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Action Plan 100
Community workshops and events We need to support community events and participate more.
CO2 saving
(if known) TBC N/A N/A
Website development Now the community website has foundations we need to build on these as this is a crucial communication tool. Internal Workshops Supporting staff build their knowledge and skills. Corporate Comms and ICT TBC N/A
Climate Change Training Adapt current internal training for members and external audiences pending licences and costs.
Projects, Community, and staff engagement videos
Video is a powerful and effective way in engaging and telling a story with little words but having large impact. We could develop a series of videos to tie in with CERP themes or raising awareness on significant partnership/ community and staff work. Discussion forums Research the best way to open communication within the communities and our local authority. Channels and mitigation.
Brand ongoing development
International Schools Conference Ensuring that the brand is continuously developed ensuring all projects needs are met and used across several platforms, fleet etc. Establish annual international engagement of Durham schools on climate education. HR, L&D N/A N/A
Corporate Comms, Project leads, Community groups, Video contractor Approximately £500 to £1,000 per video production (2 days’ work -production and editing) N/A
DCC £10,000 N/A
ECO2 Smart Homes Review of pilot programme. TBC – School Contract provider c£20,000/ per annum, TBC