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Give to Help People in Crises
During these troubling times, attorneys and community members can make a positive difference in the lives of economically disadvantaged people who need legal assistance.
Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, (ABLE), Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc., (LAWO), and the Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyers Project (GDVLP) have launched their annual Campaign for Equal Justice and invite you to two events scheduled this fall. The revenue will be used to provide civil legal services to help individuals and families overcome the challenges of poverty and stabilize their lives.
The Campaign for Equal Justice, with a goal of $165,000, is counting on your contribution. Your gift can be made with a credit card “During this coronavirus pandemic, the health and well-being at campaign4equaljustice.org and by using your cellphone to text to of people with low income are most at risk as they work on give. Dial 937-340-7207 and enter the word EQUAL, then follow the frontline,” says Mary Lentz, of Gottschlich & Portune, and the prompts. Checks are accepted at Campaign for Equal Justice, c/o campaign co-chair along with Edward “Ned” Dowd. ABLE and LAWO, 130 W. Second St., Ste. 700, Dayton, OH 45402. “Your donations to help them is greatly needed at this time.” Become a Sustaining Member. Make your pledge and establish automatic, monthly credit card installment payments.
The campaign total is comprised of donations, sponsorships and ticket purchases for Justice on Tap! and the Access to Justice Awards Celebration! Both events are being converted from in-person to virtual events, due to health concerns related to the coronavirus pandemic.
Justice on Tap! may be just the break you need. The event is scheduled for October 8, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. From the comfort of your home, you will participate in livestreamed presentations from Warped Wing Brewing Company and The Dayton Brewing Company, and a wine tasting led by Rob Vonderbrink from Heidelberg Distributing. Rob Russell, president and CEO of Russell Wealth and Wellness, will be the emcee as participants learn about wine and local craft brews and engage in tastings with beverages provided in advance of the event. The general admission is $50, and $25 for students, staff, or new lawyers (0-2 years). Guests may bid on raffle items for a donation of $2 a chance or $5 for six chances.
The Access to Justice Awards Celebration! will recognize stellar honorees on November 5, at noon, instead of during the evening. Lunches will be delivered to sponsors. Luke Dennis, general manager of WYSO-NPR will be the emcee. Montgomery County RecorThe Dayton Daily News and WYSO-NPR are the media sponsors der Brandon McClain will present the awards to honorees. Judith A. for the event. LaMusga of LaMusga Law Office, LLC, who secures guardianships for LAWO, ABLE, and GDVLP need your support. For decades, the vulnerable people, will receive the Lloyd O’Hara Public Interest Law nonprofit organizations have protected survivors of domestic violence, Award. Gabriella Picket, PhD will receive the Patricia Rousseau Commuguarded against elder abuse, and addressed disability concerns, health nity Advocacy Award for assisting immigrants in crises. Two individuals care, education, public benefits and housing disparities. They also will be recognized with the Community Impact Award: Judy Hennessey, assist veterans and uphold the legal rights of immigrants and refugees. PhD, retired superintendent of the Dayton Early College Academy for LAWO, ABLE, and GDVLP do not charge individuals. They depend at-risk students, and Pastor Robert E. Jones, retired from College Hill on public support that enables them to assist vulnerable people who Community Presbyterian Church, will be honored posthumously for otherwise will go without any legal representation at all. social justice advocacy prior to his death in March of this year.
DBA Section Meetings:October 2020
Monday, October 5 Juvenile Law 4pm-5pm
Wednesday, October 7 Young Lawyers Division Noon-1pm Estate Planning Trust & Probate 4pm-5pm
Thursday, October 8 Domestic Relations Noon-1pm
Tuesday, October 13 Labor & Employment Noon-1pm Civil Trial Practice & ADR 5pm-6pm

Thursday, October 15 Workers Comp & Social Security Noon-1pm Real Property 4pm-5pm
Friday, October 16 Diversity Issues Noon-1pm
Monday, October 19 Federal Practice Noon-1pm
Thursday, October 22 Paralegal Noon-1pm Corporate Counsel 4:30pm-5:30pm
Wednesday, October 28 Criminal Law Noon-1pm
go to www.daybar.org/events to rsvp!