D CEO Real Estate Annual 2019

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By Jeremiah Jensen

Presidential Medal Bestowed Upon Roger Staubach

Craig Hall Celebrates 50 Years in Real Estate

In November, military veteran, pro football Hall-of-Famer, and real estate luminary Roger Staubach was presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He was one of six individuals to receive the nation’s highest civilian honor in 2018. This has been a big year for Staubach, who also received the Vision Award from the Urban Land Institute for his many achievements and contributions to the real estate industry.

Over his storied career, Craig Hall has weathered booms and busts to ultimately emerge victorious. Along with his pioneering HALL Park in Frisco, his projects have helped shape the Dallas Arts District. Hall got his start at age 18, when he bought a small rooming house in Ann Arbor, Michigan. At a recent party celebrating his five decades in the business, he told guests that moving his company to Dallas in the 1980s was “one of the better decisions I’ve ever made.”

Donna and Herb Weitzman


Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, Kathryn Hall, and Craig Hall

Caroline Rose Hunt

UTD Establishes the Herbert D. Weitzman Institute

Caroline Rose Hunt Passes Away at 95

Herb Weitzman, aka Mr. Retail, has been making his mark on commercial real estate for nearly six decades. His legacy will continue with the establishment of a new real estate school at the University of Texas at Dallas, launched with a $3 million donation from Weitzman and his wife Donna. “A program that trains our future leaders offers the potential of reshaping the North Texas community in a positive way for decades to come,” he says.

Dallas lost an icon in 2018, when Caroline Rose Hunt passed away following a stroke. A renowned hotelier and philanthropist and the daughter of famed wildcatter H. L. Hunt, she was once known as America’s wealthiest woman. Hunt founded Rosewood Hotels & Resorts and was the original owner of The Mansion on Turtle Creek. She also funded development of The Crescent, which ushered in the now-bustling Uptown office market.

S t a u b a c h p h o to by T R E VO R PAU L H U S ; H a l l c o u r te s y o f H A L L G R O U P ; We i t z m a n ’s p h o to by R A N DY A N D E R S O N ; H u n t p h o to by DAV I D WO O

Roger Staubach

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