Dutchess County Historical Society Yearbook Vol 011 1926

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Politics In Dutchess County In 1826 Just a century ago, Dr. Robert Noxon of Poughkeepsie wrote a letter to his son (Bartholomew Davis Noxon) which chanced to be preserved by his descendants and which has recently been presented to the Dutchess County Historical Society by Miss Helen Van Kleeck of Poughkeepsie. Dr. Noxon (born 1750, died 1833) lived in a stone house on Market Street, built in 1741 by his father, Bartholomew Noxon; a house which is now known as number eighty-one and which has recently been built over into apartments. Dr. Noxon's letter mentions several names v7ell known in the history of the county and encloses a copy of a song sung in connection with the campaign before a hotly contested election. The words are doggerel but the references to former citizens may be of interest to some of to-day and hence a few of the many stanzas are given below in company with Dr. Noxon's letter itself. o — o — Letter, addressed to: B. Davis Noxon Esqr, Onondago C. H Poughkeepsie Novbr 9th-1826 Dear Son I have waited until the close of our Election to inform you of the glorious victory the people of Dutchess have obtained over the Bucktails—the contest has been very hard fought by both parties throughout the county-930 votes taken in this Town Oakly had a Majority of 4 over Judge Pendleton for Member of Congress; the average Majority of the assembly Ticket in favor of the people will be about (50?) but strange to tell Rochester had in this Town 30 above Clinton & Pitcher 35 above Hunting but the governor votes in other Town are very different so that the peoples Ticket will give Clinton perhaps 60 majority (Congress?) the same Mr. T V Kleeck has been very active, Richd D. Davis exceedingly so and has done much for the people I should be glad to hear that Onondago done as well as old Dutchess, the senator we most likely shall loose as he did not get a regular nomination the Bucktails in this Town expecting 24

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