Dazzle Magazine Barbados Issue 8

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Issue 8


Your Marketing Budget: How to Turn Nothing into Something How to Keep Fit While Travelling

Dawn-Lisa Callender-Smith Cultural Entrepreneur

KIMBERLEY ANGOY ‘Not Only a Designer by Qualification’

What Is Your Why? Your Nail Shape Vocabulary

Heather Barker

Clearly Communicating Content Try me!

RolliBot 4 in 1 Vacuum Cleaner dazzlebarbados.com




Kimberley ANGOY

‘Not Only a Designer by Qualification’ pg. 30

pg. 34



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016 has started and it’s already moving fast. I’m sure most of you would have made your New Year resolutions and somewhere in between all of the chaos called life you’re wondering if you are on track to achieve them all. The beauty with the New Year is it allows us entrepreneurs to give everything another shot. It’s looking back and seeing where you went wrong and how to avoid certain mistakes that added too much drag to your business. In celebration of International Women’s Day which was on March 8th this edition is all about recognising the achievements of female entrepreneurs that exist in our beautiful island. We title this edition the “The Female All Rounder”. She encapsulates the woman who balances everyday tasks both personal and business and still comes out of it looking good. She is the nurturer, wife and BOSS. On the cover is Kim Angoy, owner of Suga Apple Swimwear. She is not only beautiful but has the brains to back it up. Dawn Lisa Callendar-Smith is the ultimate multitasker and always gets the job done right. She is the owner of DL Smith Productions. Last but not least is Ms Heather Barker, no stranger to the Public Relations world, she shares her success story of UpStart Caribbean. Is the woman BOSS? Yes, she is and we must respect the strives several are making in the field. You are probably one of them who is reading right now and whatever you are doing to improve yourself, continue being the All-Rounder. Enjoy!

Ryan Wills Managing Editor

Dazzle Magazine Barbados is a new fresh Barbadian bi-monthly publication that provides much needed exposure to young professionals, entrepreneurs, and established businesses. It covers an array of topics and categories key to starting and running a business. It also offers practical advice on everyday living, tips for a healthy lifestyle and interviews with popular and up-and-coming personalities. Dazzle Magazine Barbados is designed to appeal to a diverse range of readers but is especially targeted at working professionals and business owners between the ages of 2150 years. We provide our advertising clients with value for money by offering them a powerful medium to market their products, offer deals and build their brand. Best of all, we give them the opportunity to be a part of a nationwide and online market place of actively engaged consumers who are ready to buy, all at an affordable price. To advertise in The Dazzle Barbados Magazine, contact our sales agent via telephone 1(246) 234 8140 or email info@ dazzlebarbados.com for more information and terms and conditions.

table of

contents Features

14. Heather Barker - Clearly Communicating Content 22. Dawn-Lisa Callender-Smith - Cultural Entrepreneur 30. Kimberley Angoy - Not only a Designer by Qualification

The 411

28. Double the Fun with Limerz Cruise

Mastering Marketing

10. Your Marketing Budget - How to Turn Nothing into Something 12. Should You ‘Pay to Play” on Facebook?

Professional Progress

20. What Is Your Why? 24. Barbados Winners to Receive Young Leadership Award from Her Majesty The Queen

Publisher 123 Digital Limited Managing Editor Ryan Wills Sales & Marketing Orinje Nation Art Director Aldrin Henry Contributors Emma Anius N. L. Bowen Carlos Brathwaite Sacha Cabral Celia Collymore Taylor & Francis Kristel Kouly Ashley Mc Lean Alana Morgan Rankin Morgan On Line Consultancies Photography Neil Springer Ryan Wills

Health & Fitness

08. Pomegranate 17. You eat what you are? 26. How to Keep Fit While Travelling

Issue 8


Your Marketing Budget: How to Turn Nothing into Something


29. Your Nail Shape Vocabulary 34. Wine Knowledge

Eating In

How to Keep Fit While Travelling

Dawn-Lisa Callender-Smith

Cultural Entrepreneur


What Is Your Why? Your Nail Shape Vocabulary

Heather Barker

Clearly Communicating Content

35. Quinoa and Spinach Stuffed Tomatoes

Try me!

Gadgets & Gizmos

39. RolliBot 4 in 1 Vacuum Cleaner

Out and About

40. Out and About


42. Raining Green Balls

RolliBot 4 in 1 Vacuum Cleaner dazzlebarbados.com

On the Cover: Kimberley Angoy

contact us


For more information visit us at www.dazzlebarbados.com or call us at 1(246) 234 8140



Prevent heart disease: Pomegranates are loaded with polyphenols that have powerful antioxidant properties. Antioxidants prevent free radical damage of the walls of arteries, thus preventing heart disease. They also prevent oxidation of cholesterol, which causes plaque formation and development of coronary artery disease.

Lower blood pressure: Pomegranates help lower blood pressure by preventing the activity of serum angiotensinconverting enzyme. Punicic acid is one of the main constituents of pomegranates that help lower cholesterol, triglycerides and reduce blood pressure. A study has shown that pomegranate components reduce risk factors for heart disease, in patients with diabetes and high LDL levels of the blood.

May help prevent cancer: From prostate cancer to breast cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer, pomegranates can help prevent and treat several forms of cancer. This property of the delicious fruits is also attributed to the presence of polyphenol antioxidants in them. Studies have shown that pomegranate juice can inhibit the growth of tumour cells and induce natural death in them. Certain compounds in pomegranates have an 8 DAZZLE


anti-inflammatory ability that also contributes to its anti-cancer property.

Help digestion: To keep your digestive system healthy, you need to include fibre-rich sources in your diet. However, our busy lifestyle and personal liking for junk food have deprived us of the goodness of fibre in fruits and vegetables. Eating a pomegranate every day is a good way to add fibre to your daily diet. One pomegranate can fulfil about 45% of your daily recommended intake of fibre, which is about 20 to 35g. Also try these remedies for digestion.

Keep Alzheimer’s at bay: Imagine being stuck on a road having forgotten where you live? If you wouldn’t want it to happen to you for real, pomegranates should form a part of your daily diet. Researchers suggest that pomegranates play an important role in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. A study conducted by Hartman and colleagues showed that pomegranate juice reduces the deposition and accumulation of amyloid in the hippocampus region of the brain by 50%, which could be considered for Alzheimer’s disease improvement.


pg. 14

Heather BARKER Clearly Communicating Content



Your Marketing Budget: How to Turn Nothing into Something By Sacha Cabral


y marketing degree is invalid. Literally. When I was sitting in marketing classes, you could only sign up for a Facebook account if you had a college email address. Forget Instagram or Snapchat. Those were nowhere close to conception. How consumers interpret advertising and connect with brands has changed exponentially in a short space of time. In order to stay relevant you’ve got to keep up with these changes. The beauty of this new era of marketing is that the power of your brand is not tied to the size of your budget. As entrepreneurs and small business owners, a marketing budget is usually non-existent or nextto-nothing. Now, more than ever before, there are unique ways to build a marketing strategy with little capital (but lots of hustle). 10 DAZZLE


Brand Evangelists How can you turn the people who like your brand into people who love your brand? These are your brand evangelists. They will not only be loyal to your product but they’ll also spread the word. Stop

focusing on new customers or bad reviews. Instead, focus on how you can turn up the volume on your existing customer relationships. Give your brand evangelists extra attention: a handwritten thank you card, a spontaneous gift, a highlight on social media.

Give Away Your Product Jules Marcoux, author of the The Marketing Blueprint, referred to this as the drug dealer strategy. The idea is give a little to get something back in return. This doesn’t mean you have to give away your entire product. Think of a free 30-day trial, the first chapter of your book free, a free health assessment, $10 off your first purchase, etc. This shows customers your confidence in your product and gives you a chance to win them over.

Flex Your Social Media Muscle Social media has given the savvy marketer new platforms to build their brand. Before Instagram and Twitter you had to be discovered. Now you can become discoverable by having a consistent message and regularly updating content on your social media platforms. If you’ve shied away from social media, it’s time to put that to rest. Set up your platforms, post up content and put yourself out there. Become discoverable.

Network Interact with as many people as you can in your target demographic. Go to conferences, join online communities, reach out to industry ambassadors. Make sure you follow up with a new contact by connecting on LinkedIn or liking their Facebook page.

Share Content of Value Consumers have become very cynical to poster boards, radio jingles and flashing signs. They want real value. If you sell gardening equipment, create a YouTube channel of ‘How-To’ videos about home gardening. If you are a fashion retailer, launch a blog about how to dress for your size. If you’re a personal trainer, host a podcast where you interview fitness professionals. There are lots of ways to share content and it should be based on how you communicate best (i.e. video, audio, writing). Consider podcasts, blogs, vlogs and YouTube channels.

About Sacha C. Sacha C. is a life coach, writer and speaker who works with emerging entrepreneurs and dream chasers to monetize their talent. She authors a weekly blog at www.sachac.com. Her topics include entrepreneurship, marketing, motivation, and interviews with featured entrepreneurs.



Should You ‘Pay to Play’ on Facebook? by Kristel Kouly


f you own or manage a Facebook business page, I’m sure you’ve noticed something funny going on. All of a sudden less people are liking, sharing and even seeing your posts. You start asking yourself, what’s going on? Why doesn’t anyone like me anymore? What happened?

Well first off, it’s not your fault. Facebook has once again changed their algorithm, making it harder and harder for you to reach your customers or clients without ‘paying to play.’ No longer are these the good ole days when you could reach a significant number of your followers through organic reach. Despite this change, I’ve found a few clever ways to manage your page, allowing you to potentially reach your customers without using the ‘pay to play’ model. Once you develop your organic reach, boosting your odds of reaching more followers will become cheaper and easier.


Embed videos into Facebook. Videos now play automatically (like Instagram) when users scroll 12 DAZZLE


through their timeline. This tactic is known to bypass the Facebook algorithm as long as you embed the video and don’t paste a YouTube or third-party website link.

Every now and then re-post old content that received a high number of likes, comments and shares. You know it worked already, so keep it going! Re-post a viral post from a page with a high level of engagement. This will allow you to be discovered by other users and feed off the traffic generated from that post. Ensure you check out the page you are re-posting from. Pages with low levels of engagement can also hurt your reach.

Post more often, using 10 words or less. This will likely get additional users to see your post. However, be careful with this method: Facebook likes consistency. If you post three times a day, stick to that. Facebook will assume you have stopped managing your page and not push your posts if you do not stick to your schedule. Make sure you develop a schedule that works for you.


Never post links along with hash tags; use only one at a time.

Use Facebook Insights. This is a really great tool to help you track which posts tend to receive more traction from your users. Once you figure out what your followers are more drawn to, you can then use this information to formulate new posts that will likely have a higher chance of getting liked and shared.

Try not to use hash tags (yes, I know you love them but they really are a no-no) unless they are directly related to your business or have a high level of engagement. If you really like hash tags, use them to come up with an engaging promotion. Only tag pages that have a high engagement rate. Tagging pages with low engagement can negatively affect you. Do not buy followers, these people will not interact with your page or ever see your posts.



By Celia Collymore


o there is a canvas with all this paint and the more paint I put on and the different types of strokes there are, the more I become who I am supposed to be. I used to be very much focused on success in the traditional sense of the word, but now I am more focused on a holistic type of success.” ~Heather Barker Many of us start, strive and thrive in business to not only make a profit but also to communicate using the human element of telling stories and positively impacting lives. We had the pleasure of sitting down with a charismatic, creative, connected and contented Writer and Story Teller, Ms. Heather Barker. Heather is the Managing Director of Clearly Content Communications Inc., a Public Relations business with a specialty in website development and content management, graphic design, writing and developmental communications. “It was founded at the beginning of the recession in 2008 and still stands today as, financially viable and socially relevant, recounts Heather. Heather’s passion for clearly communicating content to the masses started with her decision to complete her first degree in Mass Communications at UWI Mona in Jamaica. With that knowledge, she had job opportunities at the Nation Newspaper and Government Information Services (GIS). Later, she decided to jump into the unknown and broaden her experience internationally.



In 1998 Heather was accepted into a program in England at City University to do her Masters in Electronic Publishing. Afterwards, she worked in London for five years in different Digital Media Agencies. “I had in my mind that I really wanted to work for myself and thought I would do so when I returned to Barbados.” When Heather returned to the island, she worked for a few companies. She shared her once in a life time opportunity working for Cricket World Cup. “It was a great opportunity to meet many different people from across the region and the world coming together to stage an international sporting event. It was a project and I knew my contract would end in July 2007 so I thought that maybe when this is finished I would branch out on my own. I took a calculated leap and started my business in 2008.”

fun facts Loves making and eating chocolate tarts Loves hiking and exercise Binge watches “Come Dine With Me” Has visited every continent except South America and Antarctica

During Heather’s transition as a new business owner, she capitalized on opportunities to enhance her knowledge and competency such as, networking, reading books, listening to entrepreneurial podcasts and internet research. “I signed up for a Business Development program at the Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES), it was intense and very useful.” Heather is so passionate and committed to entrepreneurship, that she started a Public Education program called UPstart Caribbean. “There are some disempowered people in this country and I thought that, if people had more information and resources, maybe they would feel more empowered to pursue a path for themselves through entrepreneurship.

Through UPstart Caribbean we’ve implemented 10-minute radio programmes featuring successful entrepreneurs, infographic educational videos on YouTube which tell the fictional story of an entrepreneur called “Betty” and workshops where people would come and share useful insights about financing, business plans, branding, loyalty, and how you should position yourself and think like an entrepreneur. We also have a website –www. upstartcaribbean.com – which features some useful content and resources.” Heather is excited about her own new entrepreneurial venture called Isle&Dine. She formed a partnership with two other business owners, Deidre Brathwaite and Denise Mongerie-Rogers, to create a social dining web platform designed to bring people who like eating and people who like cooking together for cultural and dining experiences in a home or outdoor setting, while telling stories through food. For you young entrepreneurs interested in venturing into the PR field, here is some career advice from Heather. “Really care about the story and have a desire for communications that change lives for the better. I think you have to be able to have that desire to understand and use that skill for the good of your client and those your clients want to communicate with. Develop and hone the quality of listening first, and find out who your audiences are and what they really need.” Barbados will be celebrating 50 years of Independence on November 30th, 2016 and Heather shared some thoughts, which we found very insightful. “When I look at Barbados, there is so much beauty not only in our physical environment but in our people. I think, though, there is also pain and hurt, and much of where we are as a nation at 50 I think has come out of some of these pains from the past hence why we have not progressed a bit further and maybe why we are in the boat that we are in today. There are some people who understand this, but there are many others who are either not aware of it or are not interested in healing, because they don’t think anything is wrong. There is a unique, shared history we have as Barbadians and there’s no shame in looking back to go further forward.”



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You eat what you are?

Changing identity to motivate healthy eating


f you’ve resolved to eat more healthily this New Year’s, you might find that imagining yourself as a healthy eater is the key to changing your behaviour for the better.

Writing in the journal Self & Identity, Amanda M. Brouwer and Katie E. Mosack explore the concept of ‘self as doer’ and whether it could be of use in changing people’s eating habits. As Brouwer and Mosack explain, the concept of ‘self as doer’ links identity with behaviour. “The more one identifies with a particular role, the more likely one is to participate in role-related behaviors,” they write. Thus, when it comes to eating better: “It stands to reason that the very process of conceptualizing the self as a ‘healthy eater’ brings about greater identification with this role.” To put their theory to the test, the pair attempted to influence the eating habits of 124 women. Each was provided with information about portion sizes and asked to create food diaries for the six-week period of the study. They were then split into three groups; the first was provided with standard educational material about nutrition, the second was treated as a ‘control’, and the third asked to create six ‘identity statements’. These statements took the form of ‘identities’ created from the participants’ own healthy eating goals. If participants wanted to eat more fruit, they were encouraged to think of themselves as ‘fruit eaters.’ If

by Taylor & Francis

they wanted to make better drink choices, then they thought of themselves as ‘less soda drinkers’, and so on. The results of the study showed that the ‘self as doer’ approach has potential. Women assigned to that group maintained their healthy-eating habits over the course of the study, whereas women in the other two groups actually ate less healthy food as the weeks wore on. Women in the ‘self as doer’ group also ate one portion more a day of healthy food than those in the other two. But (perhaps most promisingly) participants in the ‘self-as-doer’ group gave Brouwer and Mosack a lot of positive feedback about the approach: “They reported how the exercise of thinking of themselves as ‘doers’ motivated them to make different health behavior choices … [even] in situations where the imagined healthy choice was not preferred.” This study demonstrates a novel and effective way to encourage people to make better diet choices. It also demonstrates that simply educating people about nutrition is not enough to help them see a New Year’s resolution through. * Read the full article online:http://www.tandfonline. com/doi/full/10.1080/15298868.2015.1043335 rhian.evans@tandf.co.uk, Marketing Executive, Behavioral Sciences



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Cultural Entrepreneur pg. 22



What Is Your Why?

By Carlos Brathwaite

‘He who has a why can endure any how.’ - Frederick Nietzsche


here are days when being an entrepreneur is the best thing in the world. The freedom to do what you want - charting the path to success on your own terms - is one of the main reasons why you laugh in the face of a cubicledwelling, 9-5 job. The day-to-day grind is enthralling. The wins are fulfilling. Seeing your hard work pay off must be the best high there is that doesn’t involve ingesting an illegal substance. Your business is your baby, and you want to see it grow to become healthy, successful, and fully capable of taking care of you in your retirement.



But then there are those days when you question your sanity; dwelling heavily on your decision to take this dicey path during your bi-weekly existential crisis. “I should probably take my family’s advice and get a ‘real job’,” you ponder. “At least I would get some insurance.” Failures sap your energy and motivation like a soul-crushing mosquito. The bills are mounting, and your income streams are trickling. You don’t want to get out of bed. You don’t want to answer your phone. What is it that I really do? Am I serving any purpose at all?

You can usually find your “why” in the vision and/ or mission statement of your company. If you have neither of those statements, or can’t find your “why” in the ones you have, take a few minutes to sit and reflect on it. Ask yourself questions like: Why did I start this business? Why is it needed? Why is it important that this company and I succeed?

You’re at the crossroads of an impending doom, and you’re wondering if you should continue or just throw in the towel by dusting off that résumé and filling out that dreaded application form you tried so hard to avoid. It is during these sullen times that you should refer back to your “why”. Your “why” refocuses your perspective. It causes a paradigm shift; clearing the muck of self-doubt from your vision. Referring back to your “why” helps reignite your passion, gets you motivated again and reminds you of your purpose during periods of uncertainty.

(Note: Your “why” should focus on personal fulfilments rather than material gains - these are the results of your “why”.) After writing out your answers, make sure to keep them in a safe place, or place them somewhere visible. You can even use them to form a vision/mission statement if you wish. Check back on your “why” from time-to-time, or when you have tough decisions to make. Reflection on your “why” will remind you of your true purpose, and help you stay committed and focused on the path of making your dreams a reality. Carlos Brathwaite is the Founder & Editor of 246Mixtapes.com

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CALLENDER -SMITH Cultural Entrepreneur By Carlos Brathwaite


t’s an overcast Thursday evening and I’m at The Plantation Garden Theatre. In a few hours, an audience of locals and tourists will make its way into the expansive theatre for the first “Cultural Rhythms” show of 2016. The place is lively with stagehands setting up projectors and speakers, and caterers getting dinner ready. When Dawn-Lisa arrives, she immediately thrusts herself into the midst of the action. “I’m coming to you now,” she says, before going to make sure that everything is in place. In between periodic phone calls, she answers employee concerns, lends a hand when needed and, when she got back to me, fielded questions for the interview. She isn’t flustered, however. She’s used to this. Dawn-Lisa has been familiar with manic life of an entrepreneur for as long as she can remember. As she recalled growing up working in the family business – ICVS, a video production and AV company – it is clear that this is second nature. “It’s no different than when you grew up in the business… it’s just part of your daily routine” she says. Just today, she has been up since 5 am, first having to help prepare her children – Christopher Erskine and Alexandrea – for school, then doing site visits with a client, then picking the children back up from school and going to the office, before making her way down to The Plantation…where she will stay until the last person leaves.



“I don’t really go out anymore, because my “going out” time now I dedicate to the children,” she says.

“Because sometimes my working hours are long.” However, since she runs her own company, DL Smith Productions, she is able to be more flexible with her time, giving her a bit more leeway than other mothers with a 9-5. Her role at the company – which she runs with her husband, Christopher, who manages the AV department (“Which takes a lot of the stress off of me”, she says) – is also not set in stone. Her official position is Director, but it can change, as she says, depending on the day of the week. A graduate of the performing arts school, The Boston Conservatory, Dawn-Lisa returned to Barbados with a head full of cultural ideas. Her first venture was The Bajan Dooflicky - a cultural showcase that features prominent Barbadian characters like the Mother Sally, and the Green Monkey - in 2000- Rachel Pringle and the Moko Jumbies (preferably). The Dooflicky was doing so well that, at the behest of her bank manager, she was advised to legitimize the ballooning venture. “I was forced into order because the business started to grow without me even realizing it was growing,” she says. “We had to put order to what was just randomness happening.“ Thus, DL Smith Productions was born. During our talk, she was very open about the hardships of operating a business within the cultural sector. “The reality of it is: being an entrepreneur in Barbados, in culture, is not easy,” she says. “Everyday with this, I question myself, ‘Am I crazy?’” But her goal to teach tourists and locals about Barbados, and the pivotal role it has played in the development of the New World, is one of the main reasons why she strives to continue. “For me, my mission and my passion, has always been to educate, to inform, to celebrate who we are.” She recently launched two new ventures: “The Characters of Town” - a historic walking tour through Bridgetown - and “Cultural Rhythms” - a vivid, high-energy heritage production that she wrote 15 years ago. She was also open on having to learn how to reign in the millions of ideas running through her head to focus on the task at hand. “You have to balance creativity and reality,” she says. “And you have to pick one or two things and just focus on those and get those right, get those working well before you could move on to other things.”

Another big lesson was learning how to manage her finances - a professed weak point due to her artistic vision wanting her to “do more” to properly represent her aesthetic, even if that means sacrificing some revenue. “Creative [entrepreneurs] get excited. We get excited about the world. We could do this. We could do that. We could do all of these things... But income has to come from somewhere to support it. And when you’re doing these things, where is that income coming from? And when that income comes in, and after you paid all of it, what have you made? Can you support yourself?” She countered this point, however, by saying that “everything isn’t about money.” Drawing reference to how being paid little to no money allowed her to maintain relationships that brought about other opportunities - one of them being Carib World Home Shopping, which she hosted for several years. But, “You have to get down to the business of running a business,” she reiterates. “And that sometimes is hard. And if you can’t do that yourself you need to surround yourself with people who can help you with that.” For the future, Dawn-Lisa has her eyes set on having “Celebrations of Rhythms” on tour throughout the world. She also wants the hard work that contributes to the growth of DL Smith Productions, to continue, “Always growing. Always learning. Always doing.”

fun facts Husband Christopher, and children, Alexandria and Christopher Erskine, “are my life. They keep me sane.” She’s always writing or creating something (“I have a filing cabinet full of television shows, plays, scripts.”) She’s a huge fan of Broadway musicals.



Barbados Winners to Receive Young Leadership Award from Her Majesty The Queen


t is today announced that two young people from Barbados are among 60 young people from across the Commonwealth who are being recognised as exceptional leaders in their community. These 60 young people will receive a prestigious Queen’s Young Leaders Award. The Award, which will be presented in London by Her Majesty The Queen in 2016, and is part of The Queen’s Young Leaders Programme, celebrates the achievements of young people who are taking the lead to transform the lives of others and make a lasting difference in their communities. This year’s Award winners, aged between 18 and 29 and who come from all over the Commonwealth, are working to support others, raise awareness and inspire change on a variety of different issues including; education, climate change, gender equality, mental health and disability equality. 21 year old year old Firhaana Bulbulia from Saint James has been selected for her work empowering women to overcome cultural and social barriers in the community. 25 year old Shamelle Rice has been acknowledged for her work with women and girls in her country. Shamelle said “Three years ago I founded the Jabez House to provide vocational training and entrepreneurial opportunities to female sex workers.



Over 50 women have now gone through the programme and we have worked with another 300 sex workers during its weekly outreach programme. I also started a weekly mentorship programme at the juvenile detention centre, providing support for girls when they leave. I am so honoured to have been selected for the Queen’s Young Leadership Programme” The Queen’s Young Leaders Programme was established in 2014 by The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust in partnership with Comic Relief and the Royal Commonwealth Society in recognition of The Queen’s lifetime of service to the Commonwealth. Over the next three years the Programme will support thousands of young people to achieve their goals. Dr Astrid Bonfield, Chief Executive of The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust said: “Once again 60 incredible young people from around the Commonwealth have shown strength, leadership, empathy and drive. Some of our winners are just embarking on their leadership journey and others are more established. Either way, we recognise not only what these amazing young people have achieved, but also their potential in changing people’s lives for the better in the countries and communities in which they live.” Queen’s Young Leaders on social media Twitter: @queensleaders Instagram: @queensyoungleaders Facebook: facebook.com/queensyoungleaders Hashtag: #QueensYoungLeaders #TheSearchIsOn


Kimberley Angoy ‘Not Only a Designer by Qualification’

pg. 30



How to Keep Fit While Travelling

By Emma Anius


ravelling for business has become a way of life for many business people. A number of companies in the Caribbean have offices in several islands. Hopping on a plane to go attend a meeting or to set up a new branch office in another island has become the norm for many. Unfortunately, in the process their health and fitness often get neglected. The most common excuse I hear is, ‘I have no time’ or ‘there is nowhere to work out.’

If you are one of those who travel regularly for business, getting back into a regular exercise pattern after being away for a while can be difficult. Consistency is key if you want to maintain a good exercise regimen. This can be done anywhere, at any time. Here are some tips to help you keep fit while in transit. 26 DAZZLE www.dazzlebarbados.com

Use a Skipping Rope The skipping rope is an amazing tool for keeping fit. It can be used almost anywhere. It is light, easy to pack and easy to carry while travelling. Skipping is a great cardiovascular exercise. It strengthens your heart, legs, butt, shoulders and arms. You can actually burn

more than 10 calories a minute while skipping. Two 10-minute sessions can help you burn off a whopping 200 calories, resulting in major weight loss.

Try a Mat You’re probably thinking ‘how can a mat be a useful exercise tool?’ Like the skipping rope, you can use a mat to work out virtually anywhere and on any surface. Most exercises to strengthen your core are done on the floor. A mat helps you cushion the impact. It’s also good for stretching.

Stay Positive Your attitude towards exercising is even more important than the equipment you use. There is a direct link between motivation and improving your health and fitness. Having a positive attitude can provide a strong incentive to exercise, and make you a happier person. You are familiar with your body, how it works, how it feels and most importantly, you know your limits. There are hundreds of exercises you can do in a small space, such as a hotel room, that require no equipment.

Resistance Bands for Toning Resistance bands are lightweight and portable and you can use them to work every part of your body, and do so without any help. They are extremely effective at toning your muscles and can help boost your stamina, flexibility and range of motion.

So not working out because you’re ‘away on business’ is not an acceptable excuse. For example, you can try 10 minutes of skipping, followed by some squats, pushups, burpees, leg presses, bicep curls, a low row (using the resistance bands) and finish it off with some core work and a stretch. Combine all of these exercises and you essentially have a full body workout using next to no equipment. Restarting in the gym after extensive traveling is tough. Make it easier by keeping active while on the go. Continue exercising and become a living example of the fit and healthy Travelling Executive. For more Infomation visit www.faceoffitness246.com



Double the Fun with Limerz Cruise By Ryan Wills


fter doing Limerz Cruise for 7 years which hands down had the most boats (9) on the water, the crew decided it was time to venture on land. They realised that their second cruise at Christmas which took place on the Jolly Roger was limiting and did not allow them to be as creative as they wanted to be. Additionally, they wanted to reach a larger demographic and deliver a quality event at a very affordable price. So Seventh Heaven and First Light was born. Christopher John, Tricia Yearwood and Henry Yearwood are the team behind it all bringing over a decade of experience in the entertainment industry. They all add their own unique touch to the group with Chris who is a Director in a construction company and possesses a Masters Degree in Project Management. Tricia, the creative one in the bunch, and Henry who is currently a Commercial Manager at one of the top regional companies in Barbados. First Light was Chris and Henry’s brain child. They were at East Point with some friends discussing what they would be doing to celebrate the New Year. Looking out over the coast and the grounds, it hit them that 28 DAZZLE


this would be the ideal place to celebrate the First Light of the New Year. When they brought it to the team they were all skeptical of doing two large events within days of each other but after some deliberation, they made a decision. First Light would be the place to come, after the old year’s night party, after the dinner, after the family watched the fireworks or for some, the place to start your new year after a night of rest. The events are a large task to undertake seeing that their location choices are quite unique and usually call for a bit of infrastructural work. Luckily, the land events are not nearly as challenging logistically as the summer cruise which involves stocking, boarding and sailing nine boats simultaneously. They pride themselves on excellent customer service and ensuring that the patrons’ experience is one to remember. Looking ahead with these two new events under their belt who knows… There might be a few more surprises in 2016! You can also have your event featured in Dazzle Barbados, contact us at info@dazzlebarbados.com

Your Nail Shape Vocabulary oval








The tip of a long nail is filed into an egg shape.

Has an oval shape but with a square tip, it gives the nail tip more strength.

The nail is filed away at the sides and softly pointed at the tip.

Possible only on fake nails, it’s a 3D construction that creates an angle on the nail.

The nail grows out straight at the sides for 1.5mm and the tip is filed into a rounded shape.

The nail grows out straight and the tip is filed straight across at the right angles with the rest of the nail plate.

The nail is filed away at the sides to a point at the tip. It’s a very weak shape since the sides of the nail are totally lost.

Nail shape between square and almond: has an almond shape but with straight angles.



Kimberley ANGOY ‘Not Only a Designer by Qualification’ By N. L. Bowen


im Angoy is a young, ambitious designer who operates a new and dynamic swimwear line called Suga Apple Swim. This line of apparel is not only sought after by customers in Barbados, but by many other swimwear lovers throughout the Caribbean and beyond. Although established officially for only 1 year, the company has experienced phenomenal growth, due to Kim’s dedication and ability to create unique designs. As a wife and mother of two, this creative 29 year old remains family oriented and is philosophical in her approach to business and life. Kim grew up amongst a family of entrepreneurs - her parents operate their own restaurants - so she admits that she learnt a lot about the world of business through observation and hands on experience. That exposure definitely fuelled a desire to create her own business, as well as the confidence and dedication needed to fulfil this goal. Kim details her journey from student, to mother and entrepreneur. To date over 30 swimwear styles have been created and by all indications this number will continue to rise.



Who is Kim Angoy and what inspired you to create your swimwear line? I am a simple person and I don’t like all the frills. I’m an interior designer by qualification and was born into a family of entrepreneurs. My parents operate Chinese restaurants, and I worked at their businesses from the time I was a child, starting with washing dishes to eventually doing sales, cashiering, etc. I first decided to do a swimwear line while studying overseas at the Savannah College of Art and Design, where we did sculpting, drawing, art history, etc. I have a passion for swimwear and before going overseas, I had a ‘ridiculous’ swimsuit collection. When I returned home I did interior design with a firm, but what made me ‘change gears’ was the fact that I became pregnant and the 4am calls on site would not have worked. I then started working with my dad doing sales and marketing. I started slowly buying pieces of fabric and went to a manufacturer in Miami, but things didn’t work out. Later I did some samples with a lady called Rozana… 4 years later, I was able to save up enough money and Suga Apple Swim was born to the public.

fun facts The name Suga Apple Swim was inspired by Bajan sayings and the female physique.

With all of your responsibilities, how do you manage your time? I do most of my work when the children are asleep, or when I’m sketching, they would be playing. My father, cousin or brother would collect the children from school if I can’t. I also manage my family restaurant taking care of ordering, cashiering, etc., so if I have an extremely late night my husband would take care of the breakfast or children’s lunch. I also work out heavily and anyone who has a crazy schedule should do so. I definitely have to do a list, if not I will forget things, because it’s really hard. What are your goals and the company’s next step? I have many next steps and I really want Suga Apple to be a lifestyle brand, so swimsuits are just a ‘scratch on the surface’. I now make wraps, and am coming out with beach bags and totes... I will soon have a place by the beach, at Pirates’ Cove and this will be my first ‘gig’ away from home selling swimsuits. What advice would you give to those who want to become entrepreneurs? - Planning - Plot out your goals, do things in a timeline and determine your target market. - Take baby steps and don’t ‘bite off more than you can chew’. - Think positively - This helps to shape your spirit, the way you do things and how people respond to you and your product. If you are not confident about your product, no one would be confident about it.

Kim also teaches pole dancing 2 nights a week!! Surfed prior to having her 1st child. How did your family react when you informed them about your business venture? They said ‘just do it’. My cousin and parents wanted to invest in it, but I was fortunate enough not to need their assistance. I felt that it wasn’t necessary, because I did everything bit by bit. My father would offer advice and I also have the support from my husband and brothers who are there to assist when I need them. How is business going so far and what’s the response from the public? Amazing. Within the last 6 months, business has skyrocketed and it’s doing much better than I have ever dreamt. I have customers from the USA, UK, Australia, and throughout the Caribbean, such as Bequia, BVI, Trinidad and Jamaica. I also get support from former school mates… about 100% of them have left with swimwear when they visit.



RolliBot 4 in 1 Vacuum Cleaner

By On Line Consultancies


here’s a new vaccum on the market and it may be the smartest of them all. Introducing the RolliBot BL618 which sweeps, vacuums, mops, and UV sterilizes your floor for you and is sold exclusively at On Line Consultancies in Barbados. RolliBot is an intelligent robotic vacuum cleaner that will navigate your home while it removes dirt, dust,

pet hairs, and much more. RolliBot features dual sweepers that sweep inward towards a high powered suction vacuum. Behind the vacuum, you can attach the included mopping micro-fiber cloth or use the UV sterilization light to sterilize your floor as it cleans.



With the multi-sensor infrared bumper, RolliBot will carefully navigate and clean your entire room with its 4 cleaning modes: Auto-Cleaning, Spot Cleaning,

Edge Cleaning, and Zig-Zag Cleaning. RolliBot will automatically return to its home charging station once the battery is low. There is a remote control so you can direct it to where you want the RolliBot to clean. It also features a primary dust filter and a HEPA filter to keep the dust inside the dust bin. You can schedule the RolliBot for 7-Days a week of cleaning. The RolliBot is ideal for hard-surface flooring such as hardwood, tile, linoleum and low-profile carpets.

FYI! – There is a live Demo in-store! SkyMall, Haggatt Hall. SuperStore Locations: Clermont, St. Thomas | SkyMall, Haggatt Hall, St. Michael

Automatically Recharge with Home Base RolliBot will automatically return to its home base to recharge when it is low on battery or when it has completed a cleaning cycle. Just program the RolliBot to clean on a regular schedule and when it is done cleaning, it will return to its home back to charge and be ready for the next day’s cleaning cycle. RolliBot is designed for simplicity and easy operation, making your home cleaner and your life easier.





ingredients 8 Medium Ripe Tomatoes Salt, to taste 2 Cups Water 1 Cup Quinoa 2 Tsp Olive Oil 6 Cups Fresh Spinach 3 Cloves of Garlic, Minced 1 Tsp Chopped Fresh Parsley Freshly Ground Pepper, to taste Parmesan Cheese Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

method Preheat oven to 375. Slice off ½ inch of the stem end of the tomatoes and hollow out the inside. Slice just a small section off of the bottom of the tomatoes so that they will sit flat on a baking sheet. Sprinkle salt in the hollow portion of each tomato and place hollow side up on a baking sheet. Set aside. Place water and quinoa in a saucepan. Bring to a boil; lower to a simmer, cover, and cook for 15 minutes. Heat oil in a frying pan and add spinach. Season with salt and pepper, and cook until just wilted. Mix in the garlic and parsley, cook for a minute longer, and remove from stove. Add cooked quinoa to spinach; mix well. Taste for salt and pepper & evenly divide the filling among the tomatoes. Cover with foil and bake for 20mins. Remove foil, sprinkle tops with parmesan cheese and mozzarella cheese. Bake for an additional 5mins, or until

cheese is melted. DAZZLE Serve. Recipe by: Katerina Petrovska www.dazzlebarbados.com


see more pictures on www.dazzlebarbados.com & facebook.com/dazzlebarbados






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Issue 1

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Kimtara Clarke

The Girlfriend behind the Expo

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Labelled as A Narcissist and Using it to his Advantage

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Building communities through strength and conditioning Beating The Hangover!

Lloyda Springer Staying True to Foreday

Jonathan Carter

Teaching the Art of Self-Love and Sexual Empowerment

Putting Bat to Ball Try me!

The Samsung Galaxy Camera dazzlebarbados.com


Issue 5



Issue 2

Janelle Chase-Mayers

Damien Applewhaite

Issue 3

Nikele Davis Locing it Down

Advantage to Apple Up to the Time


Killing it with Style

Ieashia Browne

Natasha Simpson

She's got Talent

The Business of Revelling

Intention Is Your Ignition

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Not Short on Energy

Richie Wiggins

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All La ysen

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HDMI Pocket Projector Mobile ar ba


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Dec yne Extr orator aord inair Be e thisat the b Sea Holid ulge son ay

Issue 6

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Arshad Mehter

A Well Rounded Approach to Business

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The Slim Chef Getting Started on your Fitness Journey

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