Dazzle Magazine Barbados Issue 11

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Issue 11

Jason Jeffers

Wielding his art

Deborah Spink Fitness by Design

Curtis Padmore

Developing Technology to Change the World


Building a ďŹ tter and better Barbados Try me!


from the publisher


017 is indeed an interesting time for us entrepreneurs as it brings high levels of uncertainty. For me, 2017 ushers in a transitionary period, one marked by the passing of my mother in late November 2016. You never plan for death, and in her passing, I took a break from the magazine to reflect. With a renewed focus, I am looking forward to bring a higher level of content and new platforms to push the magazine. As entrepreneurs, our passion is to create and grow our businesses and hope that they will be successful someday. Surely none of us wants it to wither away be it for a personal misfortune or financial reasons. Businesses, unlike humans, can live on a extended period, take Twinings Tea for example which was founded in 1706! To achieve this, we must understand our own fragilities and put measures in place to ensure their longevity. In this issue, we have four interesting features; Celia Collymore, who dazzles our cover believes in a fitter Barbados, both mentally and physically. Her company Bajan Fusion, a fitness lifestyle and event management company organizes events throughout the year. Curtis Padmore, the brains behind Simplified Apps and West Toonz is on a mission to develop technology that can bring positive changes to its users. Deborah Spink or Debbie most people call her is a Bajan entrepreneur living in London who has started a line of skincare products under the name Kokomelt. Her water-free, paraben-free and soap-free products have already received international awards. Lastly, Jason Jeffers is a man who has also been wielding his art to clear paths for the Caribbean to be understood in complex ways through his film company Third Horizon. His mission is simple, share the sights and sounds of the Caribbean. I do hope you enjoy reading this issue. Thank you for continued support and thanks to my team of writers, photographers, and creatives for being there for me and the magazine.

Ryan Wills Managing Editor

Dazzle Magazine Barbados is a new, fresh Barbadian bi-monthly publication that provides much needed exposure to young professionals, entrepreneurs, and established businesses. It covers an array of topics and categories key to starting and running a business. It also offers practical advice on everyday living, tips for a healthy lifestyle and interviews with popular and up-and-coming personalities. Dazzle Magazine Barbados is designed to appeal to a diverse range of readers but is especially targeted at working professionals and business owners between the ages of 2150 years. We provide our advertising clients with value for money by offering them a powerful medium to market their products, offer deals and build their brand. Best of all, we give them the opportunity to be a part of a nationwide and online market place of actively engaged consumers who are ready to buy, all at an affordable price. To advertise in The Dazzle Barbados Magazine, contact our sales agent via telephone 1(246) 234 8140 or email info@ dazzlebarbados.com for more information and terms and conditions.

table of

contents Features

10. Curtis Padmore - Developing Technology to Change the World 16. Jason Jeffers - Wielding his art 22. Deborah Spink - Fitness by Design 32. Celia Collymore - Building a Fitter and Better Barbados

The 411

28. Things You Will Wish You Had Done Before Leaving Your Job – Part 2 of 2

Mastering Marketing

20. 5 Steps to Rebrand Your Biz

Professional Progress

08. Work Smarter: 10 Tips to Increase Productivity 14. Celebrating Success, Celebrating You 26. How Collaborating Could Increase Your Profitability

Health & Fitness

06. Avocado - The Nutritious Superfood 30. Creating a Balanced Health & Fitness Programme


25. Straight of the Press

Eating In

Publisher 123 Digital Limited Managing Editor Ryan Wills Sales & Marketing Orinje Nation Art Director Aldrin Henry Contributors Melinda Belle Marita Greenidge Danielle Forde Sacha Austin Gregory Skeete Jameela Hollingsworth Ashley Mc Lean Alana Morgan Rankin Morgan Photography Robin Barker Ryan Wills Charles Phillips


Issue 11

Jason Jeffers


Deborah Spink &ITNESS BY $ESIGN

Curtis Padmore




35. Broccoli Cheddar Ouinoa Bites

Gadgets & Gizmos 34. Amazon Echo Dot

Out and About

36. Out and About


38. Blue on Blue

Try me!


On The Cover: Celia Collymore Cover Photo By: Charles Phillips

contact us

For more information visit us at www.dazzlebarbados.com or call us at 1(246) 234 8140

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The Nutritious Superfood


ts scientific name is Persea Americana but it is commonly known as avocado.

This fruit is esteemed for its high nutrient value and is added to all sorts of dishes due to its tasty flavour and rich texture. These days the avocado has become an incredibly popular food among health conscious individuals. It is often referred to as a superfood, which is not surprising given its health properties. There are many kinds of avocados with different shapes (from pearshaped to round) and colours ranging from green to purple.

Has Way More Potassium than Bananas A nutrient that most people aren’t getting enough of is potassium. Avocados are actually very high in potassium. Potassium is important for the proper functioning and respiration of the body’s cells. It also helps to lower blood pressure by balancing out the negative effects of salt. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. In fact, potassium is essential to the smooth running of nearly all bodily functions. Avocados are loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids . Did you know avocado is a high fat food? Don’t worry it’s the good fat. Seventy seven percent of the calories in avocados comprise of fats, making the fruit one of the fattiest 6 DAZZLE


plant foods in existence. But they don’t contain just any fat. The majority of the fat in avocados is oleic acid. This is a monounsaturated fatty acid. It is the major component in olive oil and is believed to be responsible for some of its beneficial effects. Scientific studies have shown that oleic acid helps to reduce inflammation and aids in the prevention and treatment of cancer, particularly breast cancer. The fats in avocado are also pretty resistant to heatinduced oxidation. When fats oxidize, they produce stale or rancid odors. Oxidized oils may be harmful to your health. This is one reason why avocado oil is a healthy and safe choice for cooking.

Avocado Extracts Can Help Relieve Arthritis Symptoms Arthritis is a common problem in Western countries. There are many types of arthritis, and these are often chronic problems that people have for the rest of their lives. Multiple studies have shown that extracts from avocado and soybean oil, called avocado and soybean unsaponifiables (components of an oily, fatty or waxy mixture that fail to form soaps when blended with sodium hydroxide (lye) or potassium hydroxide) can reduce symptoms of arthritis of the bones, known as osteoarthritis. Whether or not this effect is due to the avocado itself or the extracts has yet to be determined.


Curtis Padmore Developing Technology to Change the World

pg. 10



Work Smarter: 10 Tips to Increase Productivity

By Jameela Hollingsworth

1. MAKE A LIST This may sound old fashioned, but creating lists (whether on paper or digitally ) is a great way of getting a realistic picture of what needs to be done for the day. Seeing the tasks outlined will help you to allocate your time accordingly.

targets and may cause undue stress. Encourage your team members and/or manager to advise you in advance of the items they need completed - only take on projects that are absolutely unavoidable.

3. PRIORITIZE Seems pretty obvious but most people fail at efficiently carrying this out. Examine your goals or tasks, determine which ones are the most urgent and plan accordingly. Having a board or your list posted in a visible area will keep you focused from day to day.

4. PLAN AHEAD Trust me! This tip will save you plenty of time especially if you are running late for work. For example, planning your outfits and meals for the week ahead.

2. SAY NO! Sounds pretty harsh, but once you have created your list, avoid being sidetracked by last minute requests. Going off course can stop you from meeting your 8 DAZZLE


5. PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN Don’t have a heart attack‌you read that correctly. I know it seems impossible as some of you are always glued to your phone to the point where it seems to be

a part of your anatomy. I’ve been there. This addiction can cause you to be distracted and can severely limit productivity. You can check Facebook to look at one post and end up scrolling and clicking for hours... (slight confession). You get the point - put the phone down until you are nearing the end of your list.

8. CREATE A STIMULATING MUSIC PLAYLIST This has to be my go to tip for productivity! If you are like me and live by a good playlist, try downloading some of your favorite songs to keep you going throughout the day.

6. SLEEP Get some rest. For those of us who were taught that sleep is just a concept in college, that is a myth! A good night’s rest will leave you feeling invincible in the morning.

7. EXERCISE Look, I hate going to the gym as much as everyone else …but maintaining my health is important because I am less efficient if I am sick. Exercising for at least 30 minutes, four times a week will reduce stress and keep you a healthy endorphin filled powerhouse.

My go-to playlists are from DJ Private Ryan...(Yes GAWD!)

9. EXTEND YOUR DAYS Waking up earlier .Sometimes you feel as though you don’t have enough hours in your day but getting that extra hour in to work on your tasks can make a world of difference.

10. GOOGLE IT Why try to reinvent the wheel? Let me tell you, whatever you are struggling with, there is a solution somewhere out there. Google will help you to find what you need and you can tailor it to your situation... Jameela Hollingsworth is a Human Resources Practitioner, Career Consultant and Millennial HR Blogger. She is the Chief Executive Officer of The HR Boss, an online career resource for Caribbean Millennials. www.thehrboss.com



Curtis Padmore Developing Technology to Change the World By N. L. Bowen


urtis Padmore, the creative brain behind Simplified Apps and West Toonz, is on a mission to develop technology that can bring positive changes to its users and by extension the world. His work attitude is simple…‘just get it done’ and he believes that to achieve economic stability, Barbadians have to work their way out of the current economic situation, especially using technology. It is therefore Curtis’ companies that would assist with his plans to achieve this ambitious goal. Simplified Apps, an app development company boasts the creation of various projects for local and international companies including Sagicor and Blackberry. In May 2016 the company recently engaged in a project to build 50 websites for NGOs. West Toonz an animation company has created animations for entities such as UNICEF and Spider Eye, a UK animation company. However, Curtis’ journey to the top was not instantaneous, and it was working at the Ministry of Education that piqued his interest in technology entrepreneurship. He was also a primary school teacher, worked at offshore companies and owned a defunct business Cell Directories. Nevertheless, his determination has paid off and in addition to establishing two businesses, Curtis has become a respected figure in local and regional tech circles. He was a guest speaker at the Innovate Barbados conference, an information sharing event for business leaders and entrepreneurs.

It is Curtis’ profound belief that the productivity of a country can be increased through a dedicated workforce and technological development. With an overall goal to 10 DAZZLE


change the world through this field of science, his ambition, foresight and strategic businesses indicate that this mission can indeed be accomplished.

When were Simplified Apps and West Toonz established and what type of companies are they?

Who is Curtis Padmore?

West Toonz Inc. an animation studio was incorporated in 2012 and Simplified Apps the app development company was incorporated in 2013. We did animations for McBride’s (Go Insecticide), UNICEF (Break the Cycle campaign) and a trailer (Danger Dog) for Spider Eye a UK company. The first contracted app project was for Sagicor. We built Sagicor’s first app (Sagicor On Scene), after that we were contracted by BlackBerry and built an app for the Blackberry Playbook. We also did the Fully Accessible Barbados app for the Ministry of Tourism and the Barbados Council for the Disabled.

I am a passionate tech entrepreneur who wants to change the world through technology, ideas and work. I usually joke with people saying that I am married to my work and this year would be my 10th year as entrepreneur. I am the CEO of Simplified Apps and a 50% partner in West Toonz.

What motivated you to create these businesses? It started with the Media Resource Department at the Ministry of Education. The educational software wasn’t perfect and some of it used American Standard English! Teachers had to correct the software when they used it. I pitched an idea to the department to allow me to develop one educational software as a trial… and they liked it. I created software for them (through West Learner a newly developed company at the time) for about 2 years. Around 2009, I saw the potential to subdivide my company into two areas. This desire was driven because in 2007 the IPhone came out and there was the development of the app industry in 2008. I also saw some early interest in the animation sector. Additionally, in order to create educational software for children, you must combine software development with motion graphics and animation to make it more ‘kid friendly’. So I was able to take the rudiments of these and split the company to pursue app development and animation. Out of West Learner two companies were born … West Toonz and West Apps. I was looking to develop an app called ‘SIMplify’ and during a meeting with Dereck Foster, he suggested that I call the company Simplified Apps... I also felt that it would connote a better brand identity where the mode of operation is to simplify problems and life, so I went with it…

fun facts

Curtis recently rediscovered his love of chess… occasionally plays electronically via his phone app. Enjoys cooking, believes that he can make a great tasting dish of cou cou. Visited Barcelona to attend World Mobile Congress and made interesting business contacts. He loved being in a non-English speaking country and the fact that the wine was very affordable! Likes Anime shows such as One-Punch Man and lists the Walking Dead as one of his favourite TV shows.

Are there challenges in operating these types of businesses in Barbados? Challenges are obtaining funding for development. There is not much interest in early stage investment… the interest is mainly in the later stages. There were also low revenue periods and dealing with the bureaucracy and ‘red tape’. However there are new opportunities available to assist businesses. These are through legislature such as the Cultural Industries Development Act and Caribbean Export’s (RAIN) Investment Readiness and Co-Investment grants.

What are your future plans for your businesses? 2017 is the year where I look to make a new jump. I am starting a project in January to build 25 apps in collaboration with Barbados Community College, Data Processing Department and other government and private sector partners. Our focus is also on building our own IP (Intellectual Property) because the real revenue is not being a service company, but by being an intellectual property owner.

What advice would you give to those who want to establish a technology based business? 1. Find your passion because starting a business is difficult. If you are not passionate about it you will give up during challenging times. 2. Be willing to be a problem solver and make good financial decisions. Your decision making affects the success of your business. 3. Consider doing deals with other companies. Fundamentally a lot of business development depends on doing deals, because they create value for each side. 4.Invest in augmenting your business knowledge, because this will help you and your company to grow.




Jason Jeffers Wielding his art pg. 16



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Celebrating Success, Celebrating You By Danielle Forde


n the heels of The Golden 50 every proud Barbadian around the world took the time off from work to join with us to celebrate Barbados’ Independence and all of the success this country has achieved in the past 50 years. As all major businesses would have allowed workers to participate in the festivities, so should you entrepreneurs, if not to joined in the celebration itself but to celebrate having your own striving business in such a monumental time for our country. Having your own business can be without a doubt stressful and so time consuming that you may overlook the fact that you have just made your first sale or signed your first client because you become so driven to build your empire you forget to celebrate the small accomplishments which can in fact lead to bigger accomplishments, the same way the past 49 years of Independence have paved the way for Barbados’ biggest milestone yet. Take some time out just to relax and celebrate what you have already



achieved in the time from which you had started your business to the present and appreciate the journey you are on and what more you can accomplish no matter how minor or major you deem them to be.

Here are a few tips on how you can celebrate those minor and major accomplishments:

1. Throw a Party Get together with a few of your friends and family, who better to celebrate with than those who assisted

and pushed you in the start up of your business, and throw yourself a party, have a celebratory toast of champagne and a cake - can’t forget the cake - and cheers to you!

over possible outcomes. Looking back from where you are now to where you started can channel a lot more motivation to go even further with your business to reach more milestones.

2. Reminisce

3. Post-it-up

If you are like me and generally prefer quieter forms of celebration, feel free to celebrate alone over a glass of your favorite wine or champagne and think about how far you and your business have come, all the obstacles and late nights planning and strategizing

Celebrate by posting your accomplishments on social media. On your business page and on your own personal page. Let the world know your business is becoming successful and they would in turn want to participate in future success by using your services. You are therefore building your list of consumers whilst enjoying the fruits of your labour. Take these tips into advisement the next time your business reaches a milestone and continue to be independent and successful. Feel free to also use them as part of your Independence celebration rituals, to show the world how proud you are of your country.As I do our nation’s flag, I salute you! Danielle is a young aspiring writer who hopes to someday have her own blog where she can interact with other literature personnel.



Jason Jeffers Wielding his art

By Leigh-Ann Worrell

The machete.


t has been the tool of uprising, a longstanding weapon of choice in the Caribbean and a symbol of strength in the face of centuries of adversity.

For Miami-based Barbadian filmmaker/ writer/creative Jason Fitzroy Jeffers, the machete also represented the resilience of the people from the Caribbean: “not to say we are perfect, but we have done so much to emerge from the most horrific conditions.” Jason has also been wielding his art to clear paths for the Caribbean to be understood in complex ways which help to dispel tired tropes of island paradise. His imprint, Third Horizon, has tasked itself with capturing the sights and sounds of the Caribbean and the so-called third-world. It mainly comprised Keisha Rae Witherspoon, Robert Sawyer, and himself. Originally used to release an album several years ago, the company’s name also reflected Jason’s belief that the ‘first world’ has derived much of its culture and resources from the ‘third world.’ “There is a certain inequity in that,” he asserted via Skype. “I believe that the stories of the socalled third world are just as, if not more relevant, than the stories we often see on TV or in the cinema. The only thing missing is the financing, distribution and framing.”



Bringing the Caribbean into full view was a task the collective executed beautifully with Papa Machete – a short film about a master of machete fencing in Haiti. The work will continue through the Third Horizon Caribbean Film Festival, showcasing cuttingedge feature and short films from the region which ran from September 29 to October 2, 2016.

Jason transitioned into active journalism as the sole reporter at the Sun Post, a small newspaper on South Beach. “I worked really hard and the job did not pay well but it was like journalism boot camp. I did not like it much but I would not trade that experience for the world because it gave me discipline, which has come in handy since then.”

The festival has been funded by a grant from the Knight Foundation and corporate sponsors. The support received was a far cry from that of Papa Machete, which came to fruition through blood, sweat, tears and determination. Jason sold furniture, gave up an apartment and borrowed money to take himself and crew to Haiti.

He moved to the Miami Herald after two years. Missing the opportunity to express himself on stage, Jason performed small gigs on the Miami music scene. However, the long hours at work and performing at night began to take a toll.

“Initially, I just wanted to learn [machete fencing] but thought would be good for an article in a travel magazine. Because I was working on film at the time, I decided to make a film.” It took six months to complete Papa Machete. The team shopped it to film festivals and after several rejections, Jason received an email that changed the trajectory of his career: the film was accepted to Toronto International Film Festival for its world premiere. “I cannot even begin to explain what that was like. [It] was such a tremendous validation of what we had known all along: [Papa Machete] was a story worth telling.” The film also showed at Sundance last year. Third Horizon since collaborated with another collective, Borscht, and co-produced the short film Swimming in Your Skin Again. It has been a remarkable journey to the mainstage for Jason, especially since he almost gave up on his dream of being involved in film. It was a love nurtured by the video store steps away from his childhood home in Oxnards, St James as well as trips to the Drive-In and the cinema. “I like to joke that the three first films I ever recall seeing were Purple Rain . . . and Gandhi and Ghostbusters. I also like to joke that those three films formed my personality…,” he said with a laugh. But as much as Jason loved film, there were few avenues to pursue in Barbados during the 80’s. He turned to music as a teen, eventually becoming a member of hip hop group Chaotic Tendencies. After leaving Harrison College, Jason studied law, Information Technology and English at the Barbados Community College before moving to Florida for journalism at Florida International University.

The resolve to become a full-time creative was solidified in the summer of 2004. “I remember being on the road [for Kadooment] and thinking: I just don’t have enough joy in my life right now. . . I was half-drunk on the road and said, ‘I am going to give them two months’ notice because I can’t continue to work at this job.’” Troubles at work made Jason’s decision much easier. “One of the writers at the newspaper wrote an article exposing a corrupt city commissioner. The day before I [returned], the city commissioner came into the lobby of the Miami Herald and blew his brains out. When I arrived the next day, I couldn’t even go through the front entrance. I handed in my two weeks’ notice. That was my last experience as a full-time journalist.” Jason freelanced for several publications and even ghost-wrote a New York Times bestselling book. As writing opportunities dwindled, the creative pursued film production and commercial work before its success. Third Horizon continued to do commercial work, along with other passion projects. Jason acknowledged funding creative projects was often a difficult enterprise, but was possible with the right amount of dedication, marketability and social media savvy. “Creatives must first understand our worth and the worth of our work. We must also know how to reach our audiences and our tribe. Finally, we must also understand how information travels and get our story out there with the people it will resonate with,” Jason advised. The artist hoped to do his part by serving as a conduit between Miami and the Caribbean artistic communities: “I want to connect people around the region. Miami is a perfect meeting point to connect people from around the Caribbean.”





COLLYMORE Building a ďŹ tter and better Barbados

pg. 32



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www.dazzlebarbados.com www.dazzlebarbados.com


5 Steps to Rebrand Your Biz

By Sacha Austin


et’s face it, sometimes the original name of our business turns out not to be the best name for our business. Changing the name of a company isn’t uncommon and there are many reasons that would warrant this. Getting your rebrand right is important for your company’s perception. A great rebrand will create lots of goodwill while a lackluster rebrand will create confusion and distrust. Here are five steps to guide you while changing the name of your company.

#1 Clarify the rebrand Before you rush to do anything, take time to plan what your rebrand will look like. What is the new company name? What colors do you want to use? Will you update your tagline? Taking time to plan your rebrand and not plow through it will pay off in the long run. You don’t want to rebrand every few months. This new name, color scheme and tag line is meant to live on for years. Give the weight of that decision the time it deserves. 20 DAZZLE


#2 Update your logo and tagline Once you’ve decided on your change, communicate your vision for your brand to a graphic artist in order to design your logo. Remember that your logo should be in multiple formats including color, black and white on opposing backdrops, and a thumbnail version. Using aspects that resemble your previous logo like font style or color theme helps your customers make the connection between your now and then brand name.

You may also decide to update your tagline. If so, what will it be and what style would you like it to be in contrast to your logo? Communicate this guidance to your graphic artist clearly so you’re satisfied with the outcome.

#4 Update all social media links Your social media links may be where you are best known and these handles have become extremely important in representing your brand. Update your social media handles starting with the most important channel first. You may need to shorten or adjust your new name based on what is available however, try to stay as consistent as possible across social platforms.

#3 Update your domain, website and any other collateral

This is also a good opportunity to reserve your brand name in platforms you’re not yet active in.

Now that you’ve created the look and feel for your uplifted brand, it’s time to put these changes into effect. More important than your calling card is your domain. Ensure your domain is available and purchase it as soon as possible. Your website will need to be updated with your revised logo and pointed to your new domain. Also, update anywhere your brand lives on the internet like Google search. Any other collateral that displays your brand name needs to be refreshed as well. This includes business cards, flyers, and brochures. It’s tempting to wait until you absolutely have to spend money to change these things but it’s tacky and will confuse your customers.

#5 Plan the launch of your rebrand Planning your launch is a critical step in rebranding your business. Now that you’ve done all the work behind the scenes, it’s time to let the world know your new name. Decide when and how you’re going to communicate your rebrand. It’s important that you don’t continue business as usual. This is a big change and you owe your customers an explanation. Use this opportunity to highlight the mission of your company and what this change of name means. Your rebrand is something people will talk about and, if done well, creates goodwill for your company. Sacha Austin is a published author, blogger, life coach and trained speaker. Sacha helps entrepreneurs activate their potential so they can monetize their talent. Check out her work at www.sachaaustin.co



Deborah SPINK Fitness by Design By Celia Collymore

O “

ne of my overall goals is to be remembered as a game changer. Change the way that people think about sports, healthy lifestyles and all-round wellbeing.”

Fitness and wellness is definitely on our agenda as an entrepreneur magazine and when we had the opportunity to connect with Bajans throughout the Diaspora, it was only fitting to reach out to someone in this industry. It is our pleasure to highlight the bold and beautiful Deborah (Debbie) Spink. Debbie was born as a dual citizen – Barbadian and British. She is enthusiastic, fun, an entrepreneur, athlete and all-round sports person. To understand a man’s purpose you must get a glimpse of his past, and we enjoyed learning about a fellow Bajan Entrepreneur who is not only creating waves but also making a difference in the lives of many, one natural product at a time.



Debbie is a former student of St. Gabriel’s Primary and St.Ursula’s Secondary. During that time she was an avid swimmer/athlete and represented Barbados for 15 years. In 1999 she left Barbados at age 18 to study in England to pursue a BA in Multi Media Textiles from Loughborough University (leading sports university). She later obtained a MA Theatre Practices (specialism- set design and construction), (Distinction) from Rose Bruford College - (marked by Manchester University). She has accomplished much and worked in a variety of jobs in field marketing and promotions, retail at the managerial level and 10 yrs set/design building and head of art department for film. She has certifications in Exercise to Music Instructor, First Aid, Hands Arm Legs and Feet Massage and is a Brand Ambassador.

Debbie’s love for fitness and design inspired her to create a product out of a personal need. “I had severe Eczema on my hands and I tried numerous products and nothing worked so I resorted to making my own. When I saw that water-free products could be made preservative free, I decided it was time to make a change and see how far I could push myself to create a brand across the new emerging trend of ‘natural products’.

fun facts Love cooking. Love making videos. I’ve been bodybuilding for 5 yrs and have given it up now to do powerlifting and masters athletics/100m track. It is our pleasure to introduce you to Kokomelt Ltd! Kokomelt is an Artisan Skincare company founded in 2014 and specializing in water-free, paraben-free and soap-free products (exfoliating scrubs and soothing butters). In just two years, Kokomelt received the FreeFrom Skincare Awards 2016 ‘GOLD’ Men’s Grooming! The creative side of a business you love and enjoy is always fun, however we were also curious about the technical side of Kokomelt and what the journey so far was like for Debbie. “When I first started, I wasted some time and money because I didn’t necessarily know how to run a business. When I went to registered my trademark I had a massive clash with a big brand because I had first spelt Kokomelt differently and didn’t understand fully how trademarks worked legally. That was one of the biggest panics of my life! I thought I was going to be sued. They wrote me a legal letter however they turned out to be very nice, it was fine. It almost stopped my heart, laughing as she recounts that experience. “It was one big learning experience and I am very, very cautious now, I check all trade names/trade marks, subtitles, no one else is using it, they have not been trading longer that me.” She literally started off her new business venture with a bang!

What was the process like developing Kokomelt? For me it was extremely enjoyable from the design point of view. At one point I thought, Why can’t I just be a packaging designer? Why not? I love that, for me

it is the fun part. I wanted something that was unisex, recyclable, I don’t want to be another brand with plastic. I want to move away from plastic and be all tin fully. I more concentrate on men’s products/unisex, I try not to make things overly scented and overly smelly so that everyone can use it and everyone can enjoy it. I needed a neutral kind of packaging and like a clean look with some texture. I want people to try it, and to know the brand and understand the product rather than focus purely on aesthetic features. For me, food and cosmetics are more or less the same, your skin absorbs so much, so the ingredients I use are mainly food grade, you can practically eat everything, however I am not selling food because you must have a food license etc. My cocoa butter product is as chocolaty as cocoa – if you can eat it, you know you are using the best quality products, so hence I am using the best quality, so it smells rich, it’s organic, you know you are getting natural stuff. It took me a long time to find really great quality ingredients, additionally, it took a very long time to find really good suppliers. It is important to eliminate the use of having fragrances on the market. Essential oils cost more but at the end of the day they aren’t harmful to the body, so it goes with my brand, being athletic, healthy, and putting clean stuff on your skin.

Any feedback or push back from people regarding your product? Some people have said that I sell it too cheap because I have priced my products competitively to the big brands. Which obviously for a small brand I am doing everything by hand which is quite hard for me. I am not making massive profits like they are but i refuse to put 80/90% water, petroleum, emulsifiers, some scent/fragrance and sell this in cheap plastic bottles. My process is labour intensive, but you know that people are getting what they deserve which is a clean product. I want people to be able to afford it. What other companies are doing is ripping you off and making massive profits. I am not trying to be a rip-off, I am trying to educate people and get them healthy and use something that is good.

Who’s on your team? Currently it is just me. I have trained freelancers I work with, during busy seasons like Christmas and Valentines. I try to pre-plan, but sometimes you can’t predict the numbers so I have trained a couple of people up, who know how to make the scrubs and the creams and we will work together to make massive batches over the busy periods of time. The rest of time I make stock and now know the movements, my stock levels, whether it be with wholesalers, individuals, from the website or other online sites. www.dazzlebarbados.com DAZZLE 23

The plan is to get staff and work on getting more long term wholesale orders and then it’s really going to take off. What about those recipes? How do you protect them? The people I have trained sign a disclaimer and they understand that they cannot reproduce the recipes. You can’t really patent a recipe. You have to be a market leader. I have managed to make it hard for people to produce as my ingredients are expensive and there is no water in my products which equals less immediate profits. They might try to, however it’s not something that can be done cheaply. I have managed to stay in line with the market and feel that I have a good product, plus I was made aware that another large well known brand/company who bought my products to be tested.

What does success mean to you and for your business? I aim to reach out to challenge the industry and by being a part of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, I want to help make it illegal for harmful products to exist, leaving only natural products to remain on the market. By doing this I need to successfully re-educate people on what is ‘natural’ and make products that are as appealing as the bigger brands.

What’s next for Kokomelt? I’m looking to expand the studio and open a space that has different departments within it featuring a barber shop, therapy room, coffee/bar area and Kokomelt products. This is the expansion plan which I hope to achieve within the next year.

When will Barbados experience Kokomelt? I would like to sell it in one of the spas at one of the hotels, where the products can be bought, but also do treatments using my products for exfoliating massages and as a scrubs. To learn more about Kokomelt visit: www.kokokmelt.com Instagram: Kokomeltkokomelt Twitter: Kokomelt Facebook: Kokomelt




off the


Guide To Ironing Men’s Dress Shirts




Start by pressing the inside of the collar. You don’t want to leave it flat, but rather enhance the curve of the neck line. To do this, simply round both ends of the collar up so that they meet above the point of the iron.

Move on to the cuffs. Unbutton the sleeve and lay it flat on the board, ironing up towards the shoulder (to help preserve the crease of the double cuff). When that is done, fasten the cuffs before moving on to the sleeve.

Lay the sleeve flat on the board with the seam facing flat towards you. Use the seam as a guide, ensuring that the sleeve fabric is spread out towards the top arm from that point. Gently iron from seam to top arm. if you prefer a crease on the top arm, then simply iron flat along the top fold. If not, iron to the point just a few millimeters before the top fold.




Move on to the shirt front. With the buttons unfastened, lay the one side of the shirt flat on the board, ironing up towards the collar. Move on to the opposite side.

Fasten all the buttons of the shirt, flip the collar down into place and hang on a thick shouldered hanger (the type you should be using to preserve the shape of your jackets). This will allow the natural drape of the fabric to smooth out any of the last little ripples in the fabric while the heat and moisture leaves the shirt.



The yoke of a shirt - that little patch of reinforced fabric that rests on your shoulders and connects the front and back panels of the shirt to the collar. To iron this, open the shirt front and unfold the collar so that it stands up. Feed the tapered of the ironing board into the shoulder of the shirt. Keeping the curve of the collar, drape as much of the yoke over the corner of the board before ironing flat and moving onto the other side.





Style Tip Skinny ties do not coordinate well with baggy suits, but they look particularly stylish with carefully tailored suits. Suits with one or two buttons will look great with a skinny tie whereas a three-button suit will cover up more of the tie than most people prefer. A tie bar is likely to cover most of the tie's width. This serves to accentuate the skinny style.






How Collaborating Could Increase Your Profitability By Melinda Belle

I started my company four years ago without capital. I didn’t have clients lined up; the marketplace didn’t know my name, so I basically had to build my company from scratch. The secret to my company earning revenue in its early stages was collaboration. Collaboration is termed as a joint effort by a team of professionals with the intent of providing a service or creating a product, making it ready for consumption. If you are trying to get your foot in the door per say, this maybe a route you might want to consider, as it is an excellent way to prove your professionalism and guarantee consideration for the next opportunity. Here’s how collaborating could increase your profitability:

1. Maximises your potential to earn I would say the more collaborations; the better, along with managing your customer base of course. I would term this as diversifying your portfolio. Collaborating should not be viewed with the perspective that someone is looking stealing your spotlight. Some tasks require a qualified team to get the job done. Think of it this way, you play a major part in making the team whole. You may not receive the amount of money you would charge normally for a job, but it is still income, providing what you are receiving is fair. It is a great way to maintain the cash flow of your business. 26 DAZZLE


2. Allows you to focus on what you are good at I launched a colouring book earlier in the year with the focus of teaching children how to manage their money. I had the idea of what the mascot would be named and the story line, but I didn’t have the illustrations, so I reached out to an illustrator. I soon realised I would be hosting an event, that’s where my project manager came into play. And let’s not forget the process of formatting the book for printing; the graphic designer was just perfect for that task. I am pleased to say we were able to meet our target according to our project plan and the launch was successful. By being mindful of my strengths and also my weaknesses, I avoided wasting time and money. Collaborating not only works out for your benefit, but also for the benefit of others on your team. I can confidently recommend their services, guaranteeing them chances to earn more income for their businesses. Melinda Belle is the Founder and Managing Director of Astrape Finance, the caring, knowledgeable, trustworthy, financial company guiding you to financial stability and prosperity through education, sound planning and advice. melinda@astrapefinance. com



COLLYMORE Building a ďŹ tter and better Barbados pg. 32



Things You Will Wish You Had Done Before Leaving Your Job – Part 2 of 2

By Gregory Skeete


eptember 1st, 2016 will be exactly one year since I left my full-time job as an engineering employee. I have learnt so much in the past months, amidst triumphs and challenges. Continuing from last month’s article, let’s finish the list of ten things to consider before leaving your job.

6) Learn Off the Job The late Jim Rohn once said “Formal education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune!” Long before you become a wealthy person or a business owner, you have to first learn to think like a wealthy person or business owner. Make an investment in your personal development through books, training and seminars to strengthen your ‘knowledge assets’. Develop the habit and collect the resources while you have more financial stability. 28 DAZZLE


7) Lay the Foundation Getting started on your business is one of the best things you can do while you have a salary. I personally do not recommend taking the big leap based only on an idea, although it is still possible to be successful. Get as many things related to your business done before you leave including legal work, equipment,

software, licenses, training resources and of course, prototypes of your product or service.

10) Finish with Pride If you are considering leaving your job, it doesn’t mean that you should slack off until your last day. This will affect your reputation and is sure to follow you wherever you go. Word of Mouth is powerful! Finish proudly as a true professional, and continue to improve your performance until the final day. You never know where life will take you, and I strongly recommend not burning any bridges. Be professional, and exit gracefully, even if you are internally ecstatic to escape your current situation.

8) Enjoy the Present Sometimes, when we have decided in our hearts and minds that we desire a change, we can become disgruntled and dissatisfied with our present conditions. This naturally creates stress since the outer reality of our lives no longer aligns with our imagination of what we believe we should be doing. It’s important to remember that we will only have the present once, and one day, it will all be nothing more than a memory, as change is guaranteed. Be thankful for where you are and enjoy the process.

Exit with Poise In engineering and in life, the strongest structures and designs are those which are balanced. Leaving your job takes a blend of optimism with realism, courage with caution, hope and heartache, faith with fear, persistence with pain and control with chaos. Change can be a naturally daunting emotional roller-coaster, as we tend to be creatures of habit.

9) Finding Faith & Finances Of course, it is ideal to have the recommended minimum 3-6 months of buffer savings and a financial plan before making the transition to full-time entrepreneurship. However, understand that you may not reach your savings target, and it probably won’t last as long as you thought. Life happens. A colleague once told me, “Greg, God will give you just enough money and just enough motivation to continue when you feel like quitting.” I found this to be true. Before resigning, I thought I was building my financial savings, but I later realized that I was really building my faith.

However, if you know you are capable of more, it is your duty to pursue the best version of yourself and remain mentally poised in the midst of uncertainty to do something that will benefit yourself, your family, your customers and your country, perhaps for generations to come. I’ve made a checklist which you can collect for free at www.lifeengineer.co/dazzle. I hope this further serves you when the time inevitably comes for you to make the jump! Gregory Skeete is an author, engineering professional, globally certified personal development specialist and founder of Pilly the Pelican and Life Engineer. GregorySkeete@JohnMaxwellGroup.com



Creating a Balanced Health & Fitness Programme By Marita Greenidge


hen many of us decide it’s time to get into shape we often focus on only one or two components of a health & fitness programme. However, to create a balanced programme you need to look at five main elements. You’ll find you’ll reach your goals much faster (and reduce injury) if you incorporate these elements into a structured plan.

Cardio Cardio is important for strengthening the heart and lungs as well as burning calories. Consistent cardio can help with controlling weight gain and reducing the risk of developing conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You should aim for 30-60 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio five days a week or 20-60 minutes of vigorous-intensity cardio three days a week (or a mixture of the two). 30 DAZZLE


Strength You work the heart but you can’t forget your other muscles! Muscle burns more calories than fat, even when you are at rest. Also as we get older we lose muscle mass which leads to a lower metabolic rate, weakness, decreased bone density and a corresponding increase in fat. This is preventable and even reversible with progressive strength training. Aim for training

each major muscle group two to three times a week. Remember to wait at least 48 hours between training sessions to allow for recovery.

Balance As we get older we lose our sense of balance and become more susceptible to falls and lower extremity injuries. Balance training helps you avoid dangerous falls and you burn more calories because you are required to recruit more muscles to help stabilise your body. Aim for two to three times a week for 20-30 minutes. You can incorporate into your other forms of exercise. For example, try doing squats or push ups on an unstable surface such as a BOSU balance trainer.

Flexibility Tense muscles are unable to go through a full range of motion and become prone to injury. Stretching relaxes muscles allowing for greater freedom of movement; it also reduces muscle soreness after exercise and increases physical and mental relaxation. Flexibility training should be done at least twice a week and can easily be incorporated after your strength or cardio session. However, remember it is most effective when muscles are warm.

Nutrition As the saying goes “You can’t out-exercise a bad diet.” It is easier to eliminate excess calories from your diet than to try to exercise them away. It takes a very intense workout to burn 500 calories that could easily have been avoided. Beyond weight management, a well-balanced diet is essential for providing nutrients to fuel the body such that it functions correctly. The absence of good nutrition leads to a wide range of health problems. Daily you need to cover the main food groups – fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, protein. Try to eat at least 3 kinds of food per meal and 2 kinds of food per snack. Drink at least eight, 8oz glasses of water. Paying attention to these five elements will help you create a solid health and fitness programme; you adapt based on what you are trying to achieve, but these are you five pillars. Marita Greenidge runs the Health & Nutrition Division at Stansfeld Scott & Co. Ltd. She is an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer and a health & fitness enthusiast. She has a keen interest in power walking and writes a weekly blog at www.mfitfitnesswalking.com.

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Celia COLLYMORE Building a fitter and better Barbados


elia Collymore’s unrelentingly Bajan Fusion connects people through adventure in ways often left unexplored by those who call this island home. This fusion also combines two of Celia’s passions: personal development and fitness. The four-year-old fitness lifestyle event management company organizes events throughout the year such as outdoor training sessions, lifestyle workshops, dance fitness and initiatives aimed at reducing the rate of noncommunicable diseases. Even though the 38-year-old lived and loved her work, it has been a winding path of success and setbacks leading to entrepreneurship. The decision to start a business was made in 2011, a few months after returning to Barbados from New York. Celia moved to the Big Apple on a basketball scholarship to Pace University, pursuing a Bachelor in Business Administration and later, a Master’s in Public Administration with a focus on NonProfit Management With an increasing interest in human resources, Celia completed the SHRM PHR Certificate course and an internship in recruiting at non-profit agency during summer and was hired a year later as a human resources administrator at the Bank of New York Mellon.



“I loved Human Resources, but I really loved the engagement, training and development aspect of my job,” she recalled via Skype chat.

participants dance the day away at three scenic spots on the island: Cherry Tree Hill, St. Andrew; Bathsheba, St. Joseph and Codrington College, St. John.

But a declining economy in the United States meant that non-national employees were in a precarious position on the American job market. This also impacted Celia, whose H-1B visa was not renewed.

The admitted dance fanatic also teaches regular dance fitness class three days a week in collaboration with the Ministry of Health through an initiative titled, Get Women Moving.

“It was very disheartening. I really had planned to stay in New York and focus on development and training, but God had a different plan for me. Everything happens for a reason.”

Already an upbeat personality, Celia became even more excited when she talked about the transformation she has noticed in her loyal participants.

Celia touched down on the island on October 26, 2011. She set out on the local job market, while ruminating on the idea of a business which stemmed from an invitation to a dance fitness instructor in New York to experience soca music in its purest form. “I would go out on interviews but the jobs were not landing. . .But even as I was looking for jobs I was still working on this Bajan Fusion thing. I knew I wanted to create an experience for people to come to the island for Crop Over so we can share our music and our culture. . . I also knew I wanted to create something that would connect people and . . . provide holistic personal development.”

fun facts Enjoys cooking healthier alternative meals and baking during her down time. Travelled to Casablanca, Morocco and Jeju Island, South Korea. Still wants to meet Michael Jordan, her basketball idol. Wanted to be a bodybuilder and mechanic when she was younger.

Bajan Fusion was established on the final day of 2012, and hosted its first event about a month later. The adventures target around 20 to 50 people aged 24 to 44. Activities include mountain biking, hiking, caving, paddle-boarding and Segway tours. Initially, Bajan Fusion hosted events every month but scaled back in order to maintain staying power. Five activities were planned last year. The ‘bus a move’ dance fitness tour ended 2016 on a fun-filled, scenic high, as

“[They] tell me that they like coming back because of the atmosphere and the positive attitude of the people.” She shared the experience of one participant who started in the summer weighing 219 pounds, but has since reduced to 185 pounds. And it was stories like these, or the look of joy when someone has successfully tried something different, that gave Celia the encouragement to persevere. “I just want to use my leadership skills to empower people. I want people to live their best life . . .,” she asserted. Building capacity in others has also reaped major rewards for the entrepreneur. She reported that she has also improved skills such as choreography in preparation for her weekly dance classes, as well as bettered her kitchen chops by providing healthier snacks after events. “Bajan Fusion is certainly adding to my knowledge. There are challenges and struggles but I am growing,” she said. “. . .The business has many moving parts with a combination of anxiety, successes, challenges and disappointments but I love what I do so it never feels like work, just another goal to accomplish.” The journey has been made easier with the guidance of mentor Lynn Beckles -- whom she describes as a “monumental help in the technical side of business” -- and the support of family and friends. Celia continues to work towards bigger and brighter things for Bajan Fusion. She plans to assemble a team and incrementally expand the reach of the company throughout the island. “I hope to grow from strength to strength by building a brand that does not only maintain, but sustains. My brand is about integrity and working with people who have the same ideals of integrity.”




acked by the Alexa Voice Service, the Amazon Echo Dot is a compact Bluetooth speaker that responds to spoken instructions. Yes, it connects wirelessly to your phone or tablet and plays music and podcasts in high-quality sound, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Its sleek and compact design makes Echo Dot a convenient addition to any room in the house. With its built-in speaker, you can place Dot in the bedroom and use it as a smart alarm clock that can also turn off your lights. Or use Dot in the kitchen to easily set timers and shop tens of millions of Amazon products using just your voice. Echo Dot provides hands-free voice control for Amazon Music—just ask for your favourite artist or song, or request a specific genre or mood. You can also search for music by lyrics, when a song or album was released, or let Alexa pick the music for you. Listen to any song with Amazon Music Unlimited. Use Echo Dot to switch on the lamp before getting out of bed, turn up the thermostat while reading in your favourite chair, or dim the lights from the couch to watch a movie—all without lifting a finger...or even raising your voice. Echo Dot works with smart home devices such as lights, switches, fans, thermostats, and more from Philips Hue, TP-Link, ecobee, WeMo, SmartThings, Insteon, Lutron, Nest, Wink, Honeywell, and more.



Tucked under the light ring is an array of seven microphones that use beam-forming technology and enhanced noise cancellation. With a more powerful processor, the all-new Echo Dot has improved wakeword performance to hear you ask a question from any direction—even in noisy environments or while playing music. When you want to use Echo Dot, simply say the wake word, “Alexa,” and Dot lights up and streams audio to the cloud, where the Alexa Voice Service is leveraged to recognize and respond to your request instantly. Alexa—the brain behind Echo Dot—is built in the cloud, so it is always getting smarter. The more you use Dot, the more it adapts to your speech patterns, vocabulary, and personal preferences. And because Echo Dot is always connected, updates are delivered automatically.

ingredients 2 Cups Cooked Quinoa 1 Cup Broccoli, Finely Chopped, Firmly Packed 1 Cup Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Grated 2 Green Onions, Sliced 2 Large Eggs, Lightly Beaten 1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder 2 Tbsp Parmesan Cheese 1/2 Tsp Salt 1/4 Tsp Pepper

method Preheat oven to 375 degrees then line a baking sheet with parchment paper and coat lightly with cooking spray. Add cooked quinoa, chopped broccoli, cheddar cheese and green onion to a large mixing bowl then toss until combined. Mix in eggs, garlic powder, Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper until completely combined. Scoop onto prepared baking sheet using a small scoop or tablespoon. Compress mixture into the spoon (or scoop) as much as possible, but keep in mind it’s not necessary for the mixture to cook in a spherical shape. The egg and cheese will bind the bites together after they are baked. Bake 20–25 minutes or until lightly browned on the outside. Remove from oven, let rest for 5 minutes before serving.



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Lloyda Springer Staying True to Foreday

Jonathan Carter Putting Bat to Ball

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Innovation through App Development

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Melissa Walcott-Pusey A Well Rounded Approach to Business

Dean Harper

Richie Wiggins

Mario Turton

Cutting Edge Customer Service

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2015, Tips to Survive & Thrive

Intention Is Your Ignition

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How to Keep Fit While Travelling

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Empowering Young Entrepreneurs

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ideas STICK We separate your brand from the clutter of the marketplace and competition. Creativity is at the heart of everything we do. T: 246.234.8140 E: orinjenation@gmail.com 40 DAZZLE


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