Twenty Eleven
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
WHAT’S THIS FOR THEN? Welcome! So, you ask, what’s this guide all about then? It is simply a guide to dBs Music’s Visual Identity. It is meant as a reference for dBs family members, to be used when creating any communications, externally and internally. The aim of having such a guide is to keep the look and feel of dBs Music uniform across all that we do. This will strengthen us as a brand and help us to grow as a company. Please don’t see the guide as a set of rules, it is more of a framework, but is important nonetheless, so every effort should be taken to work within it. If you have any doubts about this or any other aspect of the guide, then feel free to get in touch. Contact details can be found at the back of this booklet. There is a fair bit of information to digest so I would suggest you grab a cuppa and crack on...
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
Contents Logo
06 // 07
08 // 09
10 // 11
12 // 14
16 // 19
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
Here at dBs Music we believe in providing authentic opportunities for our clients and our staff, to raise aspirations so that all can achieve. We believe that everyone has the potential to improve and that we must provide the environment and facilities to ensure that this can happen. We go ‘above and beyond’ being helpful in all of our dealings. We provide our clients with relevant, credible, experienced and skilled tutoring and support. We help our clients and staff through the hard times and face apathy with enthusiasm, hostility with understanding and lack of ability with patience and a smile.
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
logo. It’s important that the dBs Music logo is used consistently to maximise its impact. Whenever it is used, care should be taken to maintain its look. Please don’t try to ‘improve’ it, we’re very happy with the way we look and are not currently looking for a makeover or any cosmetic surgery. In the resources section at the back of this guide you can find details of where to find the logo pack. Remember, if the logo is going to be reproduced bigger than the resolution provided in the logo packs, then a vector version should be used. We don’t want any square pixels now do we? Logo Colour codes. C 30% M 100% Y 2% K 2%
R 175 G 22 B 133
HEX: #AF1685
C 0% M 0% Y 0% K 100%
R 44 G 42 B 41
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
TYPOGRAPHY. Our typography should have a consistent look throughout print and web. This will help to strengthen dBs Music’s visual identity. This means limiting the amount of fonts used in copy and maintaining strong formatting through all of our communications. So no Comic Sans please!
this is a header.
This is a Sub Header
Body Icitibusant occum abo. Sum quatis endi dolorerum facerfe rspiendi omnieni as aut este doloratur aboreheni volupta spereni hicimpore nisasim faccum volut eum rem laccus ad magnima ximintur, voluptae parum ulliqui asitio cusdae velition excesenis ipsum fugitas con por rero es vendia verspis ad magnatur reptio quo omnihicatur, sequam qui nimus et que verias qui comnis il im ex et ipietur mos eationse eat ut quid magnia quodi volessit officiatium ent ma niendi commodit, nonecero essi aut acidis imillibus aut quia nos eum corem quo inis ius repera num que doluptum hit essit rem cuptatem vel inctassed quaepudi si cum ventiorerum, nullest
We use just two typefaces throughout our core visual work. Other fonts can be used for campaigns and events but the core typography should have a presence. The first typeface we use is Helvetica Neue. Helvetica is used for all copy and headers utilising it’s different weights. The second typeface we use is called BBQRounded. This typeface is used mainly as a graphical element and should be used sparingly to maintain its impact.
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
Helvetica Neue Bold All Capitals Full Stop Light Tittle Case
contact info & lead in paragraphs. This style should be used when setting out contact information on business cards and letterheads etc... It can also be used for lead in paragraphs. It’s a strong visual so should be used in moderation.
dBs Music 6 Elizabeth Court Higher Lane Plymouth PL1 2AN Ihilignatium doloratus as aut aut rehentur? Fuga. Uscienda volorat. Uptatus. Remporeptate denda vene et expelisquunt as eatio blam, invende lluptatur, eiciis est aliqui alia veligen dissit quo eossite pra nonsendita dem fugitii sciendi tatius sequati unduscipit et hicit laborep eruntibus
Justification. Generally type should be left justified. But in some cases it is more appropriate to justify it left and right, for instance when using quotes or for important information.
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
COLOUR. We use a limited colour palette for all core communications. Colour is a powerful tool and should be used correctly to maintain the look of dBs Music.
Gradient applied with multiply mode on low contrast photo.
To this end, artwork should always be set on either a white or black background with the colour used as filters for images and photos. Its very important that the colours we use across print and web look the same. If you’re not sure about a colour then you can use the pantone codes below. One of the colour processes used is a gradient found in Photoshop called “Noisy Spectrum”, this should be used in multiply mode.
Solid colour applied with multiply mode on low contrast photo.
the technical bit.
C 30% R 175 M 100% G 22 Y 2% B 133 K 2% HEX: #AF1685
C 3% R 229 M 91% G 59 Y 0% B 149 K 0% HEX: #e53b95
C=100% R=16 M=79% G=24 Y=44% B=32 K=93% HEX: #000000
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
PHOTOGRAPHY. Photos are a large part of our visual identity. Generally, we use either high contrast photos for use on white backgrounds or low contrast for use on black backgrounds. The contrast can be adjusted to achieve the desired affect. Photos should be black and white or de-saturated. Other styles of photos can be used but again, core visuals such as posters, letters and prospectus, for example, should use the photography style laid out here. We don’t like to see any hard edges so the photo should flow into the background. If there is a hard edge it should be at the edge of the art board. If designing for print make sure you have the correct bleed in your artwork so that the hard edge is completely off the art board when cut. As shown in the colour section, the photos generally have a colour filter added to achieve the desired effect. To maximise the impact of this, we usually restrict images to one or two per spread.
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
In terms of feel and tone, the photographs should reflect dBs Music. They should be both fun and friendly, but Professional and cutting edge with a little bit and of “rock n’ roll” thrown in there as well.
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
The tone of our copy says a lot about us and as such, it is vital that the tone used in our communications has a recognisable “dBs feel”.
The company’s name should always be written as dBs Music. Please don’t capitalise the “dBs”.
When writing for dBs Music, please keep your style natural, clear and where appropriate, witty. Don’t be overly formal, but please avoid TXT SPK. The easiest way to understand what we’re talking about is to think of your words being entertaining to a student, enjoyed by a parent and not overly offensive to an academic (although there is some room for your inner punk). This writing style applies to letters, emails, brochure copy, websites, blogs, Facebook, intranet...you get the idea.. everywhere!
It’s best to avoid using the company name to start a sentence as it can break the flow of the text. When referring to our websites, it should be written as dbsmusic.com. www. is soo 1990!
dBs Music DBS Music At dBs Music we love tea. dBs Music staff love tea. dbsmusic.co.uk www.dbsmusic.co.uk
BE pROFESSIONAL. While our tone is non-formal, we are professional so all copy should be fully proofed for spelling and grammar. This includes any gangster z’s , cheerz !
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide
Need to Chat.
Laura Wright
Marketing Co-Ordinator laura.wright@dbsmusic.co.uk O1752 210801 ext 158
Sam Whitney-Morris
Graphic Designer
sam.whitney-morris@dbsmusic.co.uk O1752 210801 ext 150 snail mail.
dBs Music 6 Elizabeth Court Higher Lane Plymouth PL1 2AN You can also find out about the latest goings-on on our website: dbsmusic.co.uk
Design & Layout // Sam Whitney-Morris Photography // M. Louis Words // Sam Whitney-Morris // Tom Brereton-Downs // Nigel Burt Design Consultant // Rich Reed
dBs Music // Visual Identity Guide