Daylesford Macedon Life - Autumn 2018

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AUTUMN IN THE AIR Picture–worthy scenes at every turn

GIN’S THE THING Uncover boutique gins setting the world on fire

NATURE’S BOUNTY It’s the peak of harvest time

FOREST BATHING Step into stillness and uncover the latest meditation movement



Bromley & Co Windsor 93-95 Chapel Street Windsor VIC 3181 (03) 9510 8990

Bromley & Co Daylesford 45a Vincent Street Daylesford VIC 3460 (03) 5348 3979

Bromley & Co Ballarat 323-325 Mair Street Ballarat VIC 3350 (03) 4333 0061

CO N T E NTS AUTUMN 2018 Autumn Is In The Air


Welcome 5 Nature’s Bounty

10 - 11

Fantastic Festivals

12 - 13

Natural Yarn


Great Pubs


Mineral Water


Gin’s The Thing



22 - 23

Forest Bathing

24 - 25

The Local Wine Scene

26 - 27

What’s On

28 - 29

Retail - What We Love

30 - 31

Where To Stay


What To Do


Great Food & Wine

34 - 35

AUTUMN IS IN THE AIR by Al a na Rushton

Treat yourself to the autumnal foliage spectacle around Mt Macedon, and be sure to visit a few villages and wineries along the way. Ahh, the changing seasons. It’s the classic

The rolling hills are dotted with picture-

Dubbed by wine critic, James Halliday, “as

yellowing autumn leaves. The vibrant

worthy scenes at every turn, as stunning

one of Victoria’s best kept secrets”, the

orange glow of the trees. Woody browns.

shrubs and plants turn on their warm

Macedon Ranges Vigneron’s Association,

Rich spatterings of evergreens. The

colour palette, including the beautiful

maps out 44 wineries on its website at

occasional magenta, a fiery-red or plum

Maples, Golden Ash, and Oak trees. for all

tint in the vegetation.

to find their perfect drop.

With such a rainbow of earthy hues, your

level, the cool region of Mt Macedon is not

From classic styles of Sparkling Wines to

eyes will be delighted at every corner

only gorgeous in autumn, but it is also

Pinot Noirs - you can even discover more

of your visit to the Daylesford Macedon

rapidly cementing its reputation in the

specialised varieties such as a Malbec,


wine-production industry.

Tempranillo and even a Gewürztraminer.

Tree Gazing:

Wine Tasting:

1. The famous Honour Avenue of Oak


Mount Towrong Winery, in the foothills


Hanging Rock Winery’s Macedon NV

of Mt Macedon, produces a not-to-be-

Brut and Macedon NV Brut ‘Late

missed ‘Prosecco’.

Disgorged’, are legendary.


Hesket Estate’s Sparkling’s, ‘The


A little further North East, in Baynton,

Margaret’ and ‘Macedon Blanc de

is Granite Hills Winery’s multi-award-

winning Reisling.

trees at Macedon.

2. New Gisborne and Gisborne Villages. 3. The Woodend Avenue of Honour. 4. The historic Botanic Gardens in both

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Set up high, 300-800 metres above sea

Kyneton and Malmsbury.

Autumn 2018 Life


The Gardens of Tieve Tara - Mt Macedon

Welcome to the first Daylesford Macedon Life magazine Welcome to our first magazine celebrating the imminent arrival of autumn in Australia’s leading wellness region. It’s a great time to visit and reignite your imagination. Drink in the sparkling mineral water gifted from the land and set-off on a picnic, packed with local produce and wine, to the famous Hanging Rock; or get practical, even hands-on, and craft a chair or a wooden spoon. These are just a few of the many experiences waiting for you to bring them to life. Getting here is easy, it’s less than an hour from Melbourne via the Calder or Western Highways. Once here, you’ll find peaceful roads that weave their way through historic villages, creative communities and spectacular forests. The Daylesford Macedon region. We live it. You’ll love it. #daylesfordmacedonlife

Daylesford Macedon Life

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David & Yuge David and Yuge Bromley are the two creative forces behind the business Bromley & Co, within which the artist and his wife run their creative studios, their galleries in Daylesford, Windsor and Ballarat in Victoria and more recently a gallery in Xiamen, China. Beyond their own spaces that portray a host of works from artists locally and internationally, the pair also work extensively with cross collaborators in architecture and construction, as well as run a fashion label and a burgeoning event and interior design service. In short, they view all that they do as work on a canvas. As an artist, David has developed distinct themes

From their absolute love and creative immersion

and unique styles of painting, his best known being

in Daylesford, to the soon-to-open Pub With Two

nude female portraits, layered interpretations of

Names in Ballarat, through to creative overlays

butterflies and birds in flight and his childrens

on the Sekisui House development West Village

series. More recently, David’s art practice has

Brisbane and interior design on Mazzei Homes latest

extended to bronze and resin sculpture that range

creation “The Residence”, the Bromley’s bring their

from small and whimsical to large scale, intricate

curiouser and curiouser aesthetic full of life, whimsy

and commanding of spaces.

and vibrant colour to all that they do.

Intimately involved in all facets of their work, Yuge

Intuitively bouncing off each other, the Bromley’s

originally pursued a career in law before being

live by their determination to see life outside the

undeniably drawn towards the creative realm,

rules, to excite, inspire and immerse in their world of

starting her eponymous label in 2012 and is soon to


launch a creative children’s line, Wenniebeigo.

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Autumn 2018 Life,

Bromley & Co Gallery - Daylesford


THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO WIN an indulgent stay at Australia’s


Best Regional Hotel, including

Exclusive Competition for Daylesford Macedon Life Readers

à la carte dinner in the 2 Chefs

accommodation in a luxe waterfront suite, a three course Hats Lake House Restaurant, full breakfast plus signature wellbeing treatments at their own Salus Spa.

SIMPLY ENTER HERE: visit /dmrWIN This competition is presented by Daylesford Macedon Tourism because we love our region and want to share amazing experiences with you. We Live it. You’ll Love it

The Finest Accommodation in


Why Book Through Anyone Else?

 14 Vincent St Daylesford Vic  03 5348 4422  DAYLESFORD • HEPBURN SPRINGS • MT MACEDON • TRENTHAM • GLENLYON • CLUNES • LYONVILLE • KYNETON • HARCOURT Daylesford Macedon Life

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Love is Love It’s the way you glance at e ach other, the way your hands linger at a touch, the share d laughter - all signs of the glorious, rumble of love that le ads up to marriage. The D ayle sford Mace don re gion is the p er fe ct place to tie the knot, and it is the signature de stination for same- sex we ddings. The re gion has always had a proud, gay culture. This pride, combine d with the rip your he ar t out b e aut y of the natural landscap e, make s this stunning p ar t of the world the ide al place to cre ate a unique we dding that suits you. One venue that is a stand-out for same- sex we ddings is the Grange Cleveland Winer y. It’s situate d just 30 mins from Melb ourne Airp or t in the he ar t of the Mace don Range s. Grange Cleveland Winer y is set amongst 120 acre s of vineyards and rustic farmland. O f fering swe eping views of the vine s, the lake and cot tage gardens, there is no b et ter choice for your we dding day. The centrepie ce of this venue is the historic home ste ad built in 1887, where close friends and family are welcome to c elebrate the day with you. If you are re ady to formalise your relationship with pride amongst those you love and adore, the Grange Cleveland Winer y is sure to delight. Have the we dding you have always wante d, delivere d with unsurp asse d ser vice and in a venue whose culinar y reputation refle cts those gourmet value s the D ayle sford Mace don re gion is so proud of. Love i s Love. clevelandwiner y

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Autumn 2018 Life

A dose of wellness by Na t a l ie Dow l i n g A mini break to the Daylesford Macedon

to restorative retreats, plus day spas and

Add to that autumnal colours and fresh

region is the perfect antidote to life’s hustle

therapies to get you right - inside and out.

air to boost your whole being, as you stroll

and bustle.

The healing waters of mineral springs have

through parks and gardens, walk or cycle our trails and visit local lakes and falls. Curl

There’s a treasure trove of nourishment to

drawn people here for generations. But it’s

banish the busyness – all just an hour or so

not just these natural features that work

from the big smoke. So ditch the deadlines

their magic. Our people have talents in

for a day or two. The office won’t fall apart,

beauty, spa and traditional treatments. The

Get your bearings under the stars before a

but you’ll be put back together.

myriad of services range from massage to

restful slumber in local lodgings. Wake up

acupuncture, reiki, ayurvedic or facials.

to nourishing food from farmers’ markets,

Right across this wellness region you can

up with a book or nurture your soul at a creative workshop.

cafés and restaurants.

discover ways to reinvigorate your body,

So discover the dose of wellness that works

mind and soul.

best for you, whether it’s at a boutique

All this goodness is right here waiting for

business or iconic spa facility.

you. For a super soothing experience, try a

There’s everything from pamper packages

mid-week getaway.

1/2 Page advertisement

Daylesford Macedon Life

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Nature’s B o unty by Ka te Ul m a n In autumn, as the leaves on the trees turn golden and fall to the ground, driving around the Daylesford Macedon region can feel like coming across a smorgasbord. Dotted along the highways and back roads are little farm gate stalls selling delicious farm and backyard-grown produce. The crunchiest heirloom apples picked fresh off the trees, pumpkins of every shape and colour, fragrant tomatoes full of flavour, honey straight from the hive, organic eggs, pretty posies and much more. It’s a good idea to travel with coins for the honesty boxes and a picnic blanket in case you can’t wait and have to pull over and stop under a tree to enjoy your bounty. When visiting this area during autumn, the peak of harvest time, it’s impossible not to get swept up in the celebrations and festivities. Farmers who have spent all year growing their produce in the fertile volcanic soils often throw open their gates and invite you in for tours, tastings and to pick your own. It’s amazing how much better something tastes when you’ve seen the rolling hills of the farm where it was grown, and chatted to the person who grew it. In autumn, farmers can be seen marching up and down the main streets into kitchens delivering crates of fruit and vegetables picked fresh from the fields and orchards. Café and restaurant

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Autumn 2018 Life

menus are filled to bursting with mouth-

all year round – planting, weeding and

Many chefs use this bountiful period to open

watering descriptions of meals that

irrigating the crops, protecting them from

their kitchens and share their knowledge in

showcase the region’s produce. Vegetables

pests, diseases and the elements – can’t wait

master cooking classes. Local chefs teaching

that would usually sit next to the main

to have a chat with you about how to cook

you how to use the freshest seasonal

course, like potatoes and tomatoes, become

their produce.

ingredients means you’re in for a treat.

And no visit to the area in autumn would

Autumn in our area really is a special time to

be complete without a guided mushroom

connect with where your food comes from,

In autumn, visitors to the region are treated

foraging walk through the forest. Picture

forge special relationships with producers,

to some of the best farmers’ markets in

yourself traipsing under the pine trees,

and create treasured memories of meals

Australia. Trestle tables groan under the

Opinel knife in hand, filling your basket with

cooked with the freshest, most delicious

colourful displays of locally grown fruit,

delicious morsels, and finishing up with a


vegetables, meat and flowers. And the

mushroom feast you’ve cooked yourself and

farmers who have looked after the produce

enjoyed with a glass of local wine.

the heroes, and seasonal tasting plates look like works of art.


m o s s | yo u r we l lMacedon ne s s g uLife i d e | 11 Daylesford

Festival Funtimes People and place. Heritage and harvest. Culture and craft. This is a region that loves an excuse to celebrate. Look out for these great events in Autumn!

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Lost Trades

8 - 12 March 2018

10 - 11 March 2018

Say ‘yes’ to this one! For five vibrant days, Daylesford

Meet the makers keeping history alive. Stroll through the

hosts Australia’s number one Queer Country Pride and

picturesque Kyneton Racecourse to see master artisans at work,

community festival. Get your groove on at the 80’s disco,

showcasing skills in ancient and traditional trades and crafts.

boogie at the bush dance or strut your stuff on Parade and

You’ll be fascinated by the chairmakers, coopers or blacksmiths

Carnival Day.

who are reigniting passions to get hands dirty.

Autumn 2018 Life

Clunes Booktown 5 - 6 May 2018 Calling word nerds, conversationalists and ideas people. This charming town is the place for books and the people who love them. Combine the contemporary and collectable. Join author talks, panel discussions and literary luncheons, or get your hands on rare and outof-print editions.

The Great Trentham Spudfest 5 May 2018 One potato, two potatoes… Trentham’s heritage bursts from underground as local farmers bring their potato produce and machinery to town for a community celebration of all things spud. Peruse market stalls and discover tasty ‘tater’ treats and varieties. The whole family can enjoy free games and live music.

Daylesford Macedon Life

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Alla Wolf-Tasker Lake House Daylesford “A masterclass in how to do it right” Good Food Guide, Australia. Lake House, Australia’s much loved regional icon of great food, wine and bespoke hospitality, continues to be recognised as one of the most awarded restaurants and retreats in the country. Two Chefs Hats, Hall of Fame for Australia’s Best Wine List and recognition as Australia’s Best Food & Wine Experience in the Luxury Travel Gold List, are just some recent accolades. Six acres of established gardens cascade to the lake shore, offering beguilingly beautiful, peaceful nooks and outdoor terraces for morning coffee, lunch or afternoon Negronis. Words from the guest book - “bespoke, comfortable, cocooning, with great views & beautiful textures” describe the hotel’s individually curated hotel studios and suites which include The Retreat, the property’s “Rock Star Digs”. The restaurant, “one of Victoria’s most comfortable and beautiful dining rooms...” delivers seasonal menus driven by some of Australia’s great produce, much of it local. Add the location, the world class cellar, the approachable, knowledgeable service and it’s clear why Lake House has become a destination for savvy travellers from across the globe.

In May 2018, Culinary Director Alla Wolf-Tasker AM releases her new book “Three Decades On”. Captivating stories of local producers, the region, the evolution of Lake House and wonderful recipes, are illustrated with beautiful photography. A limited number of signed copies are available for immediate pre-order and delivery in May at 14 |

Autumn 2018 Life

relax... A Yarn Worth Reading About by Za l i Na s h The Daylesford Macedon region is an

So, next time you stop for your sack of

organic, foodies delight. It’s all due to

potatoes, a bunch of flowers and some

the fertile soil and water sparkling with

local honey, look up at the flock of sheep

minerals. The soil and water also create the

and doe-eyed alpacas in an assortment

perfect environment for the production of

of hues. Give a thought to their gorgeous

natural fibres that are so soft, you can’t

wool. Consider the effort that goes into

help but sigh.

transforming their fleece into yarn that

So often, we focus on what goes into our bellies for health and taste. Yet, what we wear against our skin is just as important. The skin, as we all know, is the largest organ of the body. Natural fibres, be they hemp, sheep or alpaca wool, create stunning textiles and garments. These natural fibres are produced and processed right here in the region. They are then transformed into

makes blankets that stand up to the harshest Melbourne winter. Or pay a visit to the likes of Bunjil Farm in Kyneton and learn

massage reflexology facials body and foot treatments reiki spiritual healing tarot vibrosaun workshops retail therapy

about hemp and its production into textiles. Then head to the family-owned and awardwinning Creswick Woollen Mill or fashion boutique Alpaca Passion in Daylesford and pick yourself up a garment made from natural textiles. You deserve it.

fabrics that allow the skin to breathe, keep you warm and are beautiful to the touch.

11 Howe Street Daylesford VIC 03 5348 1099 Daylesford Macedon Life

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SLOW FA S H ION Mante au Noir is a unique retail store lo cate d in D ayle sford. Op ening its do ors four ye ars ago, Mante au Noir quickly garnere d a strong following and b e came a renowne d de stination. Lo cally and internationally source d wo menswe ar, acce ssorie s and niche fragrance s sit alongside homeware s, ar t and antique obje cts source d from France. You will only find pro ducts that are authentic, ethically pro duce d and made from natural materials within this p er fe ctly e dite d tre asure trove. O wner, Victoria Varrasso has b e en involve d in the fashion industr y for over 25 ye ars and de signs the store’s covete d ep onymous Melb ourne made “slow fashion” linen womenswe ar brand. “Sle eping in b e autiful linen she ets or drinking te a from an exquisite handmade cup made 100 ye ars ago are such ple asurable daily ritualistic exp erience s. You will find a wonder fully cut Australian made linen dre ss in my store or a p air of lace-up le ather b o ots handmade by third ge neration Italian ar tisans or an amazing scente d candle cre ate d in France since 1643. Ever y thing is sensor y, ever y thing has a stor y, ever y thing is delib erate”, says Victoria. A relaxe d do g-friendly atmosphere combine d with at tentive customer ser vice and an ever-changing visual fe ast cre ate a new exp erience ever y time you visit. mante

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Autumn 2018 Life

Nothing Beats a

Country Pub

Local pubs are havens for laughter and live music. The beverages are often local and the tucker simply scrumptious. As the leaves start to turn to smouldering reds and purples, come for a drive, fill your belly with deliciousness and have a laugh.

A real beer garden where you can hang out with all your best mates.

Here are the top picks for pubs in the region for you to relax and unwind in:




Swiss Mountain Hotel

Greendale Pub

Cumberland Hotel

03 5345 7006

03 5368 1355

03 53456205




Coach and Horses Inn

The Old Hepburn Hotel

The Cosmopolitan Hotel

03 5428 5391

03 5348 2207

03 5424 1516



The American Hotel

The Royal George Hotel

03 5345 2510

03 54172345

The Farmer’s Arms 03 5345 2221


MOUNT MACEDON Mount Macedon Hotel

That’s a real pub.

The Pig and Whistle

Our menu is as long as your arm, our drink list contains some of the finest beers, wines and spirits in the country and our pooch-friendly beer garden is simply the best place to hang out on a sunny day. And in April 2018, we are opening our very own motel, just across the road. So you and your best mate will be able to hang out just a little bit longer.

03 5424 1213

WOODEND Holgate Brewhouse 03 54272510

03 5426 1888

Daylesford Hotel

Eat. Drink. Be Local.

03 5348 2335 The Farmer’s Arms 03 5348 2091 Daylesford Macedon Life

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1 East St Daylesford Phone: 03 5348 2091 Open 7 Days. Lunch & Dinner.

SOAK IN THE WELLNESS The Daylesford Macedon region’s mineral springs are a natural elixir born of volcanic alchemy. The waters have a sparkling history where stories from those who cherished them hundreds of years ago are bubbling up even today. Long before pastoralists settled and miners came looking for gold, generations of Aboriginal people “took to the waters” for birthing, healing and other rituals. The springs were dearly loved and were a place of spiritual connection with the land. Hundreds of years later, not long after pastoralists had made the fertile fields home, Swiss Italian adventurers came in feverish pursuit of gold. They soon discovered a place where they could continue their revered, ancient tradition of drinking and soaking in the curative waters of their natural surrounds. As the Gold Rush gripped the region, more mineral springs were discovered. However, the increases in population and mining activity were soon putting the springs at risk. Those that understood the healing waters were worth more than gold, lobbied to prevent mineral water wastage in the sluicing process. This strong advocacy led to the creation of the Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve in 1865. Thirty years on, the Hepburn Bathhouse was born. The Bathhouse was and continues to be, a place people go to, to soak, drink and luxuriate in these curative waters. The Hepburn Bathhouse captures water from a vast underground network of natural mineral aquifers. The water from these aquifers is claimed, by many, to have unique, healing and wellness properties. When you immerse yourself in the water at just the right temperature you absorb rich minerals from the ancient volcanic earth directly into the bloodstream. The geologically distinct region of the wider Daylesford Macedon area is home to 85% of Australia’s natural mineral springs. Skin is the way in. So, take the soak of wellness. It’s better than a supplement. 18 |

Autumn 2018 Life

Mineral Water Springs Yo u rs fo r the ta sti ng

The Daylesford Macedon region is home to 85% of Australia’s natural mineral springs. Discover this elixir of life for yourself.

Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve

Wombat Flat Mineral Spring

Jubilee Spring

A number of different tasting springs

Lake Daylesford (access via King Street)

Lake Jubilee, Daylesford

Glenlyon Mineral Springs Reserve

Vaughan Springs

including Soda Spring, Locarno Spring, Sulphur Spring, Wyuna Spring and Argyle Spring. (Mineral Springs Crescent, Hepburn Springs)

Malmsbury-Daylesford Road, Glenlyon

Kyneton Mineral Springs Reserve

Central Springs Reserve

Burton Avenue, Kyneton

Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park

Lake Daylesford (access via Fulcher Street)

Daylesford Macedon Life

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FEAST YOUR SENSES AT THE CONVENT DAYLESFORD Perched on the slopes of Wombat Hill is The Convent Gallery, Daylesford. Overlooking the township this magnificent destination venue contains eight gallery spaces, picturesque gardens, a renowned cafĂŠ and retail space, along with a museum and chapel. For just under a century the Presentation Sisters educated and shaped the lives of hundreds of women in this iconic building through the Holy Cross Boarding School. Today, The Convent showcases the works of local, national and international artists. The palates of all those who eat at The Convent Cafe are delighted by the seasonal menu featuring regional produce. The six acres of exquisite gardens have been compared to some of the most famous in Versailles and are reason alone for visiting. The Convent is also a popular wedding destination. The combination of historic features, modern architecture and magnificent views create an unforgettable atmosphere for any visitor. Whatever your reason for visiting Daylesford, be sure to add The Convent to your itinerary. Take the time to loose yourself in the art, fall into the history of the place and allow your taste buds to swoon at the culinary delights that await you. The Convent Gallery is not to be missed. 20 |

Autumn 2018 Life

The Convent - Daylesford

Gin’s the Thing by Za l i Na s h

Sliding into the limelight with a bouquet

Once you’ve finished your tasting, you can

of botanicals and a swag of awards are

sit back and enjoy a plate of deliciousness

two boutique gin distilleries, Animus and

delivered from one of the many restaurants

Herbal Lore. Renowned internationally

that Piper St is renowned for.

for their quality and unique flavour, these two distilleries are bringing home bundles of international and national awards for exquisite gin.

Herbal Lore is in Railway Crescent, Daylesford. They produce three gins and also pride themselves on their unique combination of botanicals. Herbal Lore

Whether it’s smooth and subtle or power-

harnesses the local spring waters that the

packed for the senses, these two distilleries

Daylesford Macedon region is so well known

are creating signature gins and adding

for in its gin production.

a whole new dimension to the culinary, gourmet experience in the region.

They are relatively new players on the gin

Awaken your spirit of discovery.

scene, yet their Navy gin has recently been

Award winning Gin available

Animus is in Piper St, Kyneton. It has a

awarded a Bronze medal in the New York

laidback, welcoming lounge and tasting

World Wine and Spirit Show.

now for tastings and sales.

room where you can have a personal tasting. Animus gin derives its flavour from the unique combination of botanicals many of which are native to Australia. During the tasting, you’ll be taken through each of the three gins and their various

With two superior, award-winning gin distilleries and a third and fourth to emerge on the scene in 2018, you can rest assured that whatever style of gin takes your fancy, you will be delighted by what you’ll find.

tasting notes. You’ll also hear about

Lot 2 Railway Cres, Daylesford, Victoria

Animus’ commitment to sustainability and how that has helped create the quality gin

03 5348 1920

soon to hit your palate.

Daylesford Macedon Life

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CLASSE S & WORKSHOPS Home to a broad and rapidly growing range of classes and workshops, the Daylesford Macedon region provides those wanting to explore their creative side with plenty of options to choose from. Whether it’s a cooking class, learning the skills of dry stone walling or making your own chair, there is literally something for everyone! Keep in mind that many of these classes book out quickly, so be sure to book well in advance.

Ho llybur ton Farm


Jo n a i Fa r m s & Me a t s mi t h s


This organic farm in the Macedon Ranges holds workshops

Jonai Farms’ popular range of workshops teach the art and

throughout the year, from pizza oven building to tiny house building.

craft of butchery, sausage-making, air-curing and charcuterie.

The Fermentar y

B ress



Take a workshop at The Fermentary and learn how to have your own

Discuss the latest vintage, learn how to forage for mushrooms,

crocks and jars of ferments in your kitchen.

or perhaps dine with Bress winemaker, Adam Marks.

L a ke Ho use


Learn from some of Australia’s best and most interesting chefs, producers, growers and winemakers. Classes are held in the purpose built Cooking School kitchen at Lake House.

Pi p e r St Fo o d Co mp a ny


Maker of the region’s iconic terrines, rillettes and parfaits, chef Damian Sandercock will give you a hands-on experience in the arts of sausage-making, hot cross bun baking or perhaps whole pig butchering.

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Autumn 2018 Life

Rundell & Rundell

Si m p ly d ’ Vi n e Co o ki n g Cla sses


Shepherd’s Flat

Learn from one of Australia’s leading

Cooking classes cover a wide range of

chairmakers and at the end of your

cuisines from around the world in a casual

workshop, take home your own beautifully

and fun environment.

handcrafted, heirloom quality chair.

L a uristo n Press Kyneton

Oa k & Mo n key Pu zzle Spargo Creek Join owner Natasha Morgan for a range of

Here you’ll find a range of workshops from

design workshops such as garden design,

drawing to printmaking on offer throughout

growing, harvesting and cooking from the

the year.

kitchen garden and orchard, preserve- workshops/

making and flower-arranging.

Sto c k ro o m Kyneton Discover your inner creative soul in one of

Re d B e a rd Ba ke r y Trentham

Stockroom’s Masterclasses, held throughout

RedBeard’s founder, John Reid, will take you

the year.

inside the historic bakery where you’ll have a

Kyneto n Food Studi o Kyneton Qualified chef Hazel combines her passion for cooking great food with teaching handson, entertaining and fun classes.

hands-on chance to learn about the science and art of bread making.

Wi ld wo o d In st r u m e nt s Mount Franklin With over 25 years’ experience in making instruments, luthier Nick Carpenter offers two-day electric guitar or bass guitar making workshops for the musically gifted!

Daylesford Macedon Life

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Forest Bathing S hi n rin-Y o k u Unlock your senses under the canopy of a green forest in the Daylesford Macedon region. Alana Rushton discovers the latest alternative therapy that involves meditation amongst trees, with incidental forest bather, Kathryn Russack. Green Tea, Green Superfoods and Green Smoothies are all the rage for our internal health. So, what does this colour have to do with a form of physical forest therapy where you walk, lay or sit – surrounded only by trees? The simple answer is, green forest medicine. The sound of nothing, the slow pace. It’s meditation for the soul. Lifelong outdoors-lover, Kathryn Russack, explains that you don’t have to do anything complicated, other than to submit to the healing power of nature. “When I first moved to Melbourne over 30 years ago, I loved the Botanic Gardens, and even when I think back now, I loved being right in amongst the trees,” Russack said. “The Macedon Ranges has forests, and I have enjoyed just being in them. I didn’t realise there was a ‘practice’ or that it was called ‘something’. A friend sent me a research article about Shinrin-Yoku, the term the Japanese have coined for ‘forest bathing’ and I thought …’Oh, I do that’.” Russack, who owns Colenso Café and Restaurant in Kyneton, said the practice is old, but the term ‘Forest Bathing’ is new. In asking her what she gains from the practice, the answer really resonates. “Stillness, a settled mind, the refreshment from another setting and the knowledge you have taken time to be ‘away’. “ Whilst she has never gone with a guided group, she said she often spent time with family in the forest. “I naturally prefer the cooler months, as I think I like the feel of the air at those times of the year and the surrounds feel softer.” 24 |

Autumn 2018 Life

HOW TO FOREST BATHE: STEP 1: Banish the phone. Let go of objects. Just be. STEP 2: Walk, lie or sit among the trees. STEP 3: Set the pace from the outset, slow your mind, slow your body. STEP 4: Use all five senses : Taste, Touch, Smell, See, Hear. STEP 5: Allow the silence in. Connect with nature.

So you can experience forest bathing at any time of year? “Of course. And it’s best to experience them all, that’s part of the rhythm that it provides.” Her instruction for heading out is easy. “For those who don’t spend time in the outdoors, it can be as simple as drinking in a tree next time they are with one. Take some time to look at it. There is no pace, no path, nothing to do except to be amongst trees. And advice for what to bring and do? “Wear what you are comfortable in, yes take water. But I don’t think it should be considered like a trek of any kind. It is just to be amongst trees.”

Daylesford Macedon Life

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O utsta nd i ng Wi n e

In less time than it takes to watch your favourite program on Netflix, the Macedon Ranges offers you the opportunity to sample some of the most awarded wines in Australia. A well-kept secret, this region is all about variety, depth of flavour and quality, playing host to over 40 vineyards and producers. With a rich and long history in producing some of the finest Sparkling, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, this has now been combined with the production of new and exciting varietals such as Processco, Gamay, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Blanc and Lagrein. All of which reflect the hard work and commitment that goes into each bottle. Stunningly captivating, this region is famed for its natural landmarks and beauty, and is no doubt mainland Australia’s coldest wine region. With vines grown on hillsides as high as 800 meters above sea level, it is here, where wine making tradition and terroir combine in order to create the long lasting quality these vignerons are known for. Families of vignerons, stemming from the 60’s, still own many of the wineries today. Vines that have been hardened, weathered and handed down, are now in their prime. It is here where you’ll often still be able to meet the winemaker and discuss the grape, wine and its life over a glass or two. So, hit the road for a short drive from Melbourne to uncover the cellar doors of these award-winning boutique wineries for an experience unlike any other. For more information about the region and its cellar doors visit

nyandah Estate Birthday Villa Chanters Ridge Cloud 9 Farm Cobaw Ridge Winery Cope-Williams Winery Curly Flat Forty Acre Wines borne Peak Winery Glen Erin at Lancefield Grange Cleveland Winery Granite Hills Winery Guildford Vineyard & Cellar Hanging ck Winery Hesket Estate Kilchurn Wines Kyneton Ridge Estate Lanes End Limestone Track Vineyard Lyons Will Estate Metcalfe Valley idhill Vineyard Mons Rubra Wines Mount Charlie Winery Mount Towrong Vineyard Paramoor Winery Park Lane Macedon Passing Clouds eric Rowanston on the Track Sailors Falls Estate Wilimee Wines Wombat Forest Vineyard Zig Zag Road Banyandah Estate Birthday Villa anters Cloud 9 Farm Cobaw Ridge Winery Cope-Williams Winery Curly Flat Forty Acre Wines Gisborne Peak Winery Glen Erin 26 | Ridge Autumn 2018 Life

A LO CA L WINE E X P E RT ’S IN S ID E R T I PS. The Lake House Daylesford is unarguably one of the top restaurants in Victoria. In 2018 it was awarded two Hats in the “Good Food Guide” and features on the Good Wine List. Robin Wilson, Beverage Director at the Lake House, gives us the inside word on the wine industry in the region and his top drop recommendations.

How would you describe wine produced in this region? The region is defined by altitude and, as such, we make cool-climate grape varieties exceptionally well. While the area is probably most renowned for Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, we also make excellent Gewürztraminer, some cracking Sparkling Wines and even some palate-delighting Lagrein.

Can you give us a list of your local top 5 wines and outline why you think they’re outstanding? It’s tough to pick just five, but here are a few go-to favourites of the moment:


Bindi Winery – Some of the most outstanding Pinot and Chardonnay I’ve had the pleasure of drinking.


Cobaw Ridge Winery – I particularly like their Lagrein. They also make a delicious Rosé, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir.


Knights Granite Hills – A pioneer of the region. Their Riesling is a go-to on the deck at Lake House over Summer.


Wilimee – A small producer typical of this area. I particularly like winemaker Ben Ranken’s Chardonnays.


Passing Clouds Winery – Now in the hands of the second generation, we often send guests to their cellar door located in Musk just ten minutes from Lake House to pick up a case or two to take home.

s Daylesford Macedon Life

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March March 3

Daylesford Farmers’ Market

March 3

Woodend Farmers’ Market

March 3

Wesley Hill Market Castlemaine

March 3

Macedon Sustainable Living Festival

March 4

Daylesford Railway Market

March 4

Castlemaine Farmers’ Market

March 4

Castlemaine Artists’ Market

March 4

Gisborne Olde Time Market

March 8-12

ChillOut Festival Daylesford

March 10

Kyneton Farmers’ Market

March 10

Ballan Farmers’ Market

March 10

Wesley Hill Market Castlemaine

March 10-11 Lost Trades Fair Kyneton

For more information on any event, go to 28 |

Autumn 2018 Life

March 11

Daylesford Railway Market

March 11

Bullarto Tractor Pull

March 11

Clunes Farmers’ Market

March 16

Night Walks at Hanging Rock

March 17

Trentham Farmers’ Market

March 17

Glenlyon Farmers’ Market

March 17

Leonards Hill Market

March 17

Riddells Creek Farmers’ Market

March 17

Creswick Market

March 17

Hanging Rock Makers’ Market

March 17

Romsey Antiques, Vintage & Fair

March 17

Wesley Hill Market Castlemaine

March 18

Daylesford Railway Market

March 18

Talbot Farmers’ Market

March 18

Woodend Village Market

March 24

Lancefield Farmers’ Market

March 24

Wesley Hill Market Castlemaine

March 25

Trentham Station Sunday Market

March 25

Daylesford Railway Market

March 31

Wesley Hill Market Castlemaine

Hanging Rock - Newham



April 1

Daylesford Railway Market

May 5

Daylesford Farmers’ Market

April 1

Daylesford Sunday Farmers’ Market

May 5

Woodend Farmers’ Market

April 1

Castlemaine Farmers’ Market

May 5

Wesley Hill Market Castlemaine

April 1

Castlemaine Artists’ Market

May 5

The Great Trentham Spudfest

April 1

Gisborne Olde Time Market

May 5-6

Clunes Booktown Festival

April 7

Daylesford Farmers’ Market

May 6

Daylesford Railway Market

April 7

Woodend Farmers’ Market

May 6

Daylesford Sunday Farmers’ Market

April 7

Wesley Hill Market Castlemaine

April 7

GREAT Macedon Grand Tour

May 6

Castlemaine Farmers’ Market

April 7-8

Camp out at Hanging Rock

May 6

Castlemaine Artists’ Market

April 7-8

Garden of St Erth Apple Festival

May 6

Gisborne Olde Time Market

April 7-8

Open Gardens Victoria Kyneton

May 12

Kyneton Farmers’ Market

April 8

Daylesford Railway Market

May 12

Ballan Farmers’ Market

April 8

Daylesford Sunday Farmers’ Market

May 12

Wesley Hill Market Castlemaine

April 8

Clunes Farmers’ Market

May 13

Daylesford Railway Market

April 14

Run the Rock (Hanging Rock)

May 13

Daylesford Sunday Farmers’ Market

April 14

Kyneton Farmers’ Market

May 13

Clunes Farmers’ Market

April 14

Wesley Hill Market Castlemaine

May 19

Riddells Creek Farmers’ Market

April 15

Daylesford Railway Market

May 19

Glenlyon Farmers’ Market

April 15

Daylesford Sunday Farmers’ Market

May 19

Leonards Hill Market

April 15

Talbot Farmers’ Market

May 19

Trentham Farmers’ Market

April 15

Woodend Village Market

May 19

Creswick Market

April 21

Trentham Farmers’ Market

May 19

Wesley Hill Market Castlemaine

April 21

Creswick Market

May 20

Daylesford Railway Market

April 21

Riddells Creek Farmers’ Market

May 20

Daylesford Sunday Farmers’ Market

April 21

Glenlyon Farmers’ Market

May 20

Talbot Farmers’ Market

April 21

Leonards Hill Market

April 21

Wesley Hill Market Castlemaine

May 20

Woodend Village Market

May 20

Lavandula Autumn Harvest Festival

May 26

Lancefield Farmers’ Market

May 26

Wesley Hill Market Castlemaine

May 27

Daylesford Railway Market

May 27

Daylesford Sunday Farmers’ Market

May 27

Trentham Station Sunday Market

April 21-22 Open Gardens Victoria Castlemaine April 22

Daylesford Railway Market

April 22

Daylesford Sunday Farmers’ Market

April 22

Trentham Station Sunday Market

April 28

Lancefield Farmers’ Market

April 28

Wesley Hill Market Castlemaine

April 29

Daylesford Railway Market

April 29

Daylesford Sunday Farmers’ Market Daylesford Macedon Life

| 29

Our Retail Picks...

W h a t We Love Overwrought ‘s Willow Outdoor Garden Bench Seat - made from mild steel, Australian sustainable hardwood 1200mm wide

Creswick Wool, has collaborated with weaving artist Tammy Kanat to create this delightful, light tan alpaca throw



Mollisons home furnishings. These textured cushions are gorgeous $59 - $79

For your home or office, check out Stockroom’s Cameron Robbins ink on paper “Big Rain” 57 x 67 cm $4,500

Garden of St Erth’s large Green insect house The perfect home for our beneficial insects $39.95 - $49.95

Harry and Me’s Autumn fashion delights including their Chei Mihara Omayo Boots. Hand made in Spain $499 The incredible detail in this alpaca cape from Alpaca Passion $429

30 |

Autumn 2018 Life


Bromley & Co

The Convent

45a Vincent Street, Daylesford

Cnr of Hill & Daly Streets, Daylesford | 5348 3979 | 5348 3211

Aliquam molestie ipsum ac purus

Creswick Millnisi condimentum, vitaeWoollen por t titor Railway Parade, Creswick lacinia. Mauris aliquam a lectus | 5345 2202 sed sagit tis. Phasellus metus lorem, placerat id consequat quis, laoreet eget purus. Donec rutrum euismod convallis. Pellentesque Ut id urna nunc. Ut placerat viverra ante, nec tristique erat vestibulum at. Nunc pharetra aliquet erat vel mollis. Ut ac leo maximus, congue leo ac, ultrices magna. Nam ullamcorper

Garden of St Erth

Harry & Me

189 Simmons Reef Road, Blackwood

83/85 Vincent Street, Daylesford | 5348 1172 | 5368 6520

Aliquam molestie ipsum ac purus

condimentum, Manteau vitae porNoir t titor nisi 1/27 Vincent Street, lacinia. Mauris aliquam aDaylesford lectus | 5348lorem, 1902 sed sagit tis. Phasellus metus placerat id consequat quis, laoreet eget purus. Donec rutrum euismod convallis. Pellentesque Ut id urna nunc. Ut placerat viverra ante, nec tristique erat vestibulum at. Nunc pharetra aliquet erat vel mollis. Ut ac leo maximus, congue leo ac, ultrices magna. Nam ullamcorper ultrices mauris ut sodales.

Overwrought Sculpture Garden & Gallery

Shop@Daylesford Healing Massage


3409 Midland Highway, Blampied

5/11 Howe Street, Daylesford

98 Piper Street, Kyneton | 5373 8091 | 5348 1099 | 5422 3215 Daylesford Macedon Life

| 31


32 |

Alchemy House

Central Springs Inn

The Dudley Boutique Hotel

24 Main Road, Hepburn Springs

6 Camp Street, Daylesford

101 Main Road, Hepburn Springs | 0400 339 995 | 5348 3388 | 5348 3033

Farmers Arms Art Motel

Flop House Accommodation

Gisborne Peak Winery

2 East St Daylesford

1/58 - 60 Piper Street, Kyneton

69 Short Road, Gisborne South | 5348 2091 | 0438 160 671 | 5428 2228

Hotel Frangos


Isabella at Kyneton

82 Vincent Street, Daylesford

10 Mineral Springs Crescent, Hepburn Springs

10 Bowen Street, Kyneton | 5348 2363 | 5348 4422 | 0413 536 303

Autumn 2018 Life


Ellenis Day Spa 39 High Street, Kyneton | 5422 3795

Endota Spa

Rear Frangos & Frangos, cnr Vincent & Central Springs Road, Daylesford | 5348 1169

Aliquam molestie ipsum ac purus

Hanging condimentum, vitaeRock por Reserve t titor nisi South Rock Road, lacinia. Mauris aliquam aWoodend lectus | 5421 1468 sed sagit tis. Phasellus metus lorem, placerat id consequat quis, laoreet eget purus. Donec rutrum euismod convallis. Pellentesque Ut id urna nunc. Ut placerat viverra ante, nec tristique erat vestibulum at. Nunc pharetra aliquet erat vel mollis. Ut ac leo maximus, congue leo ac, ultrices magna. Nam ullamcorper

Hepburn Lagoon Trail Rides

Daylesford Ballooning

60 Telegraph Road, Mount Prospect

Daylesford | 0408 059 125 | 9429 0277

Aliquam molestie ipsum ac purus

condimentum,Scrub vitaeHill por1869 t titor nisi 1713 Daylesford Ballarat Rd (cnr lacinia. Mauris aliquam aSawmill lectusRd), Newlyn | 0409 645 237 sed sagit tis. Phasellus metus lorem, placerat id consequat quis, laoreet eget purus. Donec rutrum euismod convallis. Pellentesque Ut id urna nunc. Ut placerat viverra ante, nec tristique erat vestibulum at. Nunc pharetra aliquet erat vel mollis. Ut ac leo maximus, congue leo ac, ultrices magna. Nam ullamcorper ultrices mauris ut sodales.

Daylesford Spa Country Railway

Wildwood Instruments Guitar Making Courses

Daylesford Wine Tours

18 Raglan Street, Daylesford

11 Phillips Road, Mount Franklin

Daylesford | 0421 780 100 | 0416 188 950 | 5348 1823 Daylesford Macedon Life

| 33


34 |

Animus Distillery

Baringo Food & Wine Co

The Boathouse

1/89A Piper Street, Kyneton

283 Station Road, New Gisborne

2 Leggatt Street, Daylesford | 5403 2431 | 5428 2144 | 5348 2199

The Cosmopolitan Hotel

Daylesford Cider

Granite Hills Wines

Cnr High Street & Cosmo Road, Trentham

155 Dairyflat Road, Musk

1481 Burke & Wills Track, Baynton | 5424 1516 | 5348 2275 | 5423 7273

Hanging Rock Winery

Hippo Wine Tours

Hunter-Gatherer Vintners

88 Jim Road, Newham

Group and Private Winery Tours

362 Pipers Creek - Pastoria Road, Pipers Creek | 5427 0542 | 0401 200 923 | 0407 821 049

Autumn 2018 Life



Limestone Track Vineyard

82 Vincent Street, Daylesford

48 Limestone Track, Guildford | 5348 2363 | 5476 4266

Aliquam molestie ipsum ac purus

Estate condimentum, McIvor vitae por t titor nisi 80 Tooborac-Baynton Road, Tooborac lacinia. Mauris aliquam a lectus | 5433 5266 sed sagit tis. Phasellus metus lorem, placerat id consequat quis, laoreet eget purus. Donec rutrum euismod convallis. Pellentesque Ut id urna nunc. Ut placerat viverra ante, nec tristique erat vestibulum at. Nunc pharetra aliquet erat vel mollis. Ut ac leo maximus, congue leo ac, ultrices magna. Nam ullamcorper

Mercato @ Daylesford

Mount Towrong Vineyard

32 Raglan Street, Daylesford

4 Taylors Road, Mount Macedon | 0488 155 088 | 5348 4488

Aliquam molestie ipsum ac purus

The vitae Parkland condimentum, porKyneton t titor nisi 37c Piper Street, Kyneton lacinia. Mauris aliquam a lectus | 5422 3769 sed sagit tis. Phasellus metus lorem, placerat id consequat quis, laoreet eget purus. Donec rutrum euismod convallis. Pellentesque Ut id urna nunc. Ut placerat viverra ante, nec tristique erat vestibulum at. Nunc pharetra aliquet erat vel mollis. Ut ac leo maximus, congue leo ac, ultrices magna. Nam ullamcorper


The Surly Goat

2349 Ballan Daylesford Road, Daylesford

3 Tenth Street, Hepburn Springs | 5348 4628 | 5348 6555

ultrices mauris ut sodales.

The Wine Collective @ Macedon Wine Room 652 Black Forest Drive, Macedon | 5426 3030 Daylesford Macedon Life

| 35

Discover the region





Glenhope Clydesdale




Drummond Lauriston Shepherds Flat Porcupine Ridge Coomora Denver Springhill Glenlyon Tylden Wheatsheaf






HEPBURN SPRINGS DAYLESFORD Muskvale Musk Newlyn Sailors Falls





TRENTHAM Blackwood



East Trentham

Newbury Korweinguboora




Fern Hill



Pipers Creek


Little Hampton

Barfold East Pastoria Sidonia Baynton




Hanging Rock Hesket Mt Macedon

Darraweit Guim


New Gisborne Riddells Creek Clarkefield

GISBORNE Lerderderg Greendale


Gisborne South







3rd May: Regional International Conference

5 - 6th May Clunes Booktown 36 |

Autumn 2018 Life

8 - 12th March 2018 Daylesford

10 - 11th March 2018 Kyneton

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