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1.3 Planning Process
The Destination McDowell Tourism Master Plan represents the culmination of 12 months of analysis, planning, graphic development, and dozens of meetings and site visits.
The planning process included five (5) major phases:
1) Direction Setting and Project Launch 2) Research and Analysis 3) Stakeholder and Public Engagement 4) Vision and Plan Framework 5) Final Plan Preparation PHASE 1: DIRECTION SETTING & PROJECT LAUNCH
November 2020 - January 2021
The consultant team hosted a direction-setting meeting with the MCTDA and Project Steering Committee to discuss the purpose of the project and project goals. PHASE 2: RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
November 2020 - March 2021
The consultant team conducted site visits and an extensive field analysis to understand key opportunities and constraints, develop an inventory of existing tourism assets, and review previous planning efforts that might have implications on the Destination McDowell Tourism Master Plan.
March - June 2021
The consultant team produced a custom video that included interviews with local leaders and informed the public about the purpose of Destination McDowell and opportunities for input. Community partners and stakeholder groups were engaged through interviews and focus group meetings. Community members provided input through a community survey. PHASE 4: VISION & PLAN FRAMEWORK
February - May 2021
The consultant team created a plan framework that featured preliminary recommendations for improving and expanding the County’s tourismrelated assets. The MCTDA and consultant team also sought input from community members during drop-in public meetings. PHASE 5: FINAL PLAN PREPARATION
May - October 2021
In September 2021 final recommendations where presented to local leaders and elected officials from McDowell County, City of Marion, and the Town of Old Fort. The recommendations and cooperative planning effort were well-received. Subsequently, the consultant team finalized the plan document.