3 minute read
Giddings, Mr Gid1ey, Mr 13,15,96,97,102,106,50 E1sey l,9,10,16,17,20,25, 37,45,46,47,64,65,92,94,95 96.99.103,104,105
from The Alson Ward Diaries: From the Collections of the Dutchess County Historical Society
by D C H S | NY
August 1846 16 .Sabbath. A very hot and sultry day It was communion and there were a fa,ir number owt. Father staid ·down until ·afternoon meeting at Grandpas.
17.In the forenoon cut bushes in the west lot. In the afternoon Father and myself picked the upper run of stone.Henry Sleight and Charles Platt came and took tea with us. Calvin spent the day cutting bushes. 18.In the forenoon harnessed and leveled the upper run of stone. In the afternoon I went to Pokeepsie in the two horse wagon and took butter and brought back for paving the hog pen floor from the brick yard. 19.Ii the forenoon went to the brick yard for a load of brick. In the afternoon sister Mary and myself went to Mr Giddings and spent the afternoon and evening. 2O.I spent the forenoon sawing with the circular saw cogs and rake teeth. ~ust at night sister Mary and myself went to Mr Wiles to make a call. Miss Conklin went with us. We found none of them home except Mr Howe. We returned to Mr Conklins and spent the evening. 21,In the morning it rained quite hard and rained very moderately most of _the forenoon We spent most of the day grinding. In the afternoon it nearly cleared off and Father spent part of the afternoon laying brick. I went to Palmers just at night to get horse shod. 22.Early in the morning I went to the brick yard after a load of brick by the way of Jonathan Lockwoods returned the usual way and got home before ten oclock Charles Platt, Mrs Angell (his sister) and Carpenter took dinner and spent the day with us. Jn the afternoon Father went down to the church meeting to make arrangements in regard to constructing a new house of worship there were but few out and but little done.
23.Sabbath. The day was rainy conciquently we remained home
·, 24.Spent the forenoon helping Father in laying the pig pen floor with brick.
Carpenter came up from the village with Father--this morning as he went to the village in the one horse wagon. In the afternoon I went to Pokeepsie to take Carpenter and Mary to the night boat for the West. 25.Calvin and myself spent the forenoon in the west lot (the south part of it)
In the afternoon we drew some small stones to fill up the ruts in the road through the meadow and rails around the hay stack in the long field. 26.The day was rainy. In the afternoon it rained very moderately. Father went to Pokeepsie to take me to the tow boat as I expect to take passage for the City. 27.Find myself in the tow boat at the dock in the City. I spent most of the forenoon looking through the different wagon depots for the purpose of making a purchase found one that suited and made a purchase together with a sett of single harness
Called on Mr Ganse and family found all well as usual ,Purchased two baskets of peaches 2§. Father met me at the boat having spent the night at the dock got started for home before day brake. 29.Spent most of the day fixing a corner to the hog pen_Father helping. Just before night I put a horse to my new wagon for the first time to try it. Mary
C Ward went to the village with me. I went down to see if the Doctor had returned from Oswego saw him got a small bundle from that place.