10 minute read
Rebuilding the Young Lawyers Division
The Young Lawyers Division is in a rebuilding year. When I first began participating in YLD functions the group was responsible for multiple charity functions, CLE programming, and multiple Bar Brief articles such as the one you are currently reading. This was in addition to monthly meetings with a diverse group of members and speakers. Since that time, the group has diminished in both participation and output; something I and my co-chair, Ebony Davenport, have been explicitly tasked with correcting.
This is my second year serving as co-chair for the Young Lawyers Division. Last year we were able to increase participation, however, those successes were cut short in March as the pandemic took hold. Nonetheless, there were valuable lessons learned and I am confident that the YLD can not only bounce back, but find new ways to engage with the community and ultimately return to the robust organization it once was. In order to do that we will not only need the help of the “young lawyers” but the not-so-young as well. For all of the young lawyers reading this I would like you to consider two things. First, you have something to gain by participating in the YLD. There is something for everyone who is willing to put forth the time and effort. Whether you are looking to connect with other young lawyers, organize CLE courses, plan and host charitable functions, or you just need a monthly reminder that you aren’t alone, you will find it in the YLD. I have found time and again that getting together with my peers in the YLD is time well spent. There is a camaraderie and connection found in the YLD that provides a stark contrast to the stress and difficulties of being a young lawyer.
Secondly, there is something that the rest of us gain by your presence. Whether you are sharing substantive knowledge, or venting about the trials and tribulations of being a young associate, your stories and experiences help the rest of us navigate our own practices and careers. We are all better off by your presence, regardless of how long you have been practicing, or what area of law you practice in.
By Steven D. Strain Esq. Co-Chair YLD The VanNoy Firm sstrain@thevannoyfirm.com 937.952.5043
For the attorneys reading this who are no longer in their first few years of practice, I would like to ask for your help too. I’ve no doubt that you know a young attorney who could benefit from participating in the YLD, or maybe one who the rest of us would benefit from seeing. You may even employ a few young attorneys that just don’t see the value in being an active participant, or perhaps, don’t even know that the group exists. I want to ask that you encourage them to not only participate in the YLD, but to also start contributing. As the YLD rebuilds, there will be no shortage of tasks and responsibilities to go around. Our highest rate of participation last year was a direct result of senior partners encouraging young associates to attend meetings. As the YLD rebuilds, it will take the effort of Dayton Bar Association members both young and old to see it through.
DAYTON Bar Association

W s T E T
The late Herbert M. Eikenbary granted the bulk of his estate to fund Grants and Loans to lawyers under the age of 35 who practice/reside in Montgomery County. These Grants and Loans are to aid young, deserving lawyers who are in need of financial assistance.
Individual loans, are available up to $6,000 at 4% interest,
while grants up to $4,000 are also available.
To Appl : Jennifer Otchy,DBA Chief Executive Officer Dayton Bar Association | 109 N. Main St., Suite 600 | Dayton, OH 45402-1129 jotchy@daybar.org | 937.222.7902 | www.daybar.org
October 2020
Thursday, Oc ber 1 | N
-1pm | CLE#2021014
DBA Diversity Issues Section presents a series: Sentencing Disparities & Dangerous Perpetuation of Racial Bias
Speaker: Prof. Jelani Jefferson Exum, Detroit Mercy Law 1.0 Prof Conduct Hr Committee M $25 | M $35 | NM $45 | Paralegal $25 | Passport $0
Participants will learn the role that racial disparities - specifically sentencing disparities—play in perpetuating the racial bias that increases the daily danger of living as a Black American in the U.S. Ultimately, the goal of the seminar is to provide better understanding of tackling implicit bias as a means to fight sentencing and other criminal justice bias. This form of anti-racism work is essential to full and effective representation of clients.
Friday, Oc ber 9 | 9am-10am | CLE#2021017 O, O, It’s Magic What You Can Do in Office 365: Collection, Litigation Hold and More!
Speaker(s): Ray Biederman, Co-Founder & CEO Anthony Cozzi, Project Manager 1.0 General Hr M $35 | NM $45 | Paralegal $25 | Passport $0 Thursday, Oc ber 29 | 9am-10am | CLE#2021022 New Lawyer Training: Managing a Law Office from a Managing Partner’s Perspective
Speaker: Richard C. Simpson, Bricker & Eckler 1.0 NLT Hr M $35 | NM $45 | Paralegal $15 | Passport $0
New lawyers should know what it takes to make them successful to rise up the ranks in their firm and how their salary is managed. They will learn how clients value their work versus how they value their work to be able to find productive use of their time. Managing a law office is much more than promoting the young lawyers with the most billable hours. Rich Simpson, former Managing Partner at Bricker & Eckler will discuss the less obvious ways a lawyer’s work is evaluated.
Tuesday, Oc ber 27 | 8:45am-4:30pm | CLE#2021016 2020 Elder Law Institute
Organizer: Michael Millonig, Michael Millonig, LLC Speaker(s): Various 6.0 General Hrs Committee M $150 | M $210 | NM $270 | Paralegal $105 | Passport $0
Various topics: Defining Elder Law; Medicaid for Nursing Home Residents; Countable Resources; Trusts; Gift Transfers; Estate Recovery; America's Generations; COVID-19: Latest Updates, Responses and What Long Term Care Facilities Need to Do; A Practical Perspective on Becoming and Serving as Ohio Online Notary; The Perfect Storm Brewing in Long-Term Care and Planning Strategies for Asset Protection for Clients and Avoiding Estate Recovery Q&A.
Thursday, Oc Antitrust 101 ber 22 | N
Speaker(s): Nicole Callan and -1pm | CLE#2021023
Edward Sharon, both WilmerHale 1.0 Gen Hr M $25 | NM $35 | Paralegal $10 | Passport $0
An overview of antitrust law including: Violations – Price fixing, bid rigging, etc.; Enforcement; Applicable US and global laws; and Discovery in antitrust matters.
November 2020
Tuesday, N vember 10 | 3pm-5pm | CLE#2021018
Special OMBAC CLE! Law, Justice & the Holocaust: How the Courts Failed Germany
Speakers: William F. Meinecke Jr., Ph.D., Historian and Ann O’Rourke, Program Coordinator 1.5 General Hrs + 0.5 Prof. Conduct Hr M $70 | NM $90 | Paralegal $35 | Passport $0
This thought-provoking program will challenge participants to examine the pressures facing judges, prosecutors, defenders, and police – those who are charged with the duty not only to uphold the justice system but also to protect individual liberty. Participants will hopefully come away with a renewed commitment to ensuring that the rule of law in not used as a tool of oppression.
DBA Annual
Virtual 2-day Webinar!

2020 Bench Bar Conference
Thursday, N vember 12 | 1:45pm-5:15pm | CLE#2021019
Friday, N vember 13 | 9am-N
| CLE#2021020
B h Days | CLE#2021021 2020 DBA Bench Bar Conference: Let’s Get it Right. It Could Be Life. It Could Be Death.
Various Speakers & Breakout Sessions with the Courts 2020 Bench Bar Co-Chairs: Tom Green, President, Green & Green Lawyers The Honorable Steven K. Dankof, Montgomery County Ct of Common Pleas
Thursday, November 12 th Friday, November 13 th Various Speakers & Court Breakout Sessions!
November 12 | 1:45pm-5:15pm | CLE#2021019 November 13 | 9:00am-12:15pm | CLE#2021020 Both Days | CLE#2021021
Two-Day Event Pricing:
Early Bird Member Rate - Register by October 30 Both Days $175 Member Rate - Register after October 30 Both Days $200 Early Bird Nonmember Rate - Register by October 30 Both Days $275 Nonmember Rate - Register after October 30 Both Days $300

One-Day Only Pricing:
Member $115
Nonmember $165 <2-year New Lawyers $100
Paralegals $100
FREE for Law Students
Regis er O i e r Ca
daybar.org/2020dbabenchbar 937.222.7902
Agenda Day 1 - Thursday, November 12 th 1:45pm-5:15pm | 3.0 General Hrs
1:45-2:00pm | Welcome and Introductions DBA President, Fred L. Young, Shareholder, Green & Green Lawyers
2:00-4:00pm | PLENARY 1 (2.0 Gen Hrs) Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of Injustice and Redemption Speakers: Jennifer Thompson Cannino and Mark Godsey, Director of the Ohio Innocence Project
The New York Times best-selling author will tell the true story of an unlikely friendship forged between a woman and the man she incorrectly identified as her rapist and sent to prison for 11 years. This will explore the challenges of our ideas of memory and judgment while demonstrating the profound nature of human grace and the healing power of forgiveness
4:00-4:15pm BREAK
4:15-5:15pm | Court Breakout Session I (1.0 Gen Hr) •Montgomery Cty Common Pleas Court General Division Criminal/Civil | Hon. Steven Dankof •Domestic Relations Court | Hon. Tim Wood •Probate Court
5:15pm Adjourn Day 1
Agenda Day 2 - Friday, November 13 th 9:00am-12:15pm 3.0 Gen Hrs incl. 2.0 Prof Conduct Hrs
9:00-11:00am | PLENARY 2 (1.0 Prof Conduct Hr) Professionalism and Ethics Speaker: Allan Ashbury, Board of Professional Conduct, Ohio Supreme Court
Discuss Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct RULE 1.1: COMPETENCE [8] as it relates to technology, cases brought under review by the Board
3:00-4:00pm | PLENARY 2 (1.0 Prof. Conduct Hr) Speakers: Thomas M. Green, President, Green & Green Lawyers and Terry Posey Jr, Gottschlich & Portune, LLP
Discuss attorneys being technologically proficient during COVID and beyond, tips and tricks for virtual trials, new software for virtual meetings, etc.
11:00-11:15am | BREAK
11:15-12:15pm | Court Breakout Session 2 (1.0 Gen Hr) •US District Court, Southern District of Ohio | Magistrate Judge Michael Newman •Juvenile Court •Ohio Second District Court of Appeals | Hon. Michael L. Tucker
2020 Virtual Bench Bar Conference will be a 2-Day Event!
Reach Your Target Audience on Both Days of the DBA’s Most Attended & Favorite Annual CLE Event.
Take Advantage of the Value of Sponsoring this Event!
Sponsorship Deadline- October 15 th

- Your firm's logo and full OR 1/4 pg ad in Bench Bar materials - Sponsorship recognition on all Bench Bar marketing materials
- Sponsorship recognition with name and logo in one (1) issue of DBA Bar Briefs magazine
ORG - Sponsorship recognition on event page of DBA website with link to firm website
- Sponsorship recognition with name and logo in all promotional emails for program with link to firm website
• ZOOM Preface to Bench Bar Breakout Sessions & Programs - Both Days
- Your ad/logo visbile to program attendees at the start of each day of programs
• Verbal sponsorship recognition at the beginning of the program • Sponsor logo at the top of Zoom as a panelist in place of DBA host video feed • 2-FREE registrations for Bench Bar • Full-page ad within materials • Sponsorship recognition with name and logo on the