18 minute read
Heno (disturber Henry, Dutch 96
from The Alson Ward Diaries: From the Collections of the Dutchess County Historical Society
by D C H S | NY
Apri.1 1844 B~Pleasant-~hd fine day Father went to Pokeepsie and I spent the day in the - mill William Pine came here in the morning and spent most of the day sore finger preventing him from work Father spent the day in Pokeepsie engaged the corn crop at fifty cents to be delivered after planting to the Main
Street Landing Company. 9. Stormey in the morning clared off in the afternoon or about noon Angevine went to the Valley in the forenoon to carry some flour and fetched Clarisa
Angell and her cosin William Angell son of Ethan Angell. Spent the forenoon in the mill in the afternoon went to Pokeepsie to see about getting some peach trees to plant in our peach orchard came home in the evening. 1O.A very fine and pleasant day commenced plowing to day for oats. Angevine is the plough boy I spent the day in the mill shook carpet at noon as our folks were cleaning house saw barn swallows Father went to Pokeepsie to get further information in regard to the peach trees&. 11.Fine day spent the forenoon in the mill the afternoon in the peach orchard went to the Valley on foot in the evening to get help to work in the orchard and engaged the Crapes after going to the village heard there was an abolition meeting at the Presbyterian Meeting House went to see the performance Some disturbance a fellow called Heno made some disturbance by interupting the speaker and one stone came through the window did not stay to hear and see all came home as I went on foot got home eleven oclock looked like a thunder storm flashed of electricity but no rain. 12.Spent part of the day in the mill but in consequence of being deficient of help in the peach orchard spent part of the day planting peach pits & Crapo Lake Sr and junior helped Samuel Rice promised but disappointed us in the evening went up to the succer brook about eleven oclock caught a fine mess no one else there.
13.Spent most of the time in the mill and around the house doing chores Father went to Pokeepsie in the one horse wagon to take some flour and engage peach trees engaged three hundred of Daniel Beadle at ten cents bought~ those that were inoclated last fall the inoculation just starting 14.Sabbath an unusually warm day and the past week has been so also, trees are leafing out. Went to church in the morning Mr How preached to a large~ congregat.on in the afternoon remained home the thermometer stood as high as eighty degrees in the house and I notice by the Pokeepsie Telegraph that it stood as high as eighty seven on the north side of the building 15.Spent most of the day around the house and mill t-elped transplant-ornimental shade trees mountain ash and larch put ashes around the peach trees and also the-apple trees. Father went to Pokeepsie in the after part of the day to get peach trees returned home in the evening with one hundred and fifty half the quantity engaged. 16.Helpt transplant peach trees and spent part of _the time in the mill Father went to Pokeepsie in the afternoon to get the remainder of the trees Commenced raining about sun set and was very dark in the evening but little rain
Justice Mchord was at the mill to day gave a short history of a riot at the Presbyterian Church on Friday night last while theJ abolitionists were endeavoring to hold a meeting. The most officious person·:~as one Beno a lewd fellow who prepared a market basket of plucks lights & put in suitable pieces for throwing went to the speakers offered them some fresh but they were not pleased with the quality of the meat but he was determined they should partake by throughing in their faces which created a great stir
April 1844 16. it beotig quite diff.i_cu1t to fi_nd which party. was strongest. .. 17.Spent most of the day planting peach trees the method foJlowed by us was by .i:D~-cing q Jarge scoop-sbove1 f.uJJ of )Jlanure,_on tbe .top of _the. ground
We~~-the hole·0as iritended and-also a qu~ft or so of ~nleached ashes dug the~ground up well with a stubing hoe in order to loosen it we11 and get the manure and ashes well mixed with the ground then made a hole with a spade or shovel for the tree place the tree in and partly fill the hole with dirt and after they were a11 sett in this way we put half~ pail of water on each tree and pu11ed the remaining dirt around the tree&. 18.Spent part of the day in the peach orchard the rest of the day fixing flower beds in front of the house tending mi11 & 19.Spent part of the day in the mi11 the remainder helping remove the furnace kettle, oven,f1oor & from the kitchen to prepare it for paving with brick the floor being old and fu11 of holes in the evening went to singing school the last night for the season. 2O.In the forenoon helped screen seed oats through the fanning mi11 and take them to the field to be sown. Ward Wesley is here sowing them. In the aft_ernoon went to Pokeepsie to meet Carpenter Ange11 but did not find him returned home in the evening. 21.Rainy though very moderate the ground being quite dry needing rain very much went to church very few their in consequence of the rain. Mr Wile preached. 22.I spent most of the day in the mi11 and helping fix the kitchen floor by laying it with brick in stead of wooden floor, in the evening went to the
Va11ey to settle with Joseph Dean and others. 23.In the fore part of the day went to the Va11ey carried a barrel of flour to Mr Dudley and sawed slats for making a fence around the flower bed at the factory with·'.,.the circular saw from then went to Mr Conk1ins sand bank to get a load of sand got home about noon in the afternoon went to the brickyard after a load of brick. 24.I spent the fore part of the day in the peach orchard bedding down trees
Carpenter Ange11 arrived at our house about eleven oc1ock James Redfield did not come as we expected Father went to Pokeepsie in the after part of the day with a load of hay and to get a load of brick for over & therefore
I spent the after part of the day in the mi11 and a sma11 part in the house
There came a shower about six oc1ock in the afternoon rained quite hard for a short time Father got some wet runing home. 25.I spent the day in the mi11 had plenty to do.Father went to the Va11ey in the fore noon Carpenter went along and remained at Grandpa's Father ca11ed at Dr Canfie1ds and got a letter they received from Edward stating that they-expected to be at Pokeepsie on Monday wishing us to meet them there. 26.Showery sprinkling without much rain spent most of the day in the mi11
Father turned maison and commenced a chimney at night Father went to sit up with Grandpa he being quite sick having complained a number of days 27.Father returned home in the morning left Grandpa much better spent part of the day in the mi11 the rest part tending maison in the evening went to the Va11ey unexpectedly found Edward Canfield and A1etta Afini at Dr Canfie1ds
April 1844 28~Sabbath went to church in the forenoon called to see Grandpa found him · better in the aft,ernoon went to church Mr Wiles preached in the forenoon a Bible agent in the aft~rnoon spent the aft~rnoon aft~r meeting-at Dr•
Canfields to go to temperance meeting in-the evening. Mr Brooks preached temperance to us Edward Aletta· and Carpenter went home·with us in the evening . 29 .. Spent most of ,the day i.n the mill Carpenter went to the Valley in the , forenoon cou]d not persuade hi.m to stay longer Father finished his maison opperations Father went to the Valley in the evening. 3O .. The weather moderately warm neither too warm or cold, spent part of the aft,ernoon in the mi.11 the rest part in the long fi_eld ploughing while Ange _cleared the di.tcbes of ,sods Aletta and Edward went to the Valley in the aft~rnoon washed the wagon~ tended mill &.
May 1844 1. Genera1·moving day in cities and villages and for attending to financial affairs & Father and Angevine went to Pokeepsie returned home in the evening
Aletta ~nn and Francis Canfi_eld came with them. Edward went to the city in the tow boat today 2. Sowed plaister in the forenoon it- sprinkled enough to make it unpleasant work in the aft_ernoon was around the house doing chores playing checkers with the girls& Clarisa Angell Francis Canfield and sister Aletta ~nn were at our house just befo_re sundown Father and myself cleared the apple-trees of worm nests.
3. Warm and fine day spent part of the day trimming apple trees some of _the time in mill and house Father went to Pokeepsie Mother went along as far as the Valley and spent the day Carpenter came at our house in the evening . 4. Father Mother sister Sarah And Aletta Ann went to Fishkill in the forenoon
Carpenter went to the Valley with the Billy horse from there to Wm Smiths (after dinner) with a load of ladies spent my time in the mill and garden
MisPierce and Aunt Maria gave us a call after tea 5. Sabbath in the forenoon went to church Francis Canfield went with us home spent the rest of the day home. 6. Spent most of the day doing chores around the house mill shelling seed corn & our folks returned from Fishkill. Grandpa took dinner with us. Carpenter helped Uncle Daniel plant corn it rained hard in the afternoon - fine shower and still continuing to be showery in the evening. 7. Spent the forenoon in the mill in the afternoon went to Pokeepsie to take calvs and to get a load of plaister stopped to the valley to juvenile temperance meeting Father took Aletta Ann to the DoctorsFather,Mary Sarah were at the temperance meeting. 8. Spent the day in the cornfield planting-corn 9. Spent the forenoon in the cornfield planting corn Carpenter helpt in the afternoon went down the turnpike called at a number of places in the evening went to Pokeepsie for a ride returned rather late Carpenter Angell and
Clarissa sister Cherry and myself were the company . 1O.Spent part of the day in the cornfild part of the time in the mill and part of the time in the-garden
May 1844 lLA very rainy fo,renoon rained steady and fast spent the forenoon in the nous_e:,the,.,~ft,ernoon. in the. fi,_e]d making rail fe_nce in the evening a shower considera:bfe-tnunder ·arid ·1ightnin1(rain & - 12 ._Went to c1mrcb both fa.re and aft_ernoon. Mr tudl ow of the Presbyterian church -~~ee~~te , p~e~cbe/"~• Jor .us .. JJe~ ~rnd Mr .Wile· h~ vi ng_ exchanged for the day. 13.Spent the forenoon helping Uncle Daniel plant corn the aft_ernoon repairing fence on the new ground lot. 14.Rainy forenoon spent the time in the mill and and t~Qroom claring and placing things in order in the afternoon went to Pokeepsie with a load of calvs 15.Spent most of the day in the mill Fsther Mother Mary went to Pokeepsie in the forenoon Carpenter came here justbefore night we went to the Valley to attend a lecture by Prof Bronson on the human body and mind exhinited by the Mankin or artifact man a very interesting and instructive lecture. 16.Rainy day though not verycfast tended maison building oven all day Carpenter
Angell came from the Valley in the afternoon. 17.Rain part of the day tended mill in the fore part of the daywent to the
Valley and Mr ~latts in the after part found Owen Angell there arrived a short time before we got there came by land brought a span of horses to se11.
18. Rainy in the forenoon cleared off in the afternoon. Father and Mother went to Preparatory lecture met Owen W Angell and wife at Grandpas 19.Sabbath Communion a pleasant day a great many at church Mr Wile preached
In the afternoon Mr and Mrs Abraham Smith were at our house took dinner and tea in the evening Carpenter Angell and myself went to temperance meeting quite interesting to hear Crapo Lake of temperance prosperty illustrating it by pulling from his pocket a small bag of hard and shaking it about at no small rate. "-
20. Rainy sprink 1 ing & spent most of the day in the mill and house churned and shelled corn by water for the first time this year. In the afternoon
Owen Angell and wife and Carpenter came to make a visit at our house this being Carpenter 1 s last visit this vacation. In the evening Father Owen
Carpenter Uncle Daniel and wife sister Mary and myself went to the Valley in the two horse wagon to attend a lecture by Prof Bronson on Phisiologu elocution music & very interesting Carpenter bid us farewell after the lecture as he did Qot come home with us but staid at Grandpas I forgot to mention before that Edward Barnes and sister and some other young ladies called at,our hou~eithis afternoon Owen and wife staid all night with
21.Sprinkl ing in th~ \~;Jning rather cool Father went to Pokeepsie in the afternoon with a load o.f corn going down ran foul of a man in a one horse wagon and broke b_oth shafvs without other injury both parties being to blame th~Y sharea·the:expense equally. Owen Ange11 and wife left our house in the morning after.Father and himself had written a letter to Luther Redfield
Carpenter takes his exit from Pleasant Valley to day expects to take the noon boat for New York. In the forenoon tended mill, in the afternoon scraped up and drew away the manure from the mill door.
May 1844 22.in the afternoon went to Washington Hollow to the ordination of r How to that church Miss Balding F Canfield and sister were the ladies I had the honour of waiting on after the church service we went to D. Emighs by im(itati.oii of .. Mi.ss Pierce and took tea with them met Edwin Dudley there emjoye~--~_.v,ery. pJea.s~nt µ,ft.ernoon in tbe.·evening went to· hear a lecture by_:--prti-f' .Bronson._· · --
23.Started the circular saw for sawing firewood had a great job getting the strap running right a deficiency or defe_ct of .the tightening pu11y cant put the scoop on the belt to steady the strap sawed old wood for summer Years have passed Days· are passing Time fast rooling on The past we know Yet some forgotten The future yet to know 24.Sawed firewood to day Crapo Lake and Uncle Daniels boy helped us shelled· corn & in the evening went to the Valley to a lecture by Prof Bronson. 25Sawed wood expected to finish to day but had the misfortune to have the cogs in the spa~ gier injured by mismashing had to take them all out and saw them off and restore before for the~sawing went at it with dread worked until nearly midnight This job will not be easily forgotten. 26.Sabbath A fine and pleasant "day went to Church in the forenoon Mr Wile preached in the afternoon went to the Episcopal Church. Father and Mother called on Hut Beadle while church was being held, after church there came a shower of rain barely giving us time to get home before the rain it rained part of the night. 27,Got up about two oclock in the morning to finish the cogs in the spur gier finished about eight oclock in the morning Commenced sawing immediately the cogs opperating fine finished about ten in the evening 28.Cleaned the mill of sawdust rubbish & to prepare for grinding in the forenoon was in the middle of grinding in the afternoon went to Mrs Lewis1 is to spend the afternoonMrs Belding and daughter were there spending some time avery interesting and pleasant visit in the evening went to a concert by
Prof Bronson and Nash.
29.Spent the forenoon in the mill the afternoon in the peach orchard digging the grass from them to keep them from being overrun Father went to Pokeepsie in the afternoon with a load of corn Aletta and Edward came home with him in the ev~ning rained some in the afternoon. 30. Rained some during the day showery in the forenoon spent part of _the time in the mill towards noon went to the Valley after Miss Belding to spend a day with us In the evening Edwin Dudley Gardner Allen Francis Canfield
Martha Dewey were at our house and spent the evening. 31.Miss BeTding was spending the day with us therefore the time was spent (this forenoon) in the parlour locust grove & In the afternoon after dinner went to the Valley to bring Mrs Belding Mrs Lewis and Cathren to our house to spena the afternoon spent the day pleasantly took them home in the evening
Miss Belding returned with them
June 1844 The First lost this day left out
June 1844 2~ (Should have been yesterday)_ Sabbath in the forenoon went to the Presbyterian Church Mr Wi1e preached& ·rn the.aft~rnoon went to the EpiscopaJ Church staid to the village with ·the expectation of going to the· temperance meeting in the evening but there came a shower of rain to prevent holding a meeting
Ca]1ed at Mrs, Lewi.s a;ft,er tea staid a short time. 3. Father and Angevine went on the road to work it being the time appointed.
Father was pathmaster I spent the day in the mill and cornhouse shell corn and rode·to the valley just at night 4. Father and Angevine worked on the road I spent the time in the mill and bee room fixing bee hives. Just at night took a walk to the Valley. 5. Went to Pokeepsie in the forenoon with a load of corn got home in the after part of the day spent the rest of the day in the mill grinding sparps. 6. In the forenoon tended mill washed the wagon & in the afternoon went to
Mr Newcombs visiting the company consisted of the following persons Mrs
Harvy Newcomb Miss Belding Mr and Mrs Canfield sister Mary and myself Got home late in the evening a very pleasant visit. Had a swarm of bees for the first this year. 7. Spent the forenoon in the peach orchard fixing the fence Father helping.
Angevi.ne digging around the peach trees. Then came a shower of rain suddenly and wet us before we had time to get our coats. In the afternoon Father went to Pokeepsie with a load of ~orn I spent the time in the mill in the evening went to the valley to take a· bbl of flour to Mr Dudley called on
Miss Belding & rained in the afternoon just before night quite a shower . 8. Spent the day home fixing fence shelling corn & Minard Dean was at our house helping us, working in the garden & Father tended the mill in the evening he went to the Valley to take Edward and Aletta. 9. Sabbath a very rainy and unpleasant day showery all day did not go to church either forenoon or afternoon a long and tedious day confined to the house. 1O.Clear and cool Tended mill in the forenoon fixed bee hives in the afternoon had a swarm of bees in the forenoon In the afternoon Father went to Pokeepsie with a load of corn. Angevine cleaned the wheat of Cockel and rye 11.Spent the day in the peach orchard and cornfield uncovering corn fixing fence & At noon Father and myself examined the bees that appeared on the dichin found the combs filled with bees but all dead after being Capt over the cause of it we are not fully able to determine but many of them are in this condition had a swarm in the afternoon.
12.Rather cool last night but no frost I believe, a warm and pleasant day.
In the morning went to the Village to cary Mary to get her dress cut spent the rest of the day in the cornfield and peach orchard father tended mill
Mr Dean helpt work in the corn and peach nursery.Angevine ploughed corn. 13,Spent the day in the cornfield and peach orchard Mr Dean helping. Finished the corn and most of the peach trees~ Ward Wesley laying stone wall.This noon went to Daniel Cronkrights woods with dog and gun looking for a raft of racoons that has been play the Whig game with our paltry Ainsle David and Mr Cronk were there cut a tree that we supposed to be the harboring place but they were not there Uncle Daniel caught one of them in a steel trap.