5 minute read
McDougal, Archabald 113,118 McFarlin, Daniel Sr
from The Alson Ward Diaries: From the Collections of the Dutchess County Historical Society
by D C H S | NY
· June 1846 4. :.Calvin and myself _spent the day i.n the cornfi.eld and at night I fe_lt very tired cl irnbi.ng the bi11 s a1 l · day
5. In the forenoon spentrour time in the field, In the afternoon I went to Pokeepsie in the one horse wagon. Sister Mary road along as far as Mr Platts and staid until I returned Letty Smith went along to Pokeepsie. In the afternoon on our way home got caught in a rain storm or shower and staid at a tavern just out of the village an hour or more. 6. Calvin and myself spent the day in the corn. Father spent most of _his timepainting. 7. Sabbath. The first clear and pleasant for a long time.In the evening went tochurch an agent for the education society preached. Spent the rest of the day home. 8. In the morning all of us gave the garden a general cleaning out with our hoes Calvin and myself spent the rest of the day in the cornfield. 9. -· Spent most of our time in the cornfield In the afternoon Father and Mother went to Pokeepsie 1O.Calvin and myself spent the forenoon in the cornfield. In the afternoon sister Mary and myself went to David Barnes on a visit meeting S?me other company. 11.Spent the day in the cornfield as it is very grassy it keeps us well employed about this time to subdue it. 12.Spent the day in the cornfield.Father spent his time in the mill. • 13.In the foreno9n spent our time in the garden. In the afternoon Calvin and myself worked in the cornfield.
14.Sabbath. In the morning went to church Mr Wile pre~ched. In the afternoon
Mr Daniel McFarlin Senior was-buried a~ our church yard. We did not attend the funeral. Miss Pierce came home with us and staid until evening Father took her home to the Valley. 15.Calvin and myself worked in the corn ploughing and hoeing. Last night Father staid to the Valley and staid up with Aunt Sally Beadle who was taken last
Saturday with a stroke of the palsy and is incurible. 16.Spent the forenoon in the cornfield. In the afternoon went to Pokeepsie with butter & Calvin spent the day in the cornfield. Father spent his time at the house and mill.
17.Calvin and myself spent our time in the cornfield. 18.Father,Calvin and myself spent our time in the cornfield. 19.As yesterday I spent the forenoon except father 1 s part to go to the mill about the middle of the forenoon finishing hoeing. In the afternoon commenced ploughing out the potatoes in the meadow but a shower came up and prevented finishing them. Yesterday Aunt Sally Beadle was buried having departed this life some time in the evening of Tuesday. Father took sister Mary to the village to stay all night with Miss Pierce at Mr Israel Velies. 2O.On account of the rain yesterday and some to day we worked around the house
Towards night I went to the Valley after Mary.
June 1846 21.Sabbath. All went to church except my~elf ~nd got caught in a shower just before they got home. 22.In the morning Father, Calvin and myself went to the cornfield and trimed peach trees after which Calvin and myselfwent at the potatoes and finished weeding them a little after noon. In the afternoon we moved some large stones from the wall near the swing gate to the hog pen to commence or prepare to lay with brick over the pavements. 23 .. In the forenoon worked at the stones in front of the pig pen. In the afternoon
I went to Pokeepsie. In the evening after I returned home Mary with myself rode over to Mr Conklins and gave them a long callin conciquence of being detained there by a shower of rain. 24.In the morning I went to the office and while there the horse (Dick) got scared and broke loose and came near running away. Edwin succeeded in getting in the wagon over the back end board and reached the lines and stoped him. Spent the rest of the day ploughing corn.Fath,er and Calvin set posts around the pig pen. 25.Spent the forenoon ploughing corn. In the afternoon we had a small company at our house. Father went to the Valley to the church to meet with the committee to take some measures in regard to repairing or building a new church 26.Spent the forenoon ploughing corn. In the afternoon went up to Mr Madison
Hams after cherries Calvin went along. 27.I spent the day ploughing corn in the east lot. Calvin spent his time weeding it after the plough. After dinner Father and Calvin picked raspberries on the hill above the spring and got a fine lot of them . 28. Sabbath. The day was overcast and rained some at times and there where not a very great many at churchFather, Mary and myself went. 29.In the forenoon it rained quite hard at noon it partly clearedoff but soon became overcast and rained very moderatelyduring the whole day In the afternoon
Father and Mother went to William Smiths on a visit.
30.In the forenoon Calvin, Minard Dean and myselfworked at the corn hoeing.In the afternoon I left them and went to Pokeepsie sister Mary went along on our return called at Mr Gidleys and Platts to see the sick Henry Sleight is quite sick Mary Platt as usual.
July 1846 1. Rained very steady in the forenoon and quite fast in the afternoon it did not rain so but that Calvin and myself went to Zacheus Newcombs and picked some cherries although it did not clear off. 2. In the forenoon I tended mill most of the time. Fatherand Calvin went and picked some raspberries on the side hill in the long meadow lot and just before noon I went and helped them we got a fine lot of them. In the afternoon Calvin and myself worked in the corn. 3. Spent the day in the cornfield hoeing corn Calvin and Mr Dean with myself spent the forenoon. Father helped in the afternoon so we went strong handed in the afternoon. -
4.Independence Day~ Great arrangements have been made to celebrate this day in many parts of the County and villages but it proved a very stormy and unpleasant day so that many were very much disappointed I spent the day picking with stones&. In the morning Calvin went home and Father took the hired girl home.