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CoVid 19 guesT PoliCy

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MeMbershiP MessAge

MeMbershiP MessAge

Deering Bay

COVID 19 Guest Policy


Please review the information below regarding the current Guest Policy for the Club. We encourage all members to become familiar with it and follow the guidelines accordingly.

As part of the Guest Policy, we remind all members that they are responsible for the behavior of their guests in regard to complying with all Club, County and CDC guidelines. This would include health screening, wearing masks while on the property with the exception of dining, regular washing of hands, and practicing proper social distancing.


• Members are allowed to bring up to three guests per day. • Family Guests are welcome at golf clinics.


• Members are allowed to bring up to three guests per day. • Family Guests are welcome at tennis clinics.


• County mandates regarding the number of diners per table remain in effect. • Members may invite guests, not to exceed six total persons per table for non-family members. • Members may invite family guests, not to exceed ten persons per table.


• Members may invite guests, not to exceed a total party of six to utilize the pool facilities.

*All current Club, County and CDC guidelines pertaining to EVERY DEPARTMENT mentioned above remain in effect. **Please remember each guest is limited to four total combined times per calendar year.

For any questions or to find out more information, please feel free to contact our Membership Office. Shannon Mattes, Director of Membership & Marketing, or Daniella Tosta, Membership Manager, will be more than happy to assist you. 305.964.4046 | membership@dbycc.com

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