2 minute read
As always, we are excited to welcome our membership back to CASMEC and to offer as much high quality professional development as possible. We have put together a phenomenal collection of world class educators and incredibly talented performers that we hope will inspire each member and provide them more tools and tricks to take back to their band rooms.
Of the many offerings you will find at CASMEC this year, we hope membership will find these sessions helpful and inspiring. As you design and revamp your curriculum for the year, please join us for two sessions, “Habits of a Significant Band Director,” and “Creating Habits of Success in a Young Band,” presented by Scott Rush, band director, music administrator and author of the wonderful Habits of a Successful Band Director series. You are sure to receive a wealth of information from Mr. Rush. If that isn’t enough to get you excited, we are also very excited to once again welcome composer and band director Robert Sheldon back to CASMEC where he will present FOUR SESSIONS across the weekend! Make sure to make time in your schedule to be at “FIX IT NOW!: Developing Ensemble Skills for Effective Rehearsals and Successful Performance,” “The Small-School Band,” “To Music and Beyond!” and “Preparing Your Ensemble for Expressive Performance.”
We also hope that you will join our instrument pedagogyspecific presentations. If you are looking to improve your woodwind chops while teaching your band, don’t miss Richard Martinez’s “My Clarinets Are Flat- Help!” and Dr. Brittany Trotter’s “Spilling the “T” on the Flute and Piccolo: Tips and Tricks for Improving Tone and Technique.”
These are just a small bit of what CBDA is offering to our members this year. Please join us for presentations on topics including score study, retention and recruitment, flex arrangements for band and much more. As always, we will host the CBDA Directors reading band in conjunction with JW Pepper where you will be able to pick up your instruments and read through some of the best literature available to you to order that very day and begin with your students.
We hope you will join us throughout the week to hear amazing performances by the CBDA guest performing ensembles. This year we are proud to feature The San Francisco Brass Band, conducted by Dr. Craig Mckenzie, The Cal State Fullerton Wind Symphony led by Dr. Dustin Barr, the Amador Valley Wind Ensemble I conducted by Jonathan Grantham, and the South Pointe Middle School Wind Ensemble led by Susan Willmering.
CBDA is committed to providing the highest quality of experience for band directors and music students in California. We hope to see you at CASMEC 2023!

Joe Cargill Director of Bands, Bullard High School CBDA Logistics Coordniator