2020 DBA Fall/Winter CLE & Event Planning Guide: October - December

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DBA Fall/Winter

CLE & Event Planning Guide

October - December


To Register For DBA Seminars & Events Visit: daybar.org

Nov 12 + 13

4.0 Gen Hrs + 2.0 Prof. Conduct Hrs

2020 DBA BENCH BAR CONFERENCE Thursday, November 12th Friday, November 13th Various Speakers & Court Breakout Sessions!

Let’s Get it Right. It Could Be Life. It Could Be Death. November 12 | 1:45pm-5:15pm | CLE#2021019 November 13 | 9:00am-12:15pm | CLE#2021020 Both Days | CLE#2021021 Two-Day Event Pricing:

Early Bird Member Rate - Register by October 30 Both Days $175 Member Rate - Register after October 30 Both Days $200 Early Bird Nonmember Rate - Register by October 30 Both Days $275 Nonmember Rate - Register after October 30 Both Days $300

One-Day Only Pricing: Member $115 Nonmember $165 <2-year New Lawyers $100 Paralegals $100

FREE for Law Students


Agenda Day 1 - Thursday, November 12th 1:45pm-5:15pm | 3.0 General Hrs 1:45-2:00pm | Welcome and Introductions DBA President, Fred L. Young, Shareholder, Green & Green Lawyers 2:00-4:00pm | PLENARY 1 (2.0 Gen Hrs) Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of Injustice and Redemption Speakers: Jennifer Thompson Cannino and Mark Godsey, Director of the Ohio Innocence Project The New York Times best-selling author will tell the true story of an unlikely friendship forged between a woman and the man she incorrectly identified as her rapist and sent to prison for 11 years. This will explore the challenges of our ideas of memory and judgment while demonstrating the profound nature of human grace and the healing power of forgiveness 4:00-4:15pm BREAK 4:15-5:15pm | Court Breakout Session I (1.0 Gen Hr) • Montgomery Cty Common Pleas Court Gen Div Criminal/Civil Hon. Steven Dankof • Domestic Relations Court Hon. Tim Wood • Probate Court 5:15pm Adjourn Day 1

Agenda Day 2 - Friday, November 13th 9:00am-12:15pm 3.0 Gen Hrs incl. 2.0 Prof Conduct Hrs 9:00-11:00am | PLENARY 2 (1.0 Prof Conduct Hr) Professionalism and Ethics Speaker: Allan Ashbury, Board of Professional Conduct, Ohio Supreme Court Discuss Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct RULE 1.1: COMPETENCE [8] as it relates to technology, cases brought under review by the Board 3:00-4:00pm | PLENARY 2 (1.0 Prof. Conduct Hr) Speakers: Thomas M. Green, President, Green & Green Lawyers and Terry Posey Jr, Gottschlich & Portune, LLP Discuss attorneys being technologically proficient during COVID and beyond, tips and tricks for virtual trials, new software for virtual meetings, etc. 11:00-11:15am | BREAK

Register Online or Call! daybar.org/2020dbabenchbar 937.222.7902 DBA CLE Coordinator Ashley Likens 2 alikens@daybar.org

Dayton Bar Briefs September 2020

11:15-12:15pm | Court Breakout Session 2 (1.0 Gen Hr) • US District Court, Southern District of Ohio | Magistrate Judge Michael Newman • Juvenile Court Hon. Anthony Capizzi • Ohio Second District Court of Appeals | Hon. Michael L. Tucker 12:15pm Adjourn Day 2

2020 B ench B ar S ponsorship 2020 Virtual Bench Bar Conference will be a 2-Day Event!

Reach Your Target Audience on Both Days of the DBA’s Most Attended & Favorite Annual CLE Event. Take Advantage of the Value of Sponsoring this Event!

Sponsorship Deadline- October 15th

2020 VIRTUAL BENCH BAR SPONSORSHIP OFFERINGS: • FREE BENCH BAR REGISTRATIONS • VERBAL RECOGNITION DURING PROGRAM(S) • EVENT MARKETING - Your firm's logo and full OR 1/4 pg ad in Bench Bar materials - Sponsorship recognition on all Bench Bar marketing materials

• DAYTON BAR BRIEFS MAGAZINE - Sponsorship recognition with name and logo in one (1) issue of DBA Bar Briefs magazine DAYBAR. ORG

• WEBSITE RECOGNITION - Sponsorship recognition on event page of DBA website with link to firm website

• SOCIAL MEDIA + EBLASTS RECOGNITION - Sponsorship recognition with name and logo in all promotional emails for program with link to firm website

• ZOOM Preface to Bench Bar Breakout Sessions & Programs - Both Days - Your ad/logo visbile to program attendees at the start of each day of programs



• Verbal sponsorship recognition at the beginning of the program • Sponsor logo at the top of Zoom as a panelist in place of DBA host video feed • 2-FREE registrations for Bench Bar • Full-page ad within materials • Sponsorship recognition with name and logo on the Event Page of the DBA website with link to your firm/company • Sponsorship recognition with name and logo on in one (1) issue of DBA Bar Briefs magazine - monthly publication • Sponsorship recognition with name and logo in all promotional emails for program with link to firm website



• 1-FREE registration for Bench Bar • ¼ page ad within materials • Sponsorship recognition with name and logo on the Event Page of the DBA website with link to your firm/company • Sponsorship recognition with name and logo on in one (1) issue of DBA Bar Briefs magazine - monthly publication • Sponsorship recognition with name and logo in all promotional emails for program with link to firm website

Email DBA CLE Coordinator Ashley Likens: alikens@daybar.org

DAYTON Bar Association

www.daybar.org 937.222.7902

October 2020




Noon-1pm | 1.0 Prof. Conduct Hr 1 Diversity Issues:

Limited Time Left to Take Advantage of the Best Deal in CLE!

Sentencing Disparities & Dangerous Perpetuation of Racial Bias

Purchase Your 2020-2021 CLE Passport and start using it today.


DBA Member CLE Advantage:

• Unlimited Passport for $595 6 for $295 • 12-Hour Passport • Substantial Savings on DBA CLE (excludes Online CLEs) • Passports won’t expire until June 30, 2021



Speaker Prof. Jelani Jefferson Exum of Detroit Mercy Law will explain the role that racial disparities - specifically sentencing disparities - play in perpetuating the racial bias that increases the daily dangerof living as a Black American in the U.S. Ultimately, the goal of the seminar is to provide better understanding of tackling implicit bias as a means to fight sentencing and other criminal justice bias.


Contact Ashley Likens, DBA CLE Coordinator alikens@daybar.org | 937-222-7902 ext. 208





22 Noon-1pm | 1.0 Gen Hr



Virtual Chancery Club Lunch

Noon-12:45pm DBA Pres. Fred Young Esq. “Our Direction is Forward”

9 9am-10am | 1.0 Gen Hr

O, O, It’s Magic What You Can Do in Office 365: Collection, Litigation Hold and More! Ray Biederman, Co-Founder & CEO and Anthony Cozzi, Project Manager of Proteus present how widespread work-from-home means employees are using collaboration software and creating more discoverable data than ever before. This has implications for litigation, regulatory investigations, and audits.


become o t e in l d a De onsor! p S r a B a Bench



Antitrust 101


Speakers Nicole Callan and Edward Sharon, both WilmerHale provide an overview of antitrust law including: • Violations: Price fixing, bid rigging • Enforcement • Applicable US and global laws • and Discovery in antitrust matters


27 8:45am-4:30pm | 6.0 Gen Hrs

DBA Annual CLE Favorite Assisting America’s Most Vulnerable!


2020 Elder Law Institute

Organized by Michael J. Millonig of Millonig Law LLC, this years program will feature speakers:

• Chuck Underwood, The Generational Imperative, Inc. • Kenn Daily, Elder Care Systems Group • Elizabeth E.W. Weinewuth, Vorys, Sater,

For a complete list of seminar details and to register: daybar.org

29 9am-10am | 1.0 NLT Hr


New Lawyer Training: Managing a Law Office from a Managing Partner’s Perspective

NLT hrs

New lawyers should know what it takes to make them successful to rise up the ranks in their firm and how their salary is managed. They will learn how clients value their work versus how they value their work to be able to find productive use of their time. Managing a law office is much more than promoting the young lawyers with the most billable hours. Rich Simpson, former Managing Partner at Bricker & Eckler will discuss the less obvious ways a lawyer’s work is evaluated.





Thursday, November 12th & Friday November 13th Various Speakers & Court Breakout Sessions!

Bar Association

www.daybar.org 937.222.7902

November 2020





4 4pm-5pm | 1.0 Gen Hr

Estate Planning Trust & Probate:




Virtual Chancery Club Lunch

DNRs, Health Care POAs, and Other Advance Directives

Noon-12:45pm The DBA honors our 50yr Honorees!

Speakers Nancy Roberson and Judy LaMusga.


10 3pm-5pm | 1.5 Gen Hrs + 0.5 Prof. Conduct 11 Hr Special OMBAC CLE!

Law, Justice, and the Holocaust How the Courts Failed Germany This thought-provoking program will challenge participants to examine the pressures facing judges, prosecutors, defenders, and police – those who are charged with the duty not only to uphold the justice system but also to protect individual liberty. Participants will hopefully come away with a renewed commitment to ensuring that the rule of law in not used as a tool of oppression.

16 3pm-4pm | 1.0 PC Self-Study Hr 17 Diversity Issues Self-Study Video Replay(s)

2020 Annual Domestic Relations Institute pt. 1

Did I Say That? Recognizing & Combating Microaggressions in Legal Profession Video Speaker: Sheila Eason Elevate People Solutions, LLC


4pm-5pm | 1.0 PC Self-Study Hr Sentencing Disparities & Dangerous Perpetuation of Racial Bias

18 9am-12:15pm | 3.0 Gen Hrs


Noon-1:30pm | 1.5 Gen Hrs Covid-19: A Labyrinth of Leave – What Law Applies and When? Speaker Caroline Gentry provides a comprehensive overview of the following Acts: Families First Coronavirus Response; Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion; and Emergency Paid Sick Leave.

Video Speaker: Prof. Jelani Jefferson Exum Detroit Mercy Law


1 | 1:45pm-5:15pm 12 DAY 3.0 Gen Hrs

2 | 9am-12:15pm 13 DAY 2.0 Prof. Conduct Hrs + 1.0 Gen Hr

2020 Bench Bar Conference

Let’s Get it Right. It Could Be Life. It Could Be Death.

• Plenary 1 Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of Injustice and Redemption With Best Selling Author, Jennifer Thompson Cannino and Mark Godsey of the Innocence Project. • Court Breakout Sessions!

• Plenary 2 Ohio Rules of Professionalism &Ethics RULE 1.1: COMPETENCE [8] as it relates to technology, cases brought under review by the Board. Virtual trials, software, tips, tricks & other tech during COVID and beyond. • Court Breakout Sessions!

19 9am-12:15pm 3.0 Prof Conduct Hrs

Practical and Ethical Aspects of Managing Your Legal Practice Speakers John Ruffolo, Mark Tuss, Tabitha Justice, Jeff Hazlett provide an update on ethical issues attorneys face.



DBA OFFICES CLOSED Happy Thanksgiving!

Noon-1pm | 1.0 Gen Self-Study Hr 30 Self-Study Video Replay! Virtual Oral Arguments with Justice French

Justice Judith French shares pointers on how to make your virtual oral argument stand out. From courtroom protocol to argument dos and don’ts, you will learn how to best present your case.

For a complete list of seminar details and to register: daybar.org



O u t o f T im e ? G o O n lin e !


D id Yo u K n o w ...

Bar Association

J u d g e s , M a g is t r a t e s a n d A t t o r n e y s la s t n a m e s M -Z c a n c o m p le t e A L L C L E C r e d its O N L IN E ! D u e t o C O V ID -1 9 , t h e O h io S u p re m e C o u r t h a s w a iv e d t h e c a p o n s e lf-s t u d y c o u r s e s + w e b in a r s .

www.daybar.org 937.222.7902

F o r M o r e I n f o : s u p re m e c o u r t .o h io .g o v /A t t y S v c s /C L E /

T o R e g i s t e r : d a y b a r.c e 2 1 .c o m


December 2020




11pm-4:15pm | 3.0 Gen Hrs

2 9am-12:15pm | 3.0 Gen Hrs

3 9am-12:15pm | 3.0 Gen Hrs

The Workers Comp’ Practitioner as a Jack of All Trades

Juvenile GAL Seminar

Appellate Practice Update

Speaker Joe Gibson provides Caselaw updates including COVID concerns & H.B. 81.

1pm-4:15pm | 3.0 Gen Hrs Estate Planning, Trust and Probate:

Trusts v. Banks


Noon-1pm | 3.0 Gen Hrs

Smacked: A Story of White-Collar Ambition, Addiction & Tragedy

Registration $50 - Includes Book!

8 1pm-4:15pm | 3.0 Gen Hrs

Judge Dankof’s Criminal Law Update Speaker Judge Dankof

9 9am-12:15pm | 3.0 Gen Hrs 2020 Annual Domestic Relations Institute pt. 2


11 9am-12:15pm 3.0 Gen Hrs incl. 1.0 Prof Conduct Hr Civil Trial:

Discovery, Dispute Resolution, the Supreme Court, and Ethics

1pm-4:15pm | 3.0 Gen Hrs or 3.0 NLT Hrs

Effective, efficient discovery practices, dispute resolution in a COVID-19 world, Supreme Ct Update (U.S. & Ohio) & ethics update for Ohio litigators.

YLD NLT: Core Components


15 9am-12:15pm | 3.0 Gen Hrs Labor and Employment:

Workers Comp, FMLA, ADA & Discrimination During COVID

Employee & employer’s rights under Ohio’s workers comp’ laws. - Requests for medical leave - State & federal anti-discrimination laws, retaliation and procedural issues.

1:15pm-4:30pm | 3.0 Gen Hrs Federal Practice:

16 9am-12:15pm | 3.0 Gen Hrs Real Property Update

17 5pm-6pm | 1.0 Gen Hr Corporate Counsel Update

Intellectual Property for General and Corporate Practitioners





Speakers Hon. Michael Newman, Glen McMurry & Daniel Gentry, will introduce the nuts and bolts of federal civil practice, while walking attendees through federal civil procedures, sharing strategies and sharing their own experiences in court.


DBA Annual CLE Favorite!

Organized by: Matthew Jenkins

Demystifying the Process: Practicing in Federal Court


18 9am-12:15pm | 3.0 Gen Hrs

Happy Holidays! 30

31 e M-Z m a N t s a L orting CLE Rep ine! Deadl

For a complete list of seminar details and to register: daybar.org




Dayton Bar Association, 109 N. Main St., Ste 600, Dayton, OH 45402-1129 Phone: 937-222-7902 Fax: 937-222-1308 If you wish to register for more than one seminar/event please copy this form. Registration preferred online at www.daybar.org/events Contact Information: Name: Firm: Address: City/State/Zip: Email Address: *For electronic materials, if applicable Phone: Membership Status:

 Member


 Non-Member

Supreme Court #:

 Non-Attorney

 Paralegal

 Law Student

Title Seminar/Event Information: Seminar/Event Name: Date: Time: CLE Hours (i.e. 1.0 Prof Conduct; 3.0 Gen Hrs, etc.):

I would like to Sponsor the event above: $

RSVP Me, this event is FREE TO DBA Members

Event Code (For internal use only):

CLE Pricing: MEMBER RATE Attorney:

1-hr CLE: $35

2-hr CLE: $70

3-hr CLE: $105

 6-hr CLE: $210

New Lawyer <2yrs & Paralegal:

1-hr CLE: $15

2-hr CLE: $30

3-hr CLE: $50

 6-hr CLE: $105

Law Student Members:

$0 - FREE!

*I am a DBA Member and would like to purchase a 2020-2021 CLE Passport:

12-Hour $295

 Unlimited $595


1-hr CLE: $45

2-hr CLE: $90

3-hr CLE: $135

 6-hr CLE: $270

New Lawyer <2yrs & Paralegal:

1-hr CLE: $20

2-hr CLE: $40

3-hr CLE: $70

 6-hr CLE: $135

Payment Information:

 Check# (payable to DBA):

Credit Card




Total ALL Items Enclosed: $ Credit Card # : Expiration Date:


Card Security Code:

Name on Card: Authorized Signature:



CLE Passport

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