s time to write a short public transport more often. passage of what they should do to save energy. Ss can use the information in (5). If there is not time to write the passage in class, ss can do it. Ask Ss to fill in the table, using the main information they have discusses in 3. Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work individually and complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion Correct the mistakes if there are any. ♦HOM EW ORK: ? Learn by heart all the new words. ? Do Ex E l,2 P31 ? Prepare: Unit 10: Looking back and project

W eek: Period: 86 UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON 7: LOOKING BACK & PROJECT I. OBJECTIVES By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to:

Planning: Teaching:

1. Knowledge: + Recycle the language from the previous sections and links with the topics. + Practice doing some exercises to consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 10.

2. Competence: - Develop communicative competence, cooperation compentence, practice and thinking skills through listening, speaking, reading and writing about energy.

3. Quality: - Like the "sources of energy

II. TEACHNG AIDS. - T: Text book, workbook, computer and projector - SS: textbook, workbook

III. PROCEDURE. 1. WARM UP. (8 ) Organization: a. b. c. d.

G oal:Ss use words related to Sources of energy. Content: Put the words into correct groups. Expected result: Ss can know some advantages and disadvantages of energy Performance:_____________________ __________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS E xl: I. Vocabulary Step 1: Transfering the learning *Key: task Sources o f energy: biogas, solar, nuclear, T explains the requirement to the hydro A dvan tage(s): clean, cheap, plentiful, class available, unlimited Teacher divides class into 3 groups. Disadvantage(s): polluting, expensive, Step 2: Performing the task: Ss work in groups and complete the limited/ exhaustible, dangerous, harmful exercise Step 3: Discussion Each group write the words on the board Step 4: Conclusion Check and confirm the correct answers. 2. PRESENTATION. (7 ) a. Goal.-Ss use the future continuous and the future simple passive correctly . b. Content: Complete the sentences with the verb in bracket in the future continuous c. Expected result: Ss can distinguish the uses future continuous and the future simple passive. d. Performance:_____________________ _______________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning II. Grammar *The future continuous task -T asks sts to repeat the form of the S + will be + Ving future continuous and the future *The future simple passive simple passive S +will be +VpII

Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work individually Step 3: Discussion Ss can ask T for more detail in case they stil have question for conjucntions Step 4: Conclusion T makes sure that Ss can have a grasp of conjunction Ex2. Complete the sentences with the verb in bracket in the future continuous Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ss to do the exercises individually first. Step 2: Performing the task: Ss work and check their answers with a partner before discussing them as a class. Step 3: Discussion T ask Ss to give their answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion Check and confirm the correct answers

Key: 1. will be wearing 2. will be lying 3. will be working 4. will be studying 5. will be building

3. PRACTICE (14 ) a. G oal: Ss use the future simple passive & the future cotinuous correctly in different situations b. Content:, change the sentences into the passive voice and complete the dialogue using the future cotinuous c. Expected result: Ss can distinguish the uses the future simple passive & the future continuous. d. Performance:_____________________ ________________________________________ TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex3 Complete the sentences into the *Key: 1. A lot of money will be spent on heating passive voice Step 1: Transfering the learning next year. task 2. Biogas will be used for fuel in homes and Ss to do the exercises individually for transport. first. Step 2: Performing the task: 3. Renewable energy like wind and solar Ss work and can check their answers energy will be used to solve the problems of with a partner before discussing them pollution. 4. The use of electricity will be reduced to as a class. Step 3: Discussion save our energy. T ask Ss to give their answers on the 5. A hydro power station will be built in t board his area next year.

Step 4: Conclusion Check and confirm the correct answers Ex4. Complete the dialogue, using *Key: the future continuous form of the 1. will be earning verbs 2. will be doing Step 1: Transfering the learning 3. will be doing 4. will be hosting task Ss to do the exercises individually 5. will be doing first. Step 2: Performing the task: Ss work and can check their answers with a partner before discussing them as a class. Step 3: Discussion T ask Ss to give their answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion Check and confirm the correct answers 4. PRO DUCTIO N (16 ) a. Goal: Ss will be able to talk about What should you do to save through reading, speaking, and writing skills. b. Content: Look at the pictures. W ork in group & answer the question c. Expected result: Ss can answer the question & design a poster about energy.. d. Performance:_____________________ _____________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS III. Communication Ex5: Look at the pictures. W ork in For example: groups and answer the question We should turn o ff the cooking fire when Step 1: Transfering the learning the kettle is boiling task Have s look at the pictures and discuss in groups what they should do to save energy. Step 2: Performing the task: Ss look at the picture and work in groups IV. Project Step 3: Discussion Call some ss to share their ideas with the class. MC: Nhi (...) Step 4: Conclusion Check and confirm the correct Examiners: Teachers answers - Each group goes to the board and one by Note down common errors and one present their picture of correct them at the end of exercise. Here are the products and group leaders * Project Group 1 - Turn off the lights and fans Step 1: Transfering the learning before leaving- Lan

Group 2 - Turn off the facets after using Phương 1. Preparation Group 3 - Check the pipes regularly - Thao - T choose an MC to control the Group 4 - use low energy light bulbs - An contest Group 5 - use solar energy to heat w aterNam - Choose two students as examiners. - Ask the groups to check their projects before presenting

task T asks sts to work in groups:

2. Presenting your project Teacher call on each group to present their topic Teacher call on each group to give comments: + The most interesting message + The most fluently groups + Vote for the best over all. - Organise a painting exhibition among the class members and write some sentences comparing different paintings - Ask students to write slogans in groups about how to save energy.

Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in groups and complete the project

Step 3: Discussion - W hile a group is presenting, other groups observe and get ready to give comments

Step 4: Conclusion Teacher gives comments and decides the best group. - Give marks for a 15- minute test after the project_________________________ ♦HOM EW ORK Ask Ss to: Learn by heart all the new words. Write completed sentences o f Ex2,3,4,5 P46 (students' book) Prepare: Unit 11: Getting started W eek Period 87



1. Knowledge: - By the end o f the lesson Ss will be able to + Extend and practice vocabulary related to the topic" future means of transport" + Listen and read a conversation between M a i, Phuc and Veronica about future means of transport.

2. Competence: - Communicative approach. - Listen and read a conversation between M a i, Phuc and Veronica about future means of transport. - Ss love the subject

3. Quality: - To teach Ss to work hard and Like the topic " future means of transport



T: +Text book, workbook, com puter and projector Ss: + Textbooks, notebooks.

HI. PROCEDURE. 1. WARM UP. (5’) a. b. c. d.

Goal: Elicit the topic travelling in the future form ss C o n ten t: Ss brainstorm and give some means o f tranport in Vietnam they’ known Expected result: Ss can list as many words as possible Performance:_______________________ ______________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Network - Teacher elicits from ss some means of ( ^ ^ M e a n s of t r a n p o r t ^ ^ ) transport in Vietnam and advantages, disadvantages - Ask ss to predict the means of ( M o to rb ik e\ \ transport will be used in the future y/ - Use the pictures in textbook to P r a c t i c a i \ / introduce the new lesson. transport ^ ----------~<iius<rpollution 2. PR E S E N T A T IO N . (10’) a.Goal: introduce new words b. Content: s can pronounce new words c. Expected result: ss can understand and use new words d. Performance:_______________________ ____________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS * Teach in g new vocabulary■: I. Vocabulary: Step 1: Transfering the learning task driverless (adj) không có lái xe - Teacher use different techniques to crash (v) va chạm teach vocab (situation, realia) jet pack (n) thiết bị đeo trên vai dùng - Follow the seven steps o f teaching động co phản lực vocab. teleporter (n) di chuyển tức thời imaginative (adj) có sự tuởng tuợng Step 2: Perform ing the task: - Repeat in chorus and individually avoid (adj) tránh - Copy all the words exist (n) tồn tại

Step 3: Discussion environmentally- friendly (adj) -Some students repeat the vocabulary in thiện với môi truờng front of class helicopter (n) máy bay trực thăng Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them * Checking: What and where Present the dialogue Step 1: Transfering the learning task Set the scene: - T uses the pictures in the textbook to set the scene and asks some questions: What can you see in the picture ? What do you think on the screen? Is there a connection between what is on the screen with what M ai is thinking about? What topic are they talking about ? Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work individually Step 3: Discussion Call some students to dialogue before the class Step 4: Conclusion Teacher gets feedback__________________ 3. PRACTICE. (15’) a. G oal: Ss recognize types of festival, name of some festivals and answer questions about the dialogue above. b. Content : Ex 1, 2 c. Expected result: practice vocabulary related to the topic" future means of transport and understand the dialogue. d. Performance:_____________________ _________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS n.P ractice 1. Listen and read 1. Listen and read. Step 1: Transfering the learning a.Choose the correct answer task * Answer key : Set the scene: Ask ss to listen and read the 1-a conversation 2-b Play the recording twice 3-c Ask ss to read the conversation aloud 4-a in groups o f 3 ss. E la . Choose the correct answer -Ask ss to read the conversation again then work individually to choose the


correct answers Look out! - Ask to look at the box and emphasizes - less is added to a noun to make an adjective - T gives more examples E X lb . A nswer the questions -Ask ss to run through the questions -Have ss read the conversation individually again and answer the questions Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss read the conversation individually again and answer the questions Step 3: Discussion Have Ss share their answers with the whole class. Quickly write their answers on the board. Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the correct answers EX 2. Fact or opinion? Tick (v) in the F ( Fact) or O ( Opinion) box Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Draw ss' attention to the Remember box. Give more examples if necessary - Run through the sentences - Ask ss to work in pair to tick the Facts vs Opinion box - Ask ss to explain their decision before giving the key. Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work in pair to tick the Facts vs Opinion box Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to write the answers on the board Other students give comment Step 4: Conclusion T: Feedback and correct the mistake

b. Answer the questions 1. If there are too many flying cars, there will be traffic jam s in the sky. They may use a lot o f fuel which will make the pollution worse 2,3 : Open answers from ss

2. Fact or opinion? * Key : 1-F * 2-0 3-F 4 -0 5 -0

4. PRODUCTION. (15’) a. Goal: Ss can talk about some future means of transport b. Content :St find &combine more adj & noun about future means of transport c. Expected result: Ss can using vocabulary and their knowledge to talk about future means of transport

d. Performance: TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES Ex3. a. Can you find any future means of transport from the conversation in 1 here? Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ask ss to read the column o f noun and conversation and work individually to come up with the means of transport mentioned in the conversation Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: read the column o f noun and conversation and work individually Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to write the answers on the board Other students give comment Step 4: Conclusion T: Feedback and correct the mistake Ex3b. Now combine more adjectives and nouns. How many words can you make? Be creative! Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Make an example by giving a combination, eg: an electric car - Ask ss to work in groups o f 4 ss to combine Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work work in groups of 4 ss to combine and make an example Step 3: Discussion T asks some Ss to give their answers on the board Other students give comment Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the corrects answers Ex3c. Choose your three most interesting means of transport. Then share them with your partner Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Ask ss to look at example given then work in pair to discuss - Elicit the words on the board - Ask ss to pick up one favourite combination from their listStep Step 2: Perform ing the task:

CONTENTS III. Further practice: Ex3a. Can you find any future means o f transport from the conversation in 1 here? Key: -flying car -driverless car

Ex3b. Now combine more adjectives and nouns. Possible answers: -a flying car - a pilotless airplane -an environmentally - friendly bus

SS: work in pair to discuss Step 3: Discussion Call on several pairs to explain why they choose that means o f transport as their favourite one Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the corrects answers\_______ ♦HOM EW ORK: - Learn new words by heart. - Read the conversation again. -Translate the conversation in Getting started into Vietnamese. - Prepare: UNIT 11: A closer look 1- textbook. W eek: Period: 88

P lanning: Teaching: UNIT 11 (Cont) LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOO K 1

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to: - use the lexical items related to means o f transport and movement, and the combination from the verbs: drive, ride, fly, sail, pedal with means o f transport. - appropriately use rising and falling intonation for Y/N and Wh-questions. 2. Competence: - Develop communicative competence, cooperation compentence, practice and thinking skills through listening, speaking about means of transport and movement. 3. Quality: - Have a good deed towards using rising and falling intonation for Y/N and Whquestions. - Talk about means of transport II. TEACHING AIDS. T : pc, projector Ss: textbook, workbook III. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM UP. (8 ) Organization: a. Goal: Ss recognize the combination from some certain verbs with means of transport. h. Content: guess the action about means of transport through miming. c. Expected result: Ss can use common verbs o f movement with means of transport. d. Performance: - Write the verbs: drive, ride, fly , sail, pedal on the board. Ask one student to perform the action when looking at the verbs and the class guess what action he /she is doing

- A fter each correct guess, write the verb on the board. Ask ss to add means of tranport they know that go with that verb. Explain that there may be a means of tranport that is not suitable for particular verbs 2. PRESENTATION. a. Goal: Ss know some vocabulary related to means of transport and use the combination from some certain verbs with them. b. Content: cross out the means o f transport that doesn’t go with some verbs given c. Expected result: Ss can use common verbs of movement with means of transport. d. Performance:_______________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Pre-teach vocabulary I. Vocabulary Step 1: Transfering the learning Pedal (v), (n): Float (v): task Present vocabulary from the pictures Hot air balloon (n): in the book in 1 Tram (n): Let Ss work in pairs to do ex 1. Bullet train (n): Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ex 1. SS: work individually Key: Step 3: Discussion a. A bicycle Some students repeat the vocabulary b. A car in front of class c. A train Ss answer the questions as a class d. A bus e. a plane Step 4: Conclusion Give feedback and correct. 3. PRACTICE. a. Goal: Ss recycle vocabulary related to means of transport and use the preps on/ in with means of transport and movement. b. Content: guess the means of transport based on given information, fill in the gaps with in/ on. c. Expected result: remember means of transport and know how to use in/ on + means of transport d. Performance:_________________________ ____________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 2. The students are thinking of Ex2: means of transport. Can you match the students with the transport. Key: Step 1: Transfering the learning task a. a ship Ask Ss to run through the sentences in b. a bus bubbles and pictures of transport. c. a hot air balloon Do the first item with Ss as an example. d. a bicycle e. plane Step 2: Performing the task: ss work individually then compare their f. motorbikes answer in pairs Step 3: Discussion Ss answer the questions as a class Step 4: Conclusion

Give feedback and correct. Ex3. In or On? Key: Ex3. In or On? Step 1: Transfering the learning task 1. on Explain the use of in and on in 2. on Remember box. 3. on Step 2: Perform ing the task: 4. in Ss work individually then in pairs 5. in, on Step 3: Discussion Ss answer the questions as a class Step 4: Conclusion Check and confirm the correct answers 4. PRODUCTION (11) a. Goal: Ss use rising and falling intonation for Y/N and Wh-questions. b. Content: Listen, recognize and practice Y/N and Wh-questions. c. Expected result: appropriately use rising and falling intonation for Y/N and Whquestions in different contexts. d. Performance:____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task II. Pronunciation * Rising and falling intonation fo r questions Rising and falling intonation fo r - Write two questions on the board: one Yes / No questions question and one Wh- question. - Tell ss to say the questions aloud and ask them to notice how the two questions are said in different ways. Tell ss to find out the rules in Look out box. - Ask ss to give some questions and have more practice Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work individually Step 3: Discussion Ss can ask T for more detail in case they stil have question for Conjucntions Step 4: Conclusion T makes sure that Ss can have a grasp of conjunction Ex4. Listen and tick the EX4: Listen and tick the correct box correct box Step 1: Transfering the learning task Key: T asks ss to listen and tick the correct box 1. falling 2. Rising 3. Falling 4. rising Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work individually Step 3: Discussion Ss answer the questions as a class Step 4: Conclusion Teacher monitors and gets feedback Ex 5. Now repeat the questions Step 1: Transfering the learning task

- Have ss practise saying the questions individually then as a class Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work individually Step 3: Discussion Ss answer the questions as a class Step 4: Conclusion Check and confirm the correct answers Ex 6. Practise these questions. Do they have rising or falling intonation? Then listen and repeat Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Ask ss to practise saying the questions individually and decide if they are spoken with rising or falling voices. Do not give the key at this point. -Play the recording for ss to check their answers then confirm their correct answers Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work individually Step 3: Discussion Ss answer the questions as a class Step 4: Conclusion Confirm their correct answers Ex 7. In pairs, ask and answer the questions in

6 Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ss work in pairs and ask and answer the question in 6. Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work in pairs and complete the exercise 7 Step 3: Discussion Ss answer the questions as a class Step 4: Conclusion Check and confirm the correct answers____________________ ♦HOM EW ORK Ask Ss to: - learn by heart all the new words and practice listening again. - do A 1,2,3 (workbook)/ p36 - get A closer look 2 ready Week: Period: 89

P lanning: Teaching: UNIT 11 (Cont) LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to: - use Will for future prediction and possessive pronouns - use the lexical items related to the future means of transport and movement. - have a good deed towards English. - Ss competence development: the future means of transport.

2. Competence: - Develop communicative competence ( speaking and writing skills), cooperation compentence, practice and thinking skills.

3. Quality: - Have a good deed towards English

II. TEACHING AIDS. T: pc, projector Ss: textbook, workbook

III. PROCEDURE. 1. WARM UP. ( ’) Organization: a. b. c. d.

Goal: Lead into objective of the lesson: will + V, possessive pronouns. Content: answer the questions about future and possession. Expected result: Ss can recognize the use of future and possessive pronouns. Performance:__________________________________ ____________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Set up the situation to lead into the lesson: ♦Chatting T- Ss exchange: T: How do you go to school every day? Ss: I go to school by (by bike). T: What color is your bike? Ss: My bike/ It is red/ T: M ine is white. And how will you travel when you are 25? Ss: I w i l l .......... Lead into the objectives of the lesson: to use will for future prediction and use possessive pronouns. 2. PRESENTATION. a. Goal: Ss can give out the form of future simple, use possessive pronouns. b. Content: Listen to the sample dialogue and give out the form of future simple, show how to use possessive pronouns through examples. c. Expected result: Ss can give out the form of future simple, know how to use possessive pronouns in the right way. d. Performance:______________________ ___________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS W ill for future predition I. W ill for future predition Step 1: Transfering the learning task Key: We often use will to make a 1. Remind Ss o f Phuc, Veronica, and prediction about the future. Mai and the group’s project in Getting | Prediction

Stated. Ask Ss if they are talking about (+) S + will + V the past, the prensent, or the future. ( - ) S + will not (w on’t) + V - For more able class, elicit from Ss ( ? ) Will + S + V? more information about what the group discuss. II. Possessive pronouns - Ask Ss to cover the text to listen - This is your pen. ‘your’ is a possessive carefully to pick up any adjective and it is put before the noun. phrases/sentences that contain will. - This pen is yours, ‘yours’ is a possessive 2. Possessive pronouns pronouns and stands alone. - Go through the example with Ss. Demonstrate that the two sentences Instead of saying: This pen is your pen have the same meaning. (which sounds repetitive), we say This pen Highlight the changes in the possessive is yours. in the two sentences. Instead of saying: This hike is my hike, not - Explain that we use possessive his hike, we say This hike is mine, not his. pronouns to avoid repetitive information. - Draw Ss’ attention to the table in book Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work individually Step 3: Discussion T ask Ss to read in chorus Ss can ask T for more detail in case they stil have question for Conjucntions Step 4: Conclusion T makes sure that Ss can have a grasp of conjunction_______________________ 3. PRACTICE. a. G oal: Ss use the simple future and possessive pronouns correctly in different contexts. h. Content: Ss practice doing exercises in simple future, possessive pronouns c. Expected result: use the simple future and possessive pronouns correctly through given exercises d. Performance:_________________________ ___________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 2. Rearrange the words to make Ex2: Key: sentences. Step 1: Transfering the learning task 1. People won't use flying cars until the - Explain how to do the exercise year 2050 - Ask ss to do exercise 2 individually 2. Do you think the fuel price will Step 2: Performing the task: increase next month? SS: work in pairs and compare their 3. The mail won't arrive until next week answers with their partners 4 . 1 don't think he will take the new Step 3: Discussion possition

Ss write the answers on the board Step 4: Conclusion Correct the answers with class Ex3: M inh Due is asking a fortune­ teller about his future. Complete the sentences with the correct form of will Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Explain how to do the exercise - Ask ss to complete the sentences with the correct form of will Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work in pairs to complete the ex Step 3: Discussion Call some pairs to practise the dialogue Call on other ss to correct Step 4: Conclusion - Teacher monitors and gets feedback

5. We will use solar energy in the future Ex3: Key: 1. Will I be 2. will be 3. Will I be 4. will be 5. Will I be 6. won't be 7. will travel Ex 4: Key: 1. This com puter is theirs 2. The black bike is mine 3. These shoes are his 4. The cat is V eronica’s 5. The picture is ours

Ex 4: Complete the sentences with possessive pronouns. Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Explain how to do the exercise - Ask ss to complete the sentences with possessive pronouns. Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work in pairs to complete the ex Step 3: Discussion T: calls some students to read their sentences. Call on other ss to correct Step 4: Conclusion - Teacher monitors and gets feedback 4. PRODUCTION (11) a. Goal: Ss adapt the possessive pronouns to new contexts. b. Content: M ake sentences in reality with possessive pronouns c. Expected result: apply the possessive pronouns in different contexts. d. Performance: ♦Game: Now, choose any five things you can see in the classroom. Make sentences about them. - Have ss work in groups of 4 or 5 ss. Each group mem ber writes 5 sentences individually, then the group get together to see how many sentences they have. The group that has the most correct sentences wins. ♦HOM EW ORK Ask Ss to: - learn by heart form and use o f simple future, possessive pronouns. - do B5,6 (workbook)

- get communication ready P lanning: Teaching:

W eek: Period: 90 UNIT 11 (Cont) LESSON 4: COM M UNICATION

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to: - use the lexical items related to the topic ' means of transport in the future’. - talk about the transport problems in a city and work out solutions to them. 2. Competence: - Develop communicative competence ( speaking and writing skills), cooperation compentence, practice and thinking skills. 3. Quality: - Have a good deed towards using means o f transport and movement, raise people’s awareness of protecting our environment. H. TEACHING AIDS. T: pc, projector Ss: textbook, workbook HI. PROCEDURE. I. W ARM UP. ( ’) Organization: a. Goal: Ss recognize some common transport problems. b. Content: making a list o f transport problems. c. Expected result: Ss can recognize transport problems through pictures given. d. Performance:__________________________________ ____________________________

TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES ♦Discussion Ex 1. - T brings some photos about transport problems:

CONTENTS * Discussion

traffic jam s, road accidents, pollution from means of tran sp o rt... and discusses them with the class - Ask ss to work with their partner to discuss about the problems with transport and make a list. - call on some ss to share their list with the class.

2. PRESENTATION. a. Goal: Ss can recognize transport problems in a big city and know some vocabulary. b. Content: recognize transport problems through reading c. Expected result: Ss can give out transport problems in Wonderland. d. Performance:



I. Vocabulary I. Vocabulary (n) Step 1: Transfering the learning task metro - Teacher use different techniques to skytrain (n) teach vocab (situation, realia) gridlocked (adj) - Follow the seven steps of teaching face (v): vocab. solution (n): Step 2: Perform ing the task: - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front o f class Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them * Checking: What and where II. Reading II. Reading (20') Ex 2: Ex 2: N ow read this case study about Key: - biggest city without a metro or skytrain transport problem s in Wonderland. - The city is getting gridlocked U nderline all the problem s yo u can fin d - There are too many cars and more cars Step 1: Transfering the learning task are coming. Ask ss to read the two texts - serious pollution individually and underline the - fewer buses problems mentioned - It takes too long to drive in the city Ask if they have similar problems where they live. If time allows, ask Ss to suggest solutions to these problems. Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work in pairs and compare their answers with each other Step 3: Discussion As a class, elicit their answers on the board. Call on other ss to correct Step 4: Conclusion • Teacher monitors and gets feedback 3. PRACTICE. a. Goal: Ss can give solutions to transport problems b. Content: Ss think of a future means of tranport that will help people in Wonderland c. Expected result: talking about a future means o f tranport that will help minimize transport problems in a big city. d. Performance:____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' CONTENTS ACTIVITIES

Ex 3. In groups, think of a future Ex3: means of tranport that will help What kind o f energy will it use? people in W onderland. Brainstorm your ideas below Step 1: Transfering the learning task Have ss work in groups of 4 or 5 ss and give them posters to design a future means of transport that will help people in wonderland, using the promt web provided. Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work in groups Step 3: Discussion Ss present before the class Step 4: Conclusion T and other SS congratulate and What W here can give points_____________________ technology will 4. PRODUCTION (11) a. Goal: Ss find the best solutions to ransport problems. b. Content: Evaluating future means of transport through presenting solutions to the class c. Expected result: Ss find the best solutions to transport problems. d. Performance: TEACHER S & S S ’ CONTENTS ACTIVITIES Ex 4. Present y o u r solutions to the Group Interesting Does it Favourite class. A s yo u listen to other name ideas? (1answer part? ( groups, write y o u r com m ents in the make a 5) the table below problem? note) Step 1: Transfering the learning (1-5) task Ask each group present their solutions while others listen and write the comments (give evaluation, 5 is the highest score and 1 is the lowest score) Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work in groups Step 3: Discussion Ss present before the class Step 4: Conclusion After all groups have presented, T collects the evaluation and adds up the scores to find out the best presentation._____________________

♦HOM EW ORK Ask Ss to: - learn by heart all the new words. - do E l (workbook) - get Skills 1 ready W eek: P lanning:

Period 91 Teaching: UNIT 11 (Cont) LESSON 5: SKILLS 1

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to: - read for specific information about the inventions o f future means of transport - use the lexical items related to the topic ' means of transport in the future’. - give facts & opinions about means of transport.

2. Competence: - Develop comm unicative competence (speaking and reading skills), cooperation compentence, and thinking skills.

3. Quality: - Have a good deed towards giving facts & opinions.

II. TEACHING AIDS. T: pc, projector Ss: textbook, workbook

III. PROCEDURE. 1. WARM UP. ( ’) Organization: a. b. c. d.

Goal: Ss review some common means of transport Content: making a list o f means of transport. Expected result: Ss can name means of transport. Performance:_______________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS ♦Brainstorming: means of transport means o f transport: tram, metro - Divide class into 2 teams - Ask one member (from 2 teams) at a time to go to the board and write. The teams with most correct means of transport wins the game. 2. PRESENTATION - Reading a. Goal: Leading into the topic of the lesson: inventions of future means of transport b. Content: answer the questions about means o f transport through pictures c. Expected result: talk about strange means of transport through pictures. d. Performance:____________________ TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS

♦Chatting Step 1: Transfering the learning Suggested answers: task These are all personal o f transport. One - Ask them some questions: person can travel on them. They are all used ? How does each person travel? for ground transport. People control them by ? What is the connection between using handle bars. them ? - Ask ss to look at the pictures and describe what they see. - Help ss to find out the connection between the pictures by asking questions such as: H ow many people can travel on them? Where are these vehicles used? How can these people control the vehicles? - Do not give the names o f the vehicles at this point. Step 2: Perform ing the task: SS: work individually, describe picture Step 3: Discussion Ss answer the questions as a class Step 4: Conclusion Teacher gets feedback_______________ 3. PRACTICE (W hile - reading) a. Goal: Ss get some more vocabulary, read for specific information about the inventions of future means of transport. b. Content: read a text and guess the meaning of new words, then do the comprehension question c. Expected result: Ss can know some vocabulary through contexts, answer the given questions about the reading. d. Performance:______________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX 2. Read the text below and find I. Reading the names o f the transport inventions. EX 2. Hover scooter Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ask Ss to read the text and try to Monowheel identify which picture is a hover scooter, Segway a monowheel, and a segway. Ask Ss to explain their decisions. Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work in groups Step 3: Discussion Ss present before the class Step 4: Conclusion T gives checks the students' answers EX 3.

- Remind Ss of the difference between a fact and an opinion that they have learnt in Getting Satrted. Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in pairs to complete the task Step 3: Discussion One student answers and other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion T gives checks the students' answers EX 6. Talk about the transport below Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ss work in pair to prepare their presentation about the vehicle. Remind them to use statements about both facts and opinions. Ss can add their own ideas where possible. Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in pairs to complete the task Step 3: Discussion Call on some pairs to present it to the class. Step 4: Conclusion T gives checks the students' answers ♦HOMEW ORK: Ask Ss to: - learn by heart all the new words. - do C 1, D2 (workbook) - get Skills 2 ready

Week: Planning:

6. Talk about the transport below Fact File Name: Sinclair C5 Description: Three wheels; small; electrical power Why flopped: bad in rain/ cold weather; slow; not safe.

Period 92 Teaching: UNIT 11 (Cont) LESSON 6: SKILLS 2

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to: - listen to get specific information about means o f transport, write a paragraph about a future means of transport - use the lexical items related to the topic ' means of transport in the future’. 2. Competence:

- Remind Ss of the difference between a fact and an opinion that they have learnt in Getting Satrted. Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in pairs to complete the task Step 3: Discussion One student answers and other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion T gives checks the students' answers EX 6. Talk about the transport below Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ss work in pair to prepare their presentation about the vehicle. Remind them to use statements about both facts and opinions. Ss can add their own ideas where possible. Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in pairs to complete the task Step 3: Discussion Call on some pairs to present it to the class. Step 4: Conclusion T gives checks the students' answers ♦HOMEW ORK: Ask Ss to: - learn by heart all the new words. - do C 1, D2 (workbook) - get Skills 2 ready

Week: Planning:

6. Talk about the transport below Fact File Name: Sinclair C5 Description: Three wheels; small; electrical power Why flopped: bad in rain/ cold weather; slow; not safe.

Period 92 Teaching: UNIT 11 (Cont) LESSON 6: SKILLS 2

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: By the end o f the lesson, Ss will be able to: - listen to get specific information about means o f transport, write a paragraph about a future means of transport - use the lexical items related to the topic ' means of transport in the future'. 2. Competence:

class and write their guesses on the board

Step 4: Conclusion T gives checks the students’ answers 3. PRACTICE: While - listening ( 20’) a. Goal: Ss listen to get specific information about means o f transport. b. Content: Ss listen and identify correct answers, answer the comprehension questions, and identify the benefits o f a vehicle mentioned in the recording. c. Expected result: talk about means of transport through listening comprehension. d. Performance:_____________________ ______________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX2: Now listen and check your 1. Listening answers 2. Now listen and check your answers. 1. can Step 1: Transfering the learning 2. doesn’t 3. easy task - Play the recording and ask ss to 4. can’t check their answers in (1) 5. is Step 2: Performing the task: Ss listen and check Step 3: Discussion Call on some pairs to present it to the class and write their guesses on the board Step 4: Conclusion EX 3. Listen again and answer the T gives checks the students' answers following questions. 1. The vehicle is called TF-X EX 3. Listen and answer the questions 2. It can travel at 300 kph. Step 1: Transfering the learning 3. It was designed in 2013. task - Plays the recording again. 4. Tick the benefits o f this vehicle that are Step 2: Performing the task: mentioned in the recording. Ss work individually to answer the 1. It can avoid traffic.^ questions and compare the answers 2. It can avoid bad weather.( not mention) with their partners. 3. It travels fast. S Step 3: Discussion 4. You can invite three of your relatives or T calls one student to show the friends to travel with you on this vehicle at answer the same time. ( the car has 4 seats) Step 4: Conclusion 5. Learning to drive it is simple. S Get feedback and correct 4. Tick the benefits of this vehicle that are mentioned Step 1: Transfering the learning task T explains the requirement to the

class and write their guesses on the board

Step 4: Conclusion T gives checks the students’ answers 3. PRACTICE: While - listening ( 20’) a. Goal: Ss listen to get specific information about means o f transport. b. Content: Ss listen and identify correct answers, answer the comprehension questions, and identify the benefits o f a vehicle mentioned in the recording. c. Expected result: talk about means of transport through listening comprehension. d. Performance:_____________________ ______________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS EX2: Now listen and check your 1. Listening answers 2. Now listen and check your answers. 1. can Step 1: Transfering the learning 2. doesn’t 3. easy task - Play the recording and ask ss to 4. can’t check their answers in (1) 5. is Step 2: Performing the task: Ss listen and check Step 3: Discussion Call on some pairs to present it to the class and write their guesses on the board Step 4: Conclusion EX 3. Listen again and answer the T gives checks the students' answers following questions. 1. The vehicle is called TF-X EX 3. Listen and answer the questions 2. It can travel at 300 kph. Step 1: Transfering the learning 3. It was designed in 2013. task - Plays the recording again. 4. Tick the benefits o f this vehicle that are Step 2: Performing the task: mentioned in the recording. Ss work individually to answer the 1. It can avoid traffic.^ questions and compare the answers 2. It can avoid bad weather.( not mention) with their partners. 3. It travels fast. S Step 3: Discussion 4. You can invite three of your relatives or T calls one student to show the friends to travel with you on this vehicle at answer the same time. ( the car has 4 seats) Step 4: Conclusion 5. Learning to drive it is simple. S Get feedback and correct 4. Tick the benefits of this vehicle that are mentioned Step 1: Transfering the learning task T explains the requirement to the

class Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in pairs to do the task. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion Give corrective feedback and play the recording again if necessary 4. W RITING (1 5 ) a. Goal: Ss can write a paragraph about a future means o f transport b. Content: writing a paragraph about a future means of transport based on given suggestions. c. Expected result: Ss can know how to write a paragraph about a future means of transport including facts and opinions. d. Performance:___________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENT Step 1: Transfering the learning II. W riting task EX 5. W rite a short paragraph about a - Refer to 4. above and the text in future m eans o f transport. Include both Reading to support Ss in this task. facts and opinions about the vehicle. - Ss write their paragraph individually - name of mean of transport. based on the suggestions in the book. - how it looks Step 2: Perform ing the task: - how its functions. Ss swap their writing with each other - what you think about it. and identify facts and opinions. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to give their own feedback about their friend’s writing (including mistake correction and what they agree or disagree with their friend’s ideas.) Step 4: Conclusion Give corrective feedback and play the recording again if necessary ♦HOMEW ORK: ( 1’) Ask Ss to: - rewrite the paragraph again after correction in class. - do D l, E l (workbook) - get Looking back and project 2 ready Period 93


LESSON 7: LOOKING BACK & PROJECT Time: 45 minutes I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: After the lesson, students will be able: -Review all vocabulary and gram mar by doing some exercises. - complete the table and write a description o f the means of transport using W ILL/ W O N ’T. - do the matching then practice. Talking about their own future transportation. 2. Competence: To develop self- studying skill, communicating and co-operating skills, problem ­ solving and creating skills. 3. Qualities: To educate mercifulness, patriotism, studiousness, honesty and responsibility. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Students: Materials: book, board.. - Teacher: E quipm ent: laptop, projector. II. PROCEDURE: 1. W ARM - UP: * Chatting: a.Goal: To wake the student up and encourage them to start the new lesson b.Content: talk about means of transport - vocabulary c.Expected result: Almost all the students can talk in front o f class about means of transport d. Performance: - Ask Ss to talk about their future means of transport. Example: In the future, I will have a flying car. - Lead to the new lesson. 2. PRACTICE: Vocabulary -G ram m ar - Communication a.Goal: To help SS to revise vocabulary, To help SS to revise gamm ar by complete the exercises, To help SS practice their speaking skill b.Content: vocabulary revision, complete the exercises, practice speaking skill. c.Expected result: Almost all the students can do this task well, Almost all the students can complete the exercises. d. Performance:

T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES E x l: Use the clues in the two pictures to form a phrase. Step 1: Transfering the learning task

CONTENTS EX 1. Use the clues in the tw o pictures to form a phrase. taxi - Explain the requirement o f the task to c. driverless plane SS d. space car Have Ss work individually to combine e. underwater bus. the pictures together to form a phrase

Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss work individually to complete the task.

Step 3: Discussion - T calls two Ss to write on the board. - Other SS give their answers orally. Step 4: Conclusion - T corrects and gives the remarks. Ex 2: Complete this table. Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Explain the requirement of the task to 2. Complete this table. Transpor possibilities in the uture. SS Verb Energy Characteristi Step 2: Performing the task: Ss first work individually, then work in used cs groups to fill the table. bicycle Ride, WindAutomated, Step 3: Discussion pedal powered high-speed - T calls two Ss to write the answers on car drive WaterFlying, the board powered driverless - Other SS give their answers orally. Step 4: Conclusion train drive SolarUnderwater, - T corrects and gives the remarks. powerd supersonic airplan e

Fly, drive



Ex 3: Change the personal pronouns in 3. Change the personal pronouns in brackets brackets into suitable possessive into suitable possessive pronouns. l.m ine 2. yours pronouns. Step 1: Transfering the learning task 3.theirs 4. Hers - Explain the requirement of the task to SS Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss work individually to complete the task. Step 3: Discussion - T calls two Ss to write on the board. - Other SS give their answers orally. Step 4: Conclusion - T corrects and gives the remarks. Ex 4: 4. Look at the information about skycycling Step 1: Transfering the learning task tubes. Then write a description o f this means - Explain the requirement of the task to o f transport using will and won 7. SS Skycycling tubes will be easy to drive.... Step 2: Performing the task: 5.Complete the dialogues using will (+) or Ss write the text and swap with each w on’t (-). other for peer comments. 1. (I don’t know).Perhaps we w on’t travel in Step 3: Discussion driveless cars in the future. Ss demonstrate before the class 2. Will we have high speed trains in the next Step 4: Conclusion five years? - T corrects and gives the remarks.______ Yes, maybe we will________________________

3. I think we will have electric taxis very soon. Oh, I think we w on’t have them until the year EX 5. 2030. Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Explain the requirement of the task to 5. M atch the sentences in A with those in B. SS 1- c; 2- e; 3- b; 4- a; 5- d Step 2: Performing the task: Ss work individually then compare their answers with each other. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion ■T corrects and gives the remarks.______ 4. PRODUCTION - Project a.Goal: To help SS do their project by designing a presentation about their future transport. b.Content: do their project by designing a presentation about their future transport. c. Expected result: Almost all the students can do this task well. d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIV ITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task T asks Ss to work in groups of 4 or 5. Ss In group, brainstorm ideas fo r yo u r write their ideas for their future means fu tu r e m eans o f transport. T hink about of transport, using the guided questions the follow ing: (Encourage Ss to draw pictures or use - Where does it travel? Does it fly, videos to illustrate their ideas. They may float, drive or something else? use posters or prepare a presentation - How does it travel? Do you padel it? using computer if possible.) O r is it electric? Is it solar- powered Step 2: Performing the task: or wind- powered? Ss work in groups of 4 or 5.Ss write - Who drives it?is it driverless? their ideas for their future means of - What does it look like? transport, using the guided questions What are its benefits? Step 3: Discussion T asks The representative o f each group to talk about their future means of transport. Step 4: Conclusion T remarks results of the learning task. * HOM EW ORK: - Redo all the exercises above and do exercises in the workbook. - Prepare: Revision Period 94


REVIEW I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson student con complete exercise about possessive pronouns and the future continuous, the future simple passive. 2. Competence: To develop self- studying skill, communicating and co-operating skills, problem- solving and creating skills. 3. Qualities:To educate mercifulness, patriotism, studiousness, honesty and responsibility.

II. Teaching aids - Teacher: book, lesson plan. - Student: notebook, book.

III. Procedure: 1. WARM UP Play game: “who speak first quickly’'’ a.Goal: help students get in the mood for class, to "wake them up," make them happy to be there, or to set the tone for what will follow b.Content: play game about contents relate to this lesson c.Expected result: getting students felexcited before new lesson.



- Teacher show topic “ form o f the future simple tense”, “ future continuous tense” - Who raise the hand first and answer exactly is winner.

2. PRACTISE 2.1 The future continuous Possessive pronouns a.Goal: review the form and the usage of the future continuous tense b.Content: do the exercises c.Expected result: student can complete the exercises d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES M AIN CONTENTS 1. They are staying at the hotel in London. Step 1: Transfering the learning task T ask a student speak louder in front of At this time tomorrow, they (travel) in class the form and usage o f the future Vietnam. continuous A. will be travelling Step 2: Performing the task: B. will travel Ss answer the questions C. travel Step 3: Discussion 2. When they (come) tomorrow, we (swim) T asks some Ss to give their answers on in the sea. the board A. come-will swimming Step 4: Conclusion B. come -w ill be swimming Teacher gives comments and ask student C. came - will be swimming complete the exercise 3. My parents (visit) Europe at this time next week A. will be visiting B. will visit C. will be visited 4. Daisy (sit) on the plane at 9 am

tomorrow. A. will sit B. sit C. will be sitting 5. At 8 o ’clock this evening my friends and I (watch) a famous film at the cinema. A. will be watching B. will watch C. will be watched 6. She (play) with her son at 7 o ’clock tonight. A. will play B. will be playing C. plays 7. He (work) at this moment tomorrow. A. will work B. will be working C. works 8. They (make) their presentation at this time tomorrow morning. A. W ill be making B. Will make C. make 2.2 The future sim ple passive a.Goal: review the form and the usage o f the future simple passive b.Content: do the exercises c.Expected result: student can complete the exercises d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES M AIN CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task 1. Convert to passive sentences - T ask a student speak louder in front 1 .1 can buy this house. o f class the form and usage o f the 2. Sam ought to clean his room. future simple passive 3. We will shut the door. 4. Nina shall call you as soon as she Step 2: Performing the task: - Students do the task, answer the arrives. questions 5. Sam can bring it back this morning. Step 3: Discussion Expected answer. T asks some Ss to give their answers on 1. This house can be bought the board 2. S am ’s room ought to be cleaned Step 4: Conclusion 3. The door will be shut by us Teacher checks it 4. You shall be called by Nina as soon as Teacher gives comments and ask student she arrives complete the exercise 5. It can be brought back by Sam this morning 3. PRACTICE Possessive pronouns

a.Goal: review the possessive pronouns b.Content: do the exercises c.Expected result: student can complete the exercises d. Performance: T AND SS’ A C T IV IT IE S M A IN C O N T EN T S Step 1: T ra n sfe rin g the learn in g task II. Choose the rig h t an sw er (possessive T ask a student speak louder in front of adjective o r possessive p ro n o u n ): class the form and usage o f the possessive 1. Jane has already done her work , but pronouns I’m s a v in g ............ until later a. hers b. her c. m ine Step 2: P erfo rm in g the task: 2. She has b ro k e n ............ arm. Students do the task, answer the questions Step 3: D iscussion a. hers b. h e r c. his T asks some Ss to give their answers on 3. My car needs to be fixed, but the board is working. Step 4: C onclusion a. mine b. his c. our Teacher checks it 4. (1 )............ computer is a laptop, but - Teacher gives comments and ask (2 )............ is a desktop. student complete the exercise (1 )a. hers b. her c. my (2)a. you b. your c. yours 5. We gave them (1 )............ ID number, and they gave us (2 )................ (1)a. ours b. mine c. o u r (2)a. their b. th eirs c. ours 6. (1 )............ pen is broken. Can I borrow (2 )............ ? (1)a. Mine b. M y c. Yours (2)a. your b. y o u rs c. him 7. (1 )............ motorbike is cheap, but (2 )............ is expensive . (1)a. Ours b. O u r c. Your (2)a. you b. your c. y ours 8. You can’t have any fruit! It’s all \ a. m ine

b. my

c. ours

♦HOM EW ORK: - Do the exercise again - Learn by heart the form and the usage the above knowledge - Prepare next lesson: Unit 12: Getting started Period 95


I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: - By the end o f the lesson, Ss can

+ use lexical items related to use the lexical items related to the topic of an overcrowded world. + read the conversation and answer the questions. + listen and read the conversation. + practice giving opinions 2. Competence: To develop self- studying skill, communicating and co-operating skills, problem ­ solving and creating skills. 3. Qualities: To educate mercifulness, patriotism, studiousness, honesty and responsibility. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Students: Materials: book, board.. - Teacher: E quipm ent: laptop, projector. II.PROCEDURE: 1. W ARM UP * Play game: Language game a.Goal: To lead to the new lesson b.Content: Language game c.Expected result: Almost all the students can take part in and do this task well. d. Performance: W rite the word ‘population’ on the board. Make sure Ss know the meaning o f this word by either giving the equivalent Vietnamese word or writing: There are 5 million people in Ha Noi. —>Ha Noi has a population o f 5 million. Ask Ss if they know the population of any area in the country or in the world. Once the Ss have done it, add the prefix “over” and elicit the meaning o f this newlyformed word from Ss. - Teaching vocabulary a.Goal: Ss know how to read new words, identify their meanings and use them to make sentences and know what they are going to listen and read b. Content: new words c. Expected result: Almost all the students know new words and what they are going to listen. d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES M AIN CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task I.Vocabulary - Explain the requirement of the task to Overcrowded (adj): đông nghịt O verpopulation (n): dân số quá đông SS Step 2: Performing the task: Slum (n): Khu nhà ồ chuột - T: elecits new words from ss -> writes Peaceful (adj): thanh bình new words on the board. Crime (n): tội phạm - SS: listen and repeat in individual first Commit crime: phạm tội then the whole class. Healthcare (n): chăm sóc sức khỏe W ealthy (adj): giàu có Step 3: Discussion D iverse (adj): đa dạng, khác Call 3- 4 SS to read the words again. Checking: rub out and remember. Law ful (adj): hợp pháp, đúng pháp luật >

Step 4: Conclusion - T corrects and gives the remarks.

< Unlawful Spacious (adj): rộng rãi II. M odel sentences: Eg: People will own driverless cars in the future. Will + V: for future prediction.

Step 1: Transfering the learning task T give examples the ask SS to make their own. Step 2: Performing the task: SS: listen carefully Step 3: Discussion Ss can ask T for more detail in case they stil have question for Conjucntions Step 4: Conclusion T makes sure that Ss can have a grasp of conjunction 3. PRACTICE a.Goal: To help SS to understand the conversation among Mai, Phuc and Veronica and do the tasks. b.Content: the conversation among Mai, Phuc and Veronica c.Expected result: Almost all the students can understand the conversation and complete the exercises. d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES M AIN CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task II. Practice l.a Ss work independently. Ask them to Activity la 2. T 3. F read the sentences and decide if they are l . T 5. F true or false. Ss compare answers with a 4. T partner. Have Ss correct the false sentences. T writes the correct answers on the board. 1. b. Ask Ss to read the explanations in the exercise and try to find the words without Activity lb checking the text. Then ask Ss to refer to 1. deverse 2. wealthy 5. crime the dialogue again for the correct words. 3. major 4. slums Correct the answers as a class. Step 2: Perform ing the task: - Ss work individually to complete the task. Step 3: Discussion - T calls two Ss to write on the board. EX 2 - Other SS give their answers orally. l.a 2. c 3. b Step 4: Conclusion 4. e 5. d - T corrects and gives the remarks. Ex 2. Step 1: Transfering the learning task M ake sure Ss know the meaning of the words in the box. Then Ss work

independently to label the pictures Play the recording and have Ss repeat the words. Step 2: Perform ing the task: - Ss work individually and compare their answers with a partner. Step 3: Discussion - T calls two Ss to write on the board. - Other SS give their answers orally. Step 4: Conclusion T gives correction if necessary. 4. PRODUCTION a.Goal: Help Ss develop their speaking skill. b.Content: develop speaking skill c.Expected result: Almost all the students can do this task well. d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES M AIN CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task III. Further practice EX3+EX4: Ex 3. T asks Ss to work in group to make a list Ss complete the exercise of the problems which are connected to an Example: I visit m y native village everyi overcrowded area. year. I love the peaceful atmostphere there. T may help write the problems on the E x .4 board. Ask the class if they agree or not. Example: There is not enough space to Encourage them to give an explanation to play in. their answers. Then move on to the next group and do the same. Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work in group to make a list of the problems which are connected to an overcrowded area. Step 3: Discussion T asks some representative pairs to talk in front of the class . Step 4: Conclusion T remarks results of the learning task ♦HOM EW ORK: - Learn new words by heart. - Read the conversation again. - Do exercises: B1-B2 (w orkbook)* Translate the conversation in Getting started into Vietnamese. - Prepare: UNIT 12: A closer look 1/ textbook. Period 96


LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOO K 1 SUBJECT: ENGLISH 7 Time:45 minutes I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: - By the end o f the lesson, Ss can + use lexical items related to use the lexical items related to the topic of an overcrowded world and mark stress on words 2. Competence: To develop self- studying skill, communicating and co-operating skills, problem ­ solving and creating skills. 3. Qualities: To educate mercifulness, patriotism, studiousness, honesty and responsibility. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Students: Materials: book, board.. - Teacher: E quipm ent: laptop, projector. II. PROCEDURE: 1. W ARM UP * Chatting: a.Goal: To lead to the new lesson b.Content: some problems as a result of overpopulation c.Expected result: Almost all the students can take part in and do this task well. d. Performance: Ask Ss if they can remember any new words they learn in Getting Started. Categorize them as positive (peaceful, w ealthy...) and negative (poor, slum s...). Move on to this lesson which focuses on some problems as a result of overpopulation 2. PRESENTATION (Teaching vocabulary ) a. Goal: Ss know how to read new words, identify their meanings and use them to make sentences and know what they are going to listen and read. b. Content: new words c. Expected result: Almost all the students know new words and what they are going to listen d. Performance:

T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES Step 1: Transfering the learning task


- Explain the requirement of the task to SS

Step 2: Performing the task: Dense (adj): dày đặc, đông đúc - T: elecits new words from ss -> writes shortage (n): sự thiếu hụt new words on the board. nutrition (n): dinh dirờng - SS: listen and repeat in individual first m alnutrition (n): suy dinh duờng then the whole class. spread (v): lan tràn, phát tán Step 3: Discussion Call 3- 4 SS to read the words again. Checking: rub out and remember.

Step 4: Conclusion - T corrects and gives the remarks.

3. PRACTISE a.Goal: To help SS to do exercises b.Content: doing the exercises c.Expected result: Almost all the students can do this task well. d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIV ITIES M AIN CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task II. Practice - Explain the requirement of the task to SS E xl 1. crime 2. malnutrition Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss work individually to complete the 3. poverty 4. shortage task. 5. disease 6. space 7. dense 8. healthcare Step 3: Discussion - T calls two Ss to write on the board. - Other SS give their answers orally. Step 4: Conclusion - T corrects and gives the remarks. Ex 2: Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ex 2 - Explain the requirement of the task to 1. healthcare 2. crime SS 3. Diseae 4. Malnutrition - Encourage Ss to explain why they 5. poverty choose that word for the sentence. Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss work individually to complete the task. Step 3: Discussion - T calls two Ss to write on the board. - Other SS give their answers orally. Step 4: Conclusion - T corrects and gives the remarks. Ex 3: Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Explain the requirement of the task to SS Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss work individually to complete the task. Step 3: Discussion - T calls two Ss to write on the board. - Other SS give their answers orally. Step 4: Conclusion - T corrects and gives the remarks. Ex 4: Step 1: Transfering the learning task

Ex 3 Eg: He fast



2. a

Ex 4. a.Lack

a. He had an accident. V b. He felt hungry.

3. f

4. d

5. c





- Explain the requirement of the task to SS Step 2: Performing the task: In groups, Ss discuss to fine out which problems each place may have. Step 3: Discussion Then the whole class look at the problems and discuss for agreement/disagreement Step 4: Conclusion - T corrects and gives the remarks

opportunities for employment, not enough services. b.Poverty, slums, disease, pollution, unempoyment, poor healthcare. c. Noise/ air pollution, crime, overcrowded, shortage of accommodation.

4. PRODUCTION (Pronunciation ) a.Goal: Help Ss develop their speaking skill. b.Content: develop speaking skill. c.Expected result: Almost all the students can do this task well. d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIV IT IE S M AIN CONTENTS III. Further practice EX5: Step 1: Transfering the learning task Ex 5 Write two pair of the w ord’supply’ and s ’pacious P ollution ‘poverty ‘question’ on the board, denoting one is ‘stressful ‘hungry N u’trition a verb and one is a noun. In’crease S u’pport ‘violence Ask other Ss to listen and see if they (v) can find the difference in pronunciation ‘shortage D i’sease ‘healthcare of the two words. Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss: listen to complete the exercise Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion Ex 6 - T corrects and gives the remarks As a Ex 6: noun Step 1: Transfering the learning task ‘record T asks Ss to work in group to make a list of the problems which are connected ‘picture to an overcrowded area. ‘answer Step 2: Performing the task: Ss work in group to make a list of the p a’rade problems which are connected to an overcrowded area. S u’pport Step 3: Discussion T asks some representative pairs to talk in front o f the class . Step 4: Conclusion___________________

As a verb ‘record ‘picture ‘answer pa’rade S u’pport

T remarks results of the learning task _____________________________________ * HOM EW ORK: - Learn new words by heart. - Read the conversation again. - Do exercises: - Prepare: UNIT 12: A closer look 2/ textbook. Period 97

Teaching: UNIT 12: AN OVERCRO W DED W ORLD LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOO K 2 Time: 45 minutes

I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: - By the end o f the lesson, Ss can know how to use comparisons o f quantifiers and tag questions; use less, more, fe w e r in the right ways 2. Competence: To develop self- studying skill, communicating and co-operating skills, problem ­ solving and creating skills. 3. Qualities: To educate mercifulness, patriotism, studiousness, honesty and responsibility. - Students: Materials: book, board.. - Teacher: E quipm ent: laptop, projector. II. PROCEDURE-: 1. W ARM UP * Play game: a. Goal: To lead to the new lesson b. Content: + words o f quantifiers (many,a little...) + countable and uncountable nouns. + imperatives with “more”, “less”, and “fewer”. c. Expected result: Almost all the students can do this task well. d. Performance: - Explain the requirement of the task to SS - Remind Ss of items they learnt in the previous lessons. - Ss ork to complete the task. - SS give their answers orally. - T corrects and gives the remarks. 2.PRESENTATIO N - Teaching gram m ar a.Goal: Ss know how to how to use comparisons o f quantifiers and tag questions b.Content: comparisons of quantifiers c.Expected result: Almost all the students do the task well d. Performance:

T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Explain the requirement of the task to SS

MAIN CONTENTS I- Comparisons of quantifiers. 1. Read the sentences.

Step 2: Performing the task:

- more + Nu/Ns + th an ...

- Ss work individually to complete the - less + Nu + than... task. - fewer + Ns + than.... Step 3: Discussion II- Tag- questions. - T calls two Ss to write on the board. + How can the government improve the - Other SS give their answers orally. life of people in the slums? Step 4: Conclusion + Do you live in an overcrowded place? - T corrects and gives the remarks. + They have moved to the city to look for a job, haven’t they?_______________ 3.PRACTISE a.Goal: : To help SS to practice to use comparisons o f quantifiers and tag questions b.Content: comparisons of quantifiers and tag questions c.Expected result: Almost all the students can do this task well. d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES M AIN CONTENTS II. Practice Ex 1. Step 1: Transfering the learning task 1. Read the sentences. Have Ss read the sentences and the - more + Nu/Ns + th an ... rules in the table. - less + Nu + than... Ask Ss to add more words to the table - fewer + Ns + than.... for each type of comparison. Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss Read the sentences Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the corrects answers E x 2: Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Explain the requirement of the task to SS Step 2: Performing the task: Ss complete the reading independently. Encourage Ss to observe and recognise that both tables include the same kinds of information. Step 3: Discussion - SS give their answers orally. Step 4: Conclusion - T corrects and gives the remarks. Ex 3: Ss complete exercise 3 by referring to the tables. Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Explain the requirement of the task to SS

2. Look at the information fo r the two

cities belowy and compare their data. Eg: In Brumba, there are more people per square kilometre than in Crystal.

3. Read the comparisons o f the two cities, and decide if they are true. I f they are noty correct them. 1. Correct 2. Incorrect. In Brumba, more people live

Step 2: Performing the task: in slums. - Ss work individually to complete the 3. Incorrect. People in Crystal earn more task. per day. Step 3: Discussion 4. Correct. - Other SS give their answers orally 5. Correct. Step 4: Conclusion - T corrects and gives the remarks. Ex 4: 4. Complete the sentences with more, less Step 1: Transfering the learning task or fewer. - Explain the requirement of the task to 1. fewer SS 2. more Step 2: Performing the task: 3. more - Ss work individually to complete the 4. fewer task. 5. less Step 3: Discussion - T calls two Ss to write on the board. - Other SS give their answers orally. Step 4: Conclusion - T corrects and gives the remarks. Ex 5: 5. Check if the tags are correct. I f they Step 1: Transfering the learning task are not, correct them. - Explain the requirement of the task to 1. you? - don’t you? SS 2. Incorrect...aren’t they?- don’t they? Step 2: Performing the task: 3. Correct - Ss do this exercise independently to 4. Correct complete the task. 5. Incorrect...can’t they?- can they? Step 3: Discussion - T calls Ss to write on the board. - Other SS give their answers orally. Step 4: Conclusion T checks and writes the correct tags on the board. 4.PRODU CTION a.Goal: Help Ss have further practice in tag questions b.Content: tag questions c.Expected result: Almost all the students can do this task well. d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIV ITIES M AIN CONTENTS Step 1: Transfering the learning task III. Further practice T asks Ss to work in group to make a list 6. Choose one o f the question tags in of the problems which are connected to the box to complete each blank in the an overcrowded area. interview. Step 2: Performing the task: 1. don’t they Ss work in group to make a list o f the 2. isn’t it? problems which are connected to an 3. can’t we? overcrowded area. 4. is it?

Step 3: Discussion T asks some representative pairs to talk in front o f the class .

Step 4: Conclusion T remarks results of the learning task * HOM EW ORK: - Learn new words by heart. - Read the conversation again. - Do exercises: - Prepare: UNIT 12: Communication Period 98 Teaching UNIT 12: AN OVERCROW DED W ORLD. LESSON 4: COM M UNICATION I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use m ore/less/fewer to make comparison about two areas. - Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the overcrowded places. - Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson. - Grammar: Comparisons o f quantifiers: more, less, fewer. Tag- questions. 2.Competence: - Communicative approach. - Talking about the differences between the two places. 3. Quality - Ss love the subject, have the responsibility for themselves, for community and for the country about population growth. Have civic duty to reduce overpopulation. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. T eacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids. + Equipment: No. 2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks. III.PROCEDURE l.W A R M - UP: *B rainstorm : a. Goal: elicit the causes and effects of over population, from ss h. Content : Ss work in groups and list causes and effects of over population c. Expected result: Ss can list as many causes and effects as possible d. Performance:_____________________ _________________________________________

TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES - Ask ss to work in groups and talking about the causes and effects of over population.


- Then ask ss to go to the board and write - Set the scene then lead to the new lesson



\ p o v e rt^

2. PRESENTATION. a. Goal: introduce new words b. Content: s pronouce new words c. Expected result: ss can understand and use new words d. Performance:_____________________ ______________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS * Teaching some new words: I. New words - densely populated (a): đông dân. Step 1: Transfering the learning task - density (n): độ dày, mật độ - physician (n): bác sĩ - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia) (chuyên điều trị không dùng phẫu thuật) T says aloud word by word for Ss - slavery (n): cánh nô lệ, sự nô lệ listening and repeating after then T writes new words on the board. Step 2: Perform ing the task: - Ss: listen and repeat in individual first then the whole class. - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them 3. PRACTICE. a. G oal: Guess difference between 2 pictures and gain some phrases related to the lesson b. C o n ten t: Look at the picture and discuss, match the words with the places c. Expected result: Ss can do exercises well d. Performance:_____________________ _____________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Part 1- P63: Step 1: Transfering the learning task T shows 2 pictures and asks Ss to guess what places they are and how they are different? - Ask Ss to discuss the two questions in part 1 individually. - Ss look at the picture and discuss what places they are and how they are different. Step 2: Performing the task:

II. Practice 1. L ook at the picture a n d discuss. 1. What places they are? 2. How they are different? Suggested answers: Picture 1: clean water, good education, crim e,.... Picture 2: poor healthcare, crime, hunger,....

Ss work individually then compare in pairs Step 3: Discussion Write the answer on the board. Step 4: Conclusion T remarks results of the learning task Part 2- P63: Step 1: Transfering the learning task - T ask Ss to do the exercise independently 2. Match the words below with the places to match the words with the right places in in 1. Suggested answers: 1. Group 1: high living standards, clean water, Step 2: Performing the task: Ss match the words in the box with the densely-populated, good education, crime. places in 1 independently and then T asks Group 2: poor healthcare, crime, them to explain their choices malnutrition, hunger. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion Correct and give feedback._______________ 4. PRODUCTION a. Goal: use more/less/fewer to make comparison about two areas. b. Content : Read the information about the two places, use the information to talk about the differences between the two places. c. Expected result: Ss can do exercises well d. Performance: TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Part 3- P63: 3. Read the information about the two Step 1: Transfering the learning task places T can tell Ss that the readings provide the same kinds of information. Facts Mauritania Hong - Ask Ss to read the information about the Kong two places: Mauritania and Hong Kong. Area - T draws a table on the board then asks Population Ss to fill the table with the information Density after reading to check Ss’ understanding. Economy Step 2: Performing the task: Healthcare SS read the information and complete the Problems exercise Unusual Step 3: Discussion fact T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion Correct and give feedback 4. Work in pairs. Use the information in 3 Part 4- P63: to talk about the differences between the Step 1: Transfering the learning task two places. Encourage Ss to talk about the differences between the two places (the table on the Example: board can help) The population o f Mauritania is very small,

Step 2: Performing the task: only over three million people. Hong Kong Ss work in pairs to practice talking is much larger. It has more than seven T goes around and gives help if necessary. million people... Step 3: Discussion Some Ss say aloud before class while others remark. Step 4: Conclusion T remarks and corrects Ss’ answers if necessary. ♦HOMEW ORK: - Do C l + C2 + B6 page in the workbook. - Prepare: UNIT 12: SKILLS 1/ P63 - textbook. Period 99

Teaching :

UNIT 12: A N OVERCROW DED W ORLD. LESSON 5: SKILLS 1 I.OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to read for specific information about the population explosion and talk about the disadvantages o f being in an overcrowded place. - Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the overcrowded places. - Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson. - Grammar: Comparisons o f quantifiers more, less, fewer. Tag- questions. 2. Competence: - Communicative approach. - Distinguishing the heading for each paragraph. 3.Quality - Ss love the subject, have the responsibility for themselves, for community and for the country about population growth. Have civic duty to reduce overpopulation. II.TEACHING AIDS 1. T eacher’s: + Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids. + Equipment: No. 2. Students’: + Textbooks, notebooks. III.ROCEDURE 1 W ARM - UP: *C hatting: a. Goal: check ss’ knowledge b. C o n ten t: find famous and big capital cities in the world. c. Expected result: Ss can list as many famous and big capital cities in the world as possible d. Performance: TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS - Ask Ss to list some famous and big Example: London (England)

capital cities in the world. - Set the scene then lead to the new lesson.

Tokyo (Japan) Rio (Brazil)

2. PRESENTATION - Reading a. Goal: introduce new words b. Content: s can pronouce new words c. Expected result: ss can understand and use new words d. Performance:_____________________ _______________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS I. Reading * Teaching some new words: * N ew words Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Teacher use different techniques to teach - megacity (n): siêu đô thị - growth (n): sự tăng truởng vocab (situation, realia) T says aloud word by word for Ss listening - homelessness (n): vô gia cu and repeating after then T writes new words - explosion (n): Sự bùng nồ on the board. - issue (n) = problem (n): vân dê Step 2: Perform ing the task: - Ss: listen and repeat in individual first then - block (v): làm tắc nghẽn the whole class. - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning o f them * C hecking: Rubout and remember 3. PRACTICE (W hile - Reading) a. Goal: read for specific information about the population explosion b. C o n ten t: E x 1,2,3 c. Expected result: Ss can do exercises well d. Performance:_____________________ __________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Part 1- P64: 1. Look at the list o f the cities below. Step 1: Transfering the learning task Which do you think has the largest T asks Ss to look at the list o f cities discuss population? Share your ideas with your the question in pairs. partner. Step 2: Performing the task: Example: Ss discuss the question in pairs and then as A: I think London is number one, isn’t it? a class. B: I don’t think so. I think Shanghai is the Step 3: Discussion biggest. Have some pairs practice before class for the whole class listening. Step 4: Conclusion T remarks and corrects Ss’ answers if necessary. Part 2- P64: 2. Read the passage below and check your Ả

4 À

Step 4: C onclusion - T remarks and corrects Ss’ answers if necessary. - Give feedback. 4. P R O D U C T IO N (Speaking) a. Goal: talk about the disadvantages of being in an overcrowded place. b. Content : E x 5 c. Expected result: Ss can do exercises well d. Performance:_____________________ ____________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS II. Speaking Part 5- P64: Step 1: Transfering the learning task 5. Work in groups. Look at the places - Divide Ss into groups of five below and discuss some possible - Asks Ss to go through the list of different disadvantages that people using them may places and note down the problems they have. can think of for each place. Suggested answers: 1. An overcrowded school: not enough Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss work in groups of five and discuss playing ground, big classes, less individual - M onitor and help Ss with any new words care, not enough study aids ... they need. 2. An overcrowded bus: not enough seats Step 3: Discussion fo r everybody, stu ff y / not enough fresh air, - Ask a representative to report their long wait at the bus stops ... 3. An overcrowded block of flats: noise, findings to the class. Step 4: Conclusion shortage o f water, little space - T remarks and corrects Ss’ answers if necessary. ♦HOM EW ORK: - Ask Ss to learn new words by heart. - Do exercises in workbook. - Prepare: UNIT 12: Skill 2/ P65 - textbook. REVIEW 4 ( Language) I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: - By the end o f the lesson Ss will be able to revise the language they have studied and the skills they have practiced in units 10 - 12. They can make sentences using them and do some exercises in the form/tense o f the verbs, pronunciation, vocab, grammar from unit 10 to unit 12 - Vocabulary: Revise the vocabulary they have learnt from unit 10 to unit 12. - Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson. - Grammar: + The future continuous and the future simple passive. + W ILL and possessive pronouns. + M ORE/ LESS/ FEW ER and tag questions. 2. Competence: - Communicative approach. - Independent, self-confident, self- control, responsibility and discipline.

Step 4: C onclusion - T remarks and corrects Ss’ answers if necessary. - Give feedback. 4. P R O D U C T IO N (Speaking) a. Goal: talk about the disadvantages of being in an overcrowded place. b. Content : E x 5 c. Expected result: Ss can do exercises well d. Performance:_____________________ ____________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS II. Speaking Part 5- P64: Step 1: Transfering the learning task 5. Work in groups. Look at the places - Divide Ss into groups of five below and discuss some possible - Asks Ss to go through the list of different disadvantages that people using them may places and note down the problems they have. can think of for each place. Suggested answers: 1. An overcrowded school: not enough Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss work in groups of five and discuss playing ground, big classes, less individual - M onitor and help Ss with any new words care, not enough study aids ... they need. 2. An overcrowded bus: not enough seats Step 3: Discussion fo r everybody, stu ff y / not enough fresh air, - Ask a representative to report their long wait at the bus stops ... findings to the class. 3. An overcrowded block of flats: noise, Step 4: Conclusion shortage o f water, little space - T remarks and corrects Ss’ answers if necessary. ♦HOM EW ORK: - Ask Ss to learn new words by heart. - Do exercises in workbook. - Prepare: UNIT 12: Skill 2/ P65 - textbook. REVIEW 4 ( Language) I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: - By the end o f the lesson Ss will be able to revise the language they have studied and the skills they have practiced in units 10 - 12. They can make sentences using them and do some exercises in the form/tense o f the verbs, pronunciation, vocab, grammar from unit 10 to unit 12 - Vocabulary: Revise the vocabulary they have learnt from unit 10 to unit 12. - Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson. - Grammar: + The future continuous and the future simple passive. + W ILL and possessive pronouns. + M ORE/ LESS/ FEW ER and tag questions. 2. Competence: - Communicative approach. - Independent, self-confident, self- control, responsibility and discipline.

3. Quality: - The ability to use English to solve problems in topics that they’ve learnt in unit 10, 11, 12. Doing exercises on pronunciation, vocabulary, gram mar and everyday English. II. TEACHNG AIDS. T: + Materials: textbooks, visual aids. + Equipment: Bluetooth speaker. Ss: + Textbooks, notebooks HI. PROCEDURE. 1. WARM UP. ♦Brainstorming: a. Goal: Brainstorm grammar points which ss have learnt from Unit 10 to unit 12 b. C o n ten t: list the main gram mar points they’ve learn in units 10- 12 in teams c. Expected result: Ss can list the main grammar points they’ve learnt exactly d. Performance: TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS - Have Ss work in 2 teams to list the main grammar points they’ve learnt in units 10The future continuous 12. - Ss discuss in groups - Teacher checks with whole class. (^ ^ ^ V h a t you havt^l e a r n t ^ ^ ) 2. PRESENTATION. a. Goal: review intonation for question. b. Content: Listen to the conversation and narkrô£sggjî\feor ft Hing intonation for -----— ---------Tag question each question. c. Expected result: ss can do exercise well d. Performance:____________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 1- P68 LANGUAGE. Step 1: Transfering the learning I. Pronunciation task 1. Listen to the conversation and mark the Remind Ss of the rules for rising or rising or falling intonation fo r each falling intonation in a question. Play question. the recording for Ss listening. T plays the recording again. Ss listen and repeat. Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss work individually Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion - Teacher monitors and gets feedback 3. PRACTICE.

a. G oal: review some vocabulary and gram mar with the simple future active and the simple future passive b. C o n ten t: Form o f suitable word from the word stem to fill in the sentences, Use the verbs to complete the sentences. c. Expected result: Ss can do these exercises well d. Performance:______________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 2- P68 II.Vocabulary Step 1: Transfering the learning 2. Form o f suitable word from the word task stem to fill in the sentences. - Ask Ss to look at the sentences and Key: decide what kind of word is needed 1. solution for each sentence (a noun, a verb, an 2. overcrowded/ crowded 3. driverless adjective...) - Have Ss look for clues. 4. inventions 5. healthier Step 2: Perform ing the task: Ss do the exercise independently. Ss then share their answer with a partner. 3. Check A, B, C to complete sentences. Step 3: Discussion Key: T calls one student to show the 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B answer 5. A Step 4: Conclusion - T checks and writes the answers on the board. III. Grammar Ex 3- P68 4. Use the verbs in brackets in the simple Step 1: Transfering the learning future active, or the simple future passive task to complete the sentences. T does a small revision of difficult vocabulary which appears in the Key: exercise. 1. will fly - Ask Ss to do this exercise 2. will be used individually. 3. will be demolished Step 2: Perform ing the task: 4. will have Ss do the exercise independently. 5. will invent Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to give the answers. Step 4: Conclusion - T quickly checks students’ answers. Ex 4- P68 Step 1: Transfering the learning task. - T elicits from Ss the form in active and passive of will. - Ask Ss to do the task individually. Step 2: Perform ing the task:

- Ss do the task individually. - T goes around and gives help if any.

Step 3: Discussion - Call a student to do the exercise on the board. - One St write the answers on the board while others remarks.

Step 4: Conclusion - T checks then gives feedback.

4. PRODUCTION. a. Goal: make correct conversation h. Content : put the sentences in the right order to form a conversation. c. Expected result: ss can do this exercise well d. Performance:_____________________ ___________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS IV. Everyday English Ex 5- P68 5. P ut the sentences in the right order to Step 1: Transfering the learning task. Ask Ss to complete this task independently fo r m a conversation. Step 2: Perform ing the task: - Ss do the task individually. Key: Step 3: Discussion l.c 2. g 3. a 4. i 5. e - Call ss to practice the conversation in pairs 6. f 7. h 8. d 9. j 10. b Step 4: Conclusion - T checks then gives feedback.

♦HOMEWORK: - Prepare Review 4: Skills/ P69- textbook - Do the test yourself in textbook Period 101

T e a c h in g : REVIEW 4 (Skills)

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: - By the end o f the lesson Ss will be able to revise the languages Ss have learnt and the skills they have practised since Unit 10 to unit 12 then do some exercises about the four skills. - Vocabulary: Revise the vocabulary they have learnt from unit 10 to unit 12 . - Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson. - Grammar: + The future continuous and the future simple passive. + W ILL and possessive pronouns. + M ORE/ LESS/ FEW ER and tag questions. 2. Competence: - Communicative approach. - Independent, self-confident, self- control, responsibility and discipline. - The ability to use English to solve problems in topics that they’ve learnt in unit 10, 11 , 12 . Doing exercises on skills: reading, speaking, writing and listening.

3. Quality: - To teach Ss to revise the skills from unit 10 to unit 12 and practice with them. - Know the importance of revision and need to study harder. II. TEACHNG AIDS. T: + Materials: textbooks, visual aids. + Equipment: Bluetooth speaker Ss: + Textbooks, notebooks. HI. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM UP. *C hatting: a. Goal: elicit from ss the problems of living in an overcrowded area h. C o n ten t: W ork in teams and list the problems of living in an overcrowded area c. Expected result: Ss can list as many problems as possible d. Performance:_____________________ ______________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS - Ask Ss to talk about the problems of *C hatting: living in an overcrowded area - Have Ss work in 2 teams and list the problems they know. - Teacher checks with whole class. 2. PRESENTATION. a. Goal: review reading skill h. Content: Read the passage about HUNGER and complete the tasks.. c. Expected result: Ss can do exercises well d. Performance:_____________________ ___________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS SKILLS Ex 1- P69 I. Reading Step 1: Transfering the learning task. Ask Ss to complete this task independently 1. W hich o f the causes o f hunger below T can make option 3 easier by giving them do yo u th in k is the m ost serious in yo u r country? Tick it. examples like drought, flood, hurricane.... Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss do the task individually. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion T checks Ss’ answers, Ss may have different answers to this brainstorming questions Ex 2- P69 Step 1: Transfering the learning task. - Ask Ss to read the text carefully and choose the best answer for each question. 2. R ead the text and choose the best Step 2: Performing the task: answ er fo r each question. - Ss read the passage and choose the best answer for each question independently. Key:

Step 3: Discussion 1. A - Ss give their own answers aloud 2. B - Have Ss explain where they find the 3. B clues to the answers. Step 4: Conclusion -T checks Ss’ answers then confirms the correct answers 3. PRACTICE. a. Goal: review listening skill b. C o n ten t: Listen to the conversation and complete the tasks c. Expected result: Ss can do exercises well d. Performance:_____________________ ___________________ TEACHER S & S S ’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 4- P69 III. Listening Step 1: Transfering the learning task. 4. Which word A, B, C do you think is Ask Ss to listen and choose which is the closest in meaning to the word “footprint”? closest in meaning to the word Key: A “ footprint” T makes sure that Ss understand the meaning o f the word “footprint” by asking them to give some examples. Step 2: Perform ing the task: - Ss listen and choose the correct answer. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the correct answer. 5. Listen to the conversation and answer Ex 5- P69 the questions. Step 1: Transfering the learning task. Key: - Ask Ss to carefully read the questions 1. He is searching for the meaning of first. “footprint” - T plays the recording once for Ss to 2. No, it doesn’t. listen. Play the recording again for Ss to 3. Yes, he does. write down their answers. 4. There will be a lot o f greenery around Step 2: Perform ing the task: you. - Ss listen and write the answers. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion T checks and gives feedback 4. PRODUCTION. a. Goal: review speaking and writing skill b. Content : Play a game to find out the word, write a description of an ideal means of transport, c. Expected result: Ss can do the tasks well d. Performance:____________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS

II. Speaking Ex 3- P69 3. Game Step 1: Transfering the learning task. - Explain the rule to Ss - Divide Ss into pairs to play the games transport hunger sunlight ride - Ss play the game in pairs. The pair who teleporter energy pollute coal successfully complete the task in the shortest time will win the game. Step 2: Perform ing the task: - Ss play the game in pairs Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion T checks and can correct any wrong intonation of questions that Ss make during the competition. Ex 6 - P69 Step 1: Transfering the learning task. IV. W riting - Set up the writing activity. 6. Imagine an ideal means o f transport for - Ss brainstorm on the means and then your area. Write a short description o f it. organise their ideas and write. Example writing: - Encourage Ss to be imaginative and We live in Ba Vi, a mountainous area to the creative. north o f Ha Noi. Our road system is not very - If time does not allow, assign it as good so it used to be quite difficult to travel homework. around. Now we make it easier with a new Step 2: Perform ing the task: kind means o f transport. We call it Super - Ss play the game in pairs Kite. It looks like a kite but it has 3 wheels. Step 3: Discussion It uses wind and water... T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion T checks and corrects serious mistakes. ♦HOMEW ORK: - Do exercises in workbooks and prepare for the 2nd test term.

Week Period 103

Planning: Teaching : UNIT 12: AN OVERCROW DED W ORLD. LESSON 6: SKILLS 2

I. OBJECTIVES. 1.Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen for specific information in a film review, then write a short passage about the population growth of an area. - Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the overcrowded places. - Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson. - Grammar: Comparisons o f quantifiers', more, less, fewer. Tag- questions.

2. Competence: - Communicative approach. - Writing paragraph based on the chart. 3. Quality: - Ss love the subject, have the responsibility for themselves, for community and for the country about population growth. Have civic duty to reduce overpopulation. II. TEACHNG AIDS. T: Materials: + textbook, pictures, visual aids. + Equipment: Bluetooth speaker. Ss: + Textbooks, notebooks HI. PROCEDURE 1. W ARM UP:

*Chatting a. Goal: to elicit from students the theme of new lesson h. C o n ten t: T asks and ss anwer the question c. Expected result: Ss can anwer the question and share the anwer with their partner d. Performance:_____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS - Ask Ss to talk about the film they like What kind o f film do you like best? best by answering the question: - Ask ss to share their answer with their partner - Set the scene then lead to the new lesson 2. PRESENTATION - Listening a. Goal: Get information from the poster h. Content: Look at the poster ans anwer the questions c. Expected result: Ss can get as much information from the poster as possible d. Performance:________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Part 1- P65: I. Listening Step 1: Transfering the learning task. 1. Look at the film poster below. W hat do - Ask Ss to look at the poster. Ask you th in k the film is about? questions to get as much information from + Have you ever seen this film ? the poster as possible. + What is it about? Step 2: Performing the task: + Who is the main character? Ss discuss the questions in pairs and then + Where do you think the storyj happens ? as a class. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion T checks and corrects serious mistakes. 3. PRACTICE (W hile - Listening) a. Goal: Listen to the film review h. Content : Listen to the film review and check the idea then anwer the questions c. Expected result: Ss get as much information in a film review as possible.

d. Performance: TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Part 2- P65: 2. Listen to the film review a n d check yo u r Step 1: Transfering the learning task. idea. - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen to Key: the recording and check their answers in 1. => The film is about life in slums Step 2: Performing the task: Ss do the exercise individually then compare their answer in pairs. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Step 4: Conclusion T checks and corrects serious mistakes. Part 3- P65: Step 1: Transfering the learning task. 3. Listen again and answ er the questions. - Ask Ss to read the questions first to see Key: what information they need to answer the 1. The film is based on a book called Q & questions. A. - Play the recording as many times as 2. The main character of the film is a boy necessary then ask Ss to answer the from an Indian slum. questions given in 3. 3. He wins a lot of money on an Indian Step 2: Performing the task: game show. - Ss listen and answer the questions. They 4. Because he is a boy from the slums. then compare their notes with a partner. 5. The film looks beautiful, is full of Step 3: Discussion emotion and is gripping T calls on some Ss to give their answers aloud. Step 4: Conclusion T checks and gives feedback. 4. PRODUCTION- (W riting) a. Goal: Write a short paragraph describing the change b. C o n ten t: Read the passage, Underline the words/ phrases then write a short paragraph describing the change c. Expected result: Ss can write a short passage about the population growth of an area d. Performance:_____________________ ______________________________________ TEACHER S & SS* ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Part 4- P65: II. W riting Step 1: Transfering the learning task. 4. Read the passage about the slum - Have Ss read the passage about Dharavi featured in *Slum dog Millionaire'. slum. Underline the words/phrases to describe - Ask Ss to underline the words/ phrases to Dharavi slum and to show the changes describe Dharavi slum and to show the in its population. changes in its population. T can write these For examples: on the board as a guide to Ss for the next ... one o f the largest slums, writing exercise. That is much bigger than in 1890.

Step 2: Performing the task: ... In 1950, the population was around - Ss work individually to do the task 100,000 people. Since then, Dharavi has Step 3: Discussion grown and grown! T calls on some Ss to give their answers 5. Look at the chart below. It shows the aloud. population change in H o Chi M inh City Step 4: Conclusion over the p ast 30 years. Write a short T checks and gives feedback. paragraph describing the change. Use Part 5- P65: the passage in 4 to help you. Step 1: Transfering the learning task. Suggested writing: - Ask Ss to write a paragraph using the H o Chi Minh City■is one o f the largest ideas they generated in part 4. cities in Viet Nam. According to the - Ss write their paragraph individually figures from the population investigation based on the suggestions in the book. committee, the population o f HCM City in - T collects some writing to correct at 1979 was three million fo u r hundred and home. twenty thousand people. But in 2009, its - If there is not enough time to write the population was around seven million one paragraph in class, T can assign it for hundred and twenty-three thousand homework. people. It was much bigger than that in 1979. It grew double after 3 0 y e a rs.....The Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss work individually to do the task population o f H CM City has grown and Step 3: Discussion grown. It is a population explosion T calls on some Ss to read aloud their writing if possible. Step 4: Conclusion T checks and gives feedback._____________ ♦HOM EW ORK: - Do exercises: E1 + E2 workbook. - Complete the writing on the notebook. - Prepare: U NIT 12: Looking back + project/ P66, 67- textbook.

Week Period 104


I.OBJECTIVES 1.Knowledge: - By the end o f the lesson Ss will be able to recycle the language from the previous sections and link with the topic “An overcrowded w o rld ” and use "more, less, fe w e r ” to talk about effects. - Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the overcrowded places. - Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson. - Grammar: Comparisons o f quantifiers: more, less, fewer. Tag- questions.

2. Competence: - Communicative approach. - Talking about over population and giving advice about how to reduce world population. 3. Quality: - Ss love the subject, have the responsibility for themselves, for community and for the country about population growth. Have civic duty to reduce overpopulation. II. TEACHNG AIDS. T :+ Materials: textbook, pictures, visual aids. + Equipment: No. Ss: + Textbooks, notebooks. III. PROCEDURE. 1. W ARM UP. *M atching a. Goal: review vocabulary b. C o n ten t: match the words with their definitions c. Expected result: Ss can do matching individually d. Performance:____________________________________________________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS - T asks Ss to match the words with their *M atching definitions in Ex 1 (P66). Key: - Ss read the words ten do the matching 1 .É 2. B 3. C 4. D 5.A individually. 2. PRESENTATION. a. Goal. M ake sentences b. Content: Write the sentence for each o f the given words. c. Expected result:Ss can make sentences with the words given d. Performance:_____________________ _____________________ TEACHER S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 2- P66: I- Vocabulary. Step 1: Transfering the learning task. 2. Write the sentence fo r each o f the - Encourage Ss to think creatively. fo llo w in g words. - Ss may get away from the content of the Suggested answers: unit about overpopulation and use these 1/ Crime is a big problem in big cities. words in a different context 2/ You will live longer if you have a good Step 2: Performing the task: healthcare system. Ss write some interesting sentences on the 3/ Disease is the thing that everyone board. doesn’t want. - Go around while Ss are writing and help 4 / Nobody wants to live in poverty. them with any difficult words. 5/ Our children need to get good education. Step 3: Discussion T calls one student to show the answer Other students listen to the answer and give comment Step 4: Conclusion Teacher checks and gives feedback

Some Ss reports their ideas.

Step 4: Conclusion T checks with the whole class then gives feedback.

4. PRODUCTION. a. b. c. d.

Goal: develope speaking skill Content : W ork in goups amd talking about the under-populated places Expected result: Ss can talk about the under-populated places well Performance:_____________________ ______________________________



- T collects some pictures of under­ ♦Project: populated areas to the class and asks Ss to Talking about the under-populated places. look at the pictures and talk about what they can see. - Ss work in groups of three or four to answer the questions in the textbook. ♦HOMEW ORK: - Redo all the exercises above and do exercises in the workbook. - Prepare: REVIEW 4: Language/ P68- textbook. W eek: P lanning:


I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: - After the lesson, students will be able to check their knowledge by doing exercise and use language in situation correctly and fluently. - Teacher will be able to test students’ knowledge in language and language skills and then draw out the most suitable method for teaching and learning. 2. Competence: - self-check 3. Quality: - Ss love the subject and be aware o f revising to do well for the final test. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. T eacher’s: - Materials: Paper tests. - Equipment: No. 2. Students’: No. III.PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Attendance Absence 7A 7B 2. Do the test A- QUESTIONS: (Dê kiêm tra cùa Phong giâo duc)

Some Ss reports their ideas.

Step 4: Conclusion T checks with the whole class then gives feedback.

4. PRODUCTION. a. b. c. d.

Goal: develope speaking skill Content : W ork in goups amd talking about the under-populated places Expected result: Ss can talk about the under-populated places well Performance:_____________________ ______________________________



- T collects some pictures of under­ ♦Project: populated areas to the class and asks Ss to Talking about the under-populated places. look at the pictures and talk about what they can see. - Ss work in groups of three or four to answer the questions in the textbook. ♦HOMEW ORK: - Redo all the exercises above and do exercises in the workbook. - Prepare: REVIEW 4: Language/ P68- textbook. W eek: P lanning:


I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: - After the lesson, students will be able to check their knowledge by doing exercise and use language in situation correctly and fluently. - Teacher will be able to test students’ knowledge in language and language skills and then draw out the most suitable method for teaching and learning. 2. Competence: - self-check 3. Quality: - Ss love the subject and be aware o f revising to do well for the final test. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. T eacher’s: - Materials: Paper tests. - Equipment: No. 2. Students’: No. III.PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Attendance Absence 7A 7B 2. Do the test A- QUESTIONS: (Dê kiêm tra cùa Phong giâo duc)

3. Homework. - Redo these questions at home.

Period Teaching:

Week : Planning: TEST CORRECTION

I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: - After the lesson, Ss will be able to read the test again and find out their mistakes and correct themselves and T can evaluate S s’ knowledge. 2. Competence: - self-check 3. Quality: - Ss love the subject and be aware o f revising to do well for the final test. II. TEACHING AIDS 1. T eacher’s: - Materials: Paper tests. - Equipment: sub - board. 2. Students’: No. III.PROCEDURE 1. W ARM - UP: ♦Chatting: - How is your test? - Did you do it well? 2. CORRECT THE TEST 3.COM M ENT + Good points: + Need to improve: 4. HOM EW ORK - Review all grammar and new words.

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