Mokuteki Reads | Issue 1

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3 A B O U T

Mokuteki ⽬的

4 T H E S E R I A L B R I D E G R O O M E X P E R I M E N T - S E X S C E N E S

Am I marrying the devil?

5 Writing lovemaking scenes

6 A G O L D E N O P P O R T U N I T Y What it means for you.

7 F A L L I N G I N L O V E I fell for a simple thing.

8 A G R E E I N G W I T H L O P E Z What rock have you been under?

9 I T ’ S O K A Y T O B E H A P P Y Lessons from a seductive dessert.



Mokuteki simply means “finding one ’ s purpose ” in Japanese.

I am on a quest to find my purpose I’m sure you are too

I have many questions, and no answers

But I’m driven to give purpose to my life. I’m in search of answers. So here I am, ready for discovery and exploration through short stories and reflection.

My only request to you is: Read what’s here with the desire to seek meaning for your life. I certainly don’t have the answers, but I believe delving deep beyond our surface existence is the only way to actively pursue what we ' re seeking. It's more than desiring to have a well-lived life - it's a commitment to actively move forward, bringing to life intentions and decisions.

I can’t change my past, nor undo what’s done

But I can definitely carve out a future for myself So can you

Don’t be afraid of facing fears and obstacles head-on to stand in the face of adversity. You’ll be the better for it in the long run!

Thanks for embarking on this difficult journey with me.

To read more articles other than those provided here, subscribe to my paid blog on the MEDIUM platform.



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T H E S E R I A L B R I D E G R O O M .

I am marrying the devil, was the first thought I had when I awoke on my wedding day.

The large church doors were flung open to the organ belting out the first notes of “Here Comes the Bride”.

I caught a quick glance of Hiroaki, the bridegroom, and my knees wobbled as I kept moving to the pace of the maid of honor in front of me.

I stared at the back of her head, intending not to look at anyone for fear of crying. Damn, I had a right to cry.

I was alone in a strange country. My parents shipped me off to America to marry the Japanese serial bridegroom, Hiroaki Sumi.

I had no say, I was a ‘ woman left behind’ meaning I was already 30, with no prospect of any suitors, except for the serial bridegroom who owned a small town in Montana and who was willing to pay large sums of money for my hand in marriage.

My parents were only too eager to continue here.

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I’ve come to the first erotic scene in my novel, but I’m shy about it.

I smiled shyly and hid against his bare chest, but he lifted my face, his gaze holding mine until I felt the tiny flutters of trepidation vanish and my heartbeat returned to its steady rhythm. And, as if my body signaled that I was ready for what he had to offer, he took my hand and placed it on his chest, guiding my fingers in a circular motion until the twin buds peaked instantaneously.

He shuddered and I gasped, realizing for the first time that like women, it

was a pleasure zone for men too. The look on his face emboldened me, and I continued to trace the contours and watched with reverence and awe when they became painfully hardened. He took a sharp breath and flipped me over to straddle me.

“My turn,” he said darkly, slipping his fingers under the top button of my blouse. It gave way willingly, and in a second the others followed, exposing my lacy bra. He drew a deep breath as I strained against the flimsy material. ...continue here.

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Imagine how this could change things for you!

I’m not a big fan of fantasy, but I do love a good adventure story with sprinkles of romance. And although I don’t usually subscribe to books about fairies, sprites and goblins, I can’t seem to get enough of Fairy Goddess | The Curse by Yosei. Currently I’m reading Book 1 of the 2-part novella series, and I’ve already made a note to read Book 2 as soon as it’s published.

I’m only at Chapter 3, and so far, Masumi, the fairy goddess of the lower realm of fairies, falls victim to a pixie curse, stripping her of her crown and fairy powers. Personally, I think the aunt is behind it because she was a little too eager to assume Masumi’s role as Fairy Goddess.

Masumi is kicked out of her kingdom and banished to the outcast village, a place where everyone with a curse or the plague goes. Her journey takes an unforeseen twist as writer Yosei interweaves a fascinating form of fairy magic into the scene, and it’s such a great spin because it sets a foundation for intrigue, suspense, and a whole lot of adventure. This is the scene in a nutshell:

Masumi crosses the swinging bridge that connects the higher realm to the lower and encounters a menacing ogre who lives under the bridge. ...continue here.

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The experience of loving another human being is something beyond words. Your heart soars, you want to give the experience your all and your best, and the thought of doing for those you love makes you truly happy. It’s euphoric, really, and surreal that another human being can evoke such strong emotions

I would often wonder why these feelings can’t be duplicated in other areas of life. But not everyone or every experience is going to bring happiness. Some people are in our lives to teach us something or to help us move to the next level of our growth process. The same goes for circumstances or experiences Are they all good? Absolutely not.

I wouldn’t say I felt the same kind of intense feeling when I had a dollop of ice cream and a warm sugar donut with dark chocolate flakes and creamy caramel on top, in Kyoto Japan. But I think I came close to it! I was more than giddy, and the sugar rush only added to my sudden carefree laughter. Needless to say, I wasn’t the only customer in the cafe exhibiting such behavior. ...continue here. T H E D A Y I F E L L I N L O V E W I T H A S I M P L E

Some of them, both people and experiences, are so bad you wouldn’t want to meet that person or relive that situation again, even if you were offered a million dollars! But this should never stop us from opening our hearts to love.

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i agree with jennifer lopez.

But you may say, “What rock have you been under? This is the real world.”

Jennifer Lopez’s character, Kat, in the 2022 movie “Marry Me”, in her titled song After Love stated: “I don’t believe my heart was meant to break this much.” Have you ever had the thought that maybe our hearts weren’t meant to break at all; that life wasn’t meant to be this hard; that dreams were meant to come true; and love wasn’t supposed to hurt. And if you ’ ve ever loved or dreamt at all, you’d probably ask me:

“What rock have you been under? This is the real world.”

True. In the real world, life is a series of push and pull, give and take, yin and yang. But are we meant to struggle this much to find ourselves; to find love; to achieve; and to dare to dream and have it actualized in our lifetime? As members of the universal body, we are made up of the same atoms and matter as the cosmos itself. If we are made with the same matter as the universe, I believe it’s safe to say the same laws that apply to the universe also apply to us.

Read more.... I believe,




believe in love. (Lopez, 2022)

unnatural phenomenon for mans?

e ’ ve been surrounded by so uch tragedy and trauma for such ong time, that we have forgotten w to smile, breathe, laugh, live.

’ ve forgotten we are sentient beings.

ead more... page 9

My friend got the nipples, and I got the hoo-ha!

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