1 minute read

Our Discovery Curriculum In Action


Inquiry is a powerful vehicle for enabling children to learn and develop understanding. Children learn most effectively when they feel safe, are engaged and are having fun. Children’s learning becomes really meaningful when they are free to inquire and learn at their own pace and in their own way. It is for this reason that learning in Key Stage 1 is facilitated through an inquiry-based approach as well as through quality adult-led and adult-initiated experiences that truly challenge them.

Discovery Units

Our Key Stage 1 curriculum is enhanced by our Discovery units. Through these units, our children learn the subject knowledge, skills and understanding they need to become aware of the world around them. Our units focus on ways of thinking, communicating, conceiving and realising ideas and information. Different concepts underpin the planning, and this supports the children in being able to make connections between subject areas and other aspects of learning.

Our Discovery units also enable our children to develop the personal skills they need in order to take an active part in their world throughout their lives. They help our children develop an international mindset alongside their awareness of their own self, encouraging them to become lifelong learners. Each Discovery unit is linked to one or more of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Global Goals, which helps children to learn more about the impact they can have on our world as well as how they can protect the planet and how they can ensure that people enjoy health, justice and prosperity.

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