2 minute read
Calkin, Emily, dau. of Reuben and Polly, d. Dec. 20, 1819, ae
Brinton, Mary E., dau. of Orvill M. and Jane C, d. May 25, 1842, ae.
2 yrs., 6 mos. Brinton, Orville M., b. March 26, 1816, d. March 18, 1889. Brownell, Rev. Grove L., d. April 10, 1855, ae. 65. Brownell, Children of Rev. Grove L. and Mary A.: Albert J., d. Sept.
13, 1855, ae. 14. Charles H., d. Jan. 2, 1857, ae. 12. BROVifNELL, Russell B., M. D., d. on the Nile, Jan. 21, 1867, ae. 28, buried at Edfou, Egypt.
Brownell, Wm. A., d. March 25, 1874, ae. 38.
Brown, Clarrissa, d. Oct. 14, 1880, ae. 93 yrs., 3 mos.Brown, Esther, wife of Warren, d. July 24, 1871, ae 67. Brown, Myron R., s. of William and Olive E., d. Dec. 19, 1833, ae. 2 yrs., 4 mos. Brown, Warren, d. Jan. 2, 1874, ae. 66. Bryant, Charles H., s. of L. and C. W., b. 1850, d. 1889. Bryan, Alden^ d. June 25, 1889, ae. 82. Emily Rowley, his wife, d. Nov 14, 1891, ae. 76. Bryan, Cloe Maria, wife of Samuel P., d. Nov. 16, 1837, ae. 24. Bryan, "Mrs." Cloa, dau. of Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Zerviah Bryan, d. Feb. 12,- 1781, ae. 22. Bryan, Samuel, d. Feb. 24, 1853, ae. 78.
Bryan, Chloe, wife of Samuel, d. Feb. 27, 1853, ae. 73. Bryan, George Beebe, s. of Alden and Emily, d. Oct. 6, 1843, ae. 10 mos., 2 dys. Bryan, Mary E. Reed, wife of Gilbert A. Bryan, b. July 23, 1843, d. Aug. 23. 1896. BuEL, Mrs. Almira, dau. of John and Dorcas Canfield, d. Feb. 6, 1849, ae. 7 7 yrs. This stone is also erected to the memory of Eunice, Laura, Annis Avis, Alma and John Canfield. Erected by the only surviving member of the family, Isabella. BtJEL, Mrs. Sarah, wife to Mr. Eliphalet, d. Feb. 14, 1777, ae. 47. BuEL, Mr. Eliphalet, d. Feb. 5, 1777, ae. 49. Burgess, Edward M., b. 1864, d. 1867. Burgess, Ernest W., b. 1883, d. 1886.
BuRNHAM, Abner, d. Feb. 13, 18 18, ae. 46. Burnham, Abner, d. Dec. 22, 1868, ae. 51.
BuRNHAM, Elizabeth,. wife of Abner, d. July 4, 1877, ae. 63. Burnham, Jane, wife of Abner, d. Oct. 16, 1836, in her 5 2d yr. Burn HAM, Sally, consort of Abner, d. Jan. 24, 18 10, in her 37 th yr. Burnham, William, d. Feb. r6, 1868, ae. 66.
in her 21st yr. Burr, Lucretia, dau. to Col. David and Mrs. Eunice, d. Nov. 16, 1776, in her 23d yr.