The Magazine of the Dayton Bar Association | SEPTEMBER 2016 | Vol. 66, No. 1
Bar Briefs Make the DBA a part of your daily routine...GET involved!
read more of the DBA President’s Message on pg. 3
Bar Briefs
September 2016 | Vol. 66, No. 1
Dayton Bar Association Board of Trustees
2016 – 2017
Susan D. Solle President
Brian L. Wildermuth First Vice President
David P. Pierce
Second Vice President
Barbara J. Doseck Secretary
Jonathon L. Beck
3 5 12
Lynnette Dinkler Member–at–Large
Angelina N. Jackson Member–at–Large
Hon. Timothy N. O’Connell Member–at–Large
Merle F. Wilberding Member–at–Large
Kermit F. Lowery
Immediate Past President
John M. Ruffolo, ex officio Bar Counsel
By Susan D. Solle Esq.
MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Merle F. Wilberding Honored for Lifetime Achievement
A MILESTONE IN DBA HISTORY A Past President’s Letter to the DBA Membership
By Pat W. Allen Esq.
Returning the Honor: Pro Bono for Veterans and
By Hon. Mary L. Wiseman
Active Military Personnel
By David C. Greer Esq.
William B. Wheeler, ex officio Executive Director
DAYTON BAR BRIEFS is published by the Dayton Bar Association, 600 Performance Place, 109 N. Main St., Dayton, OH 45402–1129, as its official publication for all members. Comments about this publication and editorial material can be directed to the Bar Association office by the fifth day of the month preceding the month of publication. The DAYTON BAR BRIEFS is published September through July. Paid subscription: $30 / year Library of Congress ISSN #0415–0945
UPCOMING EVENTS 10 2016-17 CHANCERY CLUB LUNCHEON DATES Doors will open at 11:30am.
Seating is Limited YOU must RSVP:
11 50yr HONOREE LUNCHEON Wed. October 19, 2016 | Sinclair College, Bldg. 12 | Doors open 11:30am
This years Honorees:
William B. Wheeler, Executive Director Shayla M. Eggleton, Publications Manager Phone: 937.222.7902 Fax: 937.222.1308 The contents expressed in the publication of DAYTON BAR BRIEFS do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Dayton Bar Association.
Dayton Bar Briefs September 2016
Irvin G. Bieser Jr.
Richard J. Chernesky
James B. Hochman
Richard M. Hunt
Leo F. Krebs
Charles W. Slicer Sr.
Paul J. Winterhalter
Let’s Give Them A Net
By Susan D. Solle Esq. DBA President Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
hink back to when you first passed the bar and, whether you were a solo practitioner, in a firm, corporate counsel, or government employee, one of the first things you did was join your local bar association. I know that’s what I did - there was never even a question. Unfortunately, it is not automatic for many new lawyers today. There is a reason the Dayton Bar Association has been around for 133 years - it provides invaluable services to support the Dayton legal community. I am willing to bet each of you reading this article has significantly benefitted from your DBA membership - whether through the indispensable relationships you have developed attending DBA events, learning important information at CLEs and committee meetings, using the FastCase legal research, gaining clients through Lawyer Referral Service or Find A Lawyer, or any of the many other services provided to DBA members. Unfortunately, many lawyers graduating from law school in the past several years do not understand the essential benefits of the DBA and the amazing access to the Dayton legal community that it provides. Instead, many pass the bar and begin practicing on their own, with no mentors and no net. This generation is certainly not the first to hang their own shingle, but it may be the first that have not as a matter of course joined their local bar association as a natural step to becoming a successful lawyer. During the next year, I hope to launch some initiatives to reach these lawyers that are practicing without a net and welcome them into the cozy home of the Dayton Bar Association community. Some of those initiatives are:
Strengthening Committees
As most of you know, we have many different practice area and service committees within the DBA. We have a remarkable group of chairs and vice-chairs for these committees this year (most are listed in the Summer 2016 edition of Bar Briefs, pp. 8-9) who are motivated to provide thought-provoking, relevant information and presentations at the monthly meetings. The DBA Board of Trustees liaisons are going to be working closely with the committee chairs and vice-chairs to communicate with the members and help build practice area networks that will provide a valuable resource for all practitioners. If you have ideas for committee presentations in your or other practice areas, please contact the committee chair or vice-chair.
Evening with the Bench
This spring, we are planning to hold our first annual Evening with the Bench. This event will provide an opportunity for new lawyers to meet and have conversations with judges from around the community without the “mature” lawyers there to intervene. We plan to invite both DBA members and non-members so that we can also use this as an opportunity to introduce the new lawyers to the benefits of DBA membership.
Bench/Bar Collaborative
The Bench Bar Collaborative was initiated by Judge Jeffrey Froelich and further developed by my two predecessors, Rick Perna and Kermit Lowery. The mission of this group is to further strengthen the administration of justice, professionalism and civility between the bench and bar. This group will also provide a resource for members of the legal community who have recognized that an attorney or judge is struggling with issues that should be addressed but have not yet reached the level of an ethical concern. This collaborative of members from both the bench and bar will receive these reports and determine whether someone should intervene before the situation escalates. As a beneficial side effect of this group, we will hopefully locate those lawyers that would benefit from mentorship and networking they can obtain from other members of the DBA.
Increased Social Media Presence
Finally, as the mother of millennials, I believe the best way to reach them is social media. We hope to increase the DBA’s presence on social media this year by starting a DBA Twitter account and increasing the traffic on Facebook. So, if you haven’t already, please open your Facebook page, go to @DaytonBarAssociation and like and share the page! You will then see all of the upcoming events and potentially additional ponderings from the DBA.
I look forward to a great year of continuing to grow and develop your bar association. With the initiatives listed above and others that are being discussed, we hope to utilize the strength and experience of our members to cultivate the newer members of our legal community to reach their full potential in this hallowed profession (yes, I said it). In other words, let’s give them a net. Your ideas are welcome.
September 2016 Dayton Bar Briefs
Thomas J. Intili Esq. A A
n effective lawyer should be an intimidation-proof individual with an independent mind and the education and experience to make independent judgments. Tom Intili fits that definition. The son of a music professor in a small college town in western Pennsylvania, Tom at an early age heard the siren song of the Perry Mason television series and fell in love with the idea of becoming a lawyer. I once heard a trial lawyer who followed the same path explain that he wanted to be Perry Mason because he liked having a job where he won a case every week. As he grew older, he thought about the prosecutor in that television series who lost a case every week and still had a job. That sounded like a good prospect as well. Then he saw a movie called “To Kill a Mockingbird” and found that you could lose a case and still be worshiped as a courageous hero. What better job could there be! Tom’s fascination with the law had less to do with job security (as we shall see) than with the professional satisfaction of helping people from all levels of society, of observing their idiosyncrasies and experiences, and of exercising the intellect and combative qualities he inherited from his east Sicilian forbearers. He has harvested those satisfactions in a winding trail of trials and associations that ultimately led him in October of 2013 to the free-standing building at the north end of the Oakwood business section on Far Hills Avenue which bears the name “Intili & Groves, LPA.” The trail began with his graduation in 1986 from Case Western Reserve Law School where he was interviewed by a former graduate of that school, Bill Compton, and hired by a Dayton law firm called Smith & Schnacke. He was assigned to work on the business team headed by Mike Herr, an employment that could have generated a lifetime of transactional issues. That future was sidetracked by a prospect of becoming the law clerk of a lawyer from his hometown who was going through the nomination process to become a federal district judge in Pennsylvania. Smith & Schnacke gave him its blessing to take that two-year position with the understanding that he could return to the firm when his term as law clerk expired. A deadlock between Pennsylvania senators froze the nomination process of the potential judge, and President Reagan ultimately decided that the nominee was too old anyway. There went the judgeship and the clerkship that was to accompany it. The brief excursion from life at Smith & Schnacke moved Tom’s role from becoming a business lawyer to becoming a trial lawyer. He was assigned to Bill Gilliam’s team. Bill enjoyed the adulation of his team members, a group which included Margo Evans, Ann Wightman, Steve Butler, Paul Hallinan and Dana Cole. While Tom is not much of a hero-worshiper, he had landed in what appeared to be the perfect spot in which to start a career as a trial lawyer. Unfortunately, Bill was engaged at the time in the defense of Burt Bongard in the criminal court aftermath of the Home State Savings & Loan disaster. As last in line on the team, Tom was not involved with that 4
Dayton Bar Briefs September 2016
demanding case. Bill went on a safari after the Bongard trial ended in multiple count convictions, and Tom found himself working under other lawyers in the litigation side of the firm until a fateful day in 1988 when Jim Gilvary told him that he had been appointed to work at the new Smith & Schnacke office that was opening in Orlando, Florida. By nature a good soldier who can accept orders without flinching, Tom went home, packed up all his belongings, and said goodbye to his friends. He arrived in Orlando to discover that he had a beautiful office encased in gold and marble with a private secretary to call his own and a view somewhat more spectacular than the view from any window in Dayton. He immediately called the contact at the firm’s major client who told him that he was happy with the representation he had been enjoying for years with another Florida law firm. Not a good sign. Then he noticed that this beautiful office was on the thirteenth floor of an office building. Not a good sign. In October of 1989, less than a year later, he was informed that the Orlando office was shutting down, and that Smith & Schnacke was going out of business. Tom’s trail in the practice of law thereupon led him to a thirtylawyer firm in Cleveland. Like his association with Smith & Schnacke, that association proved a mixed blessing. Both associations, however, strengthened his dedication and independence as a lawyer, confirmed the persistence of his youthful infatuation with Perry Mason, and attested to the fact that he is a trial lawyer from his brain to his bones. On his first day with the Cleveland firm he was given a file on a case in Montgomery County against a Smith & Schnacke client for whom he had worked. Pointing out the conflict thus presented for his participation in the case simply created an unhappy relationship with the partner to whom he had been assigned. After several years with that firm the same partner handed him a file which the partner had previously been handling. The very next day Tom received a court order dismissing that case for his partner’s failure to prosecute it. It was time to move on, and Tom opened his own office in Cleveland. Sweet are the uses of adversity. Shortly after moving into a solo practice, Tom embarked on making his own reputation as an effective plaintiff ’s lawyer in civil cases and as a defendant’s lawyer in criminal cases. He was referred by Baker & Hostetler to a plaintiff in a legal malpractice case against the respected law firm of Ulmer & Berne. He called his old mentor, Bill Gilliam, and asked him to serve in the role as his expert. Bill was winding down his practice, but referred Tom to Roger Makley. Thus, a longstanding friendship and professional relationship was formed. The trial of that case consumed two weeks in the federal district court in Cleveland and resulted in a $300,000.00 verdict in favor of Tom’s client. It also opened the prospect of returning to Dayton with the trial skills Tom had been honing in the adversarial climate that permeates the south shore of Lake Erie. In 1993 Tom got a call from Bob Signom who, after the Smith & Schnacke implosion, had moved to the firm that had been put together years before by Charlie Young, Dick Pryor and George Strickland. Pete Jerardi, who shared Signom’s free spirits and love of classy cars, was a member of that firm. With the addition of Tom, continued on page 7
Merle F. Wilberding Honored for Lifetime Achievement by Saint Mary’s College of Minnesota Merle F. Wilberding is credited for bettering not only his community, but also the nation.
Wilberding has worked on several historically significant and nationally prominent cases. During the Vietnam War, Wilberding served as a U.S. Army JAG Captain and represented the Army in 800 appeals and argued 100 cases, including two of the biggest cases at that time—the Presidio Mutiny case and the Lt. William L. Calley also known as the “My Lai Massacre” case, which became known as the most notorious court-martial arising out of the Vietnam War. In 2008, on a substantially pro bono basis, he represented the family of Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach, who was savagely murdered and buried in the backyard of Cpl. Cesar Laurean in North Carolina. As part of the case, he was interviewed on CNN’s morning news, The Today Show, and other national news shows and testified in hearings before the U.S. Congress. Subsequently, he became a national spokesperson for the victims of sexual assault in the military. Throughout his career, he has repeatedly received the highest ratings from his peers and is continuously named an “Ohio Super Lawyer” and included in the “Best Lawyers in America,” among many others. In 2012 the Ohio State Bar Foundation gave him the Ramey Award for Distinguished Community Service. Wilberding was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus Award during Saint Mary’s University’s Alumni Reunion Weekend June 24-26.
First Monday in October Event Monday, October 3 | UD Law School | 11:15am
To celebrate the annual opening of the United States Supreme Court, the Dayton Bar Association, in partnership with the University of Dayton School of Law, will host its 4th Annual Celebration. This year’s event will feature Guest Speaker, Charles J. Faruki of Faruki, Ireland & Cox, who will speak on the topic ”Justice Kennedy’s Affirmative Action to Save Affirmation Action: The Latest Use of Race as a Factor in University Admissions.” Monday, October 3, 2016 UD Law School: Mathias Heck Court Room Lunch 11:15am | Program 12:00pm Adjourn 12:50pm There is NO CHARGE, we ask that you please RSVP in advance. Contact Lori: The First Monday in October Event is generously sponsored by the Jack and Sally Eichelberger Foundation.
September 2016 Dayton Bar Briefs
on sale soon!
Dayton Bar Briefs September 2016
continued from page 4
the firm consisted of six lawyers with offices in the old post office building which once housed the federal district court and today houses the federal bankruptcy court. No more big firms for Tom. This one seemed the right size, and Bob and Pete were lively and compatible associates. Tom has made Dayton his legal and professional home ever since. That’s not to say, however, that he has confined the exercises of his trial skills to Montgomery County and environs. His favorite courtroom experience took place in Akron. Well before the famous O. J. Simpson trial had introduced the subject of gloves into the courtrooms of America. Instead of “if it don’t fit, you must acquit,” the mantra of Tom’s case was “if it ain’t a stolen glove, look out for lightning from above.” His client was a lovely lady from one of the upper rungs of the social ladder who owned and loved a substantial number of high-priced gloves, a pair of which happened to be in her handbag when she went shopping with a friend at the T.J. Maxx Store in Akron. As she started to leave the store, she was detained by a security guard who took her to a Loss Prevention Room and subjected her to an hour and twenty-five minutes that ranks somewhere between a police detective’s questioning of a Chicago gangster in the early 1930s and the waterboarding of a Muslim in recent Near Eastern history. A prosecution for shoplifting followed. Tom came to the rescue and successfully defended the criminal case. He then filed a civil suit for false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, abuse of process, defamation and related wrongdoing. He did his homework, and with a maiden in distress at counsel table, he displayed at trial his full portfolio of forensic skills. T.J. Maxx was forced to eat the unfortunate language of its store security manual, and by the end of the trial it was undoubtedly wishing that the day of the incident had been the day T.J. Maxx had decided to give away its entire stock of ladies gloves. The result was a compensatory damage award of $100,000.00 and a punitive damage award of $2 million plus attorney fees. Tom was suddenly a celebrity surrounded by reporters from all of the major newspapers and television stations in northern Ohio. His client was in a position to acquire a glove collection that would have rivaled Mrs. Marcos’ collection of shoes. The award proved a little too high for the taste buds of the Court of Appeals, but one of the beauties of the practice of law is that it teaches humility at the same time that it teaches pride. Tom has had more than his share of courtroom triumphs as well as – like all of us who ply the trial lawyer’s trade – some of those moments that slip gracefully out of memory. Each moment is nonetheless instructive, and each provides a front row seat at the Human Comedy. It all falls under the heading of “Basic Fun” which happens to have been the actual name of a party in a significant trademark case that Tom tried in the Federal Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. On the other side were lawyers from big Philadelphia and San Diego law firms. The awe the names of those firms imparted dissipated in the courtroom, and Tom discovered that it is just as easy and potentially dangerous to overestimate the powers of an adversary as it is to underestimate such powers. He ran the boards with a positive result by sticking to his guns and not being thrown off balance by his opponent. It was General Grant who, when all his subordinates were worried about what tricks General Lee had up his sleeve, told them to quit worrying about the opponent’s game plan and start worrying about executing their own game plan.
Since his return to Dayton in 1993 Tom has enjoyed associations with a variety of lawyers as well as with an unceasing variety of cases, clients and opponents. In 1997 when Pete Jerardi’s firm moved from the old federal post office building, Tom left the firm and became associated with Jim Jones and Jim’s son, Bob. In 1999 he moved again, this time joining Bill Graham whose practice consisted of patent and trademark issues and led to that “Basic Fun” case in which Tom learned that every good patent lawyer needs a good trial lawyer at his side. As the decade of the nineties became the next decade, Tom was contacted by his friend Roger Makley with a prospect of becoming Roger’s successor as the head of the trial practice department at the Coolidge firm since Roger was approaching the age of retirement. Tom Hanna had already moved to a judgeship in Kettering, and the opportunity seemed right until the concept ran aground on economic issues. From 2002 to 2007 Tom practiced at Lee Falke’s firm. Lee was an old friend, and Tom values the pleasant association he enjoyed with Lee and with Pat Dunphy. Another old friend from Smith & Schnacke days, Steve Dankof, won Tom over in 2007 to join Steve, Chuck Lowe, Ralph Skilken and Tom Skilken in an association of well-established independent practitioners that lasted until Steve was appointed to a Common Pleas judgeship in 2011. Tom brought with him to that practice Danielle Groves who had been his right-hand associate at the Falke office. Tom and Danielle have remained a team. They practiced for a while at the Kettering Tower, then shared space with Sam Caras and others at the National City Building. In October 2013, they moved into their present free-standing building in Oakwood. It has proved to be the home Tom had been unconsciously seeking in the wide range of associations with lawyers, law firms, locations, cases and clients over a span of thirty years. A seasoned lawyer, fiercely independent and devoted to his clients, he has learned a lot in that odyssey. It has all continually enhanced and refreshed his love of the law and the satisfaction and pride he takes in being a member of the legal profession. EDITORS NOTE: The DBA would like to thank Mr. Greer for providing us with this Barrister of the Montb article as well as the Celebration of Life Memorial Luncheon article that was published in last months (Summer) issue of Dayton Bar Briefs. His name was inadvertently omitted from the article. We appreciate all you do. Thanks Dave!
By David C. Greer Esq. DBA Editorial Board Bieser Greer & Landis, LLP
September 2016 Dayton Bar Briefs
Dayton Bar Briefs September 2016
R.L. EMMONS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 842–A E. Franklin Street Dayton, Ohio 45459
Professional Investigative and Legal Support Services Firm Polygraph Asset Searches Criminal Defense Process Service Witness Locates / Interviews Surveillance Civil Case Prep General Investigation DAYTON: 937 / 438–0500 Fax: 937 / 438–0577
September 2016 Dayton Bar Briefs
The DBA would like to once again Thank the Sponsors of the 2016 Annual Meeting.
Platinum Estabrook Charitable Trust Administered by: Porter Wright Morris & Arthur Faruki Ireland & Cox P.L.L. Gold Premier Health Thompson Hine Silver Dinsmore & Shohl LLP LexisNexis Bronze Ohio Bar Liability Insurance Company (OBLIC) Roger McNay Insurance Agency Subashi & Wildermuth Patron Ferneding Insurance John M. Ruffolo Mood Media Murr Compton Claypoole & Macbeth Young & Alexander Co., LPA
2016-17 Chancery Club Luncheon Dates The Old Courthouse September 9, 2016 October 14, 2016 Thursday - November 3, 2016 February 10, 2017 March 17, 2017 Thursday - April 20, 2017 May 12, 2017 *Seating is limited! Contact Chris to RSVP: 10
Dayton Bar Briefs September 2016
Dayton Bar Association The Association for Legal Professionals Since 1883
invites you to join us...
Honoree Luncheon Wednesday, October 19, 2016 Sinclair Community College, Building 12 Doors open at 11:30am $30 Per Person | $240 Table of 8
Irvin G. Bieser Jr.
Leo F. Krebs
Richard J. Chernesky
Charles W. Slicer Sr.
register online or by phone: 937.222.7902
James B. Hochman
Paul J. Winterhalter
Richard M. Hunt
1966 September 2016 Dayton Bar Briefs
A Milestone in the DBA’s 133 Year History!
A Past President’s Letter to the DBA Membership
By Pat W. Allen Esq. DBA President: 1992-1993 Casper & Casper LLC
From the date of the DBA’s first President, R.R. Nevin, in 1901, the Association was led for 92 years exclusively by male Presidents. Then, the members elected their first female President, Beth W. Schaeffer, to serve for the 1993-1994 year. This milestone in DBA history has had a dynamic, lasting and positive impact on the Association. In the 23 years since Beth took office, there have been 8 women to lead the Association, help it grow and shape its future.
Beth Schaeffer Esq. 12
Dayton Bar Briefs September 2016
September 2016 Dayton Bar Briefs
13 The Rules of Evidence Part I (video replay) Thursday, September 8, 2016 1:00-4:15pm • 3.0 CLE Hours • Seminar #020 M $105 | NM $150 | PP $0 Presenter: Hon. Mary K. Huffman, Mont. Cty Common Pleas Ct Program Agenda: This session will focus on the scope of the rules of evidence, the rule of completeness, judicial notice, privileges, relevance, character evidence, evidence relating to habit and routine, the admissibility of prior convictions and the admissibility of original and duplicate documents.
Diversity Issues Committee Presents:
CQEs and Expungement Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Noon-1:00pm • 1.0 CLE Hour (optional) • Seminar #021 CommitteeM $25 | M $35 | NM $45 | PP $0 Presenter: Sasha Appatova, Ohio Justice and Policy Ctr
Writing for Advocates (video replay) Tuesday, September 27, 2016 1:00-4:15pm • 3.0 CLE Hours • Seminar #026 M $105 | NM $150 | PP $0 Presenter: Hon. Michael Merz, United States District Court The Rules of Evidence Part II
All You Ever Wanted to Know About Hearsay!
Program Agenda: OJPC’s mission is to create fair, intelligent, redemptive criminal-justice systems through zealous client-centered advocacy, innovative policy reform, and cross-sector community education. Sasha will address expungement, CQE’s, and other related subject matter. This CLE was created in response to questions posed by the bench and bar at this year’s Diversity Day.
NLT Core Components: Professionalism, Law Practice Management, and Client Fund Management (video replay) Wednesday, September 14, 2016 1:00-4:15pm • Seminar #022 3.0 General Hours ; 3.0 NLT Hours incl. three mandatory hours on Professional Conduct, Law Office Management, and Client Fund Management M $105 | NM $150 | PP $0 Presenters: John M. Ruffolo Esq.; Jonathan H. Hollingsworth Esq. and James H. Greer Esq. This program is tailored to satisfy the new subject matter requirements for newly admitted attorneys; however, all can benefit from the materials covered.
U.S. and International Trademark Practice Seminar Friday, September 23, 2016 8:30-11:45am • 3.0 CLE Hours • Seminar #044 M $105 | NM $150 | PP $0 Presenter: Roger Bora Esq., Partner, Thompson Hine LLP This comprehensive trademark seminar will cover the following topics: • Trademark Selection and Protection Considerations: Client Conversations |Marketer’s Perspective • Navigating the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ‘Trademark Electronic Search System’ (TESS) Database • U.S. & International Trademark Protection: What Clients Need to Know for U.S. & Global Brand Expansion Target audience includes attorneys (in-house and private practice) interested in gaining more knowledge regarding trademark law. Also, individuals in marketing and senior leadership roles in companies with significant intellectual property assets will find this beneficial. 14
Dayton Bar Briefs September 2016
All You Ever Wanted to Know About Hearsay Thursday, September 29, 2016 9:00-11:45am • 2.5 CLE Hours • Seminar #043 M $105 | NM $150 | PP $0 Hon. Mary Katherine Huffman, Montgomery County Common Pleas Court Program Agenda: Join the DBA for a new seminar series for new attorneys who want an in-depth primer on the Rules of Evidence and experienced attorneys looking for a refresher on evidence. This will be part two of a series reviewing and analyzing each Rule of Evidence in detail.
Cement Marketing: Client Development in the Digital Age Thursday, October 13, 2016 9:00-12:15pm • 3.0 CLE Hours • Seminar #028 M $105 | NM $150 | PP $0 Presenter: Alaina Shearer, President, Cement Marketing Program Agenda: 9:00–10:30: Legal Marketing: How to Win on Any Budget • Overview of the State of Marketing Today • Winning Marketing Strategies • Building your Marketing Plan in Today’s Multi-Channel World • Marketing on a Budget 10:30–10:45: Break 10:45–12:15: Search Marketing for Lawyers: How to Rank in Google and Win More Clients • Necessary Steps to Rank your Website in Search Engines • Content Strategy Formation Guide • Tips and Tricks to Turn Professional Accolades into Positive Search Rankings
Special CLE!
U.S. and International Trademark Practice Seminar Friday, September 23, 2016
8:30-11:45am 3.0 CLE Hours Seminar #044 M $105 | NM $150 | PP $0 Presenter: Roger Bora Esq. Partner Thompson Hine LLP Roger’s practice includes all aspects of international trademark and copyright laws, including global portfolio management, registration procurement, enforcement actions, trade dress, brand creation, domain names, Internet, licensing and intellectual property transactions. Before entering private practice, Roger was a trademark attorney with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) where he ranked as one of the top performing trademark attorneys, and received special assignments with the Office of the Commissioner for Trademarks and Post Registration Division.
Target audience includes attorneys (in-house and private practice) interested in gaining more knowledge regarding trademark law. Also, individuals in marketing and senior leadership roles in companies with significant intellectual property assets will find this beneficial. This comprehensive trademark seminar will cover the following topics: • Trademark Selection and Protection Considerations: Client Conversations |Marketer’s Perspective • Navigating the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ‘Trademark Electronic Search System’ (TESS) Database • U.S. & International Trademark Protection: What Clients Need to Know for U.S. & Global Brand Expansion
THE GTMO MISSION Friday, October 21, 2016 9:00-12:15pm 3.0 CLE Hours Seminar #042 M $105 NM $150 PP $0
Part II of Last year’s Intriguing and Informative Program!
The Story Behind the Headlines – Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Hear from a distinguished panel, who were there, serving in a legal capacity. Learn more about the background and current happenings in the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba situation as well as insights into military law. Featuring a Most Distinguished Group of Panel Members • Indiana Supreme Court – Justice Steven David Served in the United States Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps, incl. two post 9-11 mobilizations – one in Iraq and one as the Chief Defense Counsel, GTMO. Served as Trial Counsel, Defense Counsel, Military Judge, Staff Judge Advocate, Retired Colonel. • Immediate Past DBA President – Kermit Lowery Esq. Vice President and Assistant General Counsel –Lexis Nexis Served in the United States Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps incl. a mobilization as Habeas Corpus Counsel with the Joint Task Force, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Retired Colonel, United States Army. • Ohio Atty General’s Ofc, Principal Assistant Attorney General – Dale Vitale Served in the United States Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps incl. a mobilization as Habeas Corpus Counsel with the Joint Task Force, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Program Agenda: 9:00 GTMO Establishment and History - The Early Years - Location and Concept - Initial Mission/First Detainees - Evolving Mission 10:00 GTMO Legal Processes - Detainee processing (incl. CSRTs and ARBs) - Habeas Corpus rights (incl. the logistics of representation) - Collateral Legal issues (Uighur declaratory judgment actions, other criminal prosecutions in the US) - Commissions Investigations and Prosecutions 11:00-11:15 Break 11:15 Other Unique Legal Issues - Detainee abuse allegations - Detainee interrogations - FOIA Requests/International Non-Governmental Organizations - Security violations - Detainee suicide and forced feeding - Repatriation - Closing GTMO
September 2016 Dayton Bar Briefs
525 Unlimited Passport $ 295 12-Hour
CLE Passports
Call 937.222.7902 to order your CLE Passport today or visit us online!
Ask about additional discounts for 100% Club Members For terms and conditions, please visit our website at
Dayton Bar Briefs September 2016
Coming soon to a mailbox near you... 2016 fall/winter CLE Planning Guide CLE Save The Date! Juvenile Defense Certification Fri. November 4, 2016 @ DBA
Ass ton Bar
Annual Bench Bar Conference Fri. November 18, 2016 @ Sinclair
Bar ass aL Dayton g Leg in
continu n eDucatio
Criminal Law Certification Thurs. December 1, 2016 @ DBA
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Probate Law Institute Fri. March 10, 2017
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Educati ing Legal
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Professional Conduct Fri. December 2, 2016
/winter l l a f 6 1 0 2 Guide g n i n n a Pl
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Annual Diversity Day Luncheon Fri. April 7, 2017 Annual Domestic Relations Seminar Fri. April 21, 2017
DBA CLE Registration Form Member
Passport Holder
CLE Seminar #(s) __________________________________
Name(s) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Firm/Company ______________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ City, State + Zip______________________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________E-mail ___________________________________________________ Enclosed is my check in the amount of $______________ (made payable to the Dayton Bar Association) Please charge my credit card the amount of $__________
Am. Express
Card Number ____________________________________ Expiration Date______/______CVV Number_______ Cardholder Signature__________________________________________________________________________
September 2016 Dayton Bar Briefs
Returning the HONOR:
Pro Bono for Veterans and Active Military Personnel A
s summer draws to a close, our thoughts turn to the comforting traditions of the fall – football games, falling leaves, and celebrating our commitment to pro bono. This year, Celebrate Pro Bono Week begins on October 23rd, with a focus on delivering and enhancing pro bono services for veterans. “Legal barriers often keep veterans from receiving their rightful benefits and services, and many have unique legal needs in areas including family law, consumer law, housing, employment, criminal law, guardianships and conservatorships, administrative challenges resulting from service, and other matters,” according to the American Bar Association. As America’s former soldiers and sailors encounter those legal barriers, often compounded by an inability to afford legal representation, the Dayton area’s lawyers can honor the valor of our veterans through pro bono assistance. It is hard to imagine a contribution of legal service to our community that could be more rewarding and patriotic. Moreover, multiple channels exist for lawyers to lend assistance to veterans, which include serving as mentors to veterans engaged with our county’s Veteran’s Treatment Court, volunteering for pro bono cases involving veterans, and mentoring lawyers willing to provide pro bono representation to veterans. As to the rewards associated with helping veterans, Judge Dennis Adkins speaks with passion and authority. Judge Adkins has led the General Division’s Veteran’s Treatment Court since its inception. From his experience with veterans facing criminal charges, he knows that pro bono assistance for veterans on housing, benefits, domestic relations and other linked issues is sorely needed. As stated by Judge Adkins, “If anyone deserves a second chance in our criminal justice system, it is our service men and women who were willing to lay down their lives for their fellow Americans.” While Veterans Treatment Court addresses those entangled in the criminal justice system, it also seeks to address the myriad of other complications that can arise. “In Veteran’s Treatment Court, we are dealing with the “whole” person. We are treating
By Hon. Mary L. Wiseman Montgomery Cty Common Pleas Court substance abuse, PTSD, traumatic brain injury, physical disability, aggression, homelessness, and unemployment,” explained Judge Adkins. He added, “We rely upon volunteer mentors in our program to act as friends to the veteran in the court. They talk with them on a regular basis and appear with them in court. More volunteer mentors are needed.” To pursue this opportunity to mentor veterans facing legal challenges, if you too have served in the military, then simply contact the Court. In addition to having championed the formation of Veterans Treatment Courts in Ohio, former Ohio Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton recently collaborated with the Ohio State Bar Association to create Operation Legal Help Ohio. This agency provides volunteer legal assistance to both active service members and veterans whose income does not exceed 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. To qualify as a veteran or an immediate family member of a veteran, the veteran must have served on active duty for ninety or more continuous days. The agency screens veterans for eligibility and then pairs the client with a volunteer lawyer in his or her area. “It borders on tragic that a man or woman can put on the uniform of our country and offer to sacrifice as much as his/her life for our culture and our system of justice, but then can’t access that very system of justice for lack of money to hire an attorney.” observed Mike Renner, Executive Director of Operation Legal Help Ohio. “Offering to give some pro bono service to them is a very small payback for what they have offered to us.” Lawyers desiring to help can visit or for more information and to register as a volunteer. Additionally, attorneys can volunteer to mentor those attorneys willing to take the pro bono matters involving veterans. “I took on a case through Operation Legal Help Ohio for a veteran being evicted because of a misunderstanding of utility payment re-
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Dayton Bar Briefs September 2016
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sponsibility,” remembers Columbus lawyer Mark Glumac. “A situation where eviction was eminent in 3 days evolved into multiple months of negotiation and ultimately to a resolution allowing the veteran to stay for the remainder of the lease. It wasn’t landmark, law setting litigation, but it was life changing for the vet. And it was enormously fulfilling to me to be able to give back to one of our heroes who had previously stood tall to defend me and my country.” Again, just visit or to get involved. Finally, when veterans meet certain income restrictions, they then may quality for pro bono legal help through the Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyers Project. Whether for veterans or other low income citizens facing civil legal issues, GDVLP pairs clients with local attorneys so that our civil justice system works fairly for everyone. For this avenue to help others, contact According to GDVLP Executive Director Kelly Henrici, “the GDVLP and Operation Legal Help Ohio work together to make sure the best resource is engaged in any particular situation. For certain services, like divorce, child custody and visitation, or debt collection defense, the GDVLP has strong service offerings to pair pro bono assistance with those in need. For other services, and for veterans who do not qualify financially, we facilitate a smooth transition to OLHO”. The GDVLP recently met with a local non-profit, started by a retired Navy pilot, focused on assisting veterans. The fledgling organization needed assistance to ensure it was organized appropriately as a 501(c)(3) so it could engage in fundraising to support its mission. By engaging a pro bono attorney who had also proudly served, the GDVLP made it
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possible for many veterans to receive needed services. As we move towards a national election day, and the divisions or disagreements in our society get exposed and debated, we must embrace our common ground of lending a helping hand to those in need and honoring those that have given the greatest service to our nation. Every lawyer can do his or her part by seeking the opportunity to help a veteran with pro bono assistance or serving as a mentor. With these many opportunities to help repay our veterans for their courageous and selfless service, the bench and bar of the Dayton region can proudly proclaim alongside our military veterans: “This We’ll Defend,” “Always Courageous,” “Semper Fidelis,” and “Aim High.”
September 2016 Dayton Bar Briefs
2016 Access to Justice Awards Gala & Justice on Tap Recipients of the 2016 Access to Justice Awards have been selected for recognition at the gala this Fall. Justice on Tap! Is scheduled for September 12th from 5:00-8:00pm at Warped Wing Brewery in downtown Dayton. Both events will benefit the Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyers Project, Legal Aid of Western Ohio and Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, organizations that provide free legal assistance to low-income area residents in civil cases. Guests at Justice on Tap! will socialize and enjoy craft beers at the brewing company located at 26 Wyandot St. The general admission is $50 and includes two tickets for two flights or pints of beer, a raffle ticket for a basket of craft brews and complimentary hors d’oeuvres provided by Lucky’s Taproom and Eatery. New attorneys with up to two years of experience and students may attend for $15. Additional raffle tickets will be available for $5 per ticket or five for $20. Registrations are accepted with a credit card at campaign4equaljustice. org/justice-on-tap. The deadline for reservations is September 7th. The Access to Justice Awards Gala will be held on November 3rd from 5:30-8:00pm at Sinclair Community College, Ponitz Center. There were 27 entries from the public for three awards that will be presented that evening to recognize individuals for providing extraordinary assistance to low-income and disadvantaged individuals and families. An independent Selection Committee chose the recipients. In addition, the GDVLP, ABLE and LAWO will recognize a Distinguished Service Award recipient. The following individuals are 2016 honorees.
Merle Wilberding, an attorney at Coolidge Wall law firm, will receive the Lloyd O’Hara Public Interest Law Award for his extraordinary efforts to combat the underlying causes of many injustices in our community by educating at-risk youths on “how our laws and justice system work to create a peaceful and fair society” and making them aware of their rights in order to combat bullying in our schools and society. Convinced that education “has the greatest impact on a person’s life,” Merle, an accomplished attorney from austere beginnings, has developed activity books designed to uplift at-risk students. Free copies have been distributed to more than 40,000 students locally throughout the state.
Zakiya Sankara-Jabar will receive the Community Advocacy Award. She is a parent and Co-founder and Director of Racial Justice NOW! that was started to address race equity in schools after her 3-year-old was “pushed out” of school. She has prompted policy changes at local, state and national levels addressing suspensions and exclusionary discipline rates that are disproportionate among minorities and low-income students.
Dean Lovelace will receive the Community Impact Award. He recently retired after 22 years as the longest serving Dayton City Commissioner. Dean grew up in a family that lived in DeSoto Bass. He became a staunch advocate for the needy and most vulnerable residents of our community, challenging banks against predatory lending, advocating for “living wages” and pressing for reinvestment in economically distressed communities. He continued that advocacy even as his health declined causing him to retire.
Judge Mary Wiseman of the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court will receive the Distinguished Service Award. Judge Wiseman has been an ardent supporter and advocate of legal aid programs and pro bono legal assistance serving as past president of the GDVLP and previous member of the ABLE and LAWO boards and Dayton Legal Aid Society that predated them. A past attorney with Coolidge Wall Co., L.P.A. and former Dayton City Commissioner, her commitment to serving under-privileged area residents has been evident on the bench and in her community service.
Make a Difference!
Sponsorships are available for both Justice on Tap! and the Gala. Law firms that serve as Ambassador Firms for the Campaign for Equal Justice may qualify for sponsorship level benefits. Registrations also are accepted online at Tickets for the gala are $100 each. For additional information, contact Karla Garrett Harshaw at 535-4432 or
Dayton Bar Briefs September 2016
mark your calendar Chancery Club Luncheon The Old Courthouse Fri. September 9, 2016 11:30am Doors open First Monday in October Celebration Mathias Heck CrtRm Keller Hall Mon. October 3, 2016 11:15am Lunch 50 Year Honoree Luncheon Sinclair College, Bldg 12 Wed. October 19, 2016 Juvenile Defense Certification DBA Office Fri. November 4, 2016 Annual Bench Bar Conference Sinclair College, Bldg 12 Fri. November 18, 2016 Criminal Law Certification DBA Office Thurs. December 1, 2016 Annual Holiday Luncheon Sinclair College, Bldg 12 Thurs. December 8, 2016 New Admitee Reception January 2017 Probate Law Institute Fri. March 10, 2017 Annual Diversity Day Luncheon Fri. April 7, 2017
September 2016 Dayton Bar Briefs
member info updates
You’ve joined the DBA... Join a Committee!
ATTORNEYS BAZELAK, Leonard J. City of Dayton Admitted to Ohio Bar: 11/94 BROWN, Nicole L. WilmerHale Admitted to KY Bar: 10/13 DUROCHER, Daniel J. Montgomery Cty Publc Defenders Office Admitted to FL Bar: 4/14 NICOLOSI, Sarvani P. Legal Aid od Western Ohio Admitted to Ohio Bar: 11/09 PHILLIPS, Samantha R. Samantha R. Phillips Co., LPA Admitted to Ohio Bar: 5/16 RHINEHART, Michael N. United States District Court Admitted to Ohio Bar: 11/03, KY 05/02/05 SCHMITT, Jeffrey M. University of Dayton School of Law Admitted to Ohio Bar: 11/07 SLONE, Lee A. Admitted to Ohio Bar: 11/02 SUELLENTROP, Matthew M. Bieser Greer & Landis, LLP Admitted to Ohio Bar: 11/12 TOMLINSON, Jon S. Admitted to Ohio Bar: 11/99 VANIOUKOV, Alexqander V. United States Air Force Admitted to Ohio Bar: 5/14
The DBA offers a comprehensive array of over 25 committees divided into Substantive, Administrative and Service categories. Committees provide members the opportunity to serve the legal profession and the community, hone their skills in certain practice areas and enjoy social activities.
Grow personally and professionally through committee participation! Log on to our website to view “Interest Groups”
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WRIGHT, Brian D. Henny Penny Corp Admitted to Ohio Bar: 11/02, KY 2015 YOST, Joshowa L. Law Office of Joshowa L. Yost. Admitted to Ohio Bar: 11/15
PARALEGALS COUCHOT, Angela M. Nowicki & Vonderwell, LLC WHITNEY, Russell E. Speedway LLC 22
Dayton Bar Briefs September 2016
ar assoc ia n tio
B on
DBA ANNUAL PARTNERS Providing annual financial support and partnership in our mission to further the administration of justice, enhance the public’s respect for the law, and promote excellence & collegiality in the legal profession
PLATINUM PARTNERS Eichelberger Foundation Estabrook Charitable Trust Faruki Ireland & Cox P.L.L. Jack W. and Sally D. Eichelberger Foundation
Eichelberger, longtime Oakwood residents to enhance the legal profession, the arts and the Greater Dayton community through the awarding of grants. Jack Eichelberger was a well-known Dayton attorney and real estate investor. Trustees: Dave Greer, Gary Froelich and Neal Zimmers.
Sponsor of: • Chancery Club Luncheons • New Admittee/Member Reception • First Monday in October Celebration • DBA and UD Law Student Events
• Women in Law Forum
Estabrook Charitable Trust
Administered by Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP | Bruce Snyder - Trustee
Annual Grants to the DBA (This support makes these events affordable for all members): • Bench Bar Conference • Diversity Day • Annual Meeting
Faruki Ireland & Cox P.L.L. With offices in Cincinnati & Dayton
Faruki Ireland & Cox P.L.L. is a premier business litigation firm with offices in Dayton and Cincinnati. The firm’s national practice handles complex commercial disputes of all types, including class actions; antitrust; securities; unfair competition (trade secrets and covenants not to compete); employment; advertising, media and communications; attorney malpractice; data privacy and security; intellectual property and product liability. While its trial practice is national, the firm has always been, and continues to be, committed to the local legal community.
GOLD PARTNER Thompson Hine LLP Thompson Hine LLP
Established in 1911, Thompson Hine is a business law firm dedicated to providing superior client service. The firm has been recognized for ten consecutive years as a top law firm in the country for client service excellence in The BTI Client Service A-Team: Survey of Law Firm Client Service Performance. With offices in Atlanta, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, New York and Washington, D.C., Thompson Hine serves a premier business worldwide.
Contact Bill Wheeler at or 937.222.7902 for information about becoming a Annual Partner.
September 2016 Dayton Bar Briefs
law-related organizations Dayton Bar Association Foundation
The DBA Foundation Board of Trustees
The 1,700 members of the Dayton Bar Association for their support of the Foundation Which provides grant funding to worthy law-related organizations and projects in our community. As the philanthropic arm of the local legal community, the Foundation is dedicated to supporting those organizations who directly assist the disadvantaged gain access to our justice system. In so doing, the community is served and the public perception of the legal profession is improved. To obtain more information about the Dayton Bar Association Foundation
Write, Call or Email: William B. Wheeler, Executive Director Dayton Bar Association Foundation 600 Performance Place 109 N. Main Street Dayton, Ohio 45402 Phone: (937) 222-7902 Email:
Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyers Project Countless Men, Women and Children are Denied Justice Every Day Simply Because They are Poor Please tell us what you are willing to accept as pro bono work. Personal Representation of an Indigent Client: Divorce/Family Law Bankruptcy Consumer Issues Contract/Warranty disputes SS, SSI, SSD Tort Defenses Predatory Lending Stalking Protection Orders Civil Protection Orders Wage Claims Employment Disputes Guardianships Probate Homeownership Disputes Landlord/Tenant Disputes Health Care (Insurance Claims, Nursing Home Issues Other Or, you can choose from the options below: Acceptance of 1-2 Clinics (Batched Cases) per year - GDVLP provides paralegal, secretarial and runner services for these cases. Please specify Divorce, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, or Expungement Assistance to 1-2 Non Profit Corporations in the Western Ohio Region Acceptance of 3-5 Guardianships with guardians provided through The Guardianship Program (person only) In addition: I will be available to provide pro bono civil legal assistance to victims if there is a community emergency (tornado, natural disaster)
Please return this form to VLP: By Mail: 610 Performance Place, 109 N. Main St., Dayton OH 45402 By Fax: to (937) 461-4731 By Phone: (937) 461-3857 By E-mail: Name:________________________________________________ Firm:_________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________ Preferred County for Pro Bono Service:_____________________ Phone:_______________________ Fax:____________________ Email:________________________________________________ Attorney Registration #:__________________________________
As of January 1, 2014 every 6 hours of pro bono service through an approved pro bono provider will give you 1 hour of CLE credit to a maximum of 6 hours of CLE credit (36 hours of pro bono). The Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyers Project will send your hours to the Ohio Supreme Court and notify you of the same. 24
Dayton Bar Briefs September 2016
Thurgood Marshall Law Society How to Contact TMLS: President Robert Gresham 937-222-7477 rgresham@
Vice-President Gerald Parker 937-223-8888
Secretary Natasha Newberry 937-225-4253
Treasurer Ciara Parks 937-225-5768
Send any email questions or concerns regarding TMLS to:
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University of Dayton School of Law
September 2016 Dayton Bar Briefs
members on the move Pickrel, Schaeffer & Ebeling, Co., LPA is pleased to announce that JOHN E. CLOUGH has been selected by his peers for inclusion into the 2017 edition of The Best Lawyers in America, in the area of Trusts and Estates. Best Lawyers is based on an exhaustive annual peer-review survey comprising of more than 6.7 million evaluations by top attorneys. John E. Clough, is a shareholder with the firm with the Probate and Estate Planning DepartCLOUGH ment. He is licensed to practice law in the states of Ohio and New York. He has been practicing law for 21 years. John is the firm’s Executive Vice-President – Finance and Corporate Treasurer.
ROSSOW ANDREW L. ROSSOW, ESQ., Associate Attorney at Gregory M. Gantt Co. L.P.A. (specializing in cyberspace law and Internet law involving social media and business consulting) has written an interesting and thought provoking article about Pokémon Go and the legal ramifications it has created upon its developers and players civil and criminal liability, intellectual property rights, augmented reality, and the future of our legal system addressing cases involving AR and Cyber. His article has garnered national attention and his been publicizied via Fox News. Visit the DBA Homepage for a link to his video interview and article.
On July 5, 2016 the United States District Court Southern, Judge David Herndon appointed RICHARD SCHULTE Co-Lead Counsel in the Coordinated Mass Tort Proceedings entitled in RE: Just For Men Mass Tort Litigation. Mr. Schulte will be leading the prosecution on behalf of more than 10,000 people injured while using Just For Men Hair Dye.
RHINEHART ERIN RHINEHART, Faruki Ireland & Cox Partner, has been named to Benchmark Litigation’s “Under 40 Hot List”. The brand new accolade by Benchmark Litigation honors the achievements of the nation’s most accomplished legal partners of the age of forty or younger. The collection of young, up-and-coming attorneys was chosen through a process of peer review and case examination that took place over many months. Rhinehart is one of only five Ohio attorneys who made the cut. Rhinehart’s litigation practice focuses on media and communications law (including advertising law, social media law, and certain intellectual property litigation), class action defense, breach of contract, trade secrets, and environmental law.
The DBA Publications Department would like to correct an error that was published in the Summer issue of Dayton Bar Briefs. The recap of the June 2016 Annual Meeting was written by Nadia A. Klarr. Nadia is law school graduate and law clerk at Bieser, Greer & Landis, she is awaiting Bar results.
Dayton Bar Briefs September 2016
Coolidge Wall Co., LPA, a full service Dayton firm since 1853, seeks applicants with 4-10 years of legal experience for an associate position in our corporate law department. The ideal candidate will demonstrate high academic achievement, excellent writing and speaking skills, and a strong work ethic. The candidate should demonstrate appropriate substantive knowledge of and interest in general corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, and real estate transactions. Please send resume (with GPA and class rank), law school transcript, references and writing sample to: Daniel J. Gentry Esq., Professional Development Committee Coolidge Wall Co., LPA, 33 W. First Street, Suite 200, Dayton, OH 45402-1289 or by email to, with “Associate Application” in the subject line.
Coolidge Wall Co., L.P.A., a full service Dayton firm since 1853, seeks a highly motivated and qualified paralegal to work within our corporate and real estate departments. The ideal candidate will have excellent academic credentials, 4+ years of experience, and be knowledgeable regarding all aspects of corporate and real estate practice, including purchase and sale transactions. Please send resume, school transcript, references and any letters of recommendation to: Michelle D. Bach Esq., Professional Development Chair, Coolidge Wall Co., LPA, 33 W. First Street, Suite 200, Dayton, OH 45402-1289 or by email to
Downtown Dayton office with great view available. Reasonable overhead. If interested contact Daryl R. Douple or Harry G. Beyoglides, Jr. at (937) 2241427.
101 Southmoor Circle, NW (Stroop and Far Hills). Two offices available at $550/month/office. Furnished or unfurnished. Take one or both offices. Rent includes all utilities, remodeled full size kitchen, two completely remodeled baths, secretarial area, reception area, conference room, Dayton Racquet Club athletic membership. Email dave@ for info and pics.
Semi-retired attorney seeks one room office-space to rent North of Downtown. Pa r a l e g a l s e r v i c e s n o t re q u i re d. Please send responses via email to:
MEDIATION/ARBITRATION William H. Wolff, Jr., LLC Retired Trial and Appellate Judge Phone: (937) 293-5295; (937) 572-3185
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Dayton Bar Association 600 Performance Place 109 N. Main St. Dayton, OH 45402–1129 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED