2024–25 | DBIS Welcome to FS-1

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Foundation Stage 1

Our Core Values

We respect the needs and rights of each member of our community.

● We show care, kindness and compassion to others.

● We are supportive of each other.

● We embrace diversity and celebrate individuality.

● We are responsible and honest in our actions.

● We value personal identity and a global mindset.

Our Mission

We provide an outstanding holistic international education to students in an inclusive and nurturing learning environment. We seek to inspire and empower students to succeed in fulfilling their individual potential as global citizens in a rapidly changing world.

Our Aims

● To promote a culture of excellence in teaching and learning.

● To provide a broad and balanced curriculum that reflects the international nature of the DBIS student community.

● To encourage internationalism, providing students with the skills, dispositions and knowledge to participate in an increasingly interconnected world.

● To ensure a supportive, happy and secure environment for learning.

● To develop leadership skills and a sense of service to others through a range of extracurricular opportunities locally and internationally.

● To encourage the physical and emotional wellbeing of each individual.

● To use innovative pedagogy and technology to enrich learning.

● To work in partnership with parents, alumni and the local and wider community in the ongoing development of the school.

● To foster a learning community where every student, teacher, staff member, parent and DBIS alumni has an ongoing passion for learning.


Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are excited to welcome your children as they begin their learning journey at DBIS. Our staggered start programme ensures a smooth transition for the children, enabling them to feel happy, safe and secure as they begin their Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) learning journey.

We place a great deal of importance on how our children learn, and we support them in the development of the DBIS Learner Profile Attributes and Characteristics of Effective Learning. Developing these attributes and dispositions will enable them to become lifelong learners who are confident to explore, persevere and think critically.

In FS-1, our children follow the EYFS Curriculum of England, tailored towards our international context and enhanced by our Discovery units, which enable the children to explore concepts as well as acquire key knowledge and skills. Our children experience a range of adult-led and child-initiated learning opportunities taught in purposefully planned learning environments that reflect the children’s interests, the curriculum and a sense of belonging.

The learning experience is complemented by specialist teaching in Music, Mandarin, Physical Education (PE) and Learning Technologies (LT). In addition, the children visit the library once a week. Experiential learning is also an important part of our FS-1 programme. The children attend Forest School and Carpenters’ Cabin (woodwork), which provide them with authentic learning experiences and support opportunities to develop and apply a range of skills, including problem-solving and critical thinking.

We look forward to supporting your child’s learning journey in FS-1 and working in partnership with your family to ensure a happy, successful year of learning and development for your child.

Best wishes,

The FS-1 Teaching



Rainforest Class (Head of Year) Laura Bell lbell@dbis.edu.hk

Farm Class

Seaside Class

Starlight Class

Sharon Hubber shubber@dbis.edu.hk

Deirdre McCarthy dmccarthy@dbis.edu.hk

Chloe Foster cfoster@dbis.edu.hk


Rainforest Class

Farm Class

Seaside Class

Starlight Class


Safari Class (Head of Year)

Virlie Hyde

Karney Barr

Ananya Basu

Mari Collier

Emma Chambers echambers@dbis.edu.hk

Airport Class Nicholas Grimes ngrimes@dbis.edu.hk

Garden Class

Harbour Class

Helen Reid hreid@dbis.edu.hk

Emily Sharman esharman@dbis.edu.hk


Safari Class Rasarin Rudall

Airport Class

Garden Class

Harbour Class

Raji Jeerasinghe

Liao Liao Liang

Susy Borelli



Principal Marc Morris mmorris@dbis.edu.hk

Head of EYFS & Primary Hannah Tait htait@dbis.edu.hk

Deputy Head (EYFS & Primary) Anna Christiansen achristiansen@dbis.edu.hk

Assistant Head (EYFS & Primary) Ruth Brislen-Patel rbrislen-patel@dbis.edu.hk

Assistant Head (EYFS & Primary) Lewis Peck lpeck@dbis.edu.hk


Chinese & MFL Myra Mi mmi@dbis.edu.hk

Learning Enhancement Serena Clark serenaclark@dbis.edu.h

Learning Technologies Nicholas Ng nng@dbis.edu.hk

Library Melanie Foti mfoti@dbis.edu.hk

PE & Sport James Lugg jlugg@dbis.edu.hk

Performing Arts Christopher Preddy cpreddy@dbis.edu.hk


Learning Enhancement Kristine Wills kwills@dbis.edu.hk

Learning Technologies Bernard McNerney bmcnerney@dbis.edu.hk

Library Nilangi Thotawatte nthotawatte@dbis.edu.hk

Mandarin Jenah Luo jluo@dbis.edu.hk

Music Nicole Lau nlau@dbis.edu.hk

Physical Education Natalie Fashade nfashade@dbis.edu.hk


EYFS Administration Officer Angel Tang dbiseyfs@dbis.edu.hk

PE, Sport & ECA Administrator Echo Xu yxu@dbis.edu.hk


Head of Wellbeing

School Counsellor


Health & First Aid Coordinator

Jess Hickling

Sarah Dunham



Tamara Quinn



The DBIS Learner Profile further supports the children to grow as learners and global citizens. In EYFS and Key Stage 1, our Learner Profile Characters support the children in becoming familiar with each attribute and with how the attributes support their growth as a learner. Our children are positively recognised as they develop competence and capability in the different attributes.


I am curious and motivated to learn. I am committed, adaptable and resilient, and I learn from my mistakes.


I am reflective and thoughtful and consider how my actions impact myself and others. I believe that more effort or a different approach will pay off.


I enjoy finding out new things. I am a risk-taker and learn by trial and error. I set myself goals, and I plan to find solutions.

I am inquisitive and imaginative. I make connections to further my understanding, which helps me to create new ideas.


I am empowered to lead others. I respectfully communicate with others and demonstrate flexibility. I value honesty, kindness and equality.

I can work independently. I can work collaboratively with others to achieve an end goal.


I am aware of my responsibilities, and I courageously make good choices to help other people, my community and the environment.


I organise and share my ideas clearly and confidently, and I show active listening to others.


Our learning experience at DBIS is:

● Enriched through Discovery;

● Achieved through Personalisation;

● Stronger through Community.

Our curriculum is underpinned by our five Learning Principles, which have been developed to ensure all students have access to a learning experience in a through school which is driven by consistent values. Our commitment to these learning principles ensures our students have the opportunity to achieve their full potential and achieve optimal learning and development.

The Learning Experience at DBIS is:

- Enriched through Discovery

- Achieved through Personalisation - Stronger through Community


At the heart of best practice and the development of the whole child lie strong and meaningful relationships. At DBIS we nurture positive environments where our students are safe and feel a sense of belonging and happiness.


The DBIS learning experience enables our students to make connections, transfer skills and develop a local and global perspective. Our students develop a strong sense of self-esteem and self-awareness, which enables them to lead sustainable and fulfilling lives.


Intentional learning at DBIS is the mindset of seeing every experience as an opportunity to learn. Learning opportunities are designed and facilitated to ensure that all students develop a love of learning and approach challenges positively, with creativity and independence.


The DBIS learning experience raises aspirations and creates personal pride in achievement. A greater meaning to learning is given through the cultivation of students’ natural inquiring minds. They are encouraged to be curious and motivated to learn by exploring and expanding their experiences and broadening their interests.


Every DBIS learner is valued as an individual. We celebrate students' strengths in order to identify realistic and challenging expectations that are uniquely tailored to each individual's learning journey and meet their specific needs.


The Character and Culture policy contains a reflective approach to behaviour and choices, illustrating steps to success as well as a restorative process enabling there to be an agreed understanding between student and staff member.

Through our character and culture approach, positive choices and behaviour are promoted at DBIS so that every student feels supported, happy and secure. We recognise that our students are developing. This can mean that students occasionally make mistakes. We aim to put restorative actions in place that guide and support our students towards making better decisions in the future and also help them to develop a sense of personal responsibility. For more information, please see our policy HERE.


As DBIS students, you are expected to continually reflect and develop your character throughout the years, always holding yourself accountable to your choices. This will allow you to become self-aware, self-managing, socially aware and able to develop strong, effective relationships as a key cornerstone of your approach to life.


DBIS staff members are here to guide and support the holistic development of all learners across all phases of the school.

If we witness choices that contravene our school’s character and culture, we address the situation and support students through a restorative approach.

The role of a staff member is to embed and support expected character and culture, using common language and role modelling the values expected of us and our students.



DBIS endeavours to build a supportive dialogue between home and the school, and we inform parents immediately if we have concerns about their child's choice(s).

If our school has to use reasonable responses, we ask parents to support the actions of the school. If parents have any concerns about the way their child has been treated, they would initially contact the class teacher.


Student safety is paramount to us here at DBIS, and even within our extremely safe Discovery Bay community, we need to ensure that children are ready to act calmly and appropriately in the event of an emergency.


Fire drill procedures are carried out each term and involve all staff and students. In the event of a fire, all EYFS staff and children are evacuated to the car park in front of the school gates, where class rolls are taken. An email and SMS are sent to all parents following a successful fire drill or evacuation, informing them that all students are safe. Key DBIS Policies can be found HERE.


Lockdown procedures are usually carried out once or twice a year and involve all staff and students. In the unlikely event that the school campus needs to be locked down, all blinds and windows are closed, and all staff and students stay silently and safely in a locked area until the all-clear is given over the school tannoy system. Again, parents are informed by email and SMS that all students are safe following any drill.


Any visitor, including ex-students as well as family members or helpers of students attending DBIS, must sign in to the EYFS Campus at the front desk during school hours. Outside these hours, visitors need to report to the Main Campus office. All visitors are required to wear a visitor’s pass at all times whilst on school grounds. Visitors are not permitted to attend classes with students. This is to ensure learning is not disrupted as well as for insurance liability reasons.



There are seven areas of learning and development that shape the EYFS curriculum. All are important and interconnected. Three of the areas are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting the children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving. These are called the prime areas. They are:

● Communication & Language

● Physical Development

● Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Communication & Language

Young children depend on interactions with responsive others to become confident communicators and language users. Communication and language are the foundations for learning and development, supporting independent thinking and emerging literacy skills. A language-rich environment is crucial for supporting children as they explore sounds, symbols and words in their everyday world. Through ongoing, varied and positive experiences, we give our children opportunities to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves and to speak and listen in a range of situations. We recognise that for many of our children, English is a second or third language and that that their first language provides the roots to learning additional languages. With this in mind, we encourage parents to continue to use their home language as it strengthens their child’s language proficiency when they engage with new environments.

Physical Development

Children’s learning and development is underpinned by physical development. Engagement with extensive physical experiences supports the development of neurological, sensory and fine motor skills that are essential for positive body image. Physical development includes health, wellbeing and self-care. We help our children to understand the importance of physical activity and to make healthy choices in relation to food. Twice a week, under the guidance of a specialist teacher, our children participate in physical activities whilst practising the rules of safety, cooperation and gross motor skills development. Throughout the day, our children are engaged in activities that promote the development of fine and gross motor skills, which must develop together so that children can achieve what they set out to do. These activities are also crucial to building firm foundations for mark-making and writing.

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Who we are, our relationships with others and how we feel are the foundations for our lives. Developing a positive sense of self is key to children’s wellbeing and resilience, which we know have a significant impact on their learning and achievement. Children’s self confidence and their potential to think and learn are influenced by their sense of self, their emotional understanding and the quality of their relationships. Personal, social and emotional development are therefore crucial to children in EYFS as they are fundamental to all other aspects of lifelong learning.

The other areas of learning and development are the four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are:

● Literacy

● Mathematics

● Understanding the World

● Expressive Arts & Design


In FS-1 and FS-2, literacy focuses on understanding and being understood. This is achieved by developing in the children the skills to interpret, create and communicate meaning through writing and reading in different media. Our children have access to a wide range of reading materials (books, poems and other written materials) to ignite their interest and to encourage a love of reading. In FS-1 and FS-2, the children link letters and sounds and begin to read and write. Our phonics programme is inspired by Read Write Inc. (RWI), which is a synthetic phonics programme that ensures reading, writing and spelling success. In FS-1, we ensure plenty of opportunities for the development of pre-phonics skills, such as listening to environmental sounds, remembering and repeating rhythms and rhymes and discriminating between sounds. These opportunities continue to be available for the children to engage with as they begin the formal phonics programme, supporting the continued development of skills relating to phonics, reading and writing.


Early mathematical understanding is acquired through repeated experiences using hands-on materials in enjoyable, meaningful contexts. In FS-1 and FS-2, we support the children in developing their own understanding of number, quantity, shape and space. We nurture the children’s natural interests through playful exploration and high-quality interactions, and we provide them with plenty of opportunities to revisit, develop and make sense of mathematical concepts for themselves in order to build a strong mathematical foundation. We place much importance on supporting the children to develop an understanding of the value of numbers and ‘number sense’ through subitising and the use of five and ten frames. Our aim is to ensure the children in EYFS work towards ‘number sense mastery’ as this will enable them to approach the concepts and ideas that emerge in Key Stages 1 and 2 with greater confidence.

Understanding the World

Through our Discovery units and concept-based planning, we guide our children to explore and make sense of their expanding world and their community. Children in EYFS learn through regular and direct contact with the natural, man-made and virtual environments by collaborating with others, inquiring, problem-solving and shared sustained thinking. Our active involvement with the local community supports the children in developing responsibility and respect for diversity. Our experiential learning opportunities, including Forest School and woodwork (Carpenter’s Cabin), provide children with first-hand involvement with the natural world, developing a sense of ecological balance, environmental care and sustainability. ‘Understanding the World’ supports learning about our culturally, socially, technologically and ecologically diverse environment and how to stay safe within it.

Expressive Arts & Design

We enable our children to explore and experiment with a wide range of media and materials; we also provide opportunities and encouragement for the children to share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of experiences in art, music, drama and imaginative play. Our ateliers play an important role in facilitating opportunities for exploration and creativity. The children visit the ateliers to learn new skills as well as to experiment with different forms of media and materials. ‘Expressive Arts & Design fosters imagination, curiosity, creativity, cognition and critical thinking. Through engagement with the arts, our children are able to improvise, collaborate, interact and engage in shared, sustained thinking.


The Characteristics of Effective Learning are:

● Playing & Exploring – children investigate and experience things and ‘have a go’

● Active Learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and they enjoy achievements

● Creating & Thinking Critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas and develop strategies for doing things


Discovery is a bespoke, inquiry-based curriculum that DBIS has developed to support our children in becoming independent, active learners and to cover the critical content of the Science curriculum and foundation subjects of History, Geography, Art and Design & Technology.

It is concept based, which means the learning is not locked in time or place; instead, it is transferable. Through identified subject material and conceptual understandings, children have opportunities to develop deeper conceptual thinking.

The Discovery units are underpinned by Learning Technologies and internationalism and provide a contextual learning experience for the development of skills in English and Mathematics.


Our Discovery units are summarised below. For further information, please see the FS-1 Curriculum Intent document linked HERE.

FS-1 Unit of Inquiry Concepts


In this unit, through play and interactions, the children develop their sense of self, relationships with others and belonging to their class.


In this unit, which is covered throughout the year, the children learn that people celebrate their traditions and values in a variety of ways and that through celebrations, people express their beliefs and values.


In this unit, the children explore various art forms and techniques. They explore colours and how they can be changed.


In this unit, the children learn about sharing our planet with people, plants and animals that all grow and change. They learn that we have a role to play and responsibility to take care of, and appreciate, our planet.


In this unit, the children explore storytelling and how they can act out or retell stories in different ways.

Process, Learning, Growth Mindset, Beliefs, Values, Relationships, Psychology, Potential, Technology, Systems

Power, Force, Communication, Transition

Creativity, Imagination, Pattern, Materials

Sustainability, Relationships, Interdependence

Expression, Imagination, Creativity, Interactions, Relationships


Learning for Life is the title of our school-specific Personal, Social and Emotional Development programme. This programme includes learning about the attributes in our DBIS Learner Profile and about Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). Learning for Life is a planned programme of learning through which children acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives. As part of a whole-school approach, our children develop the qualities and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of their global society. In FS-1, the children will cover the age-appropriate lessons of the PANTS programme.



FS-1 children attend Mandarin each week, with both Mandarin immersion in their usual classroom environment and specialist teaching. Native speakers have an additional native speaking class each week. The end-of-year expectations for FS-1 can be found below:

Native Speakers

The children can understand and follow classroom instructions and sing songs in Mandarin. They can understand and retell the rhymes and short stories they are exposed to in school. The children can recognise the characters of the numbers 1–5. By the end of FS-1, we expect the children to have a basic understanding of Chinese culture and traditional festivals and make connections to other cultures.

Non-Native Speakers

The children can understand and follow basic instructions and are familiar with pronunciation in Mandarin. They can sing and dance to Mandarin songs and are able to count to 10. The children can understand and say words from each unit of learning, including greetings, numbers, the Chinese New Year festival, fruits and colours. They are able to express the fruit and colours they like, following verbal and non-verbal clues. By the end of FS-1, we expect the children to have an initial understanding of Chinese culture and traditional festivals and make connections to other cultures.


In EYFS, the children explore their voices and a large variety of percussion instruments through the medium of music games and simple songs. Through building confidence in using their voices, they sing a large range of songs in unison that extend their understanding of pitch, dynamics, tempo and rhythm. The children are also encouraged to use their imagination, adopting a range of voices and movements for characters in songs.


To foster the physical development of our students, we provide opportunities for them to engage in physical activity and interactive play that improve their coordination, strength and movement. By focusing on locomotor skills such as running, jumping and skipping, we help our children develop balance and control of their bodies, which are important for their overall development, whilst reinforcing the importance of physical activity as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

By the end of FS-1, we aim for the children to develop confidence in the following areas:

● Running with spatial awareness and negotiating space successfully, adjusting speed or direction to avoid obstacles

● Balancing on one foot or in a squat momentarily, shifting body weight to improve stability

● Grasping and releasing with two hands to throw and catch a large ball, beanbag or object

● Climbing stairs and steps and moving across climbing equipment using alternate feet; maintaining balance using hands and body to stabilise

Learning Technologies

In FS-1 and FS-2, the children cover a range of practical and theoretical content to enhance their understanding of technology. This includes learning about appropriate device use and maintenance whilst interacting with different technologies. In FS-1, learning focuses on creating multimedia and using technology to enhance the learning experience in the classroom. The children learn to interact fluently and independently with essential software that they will continue using in the following years.


At the end of each child’s time in FS-2, a summary of their development and achievement in response to the ELGs as defined in the EYFS is produced in the format of an EYFS Profile (EYFSP). This supports the children’s transition to Key Stage 1.

In the EYFSP, your child will be given an attainment level for each of the 17 aspects of learning. Each child will be assessed as either ‘emerging’ or ‘expected’ against each ELG. They EYFSP is separated into seven areas of learning and development, which are broken down further into the 17 specific aspects of learning:

Personal, Social & Emotional Development


Children at the expected level of development will:

● Give focused attention to what the teacher says, responding appropriately even when engaged in activity, and show an ability to follow instructions involving several ideas or actions

● Set and work towards simple goals, being able to wait for what they want and control their immediate impulses when appropriate

● Show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others, and begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly

Managing Self

Children at the expected level of development will:

● Be confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge

● Explain the reasons for rules, know right from wrong and try to behave accordingly

● Manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, including dressing, going to the toilet and understanding the importance of healthy food choices

Building Relationships

Children at the expected level of development will:

● Form positive attachments to adults and friendships with peers

● Show sensitivity to their own and others' needs

● Work and play cooperatively and take turns with others

Communication & Language

Listening, Attention & Understanding

Children at the expected level of development will:

● Listen attentively and respond to what they hear with relevant questions, comments and actions when being read to and during whole-class discussions and small-group interactions

● Make comments about what they have heard and ask questions to clarify their understanding

● Hold conversation when engaged in back and forth exchanges with their teacher and peers


Children at the expected level of development will:

● Express their ideas and feelings about their experiences using full sentences, including use of past, present and future tenses and making use of conjunctions, with modelling and support from their teacher

● Offer explanations for why things might happen, making use of recently introduced vocabulary from stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems when appropriate

● Participate in small-group, class and one-to-one discussions, offering their own ideas, using recently introduced vocabulary

Physical Development

Gross Motor Skills

Children at the expected level of development will:

● Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing

● Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing

● Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others

Fine Motor Skills

Children at the expected level of development will:

● Begin to show accuracy and care when drawing

● Hold a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing – using the tripod grip in almost all cases

● Use a range of small tools, including scissors, paint brushes and cutlery



Children at the expected level of development will:

● Demonstrate understanding of what has been read to them by retelling stories and narratives using their own words and recently introduced vocabulary

● Anticipate (where appropriate) key events in stories

● Use and understand recently introduced vocabulary during discussions about stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems and during role play

Word Reading

Children at the expected level of development will:

● Read aloud simple sentences and books that are consistent with their phonic knowledge, including some common exception words

● Read words consistent with their phonic knowledge by sound-blending

● Say a sound for each letter in the alphabet and at least 10 digraphs


Children at the expected level of development will:

● Spell words by identifying sounds in them and representing the sounds with a letter or letters

● Write recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed

● Write simple phrases and sentences that can be read by others

Mathematics Number

Children at the expected level of development will:

● Automatically recall (without reference to rhymes, counting or other aids) number bonds up to 5, including subtraction facts, and some number bonds to 10, including double facts

● Have a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number

● Subitise (recognise quantities without counting) up to 5

Numerical Patterns

Children at the expected level of development will:

● Compare quantities up to 10 in different contexts, recognising when one quantity is greater than, less than or the same as the other quantity

● Explore and represent patterns within numbers up to 10, including evens and odds, double facts and how quantities can be distributed equally

● Verbally count beyond 20, recognising the pattern of the counting system

Expressive Arts & Design

Creating with Materials

Children at the expected level of development will:

● Make use of props and materials when role playing characters in narratives and stories

● Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function

● Share their creations, explaining the process they have used

Being Imaginative & Expressive

Children at the expected level of development will:

● Invent, adapt and recount narratives and stories with peers and their teacher

● Perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others and – when appropriate – try to move in time with music

● Sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs

Understanding the World

Past & Present

Children at the expected level of development will:

● Know some similarities and differences between things in the past and now, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class

● Talk about the lives of the people around them and their roles in society

● Understand the past through settings, characters and events encountered in books read in class and storytelling

People, Culture & Communities

Children at the expected level of development will:

● Describe their immediate environment using knowledge from observation, discussion, stories, non-fiction texts and maps

● Know some similarities and differences between different religious and cultural communities in this country, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class

● Explain some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries, drawing on knowledge from stories, non-fiction texts and – when appropriate – maps

The Natural World

Children at the expected level of development will:

● Explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants

● Know some similarities and differences between the natural world around them and contrasting environments, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class

● Understand some important processes and changes in the natural world around them, including the seasons and changing states of matter



The school gates open at 8.45am to give children time to organise their school belongings and have a few minutes to greet their friends. This enables them to be ready to walk confidently into the class when the bell rings at 8.55am.

We encourage children to be as independent as possible, so we ask that you allow your children to put their bag, lunchbox and water bottle away independently.

If children arrive at school after 9am, please ensure that they go to the office to sign in with Ms Angel.


The school will provide a daily snack of fruit, vegetables and crackers for the children to eat in their classes.

Lunchtime starts at 11.30am and lasts for one hour. Children have a supervised lunch break in the dining hall before they go out to play.

Helpful Hints

● Drinks should be in a spill-proof, child-friendly container.

● An ice pack or insulated lunch box can help keep lunches cool.

● We encourage all children to be environmentally friendly and bring a lunch with as little packaging as possible.


Children will be dismissed by their teachers at the classroom door. The school day ends for FS-1 children at 2.40pm. All students in FS-1 are to be collected by an adult, who must show a parent/carer ID card for their child. Adults who cannot show an ID card must sign their child out with their class teacher.


A range of extracurricular activities (ECAs) is available to all children at DBIS. Each term, you will be notified of the ECAs available to your child’s age group and provided with information on how to register an interest in joining, via SchoolsBuddy. Please note some ECAs have a maximum capacity.

The majority of ECAs at DBIS are offered free of charge; however, there may be some paid activities delivered by external providers. Any paid selections will be invoiced to parents directly by the external service provider.

ECAs for FS-1 children start in Term 2, once they have settled into school and are completely settled into all the new routines that come with attending school for full days.

From time to time, ECAs may need to be cancelled. The most common cause of this is inclement weather. In the event of cancellation, parents will be notified via SchoolsBuddy.


In order to maintain the highest standards in safeguarding and child protection, you will need to apply for DBIS photo identity cards for those who will pick your child up on a regular basis. The names of these adults should be communicated to your child’s class teacher. If you arrange for your child to go on a play date or to be picked up by someone who is not on the regular pick up list, you will need to inform your child’s class teacher and ensure you provide their full name as they will need to verify their identity when collecting your child.

Anyone (including those on the pick up list) who arrive at school without the card will need to sign the child out with the class teacher once all other children have been safely dismissed. We will never release a child to someone who is not on the pick up list without arrangements being made prior.

To apply for a parent/carer ID card, please complete the form HERE.


The school provides children with pencils, crayons, books and stationery. Parents are asked to provide:

● A named school bag (this can be purchased from the uniform shop)

● One A3-size reading folder (plastic zipped wallet)

To support the children’s independence, they should be encouraged to be responsible for their own belongings and to pack their own school bag. Class teachers will share the days that reading and library folders are needed in school.


We recognise the importance of engaging with the children’s interests in order to enhance the learning process, so please do keep us up to date with your child’s interests as they emerge so we can reflect these within the learning environment.

We kindly ask that unless requested specifically for a topic by your child’s teacher, personal toys remain at home.


Children in EYFS are not permitted to wear smart watches. If your child begins to show an interest in telling the time, we recommend purchasing a simple analogue wrist watch.


At the EYFS campus, all lost and found items are handed to Ms Angel at the front desk. We ask that all student clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name. At specific times throughout the year, we will put all lost and found items on display, and if unclaimed, we will donate these items to one of our school charities.


If a child becomes unwell whilst at school, they will be taken to the school nurse. The school nurse will evaluate the child’s medical condition and decide if they need to be collected from school. The time of handover to a parent or caregiver is noted, and the classroom teacher is made aware.

If a child has a minor complaint or accident, the school nurse will administer first aid and care in the medical room. In the case of a more serious concern, the school will contact the parents and/or emergency services and will make medical decisions based on doctor’s recommendations. Parents will be systematically informed if the school contacts emergency services, but it may not always be possible to do this in advance of making an emergency call.

The school’s nurse is not authorised to administer mild medications, such as paracetamol, without parental permission. Prescribed medication can be administered on completion of the Prescribed Medicines Permission Form linked HERE. Please note that although the school provides limited medical insurance for all students whilst they are in our care, the insurance may not cover all medical costs. Therefore, parents should make sure that students have sufficient medical coverage in addition to what the school provides.


Our DBIS EYFS uniform is compulsory and is an important part of children feeling a sense of pride and belonging within our school. Our uniform shop is located on the Main Campus and is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.15am to 12pm and Wednesdays from 1.30pm to 4pm during term time. If possible, we ask you to please bring your own carrier bag with you to take uniform items away.

Warm Weather (Summer) Uniform

DBIS dark blue shorts worn with a DBIS polo shirt (untucked) or

DBIS dark blue skort worn with a DBIS polo shirt (untucked) or

DBIS leggings worn with a DBIS polo shirt (untucked).


Black shoes and navy blue ankle socks or

Navy/black sandals (please note: no socks are to be worn with sandals; beach sandals are not permitted).

Cool Weather (Winter) Uniform

DBIS navy blue trousers worn with a short or long-sleeved PE polo shirt (untucked) or

DBIS navy blue skort worn with a DBIS short or long-sleeved PE polo shirt (untucked) or

DBIS leggings worn with a DBIS polo shirt (untucked).

DBIS jacket.


Black school shoes with navy blue ankle socks or

Black school shoes with navy blue tights or leggings.

PE Uniform

PE shorts worn with a DBIS PE polo shirt (untucked).


Trainers (any colour) with plain white ankle socks. Trainers should not have flashing lights, wheels or obvious pictures (high-top sports shoes are not permitted).

PE shoes may be worn for the entire school day if a PE class is scheduled.

A link to all the uniform lists can be found HERE.

With the exception of shoes, tights and leggings, all items should be purchased fromtheDBISuniformshop.

Additional Information


Hats are mandatory for playtime, PE lessons and during any off-campus school event (day trips, sports days, travel between campuses etc).

Children are required to wear the school uniform hat.

DBIS Rucksack

The DBIS rucksack is part of the school uniform. All children in FS-1 and FS-2 are required to purchase this from the uniform shop.

Waterproof Clothing

All children in FS-1 and FS-2 need to bring in a pair of Wellington boots, waterproof trousers and a coat.


Watches and stud earrings are the only jewellery to be worn at school.


Regular attendance at school is essential for students to achieve their full potential, and we appreciate your support in helping us maintain high attendance rates at DBIS. We expect all students to aim for 100% attendance and to make every effort to attend school every day. We closely monitor attendance to ensure that students are attending school regularly.

For your information, please see the statistics below:

● 96% attendance = 7 learning days lost

● 95% attendance = 9 learning days lost

● 90% attendance = 19 learning days lost

● 89% attendance = 21 learning days lost

● 85% attendance = 28 learning days lost

If we notice that a student is missing school frequently or for an extended period of time, we will reach out to parents to discuss the situation and provide support. We reserve the right to intervene when we feel it is necessary to support a student's attendance and academic progress. This includes situations where a student has been absent for an extended period of time or has repeatedly missed school.


If your child is absent from school, it is important that you let us know why. You can report your child’s absence using the online form, which can be found on the Parent Hub HERE, or alternatively, you can call the school office and leave a message. Please do not email the class teacher.


If your child is late for school and arrives any time after 9am, they need to be brought to the EYFS office to be registered and signed in to school. They can then go and join their class. This way, we know your child will be safely registered without interrupting the learning that will already have started in the classrooms.


If a student needs to leave school before the end of the day (2.40pm), parents are required to inform the class teachers and exit via the EYFS school office, where they must sign their child out with the administration officer before leaving the school premises.


We know that our families have commitments all over the world, and this often requires travel. Please notify the school if you are planning to take a trip out of Hong Kong for more than a day. We know that parental absence, even for the shortest of periods, can sometimes unsettle children at school, so letting the school know when you are away from home helps ensure your child is fully supported when in school.

The school office will require details of appointed guardians and emergency telephone numbers in case we need them, and we will be able to keep a close eye on your child in your absence.



We view our parents as the children’s first teachers; therefore, clear communication between home and school is essential. Our communication system utilises the following platforms to communicate with our parent community:

The Parent Hub

The Parent Hub is our main platform for communication between school and home. All communication to parents regarding upcoming events and information can be found on the Parent Hub. Any calendared event will have a parent bulletin on the Hub approximately two weeks prior to the event taking place. All bulletins are sent to parents in a consolidated email each Saturday so that parents can organise the forthcoming two weeks. The Parent Hub also contains the current DBIS school calendar, which details term dates as well as the dates of upcoming school events.

Isams Parent Portal & App

Parents can access all student-specific information via the iSAMS Parent Portal and app. This platform is used to communicate confidential information about your child, such as school reports and attendance data. The app can be downloaded free from the App Store and Google Play Store. The school code is DBIS, and you will need your personal iSAMS username and password to log on.

Electronic Learning Journey (Seesaw)

Throughout your child’s time in FS-1, we will record their learning in an electronic learning journey (Seesaw) to celebrate their experiences. Over time, it will tell a story about your child and their learning, their friends and the activities they enjoyed sharing with others.

The electronic learning journey may include:

● Photographs and videos – these capture moments and sequences of your child’s learning, interests and explorations

● Your child’s creations – these could be photos of models, their role play, marks they have made, writing or artwork – with a comment to explain what your child did or said

Home–School Link Book

Students in FS-1 will have a home–school link book which includes a reading log and the phonics and spellings the children are expected to learn by the end of FS-2. Teachers will check the book each day, and parents should record in it a log of the children’s reading.

SchoolsBuddy Platform

All information about your child’s ECAs can be found via the SchoolsBuddy platform. A personal username and password to log in to SchoolsBuddy will be shared with you. Once you are logged in, you will be able to see all of the activities your child in involved with.

School Newsletter

Each Friday, the school’s newsletter is emailed to parents. The newsletter provides a snapshot of the week’s events across all phases of the school.

DBIS Website

The school’s website, linked HERE, is a window into the school, giving parents access to information on all aspects of the school’s operations as well as teaching and learning approaches. The website also provides parents with a link to the Parent Hub.

Parent–Teacher Conferences & Reports

We have an open-door policy at DBIS and parents are welcome to pass on information at the door each morning and afternoon. For matters that require longer discussion, parents are encouraged to make appointments with the teachers to ensure we can give you the time and space required.

In addition to the ongoing contact with class teachers, we have a number of formal times for parents and teachers to discuss the children’s progress and set targets. We also provide a detailed, written report at the end of the academic year.

Parent–Teacher Conferences occur three times a year (twice in Term 1 and once in Term 2). In addition, open mornings and celebrations of learning are held for the children to share their learning with parents. These opportunities enable our children to develop their communication skills by articulating their learning journey throughout the year.


Contacting Teachers

We operate an open-door policy at DBIS, and you will see your child’s teacher each morning and afternoon when you drop off and collect your child. This is a great time for short, incidental conversations. If you wish to arrange a longer meeting, please do so by emailing them directly. For time-sensitive issues, please email the school office at dbiseyfs@dbis.edu.hk, and the email will be forwarded to the teacher directly.

Permission Forms

School trips form an integral part of our school curriculum, and we like to immerse our students in learning outside the classroom wherever we can. We have immediate access to the mountains and beaches here in Discovery Bay, and the children love to learn outside. All parents are regularly asked to sign an online permission form, which gives students advance permission to attend all local school trips.

Personal Information

It is very important for the school to have complete, up-to-date information about all of our students and those whom we may need to contact in case of emergency. Please make sure that you inform the school immediately of any changes to contact details, names, telephone numbers or addresses. The Student Contact Details Change Form for this can be found on our Parent Hub HERE.

It is also imperative that you let the school know of any allergies, medical conditions or ongoing medication your child has. Student Medical Profiles can also be updated via the our Parent Hub HERE. These details must be kept up to date at all times.


To withdraw a student from DBIS, notice must be given not less than 60 days (excludes July and August) before the student leaves the school. This can be done by completing the jotform HERE. If students are not returning to DBIS after the summer holidays, official notice must be given 60 days before the last day of term. The school will charge school fees in lieu if the above notice period is not adhered to.



We actively recognise that parents are a child’s first – and most important – teachers, and we work hard to build strong, positive and supportive relationships between school and home. Working in partnership with parents enables us to provide the best support possible for every child.


Every year, we are delighted to welcome one or two class parents for each class. These parents are a huge support for us, welcoming new families, helping out with trips and organising parental support for many of the activities undertaken by the students. Class parents are a link between the wider parent group and the school and are invaluable. If you are interested in becoming a class parent, please approach your class teacher at the start of the academic year.


We have a very active Parent–Teacher–Student Association (PTSA) who work tirelessly to support our school. More information about the PTSA can be found on the Parent Hub HERE, and they can be contacted at ptsa@dbis.edu.hk


There is a Parent Focus Group which meets with the Head of EYFS & Primary each term to discuss different areas of school life. Do register your interest at the start of each year by emailing Hannah Tait, Head of EYFS & Primary, at htait@dbis.edu.hk if you would like to join this group.


As you will be aware, Hong Kong is subject to extreme weather conditions from time to time. The Education Bureau of the Hong Kong government stipulates that when certain rain warnings and typhoon signals are in place, we are to follow their directives:

● Typhoon Signal Number 1

All phases of the school will operate as normal.

● Typhoon Signal Number 3 or Above

DBIS EYFS campus will be closed. DBIS Primary and Secondary Schools will operate as normal.

● Typhoon Signal Number 8 or Above

DBIS EYFS, Primary and Secondary Schools will be closed. Static learning activities will be available for the children to access remotely by 10am on the morning of a T8 school closure.

● Amber Rainstorm Warning

DBIS EYFS, Primary and Secondary Schools will operate as normal.

● Red or Black Rainstorm Warning

If a Red or Black Rainstorm Warning is issued before the start of the day, DBIS EYFS, Primary and Secondary Schools will be closed for students. Static learning activities will be available for the children to access remotely by 10am on the morning of a rainstorm school closure.

In the event of a Red or Black Rainstorm Warning being issued during the day, the school will continue until the end of normal hours and children will be retained until conditions are safe for them to return home.


Please familiarise yourself with the school’s Severe Weather Policy regarding the closure of school. The school website will display weather warnings and notification of school closure where applicable.

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