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YEAR 6 Year 6 Discovery Units


How will we create our class community? How can we ensure everyone feels welcome, included and safe? What does community mean to us? How are you going to rise to the challenges that Year 6 will present to you? Will your choices reflect the values of DBIS? How will you be an effective learner, a positive role model and a responsible leader?

In this unit, the students work together to decide what community means to them and how their classroom will represent this. As they start their last year in Primary, they explore the answers to the questions posed above. They consider the DBIS values, what it means to be a great learner and how they can use their learner and inquiry skills to help achieve their end-of-year learning goals and successfully prepare for their transition into Secondary School.


What do a tide pool on the Atlantic coast and a rainforest in South America have in common? Despite being very different in size and location, both are examples of ecosystems. But what is an ecosystem? How is an ecosystem different from a community?

In this unit, the students explore how populations of species are organised in our world. They investigate how these incredibly diverse systems support living things, and they explore the interdependence each being has on one another and on the physical environments in which they live. They consider the role each being plays in these incredible systems of diversity, and they ask what responsibility we as humans owe these systems.


Values, Reflections, Choices, Actions, Growth Mindset, Process, Learning, Responsibility, Understanding, Balance, Safety, Consequences

Subject Drivers

Learner Skills, Inquiry, Metacognition


Location, Climate, Population, Form, Shape, Ecosystem, Balance, Equilibrium, Disturbances, Responsibility, Interdependence, Energy, Living Things, Food, Growth, Reproduction, Adaptation, Evolution, Survival, Choices, Actions, Sustainability


Science – Living Things & Their Habitats, Animals (including humans), Evolution & Inheritance, Art, Geography, Design & Technology

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