5 minute read
Fair, County
from The Alson Ward Diaries: From the Collections of the Dutchess County Historical Society
by D C H S | NY
Sej)tember 1845 2.8 .. and we jumped in a two horse carriage and came out with a rush and go~ ho1:1e before, a11. tbe. foJks. were, up·. I came on1Y as far as Grand PAs and ·sta1d -~1.l] church· time and went to churcn.". Aft.er cnurch went ·nome ·and _all -tliirigs· 1ooked quite natural. 29.In the morning I prepared myself to go to the Valley after my trunk as we were not able to bring it with us Sabbath. I hurried myself back to help thrash buckwheat with the machine. We finished off the buckwheat just at night. Edward
Free, Charles Robinson, Minard Dean. Calvert Dubois helped us some of the time husking corn etc. 30.Spent most of the time cleaning up buckwheat, Calvert turning the fanning mill. Father and Grandpa went to PM T1 s just before dinner and did not find him home.
October 1845 1.Father ploughed and I went to Pokeepsie with sister Mary and Miss Pierce to the County Fair it being the second day. There was not much to be seen. The address and the ploughing came off but I did not attend either. We went through the village hall and looked at the fancy articles, flowers&. I went to see the skeleton of a mammoth or mastadon found west of Newburgh some twelve feet high and very large tusks 2. Ispent the day ploughing, harrowing in the meadow. Father sowed the rye. Mr
Dean husked corn. We ridged the ground in narrow ridges and fixed it so the water can run off without much-trouble
3. Spent the day as yesterday ploughing out the back furrows clearing them out with hoes. Mr Dean and Calvert Dubois_helped. Father went to Pokeepsie after
Sarah as he expects to meet her qt the noon boat where he found her in company with Mr Daniel Platt 1 s daughter. 4. Sabbath Spent the day home as it rained moderately most of the day. 5. In the forenoon it looked quite rainy and the wind blew cold and stiff from the north.Just before noon I went to the Valley and took some things for the
Doctorthat Edward sent by Sarah from Oswego .. Ibrought Mr Dean home with me to help us clear the ditchesbetween the lands. We all spent the afternoon fixing them. 6. I spent the day ploughing the patch by the bars ploughing a ditch in Uncle
Daniel 1 s field. Father and Edward Free fixed the ditches.Minard husked corn.
7. Edward Free cleared ditches,Minard husked corn, I spent the day ploughing and harrowing, Father worked with Edward. 8. In the mo~ning Mr Dean and E. Free finished husking corn as there where but seven stouts to-husk .. We drew in the corn although it rained before we got it half in, after finishing drawing the corn it slacked raining and we all went to clearing the furrows but it did not let us work at it long so we quit it. Mr Dean went to sorting corn, Free took the horse to the shop to get a shoe set. on. Father and myself worked at the buckwheat. In the afternoon Father, Mr Dean and myself finished clearing the ditches • 9. Father went to Pokeepsie in the morning. Minard went over the ploughed ground and turned over the sods and put them in the holes. I spent the day ploughing in the buckwheat stubble
October 1845 1O.The day was rather stormy in the.morning but cleared off in the afternoon and was qutte ·pleasantFather and myself finished cleaning buckwheat and put it in the mill .
11.Sabbath.It was quite rainy and not suitable to attend church so we were obliged to remain as last sabbath confined to the house.
12.Spent the day in the mill being the first day ·for some time that we have been enabled to grind all day. Father sowed some timothy seed in the lot west of the houseseeded last fall after rye but the seed took very poor and he thought best to sow some on the stubble. Just at night Father went to the Valley with some grists. 13,I spent most of the day in the mill, Father,Mother and sister Sarah went to
Pokeepsie. Spent the afternoon at Mrs Vails. They returned home in the evening. 14.In the morning prepared the wagon with shelves to draw stalks and got ready at noon to go at it. We finished all but unloading one load which we left on the wagon. 15.In the forenoon drew the pumpkins from the field. Spent. the afternoon in the mill.
16.I spent most of my time in the millFather dug up the dahlia roots and labeled them.
17.Father went to Pokeepsie with a load of oatsI spent the forenoon helping him rig off & In the afternoon I spent part of my time in the mill and part fishing with floating lines for pickerel. Poor luck .
By missing the second of this month I have dated allowing until now dating one day back 19.In the morning went to church.Mr Wile preached an excellent sermon, the church was quite well filled it being quite a rarity to attend church as it has been rainy for several Sabbaths before. 2O.In the morning fixed the line fence in the west lot staking and ridering it, it having been newly lain after which Father and myself dug round some stone inthe northeast corner of the lot that was in the way of the plough. In the afternoon we put a blast in one of the stone that done good execution. 21.Father went to Pokeepsie with a load of oats and took Grandpa1 s pump to get it fixed. I spent most of the day in the mill grinding buckwheat, the water is very low and cannot grind scarcely enough to consider it anything. This was a very cold and blustering day the wind stiff north and very cold. 22.In the mroning early'we started the mill for a short time. Spent most of the day working at rocks in the west lot. In the evening sister Mary and myself went to Mr Wiles with sister Sarah and Mary Elizabeth who have been spending the day at Grandpas and we called for them Sarah practiced some on the piano. 23.I spent most of the day drilling a hole in a very hard stone harder than any that I ever had any dealing with before. Just at night I put a charge of powder in it which done good execution. Father spent the day around, the house and ~ill. __ _ 24.I spent part of the forenoon helping Father fix in the posts at the head