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T eacher and Students' activities C ontent

? Pair compare - Elicit their answers ? Have you ever eaten or made a pizza? ? If so, do you like the dish? ? Describe the process o f making one briefly. 4b. Complete the instruction (4b P10)


? Look at the pictures and complete the instructions individually. ? Then compare the answer with a partner. - Check the answer as a class. ? Can you make a pizza after reading the instructions.

3. Pronunciation

* Tone in statement used as questions

? W hat is a statement? - a telling sentence that ends with a full stop. ? What is a statement question? - used to check information has the i order o f a statement but ends with a question mark. - Play the part o f the conversation in G ETTING STARTED w h id i includes a statement question. ? Listen and pay attention to the intonation o f the sentences, give comment. ? Read the [EMBER box - M ake si tudents understand the infoi 3. Spread 4. Sprinkle 5. Spread 6. Bake

4 b. Complete th e instruction (4b PIG)

1. Chop v y v 2. Grate

atement used as questions

?ment can be used as a question to that the information we have is

1. Listen and draw (5 T I O )

* Li st en to the conversations and draw C correct symbol for the intonation o f each sentence. - Play the recording as many times as necessary. ? Practice the conversations with a partner. - When we pronounce a statement question, our voice goes up at the end.

/. Listen and d r a w e r (5 P I 0)

2. Complete the mini-dlalogues (6 P10J 2. Complete the mini-dialogues (6 P I 0)

♦S u ggested answers:

T e a c h e r an d S tu d e n ts ' ¡activities ? Work in pairs to complete the minidialogues with suitable statement questions. - Call on some pairs to write their answers on the board. - Give comment when needed. ? Practice the dialogues using the correct intonation. 4 . F u r t h e r practice: ? Recall some cooking verbs. ? How is a statement question pronounced? ^ .P ro d u c tio n : ? Learn by heart new words ? Do exercises A 1,2 P3 (workbook) ? Prepare: Unit 7: A closer look 2


I . You don't like paster0/ Don't like paster0

2. Add some salt?


ew w o Learn by heart new words Do exercises A 1,2 P3 (workbook) Prepare: f t n i t 7: A clo se r lo o k 2

W E E K : 2ft P eriod: 57 Preparing date: Teaching date;


Lesson 3: A closer took 2

LA O B J E C T I V E :

Grammar: Qualifiers, Modal verbs in condilion¿1 sentences type 1 - Vocabulary: words related,, 1. K now ledge: conditioi il sentences type 1 with modal verbs 2. Skills: Practicing skills

3. A ttitu d e: - Ss are interested in using Qualifiers, Modal verbs in conditional sentences type

I - Positive about recipes and eating habits - Students know how to learn English in right way. ^ - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. C om petences: - Co-operation - Self- study - Using some vocabularies and structures to talk about their favourite dishes and ^ e c i ^ s for dishes P R E P A R A T IO N : .T e ach er: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2 .S tu d en ts: books, notebooks

H I./. T E A C H I N G M E T H O D S : Communicative approach, group Ss and T ’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present. ..

D E P R O C E D U R E :

T eacher’s and Contents Content 1 . W a r m e r : Check the old lesson

¿ . G r a m m a r 1: Q u a n tifie rs: Ask students what a quantifier is, briefly explain to them that quantifier is a word or phrase that expresses the amount. Tell students that they had already learnt and know quite a few quantifiers. Elicit examples from students.

T may organize a short warm-up activity with this content. Students work in pairs to write down all quantifiers that they knowr in two minutes. The winner in the pair with has the most answers.

A ctivity I: 1 Ask Ss about the use o f the four quantifiers Make any necessary comments. Have Ss do exercise individually and then compare their answers in pairs. Tell Ss that when talking about recipes people usually use food quantifiers and that the Look out! box contains the most comm on ones. Have Ss read the information in the L o o k out! box. Explain any unclear points. I f time allows, ask Ss to g iv V examples with the quantifiers. Ss may also add some more food quantifiers they know to the list.


each blank with o, an, some, any.

La 2. a 3.

some 4. some/any 5. a 7. an

9. Some 6. some

8. any

2 M atch the food quantifiers with the nouns. Some quantifiers can go with more than one noun.


A ctivity 2 : 2 Have Ss do the exercise individually and then compare their answers with a partner. Remind them that some quantifiers can go with more than one noun. Check the answers as a


I .a, g 2. a 5.h Ó. Ixd 3.f,g 4.c 7 .eT 8. b

3 Read the instructions to make a salad. Fill each blank with a w ord/phrase in the box.


1 200grams 2. an 3. tablespoons 4. teaspoon 5. teaspoon 6. some

b W ork in pairs. T hink about a sim ple salad W rite the instructions on how to make it using the_______

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