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MINDFUL MONDAYS (VIRTUAL) *Every First-Monday beginning March thru May

OLAP: The importance of self-love continued from page 26

It’s ok to say no.


You are invited to several parties, lunch gatherings, soirees and galas. Your best friend is stressed and wants to get together to talk, your workload is heavy, your client needs you to review paperwork, you have to make time for your child’s holiday play, and your mom wants your help baking cookies. It is nearly impossible to meet everyone’s demands and say yes to their invitations. It’s ok to say no. If saying no is difficult for you, try “Thank you for the invitation, but I have a prior engagement” or “I would love to attend your event, but I have already committed to another event.”

If you are having trouble determining if you should say yes or no to the invitations, set up criteria based on your values. Ask yourself questions such as “Do I really want to do this? What do I gain from doing this? Does it interfere with family events?” This will help you choose wisely.

It’s not your responsibility to make other people happy

Many people believe that it’s their job to make others happy. This is far from the truth. For example, your significant other hasn’t been happy at her job. Every night you coach her and try to fix her problem. You start feeling stressed because you feel helpless and cannot fix it for her. There’s a difference between loving and supporting someone and trying to fix their problems in hopes that they will be happy. We cannot change how others feel. Your spouse is responsible for her own emotions. What you can do is support her, love her, listen to her and give her advice, but you cannot change the way she feels. She owns those emotions. The truest source of happiness comes from within.

Don’t forget about self-care

Don’t forget to eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and exercise. There is only one you, and you are special. You deserve to be loved and treated with respect. That love starts from within.

If you find that you are stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, seek help. The Ohio Lawyers Assistance Program helps lawyers, judges and law students manage life’s stresses. OLAP has saved lives, careers, marriages and families. All inquiries are confidential. (800) 348-4343 / ohiolap.org

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With offices in Cincinnati & Dayton FARUKI+ is a premier business litigation firm with offices in Dayton and Cincinnati. The firm’s national practice handles complex commercial disputes of all types, including class actions; antitrust; securities; unfair competition (trade secrets and covenants not to compete); employment; advertising, media and communications; attorney malpractice; data privacy and security; intellectual property and product liability. While its trial practice is national, the firm has always been, and continues to be, committed to the local legal community.

Thompson Hine LLP


Thompson Hine LLP, a full-service business law firm with approximately 400 lawyers in 7 offices, was ranked number 1 in the category “Most innovative North American law firms: New working models” by The Financial Times. For 5 straight years, Thompson Hine has distinguished itself in all areas of Service De-livery Innovation in the BTI Brand Elite, where it has been recognized as one of the top 4 firms for “Value for the Dollar” and “Commitment to Help” and among the top 5 firms “making changes to improve the client experience.” The firm’s commitment to innovation is embodied in Thompson Hine SmartPaTH® – a smarter way to work – predictable, efficient and aligned with client goals.

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PhiliP M. borger has become a shareholder with Faulkner Garmhausen Keister & Shenk effective January 1, 2021.

The Board of Trustees of the Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority has elected Attorney DaViD P. WilliaMson, partner in the law firm of Bieser, Greer & Landis, to serve as President of the Board for 2021. Williamson has served on the GDRTA Board as City of Dayton representative since 2011, and previously WILLIAMSONserved as claims counsel in the 1980s and 90s. Past community service has included President of the Dayton Bar Association and the Dayton Rotary Club and Chair of the Access to Justice Campaign and Old Court House Renovation Committees.

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February Classifieds


Dayton Municipal Court has proposed changes to the Local Court Rules. Please visit Dayton Municipal Court: daytonmunicipalcourt.org for notice of and an opportunity to view and comment on proposed local court rules.


Dennis J. Langer Retired Common Pleas Judge (937) 367-4776



William H. Wolff Jr., LLC Retired Trial and Appellate Judge (937) 293-5295 (937) 572-3185 judgewolff@woh.rr.com


Jeffrey A. Hazlett Esq. 5276 Burning Bush Lane Kettering, Ohio 45429-5842 (937) 689-3193 hazlettjeffrey@gmail.com nadn.org/jeffrey-hazlett

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