PLC Controlled Automated Multiple Conveyor System for Sorting Process

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PLC Controlled Automated Multiple Conveyor System for Sorting Process Rakshak T.B.

Mr. Shivashankara B. S.

P.G. Student Depart ment of Mechanical Engineering , Malnad College of Eng ineering, Hassan, India

Assistant Professor Depart ment of Mechanical Engineering Malnad Co llege of Engineering, Hassan, India


1. Introduction

A specialized co mputer used for the control and

The PLC is a device with microcontroller that

operation of manufacturing process and machinery

monitors the input/output circuitry status. In the

is programmable Logic Controller (PLC). To store

proposed system sensor (inputs), actuators, Motors

instructions it uses a programmab le memory. And

(output). A Ladder logic program stored in the

on/off control, timing, counting, sequencing,

memo ry, wh ich gives the commands to do the

arith metic, and data handling are the functions to

required tasks. PLCs are armored for severe

be execute. To expand and enhance production

condition (dust, moisture, heat, cold, etc) the

Programmab le Logic Controllers (PLC) is used in

extensive input/output (I/O) arrangement is the

almost every aspect of industry. , a single PLC can

main difference fro m other co mputers. The facility

be programmed as an efficient replacement where

for the positions of complex positioning systems.

hundreds or thousands of electromechanical relays

Motors, pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders, magnetic

are used in older automated systems. Sophisticated

relays or solenoids, or analog outputs are operated

motion control, process control, distributive control

by PLC.

systems, and complex networking are The PLC Functions.

Babita Nanda, Delta plc is a basic type of plc used

PLCs provide many Benifits Co mpare to the conventional relay type of control Accuracy, reliability.

2. Lite rature survey

Co mmun ication



response time, lower cost, and convenience to troubleshoot. The paper is based on systematic conveyor




programmab le logic controller using PLC offers user-friendly software and variety of expansion options. Increased more flexib ility, Durability, Maintanance. IDL - International Digital Library

for small scale applications. It has 8 inputs and 6 outputs. It has a 24v input slot which acts as a power source for delta plc. It also has a USB slot which is used to run the program on the plc. A very commonly used method of programming PLC’s is based on the use of ladder diagrams. Writing a program is the equivalent to drawing a switching circuit. The ladder diagram consists of two vertical lines representing the power rails. Circu its are connected as horizontal lines, that is, the rungs of 1|P a ge


IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 7, July 2017

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International e -Journal For Technology And Research-2017 the ladder, between these two vertical lines. In

reduces the efforts of the workers by reducing the

drawing a ladder d iagram, certain conventions are

time spent for material handling. The application

adopted implementing of Delta PLC for shorting of

area of this machine is very wide in industries

mach ine has greatly reduced the complexity

where automat ion is built [3].







production unit of mass production can make use of

Ganesh B.Shinde, Vishal P.Ghadage, Akshay A.

this king of system. Many more industries can be

Gadhave, and Dr.D.k.Shedge In industry the

identified for the application of the system [1].

production speed should be high because the

Chitra.S, and Vijaya Raghavan, PLCs are well-

demand of the product is more. But when we check

adapted to a range of automation tasks. These are

weight of the object manually then it will take more



time fo r checking the weight and overall speed the

manufacturing where the cost of developing and

production will decrease. So by using this auto

maintaining the automation s ystem is high relative

weighing control system we totally overco me this

to the total cost of the automation, and where

problem.PLC will handled all the operation

changes to the system would be expected during its

regarding the weight of the job. And operate the

operational life. PLCs contain input and output

pneumatic cylinder according to the weight of the

devices compatible with industrial pilot devices and

job. The pneumatic cylinder will remove the faulty

controls; little electrical design is required, and the

job fro m the conveyor belt and pass the accurate

design problem centres on expressing the desired

job successfully [4].





sequence of operations in ladder logic (or function chart) notation. PLC applications are typically

Shreeya V, Ku lkarni Swat i R, Bhosale Priyanka P,

highly customized systems so the cost of a

Bandewar, G.B.Firame, Kashibai Nava In most of

packaged PLC is low co mpared to the cost of a

the industries the sorting system runs by PLC

specific custom-built controller design. On the

which is expensive and only can be used in large

other hand, in the case of mass -produced goods,

industries. This system is less expensive as

customized control systems are economic due to

microcontroller is used. The system is compact and

the lower cost of the components, which can be

quick in operation so can be used in small scale

optimally chosen instead of a "generic" solution,

industries, ware houses, currier services . Raspberry

and where the non-recurring engineering charges

pi is used so the controlling is easy and effective.

are spread over thousands of places [2].

The response time of raspberry pi is less so image detected and decoded in short period of time. The

Sanjay Prakash Dabadea, Rohan Prakash Chumble

sorting speed is 12 box/ min i.e. 720 bo x/ hour, it is

The automatic sorting machine using conveyor belt

faster than existing system [5].

is basically useful for sorting the products in the industry specifically large scale industries where

G. Sujatha, and V. Perasiriyan, The designed

mass production is carried out. The machine also

conveyor sorting module can be used for different

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International e -Journal For Technology And Research-2017 logics that can be applied in conveyer sorting. To

acts as a learning tree. Co mments that which ration

sense the object and sort the small one to Right bin,

item he is going to buy [7].

Large one to middle bin and Medium one to centre bin. To sense the object only the mediu m size

Kunhimohammed.C.K, Muhammed Saifudeen

object to centre or left or right bin and if small or

K. K, Sahna S, Go kul M . S and Shaeez Us man

big object is sensed stop conveyer-2 immediately

Abdulla. They have developed a sorting machine

and blink Cycle on LED DO-0 at interval. Once the

using PLC for auto matic colour sorting, taking in to

object is removed fro m the conveyer, stop blinking

consideration three colours namely Green, Red and

and wait to accept the Object Loading again. To

Black. It consumed two months to produce the

sort only Small and Medium height Object so that


once the big object is sensed stop the conveyer. To

note that the green object and the red object lying

sort the Small object 4 nos, Medium object 4 nos.

in different sections of the container placed on the

and big object 4 no. to the bin and stop sensing till

second conveyor belt [8].

reset button is sensed. To sort the objects in

with the expense of Rs.2000. It may

3. Block Diagram and Flow Chart

ascending order according to the size and stop the conveyer if the sequence is wrong [6]. Vitthal G. Chikte, Priyanka D. Ughade. They have tried best to create a setup that will decrease human effort and succeeded to an extent by using the low cost automation system (LA C).Avoid risk at hazardous places, improve accuracy, and increase speed of production. Limitations will be there due to the practical difficu lties in programming of the project according to the availability of the materials and components. The setup can be further improved to a Sort ing system that sorts the items based on the colour and height simultaneously. This can be achieved using the sensors that can emit light radiat ion of different wavelengths. In industry it can be used for sorting of various objects, tools, with high degree of accuracy and quality with an automation. Operations in food processing industries which used to be carried out under totally hygienic conditions from the report have gained knowledge to some extent and thus it

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4.Components Required 4.1 Pro ximity Sensors 4.2 IR Sensors 4.3 PLC 4. 4 Pneumat ic actuators (Cylinders) 4.5 Conveyor Motors 6. Conveyor Belts.

Flow Chart

Fig.2 Flow Chart

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International e -Journal For Technology And Research-2017 4.1 Proxi mity sensors These are used to detect metals. In the proposed system the proximity sensors are fixed at the first position.

Fig.3 Structure of an inducti ve proximi ty sensor [13] 4.2 IR sensors These are used to sense the Non-metals. The working principle is as shown in the fig.3

Fig.5 PLC kit [13] 4.4 Pneumatic actuators (Cylinders) The cylinder acts as an output devices which are used to push the work samples to the conveyors which are attached to the main conveyor.

Fig.6 Cylinder [13] 4.5 Conveyor Motors Motor is an electric device which converts Electrical energy into mechanical Energy. In the proposed system the mechanical force is used to move the conveyors.

Fig.4 IR Sensor [4] 4.3 Programmable l ogic controller This is used to interface the inputs and output Devices. The ladder logic circuit is used to interface Process. (PLC)

Fig.7 Pulley and DC Motor in the Prototype [13] 4. 6 Conveyor Belts

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Fig.8 (a) Belts of Conveyor, (b) Belts of Conveyor wi th Pulley [13]. These are used to move the work samples Fro m initial position to final position.

5. 3D-Modelling

Fig.9 (b) Isometric View of a Model

Fig.10 Front view of a model Fig.9 (a) Isometric View of a Model IDL - International Digital Library

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International e -Journal For Technology And Research-2017 main conveyor. Second conveyor is for Metals. Third Conveyor is for Non-metal. The four and five conveyor moves after filling of four wo rk samples.

6. Ladde r Logic Diagram

Fig.11 Top view

Fig.12 Side view

PROGRAM PLC_PRG 0003 VAR 0004 Stsrt AT %IX0.0: BOOL; 0005 Hold: BOOL; 0006 S1 AT %IX0.1: BOOL; 0007 Main_motor AT %QX0.0: BOOL; 0008 Inductive AT %IX0.2: BOOL; 0009 Photlectric AT %IX0.3: BOOL; 0010 T1: Tp; 0011 T2: TP; 0012 cylinder1_solenoid AT %QX0.1: BOOL; 0013 Cylinder2_solenoid AT %QX0.2: BOOL; 0014 Conveyor3_sensor AT %IX0.4: BOOL; 0015 C1: CTU; 0016 Conveyor5 AT %QX0.6: BOOL; 0017 T4: TP; 0018 Conveyor2_sensor AT %IX0.3: BOOL; 0019 C2: CTU; 0020 Conveyor4 AT %QX0.5: BOOL; 0021 T5: TP; 0022 T6: TP; 0023 Conveyor3 AT %QX0.4: BOOL; 0024 T7: TP; 0025 Conveyor2 AT %QX0.3: BOOL; 0026 T3: TP; 0027 dummy1: INT; 0028 dummy2: INT; 0029 Stop AT %IX0.6: BOOL; 0030 Trigger1: F_TRIG; 0031 Trigger2: F_TRIG; 0032 END_VAR

The two conveyors are attached to the main conveyor. The pro ximity sensor is attached to the first conveyor to detect Metals. The IR Sensor is attached to the second conveyor to detect the Nonmetals. Two sensors mentioned above acts as the input components. The two conveyor motors and the Pneumatic actuator (cylinder) acts as output components. PLC is used to interface the input and output components to get the final result. The Ladder Logic Circuit is written to interface the mach ine with PLC. The timer is used for the each work samp le time requirement to co mplete the task. The counter is used to calculate the time required to fill the empty boxes. The First Conveyor is the IDL - International Digital Library

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7. Proposed Actual Model Images

Fig.14 Top view of a proposed model.

Fig.15 Front View of a proposed Model

Fig.16 Side View

8. Conclusion The developed Model sorts Metals and Non-metals by using PLC. The Proposed Model is Economical user friendly, Lo w cost, high accuracy, Reliable. Fig.13 Ladder Logic Di agram

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IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 7, July 2017

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International e -Journal For Technology And Research-2017 Journal for Scientific Research & Develop ment,

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