The annual pilgrimage of the Dutchess County Historical Society for 1925 took place on the 29th of September and was favored by good weather and a large Arrangements had attendance. been made in advance by the committee, Mr. William Willis Reese and Miss Helen W. Reynolds, and the time schedule, parking provisions and camping spot for luncheon all proved satisfactory. Cordial hospitality was extended the pilgrims on their travels by Mr. and Mrs. John Van Benschoten, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Pinckney, Mrs.
Francis Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Stringham, all of whom were the owners of places of historic interest and to all of whom acknowledgements are gratefully recorded here. It should be noted also that the Sheriff of the County had decorated the County Court House with flags in honor of the salute the Society gave in passing to the site whereon the Federal Constitution was ratified. A copy of the printed program for the pilgrimage and a list of those who signed the attendance register are appended below.
Annual Pilgrimage DUTCHESS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY September 29, 1925 Pilgrims assemble: 10:00 a. m., ing; at Washington Street, right (on King's Highway) to Main; summit of College Hill Park, Welcome from left on Main (King's Highway) to Poughkeepsie. Mayor of Poughkeepsie, Mr. Love- corner of Market; pass Court lace. Short talk by leader of pil- House, on site of former building in which New York ratified the grimage, Miss Reynolds. Constitution of the United States; Route of Pilgrimage, at 25 blow horn in passing; continue miles per hour: Leaving park, right on North down Market (the King's HighClinton; left on Parker Avenue; way). 1st stop. Residence of Mr. John left on Washington Street to the Van Benschoten. Visit site of creek. Uppuqui-ipis-ing (Poughkeepsie). At the Val Kil (Fallkill) take lower bridge; cross the fording- Short talk by leader. After talk place on the King's Highway and the Pilgrims have permission from Mr. Van Benschoten to partake of ' blow horn in passing. Continue: North Bridge Street their basket lunch on his lawn. Pilgrims are requested to leave (the original King's Highway) to Mill; left on Mill (the King's lawn in good order. Highway) ; pass No. 226, the site 2nd stop. From Mr. Van Benof the house built by Baltus Van schoten's south on the King's Kleeck in 1702; blow horn in pass- Highway to Nresier house, Wap14