Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú eBook Collection
Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group Hỗ trợ trực tuyến Fb Mobi/Zalo 0905779594
W EEK : 20 Period: 55
Preparing date; Teaching date:
1: G e t t i n g
sta rte d
I./. O BJECTIVES 1 . K n o w l e d g e : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - listen and read the dialogue about a factory in Mi's home village or fordetails < and then do some related exercises. o u it t Itypes of - use lexical items related to the topic ‘Pollution’ to talk babt pollution
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3 . A t t i t u d e : - Positive about pollution. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: LTeaehcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2 .Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. IV./. PROCEDURE Ss and T ’s activities 1 .W a r m e r (5H : S h a r k
a tta c k
- Teacher gives instruction ? Guess one b ^ m e letters. - Teacher gets feedback.
C o n te n t
2, G e t ti n g s t a r t e d : (1 0 ') Vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary
A project on pollution (_/ _ / . . / ---------- )
- p o iso n
- dump - aquatic - illustrate -
th e rm a l
pollution - radioactive pollution - visual pollution
(n/v): chất dộc, làm nhiễm độc vút* bo ( V) : (adj): duứi nước hạt chuỗi (n): ô nhiễm nhiệt (n): (n): (n):
ô nhiễm phóng xạ ô n h i ề m ánh
sáng - billboard (n)' biên quang cáo ngoài tròi - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words * Checking vocab: Matching Key: (Activity 2 P7) A.radioactive pollution B. noise pollution c. visual pollution D. thermal pollution E. water pollution F. land/ soil pollution G. light pollution H. air pollution Listen and read - Answer the questions individually. * Set the scenes: * Suggested a n svers w ga^f Ask Ss to open their books and look - N ick and ML at the picture. Ask them some - They are near a facioi questions: Who can you see in the picture? Where do you think they are?
What can you see in the picture? What do you think the people in the - 1/We can see a factory* dumping exhaust picture are talking about? a fu m e and poison into the lake. Ss answer the questions as a class. - They are talking about pollution. - Play the recording twice. ? Listen and read then check your - Listen and read answer for the last question. - Accept all possible answers from Ss w ithout any correction. 3. Doing Q Q 3.1. Find the words / phrases (la FT) Key: I. dead 2. aquatic 3. dump ? Share answers with your partner. 4. poison 5. polluted 6. to come up - Teacher gets feedback with
ave Ss look at the W atch out! box and quickly read the information. Ask them if they know This expression means you are very what I can't believe my eyes means. surprised at something you see. 3.2. Answer the questions (lb. P7) Key: - Have Ss read the questions to make sure they understand them. Ss 1. They are in Mi’s home village. read the conversation again to 2 . It’s almost black. 3. She's surprised because she sees the fish
answer the questions. Ss exchange their answers with a classmate. Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board. Check their answers. 3.3* Tick T, F 01 Nl (1c P7) ? Read the sentences quickly ? Firstly to decide if the sentences are true, false or there is no information without reading the dialogue. - Then have some Ss write their answers on the board. ? Read the conversation again to check - Confirm the correct answers. 3.5. Complete the sentences (3 P 7) ? Work individually to do the task then compare their answers with a partner. T may teach some words which T thinks Ss do not know such as communication.
are dead. 4. It’s dumping poison into the lake. 5. He’s sneezing so much because the air is not clean.
Key: 1. F ( It’s polluted by the tactory). 2. T 3. Nl 4. T 5. T
& Key: 1 . the 1 pollution pollution 3. radioactive pollution «Hution ater pollution pollu ollution 7. Noise pollution pollution
2. Air 4. light
6. Land' soil 8. visual
G roup work ? Work in groups ofFive or six. - In five minutes, Ss write down the - discuss and write the pollution types their pollution types their neighbourhood neighbourhood faces and rank them in order of seriousness. faces^and rank them in order of seriousness. They also have to give reason? ons for their order. - Call group representatives to pre:sent their group’s order and - present re a: reasons. ? Vote for the group with the best reasons. (If time does not allow, do not have Ss do this activity. Instead just ask Ss to quickly review the pollution types.) 4. F u r t h e r p ra c tic e
? Make a list of types of pollution?
- Answer individually
5. P r o d u c t i o n ^ '}
? Learn by heart all the new words. 9 Do Ex B 1,2 , 3 P4 (Workbook) ? Prepare: C l o s e r L o o k 1 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about pollution.
- T ake note
-oOoW EEK :20 Period: 56
Preparing do Teaching date:
UNIT 7: POLLUTION Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1 I./. O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able t - Learn more words about pollution - Use words and phrases showing cause/effect relationships to describe the causes and effects o f pollution - Pronounce the words ending in -ic and - a l correctly in isolation and in context
2♦ Skills: Speaking, listening,use o f English. 3. Attitude: - Positive about pollution. - Students knowr how to learn English in right wray. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./. PREPARAT! ON: LTeaehcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2 .Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual,Me aching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present... IV./. PROCEDURE
Ss a n d 1.W a r m e r
T ’s a c tiv itie s
C o n te n t
( 5 f l: C a l l i n g o u t
Ask Ss to call out the types o f pollution they learnt in the previous lesson. -> You are going to learn different forms of some words
Examples: 1 , thermal pollution pollution 3. radioactive pollution pollution
2. Air 4. light
as well as some words/ phrases to talk about the causes and effects of pollution. 2, Vocabulary (15') 2.1. Teaching vocabulary Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary * Checking vocab: Slap the board 2.2. Complete the table (1 PS) Have Ss look at the table in the book. Make sure that they understand what to do. ? Complete the exercise individually - Check their answers. 2.3. Complete the sentences (2 P8) ? Read each sentence silently to have a general understanding and decide which word form should be put in each blank. - For example, the word to be filled in the blank in sentence 1 is an adjective. Do the exercise and then compare - Call on one or two Ss to give out the answers before confirming the correct ones 2.4. \Study the language box ? Look at the language box. Tell Ss that the words and hrases in the box express cause and effect relationships. Ss have learnt so, because and because of. Quickly go through the rest of wrords. phrases as follow's:
5. Water pollution 6. Land/ soil pollution 7. Noise pollution 8. visual pollution contain (v) làm ban mate : cause (n/ nguyên nhân, gây ra V):
làm ánh hường
- Repeat in chorus and individual - Copy all the words Key: 1 . poison 3 - pollutant 5. death
HI* ês 7 -. * „isonous Dei 3. Dead 5. Damage
ontaminate polluted 6. damaged
2. Pollutants 4. Contaminated 6. Pollute
because/since and due to/because o f are used to talk about the causes of something. - Because and since are synonyms and they come before a clause. - Other wrords and phrases in the box express the effects o f something. So comes before a clause. To cause, to lead to and to result in are synonyms and come before a noun phrase. To make sb/sth do sth is another way to -
express the effects. After somebody/something is an infinitive verb without to. Have Ss read the example CAUSE E FFE C T sentences and underline the b e c a u s e / s i n c e + so + cla u se clause or noun phrase. c la u se The water is polluted, so the fish are dead. E g: Because/ Since the water is polluted, the fish are dead. d u e
to/ b e c a u s c
o f +
to c a u s c s t h / t o le a d
s th
to s th / to r e s u l t in
The fish are dead due to; because of the polluted water.
The polluted water causes/ results in the dead o f fish. to
m a k e
sb / sth
The polluted water make the fish die. 2.5. Activity 3a row litter on the ground. ...C ... Ask Ss to read to each pair of imals eat the litter and become sick. sentences and decide which sentence is a clause and which Ships spill oil in oceans and rivers. is an effect. Ss compare thi ..C... Many aquatic animals and plants die. answers with a partner giving the answers le ...E ... 3. Households dump waste into the river. teacher. Confirm . ..C... It is polluted. ...E... answers. 4. Their children have birth defects. ...E .. The parents were exposed to radiation...C... . 5. We can’t see the stars at night. ...E ... There is too much light pollution. .. C . .. 2.6. Activity 3b ? Combine the sentences in each ^ , p a i r into a new sentence that shows shov a cause/ effect relationship
3. P ro n u n c ia tio n
(1 5 ")
2. Oil spills from ships in oceans and rivers lead to the death o f many aquatic animals and plants. 3. Households dump waste into the river so it is polluted. 4. Since the parents were exposed to radiation, their children have birth defects. 5. We can’t see the stars at night due to the light pollution. Adding the suffix - ic changes the stress o f a
5. 1. Stress in words ending in - ie and ni Ask Ss to look at the rules in the box and the examples. Go through the rules with them. For a more able class, have Ss give some examples.
3.2. Listen and mark the stress (5P 9) Play the recording for Ss to stress the words. Ask some Ss to say where the stress in each word is. Confirm the correct answers. Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the words. Call on some Ss to read out the words. 5.5. Activity 6 p9 Have Ss do the individually. Play t for Ss to check their answers Then elicit th ^ correct stress patterns from Ss. Play the recording again Ss to repeat the sentences. Ask some Ss to read out the sentences.
ward. Stress the syllable immediately before the suffix. Example: 'atom -> a ’tomic Adding the suffix - a l to a word does not change its stress. Example: ‘music ’ -> ‘musical Note: i f a word can take both sufftxe& y»$f ending in - ic and the other ending in -al, both words have the stress on the same syllable■, Example: E 'conomy - > eco ’nomic -A ucal Key: 1 . ar’tistie 2. athTetic 3. his’toric
6. physical 7. he’roic 8. po’etic 9. bo’tanic 10. Bo’tanical
1. According to scientific research, tiny species may help clean radioactive pollution. 2. Water quality has become a national problem. 3. Many people have received medical treatment because of the disease. 4. Chemical waste can cause water pollution. 5. The reduction in air pollution was dramatic last year. Key: 1. scientific 2 . 'national 3. ‘medical 4. ‘chemical 5. dra matic
3.4. Activity 4 PS - Divide the class into 12 groups. Two groups work with the same pair of pictures in 2, 3 or 4. ? In three minutes, groups of Ss write down as many sentences
Suggested answers: 2. The soil is polluted, so plants can’t grow. 3. We won’t have fresh water to drink because of water pollution. 4. We plant trees, so we can have fresh air.
based on the given picture pair as possible on a sheet of paper. - When time is up, the group with the most sentences is the winner. 4. F u r th e r
p ra c tic e
(2 f)
? Make a list o f w ords ending in - Answer teacher's questions. -ic and -al .5. P r o d i i c t i o n ( 2 ,>
? Learn by heart all the new words. ? Do Ex A l, 2,3 P3 (wortkbook) ? Prepare: U n i t 1 : C l o s e r L o o k
- Say out the words
- Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about pollution. -oOo-----W EEK : 20 Period: 57
Preparing date: Teaching date: U N IT L esson!
L LITI O N loser Look 2
I./. O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will he able to: Use condi tional^entenfces type I and type 2 correctly and appropriately to describe pollution 2. Skills: Use ofEngl 3. Attitude: - Positive about pollution. ^ - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Com petency Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to u s ^ i | language....... II «/.PREPARATION: 1 .Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Studcnts: books, notebooks l^f.A TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... IV.A PROCEDURE Ss a n d 1.W a r m e r
T ’s a c t i v i t i e s
C o n d itio n a l
C o n te n t
R ecall
se n te n c e s
ty p e
Conditional sentences tvpe I
The conditional sentence type 1 Elicit the form and use o f the describes a thing which is true or is conditional sentence type I from Ss. likely to happen in the present or Ask Ss to give some example future. sentences. I f + subject + V (present simple), subject + will/can... + V fbare infinitive) re v ie w
Conditional sentences type 2 Conditional sentences type 2 The conditional sentence* type 2 - Teacher elicits the form, use o f the describes a thing which is not true or is conditional sentences type 2 from unlikely to happen in the present or students. future. ? Give examples I f + subject + V (past simple), subject + would/could/might + V (bare infinitive) Example: I f it wasn 7 noisy in here, 1 could hear you clearly, (But it's very noisy in here) The conditional sentence type 2 can be used to give advice. *ie: I f I were you, I would see the 'ictor immediately. We can use both w a s and were with 1/he/she/it in the i f clause. 2. G r a m m a r
11 f 1 5 ^
3. P ra c tic e
3.1. Activity 1P9 Ss do this exercise compare their ans Have Ss rea> Confirm th
ly then a partner, eir answers.
the new jditional sentences type 1 on the £>ard while other Ss write own sentences. - Give feedback on these sentences and ask other Ss to correct them if necessary.
recycle; will help won’t dump; fines travel; will be will save; don’t waste use; will have Key: 1. Student will be more aware of protecting the environment if teachers teach environmental issues at school. 2. When light pollution happens, animals will change their behavior patterns. 3. The levels of radioactive pollution w ill decrease if we sw itch from nuclear powrer to renewable energy sources. 4. If the water temperature increases, some creatures will be unable to
reproduce. 5. People will get more diseases if the water is contaminated. 3.3. Activity 3 P10 Ss do this exercise individually, and Key: then compare their answers with a 5. a classmate. Check Ss’answers. 3.4. Activity 4 P10 Ss do this exercise individually. Invite two Ss to the hoard to write their answers. Go through the answers with the class. Have other Ss correct the answers if necessary. 3.5. Activity 5 P10 ? Quickly read the example. - Ask Ss to comment on the example. - the meaning o f the orginal sentences was made opposite in the new conditional sentence, (i.e. positive into negative form for the first sentence and negative into positive for the second sentence). ? Do this exercise individually and then compare the answers with a classmate. Ask one or two Sslto write their .sentences on the bo;
Chain T W ttfljn J tf u p s of five or six ? Keep the chain going for as long as possible using type 1 or 2 conditional sentences. - i f a group hesitates for more than 10 ieconds they are out. - walk around the class listening to groups and monitoring the game. Groups that are still going when the five minutes is up are the winners. Note that the aim is to practice the language in a fun, verbal way so be sure to keep the atmosphere light.
1. b
2. c
3. d
4. e
Key: 1 . were; 2 . exercised; would be 3. had; would build 4. tidied; wouldn’tt be 5. wras/were; would Ids jrow Kcv: 2. If there weren't many billboards in our city, people could enjoy the view. 3. If there wasn’t/weren’t so much lieht in the city at night, we could see the stars clearly. 4. If we didn’t turn on the heater all thè time, we wouldn’t have to pay three million dong for electricity a month. 5. If the karaoke bar didn’t make so much noise almost every night, the residents wouldn’t complain to its owner. 6. She wouldn’t have a headache after work every day if she didn’t work in a noisy office. Example A: If each person plant a tree, there will be a lot of trees. B: If there are a lot of trees, the air will be cleaner. A: If the air is cleaner, fewer people will be ill.
4. F urth er practice (2f) ? How do we use conditional Answer teacher's questions. sentences type I and 2 ? -5. Production^*) ? Learn by heart all the new words Take note and structures ? Do B4, B5, B 6 P5 (Work book) ? Prepare: Unit 7: Communication - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about pollution.___________________ -oOo-............................................................
Kiênt tru ngày ihéng
W EE K :2 1 Period: 58
Preparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 7(CONT) Lesson 4: Communication I./. O BJECTIVES L Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - Read some articles on the 4T website for general and specific inforrnatioT - Understand some abbreviations and talk how they spend their free tit 2* Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about pollution. - Students know how to learn English in right ws 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, pacity, ability to use of language....... II. .PREPARATION: 1 .Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, proj or 2 .Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV./. PROCEDURE Ss and T's activiti Content 1AVarmer (5T): Introd : t i o ‘ ,, - Have a student tal leisure activity {from you, friends Work individually unusual. someone you ktf Answer individually ? Listen and give your opinions about Listen this activity; boring, interesting, strange, challenging, etc. 2. Com mimic t ion 1 i ! 5 r) 2..1 Teaching vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to ^ teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary * Checking vocabulary: What and where ■
2.2. Open prediction * Set the scene: You are going to read about some Ss and T fs activities teenagers do in their spare time. ? Cover the text and just look at the photos ( with name and country ). - Encourage Ss to guess what these students in the photos like doing as leisure Ss and T ’s activities. - Then set a reading time limit ? Close books and play a memory game in competing groups. ? Tell how much information you can remember from the text. - Motivate Ss by counting every detail they remember without any checking comprehension
6 to
- hook - weird
(v): (adj)
yeu thich cai gi ki cue
- addicted
nehien ithich ) cai
- hang out - imagination - Repeat in chorus a - Copy all the w
vcri ban be ur tuong ircfng idual ly
Read and play a memory game in competing groups
3. Communjction 2 S. 1. Study the abbreviation - Ask Ss if they notice any other particular features of the text.
c>x &
- drawing their attention to the form of the text (e.g. its layout and the abbreviation). Explain that this is from a webpage and that these abbreviations are informal language that is used online and in texting messages. - Introduce the first abbreviation. ? Work in pairs to complete the task. ? Add to the dictionary with any other abbreviations you know that are used online. ? Work in pairs to create your own mini dictionary, then ask other pair to guess the meaning. 3.2. Complete the table - Have Ss work in pairs or small groups to complete the table. Allow Ss to read the text more closely to fill in the table.
Work in groups Listen
N$r c>x
pair work
W h a t a c t i v i t y is
W h o ?
m e n tio n e d ?
-hanging out with friend { window' shopping) -working as a volunteer Cloud watching
Going to community centre, painting, dancing, doing drama Minh -playing football -helping his aunt in running cooking class Mamie -Playing computer 1 games -doing judo
d o es
h c/sh c !th ic k
it? She lav es it. o f
¿Vork in pairs to put the leisure Ss and T’s activities in the text in order from the most interesting to the most boring. - Once they have their list, form a bigger group o f four and each pair shares their list w ith the other. ? Discuss, give opinions, and negotiate with each other in order to agree on a mutual list.
Pair work
Work in group
She adt ires it. It’s cas1f She lav es it
He like s i t He’s fu n. He’s ac dieted to it. It’s Ok.
(2') ? Sum up the main content of the Answer teacher's questions. lesson .5. P r o d u c tio n s 1^ ? Learn by heart all the new words Take note and structures ? Do C l, 2, D1 P 6-7 (SBT) ? Prepare: Skill 1 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about pollution.___________________ -oOoWEEK:21 Preparing P e rio d : 59 Teachingf idate: 4. F u r t h e r n r a c tic e
UNIT 7(CONT) L e sso n
S k ills 1
I./. O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Read for general and specific information the positive and negative effects of using computer. d find out the solution. - Talk about the impacts of using the ct 2. Skills: Speaking, reading, 3. Attitude: - Positive about pollul - Students knowr how to learn English in right way. 4 . C o m p e t e n c e : Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... ^ ^ n j . PREPARATION: I . T e a c h e r : book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2 .S t u d e n t s : books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play a»a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, ta c h in g methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV./. PRO CED U RE Ss a n d
T ’s a c tiv itie s
C o n te n t
1 . W a r m e r i S 1) : L i s t i n g
- Divide the class into two teams ? Discuss and make a list of benefits o f using computer or mobile phone for leisure Ss and T ’s activities ? Take turns to write on the board. - Get feedback.
B en efits
o f
m o b ile p h o n e
u sin g
c o m p u te r
o r
fo r le isu re Ss a n d
T ’s
activ ities
E- g - means of e-mail or chatting - a source of information (news, articles, the weather forecast....)
- a source of entertainment (music, movies, games...) ? What are the harmful things of using computer or mobile phone for leisure Ss and T ’s activities?
2. Readiiigf 15f) 2.1. Vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, situation, explanation) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary
Answer individually
- virtual - effect
tàm trí, trí tuệ tồn tại, hiện c IS and in d iv id u a ll y
* Checking vocab: Matching
- Copy all the words 2.2. Activity 1 (Read and choose the C 's correct answer) * Set the scene: ? Look at the title and the picture predict what you are going to read - We are going to read about a 'student Study the picture and guess named Quang. - Encourage Ss to develop their ideals by guessing what Quangos story is about. ? Read the text and underline any words you don’t know. Key: ? Work individually to choose the best I B answer. 2. C 2.3. Activity 2 (Write the questions) Key: ? Look at the keywords in the responses 1. Is Quang’s garden real? in order to find out the questions. 2. What is the problem with using ? Work individually then compare their technology in your free time0 answers with a partner. 3. What leisure Ss and T’s activities do teenagers do these days? 4. What are the benefits of using the computer? 3. Sneaking {15"\ 3.1. Activity 1 (Exervise 4 P I2) ? Study the language in the Language Giving an opinion: notes box. - 1 think that........... ? How do you give an opinion 9 - In my opinion.....
? How do you ask for an opinion?
- Explain to Ss that these speech bubbles are from Quang and his parents. ? Work in pairs and say why you think who says what, based on the information from the passage. Go through the phrase in the Language notes box with Ss. - Then choose a speech bubble and combine it with the language in the Language notes box. - Ask for volunteers to demonstrate their exchanges. 3.2. Role play (task 5 PI2) - Arrange Ss into three groups: Group 1: plays Quang Group 2: plays Quang’s parents Group 3: plays his teacher. ? Brainstorm how you are going to express your opinions. ^ - When they are ready, put Ss into new groups which contain Quang, Quang’s parents, and Quang’s teacher. - Tell Ss that they can use the language in 4 for their role-play, and emphasise in the Study skill box should be used in their discussion. - Call on two or three groups to repeat their role-play for the class 4.. FFin u r 4t h e r p r a c t i c e ( 2 T> 0 How do you give and ask for an opinion 0 ? Recall the respond. A P r o d u c tio n s 1^ ? Learn by heart all the new words and structures ? Do D2 P 8 (Workbook) ? Prepare: Skill 2 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking
Ask for an opinion - What do you think? - Howr do you feel about that0 Agreeing: 1 agree with youJ That's so true ./ Exactly Disagreeing: I'm afraid I don't agree./1 don't so. A; In my opinion , compute , train yo and your memory. don't B: That rs true. K ey :
- Teacher's boolc: P12
Spjeak in front of the class.
- Answer teacher's questions.
- Take note
about pollution. -oOaPreparing date: Teaching date:
WEEK:21 Period: 60
UNIT 7(CONT) Lesson 6: Skills 2 I./. O BJECTIVES L Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Listening for specific information about ways of spending time w it - Write to discuss an opinion about leisure Ss and T’s activities 2♦ Skills: Listening, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about pollution. - Students knowr how to learn English in right\ way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability creative capacity, ability to use of language....... IL/. PREPARATION: LTeaehcr: book, planning, picture, lapto lector 2 .Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.
IV./. PROCEDURE Content Ss and T ’s activities 1. W arm er (S'): Sh ing ? Share some ol e things you often enjoy doing nds in your free - work in pairs time. ? Thert tell each other what you usually do w ith your friends. - Ask some pairs to volunteer to tell the class if they find each other’s answers interesting..
i s t e n i n g f l S 1)
2.1. Pre questions * Set the scene: You are going to a radio programme. ? Run trough the questions in 2 P I 3 - Read the questions and think o f the and underline the key words. answers ? Think of the answers first. - Teacher gets Ssf prediction and w rite Key:____________________________ 1. The topic of this week’s programme on the board.
? Listen and check your prediction.
is hanging out with your friends. 2. There are two main ways: hanging indoors or outdoors.
2.2. Listen and complete the table - Play the recording as many times as Key: 1. movies needed. Ss work individually then cinema compare answers with their partner. 3. crafts 5. physical health ? Listen and choose the correct people answer. 7. cultural centres 3. W riting <2(T)
3.1. Complete the paragraph (Activity 4 PI3) ? Cover the box and write some of these words/phrases on the board. ? Where in a paragraph they often see these words? ? What could be the purpose for using them. ? W o r t individually to complete the task, and discuss their answers with a partner. - Remind Ss that for some gaps there is more than one correct 3.2. Activity 5 P I3 ? Work in small group: each chooses one questioj - Then agree on an opinion and work together 2p brainstorm the ideals to argue for your points. - Each member will need to write his/her own piece. ? Remember to use the connectors you have earlier in order to better anize your ideals. e- Let some students read their writing.
4. Further practice (3r) How to write a webpage about school? A P ro d u c tio n s ^ ? Do E l '2, 3 P 8 (Workbook)
- Answer teac
2. 4
1. In my opinion/1 believe 2. Firstly 3. Secondly 4. Besides/also/in addition 5. for these reasons/in short as I have noted.........
Sample: 1 believe the best leisure activity fo r teenagers is any group activity This could be playing a team sport or joining a hobby group or even volunteering. Firstly, teenagers like to feet that they belong to a group. Secondly, being pari o f a group helps teenagers make friends. Friendships are veryt important to teenagers. In addition, they will make friends with people who have the same interests as them. For these reasons I think group Ss and T's activities are best fo r teenagers. - Answer teacher's questions.
? Prepare: L o o kin g b a c k - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about pollution.
- Take note
Kiêm ira ngtty thàng
Preparing date : Teaching date:
W EE K :22 P e rio d :6 1
L esson 7: Looking back and project
I./. O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Recycle the language from the previous sections and links with the topics. - fa c tic e doing some exercises to consolidate and apply what they have learnt in 2. Skills: Use o f English 3. Attitude: - Positive about pollution. - Students knowr how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use o f language....... II./. PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV./. PROCEDURE Ss and T’s activities
1. V o c a b u l a r y (MT)
1.1. Activity 1 ? Complete this exercise individually ? explain your answers - Accept different answers if Ss explain their decisions logically. 1.2. Activity 2 Key: ? Work individually. Rearrange the letters 1. socializini to find the name of the Ss and T ’s 2. relaxing activities 3. communicating with friends 4. doing DTY 5. meeting 6. making crafts. 2. G ra m m a r (20r) 2.1. Activity 3 - Ask students to refer to gramma I. working 2. learning/ on page 9 and 10. to learn 3. seeing ? How do we use verbs of linking? 4. doing 5. meeting ? Work individually tt^^om plete 6. play exercise. - If time allows, T^iiay ask Ss to swap their work with each other for peer correction. 2.2. Activity 4 P14 Have Ss complete the sentences using Work individually to give the their own ideas. Remind them to use correct form of verbs gerunds or to-infmitives. Have some Ss Key: 1. 2. don't 3. walks read out their sentences. Accept all come answers as long as they make sense. 4. do 5. teaches 6. play 2.3. Activity 5 P I4 1 Work individually then compare with a Key: I. Firstly 2. Secondly 3. Thirdly 4. In addition partner. - T may explain to them that they can 5. In short register as a user on the website in order to be protected when they go online. 3. Communication tUV) Read and match 3.1. Activity 6 P14 Key:
- Allow Ss plenty o f time to do this task. For each activity they choose, they should be able to give at least one reason that led them to the decision. ? Then Ss work in pairs to exchange ideas.
b-g h-c
3.2. Finished! - T asks Ss to complete the self Ask and answer in pairs assessment. Have Ss discuss as a class what difficulties remain and what areas the Ss have mastered. 4. F urth er practice (31) ? Sum up the main content of the lesson answer individi .5. Productions') ? Prepare your project - Take nc« ? Prepare: Getting started - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about pollution.____________________
c>x &
WEEK:22 Period: 62
Preparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Lesson 1: Getting started
I./. O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss w ill be able to: - listen and read the dialogue about Phong’s summer camp in Singapore for details and then do some related exercises. - use lexica] items related to English speaking countries 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries. - Students know how to learn English in right wray. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language___ II. .PREPARATION: IL/J Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... IV./. PROCEDURE Ss and T ’s activities 1.W arm er - Write the title 'English speaking
countries’ on the board. ‘English speaking countries’ ? Call out names of English E g: Singapore - Singapore City speaking countries and their main cities. ? Share any interesting facts you know about these places. - Now start the lesson. 2. C c t t i n n - s t a r t e d ( t t n - absolutely (adv) 2.1. Vocabulary c h ă n - Teacher use different techniques - official (adj); to teach vocabulary (situation, thức realia) - accent (*): - Follow the seven steps of teaching - native lỂười bán xứ (*); vocabulary speaker * Checking vocab: What and where - Repeat in chorus1 and i ìividually - Copy all the^voi 2.2. Listen ami read * Set the scenes: ? Look at the title of the - Answer the questions individually. conversation and the picture. * Suggested answers - Ask them some questions: - They are at the summer camp. * Where are the children? * What do you think therAare - Students' answer doing? - Ss answer the questions as a class. Play the recording and have Ss follow along. 3. Doing(2fl") 3.1. Find a (la P 1 7 ) ^ / Key: ? Find a word or an expression 1. awesome from the conversation which you 2. absolutely use when you: 3. It's hard to say I. think something is wonderful 4. perhaps
. ^hare answers with your partner. - Teacher gets feedback ? Add any other expressions which have the same meaning. 3.2. Answer the questions (lb. PI 7) ? Run through the questions. ? Ss read the conversation again to answer the questions.
Key: 1. He’s at an international summer camp (in Singapore). 2. They come from different countries/from all over the world. 3. He has made newr friends, visited places, (and taken part in different Ss and T ’s activities.)
- Ss exchange their answers with a classmate. - Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board. Check their answers. 5.5. Complete the sentences (2 P i 7) ? Underline these words/ phrases in the conversation. - Make sure they understand their meanings. ? Work independently to complete the sentences. ? Share your answers in pairs. - Confirm the correct answers. Note: Your first language is often known as your mother tongue, and your second language may refer to a language used as an official language in your country, like
4. Because he uses English ever day with people from fidderent Ss and T ’s activities.) 5. Two boys from Australia and a girl from the USA. 6. After July 15tk.
Kev: 1. summer camp 2. native English speaking countries 3. native speakers 4. the USA >W X 5. accents 6. official language
samt at school as part of the cui 3.4. Write the name countries (3 PI 7) Key: Have Ss work jk paiW groups to I . the USA 2. The United Kingdom match the flags with the countries. 3. Singapore 4. Australia T c h e c k s^ /V ^ * 6. New Zeland 5. Canada z , Note: The UK, or the United Kingdom = Great Britain + Northern Ireland Great Britain Britain = England + Scotland + Wales The USA = the United States of America. It is also known as the US, or the United States, or even just the States. In Canada, there are two official languages: English and French. Came: where are they? ? Form groups of five or six. - The first group to find all the Work in groups countries wins.
- If possible, prepare a black and white world map on A3 paper or quickly draw a world map on the board. - Ask one student from the winning group to go to the board and mark the six countries so that other groups can see and check. 4 . F u r t h e r p r a c t i c e {!') ? Sum up the main content of the - Answer individually lesson. 5. Production^*) ? Learn by heart all the new words. - Take note ? Do Ex B3, 4 P13 (Workbook) ? Prepare: Closer Look 1 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about English speaking countries.
& Preparing date: Teaching date:
W EEK:22 Period: 63
SPEAK UNIT 8: ENGLISHI SPEARING COUNTRIES Lesson 2: A closer look 1 LL O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: 2. Skills: Speaking, 1iste n in g jwriting. 3. Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./.PREPARATION: 1 .Teachcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks I H i. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by M/jsual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV./. PROCEDURE I. O B J E C T I V E S :
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - learn more words about English speaking countries. - remember the rules o f stress in words ending in -ese and -ee II. LANGUAGE FOCUS:
lexica] items related to English speaking countries. I1L RESOURCES; - Materials: Ss’ books, workbook, tape and radio - Method: T- WC, group work, individual work IV, PROCEDURES: Ss and T ’s activities 1. W arm er (5*): ? Work individually to write the names for the people. ? Share with a partner. - Play the recording for Ss to check their answers. Ss listen and repeat. - Point out the change of stress from Canada to Ca’nadian
Key: 1. the Americans 3. the Scottish, the Scots ish 5. the Irish 6. the Canadians 7. the Australians the Newr Zealanders - Point out the changefaf stress from 'Canada to CVnadian 2. Vocabulary - iconic (adj): (thuộc) tượng, hình 2. 1. Vocabulary tượng - Teacher use different techniques quang cánh, cánh in): to teach vocabulary (situation, tượng realia) koala gấu túi in): - Follow the seven steps o^ - loch (Ê cốt) hồ in): teaching vocabulary - adoptee in): con nuỏi, dường tử * Checking vocab: Slap the board - refugee in): nguời tị nạn (n): nguời nhận thư - addressee (adj): độc dáo, riêng biệt - unique - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words 2.2. Wo rdformation (2 PIS) ? Wo in pairs to change the words into a noun (N), an 1. N = history adjectivfe (A) or a verb (V). 2. V = symbolise/ symbolize - Check the answers as a class. - If time allows, have two Ss wrrite 3. A = legendary their answers on the board and 4. N = icon 5. A = spectacular then confirm the correct answers. 6. N = festival ? Read all the wrords aloud. 7. A = scenic 8. V = attract 2.3, Complete (3P18)
sentences Key: 1. icon
? Read each sentence and decide what the part of speech is for each word to he filled in the blank. - F o r example, the word for the blank in sentence I is a noun. They then complete the sentences. - Confirm the correct answers as a class. 2.4. Matching (4P18) ? Look at the pictures. ? What can you see in each of them? ? Work individually to match the words/ phrases to the pictures. - Check the answers as a class by asking Ss in which countries, from the list in 1, they might see these things. ? Give an example of these things. 3. P ro n u n e iatio ii(2 m S tre ss
w o rd s
e n d in g
2. 3. 4. 5.
symbolsies scenic unique attracts
< r c>x
K e y :
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
castle Icoch parade monument state cattle station
- e s c
a n d - e e
3.1. Listen and repeat (5 PIS) ? Mark the stress in the words firstly and say the words aloud before they listen to the recording. ? Ss listen and repe; - Then have Ss individually. * Remember; For words ending in -ese anaL -ee the stress is often placed on the final syllable. 3.2. Mark the stress in the underlined words - P u t the underlined words on the oard. ? Mark the stress in the words first. - Ask for a show o f hands from the class o f they think the stress is correct or not. ? Listen, check and say the sentences. 4. F urth er practice (21) ? Recall the rule of stress in words
-ese Cato'nese Taiwa’nese Japa’nese Portuguese
K e y :
1. Chi’nese 2. refu’gee 3. trai’nee 4. Japa nese 5. guaran tee
-ee employ’ee adop’tee addressee interview’ee
ending in -ese and -ee 5. P ro d u c tio n ^ 1} ? Learn by heart all the new words. ? Do Ex AL2 P 11; BL 2 P 13 ? Prepare: Closer Look 2 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about English speaking countries.
- Answer individually
- T ake note
▲ -oOo-
J tf l
, Kiêm tra ngày thảng
Preparing date: Teaching date:
W EEK :23 Period: 64
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - Review present tenses: present simple, present continuous and present perfect - Learn about the present simple for the future 2. Skills: Use of English. 3* Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries. - Students know how to learn English in right way 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... IL .P R E P A R A T IO N : LTeacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV./. PROCEDURE
Ss and T ’s activities Content 1 .W arm er (5*): Recall - Remind Ss about the use o f the Key: present simple, present continuous 1. Present simple and present perfect. S + V(inf, s, es).... ? Work in three groups. Find out * Adverbs of time: every their distinct time signals. morning. Sunday, on Monday * Adverbs of frequency: once/ twice, three times a week, always, usually, sometime, often, nevi 2. Present continuous S + ia. am/are + V-ing............... '^ d v e r b s of time: now, right now', at present, at the moment, today..... rbs after: It is + time.... Look!, Listen! 3. Present perfect S + have/ has + PPT............. . * Adverbs of time: since, for, never, ever, recently, lately, so far, yet, already, just. .. * Verbs after: It's the first/ second. .. time.r„ It's the only + N.... Superlative Vocabulary (71) - parade cuộc diễu hành in): /. - Teacher iuse different - pose đứng/ ngồi (để làm (V): ^ J e c h n iq u e s to teach vocabulary mẫu nghệ thuật) (situation, realia) - serve phục vụ (V): - Follow the seven steps of teaching - sc edule lộ trình, thòi khóa in): vocabulary biểu * Checking vocab: R.O.R (V): - promote thăng cấp, làm tăng tiến (V): - increase tăng lén - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words
I Review: Present tenses (12 ) 1. Complete the sentences (1 PI 9) ? Work individually to complete the sentences with the correct forms o f the verbs. - Allow Ss to share ideas in pairs or small groups. Encourage Ss to explain how they decided on the tense in each sentence. Correct as a class. 2. Correct mistakes (2 PI 9) ? Work individually first. - Then let them share and discuss in pairs or small groups. Check, and have Ss explain why a certain tense is used. 2, G r a m m a r
3. G r a m m a r
K e y :
1. has served increasing 3. symbolises 5. has celebrated
2. is
th e p a ssa g e
isited easing celebrates ance
P re s e n t sim p le fo r
th e fu tu re
1. Use ? Study the REMEMBER. ? What do we use the prese simple for? ? Read the exampl REMEMBER. 2. Activity 3a P19 ? Read the monthly schedule for the extra Ss and T ’ s activities at Vancouver Christian School. - Then have them underline the verbs in the sentences. 3M ctivity 3b P I 9 - Allow Ss time to discuss and find the answers to the questions. If Ss are having difficulty answering question ? Is a schedule usually for present or future Ss and T ’s activities?
use the present simple with a future leaning when we talk about schedules, programs, e t c (for example: puplic transport, cinema, television, schools...)
1 The Debating Competition takes place in the Main Hall on April 3ld 2 The bus for the excursion to the chocolate factory leaves at 8.00 a m in April 14th.
1 The future
2. The present simple
4. Activity 4 P 19 Have Ss do this exercise I. starts - finishes 2. takes place independently. T checks the holds 4. hosts 5. lasts answers as a class.
5. Activity 5 P19 ? Work in groups to make notes of some Ss and T’s activities our school has organised for next week. Encourage them to be imaginative. ? Then write down the sentences. - Remind Ss that in this case, the present simple is used to talk about practical information: place, time, day, date, so this should be the focus of their sentences. 4. F u rth e r practice ? Recall the uses o f the four tenses. 5. Production! 2'^ ? Learn by heart all the newr words and structures. ? Do Ex B 5 ,6 P 1 3 - 14 (Workbook) ? Prepare: Communication - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about English speaking countries.
Eg: - The English speaking contest is held on next Monday morning. - All the students take part in ’’Trong Com” performance on Tuesday and Sartuday.
- Answer individual]
- T ake no
W EEK:23 Period: 65
Preparing date: Teaching date:
T 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Lesson 4: Communication I./. OBJ 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: Use the lexical items related to the topic 'English speaking countries’ to introduce about some English speaking countries kills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries. - Students knowr how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... IL/. PREPARATION: LTeachcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV./. PROCEDURE Sii and T ’s activities
I.Warm ut> - 5f: Brainstorming - Teacher elicits the topic from students ? Can you name some English speaking - Answer the questions countries that you know? ? What do you knowr about thenr^ - Introduce the newr lesson * Teaching vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to territory (n):lành thổ teach vocabulary (situation, realia) North Pole: Bắc cực - Follow the seven steps of teaching Arctic Circle: Vòng bac cực vocabulary Garment{n):quân áo * Checking vocab: Slap the board Koala{n):gau túi Emu(n):đà điêu sa mạc 2. Commiication I Do the quiz and choose the correct answers -Have ss do the quiz individually - Answer the questions individually quick as possible first then share compare - Set a limit time is 5 minutes Key : - Ask ss to share their answers writh 1C 2A 3C 4B 5B their partners 6B 7C 8A 9B 10 A - Check the class by asking for a show of hands for each question.
3. Communication 2 - Work in pair 3.2. Write the names o f the countriesKey: next to their facts 1. The USA - Have ss to w ork in pairs 2. New Zealand L- T ra ils on some ss to read aloud their 3. The UK wers then confirms the correct 4. Canada answers 5. Australia
3.3. Game. How much you kow about - Work in groups o f 4 ss a country? a. - Put ss into groups of 4 ss then -Write the information in short notes explain that they have a chance to put first without mentioning the name of
together what they know about a country, including all the information they have got so far from the lesson - Ask sa to write the information in short notes first without mentioning the name of the country b. -Ask each group to stand up in front o f the class. Each member o f the group will give one fact about the country. When they have finished, the rest of the class can guess what country it is. When every group has done their presentation, the class can vote for the most informative and interesting one
the country
-Give the facts about the country
o -Guess what count -Vote for the interesting
4. F u rth e r practice - Summary the lesson 5. PntdgctjogfT) ? Do Ex B5,6P 13 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talkit about English speaking countries.
formative and
ce note
-oOoPreparing date: Teaching date:
W EEK : 23 Period: 66
I .L O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Read for specific information about family customs and traditions - Talk about interesting facts of a country 2. Skills: Speaking, reading. Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries. V>31 Ai - Students knowr how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... »./.PREPA R A TIO N : I.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV./. PROCEDURE Ss and T ’s activities 1. W a r m
u n
- 5 f; C h a tt i n g
- Ask ss to close the book and answer the question ? What do you know about Scotland - Introduce the new lesson * Teaching vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary * Checking vocab: Slap the board 2.
R e a d in g -
- Answer the question
-p ip in g {n ): s u
-h a u n t(v ): a m ành -u n iq u e(a d j): d ô c d âo - s e e n i c{ adj ) : th uo c cân h v at -fire b rig a d e(n ): d o i cltu h oa
* Set the scene: - We are going to read a passage about Scotland 2.1. Discuss the questions. Then read the passage - Allow ss 3 minutes to discuss the questions without looking at the passage - Collect some ss’ ideas - Ask ss to read the passage then check their answers - T calls 2 ss to write the answers on the board then confirms the correct answers ap to show where is Scotland - T uses a m man
G Guessing
-Discuss the questions looking at the passage
-Read the passage then check their answers Key : 1. It is in the north o f Great Britain 2. Any or all the following: It is famous for its rich and unique culture as well as its amazing natural beaty. Its historic castles, its traditional festivals and its whisky. It is also famous for various inventions
2.2. Matching - Ask ss to read the passage again then - Work individually ask them scan the places first. Read Key: carefully the information about each l-d,f place and choose the two features related 2 -a ,c to it 3-b,h 4e,g
2.3. Read the passage again then answer the questions Key: - Work individually then compare their 1. Yes, it is answers with a classmate before giving 2. a ghost the answers to T. 3. piping, drumming, dancing 4. the telephone, television, penicillin, the rain coat 5. In 1824 3. S n e a k in g
- 2 0 f
3.4. Work in pairs talk about the things you like most about Scotland. Give reasons - Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about their choice. - Ask some pairs to represent
Eg: S 1: What do you like about Sciotland? S2: I like the cast A T SI : Why? S2: Becaus t to see a ghost
5.5. Work in groups. Read and discuss these interesting facts about Australia . Prepare a short introduce o f Australia then represent - Have ss work in groups of 4 ss - Work in groups o f 4 ss discuss if there is any piece: information they are not clear about. - Check as a class to make the lfiC sure S U 1 Ü that LI information is understood c ^ e c t l y - Ask some groups to repres present V 4. F u rth er practice - Sum up the main content of the lesson. Answer 5, Production(2f) - Do Ex C1.2. D1 P 14, 15 - Take note - Collect pictures, songs, clip; Collecl^jjctures, clips talking about—English speaking countries. 1
A o
-oOoKiểm tra ngày tháng
o s<<
W EE K :24 Period: 67
Preparing date : Teaching date:
IT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Lesson 6: Skills 2 :c t i v e s 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: * Listen for specific information about a day trip to an amazing town * * Write a description of a schedule for a visit or a tour 2. Skills: listening, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... IM PR E PA R A T IO N :
l.Teachcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.,.. IV./. PRO CED U RE Ss and T ’s activities Content L W arm ur> - 5': - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the introduction to the listening. Ask them what - Look at the pic] features from the pictures they are interested teacher’s questit in, and what they think Wanaka is like.
L iste n in g -
2.1. Activity I : - Ask Ss to read the questions. T then plays the recording and Ss write the answers can play the recording at least twice the answers from Ss and write the answers on the board 2.2. Activity 2: - Give Ss some time to read the questions Check if they knowr the meaning of the words 'illusion1(something that appears to be there but is not) antW^-D hologram’ (three-dimensional image). Ss then listen to the recording agaw, as many times as needed if time allow s, and choose the correct answers. T checks the answers as a cl 201 f. 1. Activity 3a: - Ask Ss to work in groups of three or four. Read the Ss and T ’s activities and decide on the four Ss and T ’s activities they would like to do together in their two-day visit to Washington D C. b. Once they have made their decision, allowr them time to schedule their visit and fill in the schedule table.
2/ 12.30 4/4.15
2. C 5. A
- Group work
3. C
3.2. Activity 4: Write a passage.* - Have each group write a description o f their visit. The description should include: the name of the activity, the time they do it, and what it involves. I f possible, give each group a big piece of paper to write their answers. Ask the two quickest groups to present their answers. Other groups and T give comments. Give marks to the groups. Other groups complete their writing as homework and bring it back in the next lesson.
4. F u rth e r practice (3'i ? Sum up the main content of the lesson.
- Group work Example: This is the schedule for our group’s two-day visit to Washington D C. On the first day we plan to go to the White Hqnse early at 8 o ’clock. This way, we avoid the crowds. Then we get on a Hop-on Hop-off trolley, which rides around the city. We do some shopping and go for a nice lunch. Then we see some of the sights of the city. On the second day, we take the 8.30 Shuttle bus to the canoe club to join a canoe trip along the C&O canal. This canal is famous for its beautiful scenery, especially in Autumn. The trip take;s about three hours. In the afternoon, wre visit the National Children’s Museum. The brochure says that this museum offers a lot of fun Ss and T ’s activities where they can leam through playing. Answer
5, P r o d u c lio i[ ( 2 fi
? Do Ex in exercise book - Take note ? Prepare: U n i t 8 : LB o o kk ii nn ;g b a c k - Collect pictured, songs, cl clips talking about English speaking countries. -qQoPreparing date : Teaching date:
W EEK : 24 iod: 68
L o o k in g
b a e k + p ro je c t
I ./. O BJECTIVES 1* Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Recycle the language from the previous sections and links with the topics. - Practice doing some exercises to consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 8.
2. Skills: Use o f English. 3. Attitude: - Positive about English speaking countries. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... I U PREPARATION: LTeacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks IIL/. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss a irt^ _ activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present
I V.A PROCEDURE Ss and T *s activities 1. W a r m
C o n te n t
u n
- free talk 2. Looking hack Vocabulary - Ifl1 Exercise /. Match the words with definitions - Ask ss to do this e> individually then compare their ar answers with a partner 4 .b -Call on some ss to write the answers on the board -Confirm the correct answers e the best answer. ... Exercise -Ask ork individually then K c y : eir partner l.C compare w fi - Ask ss to write the sentences on the 5. B board - T c con firms the correct answers am m ar- 15* Exercise 3: Decide if the sentences..,. -Ask ss to work individually and then share the answers with a classmate. Kcy: - Check their answers. IF 5. F
2. e 5. d
3. f 6. a
2. A 6. A
3. C
4. B
2. F
3. P
4. P
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences, ... - Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and look for clues that help them decide
which tense should be used for each Key: blank. Have Ss complete the exercise 1. faces 2. doesn’t set 3. has wron independently and then exchange their 4. has done 5. is 6. are trying answers. Ask two Ss to write their answers on the board. Confirm the correct answers. Communication - 20' Exercise 6. Work in groups. Discuss what you would do 6 say in each situation - Group work - Ask ss to work in groups of 4 ss to discuss what they would do or say in each situation. - Ask ss to read the example - Ask ss to move around the class to listen to their ideas Finished! Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment Discuss as a class what difficulties remain and what areas Ss have mastei 3.Project Divide Ss into groups of four or five and instruct them on what they have to do. Encourage them to think creatively and daringly. Tell them to keep in mind who this poster is for. These can help decide: attractions you would - Ss do at home mr poster. ormation about the attraction you would introduce.
s: <5
which picture you would use for your poster. the design for your poster.
Have Ss present their poster in the next lesson. When all the groups have given their presentations, the whole class can vote for the best. 4. F u rth e r practice (3r) Cheek >our knowledge!_______________ Key:
Ss work in groups. They discuss the statements and decide if they are true. If they are not, find the true answer. Check as a class.
1. Scottish men wear kilts. 2. The USA has the biggest population. 3. California is a state in the USA. 4. They live in Australia
5. P ro d u c tio n s ^ - Do Ex in exercise book - Take note - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about English speaking countries._______ ----------------------------------------- oOo-------------------------------------. W EEK :24 Prepat'tHg date: Period: 69 Teaching date:
UNIT 9: NATURAL D I E T E R S L e sso n
1 : G e ttin g s ta rte d
I./. O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - listen and read the dialogue about the typhoon in Nam Dinh province for details and then do some related exercises. - use lexical items related to natural disasters - respond to good 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about natural disasters. - Students knowr how to learn English in right wray. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./.PREPARATION: l.Teach^prbook, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV./. PROCEDURE Ss
T ’s a c tiv itie s
C o n te n t
1 . W a r m e r (5*1: M a t c h i n g
* Activity 2aP27 Vi t \ : a First, have Ss work R e s p o n d in g independently. Then allowr them to g o o d n e w s
R e s p o n d in g n e w s
share answers before playing the recording for them to check. Play the recording for Ss to repeat the phrases. Remind Ss to pay attention to their intonation as they practice. 2. C c t t i n £ - s t a r t e d
( 1 ( 0
2.1. Vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary
Wow! That’s great! That’s a relief! How wonderful! That’s awesome! - typhoon - tsunami - volcanic - tornado - mudslide - drought - flood - severe
Oh dear! That’s awful! How terrible! Oh no! That’s shocking! bão nhiệt đói sóng thần núi lừa lốc
hạn hán m^ụi khốc liệt
/ s i \i : r /
- property tài sản, của câi - dehrii vôi gạch đổ nát - Repi nis and individually e words -O *
(A ctiv ity 3
P 27)
? Work in pairs to match the tl words/phrases to the pictures. 2. D 3. F 4. B 1C ? Then share answers with anothei 6. A 7. H 8. E ? Listen and check. Then repeat tlthe 5. G words/phrases. 2.2. Listen ami read * lntroductiofc^ffite the unit title ‘ N a t u r a l D i s a s t e r s ’ on the board ^Natural Disasters’. ? Answer the questions about natural disasters that have happened where you live or anywhere else in the world that you know of. - Answer the questions individually. What m w the natural disaster? ? When did it happen ? ? Was there any damage to people or property? * Set the scenes: ? Look at the picture. - Ask Ss questions about the picute: E-g? Where are Duong and Nick? ? What are they talking about?
Which natural disasters can we - They are at school. see in the speech bubbles? - They are talking about Natural Disasters. - They are tornado, flood and earthquake. ?
3, D o in g ( 2 0 " )
3.1. Gap fill (la P27) ? Read each sentence and locate the information in the conversation, then choose suitable words/phrases to fill each blank. ? Work independently. - Then allow them to share answers before discussing as a class. 3.2. Responding to the news (lb P27) - T models - Focus on intonation, stressing the first syllable of 'terrible1. ? Do the same with other Ss around the class. ? Refer back to the conversation to find the other phrases. ? Practice saying the phrases with correct intonation. ( Play the recording again as a model il necessary). 3.3. Matching 2b P27) ? Work independently th^lT’share the answers before T gives comments. - Point some of the response more than one statement Ask Ss which o f these natural disasters can happen in Viet Nam. v5Then model this activity with a mon able student. Next ask Ss to more work in pairs. Go around to provide help. Call on some pairs to practice in front o f the class.
4. F u rth e r practice (2*1 ? Sum up the main content of the lesson.
Key: 1. tropical 3. damage 5. medical supplies accommodation
2. injurt 4. tr
T: My cat died. S: That’s terrible!
1. Oh no! t ’s awful!
Kev: l.b 4. c
2.d 5. a
2. That’s relief
3. f ó. E
E g: A: Which are the most common natural disasters in Thanh Hoa? B: Typhoons and floods. A: How often do they happen there? B: typhoons happen there about three or four times a year, and floods about twice a year. - Answer individually
5. Productioni2fi ? Learn by heart all the new words. 9 Do Ex B2,3 P20 (Workbook) - T ake note ? Prepare: Closer Look 1 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about natural disasters. --------------------------------- oOoKiem Ira ngay thtfng v S p
4 6 WEEK:25 Period: 70
Preparing date: Teaching date:
2: A
c lo ser
lo o k
l.L O OBJECT" BJECTIVES 1. knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - learn more words about natural disasters - remember the rules o f stress in words ending in -logy and -graphy 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, writing. 3* Attitude: - Positive about natural disasters. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./, PREPARATION: LTeaehcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2 .S tu d e n ts:
books, notebooks
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. ..
III./. T E A C H I N G
IV ./.
M E T H O D S :
Ss a n d 1. W a r m e r
(S '):
M a tc h in g
- Give out the posters ? Match a word with its meaning - Teacher monitors and gets feedback.
2. V o c a b u l a r y (10*)
2. Ỉ. Vocabulary - Teacher use differ« ques to teach vocabul ituation, realia) - Follow the ps of teaching vocabula* * Chec b: Ordering
C o n te n t
T ’s a c tiv itie s
1. ecology 2. biology 3. photography 4. apology 5. biography 6. psycholo 7. socio 8. zoi 9. bibliography demography astrology 12. climatology (v): (v): (v): (v): (v): (v): (v): Repeat in chorus and Copy all the words
2.2. Gap fill (Activity 1 P28) Write the first verb erupt on the board and elicits the past tense from - erupt - erupted Ss, writing erupted on the board. Key: 1. struck ? Do the same with all the verbs. 4. buried ? Work independently to do the activity. - Play the recording for Ss to repeat the sentences. 2.3. Matching (2 P28) ? Match the verbs in A to the nouns
a. 1Ờ khỉ hậu học lh thái học tàm lí học e. động vật học f. thiên văn học g. sinh vật học h. thuật chụp ánh i. nhàn khẩu học j. thư mục k. khi hậu học l. tiểu sủ phun diễn ra ảc liệt chỏn vùi, chôn rung sụp, sụp đồ đánh, đập sơ tán individually
2. erupted 3. shook 5. raged 6. collapsed
in B. 1. e 2. b 3. a ? Listen and check then repeat. 2.4. Complete the sentences (3P28) Key: ? Use the phrases in 2 in the correct 1. provide shelter form to complete the sentences 2. put out the forest fire 3. evacuated the village 4. scattered debris 5. take aid 3. Pronunciation (2ftMj S tre ss
w o rd s
e n d in g
5. c
and -g ra p h y * Remember: For words ending in -logy and -grapgy, place the stress on the third syllable from end. 3.1. Listen and repeat (4 P28) ? Ss listen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress syllables - Then have Ss say the words individually. 3.2. Mark the stress (Activity 5 P28) ? Mark the stress in the words first ? Listen, check and read aloud
4. d
-logy ecology biology apology psycholog ipgy technol a
Kc H sociology 2, zo'ology 3*^ibli'ography climat'ology 5. as'trology 6. de'mography
-graphy________ )hotography biography geography
3.3. Mark the stressed svllabh syllables in the underlined words (Activity 6 P28) ? Read the sentences first. ? Mark the stressed syllables in the underlined words. ? Listen and repeat the sentences 4. F u rth e r practice (2*) ? Recall the rule o f stress in words - Answer individually t e n d mg in -logy and -graphy L IProduction^*) ? Learn by heart all the new words. - Take note ? Do Ex A l f2 P 19; B1 P19 ? Prepare: Closer Look 2 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about natural disasters._____ oOoPreparing date: WEEK:25
Period: 7 1
Teaching date:
UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTER Lesson 3: A closer look 2 I ./. O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss w ill be able to: - Review the use of the passive voice .rig these mese - Learn about the past perfect and practice doing some exercises using two structures 2. Skills: Use o f English. 3. Attitude: - Positive about natural disasters. - Students knowr how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-leaming capability, creative capacity, ability creati to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: I.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projecto 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: C o m m u n ic a /e tifapproach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising,, diSfcussion discussi group, technical present.
IV./. PROCEDURE cities_____ Ss and T ’s activiti Content L W a rm er (5f): Review' iewr pai nassiv voice ? Study REMEMBER î - We form the passive voice with the verb to ? Howr do we form the passive be in the appropriate tense and form and the voice: past participle of the main verb. - Only verbs which can take an object can be used in the passive. ? Which kind of n verb can be used in 1. Past simple: S + was/were + PP.... the passive? ? Work in three groups to write the 2. Present simple: S + is/am/are + PP.... forms of the passive voice in past 3. Future: S + will be + PP.... \ > i m pie, present simple and future is, am are + going to be + PP.... tens tense. 2. G ra m m a r I. The passive voiec Key: Was anyone injured? OH Only a few minor injuries wrere reported. 2J. Activity 1 P29 ? Read the conversation in It seems many houses and public buildings GETTING STARTED. were destroyed or flooded, and thousands of ? Underline any sentences in the people were left homeless. passive voice that you can find. They’ve sent rescue workers to free people
who wrere trapped in flooded homes. Medical supplies, food and rescue equipment have also been sent. They’ve been taken to a safe where temporary accommodation will be provided for them. 2.2. Ss and T\s activities 2 P29 ? Work independently. - Then, ask them to share their answers with one or more partners. ? Say the answers aloud. - Confirm the correct answers. 2.3. Activity 3 P29 Invite two Ss to write the sentences on the board while other Ss write the sentences in their notebooks. ? Model the first sentence for Ss. - Have Ss write the next two sentences and correct them carefully. The rest can be done homework.
Key: 1. Was scattered 3. Were taken
2. Are bu
4. will be predicted 5. Will be delivered are going Tot o be deli\ elivered Key: 1. Food and blankets have been given out to homeless people (by volunteers). 2. Ten people trapped in collapsed buildings have been freed (by the rescue workers) so far. C j 3. Was the whole village destroyed (by the storm}? I f the area is hit by the storm, a lot of amage will be caused. 5. A garden party is going to be organized for raise money for the victims of the flood.
3. G ra m m a r 2: £15^1 5. /. Activity 4 ? Read pa conversation from GE ARTED. ? Pay in n to the underlined part to the yellow box. ' ining the form o f the past ct tense and going through the - We use the past perfect to describe: pies. + an action before a stated time in the past ? When do we use the past perfect0 + an action that happened before another ? Can you think of any rules? action in the past ? Read the example in 4h P29 (+) Positive Subject + had + past participle Example: I had left when they came. (-) Negative Subject + had not/hadn’t + past participle Example: I hadn’t left when they came.
(?) Q u e stio n s:
had + subject + past participle had + subject + not + past participle hadn’t + subject + past participle Example: Had you left when they came? Had you not left when they came? Hadn’t you left when they came? -
S h o r t a n s w e r s to
Y 'e s/N o
(+) Yes, subject + had. (-) No, subject + hadn’t Example: Had you left when th Yes, 1 had. / No, I hadn 3.2. Activity 5 P30 ? Work independently. - Then, ask them to share their answers with one or more partners. Ask some Ss to say their answers aloud. T gives comments, and makes any correction if avaible. 3.3. Activity 6 P30 ? Work in pairs. Ask and answ the following questions ab - T may go around to provide help. front Call some pairs to practice m fr of the class.
pted 2. arrived, had had spent, arrived d n ’t taken 5. found, had
A: What had you learned to do by the time you started primary school9 B: By the time you started primary school, I had learned how to ride a bike.
3.4. Activity 7 P39 E g: On my birthday, I was very pleased - Model theygame with the whole because 1 had received a nice present. class first. Divide the whole class into two team ( e.g. left side and right s id e ). ? Take turns in giving reasons why y were pleased/ ups pset/happy/angry, u etc. Count the correct sentences to find the winning team 4. F u r t h e r n r a c tic e (2 r)
? Recall the uses o f the past perfect tense 5. Production! 2'^ ? Learn by heart all the new words
- Answer individually
- Take note
a n d stru ctu res,
? Do Ex B3,4,5 P20 (Workbook) ? Prepare: Communication - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about natural disasters. -oOoW EE K :25 Period: 72
Preparing date : Teaching date:
UNIT 9: NATURAL DISATERS Lesson 4: Communication
c>x *
LL O BJECTIVES 1, Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will he able to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic ‘Natural disate: ters ’ to express t their own ideas about natural disasters t>v compare with by answering 2l questions then i their partners. 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3. Attitude:
Positive about natural disaste - Students know' how to learn lrn English English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... I U PREPARATION: LTeaehcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, noteft(&pk% IIL/. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV./. PROCEDURE Content Ss and T 's activities l.W arm un - 5 1: Chatting - T gives the question: Can we prevent natural disaters with - Answer the questions A the help o f modern technology? - Ask ss to discuss the questions in groups of 6 ss - Call on some representatives from some groups to reprent their ideas - Introduce the new lesson * Teaching vocahtdary(5\) - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia)
-deal(v): đối phó -view(n): quan diêm -tsunami(n): sóng than
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary * Checking vocab: Slap the board 2. Communication 1 2 .1. Lis ten to a radio programme on 4teen news. Then Jill in the gaps with the words you hear. (12’) - Use the pictures to set the scene - Have ss read the interview' and guess what the missing word for each gap in the interview' - Collect ss’ ideas -Ask ss to listen to the recording and fill in the missing words - Play the recording twice - Ask ss to compare with their partners - Get feedback - Play once to check the answers
-strike(v): tẩn công -victim{n): nạn nhàn -charge(n): nhiệm v ụ , bôn phạn
-Listen to the reco missing words compare Key : 1. flooeded 2. wa 3.U: ired iding
3, Commimiction 2 3.2. Read the listeners’ views natural disaters again and decide who - Read the listeners* view and decide you agree with and who you disagree whose opinions you agree and who with (S') you disagree with - Ask ss to decide w h o a opinions they agree and who they disagree with. - Ask ss to make notes of the reasons for their
Answer the two questions . express your own views and write them down below (8) - Work individually to make notes o f - Have ss make notes of their answers their answers to the two questions in to the two questions in the interview the interview' - Remind ss that it doesn't matter what their answers are and that is more important that they justify their answers 3.4. Work in pairs* Now compare your
view with a partner. Do you share the same views ?(S') - Ask ss to work in pair to share their answers with a partner - Encourage each pair to negotiate for the same views. - Have some ss report on their answers 4. F urth er practice (3f} - Summary the lesson
- Work in pairs
-Report on their answers
Take note
5. P ro d u c tio n ^ * }
-Guide ss how to Ex B4,5 P 20 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about natural disasters.
W EEK:26 Period:
Preparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson 5: Skills 1 B.JECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Read for specific information about natural disasters in a news report - Talk about natural disater and what to do when it happens 2. Skills: Speaking, reading. 3* Attitude: - Positive about natural disasters. - Students knowr how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language.......
II./. PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present ... IV./. PROCEDURE Ss and T’s activities lAVarm un - 5 '; Chatting - Ask ss to close the book and answer the question ? What can we do to prepare for a natural disaster? - Introduce the new lesson 2. Reading- 15’ 2.1. Read an article about how to prepare fo r a natural disaster. Look at the words in the box then fin d them in the text and underline them. What do they mean? - T asks ss to scan the passage and find out where the words r havoc, essential, destructive, guideline, emergency are in the passage then asks if ss know the meaning of these words. If they don’t, T m a v h e lp ss work out the mean ing o f these words from the context
„ J jg . Read the article again then answIer the questions Cl/i Work individually then compare their answers with a classmate before giving the answers - Ask some ss to write the answers on the board then confirm the correct answers
i o
V Answer the question
-essential(adj): cân thiêt - wreak havoc(v):húy hoại -destructive(adj): có tính tàn phá -guideline(n): đường hướng - emergency(n): tình trạng khân câp
-kit(n); đồ đạc -evacuation(n): sự sơ tán -ash(n): tro -lava(n): dung nham
- Work individually then compare writh partner Key: 1 Because they can wreak havoc across large areas and cause loss of life or damage to property 2 .Learn about the risks in your area and read the information about natural disaters on local government sites 3.Enter all the emergency contact
numbers in your mobile phone so you can call rescue and emergency workers if necessary 4.Your emergency supply kit should include food, water, medications, personal hygiene items, coppies of personal documents and some mo ne 5.We need to know the evacuati vacuation routes and shelters 3. Speaking - 20f 3.3a. Read the news reports then match each one to the correct pictures - Have ss read the news report then match the news report to the correct pictures - Ask some ss to read out their answers before checking with the whole class 3.3h. Work in pairs. Each pair can choose one o f the reports in 5. Roleplay telling each other about the news. Use the example below. First, remind ss o f the responses they practised in Getting started, refer them back to this section if necessary . - Ask ss to work in groups of 4 ss and role play telling each other about one of the n e v ^ ^ ^ A ^ - Ask some groups to do role-play in front o f the class 3.4/M ake a list o f things to do before , during and after each o f disasters in yo your areas. You can read the passage " 1 again fo r ideas :- Ask ss what disasters often happen in their areas - Elicit the answers from ss and choose two disasters that happen most - Divide the class into 2 groups to discuss and write down what do do before, during and after this diasters
Key 1C
in groups of 4 ss and role play telling each other about one o f the news in 3.
-Work in groups to discuss and write down what do do before, during and after this diasters
b. Discuss what you should do in the event o f a natural disasters in your Ask and answer questions about the area. Use the information from the things they should do in the event of table above each disaster they had discussed in a - Have ss work in pairs: one student from each group above. Have ss ask and answer questions about the things they should do in the event of each disaster they had discussed in a - Invite some pairs to demonstrate their conversations in front of the class
4. F u rth er practice (3f) - Sum up the main content of the lesson. 5. Production!!^ - Do Ex Cl .2, Dl,2 P 22.23 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about natural disasters. W EEK :26 Period: 74
Preparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson 6: Skills 2 l.L OBJECTIVI e end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. knowlcc ecific information about a natural disaster in a news report list news reports on a natural disaster Listening, writing. Attitude: - Positive about natural disasters. Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II/P R E P A R A T IO N ; 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV./. PROCEDURE Ss a n d
C o n te n t
activ ities
L W arm up - 5*: - Brainstorming: effects of a typhoon 2. Listening- 151 2.1. Activity I: - Remind Ss about listening for key words in statements. Play the recording and ask Ss to correct the statements. Then ask two or three Ss to write their answers on the board. Play the recording again for Ss to check the answers.
- Work in teams: write as man as possible Key: 1* A typhoon hit Nghe ce last night. 2. Dozens of people were seriously injured in the storm. 3. There wras extensive damage to property m Cua Lo, a coastal town in Nghe An 4. The storm had already weakened when rescue workers arrived in the area. 5. According to the weather bureau, heavy rain will continue over the next few' days.
2.2. Activity 2: - First, ask Ss to work iflWpairs to discuss the missing word for each gap Key: 1. which 2. homeless from the information they have heard in 1. Then play the recording again and 3. Damage 4. flood allowr Ss to tiLI Vpvthe gaps as they listen. Ask Ss to snare their answers in 5. debris 6. Accommodation pairs before playing the recording a final time to allow' pairs to check their an s w e r^ If time is limited, T may play only the sentences that include the formation Ss need for their answers.
3. Writing - 20’ 3.1. Activity 1: - Ask Ss to make notes about a natural disaster they or one of their family - pair work members have experienced in the given table. Remind them that they do not have to write full sentences and they can use abbreviations. Then, ask Ss to
share their notes with their partners. T may ask some more able Ss to read out their notes to the whole class. 3.2. Activity 4: - Set up the writing activity. Remind Ss that the first and most important thing is always to think about what they are going to write. In this case, Ss can use the chart in 3 as a model for their report. T may still need to provide - Group work some help with the language necessary for writing. Ask Ss to write a draft report first. Then have them write their final version in class or at home, depending on time allowed. If they write in class, they can also do it in pairs or groups. T may display all or some of the reports on the wall/board and invite other Ss to give comments. Ss to give comment* Ss edit and revise their reports homework.___________ 4. F u rth e r practice ? Sum up the main < lesson. 5. Production^*} ? Do Ex in exercise ? Prepare: Unit 9 ^Looking back - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about natural d i e t e r s -oOaPreparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson 7: Looking back+projcct I./. O BJECTIVES L Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Recycle the language from the previous sections and links with the topics. - Practice doing some exercises to consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 9. 2* Skills: Use o f English
3. Attitude: - Positive about natural disasters. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: 1 .Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching me visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. IV./. PROCEDURE Ss and T ’s activities 1. W arm un - free talk
- Teacher-
2. Looking hack: For 1,2,3 and 4, first have Ss work 2. F 3. D 4. B 5. A independently. Then they can check their answers with a partner before discussing evacuated 2. put out 3. take the answers as a class. However, tell Ss 4. provided 5. scattered to keep a record of their original answers so they can use that information in their self-assessment 1. The tickets will be collected ( by Mr Smith ) 2. A play was put on ( by the students ) at the end of term. 3. The sentence cannot be written in the passive because its main verb is is not a transitive verb. 4. The message was taken ( by Julie ) 5. The picture was painted by a local artist. 6. The sentence cannot be written in the passive because its main verb arrive is not a transitive verb.
4 c
Id 6. e
2. f
G ra m m a r Exercise 5a: First, ask Ss to work individually writing down, or inventing five bad things that happened to them yesterday. Then allow them to share the Group work sentences with a partner. Exercise 5 b Ask Ss to work in groups. Remind them to add time clauses and use the past perfect with their sentences. Then ask each student to take turns to say out their sentences to the members of their group. T may go around to provide help.________________________________ Communication Exercise 6. First, model this activity with a more able student. Then ask Ss to work in pairs, using the expressions from the - P air work box in GETTING STARTED to respond to the news headlines. T may go around to provide help. Call on some pairs to practice in front of the c l a s s ^ ' ^ y
P ro je c t
1 Ask Ss to look at the pictures and use the phrases they have learnt in Unit 9 to describe each picture. Then allow' them to share answers before checking with the whole class. Suggested keys: 1.Providing { food medical . . .) supplies 2.Clearing up debris ~ Seeing trapped people Setting up temporary accommodation ( for the victims of a disaster) 5 .R e p a irin g h o u se s/b u ild in g s
6.Evacuating the village/ a safe place/area 2 Ask Ss to work in groups discussing how to work out a plan to help the victims of a natural disaster for their
- Ss do at home
4. b
teams. Remind the project in class. Otherwise, Ss can complete the project as homework if they need let Ss compare the project in class. Otherwise, Ss can complete the project as homework if they need more time. 3 When Ss have finished their plans, T asks them to display their plans on the wall/boards. Have the groups move around and read the plans and then vote for the best plan. 4. F urth er practice Finished! Finally ask Ss to complete the self assessment. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice 5. Production - Do Ex in exercise book - Collect pictures, songs, clips talkin; about natural disasters. _
Kiếm tra ngày tháng
Preparing date: Teaching date:
WEEK:27 Pcriod:76
REVIEW 3 (UNITS 7 - 8 - 9 ) Lesson 1: Language I ./. O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: + Revise the language Ss they have practised in Units 7 - 8 - 9 + Practice doing some exercises in Pronunciation and Grammar. 2. Skills: Use o f English. 3. Attitude: - Positive about natural disasters.
- Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: 1 . T e a c h c r : book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2 . S t u d e n t s : books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. IV./. PRO CED U RE
Ss a n d In tro d u c tio n
T ’s a c tiv itie s - 5'
The aim o f this review the language Ss have learnt and the skills they have practiced in Units 7, 8 and 9. T may a s k Ss what they have learnt so far in terms of language and skills. Summarise their answers and add some mori information if necess; :essary. Encourage Ss to recall and1 speak out as much as possible
oil t i n t
( 6
1. P r o n u n c i a t i o n
- 15 ’
1. Activity 1P36 Review the rules of stress in words ending in -Ac, -ese, and graphy with Ss as a class. Have Ss then mark the stress independently. Play the recording. Ss listen and corrdect their answers. Confirm their answers. Ss listen again and repeat, in chorus and individually. V o c a b u la ry
Key: Nepa’lese ge’ography technology 'physical pho’tography exami’nee
eco’nomic ‘musical bi’ology
- 15 f
►Activity 2 P36 Ask Ss to read the sentences and decide what kind o f word is needed for each sentence ( a noun? a verb9 an adjective? Elicit their answers. Let Ss do the exercise independently. Ss can then share their answers with a
2. iconic Key: 1. predict natural 4. culture 5. flooded Polluted
3. 6.
partner. Check and write the answers on the board. 3. Activity 3 P36 Ask Ss to do this exercise individually. Check Ss’ answers and write the correct ones on the board.
Key: I. c 6. e
2. a
3. f
4. a
5 .c
3. G ram m ar- 15' 4. Activity 4 P36 Kcv: This exercise revises the use of I. A 2. B 3. C present tenses, conditionals, and 4. A 5. C passive voice. Have a brief revision if necessary. Then have Ss do it individually. Ss change their answers and discuss if there is any difference in their answers. Check and explain each answer. 5. Activity 5 P36 Have Ss read and decide which type of conditional is used in each t o ; will V. growr sentence. Elicit their answers ° was/were; would not have to wrork Then let Ss do this exercisi independently. Check and write 3. could choose; would go the correct answers on the
< r c>x
4. don’t act; will lose 5. w'as/were; would be 6. used; would be Key: 1. have been sent
d A Ask Ss to look at the subjects and 3. is made up the verbs to decide if an active or a assive is needed. Have them do 5. wras chosen exercise in pairs. Check and iifri write the correct on the board. Everyday English 7. Activity 7 P36 Ss do the task individually. Then they practice in pairs. After checking their answers, ask one or two pairs to act out the dialogues.
l.b 3.a
2.e 4.c
2. organized 4. is caused 6. have replaced
5. F u rth e r practice (3ri ? Sum up the main content of the lesson. 5. Production(2ri ? Do Test yourself 3 (1,2,3,4) P2526 ? Prepare: Review 3: Leson 2: Skills
Answer - Take note
-oOoW EEK : 27 Period: 77
Preparing ¿L Teaching date
REVIEW 3 (UNITS 7 - 8 - 9 ) Lesson 2: Skills I ./. O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: + Revise the language Ss they have practised in Units 7 - 8 - 9 + Practice doing some exercises in S k ijA jv 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3* Attitude: - Positive about natural disasters. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: LTeaeher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... IV-/- PROCEDURE _________
______ Ss and T's activities Content 1.W arm er- 5f: Chatting Talk about one o f the natural disaster - work individually you y \ V e know. 2. Review: 2.1-Reading - HV Activity 1 P37 Ss read the text the questions Key: independently. Ss compare their 1. B 2. D 3. A answers with a partner before giving 5. C them to T. Have Ss explain where they got the answers from in the passage.
4. B
2 .2 . S p e a k in g -
Activity 2 P37 The focus of this speaking exercise is on fluency. Let Ss work in pairs to choose their topic and think about their questions and answers. Remind them to use expressions they have learnt from the conversations in GETTING STARTED to respond in a natural way to what they hear. They then practice between themselves. Ss in pairs act out their conversations in front o f the class. 2.3. Listening - 10' Activity 3 P3 7 Ask Ss to read the questions carefully first. T then plays the recording . Ss listen and decide if the statements are true or false. Write Ss’ answers on the board. Don’t confirm their answers at this stage. Have Ss listen again am check their own answers. Correct answers. 2.4. W riting - T Activity 4P37 - First, have Ss read ledule o f the Fight Pollution iderstand the context. They|.th( »choose the activity they would their friend to participate i rite to him/her to nd Ss that they can in tro d u c ^ t. use th sent simple to talk about ects of an event in the r example:
Example: - My dad likes to play chess with his neighbours. - My mum likes making special food and cakes for us. She hates sitting around.
Sample writing: The event takes place on Saturday, 4 A pril The event starts at 8:30 and finishes at 12:00. We pick up trash and so n it fo r T can call on a student to write higher recycling. letter on the board. Other Ss and T comment on it. Ss then refer back to their own work and see if they want to make any changes. Collect some work to correct at home. 3. F u rth er practice; ? Sum up the main content of the
lesson. 4. Production! D ? Do Test yourself 3 (5->8 P26-27) ? Review for the test
Answer - Take note oOo--------------------------------------------------------Preparing date: Teaching date: TEST 45’
W EEK : 27 Period: 78
I./. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - T checks Ss1 understanding from Unit 7 to Unit 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing, use of English 3. Attitude: - Students knowr how to learn English in ri 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capabil ive capacity, ability to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: Test 45’ 2.Students: mcative approach, group Ss and T’s III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Coi activities, play as a character, teachin ods with game, teaching methods by cussion group, technical present.,.. visual, teaching methods by practi IV./. PROCEDURE 1. M ATRIX K m m le d g t
Topics/ «kill*
< om p re hen sio n
A p p lic a tio n
T o ta l
1- L iste n in g
Topic 7-9 (20 S )
Listen to a radio programme on 4Teen NeH's. Then fill the gaps with the words you hear 4 items
4 items
2 points 20%
2 points *
I I- (G ram m ar and V o c a b
Topic 7-9 (3 0 %)
}. Maiic the stressed syllable in each word. 2. Match the words/phrases with the pictures.
] 0 items 3points 30%
1(1 items 3 priints
2. ArurH'erthe Chooose the correct ¡Tif.ntier fallowing questions A, B o rC fo r the questions 2 itums 2 iU'm<i 1 points
Topic 7-9 ( 30%)
4 items
3 ptiints 30%
1 point
Change these sentences into the passive
I V - W r it in g
Topic 7-9 (20
2 items
10 items
3 .0 p»i tits 30%
.'m s 5.0 poin oitils
■ t f 8
2 items
2 p»ints 20 %
2item s
20 items
2.0 points
10 points
Bao Khe Secondary School Class : .................. Student s n a m e: .............. ........... KIEM TRA 45 PHUT SO 3 - NAM HOC Mon: T1ENG ANH - LOP 8 hM "¡an lam bai: 45 pluit
Listen to a radio programme on 4Teett News. Then flit the saps with the words you hear(2ptsK prepare climate change natural disasters global warming Surah: 1 think there are more (1) now than there used to be. Whenever I watch the news on TV, I see places that are flooded
P ) ____________________________________ for natural disasters Link: 1 don’t think we can ( 4 ) _______________________ as nobody knows when or where they are going to strike. It’s Nature’s way of reminding us who is in charge and that we should show more respect to the natural environment. -
PART II: G R A M M A R AND VOCAB /. Mark the stressed syllable in each word. (UOpti 1, o b e s e
2, d e g re e
3. ccolog y
4. g e o g r a n < j v
2.Match the words/phrases with the pictures. (2pts) A . W a te r
p o llu tio n
B. A ir p o llu tio n
C . F o re st fire D .
Tlie U
v E .
U n ite d
F. D ro u g h t
K in g d o m
Read the passage and dothe tasks that follow. ALASKA
Alaska is perhaps the most amazing state in the USA. It has eoaslines facing both the Arctic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. This state has an incredible three million lakes. That’s four lakes per person living there. { y > Many cities cannot be reach by road, sea or, river. The only way to get in and out is by air, on foot, or by dogsled. That’s why Alaska has the busiest sea airport in the world, Lake Hood Seaplane Base. Nearly two hundred floatplanes take off and land on the water of this airport every day. It’s ^ a l l y a fun scene to watch. Alaska is called the Land o f the Midnight Sun because in summer, the sun does not set for nearly three months. Butin winter the sun stays almost unseen. All Alaskans take special pride in thei*beautiful and unique state. /. Chooose the correct answer A , B or C for the questions. ( LQpt) 1/ Which statement below is NOT correct? A. In A Laska, the number of lake is bigger than that o f people. B. there is one lal^^g^each person living there. C. Alaska has an incredibly high number o f lakes. 2/ In Alaska we can always see the sun_________________. A. every month o f the year.
B. in winter
2. Answer the following questions.(2ptsl I What is Alaska?
2 Why do people call Alaska ' Land of the Midnight Sun’? ^
PART IV: W R IT E Change these sentences into the passive voice. (2,OptsI
C. in summer
1/ Mr. Smith will collect the tickets. The tickets................. ...................... 2/ A local artist painted the picture.
The end
3. Key;
ĐÁP ÁN BÀI K T 45* s o 3 - NẢM HOC -
1 /natural disasters
2/climate change
3/global warming
PART II: 1.0,25 p fo r each cor r e d sentences l . o ’bese
2. de'gree
3. e’cology'ography
2. 0,3 p fo r each correct sentence. Ịfence* D 2 /F 3 /B
4 /E
5/C 6/A
PART III /. 0,2 p fa r each correct sentence. 2.1
I. B 2 /C p fo r each correct sentence.
1. Alaska isa state in the USA. 2. Becausee the the sun SI can be seen for three months in summer.
IV: I p fo r each correct sentence• W ' A" 1. The tickets will be collected by Mr. Smith. 2. The picture was painted by a local artist. 4.Production: Prepare Unit 10 --------------------------------------------------------- oflo -
Kiểm tra ngày tháng
o s<<
W EE K :28 Period: 79
Preparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 10: COMMUNICATION Lesson 1: Getting started I./. OBJ1 1, Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss w ill be able to: - listen and read the conversation between Phuc and Nickfor details and then do some related exercises. - use lexical items related to communication . Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about communication. - Students knowr how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... IL/. PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV./. PROCEDURE
Ss a n d
C o n te n t
T ’s a c tiv itie s
1 .W arm er (5'); Brainstorming - Bring a mobile phone into the class. Elicit the phone's function from Ss and write them on the board. - Then discuss with Ss which functions are helpful for communicating, and which functions are not. Ask Ss to explain their choice. 2. Getting - started (10') 2.1. Vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary
* S u g g e ste d
a n s w e rs :
M o b ile p h o n e 's fu n c tio n
- a means of voice communication oi message transmission. - watching a picture disp - taking photographs - texting X - getting acess to) the Internet In - hatte
- instantly
bộ pin, ac quy xuẩt đầu xuất hiên, xuất lộ diện (v): ngu quên (n): hội nghị (n): thư gửi bằng đường bưu điện (n): ngoại cảm, thần giao cách cam (adv) ngay lập túc
- flat
i J
leep rerence - snail mail
- telepathy
{n): (vl: (v):
* Checking VOC! bằng phàng, xẹp, hát - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words 2.2. Listen and read * Introduction: * S ^ o o k at the pictures but cover the text. - Brainstorm questions with Ss and write them on the board. What do you think Phuc and Nick are talking about on the phone? - Where are Mai and Phuc in the first picture? - What are they doing there?
- Answer the questions individually. * Suggested answers: - They are talking about going to the cinema. - They are at Galaxy Nguyen Trai. - They are waiting for someone. - He’s at Galaxy Nguyen Du.
Where is Nick in the second picture? What is he doing there? - What is it in the third picture? what does it mean? What is a possible connection between pictures / , 2 and 3? - Accept all possible answers from Ss. Remember not to give correction at this stage. ? Listen and read the conversation then check your answers. 3. Doing <20” > 3.1a. Find words or phrases (la P39) ? Work individually then in pairs to find the words/phrases. If time allows, encourage Ss to explain the words phrases in the context of the story. For example, Ss may say “Phuc is saying LWe were waiting for ages’ and this means he and Mai had to wait for Nick for a very long time.” 5.1. h. True or false Have Ss work individually pairs to compare answers w itn eac other. Correct the task as a class and encourage Ss to explain for both T and F options -
r]^in group o f three or ss the questions. For le class, ask the groups to roles of Phuc, Mai, and lcir What would they do if they were them?
3,2. Matching Ss wrork in pairs to complete this task. After they have finished, go through each items as a whole class. Ask Ss to further explain the
- It's the simple o f the battery of a mobile phone. It’s Hat. - Students' answer.
Key: 1. Wait for ages 3. Get through flat.” 5. “Are can try ag
Show up M y battery was idding?” 6. "We
2. T 3. F ( Nick was waiting outside the wrong cinema.)
Key: They couldn't see the film together because Nick went to the wrong cinema. They didn't communicate clearly the name and address of the cinema beforehand. Then they were not able to contact each other because the battery of Nick's mobile was flat. Key: I. having a video conference emailing 3. video chatting 4. Meeting face-to-face
5. using
meaning o f the words phrases in the box, and or how they wrork. Allow Ss to use Vietnamese if necessary. If there is time, ask Ss to work in pairs to tell each other if they have ever used these ways of communication. 3.3. G ap nn Draw Ss’s attention to the words/phrases from the word box in 2 again. Tell them to do this task by first underlining the cues in each item. Also remind Ss to consider the part of speech o f the missing words ( where applicable ). Explain the Look out! box. Game ? Work in groups. - Set a time limit and ask Ss to write down as many different ways they have communicated so far today as they can. The person with the most ideas is the winner. Alternatively, this can competition between grou they collect informatioi member and collate winning group communication ways 4. F u rth e r practice (2*) ? Sum up the main content of the lesson. 4 S 5. P r o d u c tio n ^ i ? Learn by heart all the newr words. ? Do Ex B 1, 2,3 P30 (Workbook) ? Prepare: Closer Look 1 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about communication_____
\VEEK:28 Period: 80
social media 5. using telepathy letters ( snail m a il)
7. sending
Key: 1. using social media 2. Meet face-to-face 3. emailing; sending letters, snail mail 4. Using telepathy 5. video chatting 6. Have a video conference
it face to face
- Answer individually
- Take note
oOo--------------------------------------------------------Preparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 10: COMMUNICATION Lesson 2: A closer look 1 I ./. O BJECTIVES I. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - learn more words about communication - remember the rules o f stress in words ending in -ity and -Ltive 2♦ Skills: Speaking, listening, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about communication. - Students know how to learn English in right way £Ltive capacity'. — 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: l.Teaehcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, ■oach, group a Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, ime, teaching metho methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.
<c Cr
\ A Ss and T ’s activities 1A\ a rm o r:Matching (activil P40) Ss work individually first pairs. Encourage them to d Icribe how the communication hai$ ens in each picture. For a more lass, ask Ss to describe ^ ch way of communicati s different from
Key: I. using music 2. Using signs 3. Leaving a note 4. painting a picture 5. Communicating non-verbal ly with animals 6. using codes 7. Sending the others. flowers 8. Using body language i \ 2. Vocabulary ( W ) -non-verbal (n) ngôn ngữ không dun 2.fSVocab ulary : lời nói eacher use different techniques -code (n) mật mã t<T teach vocabulary (situation, realia) -multimedia (n) đa phương tiện - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary - landline (n) điện thoại bàn * Checking vocab: What and where phone (n) diền đản trên mạng - message board
- Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words 2.2. Match the words with the definitions (Activity 2 P4Ô) - show Ss an example of howr these communication channels work especially a chat room and a message board. ? Work individually or in pairs to complete the exercise. Similar to exercise 1 . after giving corrections, T can share with Ss some of their own experiences of susing these technologies. 2.3. Complete the diagram (3 P40) ? Wor in groups where Ss discuss and write down their ideas. - Encourage Ss to think o f all communication forms they have learnt, or the ones they knowr, and put them in the correct categories.
Kev: Id
2. e
3. b
4. c
F o r m s o f c o m u n ic a
I . Verbal: - meetin F2F 2. Non-verbz - using signs ............... -
3. Multimedia: - texting .
2.4. Dehate (4 P40) ? work in two teams mpete Group work with each other. - Each team is assigned ont communication. The rest class will be the audience. ? Try ¿very way possible to convince the audience their communication form is better. Then the audience will decide which team is the winner. 3 . P Ir o n u n c i a t i o n ( 2 0 0
Ss o
e ss in w o r d s
e n d in g
-ity a n d
-Itiv e
? Cover pronunciation box. - Write the words ‘opportunity’ and ‘positive' on the board. ? Read them aloud and try to identify which syllable is stressed. - Find two more words ending with the suffixes -ity and -itive. Ask Ss
Example: Oppor 'tunity She got the opportunity to see Frozen, ‘p ositive His answ er is positive!Great!
5. a
to say them aloud. - Then elicit the pronunciation rule with the class. * Remember: For words ending ity and -itive, place the stress on the syllable before the suffix. 3.1. Mark the stress (5 P41) Ss work individually then in pairs to compare their answers. Tell Ss to mark the word stress. - Then have Ss say the words individually.
Key: I. com petitive 2. inTinitive repetitive 4. positive a ’bility 6. possi’bilil curi’osity 8. natio’
3.2. Gap fill (Activity 6 P41) Ss work individually then compare Key: the answers with the partners. Play 1. nationality the recording for Ss to check. competitive Allow them plenty of time to ability practice these sentences with correct stress. 4. F u rth e r practice {!') ? Recall the rule o f stress in words ending in -ity and -itive 5. Produclion(2*) ? Learn by heart all the new wonis. ? Do Ex A1,2,3 P 29 ? Prepare: Closer Look 2 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about communication_____
etitive ssibility
swer individually
- Take note
-oOoW EE EK: 28 Periood: 81
A <$f
Preparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 10: COMMUNICATION Lesson 3: A closer look 2
O BJECTIVES * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - Review the future continuous tense - Learn about Verb+ to-infmitive
2* Skills: Use o f english. 3. Attitude: - Positive about communication. - Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./. P R E P A R A T I O N :
book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2 . S t u d e n t s : books, notebooks I I L / . T E A C H I N G M E T H O D S ; Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present 1.T e a c h e r:
IV ,/. P R O C E D U R E
_ _________________
Ss and T ’s activities 1. W a r m
Conte / A
B r a in s to r m in g
- Two teams write the ways o f communication in 3 minutes - The team with more correct words is the winner 2, G r a m m a r A .T h e
W ays o cum muni cation
fu tu re
c o n tin u o u s
ten se
(15*) 2.1 . E x e r c i s e
1 / 4 1
-Remind Ss of the story in G E T T I N G S T A R T E D : how Phuc, Mai and Nick planed to see% i" r r \ together but Nick went to the wrong cinema and they werHiot able to contact each other. Ask Ss what Phuc and Nick decided on the phone about how t h ^ would try it again this Sunday afternoon. -Play the recording and ask Ss to answer the two questions. -Drawr Ss’s attention to the R e v i e w
emind Ss of the story in
S T A R T E D :
Key: 1. He will be having his Vietnamese class. 2. They will be watching a film at the cinema
2.2. Exercise 2/ 41 -Dr -Drawr Ss’ attention to the L o o k o u t ! box - Ask ss to work independently. - Then, ask them to share their answers with one or more partners. -Say the answers aloud. - Confirm the correct answers. 2.3. Exercise 3/41
-Work independently. Key: 1. Will he still be sleeping; wrill be studying 2. will be having 3. will be eating 4. Will she be staying; w ill be writing 5. will be playing 6. will be learning
-Have Ss work in groups to decide - Work in groups which year to put in the gaps. Then go through each sentence with Ss, asking each group to call out their choice. Some common verbs follow ed by to3. G ra m m a r 2. V e r b + to -in fin itiv c £ 1 7 "! infinitive 3.4.Exercise 4/42 >cide, plan • Verb o f thinking: choose, decide, -Read part of the conversation Verbs o f feeling: love, hatA from GETTING STARTED and write down all the verbs that are Other verbs: try, wvanfotet a followed by to-infinitive Tell Ss to look at the W atch out! box. 3.5.Exercise 5 Page 42 -Ss work individually them in pairs to compare their answers Key: -Ask some Ss to say their answers I. c .a 4. c 5.a aloud. -T gives comments, and makes any correction if avaible. 3.6. Exercise 6 Page 30
& 6*“
ork in pairs
used. -Ask Ss work in pairs and share their ideas with other .pairs irs to io make • a ‘‘Dreamn List’ List”, - Remindi them to use full sentences,, 4. F u rth e r practice (5*) ? Recall the uses o f the past perfect V l p r o d u c t i o n f 2 ') -¿.earn by heart all the newr words -L e and structures. - Do Ex B 1-6 page 30/31(Workbook) - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about communication
- Answer individually
- Take note
Kient tra ngay thang
it fun
O s<<
WEEK:29 Period: 82
Preparing date: Teaching date:
Lesson 4: C om m unication
, O B JEC TIV ES LA 1. K now ledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: ^ - Use the lexical items related to the topic ‘Communication ’ and some abbreviations for online chatting 2i Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about communication. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... IL/. PREPARATION: LTeacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2. Students: hooks, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. IV./. PROCEDURE Content
Ss and T s activities
l.Warm un - 5': Chatting - Have you ever failed to communicate? -Ify e s, tell us some reasons? - Introduce the new lesson * Teaching vocabulary^ ') - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary * Checking vocab: Slap the board COMMUNICATION BREAK DOWN 2. Cominuniction 1: Exercise 1/ Page 43.(7')
Make sure ss to unde requirement then run throu: sentences. - T does the first item with Ss. Then Ss work in pair to complete this task. -Once they have finished, encourage them to add in some^giorCTwdsons and examples. Exercise 2 / Page 43 ( 8 ') - Elicit from Ss what body language is. Explain that understand body language fcxpla ^ ,c a n help hi people avoid communication breakdown. T may give an example and break sk Ss to guess what T is trying to say. Y --J -Ask Ss to cover the text and just to look at the pictures. In pairs Ss work out the messages from the pictures. Then Ss can uncover the text and do the matching. -Confirm the correct answers. - Ask ss to add more examples and demonstrate these for the class to guess their meaning.
- Answer the questions
càn ngôn
- la n g u a g e barri ngù
-cultural difference(n): su khâc biêt vanhôa -shrug(v): nhun vai /): liée nhin ;down{n): su hông >rthand{n): su tôc kÿ ist(n): nam tay
- Work in pairs Key: 1 A 2. B 5. A 6. B
3. C
4. C
- Work in pairs to work out the messages from the pictures. Then Ss can uncover the text and do the matching.
Key: 4. b
I. c 5. d
3. e
Exercise 5 / Page 43 (8 ’) - Remind ss some o f the language for online communication learnt in Unit I - Explain that using abbreviations for online chatting and texting is not always easy to understand. Ss then work individually to complete this task. - Ask ss to share compare - Ask some ss to write the full sentences on the board - Confirm the correct answers - Have ss make notes o f their answers to the two questions in the interview - Remind ss that it doesn’t matter what their answers are and that is mort important that they justify their answers
- Work individually to to complete this task. Key: 1 Where are you? We are*aB on the second floor., 2.F 11 be 5 minutes lai 2. liee you soon to see a movie this
e call me right back.
5.Hi! What are you doing tonight9
6.Did you see it? Laugh out loud!
Exercise 4 / Page 43(8') - Ask ss to work in groups to make their group’s Ideas by discussing a technology solution that will help people avoid the communication breakdown mentioned in 1 - Work in groups -The groups then make a short presentation o f their ideas to share with the class to make a big Ideas Bank. 4. Further practice ummary the lesson 5. Production^*) -Guide ss how to Ex C 1,2,3,/ 31/32 Take note s - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about communication
--------------------------------- oOo-------------------------------WEEK :29 Preparing date: 16/10/15 Period:83 Teaching date:
FEEDBACK ON THE TEST 3 la o b j e c t iv e s
1. Knowledge: - To correct the test number 3. Give comments to encourage the students to study hard. Discuss the ways to improve the test score 2, Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing, use of English. 3. Attitude: - Students know how to learn English in right way 4, Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capac to use of language....... IL/. PREPARATION: 1.Teachcr: test 4 5 ’ 2.
S tu d en ts:
III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... IV.A PROCEDURE 1. R em ark oil th e tests: -The number o f the tests: +Exellent tests: +Good test ^Average: +Under average: -The number of the tests: 4-Exellent tests: -l-Good test -^Average: +Under averaee: -In general, all Ss have achieved the basic knowledge. -There are many exellem and good tests. - Some Ss1skil^bf doing general test is not good. -The teacher snows some best and worst tests to correct before class: 1
I f 1 t ĐẢP ÁN BÀI KT 45’ SÓ 3- NĂM h o c : Môn: T1ÉNG ANH - LỚP 8
. "7
PART 1:0,5p fo r each correct sentence. 1/natural disasters
2/climate change
PART II: 1.0,25 p fo r each correct sentences
3/global warming
I .o ’bese
2. de'gree
3. e'cology'ography
2. 0,3 p fo r each correct sen fen ce. 1/D 2 / F 3 /B
4 /E
5/C 6/A
PART III /. 0,2 p f o r each correct sentence.
1/B 2 /C p fo r each correct sentence.
1. Alaska isa state in the USA. 2. Because the sun can be seen for three months in summer PART IV: I p fo r each correct sentence. 1. The tickets will be collected by Mr. Smith.
2. The picture was painted by a local artist 2.The wavs to overcome: -The teacher should help Ss more by concentrating on practice skills such as: listening and reading skills. t -Especially, teacher should check their homework and orally more often. 3,
P ro d actio n :
- Review all knowledge fi - Prepare unit 10.
e three units.
W EEK :29 Period:84
Preparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 10. C O M M U N IC A T IO N Lesson 5: Skills 1 u.
OBJECTIVES ï ï iKnowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Read for general and specific information about communication in the future - Talk about communication now and in the future 2, Skills: Speaking, reading, 3, Attitude: - Positive about communication. - Students knowr how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, seIf-leaming capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: l.Teaehcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2*Students: books, notebooks IIL/. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present IV,/. PROCEDURE .........'
V c>x
Ss »lid T’s activities 1. W arm up Brain storming ■ -A sk ss to answer the questions - Introduce the new lesson
Content Answer the question What will we use 1« communicate in the future?
* Teaching vocabu!ary(6’) - Teacher use dilTerent techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow' the seven steps of teaching vocabulary * Checking vocab: Slap the board
R e a d in g - 15'
2.1. Look at the letters the children from Viet Nam and Sweden sent to each other in a pen frien dproject Why do you think they chose this way to communicate with each other ? -Ask Ss to look at the photos. Explain that these are the letters Ss from two schools in Viet Nam and Sweden sent to each other in penfrient project. a penfriend -Ask Ss to brainstorm the reasons why they think these Ss chose this way to communicate with each other. Then ask Ss what they think is happening the two other photos in the text.
stick(v): dính decade(n):thà[ holograpị giao tiny(adj):bé nhò threedĩmensional images{n): hình ánh không gian 3 chiều teract(v): tượng tác cyber world{n): thể giói
Answer the questions
2.2. Read the text Look at the highlight words and match - Work individually them with their meanings. Ss read the text quickly for the first time. 1. in real time 2. interact Ask them to pay attention to the 3. three-dimensional images highlighted words and do the matching 4. cyber world 5. network task. - Work individually then compare their
answers with a classmate before giving the answers - Ask some ss to write the answers on the board then confirm the correct answers 2.3. Answer the following questions - Ask ss to answers individually first then compare the answers in pairs. Once they have agreed on the answers they can practice asking and answering the questions w ith each other - Call some pairs to ask and anwer aloud
- Work individually then in pairs Key: 1 .They have to write and read real letters. One student likes to send sweets with the letters as well.
y and
holograph device
epathy j uses a ad to by thought over ork. Holography gives dimensional images and we will be able to interact with each other in real time. 3.She prefers to use real, faceto-face communication because she thinks this makes life more interesting.
3. Speaking - 15' Exercise 4. In small groups, decide whether you agree with the author o f this text. Why/ Why not? Share your ideas with the class First ask Ss where in the text the author’s opinion is expressed. Then they work in groups of 4 ss to tell each other if they gree with the author’s opinion or not, and explain why. -Then call on some pairs/ groups to share what they have discussed. 3.5. Class survey. What wajw o f communication do you use fo r the following purposes now and what will they be in the year 2030? - Work in groups of 6 ss
Work in groups of 4 ss
Take a survey Work in groups of 6 ss
-The group leader will then report to the class either the ways of communication that are most mentioned or the ways of communication that the group likes best.
4. F u r th e r
n r a c t i c c (3 '^
- Sum up the main content of the lesson.
5 . P r o d u c t i o n s 1^
- Do Ex Cl. 01,2 P 31-33 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about communication
Take note ______________________
iem tra ngày tháng
Preparing date: Teaching clate:
W EEK :30 Period: 85
UNIT 10: COMMUNICATION Lesson 6: Skills 2 LA OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: * listen for general and specific information about netiquette * write an email using netiquette 2. Skills: listening, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about communication. - Students knowr how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... IL/.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptcj jector 2.Students: books, notebooks 111./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present I V / PROCEDURE Ss and T ’s activities L Warm ur> - 5 - Free talk 2. Listen ning- 15’ 2 .1. Activity 1: 4Ask Ss to look at the message board. Ask them who posted the message and wh' w h(^hey think the message is for. Ask N rthe'em to try to identify what problems in *♦ terms of communication politeness they think the message has. 2.2. Activity 2: Write on the board 'netiquette’ and ask what they think it means. Explain they are going to listen to a researcher talking about the way we communication online. Explain CAPS LOCK in the box
Content Teacher- Ss
Do as requeued
Key: 1. The word is a combination of net’ and "etiquette’. It’s a set o f rules for behaving property online.
if necessary. 2. Don’t say and do Have Ss look at the questions first. unpleasant things, just like Encourage them to give some in real life. answers. Then play the recording. Ss work individually then in pairs to 3. It’s how we communicate compare their answers. with each other online. 2.3. Activity 3: Before playing the recording again, Kcv: ___»_ first ask Ss to look at the grid and try to I. Use CAPSLOCK in complete it with as much information emails, posts and commee n t s d from the recording as they can remember. 2. Check your email for Elicit the answers from Ss. I f their mistakes or errors ✓ V H ' answers are correct, move to the next 3. Use a lot of s activity. Otherwise, play the recording 4. Respect dis again. and use poi 2.4. Activity 4: Ss wrork in pairs to complete this task. You may call two or three pairs to wrrite their versions of the message on the board and the class votes for the best one. 3, Writing - 201 3.1. Activity 5: Draw Ss's attention t REMEMBER! box. If possible, illustrate 2. f 3. e 4. b Kcv: 1. c each of the bullet points mentioned by an 5. a 6. d example you find from the Internet 3.2. Activity 6: - First Ss work in groi
discuss what
. _work individually on ______ this task. Ask them to pay attention to the netiquette they have learnt. When Ss - Group work have finished, they swap the wrriting their - Write the email partner to check before handing it in to T. For a more able class, T may ask Ss to | try the following tasks as homework ( Ss may look at 4 for more ideas ): * Write a short post on your class message board to ask howr many words the final essay should be. 4. F u rth e r practice (3*1 ? Sum up the main content of the lesson.
5. Productioni2fi ? Do Ex in exercise book - Take note ? Prepare: Unit 10: Looking back - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about communication -----------------------------------------------------------
W EE K : 30 Period: 86
oOo--------------------------------------------------------Pi eparrng date : Teaching date:
UNIT 10: COMMUNICATION Lesson 7: Looking back+projeet
,v O
I ./. OBJECTIVES I. Knowledge: - Encourage Ss not to refer back to the unit Ask them to keep a record of their answers to each exercise so that they can use that information to complete the self-assessment box at the end of the unît. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Recycle the language from the previous sections and links with the topics. - Practice doing some exercises to consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 10 2* Skills: use o f English. 3. Attitude: - Positive about communication. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./.PREPARATION: 1/Teacher; book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.,.. I V . . PROCEDURE
Ss a n d h
W a r m
u n
- free talk 2.
L o o k in g
- Teacher- Ss h a c k
1. V o c a b u l a r y
1. Ask Ss to complete the sentences by using the support from the pictures, the letter cues, and the meaning o f the sentences. They work individually first and then compare with a partner. 2 Challenge Ss to try this task without looking back at COMMUNICATION. Have two or three Ss write their answers on the board. 3. Ss work in pairs for this task. Remind Ss that these are non-verbal ways of communication. Then call on some pairs to report their talk.____________________ II.
C o n te n t
T 's activ ities
K e y :
1. body language Multimed ia face 4. cultural different Telepathy Netiquette
K e y :
1. thx 4 ur doin this wl 3. cultural di 5. GvöC2nite
BTW, wot r u LOL!
G r a m m a r
4 Ss work individually then in pairs t:o Key: compare their answers. ^ ► 1 1.. will wil not be sleeping playing be doing 4. will be waiting be using; will be using raining
2. will be 3. will he 5. will not 6. w ill be
Group work 5 Ss w ually then in pairs to compan If time allows K e y : 3are their answers. i encourage urage ss Ss to think of other verbs that 1. talking are followed by gerunds and by to- 3. to show Jnfndtives and make sentences using 4. communicating them. chatting U L C o m m u n ica tio n
6 Ss discuss this task in pairs. Remind them that they can choose to talk about forms of communication people will be - Pair work using or will not be using in the year 2100 and they should give the reasons why they think so. For a more able class, this can be done as a debate if some particular forms of
2. to use 5 6. to have
communication are selected beforehand for Ss to discuss. Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment box. identify any difficulties or weak areas and provide further practice. 3, P ro je c t “ A ctio n . T a k e o n e! A c tio n . T a k e tw o !” R e m in d
S s of:
The reasons for communication breakdown in C O M M U N I C A T I O N
Different ways o f communicating in GETTIN G STARTED and A C L O SE R LO OK 1
Put them into groups and ask them to think o f a sketch or a role-play of a communication breakdown. Give them time to brainstorm some ideas. Move around the class, giving help where necessary. Alternatively, T can prepare thd following scenarios if Ss are short of ideas or time. Print each sketch on a piece of paper and fold it up. Each group w ill pick one piece of paper and prepare their performantA^lore than one group can have the same sketch, because they will interpretit differently. Ss may prepare the sketch out o f class if more time is needed. On the performance day, more than one group may act out a similar play, but look for their different interpretation o f the communication breakdown as well as their solution. - Take note Make sure everyone gives each group lots of encouragement and praise for their acting attempts. 4 . F urther p r a c t i c e Finished! Finally ask Ss to complete the self assessment. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice.
5. Production - Do Ex in exercise book - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about communication
'Ớ00Preparing date: Teaching date ¡i
W E E K : 3Ơ P e rio d :
8 7
UNIT 11: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Lesson 1: Getting started 1./. O BJECTIVES L Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able U - listen and read the conversation about science and technology for details and then do some related exercises. - form the opposite words by adding prefix un- or im - use the lexical items related to science and technology 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about science and technology. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, Self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability 4 ^ to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: LTeaehcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... IV./. PR O C E l LE
V d
C o n te n t
T ’s a c tiv itie s
L W aarm c r (5*): Chatting Put the heading 'Science and V?Tec hnology’ on the board. ? Suggest Si any words or phrases related to this topic. - Accept all ideas, organize them in a word web if possible 2 . G e t t i n g - s t a r t e d : ( 1 0 1)
2.1. Vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation,
‘S c ie n c e a n d
T e c h n o lo g y '1
science technology development spaceship
(n) (v) (v) (n)
khoa học công nghệ sự phát trien tàu vũ trụ
realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary
* Checking vocab: Ordering 2.2. Listen and read * Introduction: ? Look at the pictures but cover the text. - Brainstorm questions with Ss and write them on the board. What can you see in the pictures? Do you know these characters? Where are they now? What are they? talking about?... - Accept all possible answers from Ss. Remember not to give correction at this stage. * Open prediction: You are gciing to listen and read the conversati on ence about the development and technology. ? Before listening, gues< hat can robbots do in the futurt ? Listen and read the conversation then check your answers. 3. Domfl(2<n 3.1a. Find words (laP49) .ead the conversation again and le exercise in pairs. Elicit the correct answers and write them on the board. - Have Ss substitute the B words into the conversation to check that they match. Finally, explain the meaning of any complex words in Vietnamese if necessary. 5. /. h. Answer the quetions Ss work individually to answer the questions. Ss compare answers with
- trailc jam - benefit - e no mo us
sự tắc nghèn giao thòng (n,V): lợi ích, huông lợi (adv) to lớn
- Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words
- Answer the questions individual!; * Suggested answers: - Some robbots - Yes, they are ick, Chau and Dr. Nelson. - They may be at school. j ^ talk about Science and Tet
* They can worsk in factories and clean our home.
Key: 6. f
2. b
3 d
4. e
5. a
1. They are at the Science Club 2. It is the roles of science and technology
a partner and then discuss as a class. Have Ss say where they found the answers in the converdation.
in the 21st century 3. Science and technology are changing everything. 4. He told Nick that only robots would work in factories and clean our homes in the future. 5. He/She said that there would be no more schools: they'd just stay at home and^cK on the Internet.
3. 1. c. Discussion ? What fields are mentioned in the Key: conversation which are affected by 1. The economy (economy lent) science and technology9 ries) 2. The workplace (robot 3. The home (robots our homes) 4. Travel (traffic jams) 5. Education (school via the Internet) 3.1. d. Gap fill Key: Have Ss do this exercise in pairs. I. field 2. space 3. the key 4. Ask some Ss to present their economic development 5. flying cars answers. Confirm the correct L o o k o u t ! answers. - Science: knowledge about the world, Help ss distinguish the two words especially based on examining, testing, and es pen prov iding facts - Technology: things and ways of doing things that are based on knowledge about science and computers. 3.2. Complete the scntcnc< ? Run through all the words in the box - in the box are some more words and ?______ What_are phrases related to science and technology ^ about? ?9 Comp] Complete the sentences using the Key: words in the box. I. science subjects 2. - Check their work by calling on technology some S^to read out their sentences. 3. researchers 4. machines A!lowr Ss to write the translations 5. Scientific progress * n e x t to the words. - necessary -> unnecessary 5.3-. :The prefix tut- and im ? Look at the example. - happy -> unhappy ? How can we form the opposite of - polite -> impolite the words9 - add prefix un- or im- Then let them do the task by themselves. After that, they swap Kev: 2. unrealistic their answers with a partner. 1. unknown Correct Ss’ answers as a class. 3. impossible 5. Unpolluted Then let them repeat the words in 4. unimportant
Find someone who ? Work in groups. ? Ask your groupmates Yes/No questions, using do or will
4. F u rth e r practice (2') ? Sum up the main content of the lesson. ? List some scientists of Viet Nam
5. Production(2M ? Learn by heart all the new wordS| ? Do Ex B1, 2,3 P30 (Workbook) ? Prepare: Closer Look 1 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about science and _____ technology.
1. likes 2. wants to 3 - wants tc science trayel into become subjects at space in the sciencetist school future______ 4. knows a 5. will go Vietnamese into sciences when scientist finishing school - Answer individu; Reference an in Viet Nam: Võ Hồng Anh Tran Đại Nghĩa Hoàng Tụy
ome scientists 01 Le Vãn Thiem Hà Đình Đức Phan Lương
- Take note
-oOoKỉếm ira ngày tháng
W EE K :31 P e rio d :
Preparing date; Teaching date:
8 8
2: A
c lo ser
lo o k
1./. O BJECTIVES 1* K n o w l e d g e : By the end of the lesson, ss w ill be able to: - Pronounce words with the prefix un- and im- correctly in isolation and i t l ^ context - Learn some more words related to science and technology 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, 3. Attitude: - Positive about science and technology. - Students knowr how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... IL/. PREPARATION: LTeaehcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, pr 2.Students: books, notebooks imunica III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching' methods methoi with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, actismg, discussion discus group, technical present.... IV./. PROCEDURE
Content Ss and T ’s activities 1. W arm er (S1^; Introduction Explain to Ss that there are three to learnt -> learner common ways of forming nouns to invent -> inventor indicating people, but don’t say science -> scientist what they arfe. Write the following on the board: ? Elicit from Ss how these words are ctl|Dged to mean a person w ho does these things. * We add -er, -or or -ist to a verb or a noun Give some more examples, ead the Look out! box. And say to form a noun indicating people. out the rule. 2. Vocabulary (I0 f) (adj): không biết truớc, bất 2.1. Vocabulary unforeseen ngờ - Teacher use different techniques - immature (adj): non nớt, chưa chin chán to teach vocabulary (situation, - impure (adj): khỏng trong sáng, realia) không sạch - Follow the seven steps of teaching - unwise (adj): không khôn ngoan, khe vocabulary - Repeat in chorus and individually * Checking vocab: R.O.R
- Copy all the words
2.2. Activity 1 P50 ? Complete the following sentences with nouns indicating people Do this activity the first time around as a quiz. Divide the class into two teams. ? Read out item one and ask Team A to answer. - If they get it wrong, the option goes to Team B to answer. Keep a score on the board to increase the fun element. Now have Ss work individually to do the task in their books. ? Write the answers on the board. Correct their answers as a class. 2.3. Activity 3 P50 ? Work in pairs and discuss what the word in for each picture. - T checks as a class. For more able Ss, have pairs write the descriptions of these people in the same style as activity 1. Then put pairs together to read out their descriptions and challenge each other to guess the person, like in the quiz 1 2.4. Activity 3 P50 ? Read the sentences and guess the part of speech o f the word to be filled in each blank. - Have Ss call out their guesses. Ss work individually. Ask some Ss to Write their answers on the board. Check their answ ers as a class. Pronunciation (2ftr^ ♦ Stress in words starting with tin- and im . Explain to Ss that the prefixes unand im- are used to make adjectives (and adverbs) negative. Explain to them that when these prefixes are added, the stress of the new word does not normally change. Give some examples.
SS o
Key: 1. adviser/advisor 2. chemist 3. designer 4. programmer 5. Biologist
2. software developer 4. physicist 6. conservationist 8. Archeolegist
Key: 1. developments exploration 4. medical
2. scientists 5. economic
When we add the prefix un- or un meaning ‘n o t') to a root word, the stress o f the word does not normally change. Example friendly -> un friendly probable -> im probable Note: When we add the prefix un- or im- to a one-syllable word, the stress falls on the root word. Example: fa ir -> un fa ir
P ure -> ini "pure
3.2. Activity 4 P51 - Play the recording for Ss to repeat the words. Play the recording as many times as necessary. Correct Ss’s pronunciation, especially the stress. Then have Ss mark the stress on the words by drawing circle Key: above the stressed syllable. 00 3.3. Activity 5 P51 un’wis un’lucky Have Ss read out the word first. un’health e Then they work in groups to put the invpur y words in the right columns. Call on e im’patie some Ss to write the answers on the un’hur nt board. Confirm the correct answers. t 3.4. Activity 6 P51 Have Ss work individually to write down the words. Play the recording Key: two or three times for Ss to check. I. impure 2. unhealthy im p o s^ lj/ 4. unlimited impatient 4. F u rth e r practice (2M ? Recall the rule o f stress in words - , nswer individually starting with un- and im5. Production(2M ? Learn by heart all thej rds. - Take note ? Do Ex B2, 3 P37 ? Prepare: A closer U - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about science and technology.
WEEK:31 Period: 89
-ùQoPreparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 11: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Lesson 3: A closer look 2 IJ. O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss w ill be able to: -Use the future simple and future continuous to talk about science and technology in the future -Use the direct speech and indirect speech to report what people say or tell
2. Skills: Use o f English. 3 . A t t i t u d e : - Positive about science and technology. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4 . C o m p e t e n c e : Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... I U PREPARATION: I . T e a c h e r : book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2 . S t u d e n t s : books, notebooks IIL/. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss arl*^r _s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present IV ./. P R O C E D U R E Ss a n d
T ’s a c tiv itie s
C o n te n t
1. W a r m up (5f): .Brainstorming - Free talk Teacher- Ss Introduction Ss have already learned the fiiUire simple will do and the future continuous will be doing. Tell Ss that this is a review section. T may help Ss recall the form and uses of these two tenses. Also remind the of the uses of present simple|and going to to express future 2. G r a m m a r I F u t u r ec t e n s e : r ee v vi ei wc i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2,1 Have Ss work individually, Key: Check their answ ers% ^a class. T I. will have 2. will be doing may ask why^ft^ertain tense is used 3. will she be 4. won’t pass to check t h a r ^s*. ^ understand the 5. decide; will support rules. 2.2. Tell Ss to study the example first. Then they work in pairs to do the activity. Encourage them to talk ^ as much as possible. Remember VTrmt there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ as long as their sentences are grammatically correct. Move around the class and listen to Ss. If there is a point which everyone is - Pair wrork confused about, bring the class back together and do a quick review of it. 3. G r a m m a r 2:
Reported speech In direct speech, we give the exact wards somebody said, and we use - Listen to the teacher and take notes quotation marks. In reported speech, we give the meaning o f what someone said, but with some changes and without quotation marks „ Example: Nam: “ I want to become a robot designer." Nam said the he wanted to become a robot designer. When the reporting verb ( e.g. say or tell ) is in the past, the verb in reported speech changes as follows: 2.3.Tell Ss to refer back to the conversation in GETTIN G - Answer individually STARTED and find the examples of reported speech. Focus them on the use o f the verbs 2.4. Ss work in pairs. Ask thenito - Pair work write down the sentences ii^ their notebooks. Call on some Ss to read Key: 1. Nick said that he came from a small out what they have done. For a town in England. class which needs more support, have two Ss to write their answers 2. My friend said that Brazil would win on the board. Correct their the World Cup. mistakes. 3. Olive told Chau that she was leaving Viet Nam the next day/the following day.
4. David told Catherine that he was unable to read her writing. 5. Minh said that he had overslept that morning. 2-5. Ss do this task individually. While they are working, some Ss Key: 1. He said ( th a t) he hadn't said may write their sentences on the anything at the meeting the week board. Correct their sentences as a before/the previous week. class.
2. She told me that letter had been opened. 3. Tom said that in 50 year’s time we would probably be living on Mars. 4. Mi said she hoped they would build a city out at sea. _s to 5. Son told us that his wish wa: become a young inventor 2.6. This speaking activity could be daunting for some Ss, so allow the pairs to plan what they are going to say before they come to the front of the class. This should - Pair work help Ss to speak with fluency and accuracy, and as naturally as possible. Encourage them to give true sentences about themselves. ce Ideally, all ss should have a chance to talk before the class.
4. F u r t h e r p r a c tic e :
( 5 1) *
? Recall the uses o f the past perfect tense
C \ r Production^V»7*
- Learn by heart all the newr words and s tr u c tu ff i^ ^ V ^ - Take note - Do Ex in Workbook - Do at home - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about science and technology.____________________ -oOoEK :31 k l Peri Period: 90
Preparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 11: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Lesson 4: Communication I./. O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: Use the lexical items related to the topic science and technology and practice reported speech 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: - Positive about science and technology. - Students know how to learn English in right way 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching me visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. IV./. PROCEDURE Ss a n d t .W a r m
u n
T*s activ ities
- 5 f: B r a i n s t o r m i n g
- Have ss divide into two group, ask them to go to the board and write the name o f inventions they know as many as possible and who invented them - Introduce the new lesson 2. C o m m u n ic a tio n
Quickly review' the grammar that are used in this section: -the simple and reported speech 2.1 This activity can be done as a class competition. Ss work individually. Give them one minute to match by drawing lines from the inventors to the inventions. For increased fun, count down the final 10 seconds and then tell everyone to stop. Now h a ^ i s swap books and mark each other’s answeiV Elicit the answers from Ss in full sentences, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Ask for a show' of hands for those who got all eight right, then seven, and so on. '"tim e allows, T may ask questions about th these inventors to find out what Ss knowr about them: - Are they still alive/dead? - What are they famous for? - Do you know anything interesting about them? - Do you know any interesting about them?
Work individually Key: - Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. - Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. - Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. - The Wright brothers invented the airplane. - James Watt invented the steam engine. - Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook. - Tim Berners-Lee invented the Internet.
Edison: “Genius is one percent inspriration and ninety-nine percent perpiration.”...) 3. Cgmnmmjctjon 2 3.2 Form groups o f three or four Ss to discuss the inventions. Encourage Ss to talk as much as possible; this is a fluency stage, so don’t worry about accuracy at this point. Move around the groups and give assistance where needed. Invite some groups to present their ideas. Other groups can add some ideas if’possible. 3.3 Call on two confident Ss to come the front and act out the dialogue between Ha and Alexander Graham Bell. Then put Ss into pairs to report on the conversation.
- Group work
- Do as requests Suggested ai -Alexandi said told me (that) he was born in 1847 in Scotland, ¡aid/told me (that) he had iys liked... said told me (that) he had taught... -He saidtold me (that) he had invented...
3.4 Let Ss work in ^ a irs to role-play, - Pair work using the information given- Walk around to observe and give help if needed. If time allows, ask some pail’s to role-play in front of the class. The class then votes for the best performance. 4. F u rth er practice (3') - Summary the lesson 5. Production(2ri uide ss how to Ex in workbook Take note ollect pictures, songs, clips talking anout science and technology.___________ Kiểm ira ngày tháng
W EEK :32 Period: 91
Preparing date: Teaching date:
U N IT 11: S C I E N C E A N D T E C H N O L O G Y Lesson 5: Skills 1 I ./. O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: * Read for specific information about the role of science and technology in the future - Talk about the roles of science and technology 2. Skills: Speaking, reading, 3. Attitude: - Positive about science and technology. - Students know how to learn English in right ve capacity, ability 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capabili to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: LTeaehcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, 2.Students: books, notebooks m / TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communii approach, group Ss and T s activities, play as a character, teachin s with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practi ussion group, technical present.... IV./. PRO CED U RE Ss and T ’s activitic 1 .W a rm
u n
- 5 1: B r a i n s t o r i
- Group wrork (3 groups) - Write these headings on the Health Travel Ho mi - Brainstorm with tin some predictions for future developments in these fields. Encourage Ss to use their imagination. Now open the book and do the reading tasks. * Teaching vocabuIary(6') - Teacher use different techniques to incurable(a): teach vocabulary (situation, realia) advanced(a): - Follow' the seven steps of teaching gene (n): tiny{adj):bé nho vocabulary * Checking vocab: Slap the board expolre(v): nutrition pill(n): unemployment(n): 2. Reading- 15' 2.1 Ask Ss to read the passages quickly for key words and then match Key: 2. A with the headings. LB 2.2 Have Ss do the task individually.
3. C
Then Ss can check their answers in Key: pairs. Elicit the answers from Ss. 3. A 3. E 4. B 5. F l.D 2.3 Ask Ss to read the passages 6. C again and answer the questions. Ss can ask and answer in pairs. T Key: corrects the answers as a class. If 1. To explore Mars To find out if there time allows, have Ss show where is, or ever has been, life there/To they found the answers. explore the possibility of being abl able to live there. 2. They help people live longer 3. 70 or 75 years. 4. Solar panels and solar windows. 5. They can do chores such as cleaning, cooking, washing, and organising things. 3. Speaking - 15' Set up the SPEAKING stage by getting Ss to think about the pros and - Work in gnoups of 4 ss cons o f advancements in science and technology. Explain that nothing is "black and white’; there are alwri advantages and disavantages.^ Foi example, say: M ore and more robots invented and used in the fitlutre. One o f the advantages o f this is that T ake a survey robots will he able to do dirty or Work in groups of 6 ss dangerous jo b s that humans don't want to do. A t th ^sh m e time, there are d is a ^ m t^ t^ - robots will replace people in some areas so there will be unemployment. 3.4 Ss wbrk in pairs to think about these pros and cons. Encourage Ss to think of as many ideas as possible. Move around to give cues and - Pair work observe. Nuclear energy: - convenient, clean, available... - expensive, unsafe, environmentally, unfriendly... Nutrition pills: - people can live longer,
convenient,... - expensive, create an ageing population, create overpopulation... Smart phones: - convenient, quickly, entertaining... - Environmentally unfriendly, discourage face-to-face communication, people can be tracked at all times...
- Group work
Space travel: - Exciting, adventurous... Expensive, dangerous... 3.5 Divide the class into groups of five or six. Each group talks about one of the fields in 4. Tell Ss to read the example before they start. ise^O S Encourage them to use the phrase given in the Look out! box. While ive are talking, T goes around to give assistance if necessary. I f time allows, have Ss^summarise their group’s ideas and present to the class.
4 . F u r t h e r p r a c t i c e f 3 r)
- Sum up the m ^ V co n ten t of the Answer lesson. 5. P roduction!!1) - Take note - Do Ex in work book - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking science and technology._______ --------------------------------- oOo-------------------------------Preparing date: WEEK:32 Period: 92 Teaching date.
UNIT 11: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Lesson 6: Skills 2 I ./. O BJECTIVES I. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: * listen for general and specific information about how science and technology solve some problems in the future
* write to express agreement and disagreement about the roles of science and technology 2.
S k ills:
listening, writing.
- Positive about science and technology. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4 . Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: Î . T e a c h e r : book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2 . S t u d e n t s : books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion grouf IV./. PROCEDURE 3. A ttitu d e :
Ss a n d 1.W a r m
u p
T ’s activ ities
- 5 ':
- Chatting ?Y our idea about homes, education travel in the future - Introduce the new leson 2.
L iste n in g
( 15])
- Set the scene: Nick. Duon talking about science and te
E l/
P a g e
a n d
ch o o se th e
L isten
indChau are nology
t ihl e______ c o n v e rsa tio n
b e st s u m m a r y
- Have Ss read the three options. Then play the recording and elicit the answer from Ss.
• Vocab: - drawback (n) :hạn che - yield(n): sản lượng - advance(n): tiên bộ - negative(adj): có tinh tièu cực - Work individually Key: b. The benefits and drawbacks that advances in science and technology may bring to people’s lives.
E2/ Page 5 5 . Listen to the conversation and circle the words and phrases its you Key: hear 1. problems 2. high yields - Run through the words/phrases -Play the recording again, once or twice. 4. overcrowding Ask Ss to listen carefully and tick the 6. bring unemployment
words/phrases according to what they hear in the passage. E 3 / P a g e 55. L iste n a g a in
a n d
a n s w e r th e
q u e stio n s
- Run through the questions -Play the recording again. Tell Ss to take notes/ write down the key words as they listen. Then they answer the questions in writing or verbally. -Correct their answers as a class.
K e y :
1. High yields in farming will (help feed the grow ing population on earth). 2. ( We may be able to live) on other planets. 3. He says he likes the having lessons at hom robot, and on the Internet 4. Yes, she doi
5.He thinks 1h< new problems
3. Writing 06*1 - Introduce the note about how to write to express agreement or disagreement
p a r a g r a p h
a n d
fill i n t h e
o u tlin e.
be many
îswerthe questions
- Read the paragraph -Have Ss read the sample paragraph. Explain - Work in pair to fill in the outline that the first sentence in the sample is the Idea 1: Expensive topic sentence which tells the reader ldea2: Make worker jobless whether the author agress or disagrees w ith Idea 3: Make people lazy and the statement. The following sentences inactive epress thejreasons. The last sentence is the concluding sentence, which summarise the main points in the paragraph. - Ask ss to work in pairs to fill in the outline. -Check as a class. - Write a paragraph E 5 . M a k e n o t e s . W r i t e a p a r a g r a p h oil
th e
to p ic
-Have Ss read the argument put forward. Then work in pairs to make notes the model in 4. They must decide if they agree or disagree, give three supporting point. - Ask ss to write a paragraph . Make sure that they use proper connectors first/firstly, second secondly,... and pay
attention to spelling and punctuation. -T may ask some ss to represent their writing and ask the others to give comment
4. F u r t h e r p r a c tic e ( 3 ri
? Sum up the main content of the lesson. 5. Productio»(2*i ? Do Ex in exercise book - Take note ? Prepare: Unit 11; Looking back - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about science and technology.__________________ -ûOüKiêrn tra iigày théng
it am
W EEK :32 Period: 93
Preparing date; Teaching dt
UNIT 11: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOG Lesson 7: Looking back+project l.L O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - Encourage Ss not to refer back to the unit. Ask them to keep a record of their answers to each exercise so that they can use that information to complete the self-assessment box at the end of tl By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Recycle the language from the previous sections and links with the topics. - Practice doing someexercises to consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 11 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing, use of English. 3. Attitude: - Positive about science and technology. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication/self-leaming capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./. PREPARAT! ON: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students; book^, notebooks III./. TEA C H fN C M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities^play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. .. iU /. PROCEDURE
Ss a n d 1. W a r m
C o n te n t
T ’s a c t i v i t i e s
u p
: C a llin g n a m e s ) - Take part in the ? What are the benefits that science and teams technology bring to our lives ? ( G a m e s
2. L o o k in g
b a c k
- Work individually
A . V o c a b u la ry E l.
P a g e
th e w o r d s in
W r ite
th e
b ra c k e ts
c o rre c t
fo rm
o f K e y :
- Ask ss to work individually then ask some ss to write on the board - T confirms the correct words
E 2 / p a g e 56. C o m p le te
w o r d
w e b
g a p
w ith
c o m p le te th e
w o rd
fro m
p a ssa g e
-Let ss read the passage and complete this exercise individually - Call on some ss to write on the - T confirms the correct words
in to
P a g e 56. C h a n g e re p o rte d
th e se n ten c es
sp e e c h
-Have ss work individually then cross check - Ask 5k some ss s to read aloud their senttences - Correct: their answers J jS / P a g e
it ions moratory science inventing 5. benits 6. productive
G r a m m a r
- Recall ss about the rules to change a direct sentence into an indirect sentences E 4 /
scientific environment developments discoveries unnatural
Organize the game for two - Work in teams teams. In 4 minutes, ss in each Key: -Farming team must go to the board to write word to complete the word - Home life -Entert ament web. The team with more correct - Medicine words is the winner - Space exl - Com
E 3 . F ill e a c h b o x
th e
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
56. R e w rite
th e s e s e n te n c e s in
Key: 1. He said that they were doing an experiment 2. She told me that I had to sign the paper again 3. Tam said that they had watched a television documentary on the future of nuclear power 4. Scientists said that in 50 year’s time we might be living on the moon
in d ire c t sp e e c h
- Have ss do the task in their notebook. - Ask some ss to read aloud their sentences - Correct their answers
Key : 1. Kien said “ I missed / have missed the train” 2. Duong said “ I can run very fast” 3. “ I will hand in the report tomorrow” Mia told me
4. She said i am reading a science fiction book about life on Venus” 5^ “ I will be a layer when I grow up” he told me
C. Communication E6 / Page 57. W rite prediction for each of the following filcds -Have them work individually. Tell them to be imaginative. Make sure they write a prediction for at least three of the fields - Have ss read out one of their predictions to the class. Others can ask them questions about their predictions _ F inishcd!
- Ask ss assessment.
to complete the
c>x Work individ
3. P ro ic c t
- Work in groups . Give ugh time to read the passage tht pe their ideas - Call some ss to represent. The class vote for the best useful inventions 4 . F u r t h e r p r a c t i c e ( 3 1)
? Sum
the main content of the lesson.
5 . P r o d u c t i o n ^ 1)
? Dt^Ex in exercise book - Take note ? i >repare: t e s t 4 5 ’ - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about science and technology.
W EEK :33 Period:94
Preparing date: Teaching date: TEST 45’
I./. O BJECTIVES I. Knowledge: - T checks Ss’ understanding from Unit 10 to Unit 11
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing, use of English. 3. Attitude: - Positive about science and technology. - Students knowr how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... I U PREPARATION: 1.Teachcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks IIL/. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical lical present prest IV./. PROCEDURE IV.PROCEDURE I. M A TRIX
xx s<<
T o p ics/ Language sk ills
C om p reh en sion
K n o w led g e
& O bjective
A p p lication
O bjective
T otal
Listen to this in ten ii berm
I- L isten in g
Topic 7-9
(20 %)
4 items 2 points
20 %
ma£ eporteftind 'r Duong
W vu about a netiquette to check your answer 4 item s 2 poin ts II- G ra m m a r and V ocah
Topic 7-9 (30'
jn ^actrword. Vlalch the wonis/phrases with the pictures
10 items 3points 30%
10 item s 3 p o in ts III-R ca d in g
Topic 7-9 ( 2 5 %)
Chooose the correct answer A , B or C fo r the questions
1 item s I p o iilt
2. Answer the following
questions 3 item s 1,5 points
5 items
2,5 points 25%
IV- Writing
1. Change these sentences into reported speech.
Topic 7-9 (25 %)
2. Rearrange the words/ phras to
T o ta l
10 items
2 items
23 items
3.0 points
2 . 0 p o in ts
p o in ts
2. Content: Bao Khe Secondary School Class: S ....... .......... Student ’s name : K1ËM TRA 45 PHUT SO 4 - NAM HOC Môft: T1ÉNG ANH - L Ö P 8 Thfri gian lam bal: 45 phut
. Listen to this interview between a 4Teen magazine reporter and Dr Dttong Mirth Itt about a netiquette to check your answer (4)J_ I,OptI Trite 1. Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. 2. We should use CAS LOCK in emails, post and comment. 3. Don’t say and do unpleasant things online, just like in real life
4. Check your message for spelling mistakes before you send it. PART II: G R A M M A R AND VOCAB
IMark the stressed syllable in each word, (LOptj 1. u n h u r t
2. im p u r e
3. c u rio sity
4. in fin itiv e
2.Match the words/phrases with the pictures. (2pts)
A. Meeting face - to face B. Using social media
C* Explorer
E. Using telepathy
D. conservationist
F. Archeologist
t lu it t e r
PART IV: READ Read the passage and do the tasks that follow A mobile phone, also known as a cell phone, is one that we can use to make telephone calls to anyone from a great distance via a radio link. Apart from telephony, modem smart mobile phones also support a number of other serv ices
including text messaging, internet access, gaming, photography, and many business applications. The first cell phone weighed about 2 kilograms and was demonstrated in 1973 by Dr. Martin cooper and John F. Mitchell o f Motorola. Ten years later, in 1983, the first model of cell phone went on sale to the public. By 2011, over six billion people, 87% of the world’s population, used mobile networks. In spite of the many advantages a cell phone has, it also brings about XHlt problems that users should be awear of. Mobile phone radiation is believi lieved to be harmful to human health. Some recent studies have found an association between cell phone and certain kinds brain disease. Another serious problem can be privacy and tracking. Once users have the phone on, they can be interupted in many ways, and they can also be tracked by location data. I. Chooose the correct answer A, B or C for the questions. (LQpt) 1/ Which statement belowr is N O T correct? A. We can use a mobile phone to make telephone calls to anyone from a great distance via a radio link. B. The first cell phone weighed about 2 kilograms. C. 87% o f the world’s population, used mobile networks by 2012. 21 Besides advantages , a cell phone brings ________________ . A. problems. B. benefits C. usefulness II. Answer the following questions. (L5pt) 1/ When was the first cell phone demonstrated? * ............................................................................................................. d .......................................................
2/ How many percents oi the world's population did use mobile networks by
3/ Should students be allowed use cell phone at school? Why/ why not? - > . . . . . .......................... . ........................... ....................... ............ .......................
PART IV: W RITE I. Change these sentences into reported speech. (l.Spti 1/ “I will hand my assignment to the teacher tommorrow.” Huy said that...... ................... ........................................................ 2/ “I ’m unable to read your writing”.
Nga told me t h a t .................................. 3/ “I like to do physics experiments”. She said that.........................................
//. Rearrange the words/phrases given to make complete the sentences* iU Opt) nm 1 is/ the colour/ of/ Orange / the sun.
2/ and. Science/ are/ the keys/ technology/ every field./ to dev el ;velopment The end
< ........................................
& • A 3. Key: DAP AN BÀI K T 45’ SO 4- NAM H « t N
PA RT 1:0,5p fo r each correct sent PART II: 1.0,25 p fo r each correct rrect sentences sentei 2. 0,3 p fo r each correct sentence. PART III /. 0,2 p fo r each correct sentence. 2.1 p fo r each correct sentence. PART T IIv: / p fo r each correct sentence. Production: Prepare Unit 12 -oOo-
W EEK :33 Period: 95
Preparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 12: LI F t ON OTHER PLANETS Lesson 1: Getting started
LL O BJECTIVES 1 . K n o w l e d g e : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - listen and read the conversation about the series "Star Into Darkness" for details and then do some related exercises. - use the lexical items related to life on other planets. 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3 . A t t i t u d e : - Positive about life on others planets. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capac to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, gi activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... IV./. PROCEDURE
A v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ss a n d 1A V a r m c r
B ra in s to rm in g
- On the board, write the words transportation, communicatio housing and energy. ? Work in groups o f four Ss to list the future technologies they expected to see in these fields. - Set a time limit and the game stops when the time is up. The team with more items wins. ? Where and h < ^ fast think we can travel with new technology. - Ask them if we could travel to other planets with those means of transport that they have listed. 2« G e t t i n g - s t a r t e d
C o n te n t
T ’s a c tiv itie s
Vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, re alia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary
a n sw e rs:
17 Transportation: flying car, spaceship.... 2. Communication: telepathy, video chatting, codes.... 3. Housing: wireless TV, robbots.... 4 . Energy: solar energy, nuclear energy....
trek series crew terrorist aliens galaxy space buggy
(n/v): hành trình, du hành chuỗi, phim nhiều (n): tập thúy thú đoàn (n): ke khùng bổ (n): người ngoài hành (n): tinh dái ngàn hà (n): xe vũ trụ (n)
* Checking vocab: What and where 2.2. Listen and read * Introduction: ? Look at the pictures and the heading What could happen to Earth? but cover the text. - Brainstorm questions with Ss and write them on the board. Where are Duong and N hi7 What are they doing7 What might they he talking about? ? Listen to the conversation without reading the text to see if their predictions were correct. - Follow up with the same questions- Accept all possible answers from Ss. Remember not to give correction at this stage. 3. Doing ( 2 ( n 3.1a. True or false (laP59) ? Run through all the statements. ? Listen to the conversation then tick T or F.
- weightless (adj) không trọng lượng - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words - Answer the questions individually. * Suggested answers:
- They are outside. - They are going to school - They may talk abou[t the le Earth in the future.
Key: I F 2. T 3. F 4. T 3.1. b. Answer the quetians Key: Ss work individually to answer the 1. James Kirk is the caption of the questions. Ss compare answers with spaceship. a partner and then discuss as a 2. They went to Nibiru planet. class. Have Ss say where they found the answers in the 3. It happens in 2259. converdation.
5. F
4. It’s the name of the spaceship that the crew travels on. 5. He wants to destroy Earth. 3.1. c. Find the sentences Key: Ask Ss to look at the conversation I. That’s funny, Trang also asked me again and underline the sentences in what 1 thought would happen to Earth reported speech. Have Ss read in the future. aloud the sentences. 2. 1 said 1 didn’t know but that Earth might
be run by aliens! 3.2. Lable the picture ? Run through all the words in the box. ? work in pairs to match the words with the pictures. -Then check their answers. Explain that UFO is an acronym, which stands for unidentified flying object. Afterwards, have Ss repeat the words chorally. Correct their pronounciation if necessary. Check their understanding if necessary. 3.3. Gap fill Have Ss work independently to fill the words/phrases in the blanks, then check with a partner. Elicit Ss’answ ers. Summary the conversation ? Work in groups. ? Summary the conversation 4. F u rth e r practice (2f) ? Sum up the main content of the lesson. 5. P ro d a c tio n fr) ? Learn by heart all the newr words. ? Do Ex B 1,2 P44 - 45 (Workbook) ? Prepare: Closer Look I - Collect pictures songs, clips talking about< )ther plants.
Key: 1. aliens UFO 4. weightless spaceship planet
2. space buggy
5. galaxy 7. solar system
Key: 1. aliens buggy 4. plan 6. solar system ^ g a la x y spaceship smp
3. space weightless "
swer individually
- Take note
- q Qo -
Preparing date: Teaching date:
UNIT 12: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS Lesson 2: A closer look 1 /. O BJECTIVES L Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss w ill be able to: - Read the text about some planets in the solar system for details. - Learn some more words related to life on other planets. - Stress in words ending in -ful and -less 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, writing. 3. Attitude: - Positive about life on others planets.
- Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./. PREPARATION: 1 . T e a c h c r : book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2 . S t u d e n t s : books, notebooks III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. IV./. P R OCEDURE Ss a n d 1. W a r m e r | 5 ‘):
T ’s a c tiv itie s B ra in s to rm in g
? Work in two teams to brainstorm as Planets of many names of the planets in the solar - Neptune system. - S atu rn ? Read all the words individually and - Mars chorally. - Jup ? Copy all the words
2. Vocabulary ( W Vocabulary - Teacher use different t£ teach vocabulary (situatk - Follow the seven vocabulary * Checking vocab; R.
t h e SOI
Moon (n): nguờỉ đưa tin messenger (n): nông nghiệp agriculture te aching - plentiful (adj): phong phú - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words
You are going to read Key: nit planets in solar system, - God of sea 'lose your hook and predict the is of roman Gods mentioned in the - God of agriculture - God of w ar - God of thunder and lighting Read and check - God of love and beauty 2.2. Activity 3 P60 ? Work individually to f ill in the blanks without reading the passage again. ? Compare the answers in pairs. ? Read the passage again to confirm K e y : I . Neptune 2. Saturn 3- Mars their answers. 4. Jupiter 5. Venus
2.4. Activity 3 P60 a. Add suffixes -ful or -less to the words. - T can explain that to form adjectives, we can add suffixes -ful or -less to a noun or a verb ? Ss work individually. Ask some Ss to write their answers on the board. - Check their answers as a class. b. Make sentences fo r the new words ? Work in pairs to write a sentence about the topic o f space for each word. ? Swap your sentences with another pair’s to peer check. - Afterwards, have some Ss read out loud their sentences and correct Ss* work if necessary. 3. Pronunciation (20Mj 3.1. Stress in words starting with -ful itltd -less ? What happen when we add -ful or' less to nouns or verbs to adjective.
3.2. Activity 5 P60 Explain to S s ^ h a t when we add suffixes -ful or -less to a word, the stress of the word remains unchanged. Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and stress the words. Check Ss*
work individually to mark the stress in each word. Then ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner. Have them practice reading the sentences. Play the recording and ask Ss to listen, check their answers and repeat the sentences. If time allows, call on some Ss to read out the sentences, paying attention to the stress in each italicized word.
Suggested answers: weightless waterless resourceless airless wonderful
resourceful/ beautiful
c>x Examples: - Earth looks md beautiful from space. - Venus is a dry and waterles planet.
ten we add -fid or -less to nouns verbs to form adjectives, the stress o f the words remain unchanged. Example: ‘water -> waterless ‘hope -> hopeless/ 'hopeful For 'get - > fo r ‘getfiul 'thoughtless 'meaningf 'helpless ul ‘meaningles 'helpful ‘thoughtful s 'useless 'plentiful ‘useful
1. Her speech on the environment was ‘meaningful 2. My teacher is so ‘helpful when we don’t understand something. 3. I was 'helpless to stop the dog biting me.
4. This dictionary is so useful 5. There is ‘plentiful water for life on earth. Answer individually
4. F u r t h e r p r a c tic e ( 2 r)
? Recall the rule o f stress in words starting with un- and im5. ProdgctjonfT) ? Learn by heart all the new words. Do E x A l, 2, 3 P43 ? Prepare: A c l o s e r l o o k 2 - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about life on other plants.___________
- Take note
c>x Qr
tiring date: eaching dale. Teac
W E E K :3 4 P e rio d :
9 7
1 2 :
c lo ser
lo o k 2
I ./. O B J E C T I V E S
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss w ill be able to: - Use may and might correctly cor recti - Report questions 2 . S k i l l s : Use of English 3 * A t t i t u d e : - Positive about life on others planets. - Students know how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language.......
II ./.P R E P A R A T I O N :
¿look, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2 . S t u d c n t s : books, notebooks I I I . / . TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present.... 1.T e a c h e r;
IV ./.
1 ,W a r m u p
T ’s a c tiv itie s
C o n te n t
( S ’ ):
G r id
- Give out the poster. ? Read the sentences and decide if they are predition or ask for or give permission.
P rc d icti
(A s k
p e rm is* n
1. He may be in the office.
- Monitor and get feedback.
2. G r a m m a r M a y
a n d
2. Tom may lend you the money.__________ 3. May I use your phone? 4. Lectures may use projectors if they wish. 5. There might be w ater on Mars.
m ig h t:
re v ie w
- Draw Ss’ attention to the REMEMBERlbox. ? How do we use may and might Tell Ss to study the example first. Then they work in pairs to do the activity. Encourage them to talk as much as possible. Remember that there is no 'right’ or 'wrong’ as long as their sentences are grammatically correct. Move around the class and listen to Ss. if there is a point which everyone is confused about, bring the class back together and do a quick review o f it. Activity 1 P60 ? Work individually to fill in the gaps. - Have th e m ^ s ^ ip a re the answers with a partner and explain their answers. Check the answers as a class and ask for Ss’ explanations 3. G r a m m a r 2 : Reported speech: Questions - We use the verb ask when reporting questions. In reported stions wje use the statement wTor order and the question mark is word omitted. Remember that pronouns, possessive adjectives, verb tenses, and time expressions change in reported questions just an in reported statements. Look back at Unit 11 for a review o f how they
- We use may and say that say that something is le at present or in the future. E g: He may/might be in the office - Normaly, either can be used. Although, using may slightlynincreases the chance that smth will happen. Eg: Tom may lend you the money. (This is unlikely) Tom might lend you the money. (I think this is very unlikely) - May is sometimes used in form al English.
Key: 1. may/might may/might may/might may/might
2.may/might 4. may 6. may 8. May
3. 5. 7.
To report a Wh-question, we use Subject + asked (somebody) + question word + clause. Example: " What were you doing at the tim e?,J She asked (me) what I was doingf I had been doing at the time. 2. To reported a Yes/No question, we use Subject + asked (somebody) -+ if/whether + clause. /.
Example: “Did the alien talk to you? ” She asked me if/whether talked/had talked to me.
3.1* A c t i v i t y 2
Have Ss work in pairs and do the Key: exercise. Ask some Ss to read out 1. what 2. had seen; had lauded their answer and correct the 3. what 4. had been going 5. had looked 6. had been; had looked like answers as a class. 7. had seen 8. 3,2* A ctiv ity 3 Let Ss work Key: individually and check their 1. ask 2 . / > \ 3. before answers with a classmate. Then 4. different check the answers as a class. 3 .3 . A c tiv ity 4
? Work individually to write questions in reported speech. Have one student write the answers on the board and get feedback from other Ss. Afterwart check the answers as a class. - Have Ss explain the changes they have made. Have them Ao the rest for homework.
Key: 1. The interviewer asked if he went for a walk everyday. 2. He asked howr Nick had left when he
had seen the alien. 3. He asked what the alien had looked like. 4.
He asked why Nick hadn’t taken a photo of the alien.
5. The interviewer asked howr long the UFO had stayed there.
4.4 , A c tiv ity 5
? Work in groups of three for 5 to minutes ? Play Nick’s role to report orally the questions he was asked. - Get another student in the group to report what Nick answered. - Ask the whole class to listen carefully and give feedback. Correct this group’s work if necessary. Ask other groups to do the same if there
6. The interviewer asked if Nick had seen any UFOs since then.
is enough time. 4. F u rth e r practice (5f) ? Sum up the main content o f the lesson. 5. Production! 2'} - Learn by heart all the new words and structures. - Do Ex B4-7 P45-46 (Workbook) ? Prepare: Unit 12: Communication - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about life on other plants.
xXC> Preparing date: Teaching date:
W E E K :3 4 P e rio d : 98
HE T E ST 1.1.O BJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - To correct the test number 4. Give comments to encourage the students to study hard. Discuss the ways to improve the test score. 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing, use of English. 3. Attitude: - Positive about science and technology. - Students knowr how to learn English in right way. 4. Competence; Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language....... II./.PREPARATION: 1.Tcachcr: - Testing papers 2.
S tu d e n ts:
III./. TEACH IN G M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and ill. vities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present . . visi IV./. PROCEDURE 1. R em ark oil the tests: -The number of the tests: +Exellent tests: +Good test ^Average: +Under average:
-The number of the tests: +Exellent tests: +Good test -^Average: +Under average: -In genera], all Ss have achieved the basic knowledge. -There are many exellent and good tests. - Some Ss' skill of doing general ti -The teacher shows some best and
l.K c v :
M o n :
2 .T h c
w a v s to o v e rc o m e :
-The teacher should help Ss more listening and reading skills. -Especially, teacher should check their homework and orally more often. 4
3. P ro d u c tio n
- Review all knowledge from the three units - Prepare unit 12.
1 2 ;L I F E L e sso n
4: C o m m u n ic a tio n
the lesson .students will be ablbe to: mets. ^
^ I co-operation in working . 4. Competencies: having good overview after a lesson II. Main languages: 1. Vocabulary: 2.Grammar: - Modal verbs: may, might. - Reported speech I I I . T e a c h i n g a i d : Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards. IV . P ro c e d u re s
C o n te n t Ss and F s activities W arm - up.{ 5 ’): Introduction W arm - up.( 5')- Introduction Before Ss open their books, ask them which planet they would like to goto if they had a chance. Ask them to give the reasons why. Then tell Ss that they will join a teenagers1 blog to read some discussions on whether they believe in the existence of other life forms in the galaxy. Check if Ss understand the meanings on the words in Extra vocabulary. If they do not, quickly teach the words by using synonyms or even translation. P r c - s p e a k i i i g ( 5 ‘t ) V o c a b u la ry '
While-speaking ( I T ) 1.
F iv e
te e n a g e rs
p o ssib ility g a la x y .
o f
R e a d
p o ste d o n
a n
a rc
o th e r th e
d isc u ssin g
fo rm s
c o m m e n ts
o n lin e
th e y
A stands for national eronautics and Space Administration
o u r h a v e
fo ru m .
Have Ss read the comments. Ask them to do the reading as fast as fast as possible and remember the ideas. Move around the class. Bring everyone together if there are ideas or words that need clarifying. 2*
W o r k
a g re e
o r
o p in io n s w h y
g ro u p s
d isa g re e a n d
id eas
d e c id e
y o u th e
w ith
e a c h
o f
S a y
w h y
o r
Ask Ss to work in groups. Tell Ss that ^ i “1iey 1 can look at the blog and use the ex example to discuss the five ideas. If Ss agree, ask them to add any details from their imagination about the planet. Elicit the reasons why there may be inhabitants there, what those inhabitants may look like, how they can communicate, how they can travel, .. If Ss disagree, ask them to justify their choice.
Suggestions fo r disagreements: - I disagree with Nhi because the inhabitants there may be able to live in high temperatures „ They may have bodies which can resist heat. Or they may have a special machine to cool down the atmosphere o f the place where they live. - I disagree with Due because the inhabitants there be able to extract liquid from underground to survive. Their bodies may be adapted to the
environment there. They may not need oxygen but hydrogen or nitrogen to breathe, - / disagree with Ảnh. Any planet can be considered powerful Any inhabitant is proud o f his/ her own planet.
Post-speaking { 15*) 3a.
W o r k
g o in g y o u
in to
w ill
a n y
p a irs.
sp acc. ta k e
Im a g in e
D ecid e
w ith y o u
to g e th e r
y o u .
Y o u
th in k
R e m e m b e r to giv e
y o u
c a n
a re w h a t a d d
n e c e ssa ry .
re aso n s.
Put Ss in pairs. Make sure that Ss work with a newr partner for a change. Ask to use the suggestions in the pictures and the example, encourage Them to add any items they may think necessary. Remind them to give a reason for each choice. Go around to help Ss. Note this is not meant to be serious; Ss can suggest silly funny things as long as they justify th b.
R e p o rt
p a ir o r to
y o u r
d ecisio n s
a n o tile
th e class.
Ask __ Ss to report their tV til'. the ___ ____ decisions ____ JS w class or to another pair. Give feedback if necessary. Homcwork(3’): 2 lesson 5 Prepare for Unit l^llessoii
1 2 :L IF E
Lesson 5: Skills I
S ' o
O b je c tiv e s:
Knowledge: By the end of the lesson .students will be ablbe to: - Read for general and specific information about life on other planets. - Talk about life on other planets 2. Skills: Reading,speaking 3. Attitude:Ss must have good co-operation in working . 4. Competencies: having good overview after a lesson II. M a in
la n g u a g e s:
1. Vocabulary:
2.Grammar: - Modal verbs: may, might. - Reported speech. I I I . T e a c h i n g a i d : Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards. IV , P ro c e d u re s Ss a n d W a r m
T ’s a c tiv itie s
C o n te n t
u p ,( 5 ’C h a t t i n g
W a r m
u p .( 5 '): C h a t t i n g
P r e - r e a d ii> g(5’) la .
L o o k
a t
p ic tu re s
a n d
d iscu ss
q u e stio n
Ask Ss to cover the reading passage, look at the pictures of the two planets and answer the questions. Ask them: What else can you infer from the picture? W h ile -re a d in g b .
R e a d
th e
( 1 7 ’ tex t
) b e lo w
a n d
c h e c k
y o u r
a n sw e rs.
Give Ss two minutes to skim the passage and !d check their answers. 2.
F in d
w o rd s
s im ila r m e a n in g
in to
th e
p a ssa g e
th a t
h a v e
th ese w o rd s o r p h ra se s .
Have Ss scan the passage to find the words in red and match them with the definitions. Ss should check the meanings o f the words from the context. Then check their answers as a class. 3.
M a tc h
th e
(1-3). T h e r e
h e a d in g s
w ith
th e
p a r a g r a p h s
is o n e e x t r a .
Key: 1. poisonous 2. twice 3. experiences 4. traces 5. surface 6. climate 7. accommodate
Tell Ss that to finish this part, they should underline key words in the headings. Next, sak Key: Ss to skim the text ►again, using the key words I.C in the h e a d in g \p do the matching. 4.
R e a d
th e
tex t
a g a in
a n d
a n sw e rs
2. B
3. A
th e
q u e stio n s.
Set a longer time limit for Ss to read the text again and answer the questions, ask Ss to note “c ■here they found the information that helped thi them answer the questions. Ss can compare answers writh a partner before discussing them as a class. For a class which needs more support w ith the previous exercises, let them do this exercise as homework. Remember to check their answers in the next lesson. P o s t-re a d in g 5.
W o r k
o th e r
in a
{ 15 ’ ) p a irs.
O n e
M a rtia n .
is U se
h u m a n th e
a n d
su g g e stio n s
Key: 1. It is also called the Red Planet 2. The lowest temperature is 87 degrees Celsius and the highest may be a bit higher then zero. 3. Because 95% o f the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. 4. A day on Mars is a bit
longer. 5. It is twice as long as a year a n d life o n M a r s . First, have Ss read the table of information on Earth. carefully. Answer their questions if they have any. Ss work in pairs to ask and answer questions based on the suggested information in the table and the example. Set a time limit of 5 to 10 minutes. When they finish, ask the student who plays the role of the human from one pair, and the student who plays the role of Martian from another pair to role - play in front of the whole class. Have them ask and answer questions about fo o d and drink. Have another pair do the same, asking and answering about sleep and travel. Then have a third pair to finish with environment and problems. b e lo w
a s k
a n d
a n s w e r
a b o u t
life o n
E a rth
N o w
s w a p
w o rk s T a k e
w itli tu rn s
p a r tn e r n e w
sa id
p a r tn e r
p a irs. th e to
h u m a n
M a r tia n re p o rt
a b o u t to
T h e
life if
o f
th e
w h a t
o f o n e o th e r
p a ir pai
y o u r
o n
th e ir
h e/
s h e
plan* sail
th in g s.
Ask the 'humans’ and ‘Martians lo Trotn new pair. This time they use re ported^ speech to report their previous partner’s answers: H o m e w o r k ^ ) :
Prepare for Unit 12 Sample exchange N ew hum anW hat kind of food did the human say she ate? New Martian: She said that she ate rice, break, meat and fruit and vegetables. New human: Yes, that’s right!
1 2 :L IF E
Lesson 6: Skills 2 I. Objectives: L Knowledge: By the end of the lesson,students will be ablbe to: - Listen for specific information aboutlife on other planets - Describe an alien. 2. Skills: Reading,speaking 3. Attitude:Ss must have good co-operation i n working 4. Competencies: having good overview after a lesson IL
M a in
la n g u a g e s:
Î. Vocabulary: words related the topic. 2.Grammar: lexical items related the topic. III. T e a c h i n g a i d : Text books, cassette, chalk, visual picture :ures and somie boards. IV . P ro c e d u re s Ss a n d W a r m
T ’s a c tiv itie s
___________ C o n t e n t
u p ,( S ’) I n tr o d u c tio n
W a r m
u p . ( 5 ’) : I n t r o d u c t i o n
Ask a couple of Ss to come to the board and draw their versions of an alien. Ask Ss ho1 they would feel if they saw an alien. Ask they think aliens are very different humans, and what differences there P r e - r e a d iiig{ 1 0 ’ ) A L I E N S 1. W o r k
p a irs.
D e sc rib e
th e
p ic tu re s
a n d
a n s w e r th e q u e stio n s.
Ask Ss to workin pairs to describe the pictures and answers the questions. W h ile -liste n in g
L iste n
w h a t
a n
lik e.
F ill
( 12'
T o m ’s
alien e a c h
fro m
) im a g in e d a n o th e r
b la n k
w ith
d e sc rip tio n p la n e t
m a y
m o re
o f he
th a n
Key: I . Jupiter
2. Much bigger Before S s listen, ask them to read the 3. More powerful information in the table carefully and try to 4. Lots o f hair ict the answers. Tell them that to do this 5. Thick skin ey should highlight key words in the 6. four eyes 7. Happiness questions and decide the part of speech of the 8. Fear words they will need to fill in the blanks, then 9. Energy listen carefully to find the words from the 10. rocks recording. Play the recording twice. Have two Ss write their answers on the board. Confirm the correct answers. th re e
w o rd s
3. L iste n
fro m
a g a in
th e re c o rd in g .
a n d
tic k ( v )
tru e
false (F )
o r n o t giv en (N G ).
Have Ss work individually to underline the
key words in the statements. Ask Ss to do the exercise without listening to the recording first. Write their answers on the board without Key: confirming the correct answers. Play the I F recording again for Ss to check. T may pause at the sentences that include the information Ss need for the answers.
2. NG 4. F 6. F
P o st-listen in g ( 15’ ) 4.
W o r k
n u n
b e
in lik e.
th e w e b
p a irs . U se
Im a g in e
y o u r
w h a t
im a g in a tio n
a n
fill in
3. T 5. F
b elo w .
Set a time limit for Ss to brainstorm ideas and write their notes. Move around and help Ss if necessary. Ask Ss to refer back to the speaking Beginning with : in 5, SKILLS 1 and listening in 2 and 3, ree/ disagree withthe idea SKILLS 2 for useful language and ideas. tly, Secondly 5. N o w u s e t h e n o t e s t o w r i t e a d e s c r i p o f y o u r alien . urthermore, In addition... Now have Ss work individually to wtojte In short. For these reasons... descriptions of their alien. Give Ss a time limit for this. For a class which needs more support, make copies of the audio script and give each student one. The script can act as a writing model, but make it clear that Ss should change the content to match their own ideas. 6. S w a p
y o u r
d iffe re n t
w o r k y o u r
w ith
y o u r
p a r tn e r .
d e sc rip tio n
fro m
H o w y o u r
p a r t n e r ’s.
Ss swap their writing with a partner. They comment o n ^iach other’s work. Ss revise and edit their writing in class if time allows, or else as 4 " H o m e w o r k ( 3 ’ ):
^ repare for Unit 12 lesson 7________________
1 2 ;L J F E
L esso n I.
7: L o o k in g
h a c k
P L A N E T S p ro je c t
O b je c tiv e s:
I. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson »students will be ablbe to: -Look back what they have learnt in Unit 12 through the exercises in the book 2. Skills: -Revise unit 12 with vocabulary , grammar -Recycle the language from the previous
-Consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 12 3. Attitude: Ss must have good co-operation in working . 4. Competencies: having good overview after a lesson II. Main languages: 1. Vocabulary': words related the topic. 2. Grammar: lexical items related the topic. D L T e a c h i n g a i d : Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards IV ,
P ro c e d u re s Ss a n d
C o n te n t
T ’s a c tiv itie s
W a r m - up.( 51^Introduction - This is the review section o f the unit - Tell Ss to record their results for each exercise in the L O O K I N G B A C K section in order to complete the final F i n i s h e d ! N o w 1 c a n ... assessment.
W arm - np.( 5’): IntrodJuctiou
P re se n ta tio n { l(T )
1, Encourage Ss not to refer back to the unit pages. Instead, they can use what they have learn during the unit to help them do tl exercises. V o c a b u la ry I.
R e a r r a n g e
th e
Key: 1. 1. aliens
th e p ic tu re s.
5. planet
w ith
a su ita b le w o rd
2. space buggy 3. weightless 4. solar system 6. spaceship 7. Flying saucer 8. Galaxy
fro m
1. accommodate to work individually, then surface 3. traces compare their answers with a partner. Ask 4. experienced some Ss to write their answers on the board. climate 6. NASA a c tic e ( 1 5 ’) G r a m m a r
3, 4 & 5 Ask Ss to do them individually first. Then have Ss check their answers with a partner before having them discuss as a class. Remind Ss to keep record of their original answers so that they can use that information in their self - assessment. 3* U n d e r l i n e t h e c o r r e c t
a n sw e rs.
1 if 4.
P u t
th e
o r d e r to
w o rd s.
m a k e
C h a n g e
re p o rte d
P h ra s e s
re p o rte d
th e
th e
c o rre c t
q u e stio n s.
fo llo w in g
q u e stio n s
in to
2. had been 3. who 4. had been 5. 6. ate 7 . what
how Key: 1. He asked me how 1 would react if 1 saw an alien 2. The teacher asked me wl'meh planet was most suitable ib human life. skod me when 3. My friend asked humans had first landed on the moon. 4. She asked me hat the difference between a planet and a star was. 5. They asked if there was water on Mars.
q u e stio n s.
The teacher asked her students what the essential conditions for rnman life were. 2. Samuel asked the scientist if humans had been able to communicate with people on other planets. 3. Nick asked the journalist if the Roswell UFO incident had taken place in the U S in June 1947. 4. Vanessa asked her uncle who the witness in the Roswell UFO incident had been. 5. The son asked his father when humans would be able to travel from one planet to another more easily. 6. Diane asked her mother why people couldn’t move to Mars immediately.
P o st-listen in g ( 1 2 * ) C o m m u n ic a tio n
C h o o s e
in to
th e
rig h t se n te n c e s (A -E )
p u t
th e d ialo g u e.
First, ask Ss to do the task in pairs. Then
2. D 74. C
3. A 5. E
check Ss’ answers as a class. Set a time limit of two minutes for Ss to re-read and to remember the dialogue as much as they can. When they finish, ask some pairs to rehearse the dialogue. Finished! Now I can... Finally ask Ss to complete the self assessment. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice.
Homework^’); Prepare for Revision____________________
'Ỷ ' c>x & Ổ
A o