TREASURER'S REPORT Semi-annual Statement of the Assistant Treasurer of the Dutchess County Historical Society May 18, 1928 Balance brought forward, Oct. 21, 1927 Received in dues, to date
$1,497.29 1,246.92 $2,744.21
DISBURSEMENTS Oct. 21—J. Wilson Poucher (for postage, cards, guest tickets and photographs for New York Times) Nov. 8—Helen W. Reynolds, postage Nov. 9—J. Howard Fitchett, card index Dec. 19—Amy Ver Nooy, work on Index Dec. 23—Katherine Waterman, work on Index Jan. 5—Postage on Year Book Jan. 5—Frank B. Howard, engravings Jan. 10—J. Wilson Poucher, honorarium for secretary Jan. 10—Katherine B. Waterman, honorarium for treasurer Jan. 12—A. V. Haight Co., binding Year Book Jan. 24—Dues New York State Historical Society Jan. 24—Postage Feb. 14—Helen W. Reynolds, index cards Mar. 1—Albert Kerley, removing milestones Mar. 10—Helen W. Reynolds, index cards Mar. 13—Rhinebeck Gazette, work on Year Book and Index, and envelopes for same Mar. 28—Helen W. Reynolds, index cards Apr. 17—Amy Ver Nooy, post-cards for May meeting Apr. 20—Helen W. Reynolds, index cards Total
$28.20 2.00 3.65 4.87 1.50 50.00 129.65 50.00 50.00 71.75 3.00 10.00 1.50 10.00 .75 527.33 .75 14.00 .75
Balance on hand May 18, 1928W Permanent Account, created by Life Memberships of $25.00 each, May 18, 1928, with interest, amounts to
959.70 $1,784.51 $620.52
Respectfully submitted, KATHERINE B. WATERMAN, Assistant Treasurer. 23