3 minute read
Ketcham, Mr
from The Alson Ward Diaries: From the Collections of the Dutchess County Historical Society
by D C H S | NY
August 1844 5. On our return home called a David Francs"s and Mr Gidley. 6. Spent the forenoon fishing without much success. Adrian Bogardus and sister came here yesterday and staid until after dinner. In the aft_ernoon dug the sodi fr.om the peach trees in the peach orchard. , 7.,_ SpentMtbe_ day i.n tbe .. peac~. orchar,dt.digging sod fr.om the trees. Grandpa , - and - ary Angell and Clarissa spent tne aay at our house Father took them ·home in the evening 8. Spent part of the day in the peach orchard as usual Father staying to the house and mill &. In the afternoon helped Uncle Daniel in his oats. Nathan
Gaberden and wife called at our house a short time in the afternoon.
9, Spent most of the day in the peach orchard until we finished which was but a short time before night after which Mary and myself went to the Valley. 1O.Spent the day doing chores fixing bars, packing mill stones tending mill &. In the evening went to the Valley to Singing school. 11.Went to church in the morning Found James Redf in our pew He came with Mr Slattes folks having spent the night there in the evening went to temperance meeting in the two horse wagon. James and Mary went alongSarah having staid dpwn at Grandpa• to give room for James to ride She and Aletta returned with us in the evening. 12.Spent most of the day leisurely with James Redfield and Carpenter Angell, james and myself trying to catch fish in the forenoon withput much success.
In the afternoon Carpenter came from the Valley and found James and myself. in the woods east of the peach orchard siting on the rocks in the shade chating about nature and things in general after looking at the peach trees and other things we came to the house quite busily talking of college matters & After tea we took a walk in the woods along the pond spent a short time tolerably after which we returned to the house.Carpenter went to the village. 13.Spent the forenoon james and myself helping Angevine ditch. James wore my pantaloons and coat fathers boots and my hat had quite amusing time with Angevine Father, James and myself went to Pokeepsie in the afternoon father expecting to go to New Yo~k.on boatd of the six oclock tow boat
Called on Gu Bush partly for the purpose of seeing his office as James had never before seen it, and to see him. James thought it well worth the pains taken nearly as well worth seeing as the American MuseumFrom Mr Bush1 s went to the Lower Landing left father there to take the boat for New York from there went to the exchange to get a few things from James Trunk to take home with us On our return home we found company Mr Dudley,Mr Thorn,
Miss Dewey,Francis Canfield were the visitors . Mr Thorn favoured us with some music.
14.James and myself spent the forenoon looking for the hogs which left the place last Monday without success after dinner I made preparation for going in search on horse back for them but just as I was ready to start they made their appearance came from toward LaGrange tended mill part of the afternoon Aunt Mariah spent part of the afternoon at our house got in quite a glee at tea time . 15.In the morning after breakfast went to the Valley to cary sister Aletta
Ann fi_shed caught a few on my way·,to·.the Valley. Met Mr Ketcham going to the mill with a grist to be ground promised him that I would hurry back found Father at Grandpa1 s having taken the stage from Pokeepsie. Carpenter had also just arrived from Mr Slates he had the Billy horse Father was just I going to ride him home but I let him take the horse and wagon and .