Thinking About Getting Vaccinated?
’m sure we’ve all seen and heard the comments and skepticism on the various COVID-19 vaccines. Some people are for it, and others are strongly against it. Whether it be because of a theoretic conspiracy, or a personal belief, getting the vaccine has been a dilemma for some people. We’ve seen the news and heard the stories too, especially reports from countries in the European Union about the risks involved in taking the AstraZeneca Vaccine after blood clot concerns. For a while, countries in that region suspended the use of the vaccine but after more research, the administration of the vaccine was resumed. In hindsight, according to the World Health Organization, the benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine greatly outweigh the risks. The concerns are warranted, we agree. But take a look at the number of blood clot cases reported to the number of people vaccinated in that region. Over 17 million people in Europe have been vaccinated and less than 50 people have reported cases of blood clots. 24 DAZZLE
Is that enough to warrant panic? It’s been said that there has been no scientific link between the reported deadly side effects with the vaccine. Of course, not everything that negatively follows a vaccine is caused by said vaccine, but with the doubts surrounding the vaccines and the virus itself, speculation is expected. But either way, we have questions for you; Are you getting the vaccine? Do you have all the necessary information? Can’t make up your mind? Maybe we can help. Depending on the type of vaccine, or depending on the manufacturer, the vaccine may contain a weakened form of the virus, part of the virus or its genetic material, according to the Ministry of Health. The vaccine provides your body with the ability to use the contents to create fighter cells to attack the virus. But how safe is it? The vaccine gives you a certain level of immunity to the virus that should protect