Evann Siebens: Chromatic Revelry April 25 - May 31, 2014
www.dc3artprojects.com \ 10567 – 111 Street \ Edmonton, Alberta T5H 3E8 \ Canada
Images (l-‐r): up all night, the sublime, and bauhaus on s'lts, all are archival lightjet prints, 36 x 24 inches, 2014
Edmonton, Alberta—dc3 Art Projects is proud to present Chroma'c Revelry, a mul5-‐media installa5on by Vancouver-‐based ar5st Evann Siebens. Chroma'c Revelry is a series of films, shot between 1998 and 2000 on Super 8 stock, featuring dance, party and rave scenes. The films partner party culture with the structured audio of J.S. Bach’s fugues, marrying the musical chromaFc scale with the visual revelry of another era and transcending both. For this exhibiFon, the videos are presented individually on ten small-‐scale monitors, as well as looped together as a large projecFon. In addiFon, a series of sFll images pulled from the films are presented in conversaFon with the moving images. With skewed colours, dimly lit seMngs, or soNly blown-‐out exposures, these large photographs highlight the grainy beauty and evocaFve qualiFes of the filmic media.
Evann Siebens makes media about movement. Her short films, documentaries and media installaFons have been shown at Eyebeam, Centre Pompidou and MOMA. A former dancer with the NaFonal Ballet of Canada and Bonn Ballet, Evann graduated from New York University. She has a^ended residencies at the Banff Centre, UCLA and Balle^ Frankfurt. Now based in Vancouver, Evann recently a^ended an ACME residency in the UK with Keith Doyle and exhibited at HotShoe Gallery, London, England. Recent shows include MediaArtLab/Urban Screen, St. Petersberg, Russia; On Main, Vancouver; and WAAP (Wil Aballe Art Project). She has upcoming shows at Gallery 295 and Winsor Gallery, both in Vancouver, as part of the Capture Photography FesFval. She recently won the ID/IdenFFes Istanbul 2012 Best Video Prize for Chroma'c Revelry.
still (detail) from up all night by Evann Siebens
installation views of Evann Siebens: Chromatic Revelry at dc3 Art Projects, 2014
detail of the sublime by Evann Siebens, archival lightjet print, 36 x 24 inches, 2014
detail of but why? by Evann Siebens, archival lightjet print, 36 x 24 inches, 2014
rave by Evann Siebens, archival lightjet print, 36 x 24 inches, 2014
shoulder check by Evann Siebens, archival lightjet print, 36 x 24 inches, 2014
installation view of Evann Siebens: Chromatic Revelry at dc3 Art Projects, 2014
! Evann Siebens, divalicious, Super 8 film on custom monitor with 3d printed design by Keith Doyle, 1:06 minutes, 2011
detail view of video collector’s package including: custom monitor, headphones, media key, archival disc & documentation, all presented in a laser-etched wooden box
detail view of custom video monitors with 3d printed design by Keith Doyle
installation view of Evann Siebens: Chromatic Revelry at dc3 Art Projects, 2014
back cover: detail of divalicious by Evann Siebens, archival lightjet print, 36 x 24 inches, 2014
! ! bio + images of individual works provided by Evann Siebens statement, exhibition documentation + catalogue by Nika Blasser
www.dc3artprojects.com \ 10567 – 111 Street \ Edmonton, Alberta T5H 3E8 \ Canada
www.dc3artprojects.com \ 10567 – 111 Street \ Edmonton, Alberta T5H 3E8 \ Canada