January 2010 - VOLU M E 3, ISSU E 1
Turning the Page on Private Brand By Renee Barch-Niles, Vice President – Global Business Development Team
If there was one word to describe 2009, it would be “change.” We experienced a new and historic administration in the White House; global shifts in our economy that led to a reshaping of consumer behaviors; and a recession that has left behind an imprint on the global consumer psyche that will result in a permanent shift in the retail landscape. While there were certainly some negative impacts on our industry, there were more positives. We at Daymon began to live the mantra of “Our Time is Now” and truly seized the
opportunity to move from a label on a shelf to the brand of choice for consumers. The message of our industry became clear and our combined expertise (Supplier Partners, Retail Partners and Daymon) shattered old ways of going to market as Private Brands broke through the labels of the past to emerge as the Brand Winner in 2009. The industry was brimming with activity and industry changes and announcements related to the “new status” of Private Brand continued to appear at every turn: continued on page 5
‘Designing’ the Way the Future Should Look By Glenn Pfeifer, Vice President, Daymon Worldwide Design
As we look back, 2009 may have finally been the year that we could say, “Private Label has hit the mainstream!” Some of the milestones we witnessed this year include: our own Daymon VP of Marketing, Andres Siefken, headlining the first-ever FMI Private Brands conference; hearing Red Gold, one of our largest supplierpartners standing up and declaring that Private Labels have been replaced by Private Brands at this same inaugural conference; Daymon Worldwide Design (DWD) supporting our field teams and developing Private Brands for shelves
in Latvia, Japan and South Africa, as well as executing approximately 5,000 SKUs for the third year in a row; even having our brands recommended on The Today Show nationally, with direct comparisons to national brand quality and value. Private Brands truly created a paradigm shift in the way consumers shop and the way they perceive value for their dollar this past year. To all of that, we say, “It’s about time!” The truth is, we have been helping our retail and wholesale customers recognize the power of their Private Brand portfolios for a number of years. We helped Harris Teeter create its continued on page 2