Strategic Plan 2013 - 2017

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Strategic Plan 2013 - 2017 Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges Regional Tourism

This Strategic Plan was prepared by Daylesford & Macedon Ranges Regional Tourism Board Inc. It outlines the Board’s vision and direction for tourism development and sustainability across the Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges Tourism Region. This Plan was prepared in collaboration with our Funding Partners and following feedback from our tourism stakeholders. April 2013.

Contents Our vision for the region


Our Mission to deliver this vision


Our tourism region


Our visitors Our regional brand

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Strengthening our regional brand


Regional themes


Who we are Our values Positive impact of tourism Our opportunities as a tourism region

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Our goals and strategic platforms


Industry Engagement




Product Development & Infrastructure






Our vision for the region Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges region is the ultimate destination for authentic spa and wellbeing experiences.

Our mission to deliver the vision Daylesford & Macedon Ranges Regional Tourism Board leads the growth and development of tourism across the greater region by fostering a united and engaged industry that works with us, and collaborates: 1. To develop the tourism strategy to increase visitation, yield and regional dispersal. 2. To deliver marketing, industry and product development programs. 3. To enhance our product and visitor experiences. 4. To increase consumer knowledge and understanding of, and build excitement for, our regional brand. 5. To advocate for, and protect our regional tourism industry.

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Our tourism region

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Our tourism region Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges is a key Victorian tourism region, as symbolised within the iconic “Jigsaw� brand. Our region is diverse, incorporating the municipalities of Hepburn, Macedon Ranges, Moorabool, Hume, Melton and Mitchell. Within our region, and nestled within some of Victoria’s most stunning landscape, are numerous towns, villages and hamlets that are instrumental in giving Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges its character and that make it such an exciting destination to visit. Consumer research identifies that our region is recognised nationally for its spa and wellbeing experiences and celebrated for its natural spring water, gourmet food, boutique wines, quality accommodation and beautiful natural trails and parks. Events, retail, arts and culture and historic experiences give our region added depth and provide Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges with a diversity of experiences that few other tourism regions can match.

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Our visitors The Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges tourism region attracts between 3.0-3.6 million visitors annually. Typically our visitors can be categorised as: 1.

2. 3. 4.

Leisure visitors – they make up around 38% of all visitors to the Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges region. Leisure visitors are defined as those who arrive for relaxation and holidays either for the day or overnight. Visiting friends and relatives (VFR) – they make up about 40% of all visitors to the Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges region. VRF visitors are those who are hosted privately but who still participate in local experiences. Business visitors – they make up around 11% of all visitors to the Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges region. Business visitors are those who arrive for conferences, exhibitions, events or meetings. Another 12% of our regional visitors come for a variety of reasons including personal appointments, education and employment.

Our domestic overnight visitors are aged on average, between 45–64 and day visitors, 35–64. The majority of our international overnight visitors are from New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Leisure 38% VFR 40% Business 11% Other 12%

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Our regional brand

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Strengthening our regional brand Inspiring visitors to travel to our region, and encouraging them to spend, is fundamental to a healthy and sustainable tourism region. Ensuring that we are consistent in what we say about our region is fundamental to how the Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges brand is perceived and how consumers react to it. We of course, want them to be inspired by, and to respond positively to our brand and the themes on the following pages represent how we will position the Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges brand to encourage this reaction. These themes represent the core regional experiences that set Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges apart from other tourism regions and will help to underpin and reinforce our unique selling proposition. They are not a definitive list as they will be supplemented from time to time with additional themes that tap into consumer trends or reflect regional/local experiences. These themes have been developed with the visitor in mind.

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Regional themes 1. 2.

Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges region is renowned for its natural spring water, luxurious spas, gourmet food, boutique wines, quality accommodation and beautiful nature trails and parks. With numerous villages, towns and hamlets to explore and located within an easy drive of each other, there are always new experiences to discover.

Wellbeing: 1. Our region is naturally rejuvenating, offering: a) Many places to indulge personal passions and to enrich and energise. b) A refreshing antidote to city living to relax and unwind in a stunning natural environment whilst indulging in gourmet food and boutique wines. c) A place to connect with yourself, friends and family. 2. Our region has abundant mineral waters that infuse the atmosphere bringing an instant calm. 3. Our region is one where you can do as little or as much as your heart’s desire and its proximity to Melbourne and regional centres such as Bendigo, Ballarat and Geelong, means that you can be doing just that in less than an hour. Spa: 1. Our region is Australia’s premier spa and wellbeing destination. 2. Our region has the largest number of beauty and massage therapists per capita in Australia. 3. Our therapists offer a wide array of world class spa and relaxation treatments. Mineral springs: 1. Our region has the largest collection of mineral springs in the southern hemisphere. 2. Our mineral water provides nourishment to our abundant spa treatments and to our incredible produce. 3. Soaking in our mineral waters provides the ultimate in relaxation. 4. Each of the minerals specific to the waters found in our region offer a health benefit.

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Regional themes continued Food and wine: 1. Our producers have a pristine environment, volcanic soil and a land nourished by rich natural mineral waters to craft their fare, to grow their crops and to raise their livestock. 2. Our region is a place to take indulgence to another level with wonderfully fresh seasonal fare and great cool to cold climate wine. 3. Our region offers food so fresh that in the majority of cases, it has come straight from the paddock to the plate. 4. Our cool to cold climate means that our vignerons create small quantities of high quality sparkling, red and white varietal wines. Nature: 1. With its lush bushland, lakes, ranges and rocky outcrops, our region offers a beautiful, calming natural setting. 2. Our region abounds in walking and cycling tracks. Heritage: 1. Our region offers authentic mineral water experiences as first recognised by the Swiss Italians who settled in the area and who started the ritual of bathing and producing incredible food from the land. 2. Our region allows visitors to walk in the footsteps of Victoria's gold miners and pioneers through towns whose streetscapes are frozen in time. 3. It is in our region that the Victoria gold rush started. Events: 1. Our region offers an array of year-round events that celebrate our produce, heritage and arts and culture.

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Who we are

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Who we are Daylesford & Macedon Ranges Regional Tourism Board Inc (DMRRTB) is the peak tourism body for the region.We are an independent not-for-profit organisation that was established in 2010 by Tourism Victoria. DMRRTB is charged with working in collaboration with local government and industry to stimulate long-term and sustainable growth within the regional tourism industry that benefits communities through business and jobs creation and the attraction of infrastructure and investments.This is achieved through the delivery of strategies and programs that drive visitation, yield and regional dispersal and that protect and promote the regional brand and unique selling proposition. Our key strategic platforms for growth are: 1. Industry engagement 2. Product development 3. Advocacy 4. Regional marketing In delivering our responsibilities, we work across all tourism sectors including accommodation, food and wine, attractions and touring. We work collaboratively with our funding partners to seek alignment of tourism planning and development including: Tourism Victoria, Hepburn Shire Council, Macedon Ranges Shire Council, Moorabool Shire Council and Hume City Council. We also encourage input and engagement from Melton City Council and Mitchell Shire Council and open all offers of program participation to them. We further ensure a cooperative working relationship with our regionally-based Tourism Associations so that the strategic direction established at a State and Regional level cascades down through every level of our tourism industry. Likewise, we cascade upwards key issues facing our tourism industry to ensure that they are understood at a State level.

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Our values Respect We listen and consider the perspectives and contribution of others.

Accountability We take personal responsibility to achieve what we agreed. Integrity We operate in an open and honest way. Courage We think big to make a difference.

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Positive impact of tourism

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Positive impact of tourism Tourism is a growth industry that injects millions of dollars into our local economies. Hundreds of businesses and jobs in Hepburn, Macedon Ranges, Moorabool and Hume rely on tourism – from the obvious providers such as accommodation houses, tour operators, restaurants, wineries and museums through to the not so obvious such as the market gardener, laundry service, taxi service, garage, hardware store, and supermarket. Tourism contributes around 6% of the total gross regional product and provides employment for 7% of the regional workforce. This is higher than the national averages and highlights the importance of tourism to our regional economy. Our tourism industry must be protected.

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Our opportunities as a tourism region Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges has the following strengths which set our tourism region apart and provides us with a strong competitive advantage: 1. Is the number one destination for spa, health treatments and indulgence experiences in Australia and in response, has built a strong reputation as a wellbeing destination1. 2. Is unique in that it is home to 85% of Australia’s nature mineral spring water with mineral springs located the length and breadth of the region. 3. Has benefitted significantly from the $7.3m Daylesford. Lead a double life campaign which has helped shape our regional point of difference. 4. Is growing in reputation for its quality food and produce, cold climate wine, cultural, history, nature, retail and events – a mix of experiences that few other regional destinations can claim. 5. Has a distinct and diverse mixture of small, medium and iconic businesses located in towns, villages and hamlets that offer their own exceptional visitor experience 6. Is within easy 30-90 minute reach of Melbourne and most major Victorian regional centres. 7. Is well placed to meet growing consumer trends for indulgent “me-time” short breaks. 8. Benefits annually from the contribution that tourism has on the regional economy and employment.

Source: Roy Morgan Research, Regional Awareness and Perception Study, 2011

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Our opportunities as a tourism region continued In response, Daylesford & Macedon Ranges Regional Tourism Board seeks to:

Work with industry and funding partners to: 1. Grow our industry and increase the positive economic benefit that tourism contributes to our region through the creation of jobs, businesses and community infrastructure. 2. Amplify the region’s distinct competitive advantage and promote its diversity of experiences. 3. Implement innovative strategies to increase yield and arrivals. 4. Enhance the region’s ability to respond to consumer and economic trends through training and knowledge development. 5. Stimulate investment in tourism product and infrastructure. 6. Provide the framework for networking and skills exchange. 7. Stimulate product development through State and National funding programs. 8. Elevate regional tourism issues to key decision makers. Motivate consumers to: 1. Relax, rejuvenate and unwind by experiencing the region, and its diversity of offerings, first hand. 2. Generate consumer goodwill and positive word-of-mouth endorsement of the region, its products and services. Augment tourism’s community footprint to: 1. Encourage heightened understanding of, and support for the tourism industry. 2. Inspire locals to learn more about their region and to become tourists in their own backyard.

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Our goals & strategic platforms

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Our goals to achieve our vision Industry Engagement Unite our region to realise our vision. Marketing Leverage the regions’ unique selling proposition to drive visitation, yield and dispersal. Product Development & Infrastructure Champion growth and development to enhance our vision. Advocacy Be the influential voice for tourism. Organisation Be an effective and sustainable organisation.

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Our strategic platforms

Industry Engagement Unite our region to realise our vision.

Our Desired Outcomes 1. Industry champions and aligns with the strategic direction for regional tourism development, growth and sustainability. 2. Aligned activities and resources minimises duplication. 3. Industry program participation rate targets are met. 4. We celebrate our achievements and successes as a region.

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Industry Engagement Strategy

Our measure of success

Industry Engagement


Industry stakeholders are united in their collective and agreed understanding of issues, challenges and opportunities affecting our region.

Industry positively embrace our vision and strategic direction as demonstrated by the numbers who wish to work with us to deliver it.


Interactive feedback mechanisms such as forums and workshops where issues, challenges and opportunities can be raised and discussed, are delivered throughout the year.


Tangible increased traction in the number of tourism operators seeking to engage and collaborate with DMRRTB.


Memorandums of Understanding are in place with key stakeholder groups who openly wish to work with us on the delivery of our vision and Strategic Plan.


A comprehensive annual regional stakeholder satisfaction survey is delivered to help shape forward planning.

Relationship Engagement Engage in collaborative strategic opportunities with our stakeholders. Feedback Actively seek formal and meaningful feedback from industry and stakeholders.

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Our strategic platforms

Marketing Leverage the region’s unique selling proposition to drive visitation, yield and dispersal.

Our Desired Outcomes 1. Our region is the preferred destination for authentic spa and wellbeing experiences. 2. Our brand is delivered consistently across the region. 3. Our partnership approach maximises marketing opportunity and reduces duplication.

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Marketing Strategy

Our measure of success

Brand and campaign framework


Develop a flexible brand framework that is highly applicable and adaptable across the region.

A regional brand framework is developed, endorsed and brand elements are widely adopted.


Consistent representation of regional framework helps to strengthen our regional brand values and consumer motivation to travel to our region.

Drive visitation and dispersal


Implement innovative marketing campaigns that continue to protect and promote the regions’ spa and wellbeing credentials while heightening awareness of extended regional offerings.

Our marketing programs are delivered via traditional (print) and new (online and mobile) platforms and our flexible approach ensures that the right messages reach our target audience through the right channels.


Research highlights that our region retains ownership as Victoria’s number one spa and wellbeing destination with increased awareness of the depth of our regional experiences.


All municipalities continue to benefit from increases in visitor numbers and a growth in yield.


Growing industry participation in our programs demonstrates awareness of our domestic and international marketing opportunities and that they are meeting industry expectations.


Support for our information sources and channels aligns with consumer expectations resulting in a reduction in visitor collateral duplication.

Industry collaboration

Deliver an annual innovative marketing program that energises engagement and aligns with Tourism Victoria’s strategy. Visitor servicing strategy Ensure a collaborative approach to information delivery.

Our strategic platforms

Product Development & Infrastructure Champion growth and development to enhance our vision

Our Desired Outcomes 1. Our Destination Management Plan guides product development and infrastructure investment. 2. We champion development and investment opportunities to key local and state government stakeholders. 3. Our industry operators are recognised for their service excellence.

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Product Development & Infrastructure Strategy

Our measure of success

Destination management


A regional product audit, delivered in conjunction with our Partner Councils, helps us to form the basis of a comprehensive Destination Management Plan to provide the roadmap for regional tourism development and investment attraction.

Industry Development


Empower industry to continually improve their service delivery in line with trends and consumer expectations.

Increased participation in our training and development programs demonstrates that they are aligned to industry needs.


A rise in the understanding of the importance of tourism awards is resulting in increased participation in such awards on an annual basis.


Our platform for industry networking and skills exchange is attracting growing participation.


Annually, the number of industry joining together to package and promote their offerings, continues to grow.

Identify gaps in our product to realise our vision.

Package and promote Encourage intra-regional collaboration through networking and skills development.

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Our strategic platforms

Advocacy Be the influential voice for tourism

Our Desired Outcomes 1. We are viewed by our stakeholders as the effective, authoritative representative voice. 2. Our priorities are supported by our stakeholders. 3. Tourism value to our regional communities is understood and supported by our stakeholders.

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Advocacy Strategy

Our measure of success

Representative Voice


Represent our regional tourism position and advocate on issues and opportunities that matter.

We develop, deliver and report against an Advocacy Plan, which will itself contain project targets.


Industry understanding and acknowledgment of our role as the lead voice on tourism in region increases.

Tourism Value


Build awareness of the value visitors bring to our regional communities.

We develop and implement a tourism awareness kit implemented in conjunction with stakeholders.


Quarterly dissemination of visitor data to stakeholders.


Visitor value stories created and disseminated.


Crisis management plan developed and communicated.

Crisis Responsiveness Respond proactively to minimise impact on the tourism industry.

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Our strategic platforms

Organisation Be an effective and sustainable organisation Our Desired Outcomes 1. DMRRTB is recognised as the peak tourism body by our stakeholders. 2. A broader revenue base ensures our financial viability. 3. We demonstrate organisational excellence. 4. We are achievement oriented.

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Organisation Strategy

Our measure of success



Engage in planning to set our regional strategic direction.

Our Strategic Plan for our tourism region is aligned to Tourism Victoria Plans and based on consultation with industry.


Our Annual Plan identifies key strategic imperatives, becoming the delivery mechanism for the Strategic Plan. The Annual Plan and key performance indicators shared with industry.



Adequately resourced and supported structure.



Compliance with Board Charter.

Ensure good organisational governance.


Policy and guidelines framework supports the delivery of the Operational Plan.



Professional development training opportunities identified and taken up by the organisation.

Ensure our structure successfully delivers the strategic direction.

Build organisational capability.

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Daylesford & Macedon Ranges Regional Tourism Board Inc 98 Vincent Street Daylesford Vic 3460 P: 03 5321 6106 E: ABN 63 924 206 247

Reg. No. A0054865P

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