E magazine juvenis

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JUVENIS ...youth and everything useful


VOLUME 010 JUNE 2016

The Key to Start a Successful Business Danger of Cult Activities Drug Menace in the society Is that Relationship Dened? Nakedness, Fashion or Madness The evil call sexual Immorality Youth and Prayer Personal Branding and the evil of the end-time Health Talk: STD Sexually Transmitted Disease Value Added Tax: The role of the Tax payer



E-MAIL: ometty1@yahoo.com PHONE: 0808 318223 BBM: 2BE64A86 LOCATION: Ojodu Berger





e just concluded a day conference's for the youths around Ojodu Barger axis of Lagos to inform them about the danger of cul sm, drug abuse, and sexual immorality. The mee ng was tagged “EAGLE'S YOUTH CONFERENCE”. It was a great mee ng. The youths gathered from different schools and across denomina ons. Also at the conference we had experienced facilitators in the areas of drug addict rehabilita on, sex educa on, career management and deliverance ministers. Truly looking at the curious faces of these innocent future leaders, the expression for more helpful informa on and societal depriva on of care and concern, the grip of love captured our hearts and cooked up a new idea which transmuted to the produc on of many informa on materials including “JUVENIS MAGAZINE”. Although there are many magazines in Nigeria focusing on youths, their contents do not directly address the core needs of today's youth. They concentrate more on showcasing latest fashion, entertainment and personali es. But there are no serious contents addressing the three major component of life (spiritual, mental and physical needs). Therefore, JUVENIS MAGAZINE was conceptualized to capture the three major component of life for the youth to access relevant informa on that will help them become outstanding leaders in all works of life. That is the reason behind our slogan, “…Youth and everything useful youthful”. Juvenis is literally focused on youths; but it reaches out to parents and guardians – since every member of the family contributes to the development of our society - which influences the expecta ons, values and a tudes of our youth. We have seasoned contents contributors across different subject addressing youth needs. This runs from family background, peer pressure, career, finance, business, sex educa on, drug addict rehabilita on, deliverance ministry, corporate life, personal development, etc. They are experienced and successful individuals in their specific area of concentra on. You will be reading their ar cles from me to me on this medium. We also want of express our sincere apprecia on to the team that works on the JUVENIS MAGAZINE - the proof reader, editors, typese er, produc on team and distribu on team. Most importantly we congratulate Pastor Elo David, the Senior Coordinator of BHF (Believer's House of Freedom) for the great vision to reach out to youths with God's ideas and Power of the Holy Spirit. JUVENIS specially welcomes you on board. As you read, you will be inspired to reach your dream, change your mind for be er things, and be ready to launch into the deep for a new life all together. Thanks and God Speed! Josh G. Aderinola

On January 4th and 14th 2010, the Lord showed me in a vision thousands of youths all poorly dressed and looking drunk and frustrated, moving in a straight line and also on the wrong road. Looking at them I got worried because these are very young boys and girls lost and confused. And something truly must be done. And the Lord said to me, “Go and show them the right direction!” The response to this call gave birth to Believers' House of Freedom, after series of con irmations by others whom the Lord has revealed the mandate to. Believers' House of Freedom is not a Church Based Ministry but a Christian Youth Organization with the mandate to cause a positive change - this we are determined to do. It is obvious that there is so much confusion today among youths. There is no worse time than this to be a youth. Those who should be role models and provide true leadership whether in government, academics, at home and even in the Church are somewhat disoriented themselves. BHF have counselled several youths, many of whom are even abused sexually or in sex relationships with their pastors and some even with their cousins and others who should show the right path. But there is hope! The Lord made me understand that the process of conception might be faulty but the product of conception is never faulty. No child is useless, they all have a purpose and destiny to ful ill, let's help them ful ill it. In conclusion, I will say if God delivered me from drugs, alcohol, cultism and crime and later ordained me to preach this glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, then He can save anyone.


The Snr. Pastor at BHF (Believer’s House of Freedom)

T E A M ELO DAVID | Editor in Chief BEN EFE | Editor / Proof reader JOSH GBENGA | Graphic Design / Planing ADENIYI QUALITY |

Campus Reporter

For Advert Placement Please call

BHF- Believer’s House of Freedom Tel: 08181977166, 09027087109 E-mail: bhfreedom2011@gmail.com




o every sane mind, what most people put on today as clothes is amazing. What we have today is not only a display of insanity but ac ng the script wri en by agents of the devil. What is the purpose of pu ng on clothes? We are so grateful to God for the inspira on of the Holy Spirit on men to write the Bible. The Holy Spirit carefully address all issues of life with prac cally no exemp on. A er the fall of man in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3), the glory of God which surrounded him departed because God cannot stand sin. Shame and reproach came upon man and his nakedness was exposed. However, God in his mercy, provided a clothing of animal skin cover the nakedness of Adam and his lovely wife, Eve (Gen 3). We can see from God's word that the main purpose of pu ng on clothes is to cover nakedness. It is important at this point to note that God is a God of variety. We can see that in the flowers, trees, animals and even in humans. If we look at the flowers carefully and see the beau ful clothes and designs on them, we will appreciate the fashionable mind of God. But we must draw a line between fashion, nakedness and pure insanity. These agents of the devil have programmed the minds of people with clothes designed from the water with the sole purpose of exposing the nakedness of the woman. The devil has


succeeded in capturing the mind of the designers with most of them being either gays or lesbians and has used them to carry out his mission. Its unfortunate that even women libera on groups can't take out me to ask why most designs coming out now is to expose the nakedness of the

These agents of the devil have programmed the minds of people with clothes design from the water with the sole purpose of exposing the nakedness of the woman. woman. In most adver sements on TV and bill boards, the nakedness of the woman is exposed. The enemy has succeeded in devaluing womanhood. Most ladies now see themselves as objects of entertainment. What is even most annoying now is married women, with children at home, exposing their breast and undies free for all to see. I have seen situa ons where some children, especially males, become so embarrassed, that even before their


eyes, their mothers are almost naked in the name of fashion. Someone asked, “why can't the husbands correct their wives?” I said earlier that this trend is a calculated move from the pit of hell. The devil has ensured that some of these men either lose their jobs or even when working, the take home pay is nothing to write home about. Now, the woman on the other hand is well paid. The cars at home were bought by the woman. She pays the children’s school fees and house rent. As a ma er of fact the car the man is driving round town is owned by the woman. A man who can't adequately take care of himself, whose comfort is dependant on the woman, how on earth can he tell his wife what put on? This madness has spread into most Churches where the pastor is more interested in the number of services than the souls of the people. And so you hear such things as 'salva on is of the heart'. But the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart you express yourself. It is a tragedy that most believers are busy modelling for the devil. You enter the bus, restaurant, even church, the breast and undies of women are on display. What a shame! God's word talks about the a re of a harlot. When next you stepping out of your house, ask yourself, 'who am I modelling? God or the devil?'



THE MENACE IN OUR SOCIETY WHAT IS A DRUG? Drugs culd be classified in three terms · The Clinical defini on · The General defini on · The popular defini on The Clinical defini on: A drug is a therapeu c agent, any substance other then food, which is used in the preven on diagnosis, allevia on, treatment or cure of disease in man and animals. The General Defini on: A drugs is a substance other than food intended to affect the structure of func on of a physiological system such has the human. The Popular Defini on: The term drug refers mainly to a chemical or plant derived from a substance that affect psychological, behavioral or physical func ons and lead to varying degrees of dependence or addic on.

RELATING DRUGS A KEY TOOL CAUSING MENACE O THE SOCIETY What can actually act as enzymes for drugs to be a menace to the society? Drug use, Drug Abuse and Drug Addic on. Drug Use: This is the use of drugs, now the type of drugs use that can give a human nega ve effect to the user and the society. Drug Abuse: Drug Abuse is as old as human history. It means the excessive use of drugs. The use of drugs for the purpose for which its not meant to be used. Or be er s ll the use of drugs not for trea ng ailment but to sa sfy vicarious pleasure. Why do people abuse drug? Self medica on, low self esteem, addic on and influences.

There are harmful drugs that can have

Legal Drug or Medicinal Drug: When drugs are used in the diagnosis, mi ga on, treatment or preven on of a disease or relief of discomfort is referred to Legal Drug or Medicinal Drug. However, this can be harmful and addic ve if misused. Illegal Drugs: Illegal Drug is where its What causes drug addic on? produc on and/or use is prohibited. · Family history · Abuse, neglect or other WHAT IS A MENACE? trauma c experiences Menace is something that is a source of · Mental disorders such as danger or what poses a threat, or depression and anxiety, presents a danger. · Early use of drugs

negative effect on

the user and likewise affects the society

· ·

Environment Method of administra on, smoking or injec ng. Drug Addic on: An addic on to a drug (especially a narco c drug) substance dependant. It is a chronic, o en relapsing brain disease that curses compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences THE HARMFUL UBSTANCE Drugs Classifica on: There are harmful drugs that can have nega ve effect on the user and likewise affects the society. They are: S mulants, barbiturates, cannabis, hallucinogens, an depressants, depressants, narco cs and inhalants. Drugs addic on harmful to the health both in long and short term. It can Depress the nervous system, Heart disease, Liver disease, Lung disease, Brain disease, Hepa s, Hallucinatory, Dehydra on, Schizophrenia, Mental illness etc. IT IS A MENACE TO SOCIETY Drugs a menace to the society · It promotes crime. · Dependant on people reducing produc vity. · The lose of lives. · Health cost care. · Child abuse and neglect. · Drug related injuries and complica on.




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t is very important we get it clear in our minds that all secret cults are registered agents of the devil. As an arm of the devils mandate, such cults must carry out the objec ve of the devil. Let's first start by ge ng a clear understanding of the devil's mission. Jesus speaking in the book of John 10:10 informed us about the three point agenda of the devil To steal, to kill and to destroy. When you carefully observe ac vi es of secret cults, whether on campus or not, you would readily discover that they fit perfectly well into this mission of the devil. You can't produce any good from evil. Therefore, if anyone tells you that there is benefit in being a member of any secret cult group, you are being fooled. I know quite a lot about these things because I was not just a member, but an authority. I was introduced into secret cult by a very good friend on campus and was guaranteed total security. I was made to understand that I could date any girl on campus and move freely at any me and when I like. I took part in series of cult wars on most universi es and polytechnics. A er the drinks, drugs and womanizing, which followed my membership, I can categorically advice the young genera on, both those in school and out of school, that it was a wasted me and s ll a big waste of me. As I said earlier, because the

secret cult is an arm of the devil, killing, rape and drug addic on/abuse are generally seen as fun. I have seen senseless killings. I have witnessed how bright students with great future drop out of school. A person becomes fully established as an agent of the devil when killing becomes a delight. I will

Being a member of a secret cult on campus does not in anyway help you to understand your studies be er than other students. It only places you on a 'death list' and also ensures you either drop out of school or finish with poor grades. Above all, you are under a curse as a member of any cult. This is true because whatever blood is shed by the cult group ropes in every member. You are a partaker of the curse a ached to shedding of human blood as a result of the covenant binding the members together. When you die as a cul st, hell advice you as a young teenager to run is your des na on. But we thank God away from such associa ons. for Jesus! As long as you are alive, you As long as you con nue to hang around have a chance. I know a lot of cult these cult members, you will be members that are dead now. To them, deceived. The Bible is clear and there is no hope. The Bible says, “It's empha cally says in 1Cor. 15:33, “Evil appointed unto a man once to die a er communica on corrupt good manner”. that judgment” (Heb 9:27). If you don't break away from such If you can take a bold step and associa ons or friends inclined to cults come to Jesus today and confess your and other evils, they will corrupt your sins, you will be forgiven. It is amazing mind. The mind is the most sensi ve that I talk like this. Yes, I used to be a and powerful part of the human system. very deadly cult member, rapist, When the devil wants to get a man, he fraudster, drug addict and a womanizer. gains entrance through the mind, and as But Jesus cleansed me completely. long as you keep listening to his tales or Though my sins were as red as scarlet, sugges ons, your mind will be affected. Jesus made me as white as snow. Like It does not ma er what you learn from Apostle Paul, I can now say a er all the home, run from bad company. I am evil I commi ed, 'I have offended no from a Chris an home. My mother was man', for when your sins are forgiven a Pastor, yet wrong company in school they are forgo en. Who the son has set got me involved in cult ac vi es, and I free is free indeed! la er rose to become a very dangerous You too can be free! and violent member.

When you die as a cultist, hell is your destination.

Felicitate with

HOSANAH TELEVISION NETWORK on the occasion of her





ne of the strongest reasons why many young people end up in wrong marriages is because they begin from wrong foundations of on defined relationships.

This is true because a bad company does not only influence negatively, it keeps good people who can influence you positively away from you.

An undefined relationship is the root of most sexual immoralities leading to unwanted pregnancies, abortions and child parents (children who give birth to children).

Especially in relationships, if you are a young girl, if any boy tells you he wants to become an intimate friend, tell him to state his missio9n from the word go.

Many young people just go into relationships and pick friends, even future marriage partners, without first sitting down to evaluate what that relationship holds for them.

In the Bible, when Jacob saw Rachel, he fell in love with her and stated his mission clearly from the start and he did not let anything to deter him. Jacob served seven years for Rachel because he loved her.

In your attempt to pick a friend, or partner for marriage in future, that is if you are a matured youth, your relationship from the very beginning must be defined. Don't let anybody deceive you or trap you into any relationship that is not defined, because if you don't know what you are getting into, problems are bound to arise. In other words, let your would-be friend or suitor define his mission with you from the beginning, because any relationship that is not well defined is bound to be abused. “When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is certain' -Myles Munroe “A man without a target will get nowhere' -Anonymous Don't go into any pretense. Let brother tell sister what he wants, and sister do the same. When you claim, “he is just a friend”, you are setting up yourself for trouble, and may also be blocking other potential good friends from coming to you, especially if you continually closely associate and hang out with your “just a friend'. 8

“And Jacob loved Rachel; and said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter. 19 And Laban said, It is better that I give her to thee, than that I should give her to another man: abide with me. 20 And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her” (Gen.29: 18-20) When a man has his goals defined, he goes all out for it. If that man or woman has not told you he/she wants, he/she is more likely to be at liberty to try other options. Don't be deceived. Don't let anyone use you for experimentation, a sample or a sampling tool. Jacob knew what he wanted. That was why when he was given the wrong woman as wife, he still insisted on getting Rachel, and he served another seven years to get her. Many young people are quick to pick just anybody as friends and go into relationship with them without considering their background, whether the fellow will negatively or positively affect their lives. Yes, a person may not be responsible for

his/her background, but your background essentially determines what becomes of you, especially if no attempts are made at correcting it. As a Christian, you must know where you belong and run away from bad friends. The Bible says, “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?”(2 Cor 6:14, NKJV) For instance, many youths go after friends that are clearly bad and believe they would convert such fellows or change their character. This usually ends in futility. “If a child of God marries a child of the devil, the said child of God is sure to have some trouble with his/her father in-law (the devil)”' -Anonymous Before you jump into any ones bed or be deceived, let him or her define or clearly state what the goal of the relationship is. If he/she has agreed to marry you, let him/her wait until you are ready, until the wedding day. ”If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else” - Lewis Carrol If that guy or fellow is ready for you, he would wait for you. If he can't define why he wants you, he won't know what to do with you when you become his. If she doesn't have a goal or definite realistic purpose why she wants you, you may just end up as a chewing stick or at best a bubble gum – thrown away when the sweetness is gone.

INTERVIEW by Adeniyi Quality


with a student at

LAUTECH Ogbomoso, Oyo State

REPORTER : can we meet you? ADE : My name is ADEMUYIWA ADENIYI, a 300Level student of the Department of Pure and Applied Physics, LADOKE AKINTOLA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, Oyo State. REPORTER: Are u a Chris an and if yes where do worship? ADE: Yes, I am a Chris an and I fellowship at Christ Apostolic Church Youth Fellowship (CACYOF) Lautech chapter. REPORTER : what are the challenges you are facing as a Chris an student on campus? ADE: I don't really see much challenges as a Chris an student on campus, in fact, I will say God has been kind to the Chris an community in Lautech REPORTER: can you tell us one of the kindness you are talking about? ADE: one of it is the unity we have been enjoying as a baby, coming together one week every month To hold program and Service together, Bible study. Evangelism in classes when lecture is yet to hold, and also we have a body that speak on our behalf at the Senate Ljcm REPORTER: What are the things you like to see happening in Chris an community years to come? ADE: I would love to see a more vibrant, devoted and risk taking children of GOD that will take the whole Lautech and it's environs for Christ and also would like to see a more stronger, united and brave Chris an community on this campus. REPORTER: Has there been any issue with the Chris an community on campus with the other religions? ADE: NO! Not aware of any sir. REPORTER: Any word of encouragement for Chris an students in Nigeria? ADE: I would like to note this that some of us as student try to emulate the world and we shy away from the TRUTH. JESUS IS COMING SOON AND WHATEVER HAS TO BE DONE MUST BE URGENTLY DONE. GOD BLESS. REPORTER : Thanks for your me.

This is a tax on consump on and is levied at all stages of produc on and distribu on, but there is provision for se ng off tax paid on purchases against the tax charged on sales so that only the difference is paid to the Federal lnland Revnue Service. VAT is a mul - stage levy collected at each point of sales of goods and services from produc on to the consump on. VAT is a tax on supply of goods and services which is eventually borne by the final consumer but collected at each stage of produc on and distribu on. Jennings (1984,p.379): VAT is collected on behalf of the government by businesses and organiza on which have registered with the FIRS for VAT purposes. No individual, business, organiza on or government agency is exempted from the tax. However, some goods and ser vices are specifically exempted from VAT IMPOSITION OF VAT Valued added tax was introduced into Nigeria to replace sales tax following the enacted of the Value Added Tax 1993 which repealed the Sales Tax Act 1986 and came into force on the 1st December,1993. The opera onal date was shi ed to 1st January,1994 for administra ve convenience. The Act is now referred to as the Value Added Tax Act, Cap. VI, LFN2004. RATE OF TAX AND VALUE OF TAXABLE GOODS AND SERVICES VAT is chargeable on supply of taxable goods and services except items specifically stated as exempt or Zero- rated. The relevant laws are the VAT Act. Standard rate Sec on4, 5% the following are required to deduct VAT on their incoming invoices and remit to the FIRS. - Oil and gas companies including oil service companies - Government, government agencies and departments - Resident en es in respect of transac on with non-resident

EXEMPTED GOODS Sec on 3, Schedule 1, states as follow:- Oil exports - Medical and Pharmaceu cal products - Basic food items - Books and educa onal materials - Baby products - Plant, machinery and goods imported for use in the export processing zone or free trade zones. - Plant, machinery and equipment purchased for u liza on of gas in downstream petroleum opera ons etc. VATABLE PERSON A VATable person under Value Added Tax Act (VATA) Cap VI LFN 2004 “ a person ( other than Public Authority ac ng in their capacity) who independently carries out in any place an economic ac vity as a producer, wholesaler, trader, supplier of services(including mining and other related ac vi es) or person exploi ng tangible or intangible property for the purpose of obtaining income by way of trade or business” VATable person is one who trade in VATable goods and services for a considera on. PENALITIES FOR NONREGISTRATION Failure or refusal to register with the Board within the specified me. The taxpayer shall be liable to a penalty of N10,000 for the first month in which the failure occurs and N5,000 for each subsequent month in which the failure con nues. If this persist, the premises where business is carried on shall be sealed up. Non deduc on or failure to collect tax by a taxable person a racts a penalty of 150% of the uncollected tax plus 5% interest above the CBN’s discount rate. Failure to remit tax shall a ract a penalty of a sum equal to 5% per annum plus interest at a commercial rate payable within 30days of no fica on by the Tax Authority To be con nued 9


Who are you? Do you have a brand? How do people see you? How are you branded? Though the subject of branding sounds more corporate, it touches every aspect of our daily ac vi es. In spite of your background, tribe, culture or religion, everyday we all prac ce branding. The journey of banding started right from the beginning of crea on. God was the first ever brand strategist. He branded all the creatures including His Principal creature - Man. Therefore, if there is any crucial subject as touches all human endeavor, brand and brand management should be at the front line. In today's world, especially among youths, branding is played directly and indirectly in several areas of life. And the devil also u lizes it capturing our young ones. Personal branding and the evil of the end- me is relevant at this me because a lot of parents have lost their children to the devil out of ignorance. It is believed that branding is solely connected to products, a business or service, not knowing that every individual is a product of a kind with specific purpose, features and benefits. When we consider the rate at which innocent young men and women are falling into the trap of cult ac vi es, drug abuse, thuggery and sexual immorality in the name of building selfconfidence, protec on and selfexpression, the essence of knowing what personal branding is becomes more pronounced. We must understand that most of the evils youths indulge in have their roots from a singular word “Branding”. There is therefore an ardent need to unveil the secret of how Satan is using brand strategy to populate his kingdom while destroying the seed of God. Many youths and their des nies are under threat of personal brand posi oning. A great number of youths are living double lives. They go about with duel or mul ple personali es. What their friends know them to be in school is different from who they are at home. Many parents are sleeping with blood socking demons that they call sons or daughters, 12

because these children belong to cults in school and involve in blood shedding opera ons. Their personali es at home are different from the one at school. Many youths bear different names at home and in school. Their parents name them Emeka, Adebowale, or Joseph; but in school, the devil names them Kapo, Striker, Jango, etc. As these youths grow in life, the s gmas of the evil names start manifes ng and a rac ng diverse problems. One day, I was in the mechanic shop trying to fix something in my car on my way to a friend's house, and a li le boy of between 7- 8years old was passing bye, and a man called him, “David! David!! David!!!” But the boy pretended as though he didn't hear. Suddenly, a young man interrupted saying, “The boy would not answer you because he had warned people not to call him David but Boko Haram”. To confirm this, they called him Boko Haram and the boy responded with smile and waved his li le hand. From his real, first name, David the boy preferred to be called a name associated with evil. Yet he would be from a Chris an home. Perhaps because the parents are ignorant of the power of personal branding, don't bother to arrest the situa on or call him to order. The Bible shows the relevance of the spoken word over our lives. Genesis 2: 19 summarized the power of personal branding. Whatever you are called, either by your parent or a peer is what controls the event of your life. “And out of the ground the Lord formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatever he called every living creature, that was the name thereof” - Genesis 2: 19. Why do many talented youths join cults? Why do some youths change their appearance, looking irresponsible and a er the devil's pa ern? Why do they get involved in sexual immorality and drug abuse? The quest for selfexpression and personal branding is very much connected to all these bad habits among youths. Remember,

youthful exuberance focuses on “self”. Youths want to express themselves. They want to develop self-confidence, selfdevelopment, crea ng their own world, etc. They want to explore every available medium to showcase themselves. That is why devil catches up with them. This is why too we find that most people in show-biz, music and entertainment industry precisely demonstrate these youthful tendencies. Beware! Do not fall into the trap of these wick agents and be vigilant so as to escape the trap the devil at this end me. POINTS TO NOTE: · Your brand a racts the event of your life: What name are people calling you? Your character and your habits forms the basis of your brand a ributes · Your brand is your accessing point: That is why no corporate organiza on would employ you without going through you resume or CV. Every parcel is addressed to a par cular name. God had to change the name of Abram to Abraham for him to become father of na ons. Jesus Christ said, “In My Name you shall cast out demons raise the dead and heal the sick”. Your name connects you to God and also connects God to you! · Satan is a er changing a good name to the bad one: When the enemy wants to destroy someone he punctures the reputa on. As a youth, personal branding and its management is an essen al part of your development. Don't let the world and its element define who you or mould you away from the plan of God. And parents must ensure their wards don't deviate from the purpose of God by watching out for destruc ve signs, names, mannerisms and companies they keep. We shall con nue with the subject in subsequent edi ons. If you have any ques on or you want to know on how to build Godly Brand Posi oning either for Business, Organiza on or personally contact Juvenis Magazine.




Bibles Christian literature Books, CDs, DVDs Children Materials Gift Items



Also Pastor David Elo’s teaching

Sherry Ville Acade Plot 420 Isheri Rd, Opp First Bank, Ojodu Berger. Lagos Tel: 08181977166 E-mail: bhfreedom2011@gmail.com





STD’s are infec ons that you can get from having sex with someone who has the infec on. The causes of STDs are bacteria, parasites and viruses. There are more than 20 types of STDs; we shall a few here. Ÿ Chlamydia Ÿ Gonorrhea Ÿ HIV/AIDS What is Chlamydia? Chlamydia is a common STD. It is a Bacterial infec on that can infect both men and women. Means of Transmission: Anal, Vaginal and Oral Sex. Also from a pregnant mother to the Foetus. Symptoms · Burning sensa on in both men and women when urina ng. · Abnormal Discharge in both genital Organs · Pain and swelling in one or both tes cles (although this is less common). Men and women can also get infected with Chlamydia in their rectum, either by having recep ve anal sex, or by spread from another infected site (such as the vagina). While these infec ons o en cause no symptoms, they can cause · Rectal pain; · Discharge; · Bleeding. Dangers Includes: · Permanent damage to a woman's reproduc ve system · Fatal ectopic pregnancy You can get Chlamydia by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has Chlamydia. If your sex partner is male you can s ll get Chlamydia even if he does not ejaculate (cum). If you've had Chlamydia and were treated in the past, you can s ll get infected again if you have unprotected sex with someone who has Chlamydia. If you are pregnant, you can give Chlamydia to your baby during childbirth Preven ve Measures: Avoid vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Anyone who has sex can get Chlamydia through unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Another way of contrac ng it is by being in a long-term mutually monogamous rela onship with a partner who has been tested and has nega ve STD Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are also at risk since Chlamydia can be spread through oral and anal sex. I'm pregnant. How does chlamydia affect my baby? ·

You can pass the infec on to your baby during delivery.


This could cause an eye infec on or pneumonia in your newborn.


Having Chlamydia may also make it more likely to deliver a premature baby.

How will I know if I have Chlamydia? There are laboratory tests to diagnose chlamydia Can chlamydia be cured? Yes, chlamydia can be cured with the right treatment What happens if I don't get treated? ·

Serious health problems.




Infer lity


Deadly ectopic pregnancy. ...To be continued


WHY YOUTHS MUST PRAY Apostle Dele Johnson

It Is A Very Dangerous Thing For Glory To Be In The Hands Of The Enemy.


t is important that youths recognize the importance of prayers early in life.

1) Prayer is your spiritual breath of life. When we pray we express our faith and trust in God. Prayer is an expression of our faith in God. 2) Un l we pray, God will not intervene in the affairs of men. Your des ny requires that you take prayers seriously. The enemy of your des ny can only be stopped through the efficacy of your prayers. 3) Since the days of John the Bap st the kingdom of God suffers violence and only those who are violence will take it by force. The world will not give to you what you deserve but what you demand. 4) Only wise men take prayers seriously but fools mocks at everything spiritual. Research has discovered that most successful youths recorded in the bible were close to god through prayers. E.g. David, Joseph, Daniel, Josiah and others. 5) An ac ve prayer life has the ability to empower you against sin. Those who sin do not pray and those who pray do not sin.

Glory can rendered naked, thrown into the pit and can be sold for peanuts. Glory can be covered up to prevent it from shining. It can be ed down with infirmity and denied of mercy. It can be exchanged and subs tuted with failure and disappointment. 1. Holy Ghost thunder, locate and destroy every demonic gadget used to access my glory now in Jesus name. 2. Wicked monitoring mirror and mechanisms used to monitor my glory sha er to pieces now in Jesus name. 3. Any strange lamp ignited to monitor my glory be destroyed now in Jesus name. 4. My glory (3x) jump out of every bewitchment now by fire in Jesus name. 5. Holy Ghost fire (3x) destroy every wicked altars raised to caste spell against my star in Jesus name. 6. My Father (3x) by your mercy deliver my glory from the stronghold of the strange woman, Jesus name. 7. O Arm of God (3x), rescue my glory from every family pit, in Jesus name. 8. My Father (3x), cover my glory with Your glory and let my glory not be nakeed, in Jesus name.

PRAYER GUIDE - PRAYER TO ARREST GLORY KILLERS "So that he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent which he placed among men; And delivered his strength into cap vity, and his glory into the enemy's hand." (Psalms 78:60-61)


9. Holy Ghost fire (3x) destroy every wicked garment used to cover my glory now, in Jesus name. 10. My glory (3x) receive new raiment of god and shine, in Jesus name.


THE MANDATE “Go Liberate for me Zion using Apostolic Prayers and the Undiluted Word of God” – Obadiah 1:17



w w w . j l m n g . o r g


THE KEY TO STARTING A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS When you have the right key, you do not waste your me at the door. The door of business success does not have respect for age nor academic degrees. Even an illiterate with the right key can open it. It is amazing to note that many of the wealthiest men in the world did not completely pass through the four walls of the University system. While others are complaining of the harsh and unfavourable business condi ons in Nigeria, some other folks have started and built successful businesses in different sectors of the country. THIS IS SIMPLY BECAUSE, they have the right key. KEY 1: CHOOSE A BUSINESS THAT ALLOWS YOU TO DO WHAT YOU LOVE; This is one of the most important business secrets you will ever know. According to Harvey Mackay “if you can find what you love and then do it, you will never work again the rest of your life”. High Achievers in business have a passion for their work and a strong belief in its value. This gives them the enthusiasm to work everyday and the zeal to persist no ma er what happens. Choosing a business because of the profit poten al alone is usually selfdefea ng. If you dislike the work you will lack the internal drive. It is your passion for your business that keeps you awake while others are sleeping. Capital or assets can enhance your passion but cannot replace it. There is something exci ng about doing business that allows you to do what you love; you will not only be enjoying yourself, you will be ge ng paid for doing so. THE QUESTION I WILL LIKE TO ASK YOU TODAY IS; 18

1) What do you love, what are you passionate about? 2) What gives you joy? 3) What is your profitable passion 4) What can you talk about or study endlessly without ge ng bored? 5) What angers you or gets you angry when it is not done right? 6) What causes your bowels of compassion to flow? You might commonize them and call them hobbies; I call them 'profitable passion'. One day I discovered that this business secret by Divine Inspira on while by the river side watching a fish swim, I call it the FISH MODEL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP(R). You will not find this model in any book anywhere in the world. While I was observing the fish swim, I discovered five things I call models: 1) THE FISH CAN SWIM NATURALLY. He was created to swim and does not struggle to swim. He swims effortlessly. 2) HE ENJOYS SWIMMING. He can swim con nuously even without money 3) HE REMAINS IN HIS NATURAL HABITAT. He knows he cannot survive outside it. He would die if he stops swimming. 4) HE STARTED A SWIMMING SCHOOL TO TEACH OTHER ANIMALS HOW TO SWIM If you could pa ern your business idea a er this model, you will discover that you have successfully placed your foot on the first rung on the ladder of business success. There is a profound business principle I found in the scripture. It says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. From mathema cs I learnt that if A=B; then B=A Therefore where your heart

is, there is your treasure also. If your heart is not in what you do, you cannot excel in it. You cannot successfully market what you do not love and this results in poor sales. PASSION IS CONTAGIOUS. If you do not love what you are selling, of course you should not expect another person to love it enough to buy it from you. If you do not love what you do, you talk poorly about it and marke ng becomes miserable to you. Another important thing about doing a business that allows you to do what you love is, you can only develop yourself truly in that area. You can easily learn more in your area of passion. The more you know the more you earn and the more you grow. Knowledge is what you know that gives you an edge over others. It gives you an edge over your compe tors. If you love it, you will want to know more about it and when you know more about it you can earn more. Your crea vity is unleashed when you find what you love! We are all created with certain things, ac vi es we love and enjoy doing according to Martha Sinetar 'DO WHAT YOU LOVE, THE MONEY WILL FOLLOW'.

Basola Victor is a preacher, conference speaker, seasoned author and entrepreneur. He is the CEO of Aaron & Hur Publishing and the coordinator of Rehoboth International Prayer Fellowship









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