September 16, 1824
September 16, 1824
September 16, 1824
“All are created equal…”
“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”
“ ”
“…all means all…”
American Revolution (1775-1782)
French Revolution (1789-1797)
1824 Visit
Diverse Appeal Generations. Race. Gender. Faith.
“James gave essential service… 1784 …intelligence from the enemy”
February 5, 1783: “Let us unite in purchasing a small estate…”
February 6, 1786: “I have purchased a plantation in Cayenne and am going to free my Negroes…”
“Where are my friends the Oneida?”
Henry Cornelius 1825
1792 -1797
1 8 2 6 1 7 7 6 50 th July 4, 1826
1824 1864
September 16
SEPT. 16
SEPT. 19
Henry Livingston to Lafayette September 16, 1824
“I heard repeatedly the story from my mother’s lips that the gallant Frenchman not only took [her and] each [young girl] by the hand, but even stooped to kiss them as they passed him.”
John Howard Brown, Rhinebeck
September 19, 1916
“Alexander Gilson: my faithful friend and Servant…” Cora Barton
28th US Colored Troops
b. ca. 1827 Union Vale ~ d. 1865 Virginia
Creek Nation loses millions of acres Andrew Jackson becomes a military hero
“…an old revolutionary soldier…”
“…bearing the marks of poverty and hardship…”
“…his countenance lighted up, and was evidently inspired with a new glow of life…”
“The question whether Lafayette ever gave this warning is the falsely attributed to Lafayette by Samuel Morse “If ever the liberties of the United States are destroyed they will be by Romish Priests.”
“… at the usual 4th of July ceremony at Lafayette’s grave…Chapman’s name was linked with that of Lafayette and the bond of good feeling between the sister republics…”
Victor Chapman
We, the women of the United States, denied the liberty which you helped to gain, and for which we have asked in vain for sixty years, turn to you to plead for us. Speak, Lafayette! Dead these hundred years but still living in the hearts of the American people. Speak again to plead for us, mightier far than the sword she holds out to you?
Evelyn Wainright
By John Jay Chapman
Swiftly, the years flash by: our holiday Seems like the pivot of a circling show About which phantoms dance, joys come and go, While beckoning dangers call our thoughts away. The quietude of each recurring scene Recalls the tempests that have raged between.
We and the world are war-shocked and, we feel More of the jolts and jars of Fortune’s wheel Than men were made for. We need refuges, Deep-anchored rocks that in the foamy seas Rise llike cathedrals, —steadfast, calm, secure,
Fell on the Earth in crashes, long and loud, And we stood doubtful, buried in a cloud, — Like sheep, upon a hill, The piteous victims of divided will;
Nicholas Fish 1758-1833
Hamilton Fish III 1888-1991
1 8 2 6 1 7 7 6 50 th July 4, 1826
2 0 6 1 7 7 6 250 th July 4, 2026 Truth Big Moves Intimate Gestures