2 minute read

Greetings from the Northstate.
If you are new to the CBDA organization, an introduction is in order. The NORTHERN CALIFORNIA BAND AND CHOIR DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION, is an organization of music teachers in the area of the state north of highways 80 and 50 in Norcal. Our main mission is to provide world class music experiences in the form of honor ensembles for the high school music students of our members. Rotating between CSUs Sonoma, Chico and Humboldt, we host an annual honor event, featuring Honor Concert Band, Honor Concert Choir, Honor Jazz Ensemble and Honor Jazz Choir, all conducted by the top educators from all over the country.
With all of the craziness going on around the state, NorCal remains in limbo this year. Our host universities have not committed to allowing large group events. We are therefore exploring other possibilities, both in location and in format. Covid restrictions are once again having an impact all around the nation, the state and our member schools. Last year NorCal moved to a virtual Ensemble format, with a very successful honor band and choir, led by the talented Drs. Travis Cross and Emily Threinen. Please check out the video last year 2021
NCBCDA Honor Band & Select Choir Concert
As several member schools are affected by the Dixie, Caldor and other fires, we will once again be extending our deadline for auditions to be submitted, giving more time to teachers and students who still may wish to participate, but may not be able to make auditioning their priority right now.
NorCal is looking forward to several fantastic milestones to be enjoyed when conditions allow for normal music gatherings. Most notably, NCBCDA is commissioning two important pieces for its largest ensembles. To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Honor Band, Julie Giroux has agreed to compose a celebratory work. The Honor Concert Choir is celebrating its 25th anniversary next year and we are happy to announce that we will be commissioning a piece for that event as well. Composer and consortium information will be forthcoming.
Stay safe and best of luck to all of us music educators this year. See you at CASMEC!!
Casson Scowcroft
NCBCDA Representative Director of Bands, Pleasant Valley High School