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DB Investing: Unlocking Opportunities for Institutional Investors
WelcometoDBInvesting,yourgatewaytosuperiorinvestment solutions tailored for institutional players like hedge funds, money managers, and portfolio managers.
Are you looking to boost your investment strategy and take yourbusinesstothenextlevel?AtDBInvesting,weunderstand that each account manager is unique, which is why we offer tailored solutions to meet your specific fund management needs.
With our market-leading platform, you have access to advanced tools designed to optimize your operational efficiency and increase your profit potential. Whether you are interested inexpandingyourclientbase,improvingyourperformance,or diversifying your investment strategies, we are here to help you achieve your goals.
DB Investing is the tradename DB Invest Limited, a company registered under the Laws of Seychelles and licensed by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) with a Securities Dealer License No: SD053.
This brochure presents our flagship offerings, PAMM/MAM solutions and FIX API access, designed to empower you with sophisticated tools and exceptional execution for seamless tradingandmaximumcontrol.
Why Choose
Leveraging cutting-edge platforms and infrastructure, we provide unparalleledstability,speed,andsecurity to ensure your trades execute flawlessly.
Ourteamofexperiencedprofessionals is committed to understanding your specific needs and providing personalized support throughout your journey.
Enjoy comprehensive account managementtoolsandreal-timeperformance reporting for informed decision-making.
Choose from a wide range of PAMM/MAM configurations and leverage our FIX API for direct market access and complete customization.
Benefit from cost-effective solutions that maximize your profit potential. CompetitiveFees:
Unlocking Value With
For PAMM (Percentage Allocation Management Module) account managers, we offer a robust trading platform that allows you to manage multiple sub-ac countsunderonemainaccount.Withdetailedreportingandanalysistools,you canaccuratelytracktheperformanceofyourstrategiesandoptimizeyourfund management to maximize returns.
PAMM Account Example
TounderstandthesetupandparticipantsinvolvedinaPAMMaccount,let'swalk through an example. The key participants are:
Now, let's consider three investors: Investor A, Investor B, and Investor C. They aspire to tradetheforexmarketusingaPAMMsolutionanddecidetocollaborate.Tomakethispossible, they each open individual PAMM accounts with Vantage, the forex broker.
An experienced fore trader takes on the role of the Money Manager and becomes a Vantage PAMM Fund Manager. By doing so, the Money Manager aims to optimize their earnings through successful trades and earn a performance fee. Investors A, B, and C select this Money Manager as their Vantage PAMM Fund Manager to trade on their behalf.
Inthisexample,InvestorsA,BandCpooltheirfundstogether where they invest $50,000, $35,000, and $15,000 respectively.Thetotallinvestmentamountsto$100,000.TheMoney Manager charges a 20% performance fee on the earnings.
Let's assume that during the investment period, there is a 12.5% gain, resulting in earnings of $12,500. After deducting the performance fee of $2,500 (20% of $12,500), the remaining $10,000 is distributed among the participants based on their share of the pool:
This example demonstrates the potential advantages of usingaPAMMaccount.Bypoolingtheirfunds,investorscan leveragetheexpertiseofprofessionaltradersanddistribute earnings based on their respective contributions.
Ifyouareinterestedintradingmultipleaccountssimultaneously,ourMAM(Multi-AccountManager)accountsaretheidealsolutionforyou.WithourdedicatedplatformforMAMaccounts,youcanexecutetradesefficientlyandadjustlotorriskallocationaccording to your preferences.
Delegate trading activities to experienced money managers while retaining full control and transparency.
Gain access to a diverse pool of strategies and expertise, mitigating risk and enhancing return potential.
Align your interests with the money manager through transparent fee structures based on performance.
Easily scale your investment activities and capital allocation across multiple strategies.
8 Reasons to Start Using VantageMAMAccount
1. Trade allocation is optimized by using the lowest possible trade volume
2.Scalping and hedging are among the permitted trading styles
3.A uniform method of equity allocation is applied
4.STP and immediate allocation are accessible to master accounts
5. Rewards, fees, and commissions can be tailored to suit preferences
6.MAM Masters can trade using EAs
7. Master accounts have the ability to partially close orders, set pending orders, and use full SL and TP
8. Ordermanagementisdoneinreal-time,withtheoptiontoaddor remove funds instantly
For those interested in copy trading, we offer a social trading platform that allows you to follow and copy the strategies of successful traders in real time. With access to detailed statistics on traders' historical performance, you can make informed decisions about who to follow and how to diversify your investment portfolio.
Take Control with FIXAPI
Our innovative FIX APY service provides you direct access to the financial markets, guaranteeing fast and consistent executions with low spreads and no requotes. By eliminating middlemen, you can maximize trading opportunities and minimize associated
DirectMarket Access
Enjoy fast, direct connections to leading liquidity providers for unrivaled execution speed and orderflexibility.
Tailor your trading experience with FIX API's vast customization options, including algorithmic tradingstrategiesandautomatedorderworkflows.
Sophisticated Functionality
Benefit from advanced FIX API features like real-time market data, risk management tools, andcomprehensivereporting.
Integration Advantage
Seamlessly integrate FIX API with your existing trading platforms and infrastructure for effortless implementation.
Our offices have a presenceWorldwide
Company Founded
Dubai Office opening
Nigeria Office opening New Payment Integrations New Regulations
New Branchs in Latam and Africa
New Educational and Market Analysis Software
Nigeria Training and representative officeLagos, Nigeria - No. 2
Soji Adepegba close, Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja.
With a global vision, DB Investing serves thousands of customers, partners and affiliates in major financial markets & hubs around the world.
Limassol, CyprussGriva Degeni Avenue, Office 103, Agios Nikolaos.
Burj Khalifa/Downtown Dubai, EMAAR Square Building 4, Unit 402
Mahè, SeychellesAbis Centre, Office 15, Avenue D’Arhoa, Providence Industrial Estate.
DBInvestingboastsaseasonedteamofexpertsboastingadecadeofrichexperience in the Forex and securities brokerage sector, with a particular focus on EU and UK Regulated firms. Our trajectory since our establishment in 2018 has been characterizedbysteadyandsustainablegrowth,fuelledbyourunwaveringpassion for trading. Obtaining licensing from the FSA in Seychelles in 2020 served as a pivotal milestone, enabling us to broaden our target market and amplify our client outreach.
Presently, our robust footprint spans key locations such as Seychelles, Cyprus, Dubai,Nigeria,andMalta,withplansunderwaytoinaugurateadditionalofficesin 2024inLatamandAsiaregionsandimproveournumberoflicensesinourportfolio, to offer the best-regulated brokerage service as well the best customer service to our clients. Leveraging cutting-edge solutions and a robust local support system, we have cultivated enduring relationships with our esteemed traders.
AtDBInvesting,comprehendingthedistinctrequirementsofourpartnersisparamount,motivatingustoconsistentlydeliverunparalleledservice.Aswefirmlybelieve, “Every success starts with small steps towards the right direction” we remain committed to guiding our clientele on their journey towards financial prosperity.
Ready to Elevate Your TradingExperience?
Contact our dedicated team of professionals today to discuss your specific investment needs and discover how DB Investing can empower you to achieve your objectives. Let us be your trusted partner on your journey to success.
Don't wait any longer to take your investment strategy to the next level. Join thecommunityofsuccessfulaccountmanagersatDBInvestinganddiscover the unlimited potential our platform can offer you.
Contact us today to learn more and take the first step toward financial success. We're here to help you every step of the way, from initial setup to continued growth of your business. We look forward to having you as part of our community of featured investors at DB Investing!
This brochure is for informational purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Please consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.