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2.3 Previous Planning Efforts

This section provides a summary of a variety of previous plans produced for the area including recreation master plans, trail and greenway plans, and transportation plans. These plans, in part, address outdoor recreation and bike and pedestrian needs and are organized according to their date of completion, ranging from 2020 to 2007.

North Main Street Corridor Plan (2020)

The North Main Street Corridor Plan was produced in 2020 and proposes significant upgrades to a two-mile section of US70/221 in Marion. A four-lane divided boulevard has been proposed for this section of road and major gateway features have been proposed at each end of the corridor which would also be highlighted by significant sidewalks/paths, signage, and landscaping.

The Peavine to Thermal Belt Rail-Trail Connector Feasibility Study (2020)

This feasibility study from 2020 examines the potential health, recreation, and economic benefits of establishing a multiuse public trail along an abandoned railroad corridor. This proposed 19 mile long trail will connect the Peavine Trail in Marion to the Thermal Belt Rail Trail in Rutherford County. The study analyzes possible trail alignments and identifies important project resources such as funding sources and design guidelines.

Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail Master Plan: Spruce Pine to Lake James (2020)

The Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail Master Plan: Spruce Pine to Lake James was produced in 2020 and is part of the ongoing efforts of the National Park Service (NPS) to develop regional trail plans aimed to expand and connect Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail (OVNHT) segments throughout Virginia, Tennessee, and the Carolinas. The plan’s study area examines Section 3 of the OVNHT and incorporates 43 miles along two trail corridors from Riverside Park in Spruce Pine through McDowell County to Canal Bridge at Lake James.

Wilderness Gateway State Trail Plan (2020)

This plan was completed by the NC Division of Parks and Recreation as a feasibility study for a newly established state trail in the western foothills region of North Carolina. The Wilderness Gateway State Trail is considered for three primary purposes: conservation, recreation and tourism. This feasibility study takes a detailed look at the location of the proposed trail and provides possible alignments connecting important points of interest in the counties of Rutherford, Burke, Catawba, and McDowell.

Fonta Flora State Trail Master Plan: Lake James to Marion (2019)

The Fonta Flora State Trail (FFST), created by legislation passed by the North Carolina General Assembly in 2015, is proposed to extend from Asheville to Morganton connecting Marion, Old Fort, and Black Mountain. This master plan, published in 2019, serves as a road map for establishing a section of the FFST from Lake James to Marion. The study area extends approximately twenty miles from the Catawba River Greenway in Marion to the Fonta Flora Brewery at Whippoorwill Farm in Burke County. This section is unique in that a portion of this section of the FFST coaligns with the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail.

Isothermal Regional Bicycle Plan (2018)

The Isothermal Regional Bicycle Plan was prepared for the Isothermal Planning and Development Commission in 2018 after an extensive participatory planning process which included many McDowell County stakeholders. The plan recognizes regional partnerships and the importance of creating an extensive network of bicycle routes and options attractive to tourists and local users alike.

City of Marion Comprehensive Bicycle Plan (2016)

The City of Marion adopted a Comprehensive Bicycle Plan in 2016. The plan was a part of the NCDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant Initiative program, which places a strong emphasis on traffic safety and the economic benefits of active transportation. Various improvements to the City’s street network are suggested including improved linkages between local destinations such as the Peavine Trail and the Catawba River Greenway.

City of Marion Parks and Recreation Master Plan (2016)

The City of Marion Parks and Recreation Master Plan considers many aspects of both passive and active recreation. The plan provides an evaluation and inventory of existing facilities and describes public involvement and the planning process. Plan sections on needs assessment and recommendations address administrative topics such as budgeting, land acquisition, and the operation and maintenance of a small town recreation department. The “Pathway to Action” chapter offers four main goals and their associated Objectives and Action Steps to help implement a very specific six year Capital Improvement Plan.

McDowell County Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan (2014)

The McDowell County Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan from 2014 addresses the parks and recreation needs for the area. This is accomplished through a complete assessment of existing facilities, largely in comparison to state and national standards. Many general and specific recommendations are offered to help improve the parks and recreation system, the economy, and the overall quality of life in the area.

McDowell County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (2013)

The McDowell County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) is a multi-modal plan that examines the County’s long-range transportation needs. The CTP was based on the projected growth for the planning area which only included the County. This CTP includes all bicycle and pedestrian recommendations from the Old Fort Pedestrian Master Plan and other major recommendations relevant to tourism and outdoor recreation throughout the County including bicycle lanes and greenway paths.

Town of Old Fort Comprehensive Pedestrian Master Plan (2011)

The Town of Old Fort Comprehensive Pedestrian Master Plan was intended to help guide the improvement and development of pedestrian facilities throughout town. It provides recommendations to help meet the non-motorized needs of community residents and visitors. Crosswalks, street trees, and traffic calming measures are featured prominently as enhancements that could help the Town reach its goals for walkability.

Town of Old Fort Design and Planning Report (2009)

The North Carolina State University College of Design produced this report for the Town of Old Fort in 2009 as the result of a Community Design and Development Laboratory project. The report includes an analysis of existing conditions in the town related to signage, branding, public space, and specific structural elements such as building facades and streetscapes. The report offers a set of recommendations to improve the overall aesthetics and functionality of the built environment.

McDowell County Heritage Development Plan (2008)

The McDowell County Heritage Development Plan was compiled in 2008 in conjunction with the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Partnership. It includes a summary chart which identifies and describes fifteen tourism-related projects in the County. Some of these projects have been completed or are currently in progress. This plan includes an extensive asset inventory of the County’s natural, historic and cultural resources.

McDowell County Greenway Master Plan (2007)

The McDowell County Greenway Master Plan was adopted by the McDowell County Commissioners in 2007 and lays out the vision of the McDowell Trails Association (MTA), a non-profit organized for the purpose of establishing an extensive trail system in the County. The plan identifies existing and planned trail sections as well as possible future alignments and connections. The plan provides a comprehensive definition of greenways and discusses their benefits, especially in the areas of environmental protection, economic development, and the overall quality of life for visitors and residents.

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