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The Bull’s Eye

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DECEMBER 08, 2021 @dbbullseye

New law Mantras of misinformation benefits sleeping schedules Class start times will be pushed back to 8:30 a.m. starting next school year.

Schedule on p. 2

Marginal error leads math to a close loss Despite their results, the group looks forward to upcoming competitions. CLAIRE WU Asst. PHOTO EDITOR

JIANLAN BUSTEED Asst. OPINION EDITOR Next school year, Diamond Bar High School students will be introduced to a delayed school schedule—beginning classes at least 30 minutes later, thanks to a new California bill. Senate Bill 328, signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2019, will require high schools within the state to begin their classes no earlier than 8:30 a.m. Motivated by a public health movement concerned about sleep deprivation in students, the proposal was created as a universal solution to increasing sleep time. “It’s going to give them more time to sleep and get ready in the morning,” DBHS instructional dean Jennifer Burns said. “They’ll be more awake, hopefully, for the first period.” Despite the time requirements, zero period will continue to be an

as a strong component to the team as her presentation, incorporation of case information and delivery of the closing statement contributed to the team’s overall success. “To pull off such a flawless closing was amazing, but not only that, she revised and basically rewrote it within 72 hours,” prosecuting witness sophomore Ashley Cha said via Instagram. “During our actual trial, she pulled it off as if she’d

Following a five-win streak, Diamond Bar High School’s math team was eliminated in the Math Madness competition after a 29-32 loss against Cranbrook Kingswood Upper School. Math Madness is an annual team-based tournament that offers members of all levels the opportunity to compete every fall and spring. It follows a single elimination bracket style until one school is deemed the champion. Each match in the competition consists of eight questions, worth one point each, which must be completed in under 30 minutes. The top five participants from a school represent the team’s score, with the maximum points possible being 40 points. Before competing in the national

Court ON P. 3


Photo courtesy of ANONYMOUS Walnut Valley Unified School District protesters stand with paper signs outside of the main WVUSD office, hoping to gain the attention of board members with their messages of “medical freedom” and anti-COVID vaccination mandate sentiments.

Bringing their best to court The first courtroom championship since 1999 has finally been reclaimed. ETHAN RO STAFF WRITER For the first time in over 20 years, Diamond Bar High School’s mock trial team will proceed to the state finals competition in March. After a successful final round

against Palos Verdes Peninsula High School, the team came out victorious with a score of 701-690. Members attributed this win to their strong objections and striking testimonies. “Personally, I got three [objections] sustained in a row [and] also my other co-counsels [made] a lot of objections that threw the other team off,” prosecuting attorney junior Alexandra Chala said. The group also recognized prosecuting attorney senior Eileen Zu

Thundering Herd cements legacy The marching band closes out the season by adding on to their winning streak.

Photo courtesy of DAWSON LAM Members scrambled to address issues with the robot, built nearly two years ago in 2020, in order to prepare it for action.

Powering through difficulties Complications with old models left Team Sprocket at a major disadvantage. KYLE HONG STAFF WRITER After a two-year recession from competitions, Team Sprocket tackled their first event of the year, but, unfortunately, were not wired up for success.

Beach Blitz is an annual off-season robotics competition held by For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology. The event gives the participants an opportunity to work in a competitive environment and gain experience before more serious competitions begin. “Beach Blitz is one of the most well known off-season events. It’s semi-official but doesn’t have too much weight on season performance,” junior Dawson Lam said. “There were about a few dozen

teams who had come to previous years as well, so we [recognized] them and have communicated with them as well.” The event required teams to collect and shoot balls into baskets using their robots in a three versus three format, similar to basketball. “A big issue was our robot, which kept malfunctioning. The robot was built in 2020, meaning that our current senior members were only sophomores when it was

Robotics ON P. 3

Thundering Herd members attended after school practices the entire week leading up to the event, committing to a three-hour rehearsal on Veterans Day. “We put a lot of emphasis on the LYNDON KANEKO amount of effort people were conSTAFF WRITER tributing in practice and in the performance,” junior Joseph Wangsa Taking up the mantle from their said. “It’s a good way to justify that victorious seasons in 2018 and any result we get can be consid2019, Diamond Bar High School’s ered a good result and I think that Thundering Herd made its return helped relieve some stress people on Nov. 20–stealing the show after may have had about keeping our a year-long break from competing. win streak going.” Their stellar performance manAs the competition drew closer, ifested in the form of outstanding the marching band’s focus shifted scores at the 68th from the overall Annual Arcadia look of the band “Any result we get can Festival of Bands. to members’ inbe considered a good The Brahdividual capabilmas scored 96.20 ities. result and I think that for the in-band Along with the helped relieve stress.” swee pstakes, marching techJOSEPH WANGSA 96.70 in auxiliary nique, band direcand 482 in music. tors Steve Acciani The results and Marie Santos earned them another undefeated reviewed musical techniques by season and surpassed their 2018 working in-depth with each secand 2019 scores. tion, going over their pitch, style, In addition to committing two intonation and releases while playhours of their Tuesdays and Thursdays to sectional practices, band on p. 3

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