V3I1 DBQ Magazine JAN/FEB 2013

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50 FORWARD Ways To Move Your Life








A Fun Quick Read A NOVEL BY

ARMANI WILLIAMS Volume 3 Issue 1 Jan/Feb 2013 DBQMAG.COM Twitter Us @DBQMAG Photography by FELIX MERCEDES

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Plus Our Newest Issue





t's a new year and for us this year is all about taking the best that we have and moving it forward as we strive to make it shine. In this issue I share 50 ways to do exactly that -which might I add is some of my best advice so far.

Also, in this issue I share some of my favorite pieces to wear for the cold weather and my new favorite designer who creates them. Pg 21.

You may notice we added a new 'Culture' section, which is all about 'Ballroom' and in that section a new regular column titled "VOGUEcabulary" by ballroom vogue legend, Pony Zion. I am very excited about this column, I believe it will connect a spiritual truth with the glitz and glam of the ballroom scene.

Here We Go!

In this new year let's take all that we've learned in 2012 and all that we can learn in this present moment and move ourselves forward.

CONTRIBUTORS Kiara Peterson, editorial assistant for DBQ, majoring in Journalism at IUPUI in Indianapolis, Indiana. She has a passion for writing.

Matthew Is an actor, singer,

DaShawn Usher is a native New Yorker. He focuses most of his time and talents in Public Relations, health and the nonproďŹ t sector. His passion is creative writing. He is managing editor at DBQ.

Editor-In-Chief / Publisher David A. Bridgeforth Jr. Senior Editor/ Executive Administrator Jacqui Tanner Contributing Editor Stanley Bennett Clay Consulting Cover Editor Reggie Wells

Managing Editor/ Copy Editor Dashawn Usher Entertainment Editor Matthew Barrett Makeup Reggie Wells Photography/ Retouch Felix Mercedes Editorial Assistant Kiara Peterson Clothing Stylist Malcolm Diggs

blogger, activist living in New York. For the past three years he has been a part of the hit web series ADTV. You can watch The Matthew Barrett Show on YouTube.

DBQ Magazine is a nationally distributed bimonthly lifestyle publication. Published and printed in Indianapolis, Indiana. For more information on advertisement, circulation, or articles please visit us at www.DBQMAG.com Or call 317.500.4327 or 908.656.6218.


Jan/Feb 2013

David Bridgeforth Quarterly









5. NEWS/ GMAD 8. The World According to Matthew 9. BOOKS/ SCANDALICIOUS 10. BALLROOM/ VOGUEcabulary by PONY ZION 12. COVERSTORY/ MY BEST ADVICE FOR YOUR BEST LIFE 50 WAYS TO MOVE YOUR LIFE FORWARD 20. The Love List / FIVE THINGS WE EMPHATICALLY ENDORSE 21. My Favorite Clothes by Designer MALCOLM DIGGS 25. What I've Come To Know / Dare To Move Forward


Behind the Scene

] The DBQ Magazine LOUD 100 The Nov/Dec issue of DBQ Magazine was the most popular issue ever, it sold out in a matter of weeks. People all over the country are still requesting copies. We think it had a lot to do with our history making list 'The LOUD 100' made up of the most remarkable LGBT people of color. Including Frank Ocean, Rupaul, Isis King, and B. Scott. Photo of Isis King by Cory Malcolm

Frank NY 1 2

Frank NY By Bruce Franklin www.hausoffrank.com

The bow tie prices range from $48-$88


Mr. Bridgeforth on the cover wearing: A vintage navvy blue suede double breasted trench coat with a sheered beaver fur collar with leather sleeves (sleeves reconstructed by Malcolm Diggs) $3,300; a white Ralph Lauren collared dress shirt $97.00; a white studded leather bow tie by Frank NY $88.00.


DBQ Magazine

1. A cartoon version of David Bridgeforth created my fan/follower Jay De Vance III, for more info follow on twitter @JayDeVanceIII 2. David Bridgeforth and Kelly Osbourne at the W Hotel in NYC after the 'Love Hangover Ball.' 3. David and Mama Jones at Club Providence in NYC early Jan 2013.

Jan/Feb 2013

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[ News ] The Reign and the Rebirth of an Organization:

By Dashawn Usher Founded 26 years ago, Gay Men of African Descent (GMAD) started out as a result of the vision of founder, The Reverend Charles Angel, who sought to empower Black gay men. GMAD became popular in the mid-80 from its “Friday Night Forums.� These weekly discussions were pivotal into launching GMAD into the nationally recognized organization it is today. Hundreds of Black gay men from across New York City (and even across the country when they visited NYC), would attend these dialogue sessions. Along with much acclaim for GMAD's accomplishments over the decades, came controversy from the public, funders, and more recently the former Executive Director, Tokes Osubu, for the agency. Public speculation about what's next for the organization is still high. Several other agencies, in New York and across the country, have not been so fortunate to continue on operating and had to close their doors. The demand for Black LGBT specific services are needed more than ever. Does GMAD have what it takes to regain the public trust and meet the needs of an underserved community? We're putting our bets on the new Interim Executive Director and hoping it does. I sat down with Vaughn Taylor-Akutagawa, Interim Executive Director, and Christopher Johnson, Director of Support Services, at GMAD to discuss the legacy, controversy, and future of GMAD.

Photo of Vaughn Taylor and former Executive Director, Tokes Osubu, photo of Vaughn by Ocean Morisset

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DBQ Magazine

Jan/Feb 2013


DaShawn Usher (DU): What is GMAD about for people who are unfamiliar with your agency?

Vaughn Taylor-Akutagawa

the services and the “Friday Night Forums.” In August

GMAD has consistently done

2006, I had just graduated

many things to service the

with my MSW when I heard

community, but that was

GMAD was looking for a

based off the values of

mental health professional.

leadership, people’s personal interest, what the community

(VTA): GMAD is a 26 year old organization that is the nation’s oldest black response to the HIV disease. Born out of the interest of The Reverend Charles Angel, who wanted to ensure Black gay men had a secure place to talk about their issues, concerns, and needs. The organization grew out of conversations from these

(VTA): In July 2009 I was

thought they needed, and the

approached by some

impact of HIV/AIDS. There

colleagues in the field that

were so many social issues

informed me that Tokes Osubu

that transitioned GMAD’s role

was looking for an Assistant

in what we would do with

Deputy Director. I started at

Black gay men.

the impact was more about

on being much more health

healing due to the change in culture and rebuilding moral.

look at the intersection of mental illness, substance

determinates of health. Our

Tokes, was the recent

abuse, domestic violence, and

client age range is 17 – 67, but

Executive Director who left this

homelessness that’s four

we have people that fall under

year. Vaughn Taylor-

pinnacle pieces to engage the

and above that range who

Akutagawa is now our Interim

community at a different level.

utilize our services.

Executive Director. GMAD

We also are making sure we

was an organization where you

address the intersection of

could drop in, just like now. It

class, gender, age, race, and

was a place for Black gay men

sexuality for Black men and

to go to talk about their issues

dealing with cultural paradigm

and things they dealt with.


Back in the late 80’s, the DU: When Tokes Osubu

held at the LGBT Center and

resigned as the agency’s

would be inundated with Black

executive director, what

gay men.

impact did that have on the organization?

outreach, discrimination and

VTA: In 1986 it was a social

stigma, and youth groups. We

justice movement talking

VTA: It was two-fold. I think he

currently test for HIV and

about where were the spaces

did his best for a long time in a

syphilis. In the coming year,

for Black gay men, how could

challenging and dynamic

we will also be testing for

we feel affirmed and valued,

environment. It gave us an

hepatitis C.

and what do we do differently

opportunity to restructure; to

to value ourselves. It grew to

ensure we had connects to the

HIV prevention. If we don’t

community, to fortify our

keep Black gay men alive, it

relationships with partners,

doesn’t matter what dreams or

and the opportunity to get new

aspirations you have. You

funders. We were all shocked

can’t pursue them if your

in the speed in which he left,

health is bad or dead.

but we looked at it as an


(CJ): When I initially got involved in GMAD, it was as a participant back in 1989. I came as a client for some of


opportunity to ensure we’re CJ: GMAD has evolved into

still here in the next 25 years.

many things. For the longest

DBQ Magazine

DU: Was Osubu’s resignation sudden or was there a sense of him leaving before it was announced?

CJ: I think he knew his ending in terms of tenure was coming. Did he know when it was coming? Probably not. I think no one knew when it would occur, but there was a lot of drive towards it occurring.

DU: In 2003, the same year

“Friday Night Forums” were

prevention intervention and

how you first heard about the

and goals. We’re regaining

services. We’re really focused

transitions of leadership.

involvement with GMAD and

it’s about the mission, vision,


health engagement, and social

DU: Tell me about your

just one person or leadership,

funding stability. For the staff,

based implementation. So we

psychosocial mental health,

an organization is not about

effective primary prevention

and has gone through its

programs in the areas of

educating the community that

from the time it began in

STI’s), effective mental health,

provide support systems or

affect the organization. We’re

of funding that affects our

hands in terms of leadership

Black gay men. We try to

and negative changes that

sources. We lost a great deal

services screenings (HIV and

and advocacy education to

leadership, there are positive

driven for a while at providing

driven looking at a broad

provide wellness, healthcare,

you have a change in

DU: How has GMAD changed

CJ: First off its change many

perspective our mission is to

almost about 10 years. When

VTA: We’ve been contract

we do a lot of point of entry

terms of the broader

impact. Tokes tenure was

support of our funding

GMAD in September 2009.

group discussions. Currently

Christopher Johnson (CJ): In

CJ: I think it’s still having an

Jan/Feb 2013

Tokes took office, GMAD was the largest dedicated agency solely to serving black gay men, but it was eventually eclipsed in size, accomplishments, and prestige by People of Color in Crisis (POCC), also a Brooklyn-based AIDS group. POCC closed in 2008. Many are predicting the same fate for GMAD. What makes GMAD different? With the shift in HIV prevention funding going more towards treatment and testing, what is GMAD doing to position itself for sustainability?

Page 6

DU: A comment was left on

stability will look like for the agency in terms of short term

DU: What impact do you hope

CJ: I don’t think anyone can

GayCityNews.Com in regards

predict the fate of any

to Osubu’s resignation, which

organization based on the

reads “Osubu's resignation is

relevance of an organization

a real blessing! The

that once was prominent and

organization and the

its demise. Unfortunately

community should consider

POCC’s reign didn’t remain. I

this an amazing opportunity. I

staff has internalized them.

still hope that’s not the fate of

VTA: On some level’s it’s been

pray GMAD and those

everything that was never

Our focus now is on work on

GMAD. Regardless of

dedicated staff who remains

taught in school. Which is

what we do well, keep the staff

leadership, there is a need for

(and who had to put up with

together, and work on staff

the organizations to exist

good, it’s helping me to adapt

Osubu's long history of

development. That will help

where they exist. It’s not about

and adjust. Others, it’s looking

ineffective leadership) will

at how the agency response in

when it trickles down to the

what POCC did and what

seize the day and turn it

terms of an institution and how

community. We’re not going to

GMAD does in terms of

around… Perhaps Osubu

have a group, just to have a

leadership, popularity, or style,

do we make connections to

once long ago believed in

the great diversity in New York

group. We’re going to have

but it’s about doing what we

GMAD's mission but he lost

City. The beauty of POCC,


need to do to ensure Black

his way and failed to properly

gay men are stable and

when it was around, was that

guide the organization or

remaining healthy.

it targeted a community known

steward its resources. Please

as the ballroom scene, while

GMAD and the people still

others targeted medical

there........Do not leave us

VTA: We’ll have more clinic

services. GMAD has been the

when the community needs

based services. We’ll be the

one agency that targets all of

you most!!” What are your

effective point of entry for

you and your life. I’m adjusting

thoughts on this statement?

many racially ethnic and

to getting people use to my

sexual minorities’ men getting

new structure, my systematic

into health services. One of my

way of thinking, and

aspirational goals is to be the

encouraging people to let their

sounding board around the

light shine and it’s not a bad

American Affordable Care Act

thing to outshine your boss if

among Black gay men in NYC.

that be the case.

We’ll be here, we’ll be strong.

VTA: We don’t tend to be so reliant on government contracts. We’ve diversified to talk about the lives of black gay men and not just the

and then from that alignment we plan to move forward.

DU: How has it been adjusting to your new position?

illnesses. We’re on our way of

CJ: I actually think that’s a

getting a better diversified

great comment. In my work

funding stream. I think POCC

with Tokes, he was innovative

did great things. But as an HIV

and had a lot of ideals. He was

prevention agency, when

a part of the accolades that

GMAD was at its height we

GMAD got when we did

talked about social

wonderful things. I also believe

determinates and people

DU: What challenges have you

in a time and a season for

actually living instead of a

faced so far?

everyone. I think it was his

crisis moment. So to ensure

time and it’s not to take away

VTA: The first has been

that we’re here, we’re looking

from the value that he did

financial. I have an

into getting Medicaid/

bring to the organization

infrastructure I need to

Medicare billing. We have a

during his reign. But like the

support and move forward. I

great competent staff that

comment says, I think it is time

need to keep us focused as I

could bill for services when we

for GMAD to move forward

shift from less HIV and

talk to clients about substance

with new innovations and

government dollars. As well

abuse, mental health

ideals and give the community

as giving people a chance to

counseling, and fortifying the

what they want and need.

see me. I did a good job as

nutrition program. We have a

Deputy Director. I never out-

great seniors program that’s

DU: Currently, you’re the

shined my boss and I was in

been around for many years.

Interim Executive Director. Are

the office. Now I need to let

We want to talk about healthy

the Board of Directors and

people know my ideas and

aging in a different way. We

you, looking for a new

concerns. Many people are

want to expand and offer GED

Executive Director or will the

impressed when we meet,

classes. To ensure we’re

transition happen with you?

because I have plans set in

serving a greater duality of men we want to offer ESL

VTA: As far as transition, all


indicators looks like it will be me. We’re looking at what the

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DBQ Magazine

place. I’m very clear about accountability, trending data, and all that stuff that bores most people, but excites me.

Jan/Feb 2013

to have on the organization while it’s under your control?

VTA: It would be moral. We’ve heard comments in the community and some of the

DU: Where do you see GMAD in the next 5 years?

We’ll have a diversified portfolio, which could be an effective Black LGBT center.

We have an ambitious campaign this year to raise $300,000 the information is on our website of how to donate. We’re actually looking for people who can give a comfortable amount per month and see if the companies they work for do a match program for the dollar amount. This way we will have the money for the diversified needs, we won’t be locked into the fate of other agencies that have gone before us with just government funding. That flexibility will make us stronger.





DBQ's Entertainment Editor shares what he's crazy about this Issue.

3 Albums I am watching for in 2013...

My Top 6 Albums of 2012... 1.Jessie Ware - Devotion 2. Sarah Blasko - I Awake 3. Emeli Sandé - Our Version Of Events 4. Trijntje Oosterhuis - Wrecks We Adore 5. Fiona Apple - The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw... 6. Lianne La Havas - Is Your Love Big Enough?

3. Leslie Clio is a German pop singer. She describes her style as "modern soulpop with a touch of retro. Her debut album will be released on February 8, 2013.

2. Laura Mvula (UK) I think this girl is the next big star from United Kingdom. Laura Mvula Official Full-length debut album 'Sing To The Moon' will be released on March 4, 2013

1. Luke James (New Orleans) is by far my favorite r&b singer to hit the music scene in a really long time and I believe 2013, will be the year he really blows up. Luke James will release his official debut album in 2013, he also just Received his first Grammy nomination for his song I want you.

[A Message On My 4 Year Anniversary] Four years ago February 14th 2009, I found out I was HIV positive and for a moment I thought my life was over. That I only a few years left at most. I know medicine has come a long way, but I still thought the Meds wouldn't work for me or that the pills would make me so sick I would rather die...but here I am four years later feeling better than ever. I am the healthiest i've ever been, I am enjoying my life and still believing in all my dreams. I am Grateful. I carry on (sung in my best Martha Wash voice). Please go get tested for HIV and STDs. It really is better to know. It will not be the end...If you happen to be somebody who finds out to be HIV-positive or someone who is newly diagnosed. Just take it day by day. There will be dark days, but they will only make you stronger. You can't be afraid of this disease or what other people think of it. It's your life, It's your body and fuck what people say or think. They are not living your life, but please be respectful of other people's life and don't start lying and Intentionally spreading this disease. Don't let it make you bitter. Always remember it's never too late to start again. You are a blank page waiting for life to start and the rest is still unwritten. Thank you to anyone who has stood up for this disease I'm here because of you, Thank you to all who work everyday on finding a cure and thank you to all who fight so hard around the world to make sure others are not forgotten. I know right now there's so many other countries that are not as fortunate as we are here in United States with medicine and doctors. My heart, soul, thoughts and prayers go out to all affected by HIV/AIDS. Last, to all who have left this world from this disease You've smiled at me like Jesus to a child and all the words you can not say I'll sing them for you.


DBQ Magazine

Jan/Feb 2013

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[ Books ] A Fun Quick Read

SCANDALICIOUS A novel by Armani Williams

Reviewed by Stanley Bennett Clay


hen Tamika Bishop, the gorgeous Real-Housewives-of-Atlanta-type spouse of Teddy Bishop, a handsome, virile, wealthy, NBA superstar, walks in on her hunky hubby sexing down her younger brother in the basement of their multi-million dollar mansion, all hell breaks loose in Armani Williams’ wild and raucous, laugh out loud, too sexy-for-my-shirt debut novel Scandalicious.

And that’s only the beginning. After the distressed diva shoots off a barrage of expletive-laced damnations, a few pistol shots, and threatens castration, she makes good on her promise to out her celebrity husband in the media by going on the top nationally syndicated radio talk show of Neicy Ross, an even more tacky version of Wendy Williams, and spills the tea on her man in delicious detail, much to the shrill delight of radio show host Neicy and her hungry listening audience, only for the accused husband to come on the show and dish a trash truck full of dirt of his own, which ultimately results in the outing of a major rap star, some hot and heavy lesbian action, a suicide, divorce, paternity claims and even murder.

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DBQ Magazine

By the time we get to the second half of the book, things have calmed down a bit, but are no less smoldering, as our ball-bouncing superstar finds himself and true love, handles his viciously homophobic/psychopathic brother, and goes from a self-centered self-hater, to a hero whose inside ultimately grows as beautiful as the hunky frame he lives within.

Scandalicious is truly all that and a bag of chips. Author Armani Williams’ writing style is unadorned, but effective, as his sexual descriptions are sure to keep your damp cloth busy, and his ghetto fabulous dialogue rocks and rolls between the outrageous and the hysterical.

The story burrows along like a horny bull in a china shop, and we marvel at the delicious carnage. There are even moments of great poignancy, particularly when the outed rapper grimly and tragically comes to terms with who he really is.

In spite of tenses arbitrarily chosen, and some clumsy editing, this fast and breezy little mud wrestle of a book, works. No, it’s not filet mignon, but it’s a pretty good burger and chili cheese fries combo.

Jan/Feb 2013



Ballroom Culture


THE LOVE HANGOVER BALL On November 28th ballroom became mainstream in a different way. Vogue Legend Pony Zion directed a ball with the help of Josh Wood Productions in support of the Foundation of AIDS Research (amfAR) hosted at The W Hotel in New York. Iconic voguing houses from all over New York City came together for the LOVE Hangover Ball showcasing the crème de la crème of this iconic culture born in NYC.

Houses represented throughout the evening included Garcon, Mizrahi, Mugler, Xtravaganza, Ninja, Balenciaga, Prodigy, Ghotti, Ebony & Miyake. Taking place in the hotel’s Great Room, the event was judged and presented by some of the style world’s fiercest critics, including Ana Matronic, Bryan Boy, Derek Blasberg, Edward Enninful, Fergie, Fatima Robinson, Honey Dijon, Isaac Mizrahi, Jason Wu, Lily Donaldson, Mickey Boardman, Pat McGrath, Richard Chai, Simon Doonan, Wendy Williams, Zac Posen, Icon Father Andre Mizrahi & Icon Hector Xtravaganza.

The soundtrack of the evening created by Ball & nightlife aficionado Johnny Dynell. Master and Mistress of Ceremonies for the evening included Kelly Osbourne, vogue scene veteran Jack Mizrahi & nightlife impresario Ladyfag, who brought the ball to life. Not only was this ball short, cute, and to the point with only 5 categories; there were some ballroom battles that could make ballroom history. Words/ David Bridgeforth


Battle between Stasha, Trace, and Lola. Grand prize Stasha.

DBQ Magazine

Jan/Feb 2013

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What Ballroom House are you in?

The House of Balenciaga

What category do you walk?

BQ Pretty Boy Realness and have walked Sexy Realness once.

When did you start walking balls?

2007 in Washington, DC. Who are your favorite ballroom legends/ Icons?

Overall Father Harold Balenciaga. He's been a father and mentor to me for 7 years. But, aside from the obvious, I'd say Icon Whitney Garçon. He's one of the most beautiful and HUMBLE people I've ever encountered in the scene.


>> Dante Balenciaga

What's the best advice for someone in the scene trying to be a star?

Be yourselves and to be careful of whom you choose to follow and let lead you. Lastly, be humble! When it's your time, it's your time and no one can stop a true star from shinning.






Photo/ Cory Malcolm

Page 11

I remember walking down the streets of the Martin Luther King Projects, better know to me as my home with my arms crossed and folded so people could perceive me as tough. I had my head held high so that I would seem confident. This I did automatically so the 'trade' wouldn't bother me. There were many times that it didn't work and they saw through it and yelled out "You Faggot!" and laughed. There were even times where I remember them actually throwing things at me and missing.

When I would finally enter my destination, I would walk into the ball and would feel the vibration of the loud beats blasting. Immediately, Selvin Mizrahi would say on the mic .. "I'm about to call out a new bitch hitting the scene!... Can I see that all-star dancer! Pony! Pony! Latex! Latex!" No longer did I feel the fear of the outside world. I was addicted to the high of love and respect I received in ballroom, and I slowly needed to have it all the time. Automatically I became the north star.

After a while in the spotlight, I automatically learned to turn on 'shade' when I walked into a room jammed packed with butch queens and trannies. I thought it was my shield from vulnerability and so my arms automatically crossed and folded again. It wasn't until I realized that it is not about shifting to automatic but yet just being authentic, that I learned to live in love. This is when the world embraced me, and vulnerability made me powerful. My arms are now to my side.

DBQ Magazine

Jan/Feb 2013






DBQ Magazine

Jan/Feb 2013

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There is nothing more important for you to do than to be tested and to know your status. Infection rates are increasing dramatically all of the country especially for same gender attracted men of color.



3 HAVE AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE In other words, make sure to count your blessing.

Page 13

Frank Ocean & Willy Carter Words/ Quentin Marcellis









DBQ Magazine

2012 has been a breakout year for rising RnB star and songwriter Frank Ocean. Frank (who’s original name is Christopher Lonny Breaux, but later legally changed his name to Christopher Francis Ocean) burst on the scene back in 2009 as a member of the controversial and edgy hip hop group, “Odd Future” also known as OFWGKTA. A hip hop collective based out of Los Angeles, California. .” Now let’s fast forward to 2012. By now Frank has gained an underground following and a fan base and has even toured around the world for his breakout mix tape “Nostalgia, Ultra” when he finally announces his hotly anticipated studio album uniquely titled “Channel Orange “which set the internet abuzz. But the biggest moment for Frank’s career happened July 4, 2012, right before the release of his new album. Frank shared an intimate and personal letter to his fans on his Tumblr page (over speculation about his sexuality) in which he reveled that his first love and heartbreak was actually for a man when he was 20, which had a major influence and motivation on his music and career. Frank Ocean’s coming out letter no doubt shocked not only the music industry but the black and Urban Community. Frank may have made history that day by being the very few black entertainers who talk openly about their sexuality, a taboo subject in the black community. Franks sexuality controversy racked up major sales and recognition for his album and gained him support from big artist like Beyoncé, and Busta Rhymes. Franks album “Channel Orange” has been nominated already for six Grammy’s including album of the year. Recently Frank’s been making headlines yet again, but not for his music. Ocean has recently been drawing more attention to his personal life due to a mystery guy that has been seen popping up on his Instagram account. In one photo we see what appears to be Frank on some sort of date and a mystery guy across the table who has recently been revealed to be Willy Cartier, a French model who is signed to Request Model Management in New York. Speculation of who this guy really is began to brew when Cartier accompanied Frank to a GQ red carpet party and introduced him as a quote on quote a “friend.” Then one standout IG picture set the internet buzzing in what appeared to be Willy embracing Frank from behind in what looked like a screenshot from a new video shoot. Looks like a secret romance is brewing to me. As Ocean continues to tease playful pictures of the two, who seem to quite love each other’s company a lot, one things for sure is that Frank loves to keep his fans on their toes. He recently posted on his twitter “marry em, make em American.” Something tells me Frank is slowly dropping hints, only time will tell what’s really going on inside the private life of Frank Ocean. My guess is that we will get most of our dying answers in 2013. (Twitter: _PrinceQue) ( Instagram: _PrinceQue)

Jan/Feb 2013




>> FORGIVE ^ ^

^ ^

^ ^





Give a bit of grace to the situation. Don't punish or act on the offense in small or large ways.

To decide to no longer dwell. To let go, loosen one's hold on the memory. To forget is active, not a passive choice.

A conscious decision to cease to harbor resentment. To forgive a debt and giving up internal desires to reciprocate injury.

Reinvent Your Self



^ ^

Give yourself a break from thinking about the person or event

What I learned about forgiveness when reading, author Clarissa Pinkola EstĂŠs book, Women Who Run With the Wolves.



Reggie Wells

Iconic makeup artist to the superstars, Reggie Wells, is the man responsible for making some of the world legends glamorous Beyonce, Janet Jackson, Diana Ross, and the 'Ohltmate' Oprah Winfrey for the past 25 years. Now after 40 year in the beauty industry he is taking his experiences and writing his memoirs and working on a reality TV show. This story shows its possible to take your gifts, talents and abilities and reinvent your life even at age 65.


FACE YOUR FEARS Become a giant slayer.

13 Ask For A Raise. (Why? Because you're worth it.)

>Brother To Brother by Essex Hemphill/Joseph Beam >Invisible Life by E. Lynn Harris >Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston >Collected Poems by Langston Hughes >Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin



The Gay Best Life Bookshelf



DBQ Magazine

Jan/Feb 2013

Page 14





Raphael Raphael

Out Of The Box

Los Angeles based designer of the highly popular 'Ashy T-shirts' wasn't satisfied with just shredded clothing, Stonee Goodman begin to think out of the box when it came to loud detailed designed pieces. He spent hours beading and embellishing jackets, hats and shirts as well as painting and using different glitters to create an original custom look. This look is now branded as 'Fairest Of Them All' by new label brand, 'Raphael Raphael'. Not only have sales and demand gone out the roof for his new custom designed pieces now other people are attempting to copy his original loud (FOTA) look.






Shoot for the moon because even if you miss you'll land among the stars.

23 Look People In The Eyes Page 15

Quotes by Les Brown



Unplug from all electronics for 24 hours DBQ Magazine

Jan/Feb 2013

And Grow Your Wings On The Way Down.

25 Talk To Your Elders DBQMAG.COM | @DBQMAG

26 Become

An Early Bird

As told to me by MAYA ANGELOU

No. 27 Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone

28 29 Get some magazines, sit on the oor with glue and scissors, and cut and paste images that show exactly you want in your life. (Be very clear, because things will show up.)



Relationships >> Think & Grow Rich by Napole on Hill

Excellent. Because when your excellent people notice it. - Oprah

>> As A Man Thinketh by James Allen


Evolve Your

<< The Four Agreem ents by Don Miguel Ruiz

<< A Return To Love by Marianne Williamson


I've been reading these four books several times a year for 10 years. I believe they have contributed much to my success. (A Return To Love, being my favorite book of all time. - David Bridgeforth



(Believe them the first time, David darling, and know they will sometimes use words).

Nos. The Gay Best Life Bookshelf 32-35 *Consciousness &


Create A Vision Board


When People Tell You Who They Are, Believe Them.

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Jan/Feb 2013

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Suze Orman's Money Advice For People In Their 20s

Yes, you're scrambling to pay the rent. But please listen to me: Pushing yourself to save even a small amount now is, hands down, the single smartest investment play you can make. It's all about the time your money will have to marinate— "compounding" is the technical term—before you need it in retirement.


In a perfect world, let's say you invest $5,000 a year starting at age 25. Assuming your money grows at an annualized 6 percent, you'll have approximately $820,000 by the time you're 65. Now let's suppose you don't start investing until age 35. You'll have to sock away about $9,800 a year to wind up with the same nest egg. (A $5,000 annual investment for 30 years will yield just $419,000.) And don't kid yourself that it's easy to save money as you grow older; you'll likely have children and a mortgage tugging at your purse strings.

Under no circumstances should you...fall behind on student loan payments.

Advice from my father David Bridgeforth Sr.


Even if you were to declare bankruptcy, your debt would likely not be forgiven. If you're having trouble paying your bills, go to studentaid.ed.gov/repay-loans to learn about deferment and forbearance options.


You will be reminded why you loved it so much.


Reread Your Favorite Book Again.

-Suze Orman, on Oprah.com

Nos. 40-42


The Gay Best Life Bookshelf


Because you will fail your way to success.

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The 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money by Brain Tracy

The Money book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke by Suze Orman


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Jan/Feb 2013

Money, and the Law of Attraction by Easter and Jerry Hicks




HEAL YOUR LIFE Whatever has hurt you in your past, shift your mind and heart to a healing mode. Use the book that helped me. >> You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hays






KNOW WHERE YOU COME FROM Knowing your history whether it be you ethnic heritage or the history of lesbian poet because you happen to be a lesbian poet is the best thing you can do for understanding your greatness in the present.






BE OF CONTRIBUTION Look at all your talents and abilities and figure out how you can use those gifts to contribute something of significance to the world around you. This will cause you to have a very special experience of meaning in your life.

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Mr. Bridgeforth in his custom pair of the Diggs Sweats at a DBQ Magazine Party in his hometown of Indianapolis, Indiana, Dec 2012.

The Diggs Sweats the Hottest Sweats of the Winter

Designer Malcolm Diggs created these comfortable yet fashion forward sweats and from the moment I laid eyes on them they became my favorite new thing. For more info on these sweats and the other pieces from Malcolm Diggs Collection go to DBQMAG.COM More pieces on pg 21.

Drama Queenz


Chasing the dollar and a dream can be challenging at times, but Drama Queenz is the perfect show about struggle, and just trying to make it in life, when you’re chasing your dream. Based in New York City, you have three friends who happen to be roommates, Jeremiah whose luck always seems to go wrong, Davis the flirt, and Preston who stirs up drama. All three friends seem to balance each other out, and they all have one common dream, which is theater life, and making it on a Broadway stage. This comedy web-based show is fresh and exciting, and shows you the struggle of auditioning in New York. The Queenz definitely read, and there is always messy drama on every episode, that keeps you coming back for more. The show deals with real life situation that you can relate too, whether it's man problems, or just life in general. Be sure to catch up on the episodes on the YouTube channel NovoNovusProduction, or you can visit www.dramaqueenztheseries.com


YOU MATTER Christian Minster Melvin Miller, an Alvin Ailey trained dancer and New York father of the House of Mizrahi, has released his highly anticipated CD set, 'You Matter, Seven practices of living a life of purpose'. This is a great tool to use in 2013 to add value to your life and create a sense of purpose. For more info see DBQMAG.com.





Brice Scipio who might just be the hottest club promoter of LGBT parties in New York City has stolen everyone's attention with his spectacular Friday night party at Club Providence. Not only is the club beautiful and spacious, but the quality service Brice provides at his event make your party experience amazing. I partied there with my friend Pony Zion and artist, Diamond a few weeks ago and had more fun than I've had in a while. Wherever you are in the country make your way to Providence in NYC on 57th St. between 8th and 9th.

Legendary black gay playwright, director, and author, Stanley Bennett Clay, invited me to the premiere of his new documentary, 'You Are Not Alone.' I wasn't prepared for what I experienced at the premiere of this deeply moving film, written and directed by Mr. Clay and produced by Antoine B. Craigwell. Stanley Bennett Clay, with such clarity and skill, was able to address the different causes of depression in the black gay community. I saw many well known gay men of color breaking their silence about their HIV diagnosis which for many introduced depressed into their lives. That along with critical interviews with mental health professionals and true story re-enactments pointed the way to salvation and healing of the millions who deal with depression in this way in their lives. I must say this documentary is some of Stanley Bennett Clay's best work yet and I was so grateful to Antoine B. Craigwell for making it possible.

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Jan/Feb 2013

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MY FAVORITE PIECES FROM The Malcolm Diggs Collection

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Jan/Feb 2013


Pony Zion wearing the Diggs python hoody. Starting at $200.00 Order at DBQMAG .COM

David Bridgeforth wearing the Diggs Turtleneck $160. Order at DBQMAG.COM


DBQ Magazine

David Bridgeforth wearing the one leather sleeve sweater at Solange's album party. Starting at $160. Order at DBQMAG.COM Jan/Feb 2013

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What I've Come To



ast year was the best year of my life; something

when I was 15 years old, "In order to be successful in life you must do

happened to me. I think I entered the very early stages of my prime

today the things others won't do in order to have tomorrow the things

because I wholeheartedly feel that every lesson and experience, from

others won't have." So over the past 10 years I've come to know that

touring the country speaking on stages in front of thousands with

success requires a sacrifice right now before we get there. That is why

motivator Les Brown to reading poetry with Maya Angelou to

success is so sweet because its already paid for in full by the time we

shopping with "Cecily Tyson while discussing black history, all

arrive. And I am even more aware that to take our lives to the next

prepared me for this moment.

level, in order for us to honor the divinity within and the great calling

This year marks 10 years in my professional career, even though I've

ever imagine. Therefore many can be successful at earning a billion

spent most of the 10 years dabbling in different fields. Today at 25

handfuls of pennies, but never succeed at making a significant

years old here is what I've come to know:

contribution to humanity.

Excellence isn't something you can fake. You are only excellent at a

What I've come to know for sure is... that as we advance patiently in

thing if you bring the energy of greatness to that thing with patience

excellence, using all that we know and stretching ourselves to know

and extreme care.

more, and even hating the simple distractions that might easily beset

Many times I had difficulty experiencing my excellence in a thing

us from our goals this year, "...we will meet with a success unexpected

because I was so impatient and careless. I wanted to just get there. I

in common hours..." as Henry David Thoreau wrote. This I know...

wanted to fast forward to the end instead of being caught up in the

might we have the courage to stand our tallest and move forward in

beauty of the present moment, the moment that gave the end result


yoked to us, there is more expected of us above the stars than we can

so much sparkling desire. The lesson of being still and knowing who and whose I am has been one of the great 'church bell' awakening moments of my life. For when you are aware of who and whose you are you move through your life standing eight feet tall.

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I've learned that it is our responsibility as we are being patient that we do all we can do to progress ourselves. Les Brown told me

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Jan/Feb 2013


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