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New Haven 42, 74 New Orleans and Washington Telegraph Co 122

May 1846 22.Worked on the road Unc1e Daniel went to Pokeepsie and brought the Serepom fr_om the_ r.i v.er .,, ·

23.In the forenoon moved our coffee house from the barn to its place over the ce11er dug for it Unc1e Danie1 he1ped with his ox team. In the afternoon transp1anted some peach trees in our nursery making them~even after which we spent the day mending fence. 24.Sabbath. In the morning went to church a stranger preached for us it 1ooked some stormy and there were not a very fu11 house spent the rest of the day home. 25.In the morning Father and myse1f spent our time drawing 1ocust brush from a1ong the road.In the afternoon sister Mary, Carpenter and myse1f went to

Pokeepsie. Carpenter expected to take the night boat for New York on his way to New Haven. It was a very warm and su1try day. Had a swarm of bees for the first

26. I spent most of the day drawing water,rai1s with the two horse wagon, the water to water sma11 peach trees that had been hand planted in the nursery and the rai1s to make a 1ine fence. Ca1vin with Mr Lane1 s boy finished p1anting corn in the east 1ot at noon. In the afternoon Ca1vin hoed out the grass from the peach trees in the nursery. 27.In the forenoon I went to the Va11ey to get the papers from the office. It rained very hard most of the day. 28.I spent my time in the mi11, garden and around the house doing chores & Father spent most of the time painting .. Ca1vin dug burdocks and worked around the barn rained some during part of the day. 29.In the forenoon drew manure from in front of the mi11 to the yard after which we drew some stone from the door yard to the 1ine fence between Mr Cronk and us some rain during part of the day. 3O.In the morning went to the Va11ey to get some 1ime and some other artic1es

As it was rainy we spent our time around the house,barn,mi11 & 31.Sabbath.In the morning it rained and continued raining very steady unti1 near1y noon when it part1y c1eared up for a short time and the sun came out very hot and su1try. There came out a swarm of bees but after they were hived a short time they returned to their o1d home.

June 1846 1. We spent the day bui1ding a new stone fence round the hog pen, tending mi11 &Ward Wes1ey he1ped at the wa11. In .:the afternoon had a swarm of bees the same that minp1ed swarming yesterday but returned back to the o1d stock ..

In the afternoon Father went to Pokeepsie. 2. In the forenoon Father went to the Va11ey. Ca1vin and myse1f spent our time around the house and mi11doing chores¢ After dinner we went to the cornfie1d and started p1oughing corn but it soon commenced raining so that we had to quit after which Father and myse1f made a trap for catching coons that have made bad work among our fow1s for a 1ong time. 3. Last night set two traps for coons and caught a cat in one of them. In the morning Father went to the Va11ey to the post office. Henry Mastain cqme and done some mason workin the forenoon. Unc1e Stephen Wa1dron wife and daµghter came to our house just before noon .. In the afternoon Ca1vin and myse1f commenced the corn I p1oughed and he fo11owed and uncovered.Had a swarm of bees.

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