2024 Summer Art Camp Handbook

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Summer Art Camp

Family/Guardian Guide


SAC Contacts

Paige Matteson, Museum Educator and SAC Administrator pmatteson@daytonart.org

(937) 223-5277 ext. 328

Registration: Guest Services Department daytonartinstitute.org/summercamp

(937) 223-4278

Dayton Art Institute Security Desk

(937) 223-5277 ext. 120


Summer Art Camp (SAC) occurs at the Dayton Art Institute, 456 Belmonte Park North, Dayton, OH 45405. Camps mainly take place in studio classrooms, but campers can also expect to visit the museum’s galleries, Lange Family Experiencenter, and the museum’s grounds. Campers are escorted to and from all locations by their SAC Instructor and on

Rike Administrative

Wing Entrance

FUNdamentals Lab: Dots, Lines and Shapes Colorful Combinations and Creations Lab

Full STEAM Ahead: Science and Art Camp Robots, Doodles and Droids Week 3

Careers for Creators: Your Start in the Arts

Picture This: Photography Camp

Sketching in Style: Fashionable Illustrations and Character Creations

Small but Mighty: Mixed Media Miniatures and Sculpture Camp

Comical Creatures with Fantastic Features

Week 6

SAC Hours

Thinking Inside the Box: Dynamic Dioramas and Recycled Retrofittings

Awesome Animals and Impressive Insects

Cosmic and Creative Nature Camp

Summer Art Camp runs Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. (morning session) and 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. (afternoon session) with an hour lunch break from 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. for instructors and students attending both sessions for the week.

Morning Session:

Campers may be dropped off no earlier than 8:45 a.m. and picked up no later than 12:15 p.m. if they are only attending the morning session.

Afternoon Session:

Campers may be dropped off no earlier than 12:45 p.m. and picked up no later than 4:15 p.m. if they are only attending the afternoon session.

**If you will be delayed at drop-off or pick-up, or if your child will be absent, please call 937223-5277 ext. 120 during normal camp hours.

Grade Level Morning Session 9AM-12PM Afternoon Session 1PM-4PM
1 June 24th-28th 1-3 Art
th 7-9
nd-26th 7-9
Week 4
5 July 29th -Aug. 2nd 4-6
5th -9th

SAC Tuition

Cost Per One Session (Morning OR Afternoon):

DAI Members: $175 per week (family-level membership and above)

Non-members: $190 per week

Cost Per Both Morning and Afternoon Sessions:

DAI Members: $350 per week (family-level membership and above)

Non-members: $390 per week

Scholarships to help afford the cost of SAC may be available for families with financial need or extenuating circumstances. Please contact the SAC Administrator for more information.


Tuition cannot be refunded or pro-rated if your child is absent and make-up classes are not offered. We have reserved space for each child exclusively during designated session(s) or week(s) and maintain a waiting list for those who register after space is full.


Friday Art Party

Each session of SAC culminates in a Friday Art Party in your child’s studio that celebrates their week. Family and friends are invited to the Education Studios on Friday for the last 30 minutes of the session time.

The Morning Session will be each Friday from 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

The Afternoon Session will be each Friday from 3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Please bring a box or bag to transport your camper’s creations home following the art show.

Pick-up and Drop-off

Drop-off: please drop your camper off for SAC between 8:45 -9 a.m. (morning session) or between 12:45 – 1 p.m. (afternoon session). Please park your car and physically accompany your camper into the lobby of the Rike Administrative Wing entrance each morning or

Typical Daily Schedule Morning Session Lunch Time 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. (if
Afternoon Session 8:45am – 9am Arrival 12:45pm – 1pm Arrival 9am – 9:30am Warm-up 1pm – 1:30pm Warm-up 9:30am – 11:30am Studio Art Projects or Museum Visits 1:30pm – 3:30pm Studio Art Projects or Museum Visits 11:30am – 12pm Cool Down 3:30pm – 4pm Cool Down 12pm – 12:15pm Dismissal 4pm – 4:15pm Dismissal
attending both sessions)

afternoon for check-in. You must sign your camper in every day.

**Drop off is also a time to let SAC Staff know if someone other than you will be picking up the camper and authorize a release for another guardian to pick up your camper. **

Pick-up: please pick-up your camper promptly at 12 p.m. (morning session) or 4 p.m. (afternoon session). SAC dismissal occurs from studio classrooms. Please park your car, enter through the Rike Administrative Wing entrance and you will be shown where your camper’s classroom is for pick-up. You or those identified as authorized for release are required to show ID and sign the camper out every day

Before and After Care

Before and After Care is not offered at the Dayton Art Institute. Please be considerate of our Staff in adhering to SAC drop-off and pick-up times. If a family member, guardian or authorized adult will be more than 10 minutes late, it is their responsibility to call the Summer Art Camp Administrator, Paige Matteson, 937-223-5277 ext. 328 or Security at (937) 223-5277 ext. 120 as soon as possible to notify us.

If you are more than 45 minutes late, your child will be supervised by a member of the DAI’s Security Staff and a late fee of $25 for every thirty minutes will be applied, except in matters of an extreme emergency.

What Campers Should Bring

Please send your child to each SAC session with the following items. All items should be labeled with the child’s name.

1. Refillable water bottle

2. Sunscreen

3. OPTIONAL: hats, sunglasses, or other protective sun attire encouraged.

For campers who are attending both sessions, please send your child to SAC every day with the following items. All items should be labeled with the child’s name.

1. Lunches must be non-perishable. There are no options for refrigeration or re-heating. Must provide own cutlery.

2. Sunscreen

3. Refillable water bottle

4. OPTIONAL: hats, sunglasses, or other protective sun attire encouraged.

Please do not bring: valuables, excessive jewelry, toys, cards, games, cameras, electronics (cell phones, iPods, iPads, personal game, or listening devices).

If a phone is necessary, it is expected that it remains off in a camper’s bag during sessions. If you need to get a message to your child during a session, please call the SAC Administrator or DAI Security line. DAI is not responsible for any phones, electronic devices or any other valuables brought to SAC.


What Campers Should Wear

SAC may get messy! Please have your camper dress for mess. Staff will make every effort to keep campers neat and clean, but campers should wear clothing that can get dirty. Also, campers may want to bring a sweater or sweatshirt in case they feel cold while visiting the museum’s galleries. Please label your child’s clothing with their name.

Lunches and Snacks

DAI does not provide snacks or lunches for campers. Food cannot be consumed in studio classrooms, except in instance of medical need. Campers in need of snacks (such as for taking medication or other health condition) will be permitted to consume their snack in the DAI Community Room and will return to their session immediately thereafter.

For campers in both morning and afternoon sessions:

Lunch must be sent in with the camper every day; lunches must also be non-perishable and include portable cutlery as needed. Please label your camper’s lunch bag with their name. Campers often eat lunch outside on the museum’s grounds during nice weather days. On rainy days, SAC classes eat lunch in the DAI Community Room or another group area. In addition, SAC Instructors will provide board games and outdoor activities during lunchtime. Please note: we are not able to purchase, refrigerate or heat lunches.


Camper Registration Form

The Camper Registration Form is completed and submitted during your online registration. The Camper Registration Form must be filled out for each session and each week of camp. If any information is missing from your online form, the SAC Administrator will contact you to obtain the missing information. Your child cannot be admitted to SAC if this information is incomplete.

Camper registration form is critical to the museum in providing the most engaging and safest experience for all. Please ensure that you have provided to us all necessary information about a child’s health, allergies, or special needs and accommodations as necessary. All information is confidential but may be made available to SAC Staff to help provide the best care for your child. The more information we have about your child’s individual needs, the better able to meet their needs and make the SAC environment safe and enjoyable for all.



It is critical to provide information about allergy and/or emergency allergy medication (such as EpiPens or asthma inhalers, etc.) that your child will be taking while at SAC. SAC Staff CANNOT administer any medication to campers, with exception to EpiPen and in the event of severe allergic reaction. Campers are expected to take their medications independently.

Sick Campers, Injuries and First Aid

While at SAC, campers should be well enough to participate in all programming. If your child is suspected of becoming ill, you will be asked to pick up your child immediately. Sick campers will be supervised in our Education offices until they can be picked up.

First Aid and Emergency Care

Our Security Team is trained and certified in CPR and First Aid. They are the sole individuals capable of administering any First Aid should an accident occur. Should First Aid occur, SAC Staff will contact the family/guardian as soon as possible or we will seek to contact individuals listed as emergency contacts until successful in speaking to someone.

Emergency care will be provided only where necessary and only after every attempt has been made first to contact the family members/guardians, with the exception of EpiPens and CPR. In an emergency requiring immediate medical attention, 911 will be called and your child will be taken to the nearest hospital emergency room. You will be responsible for the resulting treatment and payment.

Behavior Policy

We welcome all children at DAI Summer Art Camp and strive to support each camper. SAC Staff is trained to model and implement age-appropriate behavior management and reflective communication. We encourage self-regulation, self-direction, responsibility, respect, and cooperation. Staff makes every effort to provide behavioral support to any camper demonstrating a need or disrupting camp. Open communication between family members/guardians and DAI Staff is key for effective behavior management.

Extremely disruptive or physically aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. Disruptive camp behavior will be addressed by DAI Staff or Instructors. Family members/guardians may be called to pick-up their camper for the remainder of the day if behavior does not improve. DAI reserves the right to require a disruptive camper to withdraw from remainder of the camp entirely and if such situation occurs, no refund for the remainder will be issued.

Photo and Video Images Release

SAC images help us to tell the story of our organization and our mission. They may be used for non-commercial purposes only, such as print publications, DAI websites, ecommunications, presentations, and documents about DAI for admission, recruitment, fundraising, or institutional purposes. We appreciate your cooperation and consent in allowing us to photograph your child for use in various mediums without any personal


identifiers. You have our assurance that these images will be used only for official purposes and with the respect and consideration to which you are entitled.

Photo Release: Contractor hereby grants and gives permission to The DAI to use his likeness in photographs, film, videos, television, Internet, electronic or broadcast media, and other digital media (“photo”), and in any of its publications, including web-based publications, made by The DAI on or about the date of the Project and any part thereof on any photographic reproduction in which Contractor may appear, without restriction of any kind or nature whatsoever. Contractor understands that he will not receive compensation, whatever the nature, now or in the future for the consent given herein. In addition, Contractor waives any right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein his likeness appears.


General Information About Safety Precautions

 Hand-washing will be incorporated into SAC daily schedules

 Classrooms will be cleaned after every day of camp

If a Camper Develops COVID-19 symptoms during SAC

 Camper will be removed from the classroom to an isolated space

 Family or emergency contacts will be notified immediately for pick-up

 A negative COVID-19 test will be required before the camper returns

 If the camper is positive, a prorated refund will be provided.

In case of a positive case of COVID-19 during SAC session

 DAI will follow the guidance of the Ohio Department of Health on a case-by-case basis


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