3 minute read
Review' 2 (Language
Ask Ss to explain their decisions. 4 Refer hack to what you have told the class in 2. Now tell Ss the ways you used to deal with these ( difficult/stressful ) situations. Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the task. If time allows, ask each pair to join at least another pair to make a group discussion.______________
3 . Pronunciation (15^j
- Stress on the verb be in sentences Play the recording again or say the first sentence in the conversation in GETTING STARTED. Draw Ss’ attention to the stressed T s n ’t ’ and ask them to practice saying the question. - Now explain the R EM EM BER! box. Emphasise that normally the verb be Is unstressed, except for situations mentioned in the box. 5 Play the recording as m any times as needed so that Ss are familiar with thA^tres3£d be in the statements. Note that only the words in. italics should be stressed* the other forms o f be are unstressed. With the whole class, refer to the EMBER!box to elicit the - Ss work in pairs to complete the task
Normally the verb be is uj middle or at the start o f i statement or question Example:
She was stressed.
Are you worried about something?
H o w e v e ^ th % /e rb be is stressed in negative questions and at the end o f sentences.
e n 't you coming? es, I am.
Also, it is stressed for emphasis or contrast. Example: 9. She isn ’t coming? 10. She is coming, but she 71 be a little late.
- Ss listen, thenpractice saying the sentences in pairs.
- Ss work individually first to underline those that should be stressed. Then check
asons why the verbs be is s^esses in each item. Ss then practice saying the sentences in pairs. 6 TellSs that these sentences contain both stressed and unstressed verb forms o f be. Ss work individually first to underline those that should be stressed. Then play the recording
1. - You aren’t worried about the exam? Good for you! - 1 am worried! But 1 try not to show it. 2. - Do you think Jack is good at Japanese?
for Ss to check. Give corrective feedback as a class, then Ss practice saying the sentences.
- He is. But h e ’s a bit shy to speak it. 3. - Isn't badminton her favourite sport? - Yes, it is. 4. - W h o ’s he? (no stress) 5. - Sorry - w e ’re late! - Actually, you a re n ’t. We h a v e n ’t started yet. 6. - Is she happy at the new school? - Yes, she is. She likes it a lot.
4 .Further practice
- Retell the whole lesson
5 .Production:
? Learn by heart all the new words. ? Do Ex in workbook ? Prepare: Unit 1 : C loser Look
2 r y- Answer teacher's questions.AV - Say out the words - Take note
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W EEK ; 6 Period: 18
L e s s m Preparing date: Teaching date:
ÏSS AND PRESSURE A closer look 2
By the end o f the lesson, students will be able to : - Use reported speech with confidence - Use question words before to -infinitive L K n ow ledge; - Grammar: reported speech, quest ion words before to -infinitive - Vocabulary: words related tochanges in adolescence 2.. Skills: Practicing skills 3. Attitude: - Positive about teen stress and pressure. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises -Ss are interested in using reported speech,question words before to -infinitive 4, Competences: - Co-oporation: work in pairs, groups, teams - £ e l f - study: work individually. - Using language to report what others say
»./.P R E P A R A T IO N ;
LTeachcr: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks 111./. TEACH ING M ETHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical presen t....