Come and See by David Baugh
David Baugh (512) 539-6940
INT. CAR- DAY AMY is Driving down the street. ISABELLE is in the seat next to her. JOHNNY and SANDY are smoking weed and making out in the back seat, RICK and ISABELLE are arguing and there is a dog in the very back. JOHNNY Hey Amy you want some of this? it is pretty good Johnny offers Amy a joint AMY I really shouldn’t I’m driving RICK No Isabelle that is just not the way things work. It isn’t logical ISABELLE Well yeah Rick not logically but there are a lot of things in the world besides logic. What about emotions and feeling! It feels right doesn’t it?! RICK What are you even talking about. That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say, and you have had some doozies over the years. There is a logical explanation for everything. Just because your feeble mind can’t comprehend it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. ISEBELLE You say that because everything you have seen and experienced you have been able to define logically. That doesn’t mean that everything in the universe is logical. What will you do when you come across something that you can’t explain? JOHNNY Would you two shut the fuck up? It has been like 2 hours of this stupid bullshit. Do either of you even remember what you’re arguing about?
2. ISABELLE Politics RICK Please it was Science... geography? JOHNNY That’s what I thought! Can’t you guys just get along for once? You’re brother and sister weren’t you supposed to out grow this bickering and learned to love each other by now? ISABELLE You know what, he’s right. I can forgive you little brother.
Isabelle extends her hand for a handshake RICK you forgive me? But you’re the one that-Isabelle drops her hand in exasperation. Getting ready to start the fight all over again. JOHNNY Don’t even start. I don’t need anymore of this existential crap... We are supposed to be enjoying ourselves Johnny takes another hit of weed. SANDY Hey Amy, you really should take a hit of this it is some good shit. AMY No I’m alright Johnny. Thanks SANDY You never do anything cool, although I guess given the amount of drugs I took on this trip with us you are probably committing a felony or something anyway, perhaps it is best not to tempt fate. AMY What?! That’s illegal. What if we get caught, Pastor Mike would never forgive me if he found out. (CONTINUED)
3. SANDY If you don’t believe a law should exist it’s your duty as a citizen to break that law Aims. Besides there is no one out here to catch you. That was the whole point of the trip wasn’t it?
Johnny blows smoke in her face. JOHNNY You afraid that they are going to kick you out of the seminary that you are leaving us all for if they find out? Sandy and Johnny laugh. AMY It isn’t like that. I just... this is an amazing opportunity. Pastor Mike says that I could be a great minister some day. I’m not leaving you guys... I’ll still keep in touch. Plus we got this trip right. Nobody around for miles no one to judge us... One last hoorah Amy looks around the car and no one is saying anything she turns back to the road right as she hits someone she slams on the breaks closing her eyes thinking that she has killed someone. AMY Oh my god I think I hit someone. Is everyone ok Everyone nods AMY I’m going to go check it out. EXT. ROAD- DAY Amy gets out of the car, she looks around for the person that she expects to see but there is no one there. The Dog is starting to freak out looking around and barking. She turns around thinking she sees someone off in the trees but there is no one there.
4. JOHNNY What the fuck Amy? AMY You didn’t see that person in the road? I think we may have hit them. JOHNNY I don’t know sounds like you have mental problems.
Johnny takes another hit of weed. SANDY Have you been sleeping? I know I start seeing things when I haven’t slept. AMY None of you saw that?! ISABELLE I believe you!... but I wasn’t really paying attention... sorry. JOHNNY The car looks fine there isn’t anyone out here but us. We’re miles from anyone, Amy looks around but doesn’t see anything. The dog is still barking. She takes a few steps towards the tree line and the dog freaks out even more. AMY Relax Angus it’s alright. Amy gives up and goes back to the car where she notices that the license plate is bent. AMY The license plate is bent. Was that like that before? Amy looks under the car but she doesn’t see anything. JOHNNY Maybe you hit bambi but I don’t see anything around here, and there is no blood. Surely you only grazed them with the way you were slamming on the breaks like a maniac. They are probably fine lets just get out of here. (CONTINUED)
The dog stops barking but is still uneasy. Sandy pulls out a Joint and lights it, coughing and then handing it to Amy SANDY Tell you what why don’t I drive the rest of the way and you can finish this off. AMY I really shouldn’t... ISABELLE Your too stressed you just got to relax. Lets have a great time and forget about the rest of the world for this weekend alright? AMY Yeah maybe I have been driving too long. Johnny tries to hand her the joint. RICK Come on Aims the stuff they say about weed is mostly unfounded. You will be fine JOHNNY Come on no one is watching you might as well let go a little bit. Amy takes a hit of the joint. JOHNNY That’s the spirit Everyone climbs back into the car SANDY Buckle up mother fuckers lets do this Sandy floors it and speeds off. THERE IS A SMALL PUDDLE OF BLOOD ON THE ROAD.
EXT. CABIN- DAY They speed in slamming the breaks and coming to a stop with everyone lurching forward. They pull up to a cabin in the woods, with a giant wrap around porch. SANDY WOOO! I didn’t realize you had it in you girl! Good Show She pats the dashboard of the car. RICK I think I am going to throw up. The dog freaks out as soon as they open the door barking and running off into the woods. Its a big cabin with access to the lake. surrounded on almost every side by trees except for the front. AMY I hope Angus is alright. I don’t know that I have ever seen him like that. ISABELLE I’m sure he is fine he is probably just excited to be here this place is so beautiful! Rick comes back having just thrown up. AMY You feeling better RICK A little. I might need to take my nausea medication though. ISABELLE He was never much for fast car rides. Sandy comes out of the car. SANDY Man and that one was a fucking doozie right? We probably could have died
AMY Well we are here now and this place is gorgeous RICK And it has great access to the natural resources. I can’t wait to take some samples for my amateur biologists club. Rick pushes up his glasses ISABELLE You’re such a square RICK You mean I’m always right? He laughs at his own joke. ISABELLE I can’t believe we are related. SANDY Let’s fuck some shit up! Sandy shotguns a beer slamming the empty can to the ground. JOHNNY Get it RICK Let’s not lose the deposit. They all start heading inside. Amy goes to get some of her bags from the trunk but hers are at the bottom. AMY Hey you guys want to get your stuff? Mines at the bottom They are too far gone and don’t want to help, they burst through the door. Isabelle comes up and takes her bag off the top. Amy reaches down and grabs her bag pulling it out but the others fall on the ground. Amy bends down to pick up some of the bags. Realizing that her bible has fallen in the mud
AMY Oh no it is ruined. ISABELLE I don’t know why you even packed that thing it isn’t like you are going to need it here. Amy puts some of the bags back up into the car. AMY I’m really going to miss you when I move away for seminary ISABELLE Hey there is plenty of time for all of that we got a week here before you have to go with God lets just take it all in alright? AMY I can’t believe you found this place, and for so cheap ISABELLE It was a steal I’m a little shocked myself. I mean I’m pretty good but even I was surprised when I saw the price tag on this trip. It was almost too good to be true. How could you say no. INT. CABIN- DAY Amy and Isabelle walk into the house to join the others. The radio is on when they get there. RADIO ANOUNCER The lord is accepting of all types and sizes, he doesn’t care who you are and where you come from. AMY Oh man this place is awesome. This week is going to be great! JOHNNY Sandy and I call the master bedroom! RADIO ANOUNCER No he only cares where you’re spending your eternity. Because you (MORE) (CONTINUED)
RADIO ANOUNCER (cont’d) are either with him or against him. Believe me-Isabelle turns off the radio. SANDY You guys can join us if you want. JOHNNY Well except you Rick. I have done a lot of things in my life but I’m not really interested in the devils three way, or 5 way depending on how the evening goes. AMY That’s gross Isabell walks down the stairs past Sandy and Johnny. Sandy slaps Isabelle’s butt and winks at her. AMY Not that I’m not flattered but perhaps not on this trip. SANDY More fun for us then. Belle... think about it. ISABELLE Think about what? AMY You don’t want to know. Sandy jumps into Johnny’s arms, and Johnny carries her back to the Master bedroom. ISABELLE the rest of the rooms are upstairs, there should be one for each of us. Isabelle guides the way. ISABELLE It has central air, access to the lake is within walking distance. The bar comes fully stocked
10. RICK How did you find this place. ISABELLE What can I say little brother when you got it you got it. Amy you can take this room here in the middle and Rick and I will take either side.
Rick goes to put his stuff down in the far room ISABELLE The further away the better AMY Understandable Her and Amy laugh. INT. AMY’S ROOM- DAY Amy puts her stuff down in the first room it has quite a bit going for it. It is fully furnished it has a big bed and a large window that overlooks the back yard into the woods. AMY Oh wow belle you really did it this time. I’m impressed. Rick walks in having put his stuff down. ISABELLE Just wait till you see the lake we pretty much have it all to ourselves. RICK Oh great, No one to hear your shrill shrieking voice but us. ISABELLE or your deafening virginity. Does it hurt to know that you are 25 and you still live at home? RICK I told you I rent the basement from them. I pay rent. ISABELLE Oh yeah how many kisses does mommy make you pay her each night? 10, 12? (CONTINUED)
11. AMY When are we going to the lake? ISABELLE let me go put my stuff down and get changed and we can go check it out.
Amy steps into the bedroom and walks over to the window looking outside. She looks around the room taking it all in. EXT. LAKE- DAY They’re all having a good time hanging out at the lake. They swim and enjoy themselves Sandy drinks a lot and plays in the water, her and Johnny make out. Rick collects samples for his amateur biologists club. AMY It’s so beautiful out here, everything is so peaceful. ISABELLE Well I had to send my best friend off in a big way. Isabelle mixes her a drink, and hands it to her. AMY I’m certainly feeling the love, thanks so much for this. It’s exactly what I needed... I’m really going to miss you. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you. ISABELLE It’s a kinda lame dream but for whatever reason you seem pretty passionate about the ministry. We will just have to have one final blow out before we give you over to the lord. One final black mark on your record to give you something to pray about. AMY I just hope everyone is so cool about it. Johnny seems pretty upset by me leaving.
12. ISABELLE Johnny is a selfish asshole. You have to try this, how else are you going to afford Angus’s extravagant lifestyle. AMY Right... Hey have you seen him around? ISABELLE No I’m sure he’s just chasing a squirrel somewhere. AMY It’s been several hours I hope he didn’t get hurt out there. ISABELLE he’s a big dog who would be able to hurt him. I have seen that dog kill some shit. You remember that snake he found the other day. That thing must have been like 4 feet. He killed it in a heart beat. He could take down a deer if he needed to AMY Uhh don’t remind me of the snake that was so gross... It took forever to clean up the blood. I guess he will be fine. ISABELLE One last hurrah will do us all some good. Just relax you don’t have anything to worry about for at least a week. AMY I wouldn’t say it will be our last hurrah I mean I will be coming back to visit and you guys will be coming up to visit me. Plus it isn’t like I am dying or anything. ISABELLE Yeah but that won’t be the same. AMY Sometimes change is a good thing you know. It isn’t that I don’t absolutely love you guys I just have to do this (CONTINUED)
ISABELLE I’m going to miss you too, you know. We have been hanging out like this since elementary school, and now you are all grown up. I’m so proud of you. they hug. ISABELLE uhhh enough of this you are going to make me cry. Rick walks up holding a petri dish RICK You’re never going to believe what I found over there by the shore. This is the coolest thing. There are fossils all over, lots and lots of shells This must be a really old lake to support enough animals to make that many bodies-ISABELLE No body cares about your nerdgasm fish bullshit Rick AMY Hey did you see Angus over there? RICK No, is he missing still? Rick pushes up his glasses AMY I haven’t seen him since we got here. I’m sure he is fine but I’m starting to worry. RICK Well that isn’t characteristic of Angus. You two are usually inseparable. Johnny swims up to the dock. JOHNNY What are you gaydo’s up to?
RICK I know I shouldn’t ask but what’s a gaydo? SANDY Like we thought you were straight but you gaydo. Johnny climbs out of the water and helps Sandy up. Johnny hits Rick in the arm playfully. JOHNNY You just walked right into it. RICK Hey have you seen Angus JOHNNY Oh no! The cornel is missing? SANDY Not cornel Angus! But all the ladies love cornel angus ISABELLE I’m sure he’s around here somewhere. Why don’t we head back to the cabin and we can look around for him on our way back he couldn’t have gone far. EXT. WOODS- DUSK They’re all walking through the woods looking for Angus and calling for him. He doesn’t seem to be anywhere. They hear a sound of some intense rustling in the bushes. AMY What was that? ISABELLE I don’t know but it sounds big. Everyone gets quiet. They continue to walk forward. They don’t hear anything else. RICK Are those tracks? It looks like some of the leaves are pushed to the side.
They all look around at each other trying to think of what to do. AMY Angus? There is nothing but silence. AMY Angus is that you? Amy walks back into the woods. AMY There is so much tree cover back here and the sun is setting it is hard to see anything. RICK Here I have a flashlight. Rick pulls out a flash light and steps forward. AMY The ground feels wet. SANDY What is that smell? Amy takes a few steps into the woods. RICK Is that... blood? AMY What? Rick takes a few more steps into the woods a little bit further and shines his light and they see a huge puddle of blood. there is little bits of fur and small pieces of bone mixed in strewn all over the ground. Amy is standing in the middle of what used to be her dog. RICK What the fuck... Amy sees all of the blood and gore littering the field. AMY this can’t be... There is no way... This is not happening. Amy picks up a bloody collar with Angus written on it. (CONTINUED)
Amy screams. JOHNNY They killed the fucking dog?!! RICK We gotta get out of here. AMY What about Angus. RICK There is nothing you can do for Angus now Amy and whatever that was might be coming back. Amy doesn’t move for a second she is mortified. There is another rustling in the woods. JOHNNY We really have to go. EXT. CABIN- DUSK They all come running up the front steps Amy puts her stuff in the back of the car and starts to head inside to get the rest of her stuff. She notices that she still has Angus’s blood on her hands. Her hands are shaking JOHNNY Where are you going? For all we know it was just an animal attack we just need to stay inside. It will be OK. RICK I don’t know Johnny that didn’t really look like an animal attack that looked like someone put the fucking dog in a wood chipper. Like he just popped like a ballon from the inside out! JOHNNY Ahh you too Rick I mean I figured Amy would freak out. You always seemed more level headed than that. Lets not jump to conclusions here.
AMY That isn’t fair. You saw what happened back there this may be our only chance to get out of here. Amy walks past Johnny and up to the porch and she goes inside the cabin to get the rest of her stuff. INT. CABIN- DAY Amy opens the door and the radio is on in the living room, as Johnny and the others come in. CALLER Yeah I just don’t know sometimes. I mean it feels like I need to make a change in my life but I’m just sort of beating myself up over it. JOHNNY Oh come on. It’s the woods bad things happen to good pets out here. AMY Not like that! SANDY Yeah I have to admit Johnny, I am usually down but that was unusually fucked up Amy walks into the bathroom trying to clean her dogs blood off her hands. She sees blood on the rosary around her neck and takes it off. Leaving it on the sink. JOHNNY Wait, wait, wait... There is only one car AMY We can’t stay here! RADIO ANOUNCER Well you’re in luck today caller because the lord wants to be that change in your life sir. He wants to fill up all of the dark spaces and make you whole again. Johnny grabs her arm to stop her.
18. AMY What do you want from me Johnny. My fucking dog just got ripped into tiny pieces you want me to just chill out?! We need to get out of here. What could have had the power to do something like that?!
Amy pulls her arm away. RADIO ANOUNCER You have to come closer to the lord, embrace him and he will make you better than you ever thought possible. Isabelle turns the radio off again. Taking her hand away slowly realizing that she had already turned it off before. ISABELLE Did someone turn on the radio before we left? SANDY I think we at least have enough time to assess the situation RICK And what? we wait for whatever that thing out there was to come and get us? ISABELLE I’m with Amy on this. Better safe than sorry. AMY I’m getting my stuff and I’m leaving. I can’t stay here. EXT. CABIN- DUSK Amy comes out of the cabin with all of her stuff packed back up but stops dead in her tracks. The car engine has been removed and is disassembled and laid out in front of it. She drops her bag on the ground. AMY What is that. Amy walks over to the car. The others stay on the porch. (CONTINUED)
19. RICK There are no foot prints. ISABELLE What RICK Well look Amy just left foot prints when she walked up to it... and there are the footprints she left when she walked over to it a few minutes ago. Where are the foot prints from the thing that did this? They didn’t just cover their tracks or they would have gotten hers too. JOHNNY Alright... This has got to be someone fucking with us.
Amy opens up the car and opens up the hood Their engine is actually on the ground in pieces. They’re not going anywhere. AMY What the fuck is going on! RICK this should have taken hours... we were just out here. Even if they somehow disassembled it while we were at the lake how did they lay it all out? The screws are laid out and balanced on their heads every part meticulously placed out. ISABELLE We should probably go back inside. Amy grabs the rest of her stuff and heads back inside. INT. CABIN- DUSK They close the door behind them RICK Surely that thing has to be close maybe we can see it. What could have done that? Rick starts looking through the window. (CONTINUED)
AMY Maybe we can make a run for it. The longer we stay here the more danger we are in. Maybe we can make it. We can come back for our stuff. SANDY Its getting dark pretty fast out there and the nearest person is miles and miles away like Isabelle said. ISABELLE It seemed like a feature at the time. RICK Even if you took it at a dead sprint you could maybe... maybe make it to the main road but it is still a days walk from there without a car I don’t think we could carry enough water to make it. You would be totally exposed. AMY I think I remember seeing a gas station out there that we maybe able to make it to. JOHNNY Man you are just dying to be rid of us aren’t you. AMY No Johnny I just don’t want to die here. Whatever did that to Angus is not something that we want to spend the night with. I don’t even know what to do with the car. We have to act fast. JOHNNY Maybe it was just a joke I mean how could we really tell that it was Angus. Maybe the last person to rent the place did a lot of hunting and gutted the animals over there. Maybe Angus’s collar just fell into the blood somehow...
SANDY Maybe the dog thing and the car thing aren’t related. RICK That seems highly improbable JOHNNY Maybe they can show me how they did it. I mean that is a pretty neat trick we will probably all have a laugh about this later. Just some locals sick idea of a joke. ISABELLE I don’t want to hang around with some redneck asshole who would think that was funny either, even if all the fucked up things we have seen today weren’t related! RICK I don’t see anything out there. Maybe whatever it is, is just going to leave us alone. Amy goes and looks out the window. RICK I don’t see how it could have set all of that up like that so quickly. AMY It couldn’t have! Something is really wrong here ISABELLE Look we can’t start freaking out guys. I have my cell phone upstairs in my room I will call for a cab or something. AMY I’ll go with you. The two of them head upstairs.
INT. ISABELLE ROOM- DUSK Isabelle opens up her bag and gets her phone out. ISABELLE Here we go... Isabelle turns on her phone and tries to make a call but there is a weird signal coming through it. It sounds like a lot of people whispering something, but you can’t make it out. ISABELLE What the fuck is that. She hangs up the call and tries to call 911 again. AMY What is wrong? ISABELLE It’s just... It’s just a weird sound Every time I try and connect. It isn’t like a dial tone or a busy signal... It sounds like whispering. AMY Let me try. ISABELLE Sure maybe you can get something different with your phone. Amy does the same thing on her phone with the same results. Just a really weird sound. INT. CABIN- DUSK The sun is almost all the way down. Amy and Isabelle come rushing downstairs. Everyone else is in the living room. Rick is still looking out the window. SANDY Did you get ahold of someone? AMY Let me see your phone. JOHNNY What’s wrong with yours? I am trying to save my minutes
AMY Just let me see it! JOHNNY You guys are being ridiculous... Johnny begrudgingly takes out his phone and gives it to her. SANDY Whats going on? Amy tries to call 911 again but just gets the same weird sound coming through. AMY What is this... She puts it on speaker, she does the same with her phone and Isabelle’s AMY Rick, Sandy let me see yours too. They give her their phones as well. They’re all making the same noise. Like a whole lot of people whispering into the receiver on the other end. The radio behind them turns back on, on it’s own. RADIO ANOUNCER We are all faced with challenges and questions that we don’t know the answers to. RICK Did that just come on by itself? ISABELLE I turned that off! I know it. RADIO ANOUNCER Problems in our lives. AMY Are you sure you turned it off? ISABELLE Yeah absolutely 100% sure of it, I did it twice RADIO ANOUNCER Sometimes you just have to admit that there is a power that is (MORE) (CONTINUED)
RADIO ANOUNCER (cont’d) greater than you. The lord God has the ability to be closer than you think. All you have to do is accept him into your life. Amy goes and tries to turn off the radio but it stays on RADIO ANOUNCER You see because in the beginning god created heaven and the earth. And the earth was made void. That is to say that there was a lot of things that were already here before that. Some dark and terrible things. RICK Maybe the knob is stuck. Rick grabs the knob and twists it back and forth a few times, but nothing changes. RADIO ANOUNCER God covered them all up so that they couldn’t harm you. But, when left to fester in the darkness it only makes it that much worse. Rick tries twisting the other knob which changes the channel but they are all broadcasting the same signal. RADIO ANOUNCER I mean look at man. Created in his own image. I know that when I don’t go for a run I start to feel pretty sluggish. I get fat and lazy and if I don’t keep on top of it I will just waste away. Rick pulls the radio back a bit. RADIO ANOUNCER Without his constant intervention your soul just wastes away revealing the terrible things that were hiding beneath the whole time. all the dark and depraved things that come in the heart of a sinner. Rick reaches his hand behind the radio for the plug and he unplugs it.
RADIO ANOUNCER Believing is an action folks you have to agree to it first, then you have to actually go out and do something about it. Like working out, you either stay on it constantly or you let out the depraved sick things hiding just beneath come out. JOHNNY You’re kidding me right? AMY That’s not right, he is... RADIO ANOUNCER God is not as... active as he was in the days of the old testament, and as such some pretty dark things have found their roost. But we can make things great again. We just have to accept the light of the lord. JOHNNY You had me going there for a second with the engine and the phones. But the radio? Alright which one of you is behind this. SANDY How would they even do it if they wanted to? RADIO ANOUNCER perhaps because there is so much love to go around for each of his subjects and we now number more than ever. We are legion JOHNNY Alright knock it off whoever it is. It isn’t funny anymore RADIO ANOUNCER That is enough of my rambling let me play this classic piece of worship music. A song that needs no introduction Soft music starts to play.
26. JOHNNY Who is it? Is it one of you? Rick? you are good with circuits and shit. Is this you doing it? RICK It isn’t me! JOHNNY Sandy was with me the whole time so I know it couldn’t have been her. Isabelle? You put this whole trip together cut out whatever sick shit you have going on? ISABELLE I didn’t have anything to do with this I don’t know what you’re talking about. JOHNNY I’m sure the dog was what? Fake blood some bits of fur from the fabric store? That I can see, I didn’t think you were quite that fucked in the head, but the engine thing? I am dying to know how you pulled that off. That would have taken days... ISABELLE I don’t know shit about cars how would I have taken it apart! SANDY Look we have to stick together here we cant lose our shit there has to be a way out of here it isn’t too late. JOHNNY How about you. Did you just have enough of us? I mean you are already leaving us did you just want to kick us while we were down? Are we just a bad influence you need the lord to save you from us? AMY Why would I do anything like this? It isn’t like that.
Johnny stares at her for a second.
27. JOHNNY So what this is just some sick shit waiting for us out in the woods? Is that really what I’m supposed to believe. AMY We have to lock the place up so whatever is out there doesn’t get in here. JOHNNY Who died and made you the boss? SANDY You have to stop freaking out if its someone out there we don’t want to let them know that they are getting to us. JOHNNY Fuck that ain’t nobody getting to me. Come on mother fucker! lets do this.
Sandy tries to stop him. SANDY I don’t know if taunting whatever it is, is the best idea baby. JOHNNY Fuck off. SANDY Hey Johnny opens the door looking out at the porch. The sun has gone down already JOHNNY HEY FUCKO!! WHOEVER YOU ARE! WHY DON’T YOU COME AND FACE ME LIKE A MAN! COME AND TAKE ME! Nothing happens. JOHNNY Come on lets see it! You think you are so powerful! Why don’t you prove it? Show me what you got asshole! I’m ready for you! No one says anything and nothing happens for a moment (CONTINUED)
JOHNNY See AMY Are you done flexing nuts Johnny, get back inside before you piss them off. JOHNNY Please I would like to see them try-Johnny is pulled out into the darkness by an unseen force, kicking and screaming before he can finish his sentence. You can hear him screaming followed by a crunching sound and blood splattering onto the porch. It sounds like it is traveling away from the house quickly. followed by silence They run out onto the porch after him but there is blood everywhere, amy slips in the blood. Sandy runs up to them SANDY We have to go save him AMY We have to stay inside before it gets us too Sandy. There is no one here to save us we have to board this place up. SANDY Fuck that they have Johnny I’m going after him ISABELLE Sandy, you can’t we have to stay together. Isabelle tries to hold her back. SANDY We can’t just leave him out there. AMY We have to go back inside Sandy. We can’t save him if we are dead too RICK That is too much blood for him to still be alive Sandy. We have to (MORE) (CONTINUED)
RICK (cont’d) get back inside. There is nothing we can do. Sandy is crying but she agrees. INT. CABIN- NIGHT They go through the house putting things on the windows it is almost all boarded up and they have a bunch of stuff stacked in front of the door. SANDY I can’t believe we are just going to leave him out there. AMY You saw what happened there is no use going out there after him unless we want to end up the same way. ISABELLE Something seriously fucked up is happening out there. It doesn’t make sense if something like this was out here then surely someone would have been talking about it. RICK That assumes there were survivors to talk about it. There are millions of missing persons cases out there sometimes people can just disappear under your noses. They won’t be looking for us for another week at least. SANDY We are going to get him back! No one is disappearing. AMY We’re certainly going to try Sandy I promise. We aren’t going to leave him to die but we can’t get killed in the process either. For now we need to take stock of everything that we do have. I’ve got a pocket knife in my bag I think I saw some more knives in the kitchen.
ISABELLE I brought a gun RICK You have a gun!? ISABELLE Like I was just going to go to a cabin in the middle of the woods without one. I’ve seen horror movies I’m not stupid AMY Alright go and get it. Everyone else get what you have. Anything you think could be useful. INT. CABIN- NIGHT They start piling things up on the kitchen table in front of them. They have 2 large kitchen knives, a pocket knife, Rifle, 10 bullets, and an axe. AMY You don’t have anymore bullets? ISABELLE No. I bought it from some guy before the trip and that is all that came with it. AMY Do you know how to shoot it? ISABELLE The guy told me to point the blasty end at what I want to die and to pull the squeezy part. I was going to test it out for the first time on this trip. I figured Johnny could show me how to shoot it, and what better place than the middle of the woods to find bullets for it. SANDY Why don’t I take that. Sandy picks up the gun and cocks it putting a bullet in the chamber looking pretty expert at it.
AMY I will take the Axe Rick and Isabelle take the knives. They look around there is not much else. RICK This hardly seems like enough. AMY It’s going to have to do. No one says anything. The Radio turns back on on its own. RADIO ANOUNCER Let us pray. There is a booming knock on the door. JOHNNY Hey guys, I have something wonderful to show you. SANDY Johnny?! You’re back! Amy goes and looks out at Johnny through a hole in the window. EXT. CABIN- NIGHT Johnny is outside the cabin he reaches above him and he crushes the lightbulb in his hand. Blood trickles down his arm. He is pretty messed up he has blood all over him and he doesn’t look the same as he used to. Johnny is eerily calm about the whole situation he doesn’t look afraid at all. Or even like his cuts are bothering him. RADIO ANOUNCER God thank you so much for returning old friends and allowing us to become better than we ever imagined possible. JOHNNY I’m back guys. Open up
32. INT. CABIN- NIGHT Sandy starts to move stuff from away from the door. AMY Hold on Sandy I don’t like this. Something is wrong Sandy stops SANDY What are you talking about Amy, Johnny is right there. JOHNNY Nothing is wrong Amy. Why don’t you open the door. RADIO ANOUNCER You take all of those dark places and you make us whole again. You provide a feast of souls and help us do amazing things through your grace. JOHNNY I have something wonderful to show you guys. It’s just over there in the woods, come and see. RADIO ANOUNCER Praise God, for he has sent his only begotten son to come and show us the way. Through his blood and resurrection he has washed away all of our sins. All you have to do is accept him as your personal lord and savior and even you can be accepted into the kingdom of heaven. JOHNNY (O.S.) You’re never going to believe this. It’s so great. I’ve never felt better. Come and see what I’ve found. SANDY We have to let him in! AMY I don’t like this at all Sandy leave that stuff alone. Lets just talk to him first. (CONTINUED)
SANDY But what if that thing is still out there RADIO ANOUNCER I hope that when the lord comes for you that you will have the courage to answer the call. SANDY We can’t just leave him out there with whatever the fuck is going on. She goes back to taking down the barricade. JOHNNY I can understand your hesitation, but this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, bar none. Better than pain better than sex, just better than... Just let me take you back there. I can show you SANDY You used to say that about me. Johnny doesn’t respond. Sandy goes over to the window to try and see him. SANDY What are you saying Johnny... You don’t look so good. You need help RADIO ANOUNCER When you are truly touched by the word of god, it’s like you’re transformed and renewed and it’s such a profound effect that others will look upon you and see that you have been made better. JOHNNY Let me show you. I just have to take you to the woods over there and you will see. It’s so wonderful you simply must come and see. Just pull the cover from the window. Let me in... Don’t you trust me? SANDY but Johnny this is all so crazy
JOHNNY only because you can’t see SANDY I want to see, but I am scared. Sandy puts her hand up to the window AMY Sandy no you can’t let him in. There is something wrong here. RADIO ANOUNCER You want to become one with christ don’t you brothers and sisters? You want to know his love. Give him your faith and let him lift your burdens. Amy tries to grab Sandy’s arm to get her to come to her senses. RADIO ANOUNCER You just have to surrender yourself mind body and soul to the one true god. RICK Sandy Stop! what are you doing? Sandy throws Amy off her pushing her to the ground, pulling the covering down from the window. SANDY Johnny Johnny smiles for a second before punching through the window grabbing her by the hair. There are some large glass shards in the window Johnny starts smashing her face into them cutting her face open. RADIO ANOUNCER The transition period may be difficult when you are first learning to serve your new god. He will have to destroy you so that you can be made whole again. Born again of the lord. Sandy is screaming hysterically trying to free herself but he has her by the hair. She has broken glass shards sticking out of her face. (CONTINUED)
Sandy tries to struggle and pull some of the glass from her face which causes it to bleed even more. Amy, Rick and Isabelle try and save her but Johnny starts pulling her through the window. They all grab limbs and try as hard as they can. RADIO ANOUNCER Changing yourself is always hard because you are both the sculptor and the marble. But through the pain you will know joys the likes of which you could never fathom before. Johnny Grabs her with his other hand and pulls her through the window. EXT. CABIN- NIGHT Sandy is crying and bleeding all over the place. She tries to pull some more of the glass shards out of her face which just bleed more profusely. SANDY My fucking face! JOHNNY You’ll see soon Sandy, but you must be born again Johnny snaps her neck and her body goes limp. Johnny looks through the window the others are horrified by what just took place. RADIO ANOUNCER And now for a brief word from our sponsors JOHNNY Don’t worry I will be back soon. You will all see Johnny laughs hysterically as he grabs her by the hair and drags her back into the woods and out of sight. INT. CABIN- NIGHT Rick and Amy board the window back up ISABELLE This can’t be happening, this can’t be happening what the fuck was that!! (CONTINUED)
AMY Isabelle I need you to get your shit together. They’re coming back we need to prepare. RICK I think for once I agree with her. This defies all logic. There was too much blood on the porch for him to be walking around. AMY He was super strong. There were three of us and he still got her. With one hand. This stuff is not going to hold. The look back at what they have. There is a long silence. RICK She had the gun. Rick sits down. Crushed. AMY Shit. Amy rushes over to the window. She can see the gun on the porch so it didn’t go to far. It sits in a puddle of blood. AMY It’s still out there on the porch. RICK It is too dangerous to get it. He is probably still out there. AMY I think we just have to try to wait it out till morning. Maybe we can make a run for it. ISABELLE There is no way we will make it that far especially at night, we will just get lost in the woods. It’s too dark. AMY I guess we can hold this place down till first light but until then this is not going to be enough to keep them out. Rick we need to (MORE) (CONTINUED)
AMY (cont’d) close any door that doesn’t have to be open. We are sleeping in here tonight. Isabell help me get the beds down here as quickly as we can, maybe we can fasten them in front of the windows ISABELLE Yeah. RICK it just doesn’t make sense. Isabelle starts going for the stairs Rick doesn’t move. RADIO ANOUNCER Alright aren’t our sponsors great? They allow us to stay with you all night and keep you company through those lonely nights. AMY Rick? we have to get moving RICK yeah... I’ll get to it. RADIO ANOUNCER We have all the answers, we can make this make sense. Rick stays sitting down staring at the radio as Amy goes up stairs to get the mattresses. INT. CABIN- NIGHT Amy and Isabelle are finishing up with the mattresses getting them pushed up against the door and window. There is a crack where they can see out but it is otherwise covered. AMY Rick did you get to the doors closed up? RICK No. ISABELLE Why not?
RICK (hostal) Because I was listening to the radio Isabelle. Rick has his ear right up next to the speaker. AMY Are you feeling alright? RICK I’m fine Rick fiddles with the knobs AMY Isabelle can you get to that for me? ISABELLE Sure. Isabelle leaves the room AMY Hey Rick maybe we should get rid of the radio RICK It has all of the answers. I just have to find it. There;s a logical solution to this. AMY have you made any progress? RICK Well at first that voice was on every channel. I could scan through it and I could find him but now he isn’t there. Rick keeps turning the tuning knob. RICK Now it is so faint. He said he had all of the answers. Surely even all the way out here they should be picking up something. Rick is getting pretty paranoid with it. Isabelle comes back into the room.
ISABELLE Done. AMY Alright, we don’t know when he is coming back we have to have a plan. There are foot steps heard on the back porch. Amy and Isabelle go running to the window. They’re all caught off guard. The radio comes on, Rick smiles. RICK He’s back. RADIO ANOUNCER Sorry about that ladies and gentlemen we had some technical difficulties, here at the studio. Promise it wasn’t anything supernatural. Becky the new intern accidentally bumped into the console and unplugged it. EXT. CABIN- NIGHT Sandy and Johnny come up the porch. Sandy’s face is still torn up but the glass is gone and the bleeding has slowed down. She is smiling really wide. Sandy knocks on the door. SANDY Hey guys you really should come and see what we have found back there. I can’t believe I even waited as long as I did before accepting. Sandy and Johnny laugh together. JOHNNY It really is unlike anything I have ever seen. You will all love it. SANDY I know I did, though that first step is a doozy They continue to laugh
INT. CABIN- NIGHT The radio announcer laughs as well. JOHNNY There is no reason to hide from this. RADIO ANOUNCER It is hard work delivering the word to the masses but I’m happy to say that we are now back at it. SANDY I feel like I have egg on my face after witnessing what is out there. You’ve got to come and see it. It will make you whole again. It takes away your pain. you have to see. AMY Just go away. RADIO ANOUNCER We are doing the work of the lord here tonight ladies and gentleman let us turn to our bibles. If still have yours. We are going to talk about Job JOHNNY Sure it hurts at first... A whole lot SANDY So did losing my virginity but this is way way better than that ever was, so of course it has to hurt more. Sandy puts her face up to the glass where Amy is looking through. AMY Look Sandy you are just not... you aren’t who you used to be. RADIO ANOUNCER I won’t bore you with bible verse but I’m sure you have all heard the story.
JOHNNY Of course not Amy. We have been made better you will see you will all see. Just let us show you the way it is just in the woods back there. EXT. CABIN- NIGHT Sandy and Johnny are on standing on the porch Sandy picks up a piece of the broken glass. SANDY There is no more pain, and no more sadness, depression, happiness, none of the hurt. Sandy starts cutting herself with the piece of glass. SANDY You can be one of us... You can be made perfect. Blood drips on the ground below her but she doesn’t flinch. RADIO ANOUNCER Basically Job is this guy who is pretty wealthy he has made a name for himself and God makes a deal with the devil to torture him. AMY Something is seriously wrong with this Sandy. Sandy hits the door. Laughing INT. CABIN- NIGHT The stuff against the door shakes. AMY Maybe we can still get you some help once we get out of this. Johnny and Sandy laugh. JOHNNY There’s no getting out of this Amy, it’s just a matter of time, and believe me there is more than enough.
42. SANDY Just let us show you the way. JOHNNY You have spent the last few months doing everything you can to leave us. We’re practically family and you jump ship for some fucking novel. For once just make the right choice Amy and come and see. AMY That isn’t fair, the lord has called me to-SANDY What are you talking about there is a much higher power out there calling you forth right now. AMY This is blasphemous, none of this is right. SANDY you stand there having witnessed a miracle and you are offended because it hasn’t come from a place you like. I mean look at me I have been brought back to life. You just have to come and see. RADIO ANOUNCER God cursed Job to have boils all over him he took away every good thing that he had ever gotten. But through suffering he is absolved, and this pleases God. Only through immense suffering can you receive the grace of god. I mean look at Jesus that didn’t look easy did it? Did you think it would be easy for you? AMY I can’t you’re not well. We can get you help. JOHNNY You’re the one that needs help. I have been made perfect. Just come outside. Let me help you become better.
43. RADIO ANOUNCER but that is something that you have to come to in time. You have to want it. In your soul. You have to need it. RICK Just get the fuck out of here Johnny. JOHNNY Come on Rick. You’re a man of science I thought I would never hear you shy away from an experiment. You can see the power that we have now don’t you want to find out how? RADIO ANOUNCER You must choose one way or another.
Gospel music starts playing over the radio. AMY We are not letting you in. JOHNNY you couldn’t stop this if you wanted to Amy. You are just here to witness the birth of a god Johnny laughs at her. RADIO ANOUNCER Once you have made your choice your God commands you to go forth and convert others, so that they too can know the glory of god. SANDY You sure you don’t want to find all the answers you are looking for Rick? Aren’t you even a little curious. Just come and see. It’s right over there in the woods. I can take you there Rick and you will know everything. RADIO ANOUNCER Man by man, group by group, all throughout society. You have to speak the word of the lord and bring them over to the right side. He will make you fishers of men. (CONTINUED)
44. RICK You guys are just sick we are going to help you out SANDY What about you belle? You will come and see right? ISABELLE I can’t, you guys don’t look right. JOHNNY (Furious) I have never felt better!!
Johnny hits the wall. Shaking all of the stuff that is piled up. SANDY Just submit yourselves and then you can come and see. Everything is much better when you can see. JOHNNY It’s wonderful you need to see. You all need to see. RADIO ANOUNCER God doesn’t tolerate these so called "sometimes christians" You know the types they only show up on Easter, and Christmas, maybe thanksgiving. Rick doesn’t say anything AMY Look Sandy whatever it is that’s wrong with you guys we are going to get you help, but you have to stay out we don’t want to risk contaminating any more of us. Whatever is happening... We have to stay rational here. SANDY You’re unmolded clay but you could be like Gods! Just submit! Sandy hits the door pushing some of the things out of the way and seriously weakening their defenses. She is able to get her arm through the door. They all push up against it barely keeping it all together, crushing her arm in the door. (CONTINUED)
RADIO ANOUNCER You have to be all in 100% balls to the wall Christians. You have given yourselves to the lord and everything that comes with that commitment. I mean why say bleed when you can say hemorrhage. Amy rushes over to try and hold the door closed. Sandy screams for a second and then pulls her arm out. Amy puts something over the hole that she left. It’s barely holding together. JOHNNY You will see... There are no happy ending here. There is no sadness, no grief. You are just transformed... Made perfect... We will get you soon enough. AMY God will save us. RADIO ANOUNCER Well the night is still young and I’m feeling a bit frisky so we are going to take a little musical interlude and we will be right back Some music starts playing JOHNNY Oh don’t worry guys you will see one way or another. We will make you all see. Time is on our side. Johnny and Sandy walk away slowly. fading into the darkness SANDY See you soon. INT. CABIN- NIGHT Amy Isabelle and Rick are still left in the room. AMY We need to get this stuff back up Amy starts working on getting the stuff back in front of the door. pushing it all back and trying to make it stronger
46. RICK What good will it do? she practically broke it all down with one hit. AMY Look Rick now is not the time to break down. I know this is fucked up but we don’t have time we have to do something. ISABELLE There’s no way she could have survived what he did to her. I saw her body go limp. This doesn’t feel right. This can’t be happening. AMY Look we may still be able to make it out of this but you guys have to get your shit together. Bad things happen to good people I don’t know what to tell you. I can’t be your cheerleader right now. This is not over yet. They are coming back, probably sooner rather than later. We have to get ready ISABELLE What are we going to do? You saw how strong they are. RICK The Radio! It’s still on! It didn’t go away this time you can still hear the music.
Rick goes and puts his ear to it. ISABELLE I don’t hear anything RICK What do you mean you don’t hear that? I mean sure it is faint but it is definitely there. He tries turning it up. Amy moves a little bit closer. AMY I don’t hear anything Rick. Amy walks over and puts her ear to it. She is sitting there with Rick. She pulls her head away. (CONTINUED)
AMY Still nothing. RICK I can figure this out. I mean the things they have done that just isn’t possible. There has to be a logical explanation. Surely Johnny wouldn’t have figured this out before me. It has to be possible, I just don’t know how. The Radio will tell me Amy stands up. AMY He is preventing the word of the lord, you shouldn’t listen to that Rick. RICK It’s so faint. You can barely hear it. Maybe it is just not on the right channel. Rick starts scanning through channels trying to pick it up again. AMY We need to get the remaining furniture and block the door. Amy starts closing the doors around her, and locking them AMY No one leaves this room we stay in here tonight it’s too dangerous. ISABELLE Hey rick give me a hand with this couch. RICK I’m in the middle of something here. Amy walks over and helps her with the couch.
INT. CABIN- NIGHT They’re are sitting in the living room it’s silent except for the very faint sound of the Rick listening to the radio, but the signal is very faint. It just sounds like whispers. Amy is looking out the window but doesn’t see anything Rick is listening intently and frantically jotting down notes. AMY Maybe you should turn off the Radio Rick. Rick doesn’t respond at all. He just writes down notes AMY Rick? I don’t think you are going to get anything out of this. RICK Be Quiet! I’m trying to listen! I’ve have it turned up all the way but I can barely hear it... The signal must just be faint. You have to listen closely. They have all of the answers. Rick writes down more notes. Isabelle steps in ISABELLE Why don’t we just leave you to it then. Isabelle goes across the room to where Amy is looking out the window. ISABELLE I have never seen him like this. I mean he has always been a dork but he is usually at least aware of his surroundings. Neither of them say anything the tone is pretty somber. ISABELLE Hey I found a deck of cards if you want to kill some time. Amy looks at the window for a second but no one is out there.
AMY We should probably stay alert. ISABELLE I mean it has been hours and nothing has happened. Amy looks out the window again but there is nothing there. AMY What game? ISABELLE Whatever you want. I just can’t handle the waiting. I need to think of something else for a while that is not just this impending doom. AMY Alright but just a quick game. Isabelle takes a box off of the pile of things in front of the door and puts it down in between them. AMY Hey ISABELLE You really think it would make a difference? Amy pauses for a bit. AMY fine but it goes right back when we are done ISABELLE Yeah absolutely. Amy starts to deal cards. AMY Want to play war? ISABELLE Sure RICK I think I figured it out! Amy looks up at him.
AMY What are you talking about Rick? RICK I’ve got it! I think I know Suddenly the radio is blaring. RADIO ANOUNCER There she is. Sorry about that folks we were just having some technical difficulties. Rick turns it down a little bit so that it is at a normal level. RADIO ANOUNCER My assistant bumped into the board earlier and now it is acting up. We may need to replace her. Relax sheela I meant the board not you. Thank you all for bearing with us during all of that. We are back now Live. RICK See I told you! Rick stands up and runs over to the window RICK I have it all figured out. I just need to see. AMY We are not letting them in! SANDY You are making the right choice Rick. You just need to see it to believe Rick starts looking out the window at them. JOHNNY You will not regret it. RADIO ANOUNCER You know if you were to look upon the lord it could kill you. It would be of such astounding beauty that your feeble mind wouldn’t be able to reconcile it. Who knows how (MORE) (CONTINUED)
51. RADIO ANOUNCER (cont’d) it would appear to you. Maybe that much more advance being has a different concept of beauty than we do.
Isabelle looks out the window. ISABELLE Just get out of here! We aren’t going with you. SANDY It’s cute that you still haven’t caught on to the gravity of the situation here Belle. JOHNNY You really are just making it harder on yourself. SANDY Don’t worry everything will be revealed, you just have to submit. JOHNNY It is much better if you submit. ISABELLE you guys are just sick. JOHNNY Hey Rick you remember that time we went to that strip club in New Mexico? RICK This hardly seems like the right time Johnny. RADIO ANOUNCER The most important thing to keep in mind is that all good things are possible through the lord. Bad things happen when you abandon his teaching. Maybe more of your friends wouldn’t have to die in the streets if you would just pray a little bit more. Maybe listen to some Gospel every now and again here on channel 66.33. Speaking of which lets kick it off with a little bit more here.
JOHNNY You were so afraid of that place you kept saying that we were going to get robbed. I told you to trust me. We wen’t in and you met that sexy little stripper Minka and I set it up so that you could nail her in the back room RICK We got so drunk Rick laughs a bit. JOHNNY We had a great time didn’t we buddy? It may not have seemed so savory at first but it would have been great. Had you not bitched out. RICK It wasn’t like that JOHNNY I couldn’t even get my money back so I had to take your place. There is a reason you never got any Rick. You don’t know how to let go. RICK Yeah... but... She was... JOHNNY Trust me buddy, she was great; but this... this is a billion times better than that. If you thought you regretted running out on that perfect opportunity then you are really going to regret this. Just let me show you. I can give you all of the answers to the questions you never thought to ask. AMY We are not letting you in. SANDY Yes you are. RADIO ANOUNCER If you deny the lord that is when it becomes really painful. He will (MORE) (CONTINUED)
RADIO ANOUNCER (cont’d) bring down all of his wrath upon you. All you have to do is submit to his almighty power and you will be spared. RICK Yes we are. AMY What are you talking about. RICK There has to be a logical explanation for this. I need to know. Rick starts pulling things away from the door. AMY Rick stop! What’re you doing? Amy runs towards Rick who pushes her out of the way as hard as he can. Sandy starts breaking through the door. RICK This is too important. ISABELLE Rick No! Isabelle tries to stop him but enough of it’s out of the way. Sandy bursts through the door, pulling Rick out onto the porch. RADIO ANOUNCER The longer you try and keep hold of your sin the worse it will be for you. It is just that simple. There is no escape. Sandy steps in the door winching at the light and she flips the switch. Sandy smashes his face into a post outside the door. He spits out teeth and blood and drops his knife on the ground Sandy grabs the knife from next to him and starts stabbing him repeatedly in the chest. Blood bubbling up from his lungs, he gasps for air trying to get her to stop. She is in a frenzy at this point. (CONTINUED)
Johnny turns his attention towards the two girls. They are totally defenseless but Johnny doesn’t attack them immediately. ISABELLE Amy lets go AMY My Axe ISABELLE There is no time. Isabelle pulls her back before she can get it. They start to run upstairs. Johnny grabs the axe and goes after them. Amy and Isabelle start running down the hall towards the rooms and they duck into Amy’s room. Just barely escaping Johnny. INT. AMY’S ROOM- NIGHT Amy puts her whole weight against the door. Johnny beats against it almost knocking it open. He sticks his head in and Amy hits him over and over again. Johnny pulls his head back and the door closes Amy locks the door They push a dresser over in front of the door. Johnny hits it a few more times but it is sort of holding together. They take a step back and the door continues to hold but barely. ISABELLE What the fuck are we going to do?! Amy doesn’t say anything ISABELLE This is so fucked. Isabelle starts crying. AMY I know this is hard but we have to pull ourselves together. What time is it? Isabelle looks at her watch.
ISABELLE 3 am the sun rises around 7 or 8 even then we are never going to make it. I mean that is why they dismantled the engine. we could probably put it back together if we had enough time, but they’re never going to let us. AMY It’s going to be okay JOHNNY Aims come on. You don’t really believe you can hold us off? AMY Go away Johnny! We’re not letting you in. JOHNNY Come on girls haven’t we waited long enough AMY You are sick Johnny you need help! JOHNNY I could say the same thing. AMY Just leave us alone JOHNNY I just want to show you something, it’s just out in the woods Amy you don’t have to worry anymore. Johnny tries to force his way into the room some more. Isabelle and Amy sit in front of the door and they are barely abel to keep it closed. RADIO ANOUNCER (faintly) God gave us the ability to decide for ourselves what we wanted full well knowing that we may sometimes make the wrong choice. ISABELLE Just stop it Johnny!
56. RADIO ANOUNCER Would you look at that. I’m starting to run over my schedule. If you let me I would just blabber all night long. We really must get to a word from our sponsor. JOHNNY I’m going go make sure that Rick is... transitioning well... I would reconsider ladies, I don’t think any of us want to do this the hard way... See you soon Belle
Johnny walks away. Isabelle stands up and starts pacing back and forth. The message from the sponsor plays. AMY I think he is gone but I don’t know how much longer we got. Isabelle doesn’t say anything she just starts pacing back and forth in the tiny room. AMY are you doing alright Amy tries to put her hand on Isabelle’s shoulder but she shrugs it off. Gospel music starts to play. ISABELLE No I’m not doing alright! Far fucking from alright. Isabelle reaches into her pocket to pull out a cigarette. AMY I thought you quit ISABELLE well. Isabelle starts trying to light the cigarette but can’t get the lighter to light. ISABELLE Fuck She tries again to light he lighter but it won’t light.
57. ISABELLE Come on
She shakes it a few times. Her hands are shaking and she tries again to light it but can’t. AMY Belle let me help you Isabelle tries a few times but it doesn’t work. She screams and throws the lighter across the room, Isabelle smashes her cigarette into the wall next to her and then starts punching the wall as hard as she can and screaming out of frustration. AMY It’s going to be okay Belle ISABELLE No it isn’t Amy! Things don’t seem to be working out so well for Sandy down there! What about Johnny?!... You think he is going to be okay Amy?! Rick! They aren’t going to be alright after this. Whatever the fuck this even is. Amy doesn’t say anything. ISABELLE Got nothing to say? You’re not going to try and band the troops together this time? Not like before?! AMY I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say Amy puts her hand on her shoulder again. ISABELLE My brother is dead Amy! I just watched him get beaten to death by one of our childhood friends. I have no idea what the fuck is happening and my friends are being killed off one by one and then killing each other. What is there to say Amy! We are just going to sit here and wait to die! There is no getting out of this... Isabelle sobs and wipes a tear from her eye. (CONTINUED)
I have Amy. I He got but he
ISABELLE never known life without him was born minutes before him. on my nerves all the time was still my brother
Amy puts her arms around her. Isabelle sits up and she wipes the tears from her eyes again. ISABELLE He was always the smart one... He wanted to go. Isabelle pulls herself together. ISABELLE He was the smart one... AMY Belle we can’t. We got to hold it together at least till dawn. We are going to get out of this. ISABELLE There are no fairy tale endings here Amy. AMY Look Isabelle I need you to stay with me. We can’t fall apart here we are the only ones left, and they will be coming back. If we don’t make it out then they died for nothing. Isabelle doesn’t say anything. AMY Come on belle. I have known you since you were a kid too, you’re a fighter. We have to make it through this. Don’t let them get you too. ISABELLE So that you can leave?! Amy is a bit hurt AMY Belle that isn’t fair.
59. ISABELLE I have nothing now! I am nothing now... Even if we could escape. AMY I know this has been hard on you but you do have a lot going for you there are way better decisions than this belle. That is not Johnny out there. You saw Rick die right in front of you whatever it is that is out there you don’t want any part of it.
The Radio comes on down stairs. RADIO ANOUNCER Aren’t they wonderful folks. I know I want to pick me up some of those, and don’t forget to use the coupon code so that you can get that special discount Amy and Isabelle look toward the door. EXT. CABIN- NIGHT The three of them walk up from out of the tree line. Rick picks up a rock and tosses it through the window. Laughing INT. AMY’S ROOM- NIGHT Amy gets up to go and check it out. RICK (O.S.) Hey Belle! ISABELLE No, no, no Isabelle covers her ears. Rocking back and forth. RICK (O.S.) It’s so amazing Belle. You’re never going to believe it. We will have to call Mom and Dad and get them to come down too. RADIO ANOUNCER What were we talking about again? Oh that is right the glory of the lord God almighty. How could I forget.
RICK (O.S.) I mean you know me right sis I have always been one to be a skeptic. But this... This is so much better. You should come and see. EXT. CABIN- NIGHT Johnny steps forward. JOHNNY You guys really should just get with the program. It would make this much easier. Johnny signals Rick and Sandy who go for the door. RADIO ANOUNCER Oh would you look at that we have a caller into the radio station. What do you have to say caller? INT. CABIN- DAY Rick and Sandy come into the living room through the open door. CALLER Yes hello Reverend long time listener first time caller. I just wanted to start by saying that I love your show. RADIO ANOUNCER Oh well thank you caller Rick smashes the lamps in the room against the wall beside him as he walks into the house. Sandy turns up the Radio EXT. CABIN- NIGHT Johnny is walking into the house. JOHNNY How long have we known each other Amy? Middle school right? CALLER You can call me Glen
61. RADIO ANOUNCER Okay Glen. So what question did you have for us to work through tonight?
INT. AMY’S ROOM- NIGHT Amy can hear the glass breaking down stairs. GLEN I have this nephew and he is just so arrogant he seems to think that he knows better than the bible and the word of god. RADIO ANOUNCER Well that is foolish isn’t it. GLEN That’s what I thought. I try and tell him time and time again what the word of god says but he is just so arrogant. JOHNNY I wouldn’t steer you wrong Amy. Trust me it is going to hurt... A whole lot. But you will be made better. You just have to come and see. Johnny steps into the house. GLEN I guess my question is what can I say to convince him to make what we all know is the right decision and just submit to the lord our God. RADIO ANOUNCER Ohhh Glen that is a wonderful question. Amy can hear Sandy and Rick coming up the stairs. RADIO ANOUNCER You know there was a parishioner of mine who was struggling with the same thing that you’re feeling right now. He had his doubts. however misguided they were. For whatever reason he held these doubts very close and refused to let go of them. (CONTINUED)
Rick and Sandy start banging on the walls walking down the hallway AMY We have to do something RAIDO ANOUNCER Just try and make sure that they fully understand the consequences of their actions. Most people when faced with the prospect of hell make the right decision. Rick and Sandy hit the walls the house shakes a bit, leaving cracks in the wall. RADIO ANOUNCER That is a tall order ladies and gentlemen. I don’t think you can legitimately cash it no matter how prideful you may be. It surely cometh before the fall. INT. CABIN- NIGHT Johnny starts walking up the stairs. Johnny is caring Amy’s axe. Rick and Sandy walk into the rooms on either Side of Amy and Isabelle. RADIO ANOUNCER You can submit, or you can have your flesh pulled slowly from your bones for all eternity in a lake of fire... You will suffer unspeakable things. People think that they have some idea of what awaits them after they die a sinner. The dark and twisted things waiting for you in the inky blackness cast out of the light of god. Where no one can hear you scream, and your torturers can’t get enough. The lord does not abide by people unwilling to submit to him, and though his time lasts in eons he is not as patient as you might think. JOHNNY Look we all know how this is going to turn out. You’re merely prolonging the inevitable.
RADIO ANOUNCER Repent and abandon your life of sin or face the consequences. It’s as simple as that GLEN I know that but my nephew is pretty bone headed. Sandy and Rick start pounding on the walls on either side of them. The walls are shaking. The lights in the room start flickering on and off. RADIO ANOUNCER Well I hope that I have answered your question and that you can find some resolution with your nephew before something bad happens to him. Without the light of the lord we’re cursed to wither and die. JOHNNY You can’t stop this Amy AMY Just go away! ISABELLE We’re going to die here! JOHNNY But you will be reborn out there. You just have to come and see. AMY Now is not the time Isabelle. ISABELLE I don’t think they care about what time it is Amy Amy goes looking through her bag and the things around her for something to defend herself with. All that she has is a kitchen knife and a rather large flash light. Things look pretty grim. Johnny starts on the door with the axe. Isabelle screams RADIO ANOUNCER We can’t let our loved ones end up that way. They must all be (MORE) (CONTINUED)
64. RADIO ANOUNCER (cont’d) converted to our way of thinking if they want to survive. The rapture has come upon you ladies and gentlemen sooner rather than later and you need to choose sides. Though I will warn you. Spoiler alert. The outcome is already decided.
The radio announcer laughs. Johnny puts the axe through the door a few times until he has made a large enough opening to get his hand in. Johnny puts his hand through the opening to try and unlock the door. Amy puts the knife through his arm and sticks it to the wall. Taking a small step back. JOHNNY Well that is just not nice Johnny struggles against the knife bleeding all over. Rick and Sandy continue to beat on the walls next to them. Johnny pulls his arm out slicing it all the way up and spilling blood all over their barricade. Splitting his hand in half lengthwise. RADIO ANOUNCER Some people just don’t understand that fully and they struggle against what deep down they already know. The outcome is inevitable folks. Isabelle screams. EXT. CABIN- NIGHT Johnny’s arm is split in two and so he switches his watch to the other side to hold it together. JOHNNY I just want to show you something wonderful Amy. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A BITCH!! Johnny tightens his watchband with his teeth. RICK Yeah Belle you are going to love it. You don’t need to fight so hard! (CONTINUED)
RADIO ANOUNCER The transition unto the lord can be difficult. Some people just take to it easily. Some don’t. But all will ultimately submit to the divine will. One way or another. AMY I won’t! I can’t! SANDY Is this about your precious seminary Amy? JOHNNY Don’t worry Aims you can show them too! INT. AMY’S ROOM- NIGHT They stop beating on the walls. RICK (O.S) But first things first ISABELLE Stop this! RICK (O.S) Come on sis you just have to trust me. You have to see it. Rick starts Hitting the wall again. RADIO ANOUNCER People are not meant to live in sin, they are meant to be washed anew in the blood of their savior and they are to submit to the will of the lord. It is quite literally like you die and are born again in Christ. RICK I mean I understand the argument that if everyone is jumping off the bridge that doesn’t necessarily mean that that is good for you. But why wouldn’t you want to be made perfect? Think about this logically.
AMY This is far from fucking logical Rick RICK because you can not see! Everything becomes clear when you can see! The lights above them start to flicker and the lights are starting to go out. Amy is looking around the room for something to help her. She turns on the flashlight. She points it at Johnny. Who immediately takes his head out of the hole. JOHNNY You can’t stop us for long Amy AMY I can certainly try! RADIO ANOUNCER All this talk of damnation I think that we need some good old fashion gospel music ladies and gentlemen. We will be right back after this brief musical break. The light above them stops flickering and turns back on. AMY What the fuck Amy rushes to the window and sees them walking away back into the woods. Johnny walks backwards signaling that he is watching her. AMY Why did they just leave? ISABELLE This is so fucked Amy looks at the flashlight. AMY The light, they must not like the light. ISABELLE They are just toying with us. They will be back soon.
AMY We just have to hold it together Belle. Isabelle doesn’t say anything. AMY Hey we are going to get out of this alright? I am not going anywhere. We only have to wait a few more hours and everything will go back to normal. Isabelle doesn’t look at all convinced. Neither does Amy, no one says anything for a moment. AMY Look it’s getting late why don’t we get some sleep I will take the first watch and you can get some rest. Isabelle doesn’t say anything she just crawls into the darkest corner of the room with her back to Amy. Amy goes to take watch sitting down in a chair in front of the window. INT. AMY’S ROOM- NIGHT Amy is keeping watch Isabelle looks asleep but she is just facing a wall with her eyes wide open. Amy is sitting in a chair and watching out the window to see if she can see them coming. She looks really tired. Amy falls asleep slowly. She drops the flashlight but still doesn’t wake up. She is out. The Radio starts up again. RADIO ANOUNCER Isabelle... Isabelle doesn’t respond. RADIO ANOUNCER Isabelle, what are you doing? Tears well up in her eyes.
RADIO ANOUNCER You know your brother was always the smart one. He figured this out. You don’t have to cower in this room any longer we just want to make you better. Give you that good family feeling you have always been hoping for. Isabelle turns over in her bed. Looking at Amy RADIO ANOUNCER Come on deep down you know that it is the right decision. You can feel it in your gut Isabelle. You’re worthless, you are nothing. Your life has and will amount to nothing without this. ISABELLE No... I... She looks to make sure that Amy doesn’t hear her. RADIO ANOUNCER Come on Isabelle do it for yourself. You could be a part of something bigger than you instead of wallowing in your unoriginality. ISABELLE but... what about Amy... I can’t... She is my best friend Isabelle sits up and checks to make sure that Amy hasn’t heard her. RADIO ANOUNCER Best friend? She was going to leave you as soon as this is over to serve a false God. Doesn’t sound like best friend material to me Isabelle. ISABELLE I have known her since elementary school RADIO ANOUNCER Yeah and you remember elementary school don’t you? Always getting picked on, that feeling of not ever being good enough. Just like every (MORE) (CONTINUED)
RADIO ANOUNCER (cont’d) day of your miserable life. Little miss perfect over there was Valedictorian and captain of the cheerleading squad. She was just going to leave you to rot. She used you. You let her because you’re a worthless piece of shit. Without this you are nothing. ISABELLE it isn’t like that. RADIO ANOUNCER Isn’t it? She just kept you around out of pity Isabelle because you are nothing. I can give you everything you can have the world. You are shit but I can turn you to gold. You don’t have to hurt anymore, or feel weak, or tired. You can be great, you can have your brother back ISABELLE Stop it Isabelle starts rocking back and forth crying. She shakes her head RADIO ANOUNCER I can take away all of those bad feelings and I can make you better. Just let me show you. Rick was always the favorite anyway. Your parents don’t even care about you. Do you really want your parents to find out that you are such a worthless piece of shit that you couldn’t even keep track of you brother on a simple trip. How do you think that worked out for Cain when God asked him for Able? They never wanted you anyway. You were a mistake. Your brother was the one they really wanted. You’re just a failure who tagged along. We can deliver you from this. ISABELLE I’m not my brothers keeper. I tried to stop him. This isn’t like that was. (CONTINUED)
There is nothing over the radio. ISABELLE I can’t RADIO ANOUNCER You will Amy wakes up and the radio goes to static AMY Isabelle are you alright? I must have dosed off what happened. ISABELLE Nothing Isabelle sits up and straightens up and starts to fix the bed that she is in trying to act natural. AMY Are you alright you look a bit shaken up ISABELLE I’m fine. I think the sleep did wonders. Why don’t I take the next watch. AMY Are you sure your okay? I thought I heard someone talking was that the radio? She stands up and looks out the window but no one is there. She looks around, the room. ISABELLE Just... Praying. Why don’t I take the next watch? AMY That is probably a good idea. I’m so tired. Both Isabelle and Amy look out the window. AMY What time is it? Isabelle looks at her watch.
71. ISABELLE almost 4 am AMY we only have a few more hours to go till sunrise. ISABELLE Yeah. AMY Just a little while longer. ISABELLE why don’t you get some sleep. AMY hey belle. We are going to get through this. Don’t worry we just have a few more hours.
Isabelle doesn’t say anything AMY I’ll call up the seminary and tell them that I am not going once we get out of here... I can’t after this, you’re too important to me. I can’t go not now. ISABELLE Really? AMY We just have to make it through this first and then we can go back home. Tears well up in Isabelle’s eyes. AMY We have been through too much not to stick together I’m sorry that I was so foolish. I love you. Amy hugs Isabelle but Isabelle doesn’t hug her back. AMY I know that this is hard but it’s just a little bit longer. It’s all going to be ok. I love you Belle She lets go and tries to look her in the eyes but Isabelle turns away. (CONTINUED)
ISABELLE Get some sleep. Amy nods lays down and goes to sleep. AMY don’t let me sleep too long. I just need a little bit of sleep and then I will be ok. ISABELLE Yeah Isabelle sits down in the chair. INT. AMY’S ROOM- NIGHT Amy is asleep as Isabelle is undoing the barricade in front of them. Isabelle is quiet at first and is just taking off stuff a little bit at a time. EXT. CABIN- NIGHT Johnny, Sandy, Rick, and Angus start walking up to the house. INT. AMY’S ROOM- NIGHT Isabelle frantically takes things down from the barricade trying not to wake Amy. Isabelle throws the last of the stuff from aside of the barricade. Amy wakes up as Isabelle opens the door to the others standing in the door way. The overhead light flickers and goes out. JOHNNY You did the right thing ISABELLE Sorry it took me so long CALLER I just wanted to call in today to tell me that thanks to your guiding hand reverend I have accepted Christ as my personal lord and savior. RADIO ANOUNCER Praise the lord! What a Joyous day this has turned into.
Rick puts an axe through her side. She is still alive but coughing up blood. She stumbles into the hallway bleeding profusely. Rick slams the axe into her back and hits her a few times with it. RADIO ANOUNCER I’m so happy for you. That you have finally accepted the peace that our lord wants for you, and are ready to become better. Rick laughs hysterically and starts dragging her down the stairs. leaving a trail of blood off and back into the other room. Johnny and Sandy stand in the doorway in shadow. JOHNNY Come on Amy I told you. You couldn’t stop us if you wanted to. AMY Go to hell!! She rushes towards him grabbing the flashlight and shining it in his eyes. RADIO ANOUNCER Coming out from the cold and into the light ladies and gentleman. Praise God. He stumbles back and over the railing. Falling down into the first floor living room. Amy shines the light on Sandy which holds her off for just a second. Amy bends down to get the Axe but Sandy jumps on her sending her over the railing after Johnny. With Sandy on top of her. INT. CABIN- NIGHT She falls to the ground with Sandy on her and barely holding onto the axe. She starts sticking her thumbs into her eyes and slamming her head into the floor repeatedly. Amy kicks Sandy off of her grabbing the axe. RADIO ANOUNCER I wish everyone was as smart as you caller. Then they would see what we are trying to do here.
Amy is barely able to stand up, she swings and hits the Sandy in the ribs with the axe. Sandy coughs up a little bit of blood but Amy buys just enough time to grab the lit flashlight that went over the railing with her. Sandy slowly backs up out the door. Then backs into the woods away from it. JOHNNY You insolent bitch. Johnny takes a step towards her but she turns on the overhead light. It is flickering badly but it’s on. Johnny doesn’t move, but he is clearly uncomfortable. Amy points the flashlight on him. JOHNNY You don’t have long AMY I don’t need long. Just long enough. Johnny walks out the door, and down the porch. JOHNNY I guess we will just have to do this the hard way. Johnny walks away strolling into the woods whistling. Amy limps over to close the front door and notices the gun just outside on the porch. Amy cautiously grabs the gun and rushes back inside closing the door. INT. CABIN- NIGHT Amy is badly hurt the defenses are down, She has the gun and the flashlight which will buy her some time but not much. She tries to stand up but falls back down to the ground. She checks the gun but it only has one bullet in it. The rest of the bullets are across the room on a table. Amy starts crying, she is alone the light more going out than turning on now. RADIO ANOUNCER The bible honors self sacrifice. It can be used for good, perhaps if you really want to spend your life living in sin it is for the best. Amy pulls herself together. Tries to stand up. her leg is hurt from the fall. (CONTINUED)
75. RADIO ANOUNCER Just go down for the proverbial count as it were. There is nothing for you, and you are nothing if you can see what is being offered and refuse to accept it. You’re not worth the air that you breath.
Amy gets up and limps over the table to the bullets. She pours them down on the table in front of her. It isn’t much but she puts it in her pocket. Amy grabs a towel from the kitchen and Ricks kitchen knife. RADIO ANOUNCER You find yourself looking around for something to help you in your struggling and you look in all the wrong places She walks over to the ruins of the barricade and grabs a few pieces of a broken chair. She sits down in another chair. RADIO ANOUNCER The only way that you were ever going to find any peace from this was submitting but if for whatever reason you refuse. You try and live in your filth and sin cobbling together broken pieces of your life. Amy cuts the towel into strips with the knife. RADIO ANOUNCER I got to tell you ladies and gentlemen if I didn’t have the lord in my life I would just end it. I would take a gun and put it to my head and pray for the sweet release of death. As should every God fearing individual. Amy makes a splint for her leg. She has tears in her eyes but she wipes them away. RADIO ANOUNCER You do not want to incur the wrath of a higher power ladies and gentleman. Amy picks up the Axe and she starts axing the Radio over and over again.
76. RADIO ANOUNCER It just isn’t a smart move. He could crush you like a bug.
Seeing that it isn’t working she hits it more and more. She kicks it and knocks it over. Amy keeps hitting it over and over again getting out all of her frustrations. Then screaming at it. The radio finally stops talking INT. CABIN- NIGHT MONTAGE: Amy looks through the house gathering lights She finds several unbroken lamps, and plugs them all into a surge protector. a number of working flashlights, and tapes them together and turns them all on. In a side closet are a few glow sticks and two emergency flares with a flare gun. She loads the gun with all the bullets. EXT. CABIN- NIGHT Johnny, Rick, Sandy, and Isabelle walk up to the porch. JOHNNY You know you were always the most stubborn of all of us. AMY You guys are not the same. You have changed. JOHNNY We will do this kicking and screaming if we have to but I know you don’t want that... We know what’s best for you. Just let us show you the way. ISABELLE You remember when we were kids Amy and we used to do everything together? We were inseparable. I pretty much stayed at your house or you at mine every night of the week. Amy doesn’t say anything but she cocks her gun. (CONTINUED)
ISABELLE We promised each other that we would be together forever. AMY You are not well Isabelle none of you are. ISABELLE The things that are out there waiting for you. It’s indescribable Amy. You must bear witness. RICK Just open the door Amy it’s alright we can work this out. AMY I don’t know what happened to you guys out there but I don’t want to join you. I have too much to live for still JOHNNY Can you even really call that living. SANDY Just come and see, you will like it I promise. ISABELLE I have to admit. The first step is a doozy. That’s just the bad parts being torn out. They have to be torn away before something better can replace it. Through the blinding pain comes a tremendous bliss. You will beg for mercy, but you will find none and you will transcend what you thought was possible. Once you let go and you finally submit to the sweet release of death you will be ready to take on what comes next. Johnny Kicks open the door. The overhead light is still on but it’s flickering. Amy fires 3 shots out the door at them. She hits Johnny in the chest with a bullet knocking him over but he gets back up and is unfazed
JOHNNY Well that wasn’t nice. AMY Just leave me alone JOHNNY Never again Amy The overhead light flickers for the last time and goes out. They all come walking into the house Amy Fires 2 shots at Rick who is the closest to her. He stumbles and falls down but gets back up again. They keep pressing forward. SANDY Come and see They all start pressing forward chanting "come and see" JOHNNY You will submit Amy. AMY No JOHNNY No one can hold out forever Amy empties the rest of her shots into Johnny’s chest. He falls down but gets back up again. AMY Stop, Get away from me They all keep pressing forward chanting "come and see" Amy hits Rick as hard as she can with the gun. Swinging it to keep distance. JOHNNY You will feel much better once you submit and you accept his grace. We will just take you back there and you can decide on the way. Johnny grabs the gun from Amy she stumbles back falling over in front of her lamps. She flips the switch and they all turn on at once flooding the room with light. The others back up away from it.
79. AMY Get the fuck away from me. ISABELLE Come on Amy. We’re your best friends we just want you to be one of us. Come and See AMY back up!
They stay just on the outside edge of the light. where it has the least effect, but they don’t leave. Amy turns on the flashlight trying to keep them at bay. They clearly don’t like it but they don’t leave. RICK The probability of you getting out of this is pretty much non existent Amy. You might as well just make this easier on yourself. Angus growls. AMY You guys are sick! You killed each other. Amy takes a step towards the door and keeps the flashlights on them. JOHNNY What is the game plan here Amy? You just going to make a run for it? Amy takes another step for the door. They all stop pushing forward for a second. RICK It’s like 10 miles are you going to run the whole way on a busted leg? AMY it’s 6 am now and the sun comes up soon I only have to make it till then. ISABELLE You really think it’s going to take that long? Or that, that would even stop us They laugh. (CONTINUED)
AMY I got a punchers chance don’t I? She swings at them again with the rifle JOHNNY I will tell you what Amy I will give you a head start. If you get away then you can tell everyone if you don’t then you must submit. AMY How much of a head start? Amy takes another step for the door JOHNNY It isn’t like you are actually going to get away. She doesn’t say anything she just flashes the light on him. JOHNNY And you will submit? Amy still doesn’t say anything. But she is looking a little more accepting JOHNNY how about 5 minutes. Here how about this not only am I going to give you a head start but I’m also going to call the police for you. Will you submit then? AMY The phones don’t work. JOHNNY Anything is possible Amy. You just have to meet them half way. I think it’s probably a half hour delay for the pigs to show up. Johnny pulls out his phone and dials 911 then puts it on speaker. OPERATOR Wheemapoke County Police what is the emergency?
JOHNNY Oh my god you have to come right now. We are at 432 W. Elm OPERATOR I’m sending help now can you describe the situation. JOHNNY Oh my god we have to do something! They’re all dead! All of my friends. Amy takes off running out the door and they all stand there doing nothing. JOHNNY I guess that is a deal. Johnny hangs up the phone smiling wide. EXT. WOODS- NIGHT Amy is running down the road as fast as she can. It’s surrounded by trees. When she flashes the light on the tree line people standing and watching her step back. She runs as fast as she can through the woods but she is limping on her hurt leg. As she shines light on them they duck behind the trees to avoid it, but more and more of them are starting to show up, they don’t attack but they could. She cracks open some of the glow sticks. Making more light. More and more people can be seen in the trees the further she goes. EVERYONE (chanting) Come and see Amy keeps running down the road but she is starting to bleed pretty badly walking on that broken leg. EVERYONE Come and see Amy stumbles down falling over.
EVERYONE Come and see AMY Leave me alone!! EVERYONE Come and see AMY I don’t want to Amy holds on to her leg it’s seriously hurt. EVERYONE Come and see AMY I won’t Angus runs up from behind her and bites her in her bad leg. He looks awful and half his skin is missing. He is covered in blood. JOHNNY Heel Angus runs to Johnny’s side JOHNNY Good boy Angus Amy pulls out a flare gun and shoots Sandy in the face with it. Sandy’s face is half torn off SANDY Fucking bitch! Amy reloads the flare gun and fires it into the air giving a very light red illumination to the area and revealing a lot more people. ISABELLE Oh great more people. We can show them what we have found in the woods. You really must come and see. Hoards of people push in towards them from behind the trees. They’re all chanting come and see.
AMY No I don’t want to Amy shines her flashlight around her the people pull back as the beam hits them but they don’t move away. JOHNNY Who are you to stand against all of this Amy Amy starts crying. She tries to crawl away. Johnny stomps down on her hurt leg as hard as he can, but lets her continue to crawl away. RICK I mean we have been telling you how this was going to work out the whole time I don’t know why you are having such a problem with it. You were never going to get out of this. ISABELLE Yeah I mean for once I actually agree with my brother. RICK Well when the evidence is so compelling how could you not. ISABELLE It just feels right. You’re going to love it. They both smile and look at her. Everyone is still chanting come and see. AMY I don’t want to die JOHNNY Then you never should have been born. Amy’s flashlight starts going out it is flickering and dying out. JOHNNY It’s much better this way you’re going to be made perfect. Amy hits her flashlight. It comes back a little bit more.
They have completely surrounded her. She throws some of the glow sticks at the crowd coming in front of her. JOHNNY There is something wonderful that I have to show you She is crying and holding onto her flashlights. Half of them have burned out, and the light is dying. AMY I’m scared I don’t want to. JOHNNY It’s okay to be scared as long as you submit. SANDY It was never the fear it’s what you do with it. Hands start reaching in and grabbing her clothes and arms. Another light goes out. AMY No I can’t I... RICK It was always inevitable Another flashlight bulb goes out AMY Please... More hands grab onto her clothes. ISABELLE All you have to do is accept it Another flashlight goes out. There is one remaining. RICK It will be so much better on the other side. You just have to suffer some more and then you can be made perfect. Amy lets go of the flashlight as the last one goes out. Amy is crying and tensed up but her shoulders drop and she accepts it.
Amy gets pulled back into the woods quickly. EXT. CABIN- DAWN The police pull up to the house Dawn hasn’t quite broken yet when two police officers come up to the house. Lights flashing There is blood all over the place AMY Hello Officers how are you? She looks seriously hurt but not bothered by it. OFFICER #1 What is going on here? AMY Something wonderful I assure you. OFFICER #2 Is that blood? AMY Yep, quite a bit of it really. The officers pull out their guns OFFICER #1 Did you do this AMY Not most of it. But I guess we all play our part don’t we officer. I can show you everything if you are willing. OFFICER #2 Alright, just keep your hands where we can see them and then show us what you have done. Officer number 1 calls over the radio OFFICER #1 We are going to need some back up. AMY Yes you are. She laughs hysterically. They draw their weapon. Fade out.