UPDATE - Monthly news bulletin of DB Tech

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Monthly News Bulletin of DB Tech Society

Mr. J. P. Rai (Executive Director, National Council on Skill Development, Govt. of India)

Mr. Dliip Chenoy (CEO & MD, National Skill Development Corporation)

Skill Training - A Paradigm Shift

I congratulate DB Tech for delivering quality training and also for ensuring quality outcome. While the Government is there to let a helping hand, real work is done by organisations like DB Tech. The scale of the problem we are addressing is so large that every section of the society needs to do its bit.

The reach of the DB Tech is much deeper than most of the organisations in the country. Three topics being put forward by DB Tech for National Convention are the corner stones of most active skill development programmes in the country and also reflective of what NSDC is trying to do. NSDC is privileged to have a opportunity to partner with DB Tech.

There is an need and call for private sector to come forward to support vocational education and training in school and ITI system. Government sector alone cannot deal with the issue.

Scale-up | Quality | Collaboration New Delhi: The seventh National Convention of Don Bosco Tech (DB Tech) was organized at Don Bosco Technical Institute (Okhla, New Delhi) on March 21-22, 2013. The leaders from industry, social sector and government gathered in one National platform to discuss the next version of skill development. Mr. J. P. Rai (Executive Convention Director, National Council on Skill Development, Govt. of India) was invited as the Chief Guest for the convention. Other dignitaries who attended the National 2 0 1 3 Convention included Fr. Thomas Anjukandam SDB (Chairperson, DB Tech), Mr. Suman Bose (MD, Siemens India), Mr. Dilip Chenoy (CEO & MD, NSDC), Dr. Santosh Mehrotra (Director General, IAMR), Mr. Ranjan Choudhury (PrincipalProgram Development, NSDC), Mr. Dinesh Nijawan (Director, DGET-MES), Mr. A. K. Jain (Sr. Advisor, Quality Council of India), Mr. Raunak Singh (Executive Director, Global Centre for Online & Distance Education, Don Bosco University), Ms. Anita Sharma (Sr. Program cum Alumni Coordinator, GIZ), Mr. Sunil K. Chaturvedi (CEO, Automative Skills Development Council), Ms. Seema Tiwari (Head, CSR, Godrej & Boyce), Mr. Babu Joseph (Executive Trustee & CEO, Axis Bank Foundation), Mr. Albert Joseph (Executive Director, FVTRS), Mr. Satyajeet Singh (General Manager, Corporate Relations, Competent Synergy) and Mr. Mirza Faheem Hasan (Regional Manager, HR, Shiv Shakti Group) for an exhaustive discussion on scale-up, quality and collaboration opportunities and challenges in skill development sector. Over 157 representatives from Don Bosco skills training institutions and decision makers from different regions unite at this platform to discuss a viable model to scale-up the program without negotiating the quality but also align with current and expected economic growth to create a pool of trained, certified and skilled manpower. Fr. A. M. Joseph SDB (Executive Director, DB Tech) welcomed the delegates and participants to the seventh National Convention and wished that the convention provides an opportunity for all to have open minded discussion on various aspects of skill sector. The inaugural session moved further with the ceremony of the lightening of the lamp by the guests of honour for the day. The idea behind organizing such a grand event is that all associates come together for convention, where knowledge, ideas, information are shared and decisions are made to move forward. The National Convention was arranged for two days, with plenary opening and closing sessions and discussion sessions allotted for each day. The main objective of this National Convention were to design the next level of skill development model. There were three major components in the National Convention, Scale-up, Quality and Collaboration, which were discussed in various sessions. Dignitaries from Government, Corporate entities and Social sectors, who have delivered remarkably the best results in these three components were invited to share their knowledge, experience and expertise related to the skill development. The discussion sessions delivered concrete outputs, including good practices (policies, programs and procedures), quality in term of training, placement and retention, areas of cooperation, innovative models for scale-up, knowledge and implementation strategies, and recommended action or initiatives.

April 2013



Fr. Thomas Anchukandam SDB (Chairperson, Don Bosco Tech)

Mr. Raunak Singh (Executive Director, Global Centre for Online & Distance Education, Don Bosco University)

Hospitality Guest lecture at A guest lecture was organised at DB Tech, Kokar centre on March 18, DB Tech (Kokar) 2013 for the hospitality domain. Mr. Sunil Sahu (F&B Manager, Ras Resort, Silvasa), who is an hotelier and had worked in different hotels in India, was invited to give some fruitful tips to the students that will further help them ensure effective working at their respective workplace. Mr. Sunil put forward several things during the discussion held. First he explained what the term “Hotel” exactly means and the full form of the word “Hotel” He also described the different type of rooms a hotel has and type of services being offered at the hotel. He continued by explaining the terms like housekeeping, food and beverage service, food production, front office and also the tips of different hotels. The students were also told the real facts of the industry and what sort of qualities they should have to match up with the changing industry trends. The students were happy to know such helpful inputs form a person of the Hospitality industry. One of the student stated, “Knowing such facts will actually help me deal effectively and adjust to the industry, these are some of the facts that are learned by experience, and we have got the chance to learn them at the initial stages, such lecture needs to be organised time to time.” Life Skill Training Programs at DB Tech (Mirpara and Krishnanagar) 2-day life skill training programs were organized by the PRT of Kolkata province for both newly admitted and the existing students of DB Tech (Krishnanaagar and Mirpara) no matter what type of training they are undertaking (Formal and Non Formal). The programs were organized in the first week of April 2013. Around 200 students from DB Tech (Krishnagar) and 85 from DB Tech (Mirpara) participated in the life skill training programs. The sessions started with students being divided into two groups; and then the center coordinator introduced the PRT to everyone present at the gathering. The sessions were held to discuss a range of topics which includes student's expectation, goal setting, right attitude, self Life Skills Training at awareness, enhancing DB Tech (Mirpara) knowledge in an easiest w a y, w o r k r e a d i n e s s module with some motivational topics as well. Students were involved in group activities. The PRT presented with some real life examples which instill motivating spirit among them and helping them to overcome their shyness. “Such sessions prove to be really helpful and provide practical industry exposure, which is quite essential to match up with the industry standards. I got the opportunity to learn several things through this session Life Skills Training at such as: how to face interview, pre-interview preparation and DB Tech (Krishnagar) post-interview, team work, right attitude, goal setting and also about the corporate industry and their work culture,” expressed one of the participants.

I really appreciate DB Tech's intervention in one of the most thrust areas of human development, which is also quite aligned with the Don Bosco's mission. With our century long experience and expertise particularly in handling the youth, we will certainly make a difference in the skill development sector in terms of scale-up, quality and collaboration.

From July onwards all the courses that are being conducted by DB Tech centres would carry certificate from Don Bosco University. What we need to do is go back and take a look at the courses, see where we can improve upon them, making sure that students always has the option left, he/she should be able to go back to the formal stream of education, whenever he/she wants.

Dr. Santosh Mehrotra (Director General, IAMR)

Mr. Babu Joseph (Executive Trustee & CEO, Axis Bank Foundation)

Ms. Seema Tiwari (Head, CSR, Godrej & Boyce)

Our focus is the poor. For us, training is not what is important; it is sustainable livelihood for every youth.The real focus is on placement, we are not happy that DB Tech will train 50000 youth, what we will be looking at is how many people DB Tech has been able to place. We value this relationship with DB Tech very much, because what we find that it is not only technical skill and soft skill, but value based training is what provided to the candidates, this is a difference being found in DB Tech, we want ABF to be closely associated with DB Tech.

DB Tech is a great partner for quality skill training. We have a wide network of associated service providers to whom we can introduce our skill training partners and will also request them to give first preference to these candidates. We are in the process of building a database that we will share with our partners.

Parents Meet cum Graduation Day at DB Tech (Asha Deep) The way it was planned, Asha Deep has just successfully done with the Parents Meet cum Graduation Day on March 16, 2013. The program was attended by the parents of almost all the students. The parents were welcomed by a prayer song and dance after which they were shown a power point presentation regarding the trainees activities held at the centre. The parents were thrilled with joy to see the extra ordinary performance of their children at various programs related to their training. A well prepared two hour cultural program was even organised for the parents, who were noticed to be pleasantly surprised to see the completely different side of their children's showcasing their talent. Some of the students also shared their experience and the changes they have gone through after being a part of DB Tech. The parents, expressed their happiness and satisfaction at the success of their children who are day by day improving their abilities and developing their skills at Asha Deep through DB Tech program. Orientation Programs at DB Tech (Hatia and Kokar) The centre teams at the DB Tech (Hatia and Kokar) organized motivational orientation sessions for the trainees in the second week of March, 2013. Mr Raunak and Mr Micheal were resource persons for the orientation programs. The programs started with motivational prayer - “Itni shakti hame dena data...” followed by the self introduction of the students. Mr. Raunak started the session talking about the criteria to meet someone strange i.e. “How to meet, relate and to share”. Upon this, he divided the students into seven groups for this activity. The group was then asked to write their names, likes-dislikes, Orientation Program favorite actor name, pet, at DB Tech (Hatia) animal, etc. on a paper and then exchange it among others. This helped them to understand the meaning of meeting, relating and sharing. The sessions were continued with some motivational games. Mr. Michael helped the students to know how they can tackle tough situations through their own experience. The session ended with “Michael fillip” video, which helped the Orientation Program at students to understand several things like Believing in one’s abilities, knowing one’s desires and setting their goals, decision DB Tech (Kokar) making and public speaking. Students were also made aware of the two important words - self motivation and estimation, which proves to be really helpful in leading a fruitful life.


nita Bara belongs to a very poor family located at Jagannathpur village (Ranchi, Jharkhand). Her father is a farmer and the only breadwinner in the family. Anita took great pains to study and complete her 10th class. She had some great dreams about her career but poverty did not allow her to pursue. At the age of just 15 years, she received a major shock of losing her father, who died in a major accident. This shock led her live in a depressing mode for a really long time. But slowly she started understanding her responsibility and began supporting her mother in looking after the family. Her mother works as a maid from one house to other. Anita started working in a cosmetic store at a monthly income of Rs 600/-, she was even continuing her studies. One day, she came to know about, DB Tech running Aajeevika project through a mobilization activity conducted by the DB Tech team in her village. Knowing about it, she straightaway admitted herself for the Beautician domain in the 7th batch of DB Tech (Hatia, Ranchi). During her tenure of three months training programme, she was always regular and showed great efforts in learning domain specific knowledge. She said, “It is for the first time that I have understood the importance of life and what life is.” After the completion of training, she got selected for a job in Body Care located at Ranchi Anita Bara at a monthly remuneration of Rs. 4000/-. Just after two months, she received a hike in her salary which is now Rs 4500/ per month. At present she has several job offers in hand, but she has preferred joining Planet Salon located in Ambikapur at Rs 7000/-month + incentive + accommodation. Expressing delightfully at her success, she said, “Whatever I have learned and achieved during 3-month training can't be expressed in simple word. My life has got completely transformed. DB Tech has blessed me with a 'New Life', I am now grown up in all respects i.e. education, personality and the perception towards life. DB Tech has offered me an opportunity for life.”

Rising Star

For more Information on Don Bosco Tech Society, visit www.dbtech.in or contact us at info@dbtech.in / Helpline: 1800 208 5555 (Toll free) For media enquires, please contact communications@dbtech.in Designed and published by Communications Department, Don Bosco Tech Society

Anita Bara at her workplace

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