DuStin buZZaRd 644 northeast KnoTt strEet Portland, OR 97212 562.895.2050 duStinbuZZaRd@gmail.com
dESign Portfolio: Master of architecture CanDiDaTE DepArtMEnT oF ArchItecTuRE PortLaNd StaTe University | FalL 2011
table of contents:
sacramental city rethinking portable classrooms small learning community temporary stage for the performing arts oaks bottom discovery center eventful path & pavilion SkEtcHes & graphic media handmade
the sacramental city Arch 480 | fall 2010 | knightS
Project: RefIguring place for thE 'whOlLY oThER"' a proPoSal for a sacramental; iNterVEnTioN in the City. CReate a sancTuary for THe Multi-CuLtUral CommunIty of PortLand's downtown UnIverSiTy DisTRict. I believe PSU is in need of a true ‘gallery’, a place where students, professors and guest (artists can present various forms of fIre-transformed artwork. A cross-disciplinary exchange, The gallery will be a space - a sanctuary - to display works of art that are in someway transformed by fIre. There will be no doors, opEN TO AlL, The SanCtuARY WilL aLLow For ReFlEcTIon, foR RituAl - At any time - while respecting what is sacred for the fellow artist. The act of making and UsING fIre is both symbolic and literal, providing warmth and hospitality, cReation and DEstruction. A Real Fire Burns at the Core, as a symbolic fIxture of The FierY aRTS. The Street Level offers A BakERy shAring The FirE's hEat, in The art of Making FoOD.
Part I
RethInKinG poRtable classrooms PSU arch 382 | spRing 2010 | Leite
Part Ii
Project: Part I Design a modulAr portalbe ClassRoom. The Proposed scheme;: a classroom prefabricated and shippeD in tWO sections on A fLat-bed semi-truck. sliding Window Panels seRve as artwork Display and sun screenIng. The classroom also hAS a single restroom and covered outdoor deck to proVIDE FoR ouTdoor lEARniNg. Part II Collaboration with MARIAM MOLLAGHAFFARI, SCOTT FLODIN redesigning the current portable classroom we proposed new interior and exterior modifIcations to improve the experiential and physical value of these classrooms. Our main design focused on an exterior wrap that gave the portable classroom more aesthetic appeal while creating new exterior spaces, FilTering NaturaL light and providing spaces for plant growth and art display. We then compiled our options into a catalog for school districts to CoNSiDEr.
SMaLl learning community Psu Arch 384 | Spring 2010 | Dacey
PrOjEct: addrEsS The LAck of Character, sitIng and InfraStrUcture OF a TyPiCAL Portable ClassRoOm, design a PrefaBRIcAted, Permanent structure That acts As A reMote-cEnter, MakiNG a Place For Itself and Future, PorTaBle ClASsRoomS. Often portable classrooms are placed on school sites in the leftover space. As designers, we SeE This As An OPpORtUnity to PrOmote a strong community within the school and neighborhood. This proposal sEekS to reconfIgure small groupings of unsightly classroom buildings into a progRaMmatic development where the building becomes the canvas to display and encourage visual arts. THe PreFabRicated STructure Acts as an Armature binding the cluster of classrooms Together with a covered display place, performance space and outdoor learning environMEnT.
a temporary stage for the performing arts PSu Arch 381 | WinTeR 2010 | GriffIn
PRoJect: DeSign A TemporarY sTaGE fOr The PeRForMinG aRtS. A stage for the performing arts. Just As Clothing protects and comforts a singular body and expresses identity, Architecture also protects/ and shelters bodie(s) while expressing identity. Drawing from these parallels I designed a stage utiliZinG common threads in both garment and building. TO Keep In Touch with A SenSe Of identity and ritual that both use in Terms of culture. the temporary structure, would stay intacT for a season of performance art activities, USING a durable fabric-like material from discarded billboards. This 3-ply vinyl, comes in 40’ x 96’) sheets that can be patterned, cut and AttAcHed to a structural frame made of paper tubes. The form creates a raised platform, a space for performers and proViDes SpaCE For Lighting. The stage is the tool where the performer can now express their identity.
Oaks BotTom disCovery Center pSu Arch 380 | fall 2009 | Po\teStIo
PRoject: DeSign a BuilDing To explore the inter-relationship between human beings and natural orders, patterns and systems. The Structure Provides for the investigation, interpretation, study and appreciation of a wetland located in The heart of a major metropolis - THe OAKS BottOM WetLand. THe discovery center will be a destination for students from portland schools, offerING facilities For fIeld trips, classes, research projects, and exhibitions related to the wetlands and the wildlife that inhabits this place. THe Site Chosen is OFF THE MAIN WALKING AND BIKING PATH, IN A CLEARING wherE a Small Pond, And Tree Lies. A BoardWalk aRound the POnd DRaws AtTENTION TO THE CHANGING WATER LEVELS AND NATURAL SYSTEMS WITHIN.
Eventful path &* pavilion PSu Arch 180 | WinTEr 2009 | Froning
PROJECT: CREATE A MaP of a LANDSCAPe and A joUrneY through the AnAlysIS of a Piece of Music. MuSic was AnaLyZed through DrawIng and Collage, this DevelOped iNto a Basalt Rock TerraiN ReSembLing The SoutHErn Coast OF Iceland, a Image of a Terrain that Has Static Qualities RemInIscent of the Music - GrainY, CrISP Needle-to-ReCORd Sound Likened to White Noise of The Coast. THe ProPosed JouRney IncludeD A PavilIoN On A Path Where A TRaveLler Found ReingNiTiOn OF His PassIon In A ShElter That was ConstructEd Around a FirePlace, A FiRe he Would KeEp Alive As ContinuaTion of a 'Static"' Theme. Passion I SteP on damp soil, on Moss-covered stones, I taste the ThiCK salty air, the sea is near. Searching for meaning. a journey, the story unfolds. While I maintaIn a Fire's Comforting fLame. I challenGe order, a COde reveals signifIcance aT the sea Whose Waves synchroniZe with Heaven and earth. stilL I seArCh for ToOlS, to keep My passions AlIve.
Sketches and other grapHic media
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HandmadE "'The Real Core of All Architectural Work Lies in the Act of Construction...the Knowledge of how to make things, which lies at the boTtom of HuMAn Skill.' -PeTer ZuMThoR, Thinking ArChiTecture
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1 LuminairE | February 2010: hanging lamp, antique LighT Bulb & 100 sheets of haNDmADE PapEr. Inspired by Hokusai""'s woodblock prinT 'EjirI in surUGA ProviNCE' 2 MaP | OcTObEr 2010: research And PlaceMent of Sacred Spaces in Portland, revealing a constellation of Places of WorSHIp - CongreGations are Denoted by Nodes Of Light While ThRead Links All Denominational Communities. 8'X12' wood, plastic & wire 3 Workshop | June 2009: My father designed and constructed a workshop, I framed the structure during the summer, completing the walls, shear panels and roof trusses and Sheathing. standard 2X4 wood, 1100 Sq. ft. 4 MateRiAL Study | NoVember 2010: the manipulation of glass into form, a single sheet of bullseye striker glass was cut and placed inTo a dam and kiln. the Glass was slumpEd and fuseD at 1600 degrees FahrenheiT for EighteEn hours. plasic stand with refLective brass to illuminate the varying shades of red.